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Chapter 216 Trapped in the Arena

"Hahahaha! Cao Nima, I discovered the enemy's situation and committed suicide to report the news. You actually came up and slapped me? How about it? Is it retribution? Hahahaha! I can also tell you that not only us

This support army has been held back, and the other support army has also been held back by people from the game. Just wait here to die! I won’t serve you anymore! Hahahaha!” After saying that, the player immediately withdrew from the gang.


After quitting the gang, I saw this player swaggering out of the Resurrection Temple. He was not attacked again after leaving the door! He had already quit the gang, so Nirvana had no reason to attack him!

At this time, it has become a luxury for the three groups of people to leave the Resurrection Temple. Witnessing the safe departure of this player, everyone feels very uncomfortable!

Immediately afterwards, another player finally finished his ideological struggle and quit the Never Falling Dynasty. What he just said was said on the gang channel and everyone can see it. Who wants to stay in such a gang? You are the gang leader.

Can you hit people at will? Can you blame others for not doing things indiscriminately? Can you also call others trash? How much did you spend to hire me?

Where there is the first, there is the second. They have died two or three times to keep the dynasty alive, and what they got in exchange was not comfort but unequal treatment. Now that they are being beaten and unable to leave the Resurrection Temple, who would want to stay in this place?


Just like an infectious disease, for a time, a storm of gang withdrawals formed. Not only the Bu Luo Dynasty, but also the two deputy gangs under the Bu Luo Dynasty that participated in the war gradually had people quit the gang, just like the previous competition.

Like the rest of the world, once such a storm forms, it will have a very fatal blow to morale! It may even cause a gang to fall apart!

"Okay, retreat, retreat, everyone retreat! Anyway, Nirvana City will fall into my hands soon, and there will be countless people who want to join the gang by then. I can take this opportunity to get rid of you moths!" He Wushuang said about this matter.

He didn't care. He was very sure about Nirvana City. This time he moved into Tianlong. The He family invested a total of 100,000 people. These 100,000 people had signed contracts with them and would not quit the gang easily. Those who just quit the gang.

These people are just new recruits after joining Tianlong! Although half of the 100,000 people in the He family are led by several other He family children in other cities, he still has 50,000 people under his command! And they are all in

Baishi City, just now, he transferred the last 30,000 people here, and they will probably arrive in ten minutes!

This is the background, and this is why although Nirvana is dazzling, it is still looked down upon by most people. He Wushuang can casually summon 50,000 to 60,000 people to start a war, and he is not the kind who tries his best. But what about Nirvana?

, I tried my best to gather more than 50,000 people, and the depth of my background was judged!

Ten minutes later.

"Sorry, Gang Leader, a large number of foreign gang members poured in from the city gate! There are about 20,000 to 30,000 people!" At this time, a scout sent a private message to Wei Bin. This is the brilliance of Wei Bin. Any

Military intelligence reports must be chatted privately and cannot be exposed in public to avoid affecting morale.

Logically speaking, Wei Bin has turned on the combat readiness mode, and no one can enter or exit by teleportation. At this time, in such a large-scale war, no one should bring a large group of people into the city. All the major gangs are

You should be afraid to avoid it. Even if you enter the city now, you must express your attitude to one of the parties and which party you are helping. Otherwise, you are likely to be considered by both parties as helping the opposite party and be besieged by both parties!

In addition to the game life, Wei Bin

We have not received support information from other gangs, so these foreign gang members must be members of the Three Gangs Alliance!

"Everyone, move closer to the arena. If you have NPCs with your back in the arena, you can go there to replenish your health!" The wandering doctors in Nirvana City can only heal Qi and blood but cannot regenerate anger. The treatment of NPCs in the arena is full.

Anger treatment will restore blood, energy, and anger, and the price is only 10% of that of the wandering doctor, which is extremely cost-effective!

Originally, Wei Bin wanted to rely on his high output to delay the opponent's time. Who would have expected that the opponent would mobilize another 20,000 to 30,000 people? According to this ratio of numbers, whether he could survive until the reinforcements arrived was a question.

Now I can only rely on the arena, which can somewhat relieve the pressure.

Soon, Nirvana's 50,000 horses and the Game Life's 10,000 people all moved closer to the arena, and He Wushuang and others in the Resurrection Temple were also liberated.

