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Chapter 659 The power of the Heart-Ending Halo

The body skill can not only affect the hit and dodge, but also affect the understanding and defense. 100 points of body skill can increase 1 point of understanding and 1 point of understanding defense. This is fair to all sects, and the three

More than a thousand points of body skills directly brought more than 30 points of understanding and understanding defense to Wei Bin!

Judging from the numerical values ​​before and after Wei Bin's reconstruction, Wei Bin's understanding increased from 71 points to 114 points, and his understanding defense increased from the original 91 points to 134 points. The difference in numbers does not seem to be due to reconstruction alone.

The more than 3,000 points of movement skills can bring the ground. In fact, in the speed world, Wei Bin upgraded too quickly, and he did not want to break through the level of vanguard, so he used all his experience to practice. Wei Bin's ground

The cultivation level was raised from the original level 70 to level 80, which directly gave Wei Bin 1,000 points of all attributes and 100,000 blood limit, 4,000 attack, 4,000 internal and external defense, 4,000 hit, and 1,400 dodge.

What does it mean to have up to 114 points of understanding? The current maximum understanding defense of players with five or more points is only about 30, and ordinary players only have a dozen or so points of understanding defense. 114 points of understanding will hit ordinary players who have more than a dozen points of understanding defense.

What kind of experience is it? That's a sword critical strike. What is the concept of a sword critical strike? Originally, he needed two swords to kill a three-level player. Now he only needs one sword to kill him. Originally, he needed three swords.

A three-level player who can only be hacked to death now only needs two swords. Is he strong? Will he become a pervert? And even against those players who have a five-level limit, Wei Bin can still guarantee a critical hit rate of 80. This kind of

The probability of critical hits is high, even if it is not a critical hit with a knife, the frequency of critical hits is frighteningly high!

And Wei Bin's knowing defense is even more abnormal. After Wei Bin's equipment was re-refined, all defensive equipment was washed out with the attribute of knowing defense, plus each of his defensive heavy-building artifacts.

There is an additional 11 points of knowing defense on both of them, so Wei Bin’s knowing defense is as high as 134! And how much knowing defense do other players have?

Players with a maximum limit of five can only have an understanding of about 40 at best. Even Tianshan players who have used the Yangguan triple stack can only have an understanding of 140. It is difficult for Tianshan faction players who have opened the Yangguan triple stack.

Wei Bin caused a knowing blow!

As for the other Tang Sect with high understanding, although as time goes by, Destruction in All Directions and Wind and Thunder have brought a lot of understanding to the players, basically only after ten seconds, they can

A knowing blow to Wei Bin, and the probability is too high! Moreover, the Tang Sect is a sect with few players after all, so the threat to Wei Bin is not too great. This is why Wei Bin did not use the attributes on the defensive orb.

Everything was changed to knowing defense. Even if Tang Sect can hit him with a knowing blow, it must be able to hit him. Even if it can hit him, it must be able to break through his poison resistance.

Wei Bin's defensive attributes are so high that he is not afraid of the Tang Sect at all, so he controls the knowing defense to this value. It is enough to be able to block the Tianshan sect players who have the Yangguan Triple Layer! The knowing defense is too

If it is high, the price-performance ratio will overflow. Rather than that, it is better to increase the attributes elsewhere!

Wei Bin has such a high understanding, coupled with the damage-increasing effect of Breaking the Sky, it is too abnormal! The understanding defense of a boss at this level is only thirty or forty, but Wei Bin has 70 to 80% of the understanding.

The chance of a heart strike is high, and his knowing strike can be superimposed with the damage-increasing effect of the Sky Breaking Style. The superposition will be amazing. If the two are superimposed, the damage will be 300,000. This

But Wei Bin's casual attack, what if you add various Lingshen styles, Xishan Travel and other bonuses? Then the damage will be 1.8 million at once! Who can cause such high damage in one blow?

Wei Bin's Lingshen Style can increase the damage by 100, and Xishan Travel can increase the damage by 100. His hidden weapon skill Shi Xuan can increase the mysterious attribute damage by 30, and Wei Bin's internal power attack is as high as 47000, which is doubled after super bloodthirsty.

To 94000, the mysterious attribute damage is as high as 35000. After deducting the boss's defense, the internal attack can cause an initial damage of 17000.

The initial damage, after the mysterious attribute damage is reduced by 50, can cause an initial mysterious attribute damage of 17500, so after the addition of Lingshen Style, Xishan Travel and Shi Xuan, Wei Bin's basic attack can cause nearly 260000 to the boss.

The damage! The damage per second is 520,000! If you include the splash damage caused by the mismatch, the damage per second can basically be increased by half, about 750,000!

Except for Wei Bin, no one else showed weakness.

Empress of Soochow.

Wind and thunder + annihilation in all directions + fleeting light + heavy rain and pear blossom needles + thousands of arrows shot out in an instant!

Wind and Thunder: The fearless posture of the king, strengthens own skills, causes skill damage, iron caltrops, and destruction in all directions. The effect of floating light is increased by 50, lasting for 10 seconds, and the cooling time is 80 seconds.

