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Chapter 325 Sutra Pavilion

This is the wonderful thing about the flow world. The player's senses in the flow world are the same as outside. Avril really experienced 24 hours in it, but outside, Wei Bin only experienced it for four minutes!

"Be able to endure loneliness and improve yourself! See you in a year!"

The next day, Wei Bin gathered all the members of the core group together to prepare for a meeting.

"Everyone, don't suppress the level, just upgrade to 50! There is no need to suppress when 49 reaches level 50! Let's refresh the dungeon Tibetan Scripture Pavilion later!" Wei Bin suggested, the purpose of suppressing the level is to maximize the experience gain, no

You will be suppressed by experience because your level exceeds the system's vanguard level, but if the benefits brought by upgrading are greater than the disadvantages brought by experience suppression, there is no need to save experience and not upgrade! There is a new copy like this.

Moment is a good opportunity! Because in addition to more fresh drops, the new copy will also involve a first kill reward!

As soon as Wei Bin finished speaking, golden light suddenly appeared on everyone's body, and they all rose to level 50!

"Wow! Are you going through a tribulation collectively? Are you about to ascend?" The scene of everyone upgrading happened to be bumped into by Avril and others who were teleported from the speed world!

"Holy shit, are we ascending? I think you went to cultivate immortality somewhere? How come the level is improved so fast?" The bug in Qian's eyes was the first to discover the level position of Avril and others, but the level is not displayed? What does this mean? What does it mean?

Avril's level is higher than him, at least level 51! She deals with wild monsters every day, and has just reached level 50. She is a life player who was only level 40 yesterday, and today she has reached level 51? What's the matter?

Is there any royal law? Is there fairness and justice?

"It's only level 55. If I don't have full experience points, I won't upgrade!" Avril expressed disdain for this. What's the use of levels in her eyes? She doesn't fight! If some maps didn't have level restrictions, even if

It doesn't matter to her that it's only level 10!

"You!!! You can stand and talk without pain in your back! Where can you level up?"

"Haha, the secret must not be leaked!" Avril did not reveal a word about going to the Flow World, because Wei Bin had told them that everything involved in this matter was top secret. Since it was top secret, it meant that only

You can know it yourself, but you can never tell anyone else!

"Tch, stingy!"

Where do you know about insects?

He said, Avril is not only level 55, she has also stored four times the experience required for the current level upgrade. If she uses it to upgrade directly, she can upgrade three levels in a row, directly to level 58 in one go!

The world of flow is not suppressed by the experience of the outside world!

Bugs will not even know that the levels of Avril and others are not obtained by upgrading from killing monsters, but by collecting herbs and making medicines! Life skills are also used to increase experience points, such as collecting herbs, making medicines, cooking, making equipment, and night

Ming Deng, etc. Although the experience value given by the life skills is relatively low, they have been in it for a year. It is normal to upgrade from level 40 to level 58. After all, there is no competition!

Everyone can enter the Flow World multiple times, but each person can only enter the channel opened by the same token once. In other words, if Avril and others want to go again, they must enter from another token entrance.

, but not everyone can get the tokens. In the previous life, the server has been open for ten years, and only two tokens have been released!

For life players, the sooner you enter the flow world, the better. The earlier you enter, the faster your life skill level will improve, and the sooner you can establish your advantages.

While the vast majority of life players are still working hard to upgrade their six-level herb-picking skills, Avril and others’ herb-picking skills have been upgraded to level 8 and are hitting the 9th level mark! In life skills, starting from level 7, if you want

The proficiency required to upgrade to the next level has undergone earth-shaking changes. It takes 2000 proficiency to upgrade from level 4 to level 5, 4000 proficiency is required to upgrade from level 5 to level 6, and 8000 proficiency is required to upgrade from level 6 to level 7, although it is doubled.

growth, but its growth rate is still limited to a few thousand after all. What about upgrading from level seven to level eight? It requires 32,000 proficiency points, and upgrading from level eight to level nine requires 128,000 proficiency points!

Even if Avril Lavigne and others collect without competition every day, it will take 140 days to upgrade from level 7 to level 8, and it will take 560 days to upgrade from level 8 to level 9! But is that possible without competition?

In comparison, there are the most players at the stage of fifth-level herb collection and sixth-level herb collection. How fierce is the competition? Everyone can only collect dozens of herbs every day! Because there are too many people!

A small number of players successfully escaped because they started upgrading their gathering skills relatively early.

In the "traffic jam area" where the large army is located, there are only a small number of Level 6 medicinal players, so the competition pressure is relatively small. About 150 herbs can be collected every day!

