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Chapter 741 Winning the Bid

After all, Xue Muhua is the customer who wants to buy their herbal medicines. At this time, these drug dealers cannot fall out. Even if they fall out, they have to sell them to him after selling the herbs! So after Xue Muhua's words, the leading pharmacists had no choice but to do so.

Back to my seat again!

"He is actually Wei Bin." Many drug dealers from the indigenous forces did not notice the name Wei Bin claimed, but this drug dealer from the player power heard the word Wei Bin very clearly!

"Wei Bin actually has channels to contact Xue Muhua? The title of Tianlong Pioneer is indeed well-deserved! Haha, in terms of openness, you Wei Bin are indeed very strong, but if you want to take the bid away from me, it depends on whether you have the skills

That’s a lot of financial resources! Haha!” The player couldn’t help but licked his lips, and when he thought about bidding with Wei Bin later, he suddenly became interested!

Tianlong Pioneer is a nickname given to Wei Bin by many players because Wei Bin's consciousness is too advanced. From the opening of the server to the present, Wei Bin is ahead of others in every aspect. How many strategies has he developed? How many dungeons have he created?

Even the maritime resources, Nirvana moved in very early. From Qinglu City to the City of Peace, every step of Nirvana's development revealed Wei Bin's foresight, so people gave him a nickname, Tianlong Pioneer, or something.

They are all ahead of others!

"37 silver!"

"36 silver!" Wei Bin still quoted the price decisively without any hesitation! ??

Just yesterday, Xuanyuan Aai had purchased a large number of herbal medicines. According to her estimation, she had purchased at least 70% to 80% of the herbs in the hands of players in the entire Middle-earth continent. Therefore, in terms of the number of herbs, Wei Bin

He has enough confidence to support his bidding to the end! The herbs he purchased are more than enough for the Red Cross Hospital Alliance to use for a year!

Moreover, Wei Bin purchased so many herbal medicines, he must win this bid, otherwise what should he do with his herbal medicines? Are they backlogged in the warehouse like these drug dealers? He doesn't have the space!

"Everyone, let me interrupt for now. I have to remind you that the purpose of organizing this bidding conference is to select a long-term supplier of herbal medicines. The winning bidder needs to continue to supply herbal medicines to the Red Cross Hospital Alliance. This is not as you imagine.

Just like that, just dump the accumulated inventory in your hands to me and that’s it! In order to avoid this situation, you must first provide me with the herbs for three months, and I will temporarily withhold the money for the herbs for these three months.

, you must use herbal medicine for me for a long time for a year before I will pay you the money!" Xue Muhua reminded.

Xue Muhua's words are actually a reminder to these indigenous pharmacists that if they do not have enough herbal medicines, they should not participate in the bidding. However, if these pharmacists are taken out individually, the herbal medicines they have hoarded will

They are indeed not enough for the Red Cross Hospital Alliance for one year. After all, the Red Cross Hospital Alliance is an organization facing the entire Middle-earth continent, and its demand is very huge! But if the herbal medicines from these drug dealers are pooled together,

If so, not to mention one year, it would be enough for the Red Cross Hospital Alliance to use it for two years! After all, they are the most powerful drug dealers among the indigenous forces!

As for what Xue Muhua said, Wei Bin had already thought of it. What was the purpose of the bidding? It was not to help drug dealers clear their warehouses. The purpose of the bidding was to find a long-term partner, so Wei Bin asked Xuanyuan Ai Ai.

After purchasing so many herbal medicines, he was worried that if he won the bid, he would not have enough herbs in his hands and would not be able to pay the bills, which would be troublesome! Although he could also purchase them step by step, but,

Nirvana has opponents. If Nirvana's opponents cause harm and maliciously raise the purchase price during the process of purchasing herbs, Nirvana's subsequent acquisition costs will be even higher!

"35 silver per group!" the drug dealer in charge said through gritted teeth. At this time, he hated Wei Bin to death!

