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Chapter 435: Sneak Attack on the Phoenix Divine Crossbow

"Brothers, listen to my order and ignore this group of players who have returned to Luoyang in Meng. We will divide our troops into four groups and rush into the city from these four narrow paths to find and destroy their Phoenix Song Divine Crossbow! The Dragon Song Divine Cannon is not available elsewhere.

"Guan, destroy the city gate, enter the city and destroy the core!" Feng Yun Wuji ordered!

"No, they have entered the city, and they want to destroy our Phoenix Divine Crossbow! Everyone listens to the order, block the winding path, and don't let them in!" Ji Wuming was shocked. Just now, the two armies were confronting each other, but Feng Yunwu didn't expect it.

Ji actually didn't play his cards according to the routine, and the war that was about to break out didn't actually start. Instead, he wanted to bypass us and go directly to the city?

Since Menghui Luoyang is closer to the narrow paths on both sides of the city gate than Nirvana, they successfully blocked the intersection, making it impossible for Nirvana to pass through. However, the narrow paths on both sides of the city walls in the virtual city are not so easy to defend. You know, if you want to

To go from the city gate to help defend the trails on both sides of the city, they must pass through the area of ​​the trails on both sides of the city gate, but this area is now in a war zone, and they cannot pass through on horseback. On the other hand, Nirvana's side, these two

The group heading towards the narrow paths on both sides of the city deliberately avoided the fighting area. They could ride on their mounts, but their speed was more than doubled. Meng returned to Luoyang and it was impossible to block the paths on both sides of the city.


The two teams that entered the city immediately dispersed their formations, each searching for traces of the Phoenix Divine Crossbow from different directions!

"I'm looking for the Phoenix Divine Crossbow. There are three of them at the coordinates of 87.99! Come quickly and destroy them!" Not long after, a player finally discovered the location of the Phoenix Divine Crossbow who returned to Luoyang in his dream. For convenience,

After sniping at Nirvana's Dragon Song Divine Cannon, the Phoenix Song Divine Crossbow was hidden not far from the city gate!

After a while, more than forty Nirvana players all rushed over and started attacking these Phoenix Divine Crossbows!

"Sorry, Gang Leader, our Phoenix Divine Crossbow was discovered by Nirvana, and they are now attacking our Phoenix Divine Crossbow!" One of the Phoenix Divine Crossbow pilots sent a message.

"Damn it, stop hiding and come out quickly to destroy their Dragon Song Divine Cannon! Be sure to concentrate the fire and don't fight alone! In addition, everyone, please return to the city immediately to protect our Phoenix Song Divine Crossbow!" Ji Wuming

They were a little panicked. These three Phoenix Divine Crossbows were their lifeblood. Without these three Phoenix Divine Crossbows, Nirvana didn’t even need to dispatch the players. They only needed four Dragon Divine Cannons to push them over.


Immediately afterwards, the Phoenix Divine Crossbow moved, and after entering the range, it began to attack Nirvana's Dragon Song Divine Cannon. However, the Phoenix Divine Crossbow was too fragile. Although it had a durability of one million, it was still under the fierce bombardment of fifty or so Nirvana players.

How many times can it withstand an indiscriminate bombing? Each Nirvana player calculates based on a single output of 7,000 damage. A single salvo of 50 players has a durability of 350,000. Basically, a Phoenix Divine Crossbow can be destroyed in a few seconds.

, why the attacker easily wins is because the Phoenix Divine Crossbow does not reduce damage to players. As long as the attacker breaks through the defender's defense, destroying the Phoenix Divine Crossbow is only a matter of minutes!

In fact, it will not be that easy to destroy the Phoenix Divine Crossbow once the World Conquering Strategy matures. At this stage, the defenders will definitely focus on protecting the Phoenix Divine Crossbow. The four narrow paths cannot be left unguarded.

As long as the players on the attacking side cannot attack, there is no need to worry about the safety of the Phoenix Divine Crossbow, and the defender has hope of victory. The reason why Nirvana destroyed the Phoenix Divine Crossbow in Menghui Luoyang so easily on this battlefield today is because

Because Menghui Luoyang's defensive experience is inexperienced, they have not yet realized the importance of the Phoenix Divine Crossbow in the defensive process!

