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Chapter 55 Running Business

"Hello, the total daily commission for the mercenaries you selected is 300 gold days. Since you are the Viscount of Baishi City, you enjoy a 20% discount, which will be deducted from the Nirvana City gang funds every day until you terminate the employment relationship or

The gang funds are not enough to pay the commission. In addition, if the mercenary dies, you need to compensate 10 times the commission. Of course, the deposit for the compensation needs to be paid in advance. In five minutes, all the mercenaries will be in place in Nirvana City! "A new gang.

The station will have an initial gang fund of 5,000, and the compensation naturally needs to be paid in advance. Otherwise, what if the mercenary dies and there is no money to compensate? The compensation deposit will be returned intact after the employment relationship is terminated.


Wei Bin quickly arranged his respective duties and patrol ranges to ensure that there were no dead spots in the city and mutual support was quick!

"Brothers, we have made an appointment to teach you how to make money now. Now everyone opens the list of gang members and chooses to sort by the time they joined the gang. After sorting, everyone will get a serial number. Remember your serial number. From now on

12 people will return to Nirvana City before the start, and those who are not online will be postponed later. All deputy gang leaders, hall leaders, internal affairs envoys, and official envoys will all return to Nirvana City! Before returning to the city, store the props in the backpack except supplies in the warehouse!

"Five minutes later, all officials and businessmen were in place.

"The internal affairs asked me to make money to arrange business positions for these 12 people. Then everyone will talk to Qian Weiyi, the financial officer of the bank, and receive the banknotes. The face value of the banknotes varies depending on the level. Players with levels 10-20 can receive them.

3 gold silver tickets, 20-30 level players can receive 5 gold silver tickets. Currently there are two kinds of business items in our bank, grain and vegetables. The essence of business is to buy low and sell high.

The price will be refreshed every five minutes. Everyone will buy food together. After buying food, if there is enough money left in the banknote to buy vegetables, then buy one or two more vegetables. Try to spend all the money in the banknote.

The lowest price of grain is 49 silver, the medium price is 73 gold, the highest price is 94 silver, the lowest price of vegetables is 6 silver, the middle price is 25 silver, the highest price is 45 silver, if the current price is not the lowest price, then wait.

Buy later when the lowest price is reached." With the personnel in place, Wei Bin began to explain how to run a business.

After a while, the price finally dropped to the lowest: "Okay, now the food has dropped to 49 silver. All players at levels 10-20 will buy 6 grains, and the remaining 6 silver will buy a vegetable. Players above level 20

If you buy 10 grains and 1 vegetable, don't worry about the remaining 4 silver in the banknote. Remember, all commodities have the same high and equal low principle, that is

It is said that price increases and price decreases are synchronized. When the price of food is the highest, other commodities are the highest price, and when the price is the lowest, they are the lowest price, so when buying, just buy them together. Okay, after buying the goods, everyone will join me

Leave the city, follow my route, we will go to the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce in Baishi City to sell these goods!" With that said, Wei Bin led the people out of the city.

After leaving the city is Erhai, which is the map where Wei Bin will do the main mission after level 25. From Erhai to Baishi City, you need to pass through Songshan Mountain and then to Baishi City. Every time you run a business, you must cross a map to get the best value for money.

If gangs in adjacent maps do business with each other, they won't make much money, because the prices are similar, and if the distance is too far, it will be a waste of time, and the price/performance ratio will be even lower. It takes a long time to study the truth.

figure out.

A gang station can be established in the southeast, northwest and northwest directions of each map. Nirvana City is in the north of Erhai Lake and Songshan Mountain is in the northeastern corner of Erhai Lake. The distance is relatively close. It saves the time of crossing the map and only reaches Songshan Mountain.

Finally, you need to cross the entire map of Songshan Mountain to reach Baishi City, but this is a necessary thing, and no one can do it falsely.

You cannot ride a mount when running business. It takes about forty minutes to get from Nirvana City to the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce in White Rock City. If it is a gang station in other places, it will take more than ten minutes to be considered normal. The first reason is because of the distance.

The gang station in the north of Erhai Lake is definitely closer to Baishi City than the gang station in the west of Erhai Lake! Secondly, because of the monster level, the monster level in Songshan Mountain of Erhai Lake is low, so players can naturally run business unimpeded, like

How do you do business in other gang stations on levels 40, 50, or even 60 or 70 maps? You need to have scouts in front to open the way, and you need to make about 10,086 turns to avoid wild monsters along the way. It is very inefficient!

"Okay, the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce is in front of you. When you sell food, you need to sell it at the highest price. Five minutes after the highest price, the price will be refreshed and become the lowest price. This cycle continues. When the lowest price is reached, everyone will buy it. 1

Level commodity salt, just buy some cheap products with the remaining fraction. No matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat!" After a while, the price of the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce reached the highest level, and the selling price of grain was 1 gold. Players of more than ten levels directly earned money from their banknotes.

Once you reach 6 gold, those who are over level 20 will earn it directly.