"34 silver per group!" Wei Bin said lightly. He was determined to win this mark. Even if he lost money, even if it was for free, he would still get this mark because he needed to get closer to Xue Muhua and improve his nirvana.

Reputation in the world is the most important thing!

"33 silver per group!" When the leading drug dealer said these words, his whole heart began to bleed! He

The medicinal materials in hand were hoarded when the price was 30 silver. If they were finally sold at the price of 33 silver, they would hardly make much money. It was just to clear out the warehouse!

"32 silver!" Wei Bin said.

"Madman, you are really a madman! You are not a businessman!" The drug dealer headed by him began to go crazy! If he continued to bid, it would be 31 silver per group. At this price, he would no longer make any money! Because of his

The herbs have been stored in the container. How much has the container rental fee cost during this period? The silver price difference is all used to pay for the rental fee!

At this time, the leading drug dealer is in a dilemma. Should he sell or not? If he sells, although he will not make any money, he can at least get his money back! What if he doesn't sell? Then he has to continue

Spend money to rent a container and keep squeezing it. If you want to sell it later, you don’t know that you will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse!

So, the leading drug dealer looked at the other drug dealers and wanted to ask for their opinions. After all, they had already formed a partnership. He was just a representative. His final price was the final price of the other drug dealers. He

I have to consider the opinions of several other pharmacists. What if they are unwilling to accept this price? In the end, he will not have enough herbs in his hands, which will be troublesome!

When the leading drug dealer looked at them, they immediately understood that he was asking for their opinions!

"Brother, just sell it. The worst is, you won't make any money!"

"Yes, brother, at worst, I won't make any money at all. It's better than spending money to rent the container myself and continuing to be oppressed!"

The opinions of these drug dealers were unified, and they all agreed to the drug dealer headed by them to continue bidding. This shows how much pressure these squeezed herbs put on them!

"Okay! I'll pay you 31 silver for each group!" The leading drug dealer finally mustered up the courage!

"30 silver per group!" Wei Bin said calmly, without even looking at these drug dealers. He didn't plan to make money from this, he just wanted to win this bid, so naturally he responded immediately!

"Damn it!" the drug dealer headed by the leader yelled. Wei Bin's commotion has completely cut off their escape route! They stopped making money when they were at 31 silver. If they continue to bid, the price will be reduced to 31 silver.

29 silver, that’s not a matter of not making money, but a loss of money!

Next, the leading drug dealer looked at the other drug dealers again! His eyes this time, everyone immediately understood again! At this moment, they are in the same situation, and the situation they need to face next is exactly the same, that is

Do you want to continue bidding, lose money to clear the warehouse, or continue to spend money renting containers to store these low-grade herbs!

"Brothers, I am the youngest here. Leave the ugly words and difficult things to me! Selling medicine at a loss of money? I won't do this kind of thing. Even if I continue to suppress it, I will never give others an advantage! In the worst case, I will start working on it first.

Wait for the opportunity in the future! Maybe he doesn’t have enough herbs for Xue Muhua to use for a year? Maybe Xue Muhua will use them up in half a year. By then, he will have no capital to bid with us, and at that time it will be us

It’s spring! Doesn’t Xue Muhua like to bid? When the time comes, let alone the starting price of 50 silver, it will be 70 silver, and I won’t even take the call! I will sell it to him for one gold set! He has to accept it.

, Even if you don’t accept it, you have to accept it!” the youngest drug dealer said in a low voice.

"Yes, I agree! The money we paid for renting the container is not much more than the money we lose by selling the herbs to him directly. Anyway, we are losing money, so it's not bad! If his herbs are really not enough to supply Xue Muhua for a long time, then

, then we can turn our bicycles into motorcycles!" Another drug dealer said in support!

