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Chapter 509: Lock him up for half a month!

Wei Bin had just wiped out the Crocodile Pirates and eliminated Duan Yanqing's troubles. As the general of Dali, Wei Bin had also just made great contributions to Dali. Captain Li was sure that even if he

When the matter was reported, the superiors would scold him for being a fool and not knowing how to do things. Xiong Ba was just a viscount. There were many viscounts, but there was only one general. How dare he sue the general of his own country? What if this kind of thing happened?

Once it is really established, it will really discredit Dali Country after it spreads. Therefore, in the eyes of the senior officials, no matter whether Wei Bin is really to blame for this incident, they must clear Wei Bin of his guilt and make big things trivial.

It’s gone! Just imagine, the general bombarded the port of Dali. Isn’t this a change? If word of this spreads, the country will not be in turmoil. What’s more, anyone with a discerning eye can see this. Aoshi and Nirvana have a grudge. Nirvana

This is just for personal revenge!

It was really because Captain Li had guessed the thoughts of his superiors that he took matters into his own hands. Instead of embarrassing his superiors, he decided to excuse Wei Bin himself. In this way, he would definitely be appreciated by his superiors for his ability to do things, and be promoted and make a fortune.

, just around the corner!

Of course, there is another reason why Captain Li can take the initiative to excuse Wei Bin so decisively, and that is that he saw Wei Bin!

Think about it, the only general in the country is not far from you, can you still do something detrimental to him in front of him? Isn’t that a slap in his face? Besides, if he

If the information about this matter is really reported to the police, the superiors will also help Wei Bin resolve it. Instead of doing that, it is better for him to directly help Wei Bin resolve it. If he excuses Wei Bin in front of Wei Bin, he will definitely gain Wei Bin's favor.

Favor and appreciation, even if Wei Bin cannot help him, at least he will not harm him, but what if he chooses to report it? If there is a problem in any link, he will be the one to take the blame in the end, although Wei Bin will not be him at that time

You are your direct superior, but as far as official positions are concerned, it is not a matter of minutes to remove you as a team leader? Will the leader still worry about finding a reason when he puts small shoes on his subordinates?

But Xiongba doesn't know Wei Bin's identity. Wei Bin's appointment as a general in Dali is kept secret. Xiongba cannot know about it. If he knew, he would not choose to develop in Dali!

"Captain Li, hey, Captain Li, I was wronged! The person you should arrest is Wei Bin, not me" Xiongba yelled, how did he know Wei Bin's status in Dali Kingdom? Even now, he is still confused

In the midst of the crisis, even though I was clearly the victim, why did I end up being treated as a criminal and imprisoned for seven days? What was the reason for this?

"Hmph, it's okay for you to frame me as a meritorious official of Dali Kingdom. Imprisoning you for seven days is already considered extrajudicial mercy. Do you insist that I expose your conspiracy and give you a heavier punishment? Since you want a heavier punishment, then I will tell you

You, you use Dali Country to avenge your personal revenge, you are very cruel. How can we, Dali Country, be used by you casually? If it weren’t for the fact that you have also contributed to our Dali Country, I would

Even if I lock you up for a month, no one will say anything. Since you still want to quibble, let’s lock you up for a month!” Captain Li threatened.

"No, no, Captain Li, can't I admit my mistake? Just three days. I have seniors and juniors, and there is a gang that needs me to run. I really can't leave!" Xiong Ba saw Li

The captain was desperate and quickly changed his tone. Now that the matter has come to this, the only way to lower the sentence is to surrender. This is in the game, and it is no better than reality. If it were reality, with his financial resources and connections, unless the court sentenced him to death immediately,

Execution, otherwise, he can settle it, change the death penalty to indefinite, change the indefinite term to a fixed term, and commute the penalty after a fixed term. Basically, he can fish out a death row prisoner in three or two years!

Of course, the methods he uses to commute his sentence are all within the scope of federal law. He can spend huge sums of money to create artificial disasters, and then let the prisoner perform meritorious service to commute his sentence. As long as it is done seamlessly, no one will investigate.

Gotta come out!

But this is a game after all, and he may have a lot of connections in the game, but his connections are limited to players. Relationships with NCs are not that easy, unless he is the character of Wei Bin and has a strong relationship with Duan Yanqing.

, it is possible to avoid this prison disaster, otherwise, you will just wait to eat dirt in prison!

"Humph, what have you been doing? Don't you like to quibble? However, since you have confessed, for the sake of your repentance, I will lock you up for half a month! If you dare to bargain with me again,

I promise to give you a month to start. By then, I won’t be as easy to talk to as I am now! Humph!” After saying that, Captain Li left the scene without looking back!

