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Chapter 455 The Conspiracy of the League of Assassins

In a general auction, the box fee is only a hundred gold at most, and the most expensive one is only a thousand gold. For those who can afford the tickets, it is natural to open a box. This ticket seller thought Wei Bin didn't know about the box here.

As for the price, he thought Wei Bin was used to booking boxes from auction houses in other cities, and thought the prices here were the same as those from other auction houses! In fact, Wei Bin had long known that the boxes here were ridiculously expensive, but there was no way.

The venue is different from the city. In the city, you can hide your name. Wei Bin just bought the tickets from the ticket seller with his name hidden, but you can't hide your name in the auction venue. This is the auction house's way of stimulating players to open boxes! So

At high-end auctions, there will be countless unexpected treasures. Taking out any one of them will cause a frenzy to divide the Middle-earth continent! Although the cost of the box is as high as 10,000 gold, Wei Bin is naturally the target of such a thing that has become the target of public criticism.

If you want to avoid it, you still have to spend your money!

"Haha, didn't I tell you? Riding a bicycle and going to the bar, it's time to save and spend! The place to spend is ten thousand gold, one hundred thousand gold, or one million gold. I will do it.

I will not hesitate, but I will not waste a word that should not be spent!" Wei Bin said with a smile, this is also the consumption concept he has always adhered to!

"Just you? Haha, I don't believe it. If you had one million gold, you would never waste so much time on one or two thousand gold. There is a good saying, if there were 100 federal coins on the ground I passed by, I would definitely

I don’t know how to pick it up. Assuming that it takes 3 seconds to pick up money, I make more money in three seconds than 100 federal coins on average. Why should I pick it up? What you said is indeed true. Money

It should be spent wisely, but if you can really get a million gold coins, you will make money very quickly. In the few minutes of bargaining with me just now, the gold coins you made may be more than the money you cut off by bargaining.

If you want more, this is enough to show that you either can't come up with one million gold coins, and you are just showing off! Or, haha, the truth you said is just empty talk and has nothing to do with you, even if you can come up with it.

With so much money, you are just a brave man! Who can't tell the truth? Haha!" The ticket seller questioned Wei Bin's wealth! That's a million gold coins! If you can carry a million gold coins with you, the whole country

There are not many of them in the mainland! Who would condescend to do a counter-offer for eighteen hundred gold for such a rare person? Isn’t that shameful?

"Haha!" Wei Bin ignored it, but after paying 10,000 gold, he entered the box at the auction venue!

The private rooms of this auction house are extremely luxurious, and their confidentiality is also very perfect. Just like when Wei Bin sneaked into the auction house of Xiong Ba and Ji Wuming in order to obtain the treasure map of the third-level treasure mine, the entrance to the private rooms is inside the auction house.

Although the distance from the entrance of the auction house to the door of the box can also hide the name, if the player wants to investigate the people in the box, there are still some ways, that is, send someone to keep an eye on the box and wait until the people in the box come out.

Follow him and kill him when you leave the auction house. You can see the name of the person in the box through the kill email sent by the system! Xing Tian originally wanted to use this trick to know who Wei Bin was, but Wei Bin was still

Tianshan, he was invisible and slipped away! Of course, this method is limited to cities without safe zones, such as Wei Bin's sneak attack on Xixia Kingdom and Ji Wuming's Xixia Kingdom! This will not work in cities like Baishi City. Players in Baishi City

It is invincible. After the people in the box leave the auction house, they can get rid of the pursuers by just teleporting!

But the auction house in front of you is very different. The entrance to this auction house is virtual, similar to a portal. As long as you pay for the box, the service staff will take you into the box. If you only have tickets for an ordinary

People, they also entered through the same door, but after entering, they would appear in the venue hall! When they came out, everyone still came out through the same portal. From the outside, it was impossible to tell who came from the venue and who came from the venue.

Coming out of the box, this directly prevents people from following you! After all, this is a box fee of 10,000 gold, so the security is still very high!

"Hello everyone! Welcome to our annual auction in Machinery City. At this auction, you will see many new and unheard-of new treasures! As long as you have money, I guarantee that you will be able to participate in this auction.

Return with a full load, making your tickets worth every penny! Next, we will bring out the first treasure we will auction today, the racing car design! As we all know, there is no peace in Middle-earth, and the major gangs are fighting each other.

Conquests have continued over time, but what is the most difficult thing during a siege? It is to break through the city gate. It is difficult for the attacker's large troops to enter the city because the city gate is too narrow! And there is a kind of siege vehicle called a siege vehicle.