"That's right! Even with the strength of several of our major drug dealers, they don't dare to pat their chests and promise that they can provide Xue Muhua with herbal medicines for a year. Why does he dare? Does he have that qualification? He has so many

Herbal medicine? I don’t believe it! I will order him wanted when I get back today. Anyone who dares to sell herbal medicine to him is an enemy of me. I want to see who dares to touch my brow! Huh!"

"Yes, his name is Wei Bin, right! Let's work together to block him. Whoever dares to sell herbs to him will be our enemy at the same time. Looking at the world, if a few of us unite, we can dominate the world.

The herbal medicine market, who dares to go against our wishes?"

"That's right! Wei Bin only has enough herbs in his hand for the Red Cross Hospital Alliance to use for a few months at most. He wants to win the bid first and then slowly acquire the herbs later. As long as we jointly arrest him,

Let him not receive the herbal medicine, and when he cuts off Xue Muhua's herbal medicine, we can not only get back the bid, but also defraud Wei Bin of three months of herbal medicine money, it's settled!"

Soon, all the drug dealers reached a consensus!

"Is there anyone else who wants to bid? If not," before Xue Muhua finished speaking, suddenly, a voice resounded throughout the room!

"I will offer 29 silver per group!" The person who spoke was none other than another player force!

"Damn it, is this person Shabi? We don't even bid, but he still bids?"

"Who says it's not the case? Is it possible that his price for purchasing medicinal herbs is even lower than ours?"

Suddenly, many major drug dealers from the indigenous forces began to discuss!

When Wei Bin and the big drug dealers were bidding against each other, this person had been staying out of it, sitting aside and watching the show. Originally, the big drug dealers thought that he thought the price was too low and didn't want to take action. Who knew that this person actually

It's so hidden, not because people think the price is too cheap, but because they don't want to waste their time!

However, the purchase price of the major drug dealers is only 30 silver per unit, how can others be lower than them? The major drug dealers are powerful, and they are not afraid of not being able to sell, but are other people that powerful?


"A set of 28 silver!" Wei Bin said calmly again!

"A set of 27 silver!" This person quoted again!

"Holy shit, he's crazy, he's definitely crazy. I don't believe that his acquisition price is cheaper than ours. He must be just trying to clear out his position and lose money! This man is so cruel!"

The major drug dealers murmured quietly.

"25 silver!" Wei Bin said.

"Haha, have you started to reduce the price by 2 silver? Aren't you afraid? Do you want to make a desperate move and use your momentum to overwhelm me? So as to scare me away? However, you are still too naive, don't you just want to

Do you want to fight for your financial resources? Then I will play with you and hope you can persist, otherwise, this bidding will be too boring!" The person licked his lips and said with a wicked smile.

"A set of 23 silver!" Wei Bin ignored this person. He was determined to win today's target!

"21 silver!" This person accompanied Wei Bin to bid for the price!

Not to mention the major drug dealers, even Xue Muhua was stunned by these scenes of bidding. He had thought about countless outcomes of this bidding meeting, but this one, he didn't even dare to think about! Originally

According to his estimation, the result of this bidding will remain between 35 silver and 40 silver. After all, the major drug dealers must make some money, and whether it is the major drug dealers, Wei Bin, or

The mysterious man who was bidding with Wei Bin, the price they paid for purchasing these herbs was definitely above 30 silver. It is impossible to purchase them for 21 silver or 23 silver. In other words, Wei Bin and this mysterious man have been losing money now.

Bidding, but what are they trying to do? Xue Muhua is puzzled by this!

"Wei Bin, the price has dropped to this level. I can guess what you are thinking. Don't you just want to become the exclusive supplier of the Red Cross Hospital Alliance and then increase the popularity of your Nirvana in the martial arts world? Haha!

I offer 19 gold!" the person said.

After hearing these words, Wei Bin turned around

He glanced at this person in surprise, then turned his head back!