Destruction in all directions: status skill, which increases understanding by 11 points every second for 15 seconds, with a cooling time of 80 seconds.

Glimpses: A monster walks in the night, performs incomparable movements, performs incomparable movements, teleports to a designated area, deals damage within 4 seconds after teleportation, increases movement speed by 50, and has a cooldown time of 50 seconds.

Rainstorm Pear Blossom causes a large amount of damage to the target and makes it blind for 4 seconds. The target's damage is increased by 50 for 8 seconds after using the skill.

Thousands of Arrows: Cause a large amount of damage to up to 6 units within a radius of ten meters, and the damage is increased by 50, and the cooldown time is 30 seconds.

Why does the Empress of Soochow start with these moves? Because each of these skills has the effect of increasing damage!

First of all, let’s look at Destruction in All Directions. A large amount of understanding increases every second. One hit of understanding can be guaranteed. Especially with the blessing of Wind and Thunder, the growth rate of understanding in Destruction in Ten Directions is directly multiplied by 1.5, which is also

It means that the understanding rate is increased by 16.5 per second. What else is there to say about this understanding hit rate? The attribute panel of Soochow Empress is not much lower than Wei Bin. Facing this boss in front of you, even if there is no 80 understanding rate under normal conditions,

There is still a 40 to 50 percent chance of a heart hit. In other words, as long as the destruction of all directions lasts for about three seconds, the sword can achieve a critical hit. This is a pure sword.

The sword is a critical hit, because after three seconds, the understanding of the Soochow Empress has exceeded the boss's understanding defense by more than 100 points!

The Glimpse of Light, Heavy Rain, Pear Blossom Needle, and Thunderous Storm all increase the damage output by 50 in the following seconds, which is 150 damage. Traveling in Xishan increases damage by 100. At the same time, Thousands of Arrows Fired together can increase the skill itself.

The damage is 50, that is to say, this salvo of thousands of arrows increases the damage by 300! Then multiply it by two with a knowing blow, which is the final damage!

Although the internal attack and attribute attack of the Soochow Empress are not as good as Wei Bin, he is also a strong man with an internal attack of up to 40,000 and an attribute attack of up to 4,000. With the blessing of super bloodthirsty, the internal attack is doubled and can cause 80,000

Initial internal power damage, while poison attack can cause 24000 initial poison attribute damage, hidden weapon bonus 30 poison attack, so the final internal power damage is (8000030000) 42400000 internal power damage, 2400024.32103200 poison attribute damage, so this move can fire thousands of arrows at once

The final damage is the sum of the two, 503200!

This is just the damage caused by a single strike of thousands of arrows!

Then, in the next move, although there is no 50 damage increase of Thousand Arrows, the damage is still not to be underestimated. It is nothing more than changing the 4 in the internal damage calculation formula to 3.5, and changing the attribute damage calculation formula to 4.3

Just changed it to 3.8, but the damage per second is still as high as over 800,000, which is still higher than Wei Bin’s 750,000 damage per second. This is the Tang Sect.

The bug is that during the burst skill, the damage is too much and cannot be solved!

Suppose the Soochow Empress uses all these skills on the players? The damage will be even higher. Who can have an internal defense of 30,000? Who can resist the Soochow Empress to death? Even if the player has a maximum limit of five against Shangdong

Empress Wu was also the one who was instantly killed upon meeting him! Not to mention reaching the limit of five, even Wei Bin couldn't bear it. Although Wei Bin's poison resistance killed Empress Wu, Wei Bin's internal defense was not as good as before.

This boss is high. He only has 24500 internal defense. In other words, the Soochow Empress's salvo of ten thousand arrows can cause (8000024500) 42444000 damage to him. Although the subsequent skills do not have the 50 damage bonus of the salvo of ten thousand arrows.

It's done, but it's still able to maintain around three or four hundred thousand for every hit. How much health does Wei Bin have enough for him to do so?

Of course, Wei Bin's knowing defense is very high, and the Empress of Soochow can only trigger the knowing strike in the few seconds when the storm and the ten directions are about to end. Other times, it is said that the knowing strike cannot be triggered.

, if the knowing blow cannot be triggered, the damage will be halved! How many Wei Bins are there? Just this one, the combat power that can instantly kill those players with a limit of five or more is enough!

The Blood Sea Demon King and Ximen Yibei did not show any weakness either. They added the three stacks of Yang Guan. This was also a critical strike with a sword, and it could also carry the damage of a normal attack. Although it was a normal attack, with the bonus of Xishan Travel

, even ordinary attacks no longer seem so ordinary!

The external attack of the two is slightly lower, only 35000, but their attribute attack is very high, up to 4800. After being super bloodthirsty, they can cause (7000030000) 22160000 external attack damage and 4800262.3266240 ice attribute damage, which is 226240 damage.

!The damage carried by the graft is only half of this number because it cannot be hit with precision, which is 110,000 damage. Added together, it is 330,000 damage, and the damage per second is 660,000, although it is shorter than Wei Bin's 750,000 seconds.

The damage is slightly lower, but not much lower!

The others also showed off their various abilities, causing the entire team's damage per second to reach 6 million!

