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Chapter 758 The ideal is very full

In this way, when the Yamatomon fell forty meters behind him, Wei Bin used a single Lingbo Microstep to catch up with the Yamatomon. In this way, not only the energy consumption would be reduced to the minimum, but he could also keep fighting with the Yamatomon.

Keep a distance of more than twenty meters!

Although Wei Bin was surrounded by Japanese pirate warriors, the drop in his blood volume was not very obvious, because he has blood bath which can improve his battery life. To deal with these Japanese pirate warriors, Wei Bin's basic attack combined with bath blood is enough!

I saw Wei Bin hit a critical hit at one moment, and another split at the next moment, let alone a knowing blow. Wei Bin's knowing value was as high as 114, and the knowing defense of the Japanese warriors was only twenty or thirty.

That is to say, there is an 80 to 90% chance that Wei Bin will hit a knowing blow. Whether it is a critical hit, a split, or a knowing blow, as long as a bloodbath is triggered, Wei Bin's health bar will increase.

Previous section! So although Wei Bin can't kill these Japanese pirate warriors, these Japanese pirate warriors can't do much damage to Wei Bin either!

In this way, Wei Bin waited until his skills were restored, and he repeated his old trick, flying towards the Yamatamon with full firepower, hurting each other with it, and using the aura of exhaustion to consume the Yamatamon!

As soon as the eight-second counterattack ended, Wei Bin teleported decisively and escaped the attack range of the Yamakimon.

But it will be even harder next! He has just used up all his skills. If he wants to wait for the cooldown time of all skills to recover before launching the next round of attacks, it will take a long time. By then,

It is very possible that Yamatomon has left the city. It is not clear what the situation is outside the city now. What if reinforcements come to rescue Yamatomon? Wouldn't it be very dangerous if he rashly follows him out of the city? It is very possible.

Capsized in the gutter!

If he only waits for a counter-attack and a Lingshen-style cooldown, the situation will be much better. He will only need 30 seconds to enter the battlefield again, which will save a lot of time. He is in Baqi

The beast was able to defeat Yamatamon before he left the city, but in this way, the risk of confronting him head-on increased a lot, because he could only rely on borrowing power to survive! Unlike before, he

He has a shield with a maximum health value of 62, which can protect his safety. He can also restore a large amount of blood for him by triggering the blood bath by changing flowers and trees + breaking the sky!

As mentioned earlier, Wei Bin's confidence that he can survive by borrowing force and counterattacking is based on the premise of complete skills. If he only has one borrowing force and counterattack, it is not safe!

the reason is simple!

After being attacked by many Japanese warriors and Yamatamon for a second, Wei Bin could survive even with just one counter-attack. The blood bathing effect triggered by the counter-attack was enough to keep him full of blood at all times! But this is just

It's just one second later, provided he can survive the first second!

The reason for all the hype and blood-sucking mentioned earlier is because he has already endured it for one second. The total damage in the previous second has been accumulated, and the subsequent blood-sucking effect is based on the total damage in the previous second.

Yes, if he couldn't survive the first second, then everything after that would be nonsense!

Why is it possible that he will not survive for a second? Because the damage per second of the Yamakimon and the Japanese pirate warriors is 5 million, and his blood volume is only more than 4 million, so he is very likely to die!

And why did Wei Bin survive so many rounds of attacks earlier? Because he has all the skills, leaving aside Sky Breaking Style and Shifting Flowers. The most important thing is that his Accumulating Clouds and Desires for Rain can be used, and Accumulation of Clouds and Desires for Rains can give him

Increased blood volume by 62, which is more than 2 million blood. This shield is enough to protect him from surviving for the first second. As long as he survives for the first second, he can retire with the help of force to counterattack.

Shi Lai takes over!

