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Chapter 536 Murder and heart-breaking

"Can you win? What kind of international joke are you kidding? There is only one minute left before the City Lord Token changes hands. Nirvana City will soon belong to the Assassin Alliance. At this time, in addition to the Resurrection Temple, the City Lord's Mansion, Teleportation Array, City Gate and

The gap in the city wall and most of the arrow towers are within my control. Why do you win? Once the city changes hands, our Assassin Alliance will immediately be blessed by the offensive and defensive towers, and all the arrow towers will be used by me.

, you can’t teleport any reinforcements in the teleportation formation, and you can’t even think of breaking through the gaps in the city gates and walls. By then, your entire nirvana will be unable to fly. I can’t think of a reason for you to win! However, since I have said that,

Seriously, I won't evade your questions. If you win in the end, then of course I didn't guess your plan. It can be said that I know nothing about your plan, but you know,

That's impossible, don't deceive yourself any more!" Xing Tian was already talking to Wei Bin as a winner like a king, and he couldn't think of even a single possibility of losing!

"Haha, if I really win in the end, then there is no need for you to admit that you know nothing about my plan. Everyone is discerning, who can't see it? I can tell you now that I chose the ten most critical points.

The reason why I have been chatting with you about these useless topics for minutes is because I want the whole world to see how incompetent you are. You are being played by me like a clown. From now on, you will never look up to the world again.

If you don't raise your head, you will become people's talk after dinner and the laughing stock behind their backs!" Wei Bin said with a smile.

"Haha, you say I'm a clown and I am a clown? You say you're playing with me, so you play with me? You say I'm incompetent, so you're incompetent? Don't live in your own world and lust for your child!" Xing Tian laughed.

"Haha, it's really funny. Is this Wei Bin a child? He made a hand gesture like a pistol and pointed it at us, and then said don't move, otherwise I will shoot?"

"Who knows, maybe Wei Bin is about to lose Nirvana City, his heart is almost broken, and he has already started talking nonsense!"

"Does joking rely on words? It relies on actions to prove it. What's the use of just talking? I even said I could hit a hundred! Does it work? Tsk!"

For a time, Wei Bin's words aroused the contempt of countless Assassin League parties. Who can't tell lies? I was able to speak better than you even when I was in my mother's womb!

"It's over! The Assassin's League is over!" At some point, Huang Li had brought Sword Fairy to Nirvana City.

"The League of Assassins is over? Gang leader, you seem to have said the opposite, right? In half a minute at most,

Nirvana City is about to change hands. At that time, why should Nirvana resist the Assassin Alliance? I really don’t know what Wei Bin is thinking, but he actually chatted with Xing Tian for so long at such an important moment!" Sword Fairy said.

"Kill someone, kill your heart!" Huang Li seemed to cherish his words a little, and didn't seem to want to explain anything.

"Killing and killing one's heart? Gang leader, what does this mean?" Sword Fairy asked. At this moment, Sword Fairy was really disappointed with Wei Bin. Why was Wei Bin so wise and powerful when fighting him? Why is he fighting now?

The League of Assassins started fighting, but it turned out to be such a waste? Is Nirvana City really doomed to miss him?

Jian Xianzi was once the leader of a gang, and that gang was one of the first gangs to oppose Nirvana. At that time, he was led by He Wushuang to oppose Nirvana, but he was unlucky and was the first to be killed by Wei Bin.

After that, he defected to this gang and that gang again and again. Whichever gang he defected to, that gang was disbanded by Nirvana. Finally, he stayed on the top of the Forbidden City, just like a bereaved dog, terrified all day long!

"Haven't you seen it yet? Wei Bin is about to reveal his trump card. As soon as his trump card is revealed, the Assassin Alliance coalition will collapse in an instant! It turns out that I had guessed wrong all along. Wei Bin did not want to unite the Assassin Alliance coalition forces.

All 400,000 people were trapped in Nirvana City. His real purpose was not only to kill people, but also to completely defeat Xing Tian's self-confidence, leaving an indelible psychological shadow in his heart, so that he would hear Nirvana II in the future.

I will tremble when I write this! After this battle, the status of the Assassin's League in Middle-earth will be greatly reduced. People will no longer be as afraid of the Assassin's League as before. People will think that the Assassin's League has degenerated into a sick tiger with only superficial appearance.

Okay, this is extremely detrimental to the development of a gang! Which person of insight is willing to join such an incompetent gang? What is blocking the development of a gang? It is talent! And if you want to destroy a big gang, you must not only

To defeat them, we have to exhaust their money and block their talents. Only by slowly consuming them in this way can we truly destroy a big gang! Wei Bin has played a big game of chess and laid out a big picture.

