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Chapter 249 Damn it! Qinglu City cant be defended?

"Who can say for sure! But I advise you to sell the land in your hands as soon as possible. Sell as much as you can, and stop the loss in time, so as not to end up with not a single word in the end! Did you see the inn in front of you? Inside

There is a speculative businessman sitting in the 001 private room. He is currently purchasing land in Qinglu City at a low price and trying his best to turn his bicycle into a motorcycle. If you are really worried, you can go to him!" said the troublesome man!

He pointed out a clear way!

"What? Is there such a good thing? I'll go and ask!"

After the land owner left, the troubled man also walked away as if he was hiding his merits and fame. Wei Bin couldn't help but smile knowingly when he saw this!

A similar situation happened to most of the Qinglu City land owners. At this time, they had gathered in Qinglu City to observe the defense situation of Qinglu City. After all, it was a matter of life and death. This was 20,000 gold!

"What? Buy it at half price? Boss, are you too shady? Are you cutting me 10,000 gold at once?" an owner complained.

"That's right, you are too evil, aren't you? How can you buy it at such a low price? Qinglu City has a bright future. It will definitely be the first developed economic zone in Xixia Kingdom in the future. It's good if I sell it to you without raising the price.

Oh, you actually cut the price in half?" said another land owner.

"Haha, do you need me to elaborate on why you are here? Isn't it because Qinglu City is about to be attacked by monsters? Do you feel uneasy when you see the sea monsters gathered outside the port? Now that everyone is here, I

Let me tell you the bottom line. According to reliable information, the monsters attacking Qinglu City are indeed the sea monsters outside the port, and there is also a real king-level sea monster sitting in the city. Qinglu City has given up resistance, and they are very worried.

It’s clear that they can’t defend Qinglu City, so even now, Nirvana still has no intention of defending the city! In terms of the risk I took, I can give you half the money which is pretty good!”

This person is the owner of private room No. 001, a land reseller.

"That can't be half the price. This is too low. Besides, since you know that Qinglu City cannot be defended, why do you still invest so much money to acquire the land in Qinglu City? Are you trying to trick us? When we

A fool?"

"Haha, it's up to you whether to sell it or not. I won't force you, let alone cheat you. I am originally a land reseller, and I work in the industry of turning bicycles into motorcycles. If you dare to take risks like me, then naturally

You can also keep it for yourself, because it’s unethical for everyone to buy and sell it!” said the land reseller.

In this way, the land owners gathered together, but no one thought

For sale, after all, Nirvana often takes things by surprise, so it may have some back-up skills in defending Qinglu City!

Until the monster siege officially begins!

"I choose legendary difficulty monsters to attack the city!" Wei Bin stood alone at the gate of the city.

"The sea, the sea monster, the sea monster are all rushing over, the sea monster is attacking the city! What on earth is Wei Bin doing?" A player exclaimed, looking around, there are no less than ten thousand sea monsters outside the port, including the pseudo-king level one

There are a thousand of them, and there is even a king-level sea monster that is motionless on the spot, as if commanding the shrimp soldiers and crab generals under it!

I saw countless sea monsters swarming up, and the crowd rushed up. The scene was so spectacular. Everyone present had never seen such a majestic formation. Looking at Qinglu City, Wei Bin didn't even look like he wanted to defend.

Is this about giving up?

"What on earth is Wei Bin doing? Doesn't he want Qinglu City?" The audience has already gathered around the place. People want to see what the siege situation of this maritime city is like, so as to prepare for their own reference when building a maritime city in the future.

"Damn it, what does Wei Bin want to do? If he doesn't want Qinglu City, don't drag me into the water. My land is not warm yet!"

"What the heck, I bought three pieces of land, and that's all my property!"

"Damn Wei Bin, knowing full well that he couldn't defend the city, so he deliberately sold the land one day before the monster attacked the city! He is really a social scum for harming the majority of players!" At this time, Wang Shuai, who was watching the excitement, stood up!

"I said brother, it turns out that you are the leader of the Return of the King gang who is always against Nirvana. I love Tranquility. Wei Bin is married to Tranquility. Why don't you delete your account and change your name? Other people who bought the land complained about Wei Bin.

There are extenuating circumstances, why don't you come out to set the pace? And this group of sea monsters obviously just gathered today. Who knew there would be so many high-level sea monsters yesterday! It must be said that Wei Bin accidentally cheated

Those land owners can do it, but it is inappropriate to say that Wei Bin deliberately deceives people! You are just being black for the sake of being black! Is the rhythm of malice leading to nirvana interesting?" Among the many viewers, there were still some

Many discerning people can see through Wang Shuai's little thoughts at a glance! As for the land owners, maybe it's because they are in the middle of it and can't see the situation clearly.

"It's not good, run quickly,

The sea monster will rush to the gate of Qinglu City in a few minutes!"

