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Chapter 137 A powerful sects guidance!

Blind method: single-target long-range attack, hitting the target causes a lot of damage and has a chance to blind the target for 3 seconds, with a cooldown time of 40 seconds.

Tip 1: The damage caused is increased by 50. Zhenwu: The damage caused is increased by 100.

Tip 2: Increase the probability of blindness to 100, and increase the cooling time by 8 seconds. Zhenwu: Increase the probability of blindness by blinding to 100, and it will definitely hit, and increase the cooling time by 8 seconds.

Tip 3: It no longer causes blindness but will definitely reduce the target's internal and external attack by 30, lasting for 12 seconds. Zhenwu: It will no longer cause blindness but will definitely reduce all the target's attack by 15, lasting for 12 seconds.

Tip 4: Increase the blindness time by 2 seconds. Zhenwu: Increase the blindness time by 3 seconds.

Generally, I will choose point 2. After all, you will definitely win or lose your sight!

Yueluo Xishan: A group skill that blinds up to 4 targets within 5 meters around you for a few seconds.

Tip 1: Moonset on the West Mountain will cause damage to enemies within the range at the same time. Zhenwu: Moonset on the West Mountain will no longer cause blindness, but will cause significant damage to the enemy.

Tip 2: The blindness time in Yueluoxi Mountain is increased by 1 second. Zhenwu: The blindness time in Yueluoxi Mountain is increased by 1 second, and the cooling time is reduced by 5 seconds.

Tip 3: Moonset Xishan removes one buff on the target at the same time. Zhenwu: removes 3 buffs on the target.

Every time Guidance April Luo Xishan hits an enemy, it will restore your HP equivalent to 40 attack power. Every time Zhenwu Yue Luo Xishan hits an enemy, you will get 1 commandment effect.

Point 4 can enhance the output of the output-type Emei. If the team battle can stack up to six levels of discipline, the next skill can increase the output by 180. Point 3 is the standard configuration of the auxiliary Emei. After all, everyone will be topped up before the battle.

Once the status is reached, go up again.

Jiuyin White Bone Claw single-target long-range attack, causing a large amount of damage to the target, and also causing a bleeding effect. In the bleeding state, it will cause damage every 2 seconds and last for ten seconds.

Tip 1: Increase the damage by 20, Zhenwu: Increase the damage by 50.

Tip 2: The bleeding duration is increased by 100. Zhenwu: The bleeding duration is increased by 100 and the damage is increased by 30.

Tip 3: Cause damage to the target and up to 6 units within 3 meters around it. Zhenwu: Cause damage to the target and up to 8 units within 3 meters around it.

Tip 4: No longer causes bleeding, but can increase the damage done by Emei Shaoxia to the target by 15, lasting for 10 seconds. Zhenwu: No longer causes bleeding, but can increase the damage done by Emei Shaoxia to the target by 30, lasting for 10 seconds.


Similarly, Guidance Four is good news for an output-type Emei. Guidance Three is also good, but the three-meter range is too small and may not be able to accommodate 8 people.

Buddha's Light: Group healing, restoring the blood volume of up to 12 teammates within 7 meters around you, once per second, lasting 4 seconds, requiring continuous casting, and the cooling time is 10 seconds.

Tip 1: The Buddha's light illumination range is increased by 1 meter. Zhenwu: The treatment range is increased by 2 meters, and the number of treatment targets is increased by 2.

Tip 2: The Qi consumption of the Buddha's Light is reduced by 50. Zhenwu: The Buddha's Light is shining while increasing the internal and external attack power of the treated target by 15

Tip 3: It no longer has a healing effect, but causes damage to enemies within the range. Zhenwu: Buddha's Light no longer causes healing, but causes damage to enemies within the range, and the damage increases by 10 each time.

Tip 4: Buddha's Light no longer requires guidance. After use, it will cast a healing area that lasts for 8 seconds, and the cooling time is increased to 12 seconds. Zhenwu: On the basis of the hero's guidance, the healing effect of the Pure Heart Universal Mantra will also be increased by 30 on these targets.


These four pointers are all very good, but point 4 is more suitable for team battles, because under normal circumstances, players cannot perform other operations when downloading and casting Buddha's Light. However, point 4 can leave after casting the skill under the feet. During this period, move around to save your life.

Whether it's using other blood-increasing skills or not, it's a good choice.

Stunned: Invincible for 8 seconds. During the period of invincibility, you can move freely, but cannot release skills. Full rage is required.

Tip 1: The invincibility time is increased by 2 seconds. Zhenwu: The cooling time is doubled and can be used when controlled.

Tip 2: After the invincibility ends, an explosion will occur, causing damage to enemies within 3 meters and blinding for 3 seconds. Zhenwu: The duration is halved, and the cooldown time of Mudongsui, Xizi Holding Heart, and Nine Yin White Bone Claws is refreshed.

Tip 3: In the invincible state, restore one's own blood volume up to 2 per second. Zhenwu: In the invincible state, restore one's own blood per second up to the upper limit of 2 qi and blood.

Tip 4: Can be used on teammates, reducing the damage taken by teammates by 50, lasting 8 seconds. Zhenwu: can be used on teammates, reducing damage taken by teammates by 60, lasting 8 seconds.

The Emei School's Full Fury skill is one of the ultimate moves. Guidance 2 is suitable for most Emei people in team battles. It can be used to charge into the enemy group like a dumb chicken, explode and blind them for 3 seconds, and then turn on Divine Blessing to return to the own team. Guidance 3 can be added when the life is saved.

Survival rate, but all of this is bleak compared to Guidance 4. There are too few damage reduction skills in Tianlong. What a bug is a Guidance that reduces damage by 50 for 8 seconds?