It wasn't until the guards took Xiong Ba away from the scene that everyone's curiosity, which had been suppressed for a long time, finally burst out!

"Fuck you, what is Wei Bin's background? He's not even a member of this area.

Captain Li is protecting him?"

"Protecting? Is that called protecting? Is it possible for you to use this country casually? Xiongba obviously wants to use the authority of Dali State to punish Wei Bin. Do you think others are fools? If he dares to use Dali State like this, then

We must face the wrath of Dali Kingdom’s revenge at any time!”

"That's right. How can we let him use it as he pleases? If Xiongba wants to take revenge on Wei Bin, he can use his own power to fight Nirvana. No wonder Captain Li is so angry. Who would be willing to be used?"

"Xiongba is now a viscount and has been imprisoned. How high does Wei Bin's status in Dali have to be? How much contribution must he have made to Dali for Dali to treat him like this?"

"Didn't Captain Li just say that? Wei Bin wiped out Crocodile who dominated the waters of Dali Kingdom. Isn't this credit enough? As long as there are no pirates in Dali Kingdom in the future, the players who come here to develop will not be able to do anything.

Wuyang’s coming? With more people, Dali will naturally develop faster. How can such achievements be matched by a small viscount? "

"According to me, Ao Shi will be punished for his many unjust deeds. Normally Ao Shi is used to being arrogant and domineering, but due to his power, no one dares to compete with him. Nirvana can be regarded as a member of the major gangs.

The flow is clear, Nirvana has always advocated fairness and equality, and has not bowed to all evil forces. It is our blessing to have Nirvana to deal with robbers like Aoshi!"

For a time, there were divergent opinions again...

In this way, after Xiongba's gang city was destroyed, even the people were arrested and taken in. This matter immediately spread all over the country. Ao Shi, this time he really lost his face! The plaintiff sued the defendant, and the defendant even lost his face.

The plaintiff was put in jail without revealing anything. How can this be justified? Even the judge is the defendant, so how can you sue? What can you use to sue? What’s more, you are also at fault!

After the storm passed, the players saw that there was only the Nirvana City of Peace. They had no choice but to enter the City of Peace. Wei Bin acted quickly and immediately announced the auction of the land. The auction was scheduled.

After seven days, the reason why he set the date so far away is to give the players time to raise money!

Secondly, he has just wiped out Crocodile. Without the threat of this big pirate, the environment in Dali's waters will be much better.

, at least you don’t have to worry about pirates when you go out to collect resources. Once the public security environment is good, more people will naturally choose to come to Dali for development. When there are more people in Dali, the value of his land will increase, and in the future, stores will

After it is opened, the prosperity of Dali will be higher. The higher the prosperity, the higher the tax revenue of Dali. Wei Bin has changed his direction and increased tax revenue for Duan Yanqing, and his relationship with Duan Yanqing will become closer!

Third, although Xiongba was imprisoned, most of the players applauded, but that was just a sigh of relief for them. If Xiongba's gang city was destroyed, there would be a seven-day ban on reconstruction. Who knows after seven days?

What will happen? What if the Xiongba sails the fleet into Dali and destroys the Nirvana Fleet? Without the escort of the Nirvana Fleet, how can the City of Peace gain a foothold in the port? And will the Xiongba succeed?

Revenge is all within these seven days. Even though Xiongba has been in jail, the deputy gang leader is still there. Xiongba only needs to customize the combat strategy offline and let the deputy gang leader take command online! Wei Bin deliberately held the auction at

The news that it will be held in seven days is actually released to let Xiongba and other players know this deadline. After Xiongba gets this news, if he wants to take action, he will definitely take action within seven days, and then on the eighth day he will

It is impossible for Xiongba to delay the construction of the city until the eighth day, because by that time Wei Bin has already auctioned off the land, collected funds, and at the same time changed directions to win over the land owners to his side. By that time,

If Xiong Ba wanted to take action, he would be a bit reluctant. After all, those who can afford to buy land are not ordinary people, and they all have certain strength behind them. Therefore, if Xiong Ba wants to take revenge, he must take advantage of it within seven days. After seven days,

Things are about to get tricky!

Those who are interested in buying land know this truth clearly, so as long as Ao Shi does not take action within seven days, it means that the City of Peace is safe and worthy of their action. If something happens to the City of Peace within seven days, then they will

It’s not a loss, you can continue to wait and see!

Wei Bin took advantage of this mentality of both of them to set the seven-day period!

Looking at this shelling incident, Wei Bin actually had many considerations in doing so!

First, and most importantly, take revenge on Ao Shi and prevent Ao Shi from establishing a gang city near the port. The gang cities in the maritime country are not as good as those on land, especially the gang cities near the port!

This chapter has been completed!
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