When the offensive and defensive sides are equally powerful, the reason why the attacking side has a higher chance of winning is because the damage caused by the Dragon Roar Divine Cannon to the city gate is the same as the damage caused by the Phoenix Divine Crossbow to the Dragon Roar Divine Cannon. Even if it is an attack,

It doesn’t matter if there is nothing you can do about the defending side’s Divine Phoenix Crossbow. The durability of both the Divine Dragon Cannon and the city gate is 1 million. In other words, when the Divine Phoenix Crossbow destroys the Divine Dragon Summons, the Divine Cannon will also

The city gate can also be breached. As long as the city gate is breached, the attacker has basically won half the battle! Without the isolation zone of the city gate, the attacker can drive straight in, and the defender's Phoenix Divine Crossbow will never have peace.

By then, if the attacker builds even one Dragon Roar Cannon, it will be able to destroy the core of the city! Therefore, the virtual city is easy to attack but difficult to defend!

The reason why the system favors the attacker is because the system adheres to the principle of equal protection and cannot allow certain gangs to occupy these virtual cities for a long time to avoid the bad phenomenon of polarization. In fact, few people were able to defend it in previous lives.

Living in a virtual city, unless the commander is very good and can surprise the attackers, or there is a huge disparity in combat power, it is possible to harass the attackers' collectors into unspeakable misery!

In this way, after Meng Hui Luoyang's Phoenix Song Divine Crossbow was destroyed, Meng Hui Luoyang no longer had the ability to restrain the Dragon Song Divine Cannon. It was simply unrealistic to just rely on players to kill it with swords and guns. Even if Meng Hui Luoyang reorganized the people

Going back and forth to collect is of no use. Nirvana can also send people to collect. As long as both parties collect at the same speed, when Meng Huiluoyang builds a Phoenix Song Divine Crossbow, Nirvana can also build a Dragon Song Divine Cannon, and wait.

When I dreamed back to Luoyang and built the Phoenix Divine Crossbow, Nirvana had already breached the city gate. Without the protection of the city gate, what's the use of having more Phoenix Divine Crossbows?

The characteristics of virtual cities that are easy to attack and difficult to defend further highlight Wei Bin's clever risk-shifting tactics. In every subsequent campaign of World War II, Nirvana will transfer large-scale virtual cities to its sub-gang, and the sub-gang's military resources will be photographed.

It’s too easy to build a large-scale virtual city! The deputy gang’s large-scale virtual city is sold to allies such as Game Life! In this way, by letting the deputy gang and allies bid for their own virtual city, they will not let their virtual city fall behind others, but also

It can reduce the pressure on the deputy gang and allies to attack the virtual city, and can also get the benefits of military exploits! It can be said to kill three birds with one stone!

Just like that, the large-scale virtual city of Menghui Luoyang was successfully captured by Nirvana! The offensive and defensive battles of the other two virtual cities were very similar to the battle of Menghui Luoyang. Due to lack of experience, Aoshi suffered the loss of Nirvana's destruction of the Phoenix Divine Crossbow!

Moreover, when the proud people fought against wild monsters in the first Battle of the World, they died many times due to their inexperience, and many of them even dropped one level. In this battle of the Battle of the World, they did not even have level 59 players.

There are only a few, most of them are level 58 players. They have two levels of level suppression against level 60 Nirvana members! In addition, the second level against the first level is like a father beating his son. The two large virtual cities of Aoshi also fell into

The hand of Nirvana!

The two large-scale virtual cities that Nirvana captured in the first Conquest of the World were captured by Nirvana's two deputy gangs. At this time, Nirvana's two deputy gangs each had one large-scale virtual city, and Nirvana had three large-scale virtual cities.

City and a giant virtual city, the number of merit points distributed free of charge to all gang members every day is as high as 390. Participants on the defensive and offensive sides can also instantly obtain the merit rewards of the battlefield after winning the battlefield, such as Wei Bin

After successfully defending the giant virtual city where you are located, you can instantly gain 150 combat merit!

Battle merit is a good thing. It is related to the attribute strength of level 60 equipment - the seal! The seal is a growable equipment, which can be developed through battle merit. The gap between the players' seals will be reduced in the early stage.

It can't be seen, but in the later stage, a good seal will cost dozens of sixth-level gems than an ordinary seal. This is a sixth-level gem. Even Wei Bin can't afford it at this stage.

Gems! Even in the later stages, not many people can afford level 6 gems. Imagine two players who are both level 6 gems. One has a top-grade seal, and the other only has an ordinary seal. The other player has a top-grade gem.

How can we fight this fight when the owner of the seal has twice as many level six gems as you? It’s definitely a one-sided situation!

However, military exploits are so rare!

If you don’t occupy the virtual city, how many days will it take to buy an orange engraved mark just by donating 30 points of battle merit three times a day? It will take more than half a year! It will take two months to save a high-level battle merit token.