After Wei Bin's analysis, Qingxin Pushan Mantra chose Point 2, because in addition to team battles, Tianlong also occupied a large part in dungeons, monster spawning, and bosses. Point 2 greatly increased the survival rate, and both armies had front-row players in the battle.

With the help of external skills, even if there are fish that slip through the net and rush to Emei, they will be quickly killed by the internal skills sects who are also in the back row. If there are so many that the internal skills sects cannot kill them all, then even if Emei does not use this guidance, it still cannot save the defeat.

, not to mention that Emei still has Yueluo who can make him blind. Points 1 and 3 will indeed increase the frequency of adding blood, but the consumption of Qi cannot be ignored! Point 1 for dragging water, point 2 for blinding methods, point 2 for Yueluo Xishan, and point 3 for Jiuyin White Bone Claw.

, Buddha's Light shines on the fourth point, half of Emei who is dumbfounded points on the second, and half of Emei points on the fourth to reduce damage to the main force and the front row.

Next comes Mingjiao’s guidance:

Bloody Battle in All Directions: Up to 10 targets within 5 meters around yourself, causing a large amount of external damage. The cooling time is 60 seconds.

The cooling time of pointing is reduced by 10 seconds. Zhenwu: At the same time, you get a buff that improves the healing effect you receive. The increase value is 100 and lasts for 5 seconds.

Point 2 consumes 5 blood, and the damage is increased by 120. Zhenwu: consumes 2 blood, and the damage is increased by 120.

Point 3 adds the Holy Fire Mark, which reduces the healing effect received by the target by 50 for 8 seconds. Zhenwu: The range increases by 1 meter, the number of targets increases by 4, and the Holy Fire Mark is added.

Guidance Four Blood Battle and Eight Directions calculates damage based on the number of targets hit. The fewer enemies hit, the higher the damage, with a maximum increase of 100. Zhenwu: Damage is calculated based on the number of targets hit. The fewer enemies hit, the higher the damage, with a maximum increase of 160.

Since the Mingjiao has many skills related to the Mark of the Holy Fire, even if they don't have them, for the sake of team battles, Guidance 3 is more suitable as a group attack skill. Of course, to kill the Mingjiao, Guidance 4 is more suitable.

Fire Chibi attacks a single target at close range, causing fire damage, with a chance to burn the target, and attaching a sacred fire mark, reducing the healing effect received by it by 50, lasting 8 seconds. The cooling time is 12 seconds.

Tip 1: The Holy Fire Mark is no longer attached, and the damage is increased by 80. Zhenwu: The Holy Fire Mark is no longer attached, and when attacking a target with the Fire Mark, the damage is increased by 200.

Point 2: The cooling time is increased by 4 seconds, and the damage is increased by 80. Zhenwu: The cooling time is increased by 6 seconds, and the damage is increased by 120.


br> Pointing three times will cause an additional damage to targets with the Holy Fire Mark within 3 meters around the target. Zhenwu: All targets with the Holy Fire Mark within 4 meters around the target will cause an additional damage.

Point 4 consumes 2 blood, and the damage is increased by 100. Zhenwu: consumes 1 blood, but the damage is increased by 100.

Since the bloody battle group is attached with the mark of the Holy Fire, Point 1 is suitable for single targets and Point 3 is suitable for team battles and causes two damage to the target.

The so-called increase of 200 means 300 damage. As the leader of external skills, Mingjiao's skill is domineering!

The flame chain slashes a single target in a short range attack, causing direct damage to the target, which requires the consumption of half anger. The cooling time is 18 seconds.

The cooling time of pointing is reduced by 2 seconds. Zhenwu: At the same time, the target's movement speed is reduced by 70, which lasts for 3 seconds.

Point 2 adds the Holy Fire Mark, which reduces the healing effect received by the target by 50 for 8 seconds. Zhenwu: Reduces the cooldown by 2 seconds and adds the Holy Fire Mark.

Tip 3: Instead of consuming anger, it consumes qi. Zhenwu: It consumes qi instead, increasing the damage by 50.

Pointing out the four flames and slashing in a row, you will definitely understand. Zhenwu: The flames in a series of slashes will hit the target and you will understand.

Because Flame Chain Slash is an anger skill, it is inevitable that the CD will be good but the anger is not enough. Instead, there is a very cost-effective full anger skill that is made out of nothing, which makes this skill useless, so no matter how high the output of the other three points is,

No matter how strong the support is, it is better to change the guidance to consume energy. This is in line with the temperament of Tianlong's own son!

Sunflower Acupuncture Hand: Single target melee attack, sealing the target's acupoint for 4 seconds. No operations can be performed while the acupoint is sealed. The cooling time is 40 seconds.

Pointing at a sunflower and tapping the acupuncture point will definitely hit the target. Zhenwu: The cooling time is reduced by 5 seconds and the target will definitely hit.

Point 2: Remove one buff status from the target at the same time. Zhenwu: Remove all buff status from the target at the same time.

Point 3: Use it when the blood volume is lower than 50, and the acupoint sealing time will be increased by 2 seconds. Zhenwu: Use it when the blood volume is lower than 50, and the acupoint sealing time will be increased by 4 seconds.

Point four to seal the holes of all enemies with the mark of the Holy Fire within 3 meters around the target. Zhenwu: seal the holes of all enemies with the mark of the Holy Fire within 5 meters of the target.

Point 1 is sure to hit, the limit of point 2 is intoxicating, point 3 points will double the acupoint sealing time, which is even more disappointing. Point 4 points will seal the acupoints in groups, benevolent people have different opinions, and wise people have wisdom!

This chapter has been completed!
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