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Chapter 679 Did you trick the entire gang?

But what if! What if it’s really a Japanese warrior?

"F*ck! You're riding a horse!" Xiong Ba cursed directly because he remembered that he had just used a formation prop. The effect of this formation was that you could only enter but not leave! In other words, he not only trapped Nirvana

, he also trapped his own people inside! If this black shadow is really a Japanese pirate warrior, then this prop is not a prop to trap Nirvana, but a coffin board that he bought for himself!

He has tricked the entire Aoshi!

"How do you know they are Japanese pirate warriors? How do you know that the tall highland leader is Yamatamon? And why are you telling me this?" Xiongba's mind was full of questions. How did Wei Bin know this? Did Wei Bin know this?

Bin and the others have been here before? Have they ever encountered this kind of situation? But if this kind of situation has happened before, it should have been exposed long ago. How could such explosive news be concealed? And if this is the first time for Nirvana

If we come here, how can we know what this black shadow is? Or is Wei Bin just stalling for time? What on earth does Wei Bin want to do?

"What do I want to do? What I want to say is that cooperation will benefit both sides, and division will hurt both sides. Although I really don't want to cooperate with Aoshi, but the matter has come to this, if everyone wants to survive, we can only cooperate. There is no other way.

If you insist on fighting, then all the players in this formation area will not survive!" Wei Bin said very solemnly, although he and Xiong Ba have an sworn hatred, but for the moment, Nirvana must be

Cooperate with Aoshi, otherwise Nirvana's people will be destroyed. This is Nirvana's top combat power. If you drop two levels at once, at least one piece of equipment will be dropped. This loss is too great! The equipment is not bad, at most it is

It’s just a loss of hundreds of thousands of gold coins, but what about the level? I dropped two levels at once, for nearly a month. This is not a gang war. It’s either you die or I live. People will definitely die in a gang war! This is the wild place, death

Isn’t it too unfair to target the boss? I’m not going to attack the boss. If I were to attack the boss, the casualties would be acceptable. I just want to kill wild monsters quietly!

"You don't want to delay time, do you? You have used this kind of props before. You know that area blockade props like this have a duration limit. As long as you survive the duration of the formation, you can go deep into the Japanese pirates.

In the hinterland, we use Japanese pirates to resist our Ao Shi, my guess is correct, right?" Xiong Ba said.

"Idiot!" Wei Bin yelled.

"Haha! It doesn't matter, then I will let you Nirvana live for a few more minutes. Anyway, this black shadow will be here in a minute or two, and my formation can last for a long time. When I find them

After the Japanese warriors, it’s still too late to attack you Nirvana. There are only a hundred of you. In ten minutes at most, you all have to go to Po Meng to drink soup!” Xiong Ba said confidently. Regarding the ten minutes to destroy Nirvana, Xiong Ba said

He is still very confident. He has brought 10,000 people with him on this trip, and he can control them until death!

Not long after, this black shadow approached them and entered within their 200-meter field of vision!

"Ah! It's really a Japanese warrior. Damn it, gang leader, it's really a Japanese warrior!" A player closest to the black shadow hurriedly reported to the Xiongba in a pissed off voice!

These horse-riding horses are really Japanese pirate warriors, and I guess there are only ten thousand of them, right? What is the situation of horse-mounted horses? Why are there so many Japanese pirate warriors? If they encounter so many Japanese pirate warriors, then they still have a way to survive.


In fact, it is not difficult to understand that this player was scared to death. It is like seeing ten thousand wolves in reality. If there is only one wolf, we may still have a chance of survival. After we try our best to fight

, maybe you can defeat this wolf, but of course, there is a high probability that you cannot defeat it! But what if there are ten thousand wolves? Is this still a joke? In the eyes of the wolves, what they think about is not how to win, what they think about is how to win.

The first thing to consider is who to eat first. In their eyes, what I ride on is walking food! Can you remain calm when you see ten thousand wolves? Don’t be scared.

Urine is a good indicator of your mental quality!

What a shame! Is he really a Japanese pirate warrior? Why do I carry it like this? I originally planned to use this formation to deal with Nirvana, but now? I am digging my own grave by riding a horse! This prop can only be used for

The characteristic of being unable to enter or exit is a perfect way to harm yourself!

At this moment, Xiongba's heart was filled with thousands of grass and mud rushes. He felt embarrassed beyond words. It was too much! It was too much!

"Okay, I promise you, we will fight the enemy together first!" Soon, Xiongba reacted. According to the current situation, their only hope of escape can only be placed on the formation disappearing as soon as possible. Only when the formation disappears can they

Leaving here, he only hopes that he can survive the duration of the formation! The formation currently has 20 minutes of duration, and there are 10,000 people between them, so some of them should be able to survive! And those who survive

These people can pick up the equipment dropped by their comrades! This can minimize losses!

"Everyone listen to my order and shrink the defense line. Don't stay too far away and prepare to meet the enemy!" Xiongba ordered. The ordinary Japanese pirates around him are no longer their formidable enemies. There is no need for Aoshi to protect the inner circle from the outside.

