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Chapter 458 Holy Beast Mountain

"Well, it should be. Otherwise, why have I only seen sacred beasts and never heard of rumors about them?"

"Is it possible that holy beasts can be captured like ordinary rare beasts on Xuanwu Island? Then this Holy Beast Mountain teleportation stone will be priceless!"

"You still want to capture the sacred beast? Don't be ridiculous. Even if you can capture it, you have to kill it first and capture it when it is on the verge of extinction, just like the ordinary rare beasts on Xuanwu Island. But the problem is, you

Can you beat the holy beast? Wild bosses are generally stronger, don’t think too much, just go to sleep!”

For a while, everyone made random guesses about the riddle the host had played.

"Master, please be sure to take this Holy Beast Mountain teleportation stone. My memory has recovered somewhat under the stimulation of this Holy Beast Mountain teleportation stone. Didn't you ask me before about what the Chaos Continent is like where we were born?

Existence, how should we get there? The secret is here, my intuition tells me that as long as I get the Holy Beast Mountain teleportation stone, everything will be solved!" At this time, the ancient dragon soul suddenly reacted from the precious beast space.


"Master, I also remembered. I know where this Holy Beast Mountain is. It is the passage connecting the Middle-earth Continent and the Chaos Continent. It is the only way to the Chaos Continent. If you want to go to the Chaos Continent, it is

You can't get around this Holy Beast Mountain no matter what! So Master, if you want to go to Chaos Continent, our birthplace, you must get this Holy Beast Mountain teleportation stone!" The Jasper Kirin appeared out of nowhere.


"In that case, I am determined to get the Holy Beast Mountain teleportation stone today!" Wei Bin laughed confidently! He didn't dare to say anything else, but the money he carried today

Nirvana City is currently at level four, and the maximum number of people a gang city can accommodate has increased from one million to two million. Due to the bonuses of attack towers and defense towers, it is much more difficult for players to challenge the arena.

Reduced, and also covered by the Tower of Experience. If necessary, you can directly spend money to buy a large amount of experience! It can be said that now is the time when Nirvana City is at its peak, with a daily floating population of nearly ten million. Even Nirvana City's arena charges 5

Silver, people are still happy to challenge the Hero Trial. Now the challenge fee is up to 200,000 gold per day. The system charges 90. Wei Bin earns a net profit of 20,000 gold! The Experience Tower earns 10,000 gold per day, and the city fee is 10 copper, making a net profit of 10,000 gold per day.

, 4000 gold for the high-end auction house, 2000 gold for the blacksmith shop, 4000 gold for the Tiantian auction house in Baishi City. As for pharmacies, inns, taverns, Tiantian treasure shops, etc., due to the need to purchase items, they only make a slight profit and earn tax money.


As for Qinglu City, since the business circle centered on Qinglu City has been formed, major pharmacies, equipment stores, inns and other stores have been established one after another. Even if the players are jealous of Wei Bin, it will not help. It is time to enter the city.

You have to enter the city, because the Xixia Kingdom is the same as the Stone Forest Kingdom. The system pharmacy and equipment store only sell some low-level items. Players have no need for those items for a long time! The conditions for establishing a gang city in the Maritime Kingdom are extremely harsh. So far, Xixia has

There is only Qinglu City, a city built by players! Therefore, Qinglu City has no competitors at all in Xixia. Wei Bin took advantage of the situation and set the city entry fee to 1 silver. This is a price that no gang city dares to set.

Nirvana City

I don’t even dare, or it’s not necessary!

Take Nirvana City as an example. The entrance fee is only 10 coppers. This is because other buildings in the city have high income, such as the arena. If your entrance fee is higher, the floating population will naturally be smaller, and the corresponding arena income will be less.

It has been reduced. Instead of making a profit on the city entry fee, it is better to let players into the city at a low price and then drive consumption in other stores. For example, increase the challenge fee of the arena to 5 silver! Why are there so many free tours in reality?

Travel agency? Do you think it’s really free? When you arrive at a tourist attraction, you will either be forced to spend money, or you will be tricked into buying health care products after attending a lecture. In the same way, lower the threshold first and let you get on the bus!