But what about now? If he doesn't want the Yamatamon to leave the city, he must cut in as soon as the Lingshen Style and Counter-Strike are cooled down to recover. But at this time, Yun Yuyu has not yet recovered its cooldown, so

That is to say, he is very likely to die in the first second. This is the embarrassing part of the next round of attacks. The cooldown time of Cloud Preparing Rain is 45 seconds, and the cooldown time of Lingshen Style is 30 seconds. Take advantage of

The original cooldown time for counter-casting is 40 seconds, but he just used Qi Ding Liuhe, giving him

The cooldown time has been reduced to 24 seconds, which means that Counterattack has only a 16-second cooldown. In other words, his entry time should be based on the longer of the two, Lingshen Style, which cuts into the battlefield.

From now on, it will take another fifteen seconds for the clouds to resume cooling!

The number of fifteen seconds is very sensitive to Wei Bin, because his first-level strong control can control the Yaqi beast for 10 seconds, and the acupoint sealing skill of the Chonglou Ring can seal the Yaqi beast for five seconds!

Thinking of this, is there a way to crack it? Can the fifteen seconds pass through the seamless connection of these two control skills?

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny!

Bosses above level 60 are resistant to control skills. The next time you use the same type of control skills, the effect will be much attenuated compared to the last time. The specific degree of attenuation varies from person to person. The more powerful the boss, the more time the control will decay.

The more powerful it is, the attenuation range is between 0 and 25. Judging from a boss as powerful as Yamatamon, it is estimated that it can be attenuated by at least 20. In other words, after 15 seconds of control time, after attenuation by 20, you can only control Yamatamon.

12 seconds, because Wei Bin has already controlled Yamatomon once before. This is why Wei Bin has two skills that can control Yamatomon, but he has been reluctant to use them, because if he uses them too much, they will have no effect. This time

The control can be controlled for 12 seconds, and next time it can only be controlled for 9 seconds. The next time it can be controlled for 6 seconds, and the next time it can only be controlled for 3 seconds. In the end, Yamakimon is immune to these two controls of his, and the one in his hand

These two control skills are the only ones in the game that can control the Yamatamon, so Wei Bin naturally has to save them for the most critical moment!

For now, his next cut would be very difficult. After careful consideration, Wei Bin decided that for the sake of safety and in order not to capsize in the gutter, he would wait three seconds after the Lingshen Style's cooldown recovery was completed.

Zhong then cuts into the battlefield, that is, when there are still 12 seconds remaining in the cooldown time of Yun Yu Yu, he can then use two control skills to hold back Yamatamon, making it unable to do anything for 12 seconds.

Attack yourself, and when 12 seconds pass, the cooldown time of his Accumulating Clouds and Rains will be over. At that time, he will connect to Accumulating Clouds and Rains, and use the 62 health limit shield of Accumulating Clouds and Rains to help him carry it.

After the first second of Yamakimon's attack, you can then use the counter-attack as before to trigger the bloody attack, and forcefully resist for eight seconds!

In this way, not only did he solve the problem of connecting his own skills, but he also solved the problem he had been worried about about who would die first, Yaqimon or him. You know, it will take 9 seconds for Yaqimon to have only 9 seconds of HP left.

In order to consume him to death, his borrowed counterattack can only last for 8 seconds. In the last second of the remaining time, he is not sure whether Yamatomon will kill him first or whether he will consume Yamatomon first, because there is no

In order to use force to trigger the bloody attack, he will appear extremely vulnerable in front of Yaqimon. There are already many Japanese warriors with a total output of up to 5 million in one second, but he only has 4.17 million. Obviously, he will not survive for one second.

Yes! Of course, the Yamatamon's blood volume will not survive for a second under the consumption of Wei Bin's Heart-Ending Aura. It all depends on luck!

But now, because Wei Bin got close to Yamatomon in advance, he used his skills to control it for 12 seconds. However, Yamatomon's health can only survive for 7 seconds at most. In other words, Yamatomon can't even wake up.

If you arrive, you will die directly in the control state!

This is the safest way Wei Bin can think of!

Just do it!

Wei Bin directly used one move to force control him. After the time of force control decayed, he could still control him for 8 seconds. In other words, if everything went well, he would be able to defeat him without using Chonglou Ring's acupuncture sealing skills.



