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Chapter 349 Nan Murong, Bei Qiao Feng

"Are you talking about him? But Yanziwu is a mobile island and is notoriously hard to find. Even if I want to invite him to join, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it because I don't know where Yanziwu is!" Duan Yanqing said.

Listening, I suddenly felt a little disappointed!

"I know where Yanziwu is, but I can't go to that place right now. If Prince Yanqing allows it, I would like to give you an answer in two months. If he joins, I will join!" This is what Wei Bin could think of.

The most reliable plan! Without that person's participation, Wei Bin really wouldn't dare to take this risk!

And this person is Murong Fu!

There is a saying circulating in this world, that is Nan Murong, Beiqiao Peak! The place Nan Murong is pointing to is naturally Murong Fu!

How can Murong Fu, who is as famous as the protagonist, be so weak? Back in Xixia, Murong Fu helped the people of Yipintang fight Qiao Feng in a bloody battle. The two fought equally. There is absolutely no doubt about this level of strength! And why did Murong Fu defeat Qiao Feng?

Help Xixia Yipintang? Although the original work did not write too detailed, you can guess that he must be recruiting helpers, selling favors, and laying the foundation for his plan to restore the country!

A person with a plan and ambition to restore the country may still be able to help him regain the throne when he meets Duan Yanqing, who shares his same problem. If he really helps Duan Yanqing regain the throne, then when the Japanese start a war to restore the country

, can Duan Yanqing stand by and watch? So Wei Bin bet that Murong Fu will definitely help Duan Yanqing!

Moreover, there must be a huge force behind Murong Fu supporting him, otherwise how could he do such a ridiculous thing as restoring the country on his own? How could he have Nan Murong if no one was doing public relations and propaganda for him?

Beiqiao Feng's reputation? If the forces behind him can be pulled over to help Duan Yanqing, it will definitely be a sure thing! You know, what Murong Fu wants to do is to overthrow the huge Song Dynasty, and the Song Dynasty is by no means a small Dali.

Comparable to other countries!

"Okay, I will write a letter right now. When you see Murong Fu, you must express my meaning clearly. You can tell me that I know what his lifelong wish is. If he can help me regain the throne,

One day I will mobilize all the troops from across the country to help him succeed!" After hearing Wei Bin say that he knew the whereabouts of Murong Fu, Duan Yanqing's heart ignited hope again!

"Okay, it's a deal!"

After some dealings with Wei Bin, he finally postponed the task to two months. Two months later, if Murong Fu joined, he would join. If Murong Fu refused, he would withdraw from this muddy water.

, helping the villain regain the throne is impossible no matter how you think about it!


The time point of two months is very critical. After two months, he has been promoted to level 60, and his strength will make a qualitative leap. At least he will be qualified to compete with the Duan family's guards, and if he wants to go to Yanziwu

, you must reach level 60 or above before you can go!

After the two agreed for three days for Wei Bin to come and collect the Poison, Wei Bin left.

When Wei Bin arrived at the port of Dali, it was already a different scene!

Under Wei Bin's instructions, Luffy led the Dusk Fleet to control the port here and control the trade here, just like they blocked the trade of Xixia Kingdom. If they want to do business here, they must pay a portion of the profits honestly according to regulations.

Come out, otherwise I, Ye Liangchen, have a hundred ways to make it impossible for you to survive here!

Today's trade is far from comparable to the trade between Dali and Baishi City controlled by the Dusk Fleet at the beginning. At that time, there was only one safe route and not many people came to develop on the sea. But it is different now. The maritime country leads to

Safe routes in major cities have been gradually developed, and various trading systems and business groups have become increasingly mature. The profits brought by the control of the ports of the maritime country now far exceed those during the previous control of Dali and Baishi City.

Profits can be said to be making money every day!

Moreover, he has another purpose in controlling Dali's trade, which is to suppress the rival gang - the Assassin's League!

In the ancient town of Shuhe, the Assassin Alliance also participated in the encirclement and suppression of Wei Bin. Wei Bin must avenge this kind of hatred, and just yesterday, Luffy successfully completed the encirclement and suppression of the Assassin Alliance fleet, and the group was wiped out.

He captured the Assassin Alliance fleet and acquired another three hundred three-masted warships!

"Captain Luffy, we already have 4,800 warships. It can be said that we can move sideways on the sea. Even our number one pirate group in Xixia Kingdom does not have as many ships as we do. Why can't we capture more ships like this time?

A port, how about that, and the gold coins won’t come rushing in?” Thomas was slightly doubtful. He was a pirate, and he had a warlike aura in his bones.

"Difficult! Our Dusk Fleet is indeed the largest force on the sea now, but strong dragons cannot overwhelm local snakes. We can control Xixia's trade because we unexpectedly captured many warships in that battle, and other forces were short

It was difficult to surpass us in a short period of time, and coupled with our suppression of them later,

This makes it difficult for us to have an opponent in Xixia! The second time we controlled the trade of Dali, it was because we once again unexpectedly destroyed the fleet of the three Wuzhangsha brothers, causing other fleets in Dali to flee because they knew

, if we don’t leave, we won’t be able to leave! Having lost their leader, it will be difficult for them to prevent an effective counterattack to resist us! But as the saying goes, if you repeat it again and again, the maritime forces of other countries are now too sensitive to our Dusk Fleet.