While the entry fee for all guild cities is set at 10 coppers, Qinglu City dares to set a price of 1 silver. Why? Because there are no competitors, there is currently only one player-built city in the entire Xixia Kingdom, Qinglu City, and the business circle is also

It has been formed, but what about Nirvana City? There are dozens or hundreds of gang cities in the jurisdiction of Baishi City, not to mention Baishi City, which is as prosperous as Nirvana City. Players have many choices!

At present, the daily floating population of Qinglu City is only half of that of Nirvana City, about five million. The entrance fee to the city alone is fifty thousand gold. The combined income of other large and small buildings such as the arena and auction house also amounts to seven or eight thousand gold. The total income per day is

Profit of 60,000 gold. Of course, the entry fee at this price is only short-lived. When Xixia has a second gang city, the entry fee of Qinglu City will naturally be reduced. However, as more and more Xixia players enter the city every day, the entry fee will naturally decrease.

Fee income will also increase!

There is another major source of income, which is the ports of the Xixia Kingdom and the Dali Kingdom controlled by the Twilight Fleet. Due to the Twilight Fleet’s dominant position in these two maritime countries, all other forces want to conduct maritime trade with these two maritime countries.

, to exchange the goods between the two sides, you must pay a protection fee! The protection fee can be paid with the existing materials on the ship, or with gold coins. The specific payment amount is 30% of the value of the goods, if you need to rent a Twilight Fleet transport ship

, you need to pay 40. Currently, just choosing to pay with gold coins every day is up to 50,000 gold!

To sum up, Wei Bin's current net income from Nirvana City, Qinglu City and the port is as high as 160,000 gold per day! This is 160,000 gold! Not to mention making money, most other gangs are good if they don't owe anything.

, even if he makes money, he can only earn 30,000 to 40,000 gold per day at most, which is incomparable! On the eve of the martial arts tournament, Wei Bin compiled all his funds, totaling 6.5 million gold. During the martial arts tournament, someone opened a special

Wei Bin placed all the bets on himself at once. Although the odds were only 0.5, on this day alone, his worth increased to nearly 10 million gold! In other words, Wei Bin brought 10 million gold coins today.

Come to participate in this auction, if you can't get this Holy Beast Mountain teleportation stone...

In fact, Wei Bin not only has a high income, but also has a lot of expenses. Just ordering warship equipment from the Xixia Kingdom every week costs 75,000 gold. Then there are the salaries of his employees and the money to find people to do things.

expenses, such as just to complete Duan Yanqing’s work a few days ago

He paid 50,000 gold for the task! He also spent 10,000 gold to find a public relations master to do Nirvana’s public relations. On the eve of the war, in order to accumulate more military resources, Wei Bin took photos of more virtual cities and subsidized the gang from his own pocket.

2.8 million gold. Without these expenditures, Wei Bin’s total assets would now be as high as 13 million gold!

"Holy Beast Mountain, as the name suggests, is a place where holy beasts often hang out. So what are holy beasts? As we all know, there are already many ancient dragon souls and destiny mysterious phoenixes on the market. These rare beasts are all divine beasts, and

The Holy Beast is indeed as you think, a rare beast that is one level more powerful than the Divine Beast, but there is actually another layer of relationship between the two! Do you know why, like the Ancient Dragon Soul, the Mysterious Destiny

Do mythical beasts like Phoenix have an independent consciousness? The root of this lies in the sacred beast. The mythical beast is actually just a clone transformed by a trace of the sacred beast's divine thoughts. It is the sacred beast's divine thoughts that give the divine beast its autonomous consciousness!

There can be thousands of sacred beasts, but each sacred beast is unique! Do you want to capture a sacred beast to serve yourself? Haha, if you want, then the Holy Beast Mountain teleportation stone in front of you

Don’t miss it! The Holy Beast Mountain teleportation stone is not easy to get! The starting price of this teleportation stone is 300,000 gold! Everyone, please seize the opportunity!" the host said with excitement.

"Damn it, this is really a place where holy beasts appear. The holy beasts are so strong, so how strong do they have to be?"

"Yes, if you can capture a holy beast as a pet, wouldn't it go sideways in the future?"

"Think too much! Even if the holy beast can really be captured, can you beat it? If this teleportation stone can teleport 1,800 people at once, then there may be hope of conquering it. The teleportation stone in front of you is like this.

