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Chapter 474 Terrifying Superimposed Damage

It is true that you can judge who is the main body based on the damage caused by the illusion and the main body to you, but that requires a very sensitive sense of smell and a very strong insight. Only the masters among the masters can do it. Even if the clone system

There are too many clones of local players, and even experts have a hard time distinguishing which one is the main body. If the clone player is also a master, he can completely control all the illusions and attack the opponent together. In this way, since all the illusions are together,

When you attack yourself, the damage is also caused at the same time. The attacked party cannot tell who is the real body and who is the illusion! If you can't even tell which one is the real body, then you will be stunned forever, and who will be stunned?


It is precisely because the Master of Illusion knows this that he respects and fears the king of the split system, God Descends! God Descends to Earth is not an ordinary split system skill. Putting aside its functions of dispersion control and immunity control, just speaking

The effects within the scope of splitting, splitting skills are roughly divided into three types from inferior to excellent. When attacking the target, the lowest level of splitting skills can only split a certain percentage of the damage to the people around the target, but cannot split the full amount of damage.

Damage is given to surrounding people, that is to say, the damage received by units around the target is lower than that of the target being attacked!

A medium splitting skill is similar to the splitting skill of Wei Bin's King of Hundreds of Weapons. Hitting an enemy has a 10% chance of hitting a splitting blow, causing the same damage to units within 5 meters around the target. This damage is more significant for the attacked enemy.

For the attacker and the surrounding units, the effect is the same. How much blood the attacked person loses is how much blood everyone around him will lose. The damage is determined based on the attack and defense relationship between the attacked person and the attacker. In this case

In this case, it is more cost-effective to attack a person with a relatively low defense, because if he has a low defense, he will receive high damage, and those around him will also receive high damage!

Advanced split-type skills, such as the God descending to earth in front of you, will not only cause the attacked person to suffer damage calculated from the attack and defense conversion between the two, but the damage received by the units around the attacked person will ignore the defense, which means that they

The damage suffered by the group of people is higher than the damage suffered by the attacked. They will suffer as much damage as the attacker attacks. This is very scary! Especially in the later stage, when everyone's defense is very high,

It is difficult to cause a lot of damage to others. At this time, as long as you want to kill someone, just aim at the people around him. Although you are attacking the people around him, he will suffer higher damage. This is this advanced division.

The meaning of skills!

Just such a one

Advanced splitting skills. As a clone-type Illusion Master, he is naturally very familiar with the ability to restrain himself in this way. Therefore, when the Illusion Master saw Wei Bin's transformation skill, he was shocked and felt a little more anxious and uneasy.


"Haha, you didn't expect it!" Wei Bin said confidently.

After saying that, Wei Bin fired all kinds of skills, all aimed at the illusions around the illusion master. Wei Bin naturally understood the skill mechanism better than anyone else. Wei Bin gave priority to using the two of Qi Ding Liuhe and Yaoyang Eclipse.

There are two group attack skills. The former can cause damage to ten surrounding units, and the latter can cause damage to five units and add immobilization effect. With the support of Yihuaqiaomu, group attack skills can be better exerted. The group attack attacks

Each illusion will be sputtered to several surrounding units. In other words, although the group attack only attacked ten illusions, in fact, with the help of grafting, it finally attacked forty units, and most of them were affected by

Repeated damage is caused, because the splash effect of grafting is irregular!

For example, there are four units in total, namely When the group attack attacks 1, with the blessing of Yihuamumu, 1 will receive damage from Yihuamumu, and at the same time it will splash to the three units 2.3.4, and the group attack is in

When attacking 2, 1.3.4 will also receive splash damage. In other words, in the end, each unit will receive 4 additional damage while receiving group attack damage!

There are about a dozen illusions at the moment, but the principle is the same. On average, each unit will receive four damage!

If it's just a matter of grafting and cooperating with group attacks, the key point is that he is still in the state of the gods descending to earth. In the state of the gods descending to earth, every attack will be splashed to everyone within the range. In other words, even if Wei Bin does not graft the grafts, there will be no

For group attack, you just attack the opponent once, and all the units around the opponent will be splashed. But now after adding in the extravagance and group attack, for example, there are ten units in total. Every time Wei Bin attacks one of the units, he will be in the state of descending from the gods.