, and the price-performance ratio of the three donations is extremely low, which is completely a waste of money!

This reflects the importance of the virtual city. Why would Wei Bin rather help the gang members with three donations from his own pocket? In the first week, Wei Bin gave them a subsidy of 2.8 million gold coins. Why did he spend so much money?

Isn't it just to occupy a few more virtual cities and get more military exploits? Currently, everyone in Nirvana can get 390 military exploits every day. What is the concept? To accumulate enough military exploits for an orange engraving, they only need to

In 20 days, it only takes 5 days to save a high-level battle medal. Compared with those gangs that have not occupied the virtual city, this benefit is simply too incredible! The virtual city is a place that strengthens the strength of the entire gang.

Point, how could Wei Bin not pay attention to it?

In this way, the second Conquest of the World ended successfully. The result of this Conquest of the World was very contrary to common sense. Only a few people captured other people's virtual cities, and the vast majority of them ended up with the victory of the defender!

Because this is the second time to conquer the world, the defender has information that the attacker does not have. The attacker does not know the existence of the defender's Fengyin Divine Crossbow and Arrow Tower, and the defender just takes advantage of the attacker's information.

With a little information blind spot, they fought a beautiful sniper battle! Like Ji Wuming, they first hid their Phoenix Divine Crossbow, and the players went out of the city to fight with the attacking players, because they were all first-level players.

, the gap between them is not

It wasn't very big, so in the end both sides almost ended up dead together. At this moment, several Phoenix Divine Crossbows from the defensive side all pulled out, giving the attacking side's Dragon Song Divine Cannon a blow in the head, and the attacking side's

It takes five minutes for the player to reach the battlefield from death to support. During this time, the Dragon Song Divine Cannon will always be passively being beaten. Even if you don't retreat, so what? Everyone moves at the same speed, and the Phoenix Song Divine Crossbow can keep chasing.

Shot with the Dragon Roan Divine Cannon!

After the attacking players arrived at the battlefield with support, the defenders had already blocked the alleyway. With these five minutes of passive beating, the attacking Dragon's Cannon couldn't reach the city gates and it would be even harder to break the city.


The reason why Menghui Luoyang failed to adopt this tactic was because Ji Wuming misjudged Nirvana's strength. He believed that he had thirty full-five players, while Nirvana only had four. He would definitely win in a head-on confrontation.

Where do you know all the second-level players in Nirvana?

But this general victory of the defender will only appear in this second World War. From the next time, everyone will have experience, and the virtual city will not be so easy to defend!

"Damn it, Nirvana actually has four virtual cities, three large virtual cities, and one giant virtual city. The benefits of Nirvana are too outrageous! No, I must join Nirvana!"

"Who said otherwise? You can receive 390 combat merits every day, and 3903011700 combat merits in one month. This is more than 10,000. You don't need to do anything. You just sit and wait and you will be paid. This is too buggy.


"Haha, I heard that when the Wei gang leader asked people to donate military funds in the early days, some people didn't want to donate, so they quit the gang. It's really funny now that I think about it, haha!"

"More than just funny? Just a week ago, when we laughed at a person who quit the Nirvana gang, he also said that the virtual city of Nirvana is only temporary. If you occupy it for a week at most, all the world will be taken away in this battle.

The virtual city, what’s the result? Not only did Nirvana not lose it, but it also gained a large virtual city, and Nirvana’s two assistant gangs actually each had a large virtual city. This guy is really tough-talking!"

"Hey, it's really annoying to compare people to each other. The welfare of other people's assistant gangs is better than that of our main gang. Where can we explain it? You actually have the extravagant hope of entering Nirvana's main gang? Don't you know? Nirvana is generally under normal circumstances.

It does not recruit people from the outside. Even if there is a vacancy within Nirvana, priority will be given to recruiting people from Nirvana's two sub-gangs! To be honest, the welfare of Nirvana's sub-gang is actually not much different from that of the main gang, so if

If you want to reach Nirvana, you must first join the assistant gang. Only if you perform well will you have a chance to join the main gang!"

In this way, after the second World Conquest, Nirvana once again became the focus of everyone's eyes. There are five large virtual cities and one giant virtual city. This is absolutely unique! Let alone other gangs, whether the deputy gang has occupied the virtual city

Well, even if the main gang can occupy a small virtual city, it is considered good! How many gangs are there in Middle-earth? There should be thousands, right? After all, the number of players is measured in hundreds of millions!

This chapter has been completed!
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