Soon, the three gang alliances surrounded the arena again.

"Wei Bin, I will give you one last chance. Don't kill any more people. This will do no good to you or me. Hand over the City Lord's token and I promise to let you all leave safely! And I won't embarrass Nirvana anymore!"

I know that the resurrection point of all of you is in Nirvana City. If you don't hand over the token, I will kill you all back to level zero today! Nirvana City is your own, why drag other irrelevant people into the water?"

He Wushuang appears again!

He Wushuang's words are actually meant for everyone to hear. Nirvana City belongs to Wei Bin, and all the income is taken into Wei Bin's pocket. Ordinary members of Nirvana, members of the Experience Gang and Game Life only get a little benefit.

That's it, it's impossible for everyone to follow Wei Bin wholeheartedly through life and death. At this time, if there is one less opponent, He Wushuang's battle losses will be reduced.

"Brothers, what do you mean? Nirvana City belongs to all of you, you make the decision!" Wei Bin asked.

At this point both sides stopped fighting.

For a moment, no one spoke. I don’t know whether they were afraid of being looked down upon after saying something like surrender, or whether they were afraid that after saying something like fighting to the end, they would be endlessly hunted by He Wushuang. After all, he was the one who stood out.

Not that easy!

"Okay, if that's the case, those who don't want to be killed back to level zero, please quit the gang automatically! You can leave safely, I believe the people on the other side will not kill them all!" Wei Bin used a euphemism to let those who wanted to surrender

People can leave with peace of mind, without being condemned by public opinion, because they are a gang that retreats for fear of being killed and returned to level zero, not a gang that retreats because of surrender. The two are different!

Hearing what Wei Bin said, some people began to hesitate! It seemed that Nirvana City could not be saved no matter what. Nirvana was outnumbered and was surrounded by the arena. Even the Resurrection Temple was surrounded by three gangs. It can be said that they

It will be difficult to escape this time! If Nirvana City is lost, then their benefits will also be gone. The experience tower, the gang warehouse points exchange, these all rely on Nirvana City to exist! So in

In the eyes of these people, Nirvana may really not be able to survive this time. Instead of accompanying a Nirvana who is about to perish, it is better to leave as soon as possible and keep the higher education.

If you join another gang at a higher level, you may also get good treatment!

In an inconspicuous corner, there was a person who quietly quit the gang. But in this situation where you look at me and I look at you, he was discovered as soon as he quit the gang, because above his head were the words Nirvana and

The sign of nirvana disappears!

Immediately after the first one, there was a second one, and more than 5,000 people retreated one after another.

"Okay, is there anyone else who wants to quit the gang? I can understand your feelings. I don't want to be killed back to level zero. This is human nature. Nirvana City is mine, not yours. Don't feel any psychological pressure.

I don’t blame you!” What Wei Bin said this time was true.

"Guild Leader Wei, I will follow you to the death! Fight them till the end!" At this time, a player shouted.

"Yes, we all follow you and fuck them!"



For a time, everyone in Nirvana was united and excited!

Everyone was deeply infected, and they were not timid at all when being besieged. This was definitely not achieved by iron-blooded management, but by a sense of belonging. Whether these people were because of Wei Bin, Fengyun Wuji, or Xuanyuan Aai.

Well, maybe it’s because of the benefits of Nirvana. In short, I have a strong sense of belonging to Nirvana, just like an invader invading my own country!

This is Wei Bin's purpose. He knows that Nirvana's cohesion is much higher than that of other gangs. Every new member is carefully noticed by the interviewer when Nirvana recruits new members. Wei Bin's recruitment standard is the best, not the most!

He knew that if he said this, a group of people would definitely quit the gang, but there would never be too many, and this itself was a process of removing the dross and extracting the essence. These people would not be able to discover their thoughts when Nirvana is going smoothly, and it is rare to see them.

Why not take advantage of such an opportunity that seems certain to lose, but is actually a sure win? A friend in need is a friend indeed, and only in the face of disaster can we tell the truth from the false!

Obviously, the withdrawal of more than 5,000 people is not a lot!

"This is a good sign. Quit the gang to ensure safety. I will accept all those who quit Nirvana unconditionally! Is there anyone else who wants to quit the gang?" He Wushuang struck while the iron was hot.