It has extremely high damage to buildings such as city gates and walls. As long as you have it, you can conquer cities and territories in the future.

It’s definitely not difficult! You can imagine how powerful it is even if I don’t say more about it, right? Therefore, the starting price of this racing car design is 10,000 gold, and each increase in price must not be less than 10% of the starting price. Then, the competition begins

!" A sexy beauty with a voluptuous figure is the host of this auction. This woman is dressed simply, without many bells and whistles. She only has two pieces of clothing on her body. The top is low-cut and short-sleeved, and the bottom is a short skirt!

It's so simple, coupled with its seductive and sinful tone, it makes countless men's noses bleed!

One of the host's words hit the point. A ram is a necessary artifact for conquering a city! With it, the possibility of success can be greatly improved. City walls and gates are like powerless dolls in front of a ram.

No resistance!

As we all know, city walls and city gates are not invincible, especially city gates. The defense of city gates is much lower than that of city walls. Therefore, in previous offensive and defensive battles of Nirvana City, the opponent used the city gates as a breakthrough, and Nirvana also used the city gates as a breakthrough.

The gate serves as a defensive point. Even if the attacker enters the city through other means, the city gate will be used as a strategic point to prevent the defender from escaping, or to find helpers from outside to enter the city for support!

Why do both attackers and defenders attach great importance to city gates? It is because city gates are the weakest part of the city's defense system. The city is surrounded by city walls in addition to city gates. The defense of city walls is extremely high.

Where can they eat it?

But it's different with the ram. The ram is a specialized siege vehicle, which causes extremely high damage to the city wall. As long as it has it, the city wall will become as fragile as the city gate. Just imagine, when the city wall becomes

When the city gate is as fragile as the city gate, who would be stupid enough to squeeze the city gate? With gunfire blaring, as long as the city wall is destroyed, the entire city will become flat. How can it be defended?

A ramming vehicle design drawing can build 10 ramming vehicles, and 10 ramming vehicles are enough to destroy a wall!

However, Wei Bin does not intend to participate in the bidding for this rush car. Of course, if the price is reasonable, it doesn't matter if he takes it. If the price is too high, there is no need at all, because the rush car has a huge advantage.

At the same time, there is also a fatal weakness, that is, the ram is a melee siege equipment, which can only be used when it is close to the city wall. However, when the ram is close to the city wall, it will enter the shooting range of the defender's internal players. At that time,

Even if the city wall is destroyed, these ram cars will not survive. If the price of the final ram car design drawing suddenly changes,

Breaking through 100,000 gold is equivalent to using 100,000 gold to exchange for a wall on the defensive side, and this does not include the cost of materials!

Of course, exchanging 100,000 gold for a city wall on the defensive side is not a big loss in theory, but in Wei Bin's development strategy, attacking other gang cities has not yet been included in the plan. The attacking side has always been

At a disadvantage, the battle is about money. Before Nirvana has enough money and the certainty of victory, Wei Bin will not joke about the names of the whole gang and do such a risky thing!

Since there are no plans to conquer other people's gang cities in the short term, why spend a lot of money on it? Isn't this what Wei Bin just said when he persuaded the vote dealers? Spend money on places where the value can increase or

The right place to improve your strength is the way to go!

"I'll pay you 20,000 gold!"

"Thirty thousand!"

"I'll give you 50,000 gold!"

The auction had just started, and people started to increase the price like crazy, trying not to give in, because the people present were all smart people, and they knew that the final transaction price of this design drawing could not be this, so in order to save time, but also to

To give others the illusion that you are rich, you raise the price significantly in order to make others quit!

When the price soared to 100,000 gold, the price growth rate gradually slowed down!

"101,000 gold"

"102,000 gold!"


When it reached 120,000 gold, a voice sounded!

"125,000 gold! Everyone, sell me Xingtian to save face!"

It’s my old acquaintance, the Assassin’s League gang leader Xing Tian! Why does he want this blueprint? What does he want to do? Isn’t it obvious? More than a month ago, during the dark invasion incident, dark creatures almost destroyed the Assassin’s League’s gang city.

, Nirvana suddenly took advantage of the situation, destroyed their city lord's palace, destroyed their city core, and obtained a large amount of gang funds and technology points. Although they could not defend it even if Nirvana did not take action, it was Nirvana who initiated it after all.

After a final blow, coupled with their long-standing hatred for Nirvana and the masked man's strategic policy against Nirvana, what is Xing Tian going to do with this car-rushing design?

This chapter has been completed!
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