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Chapter 174 One Piece Adventure Group

"Come in!" A seductive voice came from the palace.

"Hello, Princess Xixia! I'm here as promised, and I hope you can give me some advice!" Wei Bin said.

"I didn't expect that you could really find me. This can be considered a kind of fate! From the moment you just met me, the countdown to the mission has begun. The only way for Chongloujia to awaken to the true Chongloujia is to obtain Xian

The Sage Jade is hidden in the mysterious sea with the century-old Shark King. If you haven’t killed it in three days, it will be impossible for you to awaken again!” Li Qinglu explained.

This? Isn’t this a difficult task? Is this a task for humans? It’s simply too perverted. Let’s not talk about whether the player who takes this task knows what King Shark looks like. How can we build a fleet in just three days?

Going to hunt the King Shark?

Although warships can be purchased, it is not possible to pick them up immediately after paying money. Instead, there is a construction period, so it will definitely be too late to buy them now! Then the only choice is to find help!

After accepting the mission, Wei Bin walked out of the palace and prepared to head towards the dock to see if any players had formed a fleet now! The result was that he had just left the palace.

"Brothers, stay here. I see that brothers are very dignified. They are by no means just ordinary people. I am Banxia Qingge, the leader of the One Piece adventure group. I wonder if my brother can make a friend? One more friend will open up a new path in the future!" Banxia Qingge was not involved at this time.

I didn’t hide my name. After all, I took the initiative to make friends. Wouldn’t I be a fool if I kept my name hidden?

When Wei Bin saw him, it was Pinellia Love Song? One Piece?

Haha, I really can’t find anything after trying hard! I didn’t expect that I was worried about not having a fleet, but now a fleet is coming to my door! One Piece was a household name in the Uncharted Sea in his previous life, and he was the local snake in the Uncharted Sea. There is an unwritten saying

The rule is, if you want to come to the mysterious sea of ​​Xixia Kingdom to hang out, you don’t have to worship the Xixia Palace, but you must worship the Pirate King’s Pier! Otherwise, One Piece will have a hundred ways to make it difficult for you, no matter which super power you are! In Xixia Kingdom, One Piece

After all, One Piece’s fleet is so invincible!

But obviously, it's still early and the Pirate King hasn't grown up yet!

"Okay!" Wei Bin extended his right hand to show his agreement, and at the same time showed his name and the name of the gang.

Luoyang Overlord


Wei Bin

"Are you Wei Bin?" Ban Xia Qing Ge was a little out of control. Is Wei Bin a college graduate now? Three people can be killed by just throwing a stone on the street? How can he meet such a famous person? Wei Bin

What are you doing in this remote country of Xixia? Do you want to develop a navy? Sure enough,

Heroes think alike!

"It turns out you're the leader of the Wei Gang. I've only heard about your heroic deeds on weekdays, but today it's the first time I've seen you in person. It's a pleasure to meet you! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Banxia Qingge said politely.

"It's just a false name. I wonder why Captain Banxia came to see me today? Have you encountered any trouble? If Captain Banxia needs any help, just ask!" Wei Bin asked. He didn't think that Pinellia Love Song was a street song.

You can meet a college student casually, and he must have sent someone to keep an eye on you before!

"Please ask Gang Leader Wei to come to the tavern to continue..."

"Today, for the sake of Gang Leader Wei, you call me a friend, and I will give you the bottom line! Half a month ago, our adventure group discovered a large treasure mine on the central island of the mysterious sea, which can produce two

Super gem! When we came back with a large fleet, many sea beasts appeared out of thin air on the way, which made it difficult for us to reach the central island through the mysterious sea! If we took a detour, we would have to pass through the storm area, which would be a narrow escape.

, Now, we only have these three ships left in our fleet! But that’s not the most important thing. If we don’t have ships, we can slowly build them. But just a few days ago, people from the Forbidden Summit Gang also discovered the treasure.

Mine, their strength is amazing. Both the fleet and the number of sailors far exceed ours. Now, we have decided to fight to the death! We can't let the fat in our mouths fly when we see it, right?" It can be seen that Banxia

Qing Ge truly regards Wei Bin as a friend or ally. After all, how could he easily tell a stranger about discovering a treasure mine?

In fact, in addition to Xixia Kingdom, the other eight countries in the Middle-earth continent also have treasure mines between them and the central country. Without exception, they are all on islands, also called island mines! The secondary mines can produce 200,500 secondary gems every day, and

This island mine in Uncharted Sea is an island mine that produces 200 second-level gems!

"I can help you win this island mine, but in exchange, I hope you can join Nirvana with your adventure group. The profits from the island mine will still belong to your adventure group. How about it?" Wei Bin couldn't wait to extend an olive branch, although

We know that Pinellia Love Song is like a dragon in the sea and will soar into the sky sooner or later, but what if the recruitment is successful?

"I'm sorry, Gang Leader Wei. We brothers are used to being lazy and can't stand the restrictions of the gang. It's better to forget about this matter!" Wei Bin finally gave up after having an accurate answer.

