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Chapter 736 Shennongjia

When Wei Bin said this, he was actually praising Xue Muhua for his good training. Who doesn't want to hear himself praised these days?

"Guild Leader Wei is laughing! I'm so incompetent in training. I can't even say hello in front of so many people! Hey!" Xue Muhua said modestly. In his heart, Avril's ability to change so much is all his fault.

Credit! But he can't say, yes, this is how well I trained him! He must be more humble!

"By the way, Master, I have discussed with our gang leader in the past few days about the herbal medicines at the Red Cross Hospital! I wonder how many more herbs the Red Cross Hospital needs? What levels of herbs are needed?" Avril asked.

"Well, of course the more the merrier, haha! The entire Middle-earth continent is so big, there are countless patients, and no matter how many herbs there are, there are not enough! Instead of letting Nirvana provide me with a steady stream of herbs, I have a better way.

!" When Xue Muhua heard that Avril was sending herbal medicine to him, he immediately became interested!

"What can the master do?" Avril asked.

"I have an artifact here, called Shennongjia! Don't underestimate this artifact, it is not a simple prop, it is indeed an artifact! This Shennongjia is actually a space prop, and its internal structure is self-contained

A space, but this space can only be used to grow herbs, because the climate here is only suitable for the survival of herbs! However, this artifact was sealed by nature because it affected the natural balance. If you have any idea

If we can unblock it, wouldn't our problem with herbal medicines be solved? Growing herbal medicines in the inner space of Shennongjia will produce a much higher yield than growing herbal medicines outside! Because its internal environment is really suitable for growing herbal medicines.

It’s gone!” Xue Muhua looked at this piece of scrap metal with a distressed look on his face, oh no, it’s a divine weapon, what a pity!

Can a useless artifact still be called an artifact? It’s almost like scrap metal, right?

"Then, master, how should this artifact be unsealed? Do you have any clues?" Avril asked.

"Haha, I do have the clue, but it's too difficult to achieve it! According to legend, if you want to unseal it, you need one of all the herbs in the world and integrate them into this Shennongjia. I call it

To complete it! In this way, he can be unblocked! However, I have traveled around the world for many years, practiced medicine for many years, and read countless classics. I don’t even know what herbs there are in this world, so where can I collect them?

?" Xue Muhua said in despair, he does have a way to unblock the artifact, but no one can do it!

The reason is very simple. If someone gives you a list of the names of all the herbs in the world and asks you to collect them, then even if these herbs are located in the north and south of the Yangtze River, in the snow-capped mountains and plateaus, even if no one knows where these herbs are, they will still be there.

Someone will help you pick the herbs! As long as you have money!

However, if you don’t have this list, then you are the richest man in the world. Even if you own the entire planet, it is impossible to collect all these herbs, because you don’t even know what types of herbs there are. How can people collect them for you?

It's just like running. If you are told where the end point is, then no matter how far it is, you will be able to finish it one day sooner or later! But what if you are not told where the end point is at all? How can you run if you don't even have a goal?

Now Xue Muhua is in this embarrassing situation. He is just a person, not a god. If he is given a life span of thousands or tens of thousands of years, maybe he can travel to every corner of the world and visit every herb.

, but he is just an ordinary person, he is only a few decades old, and his body does not allow him to go hiking in the mountains to find medicine! And he has consulted countless ancient books, but he has not listed all the types of medicinal herbs!

"Doctor Xue, are you sure that as long as you collect one of all the herbs, you can unlock this artifact? Or is this just a legend and cannot be verified?" At this time, Wei Bin stood up, although he also

This is the first time I heard about Shennongjia, but he seems to have a way to deal with it!

"After all, I didn't

It has been unsealed, but I am not completely sure! I also learned how to unblock this artifact from an ancient book! This ancient book is called Shennong's Heart Sutra, and this artifact was discovered by me together with this Shennong's Heart Sutra.

, it is recorded in Shennong’s Heart Sutra that as long as all kinds of medicinal materials are collected, this artifact can be unlocked, because this artifact itself was transformed by Emperor Yan Shennong! Back then, Shennong couldn’t bear to see people getting sick.

People died, so he began to taste herbs, trying to find herbs that could cure diseases and save people! But in the end, when he tasted the herbal medicine, he drove west, leaving only this Shennong's Heart Sutra! Because his wish was not fulfilled,

So he transformed into this Shennongjia, trying to help him fulfill his last wish through future generations! Can you see what this Shennongjia looks like? It is green at both ends and white in the middle. In fact, its original appearance is not like this.

Yes, at first, it didn’t have so much green part. I used to blend a lot of herbs into this Shennongjia. Every time I added a herb, the green part of this Shennongjia became more and more like a progress.