After He Wushuang said these words, some people actually turned around and joined the Buluo Dynasty. The Buluo Dynasty had just experienced a frenzy of quitting the gang, leaving some vacancies.

"Oh no, Gang Leader He..." Before he could finish his words, He Wushuang slapped him again!

"What's wrong! I'm very good. Nirvana City will be taken over by me soon. Didn't you see that the people in Nirvana have retreated so much? Why don't you have such a long memory?" He Wushuang was furious.

The person who was slapped remained depressed for a while.

"I, Cao Nima He Wushuang! I didn't understand why they quit the gang at first! Now I finally understand! You deserve to be destroyed by the gang!" The person who was beaten can no longer bear it. I did something wrong and you slapped me.

?Don’t I want to lose face? Obviously the people he said who didn’t understand why they quit the gang were not referring to the people who had just quit the gang in Nirvana, but the people who had just quit the gang in Buluo Dynasty!

Just say it

Quit the gang.

Hearing the word "group destruction", He Wushuang frowned and remembered something very important. From the moment he attacked Nirvana City, he already thought that Nirvana City was his own. He had

He was absolutely sure to win Nirvana City, but the arrogant soldiers were bound to lose. His winning mentality had already ignored a point that he had deliberately arranged when formulating the plan!

That's a mercenary!

"No, hurry up and send more people to block the entrance to the mercenary camp! And the city entrance! Everyone else, grab the City Lord's token from me immediately! Those who get the City Lord's token will be rewarded with 10,000 gold!" He Wushuang

Suddenly he realized that Wei Bin had been here for half an hour, why didn't he hire some mercenaries? There was a mercenary camp in Nirvana City. Of course he didn't know that this mercenary camp couldn't hire mercenaries, so he needed to

Prepare with both hands, send extra manpower to the mercenary camp and the city gate to block the mercenaries, and speed up to grab the city lord's token. By then, no matter how many mercenaries are there, it will be useless, because he has already

Now that he is the city lord, the mercenaries may even temporarily switch sides to help him destroy Nirvana!

"He Gang Leader, a large number of mercenaries are pouring out of the mercenary camp. Our brothers who are stationed at the entrance of the mercenary camp can hardly stand it anymore!"

Of course they can't stand it!

I saw 120,000 level 40 one-star mercenaries roaring out in unison, arrogant!

The members of the three gangs who saw this battle were immediately frightened. They knew the power of these mercenaries. With the improvement of players' skills, equipment, and operation level, the current one-star mercenaries are almost the same as those without gems.

Players have the same combat power! But the difference between mercenaries and players is that they have better coordination among various professions and have richer combat experience. The most important thing is that they have no emotions, they are not afraid of death, and they are not as tired as players!

In other words, the combat power of these 120,000 mercenaries can defeat three gangs of 120,000 players without any pressure! Plus Nirvana's more than 50,000 people, is it not a joke to defeat 110,000 of them? And the mentality of both parties is different.

In the same way, Nirvana is the defender, so they must try their best. If they don't succeed, they will be benevolent! On the opposite side is the invader. After taking Nirvana City, it will be the city of the people in power. The benefits to them are not very big, so they have to fight hard.

It is far inferior to Nirvana.

"Brothers, reinforcements have arrived. There are 120,000 mercenaries coming from the direction of the mercenary camp! What we have to do now is to annihilate them all! Listen to my orders! Members of Xuanwu Hall, break out towards the city gate and capture the city gate.

Guard the door and don't let any enemy go! The other three halls listened to the hall master's command and broke out from three directions to kill all the enemies who invaded us! I will bear all the losses in today's battle!" Wei Bin encouraged!

Wei Bin last upgraded the building 15 days ago. In the past 15 days, a total of 330,000 gang funds have been accumulated. A level 40 one-star mercenary costs 25 silver days. Counting the deposit, he can only hire a maximum of 120,000 one-star mercenaries.

Soldiers, Wei Bin thought about hiring some two-star and three-star ones, but they are too expensive. Two-star ones are 2.5 gold days, and three-star ones are 25 gold days. If there is no death deposit, Wei Bin will definitely be happy, but counting

After 10 times the death deposit, he couldn't afford to hire many people! It was better to hire more one-star people. At least once the number increased, the visual effect would be very shocking and daunting! Wei Bin really went bankrupt this time


This chapter has been completed!
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