"In that case, it's such a pity!" Wei Bin lamented.

"But I

Although we don't belong to the same gang, we can become allies! We can cooperate to take over this island mine, and we will split the account 55% by then!" Banxia Qingge believes in Wei Bin's character, at least from the time the server was launched to now, Wei Bin's performance

He is a complete tyrant! Cooperating with this kind of person will definitely lead to a win-win situation.

"How many ships are there across the way? Where are you?" Wei Bin asked.

"We have one ketch and two sloops, and there is 1 ketch and 6 sloops on the Forbidden Peak!" Banxia Love Song said.

"Okay, the gap is not big! Without further ado, let's set off now!" Wei Bin stood up.

Isn’t the difference big? It’s twice the difference, but it’s not that big?! It seems that Wei Bin must have brought a lot of ships with him this time, and the treasure mine should be almost certain this time! Banxia Qingge thought to himself.

Xixia Pier.

"Guild Leader Wei, how about we set off now without further delay?" Banxia Qingge asked.

"Okay! Let's go!" Wei Bin readily agreed.

"Um, I wonder how many fleets Leader Wei has brought this time? Also, where are the sailors?" Banxia Qingge asked. Looking around, they were all members of the Pirate King, and there was not a single unfamiliar face.

"Fleet? I don't have a fleet. I am enough alone. I am a fleet by myself!" Wei Bin's words almost made Banxia Qingge stumble.

Are you playing with me?

Co-author I just talked nonsense for a long time?

I came to you for cooperation, and you acted very confident. I thought you had thousands of troops behind you, but you are the only one? This is not a land war. What you do on land will not work well at sea.

Got it!

"Captain, do you think there is something wrong with this person's brain? How did such a person establish a famous gang like Nirvana? Is it really like outsiders say it all depends on two deputy gang leaders?" At this time, Banxia

A close confidant of Qing Ge chatted privately.

Wei Bin did take a lot of slack in gang management, giving people the impression that the two deputy gangsters were very capable and Wei Bin was just a bastard, but Wei Bin was also looking for ways to make money for the gang, and at the same time he was delegating

The reality is that in the eyes of the neighbors, those who silently earn money outside will never work as hard as those who take care of the housework at home, because they are seen by the neighbors when they take care of the housework, and the hard work of silently earning money outside the home is such

The neighbors never see it!

It’s not that there is something wrong with this confidant’s thinking. Anyone would think that Wei Bin was bragging.

Damn it, love is not your ship! It’s none of your business if it gets sunk!

"Don't say that, the person who can sit in this position cannot be a fool!" Banxia Qingge finally chose to temporarily believe in Wei Bin. After all, Wei Bin has created too many miracles, and every miracle is in his eyes.

All are impossible!

Take Chongloujie as an example. The relationship between the major forces in the major kingdoms is complicated. It is very rare for three major gangs to take the initiative to protect Nirvana. In the face of interests, what can't be done? And those three gangs

He honestly protected Wei Bin. Who can have such control?

Wei Bin boarded the ketch along with the Pinellia Love Song.

"Give me the position of captain. I have a high level and can reduce damage to the ship!" Wei Bin said.

"Guild Leader Wei, isn't this appropriate? Are you going to be the captain when you first come here? Do you think you want to take away 50% of our treasure mines with nothing?" At this time, Banxia Qingge's cronies could no longer bear it.

Wei Bin's arrogance, we are the ones who created the people, we are the ones who created the ship, and we discovered the treasure mine. I want you to take a trip on the ship and just want to take away 50% of the treasure mine? What are you thinking?

"Shut up! Isn't what Gang Leader Wei said right? Who among you here has level 42?" Ban Xia Qingge scolded this confidant.

"It doesn't matter. You will be the deputy captain in a while. You will be responsible for cooperating with me at the helm. Leave other matters to me!" Only the positive and negative captains of a ship can steer the ship. If the deputy captain dies, he can temporarily appoint someone else to be the deputy captain.

He is at the helm, but the captain cannot be reassigned as long as he goes to sea, even if he dies.

"Okay! But Leader Wei, how should we get to the central island through the sea monster area?" We were about to set sail, and Banxia Qingge finally wanted to ask clearly first. He couldn't make fun of his own ship!

"First capture all the fleets on the Forbidden Peak, won't there be enough ships to pass through the sea monster area?" This is the fastest way Wei Bin can think of to kill the Shark King! What Wei Bin thought was not

Not how to pass the sea monster area, but how to complete the task and kill the King Shark!

Everyone was speechless.

"Let's set sail, the target is the Forbidden Peak Fleet!" Wei Bin issued the ship's order.

"But, leader..."

"There are no buts. Wei Bin is the captain now. All you need to do is obey the captain's orders. How many times have I said this?" Banxia Qingge finally chose to believe Wei Bin. The leader of the gang had nothing to do to trick him.

Is this unknown person no longer famous?

This chapter has been completed!
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