They were the same, so I collected them one by one according to the types of herbs recorded in the Shennong Heart Sutra, and integrated them into this Shennongjia, so it has what it looks like today. I think that before I got it

, many people must have obtained it and tried to unblock it. However, due to the limited life span of us humans, unblocking this matter is definitely not something that can be done in one or two generations! Even if we

I was lucky enough to unblock it. It was also based on the efforts of our predecessors. Without their efforts, we would not have been able to unblock it! However, during my experiment, not every

Herbal medicines will make his green progress bar move forward one step. Herbs that do not make his progress bar move forward should be herbs that have been integrated by the predecessors! I think this mechanism should make us believe in this unblocking method, right?

"Xue Muhua said.

"Also, in this Shennongjia, judging from the percentage of the progress bar, there are still about 20 types of herbal medicine that have not been integrated! This work becomes more difficult as you go to the back, and the progress bar grows slower as you go to the back!

Because common herbal medicines have been incorporated by predecessors of all generations, the remaining herbal species must be very rare, and their growing environment is extremely harsh, making it difficult for humans to collect them! Therefore, although in theory, as long as someone will

They continue to be passed down, and over time, someone will be able to unblock them one day. However, there is a difference between theory and reality. The growth environment of many herbal medicines may not be reached by humans in this lifetime, and even some herbal medicines will grow with the passing of time.

The changes in the geographical environment have long made the species extinct, so I think this artifact may be destined to never see the light of day again in this life!" Xue Muhua said with great regret, an artifact that cannot be unsealed should be called scrap metal!

Regarding the Shennongjia and the Shennong Heart Sutra, there is actually another version of the legend, or in other words, the real situation is not exactly what Xue Muhua said!

In fact, Shennongjia is not a creation that dominates the world and affects the balance of nature, so it is sealed by nature. Does nature have that consciousness? In fact, Shennongjia was originally an artifact, not an illusion of Shennong! Shennongjia is Shennong.

In order to grow medicinal herbs, he built an artifact with his own hands. Whenever he tasted a new herb, he would take out its seeds and plant them into the inner space of Shennongjia! Until he tasted the heartbroken grass and died! But he

He was so obsessed with the suffering of the world that he didn't want to give up his medicine garden before he died, so his soul merged into Shennongjia, trying to help him achieve the goal of collecting through the efforts of future generations.

To the end of all herbal medicine, he wanted to see that day with his own eyes!

But who could have expected that just when his soul was integrated into the Shennongjia, something unexpected happened. The Shennongjia could no longer be opened, and no one could enter the Shennongjia again! All the herbs in the world must be collected.

Complete collection,

Only after Shennong's last wish is fulfilled can Shennong's soul leave Shennongjia and Shennongjia can be reopened! And the green progress bar on Shennongjia is indeed the key to unsealing Shennongjia!

Shennongjia is actually another world. Its principle is similar to that of the flow world. However, the time flow rate in Shennongjia is the same as that of Tianlong World. It is just more suitable for growing herbs! This is in line with Shennong's temperament of tasting hundreds of herbs!

Shennong was an amazing person!

Shennong was the last great emperor among the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors - Emperor Yan! If we were to talk about which emperor had the greatest influence on future generations? It was naturally Emperor Yan! Why? Because Emperor Yan brought people's livelihood to future generations!

Emperor Yan was born in Sanxiang and Four Rivers, and he was the leader of mankind at that time!

Emperor Yan Shennong began to grow grains here to fill people's stomachs!

He also developed and produced many kinds of farming tools to make it easier for everyone to grow grains!

When he discovered that someone was sick, he began to think about how to treat people. By chance, he discovered that herbal medicine could cure people, so he tasted all kinds of herbs just to be able to treat people!

In order to allow people to spend the winter smoothly, he raised silkworms in the summer and collected silk. Later, he invented a loom to spin the silk into cloth, and then cut it into clothes!

Later, he invented ceramics and other utensils to provide people with supplies!

He also led the crowd to cut down wood and use the wood to build houses. On the one hand, it can resist wild beasts and on the other hand, it can keep out the cold!

He opened up a market to exchange what everyone had and didn't have!

Emperor Yan led the people to defeat famine and disease, freeing mankind from the days of hunger and cold, illness without treatment, and wandering! He allowed mankind to live a life of food, clothing, housing, and medicine.

In the life of a doctor, he completed the historical transformation of mankind from nomadic to settled, from fishing and hunting to farming, and realized the transition from ignorance to civilization, and the leap from the Paleolithic Age to the Neolithic Age!

Can Emperor Yan, who made such great contributions to mankind, not be praised by future generations? Even today, hundreds of millions of people at home and abroad call themselves descendants of Yan and Huang!

"Since the seniors have personally tested it, it seems that the legend should be reliable! Doctor Xue, I would like to give it a try. How about I complete the Shennongjia? I have a plan to complete the Shennongjia!" Wei Bin seems to have already completed the Shennongjia!

I am sure I can complete it!

"What? Can you complete Shennongjia?" When Xue Muhua heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Junior wants to give it a try. I'm 90% sure that I can complete it!" Wei Bin patted his chest and said confidently.