The next step will sputter to all surrounding units, and the unit will be sputtered to three other units. Then the unit that is sputtered by the god will also trigger the transfer. This unit will sputter to other units again, and the unit that was previously sputtered

The units that are splashed by others will also trigger the splash from the gods, and then splash to everyone! In this process, most of the units that are attacked ignore defense!

Of course, different sputtering skills can only support each other once. For example, a target sputtered by a God descending from the earth can only trigger the splash effect once, but the target splashed by this shift cannot trigger the splash effect of the God descending from the earth again.

In the same way, the target that is splattered by the deity can only trigger the splash effect of the god descending to earth again. The target that is sputtered by the deity this time cannot trigger the splash of the deity. Otherwise, the splash effect will be triggered again.

If you shoot it, wouldn't it become infinite sputtering?

This is very scary. Although this time there is only one more move than the previous three games, the number of attacks is six more! Although the number of attacks is six more, the actual damage is more than six times more.

, because anything involving gods descending to earth ignores defense. If we really want to calculate carefully, the damage suffered by each illusion will only be ten times higher!

This is just the damage gain brought by basic attacks. What if it is Qi Ding Liuhe? Qi Ding Liuhe can attack ten targets, which means the damage can be increased by 100 times!

In the first three rounds, he only attacked once when using the trick, but now it is equal to 10 attacks. In the first three rounds, Wei Bin's casual attack could cause a little damage, but now it can cause ten points of damage. Can this be said to be awesome?

If compared with Wei Bin's output under normal conditions, the output is even higher. If Wei Bin can cause a little damage under normal conditions, then Wei Bin can cause forty or fifty points of damage at this time, which is terrifying!

With the support of many explosive states, Wei Bin only used two group attacks to wipe out the health of the illusions of Master of Illusion, and the health of Master of Illusion was also reduced to half in an instant. It was really abnormal.

Got it!

Why was it that when Wei Bin went to Hongming Village for the first time, he was able to defeat hundreds of four or five players in the Eagle Adventure Group on his own? It was because of the gods descending to earth!

Maybe some people are beginning to question why, after Wei Bin's two group attacks just now, all the illusions lost health but the Master of Illusion only lost half of his health? Isn't it that after the gods came down to earth to join, most of the damage was

Ignoring defense? Since

Most of the damage is caused by ignoring defense, so the advantage of Illusion Master's body defense being higher than that of Illusion is naturally in vain. Their blood volume at this time should be about the same. Even if Illusion Master has a lot of blood left, it won't be much more, that is,

It's just a little more health that doesn't ignore defense. The illusions only have 10 health left. It's reasonable that the Illusion Master's health should only be around 2030. Why does the Illusion Master still have 50 health at this time?

The reason lies in the nature of illusions or clones. When people fight fantasy players, they habitually distinguish which is the illusion and which is the true body through two points. First, judging by the damage they have received.

, whoever causes the most damage to himself is the true body. This is more applicable when there are relatively few illusions! And what is the basis for players to distinguish the true body and illusions through this? The basis is that the illusion has a passive skill, which is only

It can cause 10 damage of the main body. In fact, the attack of the illusion is exactly the same as that of the main body, except that the final damage is multiplied by 10. If the damage of the illusion is 10 of the damage of the main body, there is a high probability that it will not be able to break the opponent's defense! Therefore, the attack of the illusion and

The main body is the same, so it is most reasonable to balance the output of the illusion through skills!

The second point is to judge which is the illusion and which is the true body by the damage you cause to the illusion. Generally speaking, the one that loses more blood is the illusion, and the one that loses less blood is the true body. People use this to judge the authenticity.

What is the basis? The basis is that the defense of illusions is the same as that of the main body, but illusions have an additional passive skill, which is to increase the damage received by 100. In other words, the fundamental reason why these illusions appear to be fragile is not because of their defense.

Low, but they received double the damage, so although the Illusion Master was also within the scope of Wei Bin's double group attack, his final remaining HP was much more than these illusions!

The two passive skills of the illusion are not static, but the basic principles are the same, but the proportions are different. Some illusions can cause 20 damage to the main body, while others will take 300 damage, it varies!

In fact, these two skills of illusions seem to be weak, but they are actually very cool. First of all, since they are illusions, they must be weaker than the main body. There will be similar skills like these two. It depends on the strength of the skills.

, in contrast, reducing the percentage of damage caused and increasing the percentage of damage received is actually beneficial to clone players!

This chapter has been completed!
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