For a moment, people in Qinglu City were panicked. The sea monster will definitely kill whoever it meets, no matter whether you are from Qinglu City or not!

"Gang Leader, should we take action?" a player asked.

"Wait a minute, I don't think Nirvana wants to defend Qinglu City at all. Even if we succeed in the sneak attack on the city lord's mansion, so what? Is it possible that we have to defend Qinglu City for them? The sea monsters are attacking the city.

Who can hold it?" This person is none other than Qingfeng City's Forbidden Peak Gang Leader Huang Li!

It was this person who once said that pigs should be fattened before being killed. Originally, he was planning on Nirvana City. Unexpectedly, Nirvana actually built Qinglu City, which was as popular as Nirvana City. Moreover, Qinglu City's defenses were

It was obviously weaker than Nirvana City, which made him temporarily adjust his tactics. He had already ambushed a large force in Qinglu City, and was waiting for the monsters to take the opportunity to break in while they were defending the city!

"Bosses, the sea monster is about to rush to the city gate. Who among you here still believes that Nirvana can defend Qinglu City during this battle? There are currently more than two thousand mercenaries in Qinglu City defending the city lord's palace.

, I'm afraid that all the scum will be swallowed up by these sea monsters after just one encounter! Fortunately, you didn't sell me the land before. This time I made a wrong bet, haha, thank you for your hesitation before! I have to run for my life too.

Goodbye, bosses!" After saying that, the land reseller turned around and left!

At the same time, Wei Bin also summoned his mount, turned around and fled towards the outside of the city! Visually, in five minutes, the sea monster will arrive at the gate of Qinglu City! Will Wei Bin not hurry up and take the lead to defend the city?

Xixia Kingdom officials will not care about players’ monsters attacking the city!

"Wei Bin, Wei Bin ran away!"

"Wei Bin, you bastard, you are cheating me of my land. You and I are at odds with each other! Hey, sir, don't leave. Let's discuss the land again!" These land owners were all staring at Wei Bin.

As for the movement, when I saw Wei Bin summoning his mount and running away, I immediately understood what was going on and abandoned the city and fled! A land owner from the Adventurers Alliance fleet quickly blocked the way of this land reseller.

"Humph, what have you been doing? It's already here, and you're still selling it. The sea monster will enter the city in five minutes! Do you think I'm being taken advantage of? Isn't buying your land at this time asking for death?" Land

The reseller is so ironic!

"No sir, you don't remember the faults of villains, so I don't want half the price! If you give me one-tenth of the price, the land will be yours!"

” said the player from the Adventurers Alliance fleet.

"Yes, sir, if you give me some money, just take my land. You are a Rolls Royce of bicycles!" At this time, many land owners gathered around, fearing that this land reseller would buy the land.

We have taken someone else's land instead of buying our own. Now, where can we find such a scapegoat? Wei Bin has run away, who still believes that Nirvana will guard Qinglu City? Are these thousands of mercenaries used to feed the fish? Hai Hai

They know how powerful the monster is than anyone else. If you take out a false king-level sea monster at random, they would not dare to touch it without ten three-masted sailboats! And there are thousands of false king-level sea monsters in front of them.

They couldn't imagine the possibility of Nirvana being able to defend Qinglu City!

"Haha, one-tenth? That's also 2,000 gold. If you think I'm stupid again, then I'll really leave! For the sake of your saying that a bicycle turns into a Rolls-Royce, I can buy you for 1,000 gold.

Land!" The land reseller became interested for a moment.

"No, this way, you add more and I will reduce it, 1,500 gold!" At this time, these land owners were already panicking, and they hurriedly stopped the loss in time. No matter how much loss they could recover, it was up to them!

"900 gold!"

"No sir, how about 1,400 gold?"

"800 gold!"

"Sir, please give me a way to survive, 1,300 gold!"

"Haha, I will give you a way to live, but who will give me a way to live! The last price is 500 gold. I won't say a word more. If the negotiation fails, I have to run for my life!" After saying that, the land reseller walked out the door.


"Sell it, I'll sell it!" This Adventurer League player was the first to agree.

The words of this Adventurer Alliance player completely shattered the last glimmer of hope in their hearts. Everyone here is a shrewd businessman. They know that the Adventurer Alliance has good relations with Nirvana. The virtual and real adventures in Qinglu City

The Adventurer Alliance must know better than them, and now even the land purchased by the Adventurer Alliance is so active in selling it for money. It seems that Qinglu City really cannot hold on this time!

"I'll sell it even if I'm willing to risk it!" Seeing that this player from the Adventurer League had sold it, the others also followed suit.

"Sir, I'm selling it too, let's go to the bank to transfer the ownership!"

Just like this, they didn't sell it when someone offered it 10,000 gold, but now? They want 500 gold to sell it to someone, and they have to chase it and beg them to buy it!

This chapter has been completed!
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