Wei Bin is an admirable competitor!" Huang Li explained.

"Gang leader, is Wei Bin as good as you said? The war situation in Nirvana City has developed to this extent, and you are still so optimistic about Wei Bin? Besides, even if he is

Wei Bin has laid out the overall situation, but you are also a master of planning. In my opinion, he is not as good as you!" Sword Fairy said flatteringly.

"In terms of layout, Wei Bin's level is not lower than mine. He doesn't care about temporary gains and losses, as long as the overall situation can develop in the direction he expected! Remember, from today on, Forbidden Summit will no longer participate.

The battle for Nirvana City, let alone his other two gang cities, or even the Conquest of the World event, the Dark Plane, etc., we must stay away from wherever there is Nirvana!" Huang Li ordered.

"Why is this? Even if Nirvana wins this battle today, we won't be like this, right? Doesn't that mean we are afraid of Nirvana?" Sword Fairy was worried at this time. I originally wanted you to conquer the enemy.

Nirvana City, you are an enemy of Nirvana, so I defected to you. Because we have a common enemy, you will naturally protect me. But if you are no longer an enemy of Nirvana, what will you do if Wei Bin comes to you for help? Are you?

Do you want to hand me over?

"Don't worry, I won't betray others. I know why you defected to me! We are just shying away from Nirvana. We should be like Wei Bin and not care about the gains and losses of a city or a pool.

, did you see Wei Bin feeling distressed when he gave up the city gate and the gap in the city wall? He didn't, because he had a more ambitious goal, and so did we. My goal is no longer Nirvana City, but the entire Nirvana! As long as I can

If Nirvana is defeated, what does a mere Nirvana city mean? In the future, I will spend my whole life laying out a plan, filling it with everything I have, and finally crushing Nirvana under my feet. I want the world to understand, and let Wei Bin know.

, I am better than him!" Huang Li couldn't help but look into the distance, as if he already had a plan in mind!

At this point, Sword Fairy has understood that Huang Li's real goal is not Nirvana City, nor the City of Peace, Qinglu City, nor Nirvana. His goal is to defeat the one who has the same strong layout ability as him.

Man——Wei Bin!

This is a game between masters, and Huang Li is the man who wants to be the strongest among the two!

"You are right. I am not saying that you are a clown and you are a clown. Only the final outcome can explain everything. It's almost time. Nirvana City will change hands in about fifteen seconds. It's time to meet you.

That’s a real trick!” Wei Bin said confidently.

"Come out, Geomancer King!" Wei Bin pointed at the sky and shouted, at the same time, Xing Tian also picked up the previous words!

"Tsk, it's really a move, I'm so good at you." Xing Tian swore directly, and Wei Bin

He's too pretentious, isn't he? There are only 15 seconds left and he still wants to make a comeback? However, before he could say the word "father", suddenly, the entire Nirvana City was shaken!

"Holy shit, what happened? Was there an earthquake just now?"

"No way, there will be earthquakes in the game?"

"Could it be a sign of a city changing hands? Did Wei Bin miscalculate the time?"

"No, look at the flag floating above the City Lord's Mansion. It's still from Nirvana. It shouldn't have changed hands yet!"

"Wei Bin seemed to have said something about Geomancer King just now?"

For a moment, everyone started making wild guesses!

"Here it comes!" Huang Li said excitedly, while looking in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion. The thing that can make a comeback in the last ten seconds must be in the City Lord's Mansion, because the City Lord's token is there!

"Report to the gang leader, it's not good. There was a turmoil in the city lord's mansion just now. After the turmoil, a boss appeared out of thin air! Killing all the people in our city lord's mansion!"

"Report to the leader, a boss appeared near our arrow tower. The moment it appeared, all the brothers within 20 meters around us were killed!"

"Report to the leader, a boss appeared near the teleportation array. Just like their situation, all the brothers within 20 meters around us were killed in just a moment!"


Five consecutive reports reached Xing Tian's ears almost at the same time. For a moment, Xing Tian's mind suddenly went blank. There was nothing left, no joy of the impending victory, and no hope for Wei Bin.

Suspicion and hatred, and no fear of the unexpected situation just now, just a blank!

Yes, this is human nature that everyone has experienced. When something happens that you really don’t want to see, you will be in this state, confused!

"What's wrong with you, Gang Leader?"

"Gang leader, what should we do?"

After a long time, Xing Tian was finally awakened by the voices of countless people.

"What's going on? Please tell me what happened just now and what's the situation now?" Xing Tian yelled.

This chapter has been completed!
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