"Haha, this person is not an ordinary person. He actually knows what I am thinking. He must think so too! People with such far-sighted vision are rare in the world!" Wei Bin thought to himself.

This person's words also awakened Xue Muhua, who had been confused, so it was like this! Both of them should have wanted to increase the popularity of their power in the martial arts world.

"I'll offer you 15 pieces of silver!" Wei Bin said neatly.

"15 silver? He is no longer planning to sell at a loss, but is planning to sell the iron!"

The major drug dealers are thinking.

"15 silver? Haha, you are brave! Then I will offer you a set of 10 silver. Come on, Wei Bin, let's have a showdown!" The man suddenly stood up and his face became serious. Obviously, this price

He is approaching his psychological bottom line! After all, he has lowered the price to 10 silver. In the next round, he will donate it to the Red Cross Hospital Alliance for free. By then, if Wei Bin still bids, then he will

Each group has to pay ten silver to Xue Muhua at one time. This behavior, let alone him, is unacceptable to anyone! Forget it that the money for the herbal medicine has already been lost. This can be understood to mean that he is trying to clear the warehouse, but

If you try to send more money, no one will accept it!

"5 Silver!" Wei Bin remained calm-faced and heart-beating. He was absolutely determined to win this target. Why did he let Xuanyuan Aai buy all the low-level herbal medicines in Middle-earth? Isn't it just to win?

Will this bid be successful? If he doesn't win the bid, what will happen to these herbs? Why did he propose to Xue Muhua to purchase the herbs through bidding? Like several other big drug dealers, he sold them to Xue Muhua at a high price.

Wouldn't it be nice to make more money? Isn't he just trying to make Nirvana the exclusive supplier of the Red Cross Hospital Alliance? In order to increase Nirvana's popularity?

Therefore, Wei Bin has to win this bid even if he loses money, not to mention that he has already lost money!

"Haha, you are so cruel! I don't want a penny, and I will donate it to the Red Cross Hospital Alliance for free. Wei Bin, you don't want to give money to the Red Cross Hospital Alliance, right? Haha! If you have the guts, just donate money!

"The man said with a solemn expression. Obviously, he had already made a desperate move. This was his bottom line. Just give the herbal medicine to the Red Cross Hospital Alliance for free. If more money is poured in, it would be somewhat uneconomical!

"Subsidy? Okay! Not only will I donate it to the Red Cross Hospital Alliance for free, but I will also donate five silver for each group of herbal medicines to the Red Cross Hospital Alliance. How about that?" Wei Bin looked at this person with a sneer on his face.

"You!!! Okay! You have the guts!" After saying that, the man walked out of the room angrily and left the bidding meeting. He had already lost his face, so how could he continue to stay?

When the major drug dealers saw that Wei Bin was so willing to spend money and defeated them with a crushing attitude, they each said a harsh word and left here in despair. People can lose, but the momentum

Can't lose!

"Senior Xue, there are no other bidders here. I think I can buy this bid at a discount of 5 silver, right?" Wei Bin said with a smile.

"Haha, I really saw the right person. From now on, the supplier of herbal medicines for my Red Cross Medical House Alliance must be you, Nirvana! However, as for the price, it's better not to discount, I will buy it for 30 silver.

Well, you just helped me a lot, and you tried your best to lower the price just to vent my anger. I can't treat you badly, can I?" Xue Muhua said with a kind face.

At this moment, Wei Bin suddenly discovered that the number of friendship between Xue Muhua and him had changed, from the original 200 to 300. The 200 friendship was the result of the sudden increase from 0 to 200 when Xue Muhua recognized Wei Bin.

, after all, in the name of Nirvana, Avril donated a batch of herbal medicines to the Red Cross Hospital Alliance for free when it was in its most difficult time, alleviating his urgent needs! What does this mean? It means that if you want to improve the friendliness of NC, you don’t necessarily have to

It's okay to take on tasks and work together, as long as you can help him!

This chapter has been completed!
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