"Is this true? If you can complete this Shennongjia, I will give it to you! If you can complete it, it means that your relationship with it is much deeper than mine, and it means that you are its destined owner.

, it is well deserved to have followed you!" Xue Muhua said excitedly.

Five thousand years have passed since the legend of Emperor Yan. In the past five thousand years, no one has been able to complete Shennongjia. Moreover, the task of completing this task becomes more and more difficult as it goes on. The last 20 are definitely far more difficult than

Compared with the previous 80! And at this most difficult moment, if someone completes it, doesn’t it mean that Shennongjia has met its new owner? The person who donated Shennongjia to complete it can be said to be


"Senior Xue, it's your chance to get this Shennongjia in the middle of a huge crowd. How can I steal your love with a knife? I'm just helping. After it is unsealed, I will return it to its original state."

Lord!" Wei Bin said politely.

"Hey, you are too polite. If it was my chance that I got it, then if you complete it, wouldn't it be your chance? And your chance far exceeds mine! If you can complete it, it will be your chance."

If it is unsealed, then you are its unique owner!" Xue Muhua declined.


"Senior Xue, this artifact cannot play a big role in my hands. You are a contemporary miracle doctor, and you also founded the Red Cross Hospital Alliance. You are the one who needs it most. It can only be in your hands."

Only in this way can it fully play its role! Senior Xue, if we were not like this, this artifact would still be in your hands. After all, you often need to use it. When the time comes, senior, you can share it with me. I will use it if I need it.

When it comes to medicinal materials, I will send someone to collect them!" Wei Bin suggested.

"Haha, your idea is a good one. To be honest, as long as we have it, the medicinal materials needed by our Red Cross Hospital Alliance will definitely be available! Then it's settled, I will put this Shennongjia here

In Juxian Manor, you can send people to collect medicinal materials at any time when needed!" Xue Muhua said with a smile, as if he had already seen the scene of Shennongjia being unsealed!

In this way, the two of them had already decided what to do after the unsealing of Shennongjia. This is really outrageous!

"Master, unsealing Shennongjia is definitely not something that can be accomplished overnight. Before that, how should we solve the problem of herbal medicine?" Avril asked.

"Well, actually, after you donated that batch of herbal medicines in the name of Nirvana, I contacted several big herbal medicine companies, including the life organization established by you Sanren. We made an appointment to sit down together tomorrow and have a good discussion.

The supply problem of herbal medicines! I decided to buy herbal medicines from them!" Xue Muhua said. After all, he had never thought about Shennongjia being able to be unblocked, so he must have thought about how to solve the long-term supply problem of herbal medicines!

"Senior, regarding the herbal medicine, we in Nirvana can keep the Red Cross Hospital Alliance free of charge, so why do you need to contact others? Besides, you are not that wealthy. You have to pay for the entire Red Cross Hospital Alliance for ten days out of your own pocket.

Half a month is fine, but over the years, no matter how much money you have, it won’t be enough! Let the younger generation do some meager efforts for the Red Cross Hospital Alliance and for the people of the world!" Wei Bin said, this is a

How could he let other forces take away this opportunity to advertise for Nirvana?

You know, Nirvana may be very famous at the player level, but in the eyes of the indigenous forces, it is actually just an unknown gang. Judging from today's incident, the gang's influence in the martial arts is still very important.

Yes, even when a gang's reputation in the martial arts reaches a certain level, a large number of martial arts people will come to join it, which will definitely be of great benefit to the development of the gang!

This is an excellent opportunity right now. As a newly emerging organization, the Red Cross Hospital Alliance is involved in people's livelihood. It will definitely become a household name in the future. As long as Nirvana becomes the long-term herbal supplier of the Red Cross Hospital Alliance,

This advertising effect will definitely spread the name of Nirvana immediately!

In reality, every major competition, there are so many sponsors, why would they rather spend money to have their company’s name appear in a conspicuous place! Isn’t it for the sake of popularity?

"This is so embarrassing. How can I spend your money? I have been practicing medicine for many years and I still have some savings. These low-grade herbal medicines are not expensive, so I can still afford them! If I really have no money in the future,

I'll think of another way! However, I believe that day will never come. As long as you unblock Shennongjia, the herbal medicine problem will naturally be solved!" Xue Muhua decisively refused, and his attitude was very firm and could not be refuted! See

Come on, this is a person with a very strong self-esteem. When he is in a very difficult time, you can temporarily donate a batch of herbal medicines for free to help him, but if you want to donate for free for a long time, it involves bottom line issues!

"Senior Xue, low-level herbal medicines are indeed not expensive, but what do you do with high-level herbal medicines? There are some diseases that low-level herbal medicines cannot solve. The prices of these high-level herbal medicines are quite high! If you encounter a black-hearted businessman, you must not let them go.

Humans slaughter you! Let Nirvana take care of the herbal medicine, so you can rest assured!" Wei Bin continued to advise Xue Muhua!

This chapter has been completed!
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