As long as we step into their territory, they will immediately put aside their prejudices and unite to resist us, because they are afraid that we will usurp their territory and steal their territory!" Luffy said about why the Twilight Fleet can develop

It still seems very clear to me.

"In terms of duel, no force is our opponent, but a maritime country has so many maritime forces. If they can unite under the call of local snakes, then we are absolutely invincible! After this sneak attack on Zhang Shark

After the three-person fleet incident, it was difficult for us to find another opportunity to annihilate them all in one fell swoop. This time we were able to annihilate them all because the boss brought them together and couldn't leave because of the mission. Think about it again

It's difficult to find such an opportunity!" Luffy knew very well that if Wei Bin hadn't gathered their three fleets together, even if all three thousand of their warships came over, it would be difficult to annihilate them all. Once the dusk fleet faced off

One of the three of them attacked, and the other two quickly reacted and organized an effective counterattack!

You know, although Zhang Shar and the others usually run rampant in the waters of Dali, they only bully other forces and do not want to destroy them. And what about the Twilight Fleet? A force with hundreds of warships is not allowed to exist.

That is to say, they want to destroy all the forces with hundreds of warships. Compared with the hatred of the three Zhang Shars, other forces naturally know who to help!

Soon, a month passed, and Wei Bin and his core members had all reached level 55. Before going to attack the ice demon, Wei Bin needed to improve everyone's strength to increase the success rate!

At level 55, the possession function of rare beasts officially appears in the player's field of vision. What is possession of rare beasts?

When the player reaches level 55, there are five more formations on the interface for summoning precious beasts, namely the Azure Dragon Formation, White Tiger Formation, Suzaku Formation, Xuanwu Formation and Qilin Formation. These five formations are at level 55 and 60 respectively.

Unlocked at levels 65, 70 and 75. There are eight empty contents in each circle.

In the elixir position, you can embed the rare beast inner elixir you own into the inner elixir. The inlaid inner elixir can be upgraded using the same inner elixir, or you can choose to forget it and learn the inner elixir again.

The highest level of inner elixirs increases from level 1 to level 4, and the number of inner elixirs required increases in sequence. Level 1 requires 2 inner elixirs to create level 2, level 2 requires 5 inner elixirs to create level 3, and level 3 requires 10 to create level 4.

An inner elixir.

There is an eye in the center of the formation. It is useless to just inlay the inner elixir into the eight inner elixir positions. A rare beast with level 55 or above must be attached to the eye of the formation for the formation to work.

If there is no precious beast in the eye, the inner elixir will not be able to exert any effect. The precious beast possessed in the eye of the formation can be separated from the formation at any time in order to replace the possessed precious beast!

The function of the formation is to use rare beasts and inner elixirs to provide players with various attributes. Inner elixirs can be roughly divided into three categories

The inner elixirs suitable for attack-type (strength-type, aura-type) precious beasts include ice-condensing, burning flames, releasing mysteries, and gathering poison. These four inner elixirs respectively correspond to the four attribute attacks of ice, fire, and poison, followed by ice-breaking and fire-control.

Mingxuan, Shangdu, these four inner elixirs respectively correspond to the resistance reduction of the four attributes of ice, fire, and poison.

For example, if an ice-condensing inner elixir is embedded in the inner elixir position, and a rare beast is attached to the array, it can increase the owner's ice attack to a certain extent. As for how much ice attack will be increased, it depends on the aptitude, level, and understanding of the rare beast.

, the growth rate and the level of the inner alchemy are determined! Regarding the impact of the rare beast's battle method, although the official gives four factors, in fact only the level and qualification of the rare beast have an impact on the effect of the battle method, because the understanding and ability of the rare beast are improved.

The growth rate can improve the qualifications of rare beasts, but both of them ultimately affect the formation effect by increasing the growth rate!

Therefore, only the level, qualifications and inner elixir level of the rare beast can affect the attributes that the possession brings to the player!

The inner elixirs suitable for balanced rare beasts include ice armor, fire escape, black shell, and poison robe. These four inner elixirs are resistant to the four attributes of ice, fire, and poison, and the boiling blood inner elixir can increase the owner's blood.

upper limit.

Inner elixirs suitable for body-type rare beasts include precision, flash, and spiritual beasts, which respectively increase the owner's hit, dodge, and understanding attributes.

There are a total of the above sixteen kinds of inner elixirs. The reason why they are divided into three categories is simply because the rare beasts of this type have a relatively high bonus to the inner elixirs. It does not mean that each inner elixir can only match the corresponding one.

It only works for rare animals of this type!

This chapter has been completed!
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