It seems that it can only be teleported by one person. If it can be teleported by multiple people, the host must have explained it already. The reason why the moderator did not specify the number of people teleported must be because he was afraid of affecting the price, so he did not explain that it was only possible for single-person teleportation! You

A person wants to challenge a holy beast alone?"

"Yes, the thing is indeed a good thing, but it is a pity that it is useless even if a single person teleports there. Even if a single person can attack the holy beast, that will be a matter of the later stage. By then, there may be a person with full level and divine equipment.

Possibly! But it’s still several years away from that stage, why would you take a photo of it so early and keep it at the bottom of the box for several years?”

"You can't say that! It's normal to say that the previous combat laboratory design drawings don't need to be suppressed, but this Holy Beast Mountain teleportation stone absolutely needs to be suppressed. This kind of rare item is definitely a rare thing in the world.

, the combat laboratory may have other ways to obtain it in the future, but the ways to obtain the Holy Beast Mountain teleportation stone are definitely very few. If I have the strength to go to the Holy Beast Mountain in the future, but I did not get it because of my soft-heartedness today.

Wouldn’t it be a waste of my life to place this teleportation stone?”

For a while, there were all kinds of things. Some were hiding their intentions to persuade others not to take pictures so that they could take advantage of the opportunity. Others were knowingly knowing that they had no money and deliberately deceiving people and instigating people to bid randomly so that they could watch the fun.

Dameng, dreaming that he was shopping with a cool holy beast, Wei Bin sneered at it, you people, you think too much

Too much, what does this Holy Beast Mountain teleportation stone have to do with you?

"I'm offering 1 million gold coins, but I hope you will bear the pain and part with me!" At this moment, a discordant voice came from Wei Bin's box!

Wei Bin was not taken advantage of. He did this firstly to dissuade most people, and secondly to warn others not to try to compete with him for the teleportation stone of the Holy Beast Mountain. He is very rich and has no interest in this Holy Beast Mountain.

The teleportation stone is a must-win!

Wei Bin's price for this Holy Beast Mountain Teleportation Stone is probably over one million gold coins. He believes that the Holy Beast Mountain Teleportation Stone is worth the money, and he is also convinced that the final auction price of this Holy Beast Mountain Teleportation Stone will definitely be over one million gold coins!

"Damn it, it's him again? Is he that rich? Did all his money come from the strong wind?"

"Who says it's not the case? He has already photographed two items in succession. Doesn't he know that rain and dew are all wetted by rain and dew, so he really wants to brave the world and take pictures of three items in a row? He is really too young! So little

You don’t even understand the logic!”

"Haha, it's normal for a young man to have some edges. After today, I believe his edges will be completely smoothed away! Now there may be many forces staring at the door of the box. As long as he dares to come out of the box, he will definitely die!


For a time, all kinds of hateful words against the rich came out. No one was optimistic that Wei Bin could walk out of that box alive. As long as he was killed once, the person who killed him would know his name. By then, even if he included

If the thing inside is not exposed, he will never have peace in the future. He will be harassed and killed all the time, and will be killed and returned to Hongming Village!

"1.03 million!" At this moment, another discordant voice appeared. This person was still Xing Tian, ​​the leader of the Assassin Alliance!

"The Assassin's League is really rich, and they actually came to the auction with more than one million gold coins!"

"Hey, I still underestimated them. I thought I came to the auction with 600,000 gold coins and could take one or two items. I didn't expect that the water here is so deep. There are people with millions of gold coins alone.


Taking out a million gold coins casually is definitely not something that anyone can take out casually. If the big forces in Middle-earth are given time, even in one day, they can come up with a million gold coins. However, if

If you ask them to take it out casually, there are absolutely no forces that can do it! It's not that they don't have money, but they don't have so much liquidity. Who else except Wei Bin would hold so much liquidity? Money begets money.

Who doesn’t understand? There are two reasons why Wei Bin keeps so much working capital!

First, he has not gone through business. He is currently learning how to make money from money. What if he loses such a large sum of money? Business is not that easy, and he does not have that much.

Focus on doing business, and if he can work hard to run Nirvana well, it will be the best business!

Second, Nirvana is developing too fast. It is precisely because of the high income of Nirvana City and Qinglu City that it has attracted the covetousness of many big forces. The previous battles for Nirvana City are enough to explain many problems!

This chapter has been completed!
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