After reaching 10 gold, five minutes later I started to buy the lowest price table salt, the unit price is 60 silver. Players of more than ten levels directly bought 10 pieces, and players of more than 20 levels bought 16 pieces, and immediately set off on their way home!

It was a smooth journey along the way. There were not many wild monsters in Erhai Lake and Songshan Mountain. In addition, under the leadership of Wei Bin, everyone deliberately avoided the places where monsters were concentrated. Even if they encountered a few monsters, they were eliminated by Wei Bin.

The high-level ones were immediately beheaded by their horses.

After more than half an hour, these 10 officials and 12 businessmen finally returned to Nirvana City after experiencing thousands of mountains and rivers.

"Brothers, according to the principle that all commodities are of the same high and low, wait until the grain reaches the highest price before selling it!" After a while, the grain price rose to 94 silver, and the selling price of salt rose to 1 gold and 20 silver. Everyone bought the goods one after another.

Throwing it out, a player with more than ten levels earned 12 gold from the silver ticket, and a player with more than 20 levels earned 20 gold. The final increase in gang funds will be after subtracting the value of the initial silver ticket:

Wei Bin completed the business mission, the gang fund increased by 30 gold, the gang contribution was 20 points, and the personal fund was 30 silver.

Bing Xin completed the business mission, the gang fund increased by 30 gold, the gang contribution was 20 points, and the personal fund was 30 silver.

Yagami completed the business mission, the gang fund increased by 18 gold, the gang contribution was 12 points, and the personal fund was 18 silver.

The gang channel was in an uproar.

"Let me go, what did you do? How did you get so much money at once? My total assets are only a few dozen silver, what did you do to get the money so fast?" Some uninformed players were discussing.

"Everyone, please be quiet! I am Wei Bin, the leader of the gang, and I am here to explain to you how to make money!" After the gang was quiet, Wei Bin continued, "These people are businessmen, and they were just running business for the gang with me.

, today is Saturday, and the profit from running a business has doubled, so it only took an hour and a half to earn dozens of silver. The higher the level, the more you earn! In fact, I think this silver coin is not too much, at best it is an accessory to the reward.

That's all. In addition, they also get the tribute they deserve. After our gang researches the corresponding technology, the tribute can be redeemed in Nirvana City for crafting plans, recipes, formulas, etc. Even if you are not a life player, it doesn't matter. You can change hands.

You can get a few golds per sale, and the Bang Gong can be exchanged for double experience points at the Guild NPC, so that everyone can upgrade at a speed that is doubled! In addition, from

Judging from the technology of the Military Machinery Pavilion, the tribute also involves the future training system! Finally! I decided to distribute gang points to every brother who runs a business. A business run will reward 10 points! I believe you have seen that, in the gang warehouse

The level 20 palace-gifted suit lying down only requires 300 points. If you work hard for a few days, you can wear a royal-gifted suit! I promise you that there will be more and more such equipment, as long as you have a gang.

Points, wearing such a suit is definitely not a dream! Finally, what I want to tell everyone is that the gang is not mine alone, but all of ours! Only when everyone works hard for it can we become stronger and stronger.

Only after being bullied by others can I hold my head high in front of relatives and friends and proudly say that I am a Nirvana person!" Only officials can access and withdraw from the gang warehouse at will. Ordinary members can only deposit and not withdraw. Only the gang leader sets certain conditions. Ordinary members

You can only get it if you meet certain conditions. For example, if a certain piece of equipment is priced at one gold by the gang leader, then anyone can redeem it by paying one gold. And no matter who you are, you can only deposit and withdraw things from the virtual gang warehouse in the city, not in the wild.

, otherwise if you just explode someone else’s equipment and put it into the gang warehouse, wouldn’t it be a game loophole?

As for this point, it is a virtual currency created by Wei Bin. Tianlong does not recognize it, so a workman is needed to record the points and exchange them for them.

"Long live the gang leader!"

"I love you, Gang Leader!"

"I want the imperial gift suit!"

"Ahem! Everyone be quiet for a moment. Now, I will teach you how to do gang tasks! You can get money, tribute or experience points by doing gang tasks. There are seven buildings here, among which there are six other buildings except the city lord's palace.

There are NPCs who issue tasks. Some NPC tasks provide experience, some tasks require money, and some tasks require tribute. In addition, I promise everyone that every time you complete a gang task, the work envoy will give you

Everyone records some points. You can clearly see how many ring tasks each person has done in the gang interface. The top three who complete the most tasks every week can also get an additional 20010050 points reward. Now start to change people to run the business, and others will complete the tasks.

Let’s do it all!” After saying that, Wei Bin took the lead and walked to the NC at the bank.

If you want to upgrade buildings such as the Military Machine Pavilion or develop certain recipes and technologies, you cannot do without two points. One is gang funds, and the other is technology points. Both are indispensable. Gang funds are obtained by running businesses, and technology points are obtained by completing gang tasks.

This chapter has been completed!
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