Players are no longer harassed by Japanese pirates, and there are no eggs in the nest. At this time, how can we divide the inner and outer perimeters? Everyone is a grasshopper on a rope. The best way is to shrink the defense line and concentrate the combat power together.

"Brothers, let's go to Ao Shi and establish a united front. We are the closest to this group of Japanese warriors, and we will bear the brunt of the attack! Let's move closer and let Ao Shi share the damage for us!" Wei Bin said, and the Japanese warriors came from Nirvana.

Coming from behind, the Japanese warriors will pass by them first before arriving at Aoshi. If they stay here and don't move, they will be attacked first and even be severely injured! Since Xiongba has agreed to cooperate temporarily

, then why not share the damage with Aoshi?

Immediately afterwards, Wei Bin will lead his people to Ao Shi and establish a united front with them!

"Stop, what are you doing?" Seeing Nirvana's people running towards him, Xiong Ba immediately stopped Wei Bin!

"What should I do? To establish a united front, of course? Otherwise, how could we resist so many Japanese pirate warriors?" Wei Bin's eyelids couldn't help but twitch. Isn't this tyrant going to betray him? This betrayal is too quick.


"When did I say that I would form a united front with you?" Xiongba said arrogantly.

"What do you mean? Are you going to rebel so soon? You have to think about it. Once our Nirvana group is destroyed, you, Aoshi, will not be able to survive. For now, the only way is to unite and fight against the Japanese warriors.

Only then can we have a chance of winning, you can't even understand this, right?" Wei Bin asked.

"No, of course I can understand it. Not only can I understand the reason, but I can also see through your tricks! You want to reduce the battle losses, so you came to form a united front with us! But, and

If you form a united front, not only will it bring no benefit to us, but it will also cause great harm! In my opinion, it doesn't mean much whether we form a united front or not. We have 10,000 people, but we are short of a hundred of you.

?The most concession I can make is to jointly resist the Japanese pirates, but forming a united front is impossible!" Xiongba said arrogantly.

At this moment, a person's selfish nature is completely exposed. Xiongba's intention is already obvious. I can have a truce with you. The truce is indeed beneficial to both parties. However, I want to form a united front to jointly resist the Japanese pirates.

, that is impossible, you are closest to the Japanese pirates, when the Japanese pirates arrive here, your nirvana will definitely be the first to be impacted, and the subsequent aftermath will be conveyed.

With you here as the first line of defense, the impact on our proud world will be much smaller!

But what if everyone forms a united front? Then everyone will be prosperous and suffer losses. Everyone will bear the same impact. Compared to resisting separately, we, Aoshi, will bear part of the impact for your nirvana.

Is this possible? We are enemies. Although we have temporarily reached an agreement and both sides have agreed to a truce, this does not mean that our relationship is friendly. We are still enemies. I should plot against you or I will plot against you.

What's more, not agreeing to form a united front cannot be called a calculation. This is instinct. When a disaster is approaching, who doesn't want to reduce his losses? Don't say you are my enemy, even if you are a stranger who has nothing to do with me.

, when something like this happens, don’t even think about coming to me for refuge, because as long as you come, I will suffer additional disasters. How can I agree to you coming to me? What’s more, the nirvana of my enemy is in front of me, let alone Xiongba.

Maybe you agree that Nirvana has come, so you just stay in front and protect me from the wind and rain. Who makes you a vulnerable group!

This is human nature. In the face of disaster, most people are selfish and will do anything to survive!

"Now I finally understand why you, Aoshi, are getting worse day by day. As the saying goes, one soldier is like a raging army, and a general is like a den of raging generals! It's strange that Aoshi can develop well with a gang leader like you! I finally understand, you

Don’t you just want us, Nirvana, to act as a buffer for you, Aoshi? Don’t you just want us, Nirvana, to die for you? Don’t you just want to use us to reduce Aoshi’s battle losses? But have you ever thought about forming a

A united front can increase the overall defense. If we form a united front, in the end, 30 to 40% of each gang may survive. But if I, Nirvana, are at the front and Aoshi is at the back.

, if everyone fights on their own, it is very likely that both sides will be destroyed here in the end. You don’t understand this truth, right?” Wei Bin was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. Xiongba, this guy, was already in a coma in order to plot nirvana.

Is it to this extent? At present, the powerful enemy does not think about how to truly reduce losses, but instead thinks about how to reduce his own losses while weakening others. Perhaps Xiongba’s idea can indeed reduce Aoshi’s losses, but if according to Wei

If you do things according to Bin's thinking, you can reduce more losses for Aoshi. Which is more serious depends on what you think. Obviously, Xiongba would rather lose a thousand to himself than let Nirvana lose 800. Anyway, this is Nirvana.

Even if Aoshi loses 1,000 of its cutting-edge combat power, it is not as big as Nirvana’s loss of 800!

