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Chapter 490 Close range bombardment

"Give me the order to turn the ship around and fight them! By the way, the patrol ships around us will expand their patrol range. If you find a fleet appearing in other directions, whether it is their people or not, you must report it to me as soon as possible!" Crocodile

He ordered that the only possibility he could think of was that Wei Bin not only had these 1,000 warships, Wei Bin must have other fleets that had not surfaced, so while he ordered to fight against Wei Bin's 1,000 warships,

, did not forget to order the patrol ships around him to strengthen patrols. Once other unknown fleets were discovered, he could make a timely decision whether to fight or withdraw to the base camp and rely on the base camp's artillery fire to assist in defense!

"Leader of the Wei Gang, the scouts just sent news that the 2,000 caravels where Crocodile's flagship is located have turned around and are heading in our direction!" the first mate reported to Wei Bin.

"Okay! Accept the challenge! Inform the scouts not to return to the main force and continue to explore the enemy's situation. Once you find that Crocodile has other fleets coming from our direction, you must report it as soon as possible! If you encounter other warships of Crocodile on the way, record it.

Stay, don't engage in combat, prioritize the detection of the enemy's situation!" While Wei Bin ordered the attack, he also ordered the patrol ships to continue to detect the enemy's situation. At this time, the addition of dozens of their warships would have a negative impact on the battle situation.

It didn't have much impact. On the contrary, the closer to the battle, the more he had to observe the surrounding environment. Wei Bin was also afraid. Why didn't he worry that he would be cheated by other Crocodile fleets?

Soon, the two armies will soon enter the range of artillery fire from both sides!

"Everyone listen to my order, stop advancing, ignore their flagship, and attack other warships first. We must make full use of our mobility and range advantages, retreat and fire at the same time! Use chain bombs uniformly to destroy their warships.

Remove the ship's mast and reduce their movement speed!" Wei Bin ordered!

Wei Bin's idea is to use chain bombs first. Chain bombs can effectively destroy the mast of the enemy ship, reduce or even stop the enemy ship's activities. It will cause less damage to the hull shell. After the enemy's movement speed is reduced, their mobility advantage will be

It’s even more obvious! And the most important thing is that Crocodile will soon find that their mobility is not as good as Wei Bin’s. At that time, they will only be beaten passively, and they will not be able to hit Wei Bin’s side with a single shot! At this time, Crocodile will

Crocodile will definitely order the withdrawal of the base camp and rely on the base camp to resist Wei Bin, so Wei Bin gave priority to using chain bombs. When Crocodile discovers the mobility gap and wants to retreat, he will find that his fleet has been

Wei Bin's chain bullet destroyed the mast

Rod, the speed is much lower than before. In other words, Wei Bin's operation is to prevent them from retreating to the base camp!

This is why Wei Bin changed his normal behavior and changed grape bombs to chain bombs! As long as they drag Crocodile's fleet at sea, they have a chance to capture Crocodile. If Wei Bin releases Crocodile's tiger

If he returns to the mountain, then his operation today basically failed. With the gap between their warships, it is almost impossible to win a tough battle!

Soon, Crocodile entered the firing range of the ace fleet led by Wei Bin. He saw more than 2,000 cannons of the ace fleet firing, and countless shells landed on Crocodile's fleet!

"Everyone listen to my orders, fight back, and use chain bombs. Don't let them escape!" Crocodile ordered.

"Boss, boss, they haven't entered our firing range yet, we can't fire!" Crocodile's first mate stammered, and he seemed to have realized something at this time!

"What? Not within range? Then how did they fire at us? Could it be" Crocodile also had a premonition of something!

"Damn it, I should have thought of it earlier. They must be equipped with the latest high-tech products of the Xixia Kingdom. They are equipped with gun mounts for the artillery, which increases the range of the cannon by 0.1 nautical miles. Their Dusk Fleet is originally a force of the Xixia Kingdom and can carry out

This kind of equipment makes sense! Don’t panic, everyone, so what if we let them fire two rounds of cannons first? With their warships, it’s impossible to beat us! All the warships continued to move forward, and saw that their flagship was not

, give me priority to sink him! Use heavy bombs!" Crocodile remained calm in the face of danger and quickly calculated the time required to enter the firing range. At their speed, it would take 36 seconds for the situation to reach 0.1 nautical miles, including both sides.

They are all moving, which means that it only takes about 18 seconds for Crocodile to attack them. The artillery fire can only attack them once every 10 seconds. In other words, it is fully calculated. At most, the ace fleet can fire one or two rounds of artillery fire first.

