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Chapter 72 Tribute Exchange Experience

"Wrong! This is not work, this is your home! As long as we treat it as our home, what else can't be done well? I believe you!" Wei Bin said with a serious face!

"Let's go take a look at the content of this mission!" Wei Bin continued.

"Hello, Lord Messenger, how can we complete this task?" Wei Bin said to the NPC who was exchanging experience.

"It turns out to be the City Lord! Hello! I have made an evaluation based on the current technological situation of Nirvana City. If the target can be completed within the deadline, all members of Nirvana City will enjoy the treatment of tribute exchange experience! But if you accept the task and

If you fail, the Tower of Experience will disappear from now on!"

System: Within fifteen days, upgrade the experience tower to level one and the city lord’s mansion to level two.

Whether to accept?

Wei Bin hesitated for a moment. Upgrading the Tower of Experience from level 0 to level 1 requires 30,000 gang funds and 10,000 technology points. If all merchants and officials run 8 times a day, they can get 5,400 funds in one day and 81,000 in 15 days.

Funds, excluding the 2,000 gang maintenance fee deducted by the system every Sunday, and the daily mercenary fee of 240, the maximum remaining funds in 15 days is 73,000. This is theoretically assuming that every merchant is skilled in business and is lucky enough to wait for the product refresh time.

It's normal for someone to accidentally run a business with less than 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, and people like them have to upgrade, so how can they have extra time to run a business? Generally speaking, 30,000 gang funds can still be guaranteed!

As for technology points, 10,000 technology points, this NPC is simply cheating! As long as Wei Bin has a mount and a locator, it will take ten minutes to complete a gang task. For others, it will be calculated as twenty minutes. One person can do it in one day.

Ten Rings is quite a face! Ten Rings gang missions get 1 technology point. Now there are more than 2,000 people in Nirvana. The maximum points are 2,000 in a day, and 30,000 in 15 days. But this is different from running a business. The number of merchants is only 12. You

If you don't have time to run, others have time, but it's not necessarily the case for gang tasks. Maybe some people haven't been online all day, and there are others who are willing to spend three hours to do this. Can they be upgraded? So?

In fact, if there are half of them, it is considered a very cohesive gang! Of course, the gangs forced by the gang leader do not include it! In fact, how can an emerging gang have such strong cohesion? Yesterday, the number of technology points increased by 500 in one day.

That's all.

And it sounds like this nc means a mission specially designed based on the actual situation of Nirvana. Judging from these figures, Nirvana City's qualification to obtain the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce's first-level products should also be included. Otherwise,

You won't release a mission that requires so much guild funds! What a fool!

Maybe you can upgrade the experience tower to level 1 with hard work, but how can the city lord's palace be upgraded to level 2? You must know that only after all buildings have been upgraded to level 1 can the city lord's palace be upgraded to level 2!!! This requires a huge amount of resources.

Even if all gang members work at full capacity, it can't be completed.

Did he even include Wei Bin’s gang station promotion order stored in the warehouse? This is absolutely impossible!

It can only mean that this task is too difficult. The only way to complete the task is to not only use resources to build the experience tower, but also to try to get a promotion order to upgrade the city lord's mansion from level 1 to level 2! I want to use pure resources to do it

It would be impossible to upgrade all the buildings to level one and then the city lord's mansion to level 2 in half a month. But except for Wei Bin, who would know about the existence of the gang resident promotion order? This is clearly an announcement.

It’s an almost impossible task. Isn’t this a embarrassment?

The gangs obtained from the Tower of Experience in the previous life did not have the option of exchanging tribute for experience. They must have not completed this task. After all, for them, this is an impossible task. Of course, if they complete it, the benefits will be very obvious.

, just like the reforms in the past dynasties, the process is very difficult, but once successful, it can definitely cure a lot of ills!

The reason why Wei Bin had a promotion order but did not raise the level immediately after building the city was because he was worried about the impact on the siege monsters. Then he would really cry without tears! Now it seems that it is really wise. If he was promoted early,

Once you reach the second level, who knows what other tasks this NPC will issue!

"Guild leader, let's give up! It's impossible to complete. If you accept the task and fail to complete it, the entire Tower of Experience will disappear, and we will be making a fool of ourselves by then!" Xuanyuan Aai's idea was correct, but she didn't know Wei Bin.

With a promotion order, you can directly advance to the City Lord’s Mansion!

"I accept!" Wei Bin said decisively.

"What? Are you crazy?" Wei Bin's answer surprised Xuanyuan Aai.

"Hey, from now on, you only need to be responsible for upgrading the Tower of Experience to the first level within 15 days, and leave the affairs of the City Lord's Mansion to me!" You must keep the sense of mystery, this will make people more admirable!

"Brothers, I officially announce that for everyone's welfare, I have worked hard and worked hard to finally have a clue.

, in the next 15 days, we can use the help to exchange for experience at the Experience Tower! But this is not something I can do alone, and I need everyone’s undivided support!” Then Wei Bin added the help that can be used after upgrading the Experience Tower.