What does one step first and one step first mean? This is the same as when doing the main task chain in the early stage. Once you encounter a large force at a certain task, then just wait and go! On the contrary, if you avoid the peak period early, then

It can go faster and faster! This is Wei Bin’s arrangement

On the contrary, combat players are not like that. Their highest level is only level 50 now, so there is no need to enter at all. So what if you reach level 60 or 70? After you come out, your experience will be suppressed by almost 100, and you may only be able to fight a boss.

After gaining some experience points, do you just hang up and wait for the server's level pioneer to open to level 60 or 70? It makes no sense at all! The best time for combat players to enter the flow world is when the level pioneer reaches around level 60, such as in that

I experienced a big battle and my level dropped to level 55. At this time, I went to the Flow World and immediately ranked first in the level rankings after I came out!

Therefore, Wei Bin does not plan to arrange for Nirvana's core group and main group to enter so early. This is too wasteful. The opportunity is rare, and he does not expect to enter for the second time!

It is precisely because the opportunity is rare that Wei Bin can let Avril and others go offline for four hours before entering to refresh their online time! Players can't be online for more than 20 hours at most, so Wei Bin naturally strives for it

Let them stay there for 20 hours, which is 300 days. Time is precious. Even if only four minutes are wasted in reality, it is equivalent to missing one day in there!

The collection skills that consume players' energy have all exceeded the eighth level. The production life skills that consume energy are not so easy to upgrade. Production skills must produce medicines or cooking items of the current level in order to increase their proficiency! Level 7

Pharmaceutical formulas are not so easy to find. Currently, even the sixth-level drugs Shouwudan and Qiongdan are not yet popular, let alone the more advanced seventh-level pharmaceuticals! In Wei Bin’s team, only Avril has learned the seventh-level pharmaceuticals.

The formula - elixir·reincarnation, what several other employees are learning is the seventh-level sect pharmaceutical formula temporarily acquired by Wei Bin. The sect's pharmaceutical formula needs to be exchanged in the sect store with the sect's contribution, and players who have enough contributions to redeem the seventh-level sect's pharmaceutical formula

There are not many, so only Avril and a few other people have upgraded their pharmaceutical skills to level eight. Others only know the pharmaceutical formulas of level six. They have just added

You’ve only reached level 7 for making medicine! The same goes for cooking skills.

Later, Wei Bin led the team to the Shaolin Temple and waited for the monks from the Sutra Pavilion to refresh!

"While the guide for the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion dungeon has not been refreshed yet, let me talk about the dungeon strategy! After entering, a monk NPC will be spawned in the center of the map. Our task is to protect him from death. The upper left and upper right corners of the map

Two teleportation arrays will appear, and each teleportation array will alternately teleport over a group of invaders at regular intervals. Each batch of invaders is led by a masked evil monk. At the same time, there is a group of invaders not far from the monks and the two teleportation arrays.

There are three Buddha lamps, red, green, and blue. After touching the Buddha lamp, they will turn on three different states. The red one makes the monk NC enter the damage immune state within 20 seconds, that is, the invincible state; the blue one makes all players in the copy

The internal and external skills increase by 100 within 300 seconds; the green one makes the monster stop moving within 20 seconds, but does not include the masked evil monk who takes the lead, and each Buddhist lamp can only be turned on once, so we must save it for the critical moment.

Turn it on! Okay, the Monk NC has been refreshed. Let’s give it a try first. We’ll talk about the details later!” Wei Bin didn’t care about being suspected of being a reborn person. He could be killed by an assassin at any time.

, why should you care about other people’s opinions?

Under the leadership of Wei Bin, a team consisting of Wei Bin, the Empress of Soochow, Tranquility, Bingyue Hanxin, who was chopping wires with a kitchen knife, and Lin Qianhong entered the dungeon. The other team was composed of Feng Yun Wuji, Bing Xin, and Die Wu.

, The Lion King, The Insect in Money's Eyes and the Blood Sea Demon Lord. After finding a monk, they also entered the dungeon.

"Choose difficulty - legendary level!"

No one was surprised by this difficulty. It must be a legendary level difficulty to clear the dungeon with Wei Bin!

After entering the dungeon, everyone was born directly next to the monk, and then received a thirty-minute countdown reminder.

"First go along a straight line to the Buddha lantern in the upper left corner. Let's guard the Buddha lantern and fire it! It will be easier to turn on the Buddha lantern later!" Wei Bin commanded. The safest way to fight around the Buddha lantern is to facilitate emergencies.

First, the Buddha lantern was placed, and secondly, this position was not far from the Buddha lantern in the upper right corner. After a while, after they had defeated the invaders on the left, they had to rush to the Buddha lantern on the right to resist the invaders on the right!

Soon, dozens of invaders, led by a masked evil monk, arrived near the Buddhist lantern.

This chapter has been completed!
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