What is this concept? For a boss with internal and external defense up to 30,000 and 50 attribute damage reduction, the damage per second reaches 6 million? Isn’t this too outrageous? Under this kind of defense, it is basically difficult for four players

It has broken through its defense. In other words, only when the limit reaches five can it cause some considerable damage! With such a high threshold, it is incredible to be able to do 6 million damage per second. If this were applied to other gangs,

It takes at least thirty or forty people to reach the limit of five to be able to have such high damage per second!

And their instant damage is a bit embarrassing in front of the Heart-Ending Halo. Their instant damage is a bit insignificant compared to the Heart-Ending Halo. The Heart-Ending Halo loses blood based on the percentage of life. Team members

Enemies within a 10-meter radius will lose a maximum health value of 0.3 per second, and the teleportation array guardian's health is 200 million. 0.3 means 600,000 damage per second!

So here comes the question, 6 million injuries per second, pales in comparison to 600,000 injuries per second? Are you kidding me? Even kindergarten children can mark the sign between the two. How is it possible?

Their instant damage is not as good as the aura of exhaustion?

It's indeed possible!

You must know that their current 6 million second injury is not long-term, but temporary when they are in their respective burst states. As long as the sustained burst time of more than ten seconds passes, they will kill Yang Wei immediately!

Take the Empress of Soochow as an example. After the Empress of Soochow lost the super bloodthirsty, violent wind and thunder, destruction in all directions, glimpses of light, heavy rain, pear blossom needles and thousands of arrows.

After holding on, it can cause as much damage as the damage on the panel!

For example, if he has an internal attack of 40,000 and the guardian of the teleportation array has a defense of 30,000, then he can cause 10,000 internal damage. The attribute attack is also 40,000, and he can cause 24,000 poison attribute damage, which is reduced by the skills of the guardian of the teleportation array.

, can cause 240001.3215600 poison attribute damage. This 1.3 times bonus is the bonus brought by his hidden weapon skills. This bonus will not be affected by burst skills! The total internal damage and poison attribute damage combined are 25600.

Damage! 50,000 damage per second.

Therefore, despite the high explosive power of this group of people, if they lose various bonus states, their flat-pushing damage is still very low. Basically, these 16 people together can only inflict 40,000 to 500,000 seconds of damage.

, because among the 16 of them, there are only 12 output sects, and the other four Emei cannot output. Among these 12 output sects, the output of the Soochow Empress is considered high. After all, the spiritual energy growth of Tang Sect is tied with Wudang.

First, the output of other players except Wudang, Tangmen, and Mingjiao is not as good as the Soochow Empress! Another point is that the Soochow Empress takes the internal strength route, inlaid with double rows of cat's eye stones to improve the internal strength attack

, a single row of attribute attack gems to increase the attribute attack, and a single row of purple jade to ensure the hit, because his poison is linked to the internal attack, his poison attribute attack is not too high, relatively speaking, he is protected by the teleportation array

The suppression of the player is relatively low! As for other players with a limit of five or more, they all take the attribute attack route, and they are inlaid with double rows of attribute attack gems. If they are inlaid like this, the output may be higher when dealing with some units without resistance.

The inlaid double-row cat's eye stone is higher, but when dealing with the guardians of the teleportation array, they are not so lucky. Their strengths are suppressed by half, and the reduced output is naturally more than that of the Soochow Empress.

So even if Mingjiao and Wudang, whose usual basic attack damage is not much different from that of Soochow Empress, their output at this moment is not as good as Soochow Empress!

Wudang and Mingjiao are not as good as the Soochow Empress, let alone the others. The Soochow Empress's damage per second is 50,000, and the others are only about 40,000 at most. The twelve people together can only be injured five or six times per second.

One hundred thousand!

This highlights the advantage of the Heart-Ending Halo, right? With the Heart-Ending Halo, the target only needs to be 10 meters away from the target, and the target will continue to lose blood. And for the guardian of the teleportation array, it can lose 600,000 blood per second.

The injuries suffered by 16 people like Wei Bin in seconds were almost the same, or even worse!

However, the damage caused by these 16 people in seconds needs to be paid. They need to risk their lives to deal with it. What about the Heart-Ending Aura? The Heart-Ending Aura does not require you to do anything. As long as you get close to the target, the target will lose blood.

You can even kite your target if you run fast enough!

The heart-breaking aura can cause the target to lose up to 0.3 of its health per second. In other words, even if you don't touch the boss at all, as long as you can withstand it for five and a half minutes, the boss will kneel down in front of you.

The foot begs for mercy, if it has any intelligence!

This is the power of the Halo of Heart. Although the current boss is very strong, it is not so powerful that Wei Bin and the others cannot deal with it. If one day they really receive a difficult task, the boss will be that kind of person.

If the strength far exceeds their existence, then they can formulate a strategy around this aura of dedication. They only need to let one person attack the boss and then run away from the boss. Although the boss moves faster than the player, in the player

You will also suffer damage during the escape process, but compared to standing still and being beaten passively, the number of attacks received by moving is still much lower, so players can completely delay time in this way. During the escape process

In the game, Emei can only add blood to him, because he is the only one who has been hurt!

This chapter has been completed!
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