All members were informed about the exchange of tribute for experience in lieu of money.

"The exchange price I have set for everyone has always been the lowest. You only need to pay half of the price to exchange for the full amount of experience from outsiders! I do this for everyone's benefit! And upgrading this experience tower is also the same as

Everyone's interests are closely related! So each of us must take action. Within fifteen days, everyone must complete at least 100 ring gang tasks. If anyone wants to sit back and enjoy his achievements, don't blame me, Wei Bin, for turning his back on others!" Give them both kindness and power, so that they can psychologically

It is easier to accept your own orders.

The bad guys did it first, and Xuanyuan Aai's next work can be started. No matter how hard-blooded they are in executing it, they will only blame Wei Bin.

Xuanyuan Aai understood this and looked at Wei Bin gratefully.

"Just because the gang leader is thinking hard for us, we have to do our best to do it! What's more, it's something closely related to our interests!" One of the members echoed.

"That's it! Even if we are exchanging tribute for experience, we have to work hard to complete it! It is simply good news for us life players and businessmen!"

In this way, the enthusiasm of the gang members was completely aroused, and immediately there was a wave of gang missions in the gang...

"Brother, do you want to upgrade?"

"No, I'm doing a gang mission!"

"What's the point of doing that?"

"You'll know in half a month!"

In the next two days, in addition to dungeons, Wei Bin spent time digging for treasure maps, or squatting on the fifth floor of the treasure cave to brush alone. He successfully reached level 30 in two days. The efficiency of single brushing beyond the level is so terrifying! At this time, except for him

The highest level of other players is only 27, and he is also a Nirvana person!

"Boss, I've sold out all the loquats you gave me. Here are ten gold coins. I'll mail them to you!" Locke Li sent a message.

It seems pretty reliable!

"Okay! You're hired! Just keep selling there these days. When you sell out, just go to Avril and ask for it. Remember, don't expose your relationship with Tiantian Drugstore!" Because that task requires it!

5 loquats, Li Luo

They sell loquats for 10 silver each, and Tiantian Pharmacy sells them for 5 silver each. Buying them from Tiantian Pharmacy is 25 silver cheaper, so except for a few rich people who don’t want to run away, most players still choose to queue up to buy loquats at Tiantian Pharmacy.

It has greatly increased the popularity of Tiantian Pharmacy. For this reason, Wei Bin specially recruited several employees to assist in selling medicines. They learned the formula of Jin Chuang Medicine that Wei Bin gave them, and they can also make Jin Chuang Medicine on weekdays.

Tiantian Pharmacy has ushered in an unprecedented event!

Although 25 silver is not a small sum for ordinary players, due to the gradual popularity of the Tianji Pavilion's Erhai guide, everyone knows that escort missions require queuing, and there are still many people who would rather spend an extra 25 silver on Locke Li.

, and I don’t want to go to Tiantian Pharmacy and wait in the queue that I don’t have time for!

In the blink of an eye, it has been six days since the city was built, and Wei Bin will have to pay back the money tomorrow! At this time, Luffy made a profit of 700 gold, the auction house made a profit of 200 gold, and Tiantian Pharmacy made a profit of 2,000 gold by selling loquats, which made others jealous!

"Boss, I have another loquat seller here, priced at 5 silver each!" Locke Li sent a message. Wei Bin had also heard from Avril Lavigne before that some people had started to snatch loquats from the grocery store, and not many people were snatching them.

Obviously these people also want to make a fortune silently, but this is indeed not good news, it means that they will not be able to make much money through this!

At the same time, some people have upgraded their herbal collection level to level three and started to collect loquats on their own. It has to be said that there are still some caring people. Fortunately, they have not yet mastered the coordinates and refresh rules of herbal medicines. At least 80% of the wild loquats are still there.

It's in Wei Bin's hands.

"It doesn't matter, you can also reduce the price by 5 silver!" Wei Bin replied to Li Luoke.

Avril's intention is to continue purchasing and still sell for 5 silver. What will happen even if there are people trying to grab the business? The number of loquats in the hands of those people is limited, and it is incomparable to the loquats in Wei Bin's hands, even if they can't be sold in the end.

At worst, it can be put in the gang warehouse for gang members to exchange points for use. Now the players who have reached level 25 in Baishi City can't even reach level 10. It's just those forward troops who have not been tasked with the mission card who have reached level 25 to do the Erhai mission. Most of them

Some people still have to wait a few days!

On the eve of the siege, Wei Bin issued an eviction order to the players in Nirvana City. Monsters were about to attack the city. If they were to lose because of a fire in the backyard, wouldn't all the previous efforts be wasted?

"What's the situation? Just drive away when you say drive away?" Complaining is unavoidable, and Wei Bin did not explain more. The less you know about this kind of thing, the better, so that you can save yourself time to prepare in advance.

Once they see the monster, they will naturally understand it!

This chapter has been completed!
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