Damn it!

Wei Bin swore directly. Why did he take this safest method to defeat the Yamatamon? Reason.

Theoretically speaking, he could have handed over these two control skills when he attacked in the last round. If he handed over the control skills at that time, it would have the same effect as now, but why didn't he hand over the control skills in the last round?

What about these two strong controls? It is to prevent this kind of thing from happening. Once he has an iss in the last round of attack, he will not be able to kill the Yamatamon in the last round, and it will also affect this one.

The cut of the round, because he has no control skills in this round!

He calculated carefully and looked for the safest way to attack the Yamatamon, but he didn't expect that he lost it in the end!

The next step was a little embarrassing. He still had the acupoint-sealing skill of the Chonglou Ring in his hand that he had not used yet. Should he use the Lingbo Microstep to teleport away again and wait 8 seconds before coming back? Or should he just do it now?

On the scalp, how about a head-on confrontation with Yamakimon?

Wei Bin was hesitant. If he made a temporary tactical retreat, Yamatomon would leave the city in eight seconds. Everything outside the city was unknown and full of danger. He couldn't let Yamatomon leave the city! But

If he bites the bullet now, he will have a vacuum period of 11 seconds, because after the acupoint sealing effect ends, the cooldown time of Accumulating Clouds and Rains will still be completed in 11 seconds, without the escort of Accumulating Clouds and Rains.

, it is very likely that he will not be able to withstand the first second attack of Yamakimon!

No, we can’t let him leave the city! ??

In the end, Wei Bin made this difficult decision. No matter what, he couldn't let the Yamatamon leave the city. He didn't know the situation outside the city at all. If there was danger outside the city, then he would be done!

Immediately afterwards, Wei Bin connected with Chonglou Ring's acupoint-sealing skill and hit!

Fortunately, it was a hit. Wei Bin breathed a sigh of relief, but the breath was not over yet, because there was still a bigger challenge waiting for him, that is, the next second after the acupoint sealing effect ended, there was no clouds and rain.

With protection, can he survive?

Soon, the four-second sealing of the acupoint ended. At this time, he only needed to stay next to Yamatomon for three more seconds to burn Yamatomon to death. But, could he really survive the next second?


Having regained its freedom, Yamakimon decisively gave up escaping, and instead turned around and planned to hurt each other with Wei Bin, because it had already figured out the rules. In every previous attack, Wei Bin would cut in every 45 seconds.

Once, what does this mean? It means that Wei Bin's moves have a 45-second interval between uses. But this time? Wei Bin actually entered the battlefield after only 30 seconds. What does this mean? It means that some of Wei Bin's moves

It was still unable to be used. Wei Bin was anxious because it was about to leave the city. Wei Bin didn't want to let himself leave the city, so he launched the attack in advance. Since Wei Bin's moves had not cooled down yet, Wei Bin must have been

It is very weak and Wei Bin cannot defeat it. Otherwise, why would Wei Bin have to attack every 45 seconds before?

Yamatamon knows that Wei Bin will be very weak in the next 15 seconds, so it must seize this opportunity and try to kill Wei Bin instantly with one blow! And he has no way out. It knows that it can survive for at most three seconds.

Seconds, it is meaningless to continue running away from the city at this time. It is impossible for it to escape in three seconds, so it can only save its life by fighting and hurting each other with Wei Bin!

One second before the end of sealing the acupoint, Wei Bin started to use force to counterattack. At this time, it is better to use force to counterattack sooner rather than later. Anyway, the number of victory or defeat is in the last three seconds. His borrowing force to counterattack is

The cast can last for eight seconds, so naturally the sooner you start it, the better!

Immediately afterwards, Yamatamon launched a volley at Wei Bin, killing Wei Bin with 1.8 million blood. Although this volley triggered several blood bathing skills, the amount of blood recovered from these blood baths was too little.