What can you do with two wheels?

At the same time, because Crocodile and Wei Bin had different goals, Wei Bin wanted to capture Crocodile alive, so he ordered a chain bullet attack, but Crocodile

It was for victory and to seize the warships of the ace fleet, so Crocodile immediately issued an order to destroy the flagship. As long as the ace fleet lost its command, it would become a mess!

However, more than half a minute later, the first mate reported to Crocodile again!

"Boss, it's not good. Their fleet has been retreating and has been unable to enter our shooting range! Moreover, they are all three-masted warships, and their natural movement speed is faster than our caravels!"

said the first mate.

"Damn it, they are so cunning! Give me the order, don't fight, and return to the base camp at full speed!" Crocodile gritted his teeth and said. He has been in the waters of Dali for many years. When has he ever suffered such a loss? He has always beaten others.

I have no power to fight back. How have I ever experienced today's predicament of being passively beaten and unable to fire even a single shot?

"Guild Leader Wei, they have retreated! They want to return to the base camp, what should we do? With the damage we have caused to their warships so far, we can only leave part of their warships behind, and it is impossible to prevent them all from returning to the base camp!" Wei Bin's first mate

He said hurriedly, he naturally understood Wei Bin's thoughts, but at the moment, since they had only fired a few rounds, they could only leave a small part of Crocodile's warships, and it was impossible to keep them all. In other words, if

Crocodile wants to return to the base camp, and Wei Bin can't stop them.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, give me the order, don't retreat and fight at the same time, we will fire in their direction while marching, forcing them to fight decisively, and send another liaison offline to notify the large forces in sea area a, so that they can fight

Stop, be sure to delay for another fifteen minutes!" Wei Bin ordered!

Soon, the ace fleet stopped retreating and changed its retreat to advancing, heading in the direction of the Crocodile fleet.

"Boss, they are heading in our direction and have entered our shooting range!" Chief Crocodile said.

"Ignore them, we are heading towards the base camp and firing at them at the same time!" Crocodile ordered.

"Report to the leader of the Wei Gang, they started to fight back, but their driving direction did not change. They were heading towards the base camp while firing at us!" Wei Bin's first mate said.

"Keep approaching them!" Wei Bin ordered.

With ace

The fleet continued to approach, and soon Crocodile received the report again!

"Boss, they are getting closer to us, only 0.2 nautical miles away from us!" Crocodile's first mate reported.

"Strange, are they trying their best? Is there anything unusual around us and in the base camp? Is there a fleet? And is there a new fleet appearing in sea area a?" Crocodile was a little confused. Could it be that the other party's

Reinforcements have arrived? Or the other party must use these 1,000 warships to contain themselves in order to achieve a certain purpose. For example, another fleet of the other party is attacking the base camp? Or is there another fleet appearing in sea area a?

Otherwise, why would the opponent dare to attack a stone with an egg? Want to use 1,000 backward three-masted warships to compete with 2,000 caravels? No one with any brains would do this. Your three-masted warships are indeed equipped with an additional 0.1 nautical mile.

gun mount, but now they are 0.2 nautical miles apart from each other. Both sides are within the range of the other party's artillery fire, and your gun mount has no effect at all!

Thinking of this, Crocodile became more and more certain that the fleet in front of him had a conspiracy!

"Back to boss, I just confirmed it again! There are no abnormalities around us or around the base camp, and no new fleet has appeared in sea area a!" A few minutes later, the first mate reported the enemy situation to Crocodile again.

"Haha, no matter what conspiracy he has, I will make sure they never come back today! Everyone obeys the order, stop retreating, counterattack on the spot, and use grape bullets to meet the enemy!" Crocodile ordered!

At this time, under the indiscriminate bombing by the ace fleet, Crocodile's fleet had lost more than 200 warships. There was no other way. The ace fleet used chain bombs to destroy the Crocodile fleet.

The masts of these warships whose sailing speed had been reduced soon fell behind. In order to save the large force, Crocodile could not wait for these warships whose speed had been reduced. He knew that if that was the case, he would

It just played into Wei Bin's hands!

"Everyone listens to the order, stop sailing, and attack on the spot. Everyone uses grapeshot. Leave their flagship alone and attack their other warships first!" Wei Bin also ordered the fleet to stop, and the cannonballs in the sailing state hit.

The rate is much lower than in the static state, and Wei Bin once again emphasized not to attack Crocodile's flagship because he wanted to capture Crocodile alive!

This chapter has been completed!
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