Of course, this is just Wei Bin's guess about Xiong Ba. In fact, Xiong Ba doesn't think so!

What Xiongba thinks is that forming a united front is not as powerful as Wei Bin said, and it will not increase the defense force much. We have 10,000 people, and you only have 100 people. Your few people are useless.

?Although your combat power is high, in a large-scale battle like this, the loss depends on the contact area. The main contact with the Japanese pirates is our Aoshi. There are only 100 of you. How large a contact area can you have with the Japanese pirates?

Forming a united front to increase defense is beneficial to both sides, and there are two prerequisites. First, it is beneficial to both sides only when the difference in combat power between the two sides is not too great. If one side is particularly strong, the other is particularly weak.

, it can only be said that it is of great benefit to the weak side, but the benefit to the strong side is minimal! Just like the current strength comparison between Nirvana and Aoshi!

The second prerequisite is that the ultimate goal of both sides is to repel or defeat the common enemy. Only in this way can the two sides form a united front. In this situation, what Xiongba wants to do is not to repel the Japanese pirates at all.

Samurai, they couldn't repel the Japanese warriors. Xiongba only had one thought in his mind, which was to delay the formation's duration.

, he doesn’t need to repel the Japanese warriors at all, so why does he absorb Nirvana’s combat power? No matter how high Nirvana’s combat power is, what’s the use? Can you repel the Japanese warriors? If you can’t, then you and

There is no difference between ordinary players. You come to me just to take refuge, and it will not help us at all! If I, Xiongba, also want to repel the Japanese warriors, then it only makes sense for you to come and form a united front with me.

After all, your Nirvana team is also a team with high combat effectiveness. Although the number is small, in order to repel the Japanese warriors, I can absorb some damage for you and provide you with space, but I don’t want to repel the Japanese warriors at all. Then I

Why do we still accept you? Just accept the harm from the front honestly!

Therefore, Xiongba’s real idea is not as Wei Bin imagined. Xiongba would rather lose 1,000 to himself than let Nirvana lose 800! Xiongba’s real idea is that even if Nirvana joins his formation, Aoshi will not suffer less.

How much damage, since it does not have much impact on your own losses, it is better to let Nirvana stay in front to absorb the first wave of impact from the Japanese warriors. Maybe the losses suffered by Aoshi can be smaller!

"Haha, Wei Bin, don't judge a gentleman with a villain's heart. I am definitely not what you think. I would rather let all of us be wiped out than let only about 30 of us survive.

Do you think I would be that stupid? Would I do something that would harm others and not benefit myself? Your argument is simply untenable. For most people, the first thing to think about is how to make themselves suffer less.

The second most important thing is to consider the losses of others. Do you think I would put the cart before the horse? Don’t be stupid. I might as well tell you that I just think that your Nirvana is in front of you so that we can minimize the losses of our pride. What do you think? Don’t you agree?

?Do you have any choice now? Do you dare to go to war with our Aoshi? Now I am Dao Zu and you are fish and meat. If you want to survive, you have to listen to me. To be honest, I will not take advantage of others' danger now.

It would have been nice to stab you in the back when you were resisting the Japanese warriors. You actually want to get the blessing of our proud people, want to join our defense line, and try to reduce your losses to Nirvana through our proud people.

You know how to make wishful thinking! By the way, let me remind you that the Japanese warriors are coming soon. If you don't hurry up and set up your formation, I'm afraid that after a while, your team will be scattered when they meet each other. By then,

Even if you want to gather your formation, you can't do it!" Xiong Ba said proudly.

"Damn it, he saw through it in the end!" Wei Bin thought to himself. He really wanted to rely on Aoshi's numerical advantage to build a refuge for Nirvana. He knew the two prerequisites for forming a united front, but now the first one

The condition is that there is not much difference in strength between the two parties. This one is definitely not satisfied, but as for the second condition, if their common goal is to repel the Japanese warriors, maybe the Xiongba will also take the view that Nirvana is a big output.

, will absorb Nirvana into it, but both of them do not expect to repel the Japanese warriors at all. They only hope to survive the duration of the formation. In this case, Nirvana wants to join Aoshi's formation, which is indeed aimed at

I went with the idea of ​​​​evacuating. After all, they do not lack your output, and it will not be good for them if you go! What can increase the overall defense? If the combat power of the two sides is not much different, it can indeed increase the defense, but now they are different from each other.

The difference in strength is too big. For Nirvana, the overall defense has indeed increased a lot, but for Aoshi, the defense will more or less increase, but it is minimal!

"Gang leader, what should we do? Follow Xiong Ba's wishes? What if we are really attacked by a knife from Aoshi when we are resisting the Japanese warriors? We will be unable to resist at that time! Xiong Ba is too unreliable.

Damn it, it’s not like he has never done anything that goes back on his word. Although he says he won’t do anything, who knows if he will do the same thing on the surface and behind the scenes, and give us a blow in the head when we are at our weakest!" Feng Yun Wuji hurriedly said.


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