, because the damage that Counter-Strike reflects is the damage from one second ago, and one second ago, only the Japanese warriors were attacking Wei Bin, and the damage was pitifully low. The damage of Counter-Strike is low, and the blood bath triggered by

The recovered blood volume is naturally very low, so when the Yaqi Beast fired a volley, Wei Bin lost 40 blood volume!

> Soon, the second round of attack from Yamakimon struck, once again knocking out 40 of Wei Bin's health. In other words, Wei Bin only had 20 of his health left at this time, and it was a bit embarrassing next!

"Wei Bin still has 20 HP left, and Yamatamon still has 0.6 HP. That means Wei Bin can still live for 0.5 seconds, and Yamatamon can live for 2 seconds. Is this what you mean?"

"I think it should be, lying in a big trough, this is too exciting? Is this a life and death fight? Either you die or I die?"

"This battle will definitely be recorded in history. It was too fierce. Nirvana really killed every soldier!"

Seeing the health levels of Wei Bin and Yamakimon, the audience started talking again.

Theoretically speaking, Wei Bin has survived the first second. Starting from the next second, when Wei Bin triggers the blood bath again, the amount of blood recovered will be higher, because one second ago, due to the intervention of Yaqimon, this

The damage in one second is already very high, and the damage rebounded by counter-attacking in the next second will naturally increase. Furthermore, after triggering the bloodbath, the amount of blood recovered will be the same as in the previous rounds.

!On the surface, it seems that Wei Bin has a chance to win, but!

The certainty of victory is just an appearance. In fact, Wei Bin's situation is still not optimistic, with murderous intentions hidden everywhere. Behind the smooth sailing, there is actually an undercurrent rushing towards Wei Bin's back!

And this undercurrent starts with the skill mechanism of Counter-Strike! Counter-Strike can indeed reflect damage, but it can only reflect damage within the player's own current HP. For example, Wei Bin is now

There is still 800,000 blood left, so Wei Bin can only rebound skills with damage within 800,000, because there is a sequence of judgment for using force to counterattack, that is, he must be hurt first, and then use force to counterattack.

The damage is reflected back to the source of the damage. Although the two are completed almost in an instant, there is still a sequence relationship! This makes it understandable why it can only reflect damage that is lower than the player's current blood volume, right? Because if a certain person

The attack caused 1 million damage to Wei Bin, which exceeded his 800,000 HP by 200,000. So after this damage hit Wei Bin, Wei Bin was already dead. How could he rebound even though he was already dead?

This skill mechanism determines that Wei Bin's situation at this time is not guaranteed to win! Because Wei Bin's health volume at this time is only 20, which is about 800,000, and what about the attack of Yamatamon? If Yamatamon has

The damage caused by the beast to Wei Bin exceeds 800,000, so there is no need to consider whether it will trigger the 50 chance of blood bathing, because Wei Bin is already dead!

Of course, this is impossible. Yaqimon no longer has attack skills. It only has basic attacks. Each projectile of Yaqimon can cause 30,000 damage to Wei Bin. In other words, unless Yaqimon can

Qimon can hit Wei Bin with 3 bullets at the same time. Only in this way can the damage be superimposed to 900,000, which exceeds Wei Bin's current lifeline. However, this is obviously impossible. Although the eight heads of Qimon are all

It's controlled by Yamakimon, but he can't control the time so accurately!

In other words, although Wei Bin is not guaranteed to win, his life is not hanging by a thread. He still has a chance! Where is his chance?

His vitality lies in the fact that he needs to trigger a bath of blood for the first two of Yaqimon's eight projectiles. Whether it is the first or second shot, as long as a bath of blood is triggered, his blood volume will be restored.

, he is considered saved!

But if these two bullets did not trigger bloodshed, then when he withstands the third bullet, since he only has 200,000 health, and this projectile has 300,000 damage, he will naturally not be able to resist it.

Got it!

Therefore, for the next two missiles of Yaqimon, he must trigger a bath of blood. If calculated according to probability, the probability that his two missiles will not trigger a bath of blood is In other words,

He has a 25% chance of dying and a 75% chance of winning!

This chapter has been completed!
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