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Chapter 766 Nine Star Baby Set

"In the end, it was precisely because I gained their power that I sealed those so-called gods! In addition to going to the Holy Beast Mountain, I have also been to the Chaos Continent!" Shennong said.

"Chaos Continent? Does Chaos Continent, the place where gods and beasts were born, have anything to do with Mount Olympus, the so-called home of the gods?" Wei Bin asked.

"The Chaos Continent is really a fairyland. It is a place that can give birth to gods and beasts. Take herbs as an example. You can randomly collect a herb from the Chaos Continent and bring it to the place where we came from Middle-earth.

Words can cure all diseases, because the spiritual energy in the Chaos Continent is too abundant, and everything contains spiritual energy! If we humans have a lifespan of only 100 years on the Middle-earth continent, then if we migrate to the Chaos Continent,

Then we can live at least 1,000 years! However, there seems to be no life in that place, which relates to the question you just asked. Since the gods were born in the Chaos Continent, why are they called Olympus the Gods?

What about the home of the gods? Because the Chaos Continent can only breed and give birth to life, the gods will be forcibly transported to Mount Olympus shortly after their birth. This is the origin of the home of the gods on Mount Olympus! And the mythical beasts will also

He was forcibly transported to the Holy Beast Mountain to serve as the gatekeeper guarding the Middle-earth continent leading to the Chaos Continent!" Shennong said.

Strong! Really strong! ??

Obviously, people or gods on the Middle-earth Continent are not allowed to go to the Chaos Continent again, and the five divine beasts are the gatekeepers. Following Shennong's wishes, he got the approval of the five divine beasts, and then went to the Chaos Continent once.

This means that as long as you have the strength to defeat the sacred beasts, you can still go to the Chaos Continent. After all, even the gatekeepers can't stop you! Judging from the fact that Shennong can be recognized by the five sacred beasts, Shennong's strength should be strong.

Because of the gods, why else could Shennong defeat the five mythical beasts that even the gods could not defeat? Shennong just couldn't defeat a group of gods. If he were to fight alone, Shennong should be worthy of those gods!

It’s just that it’s such a pity that such a beautiful place as Chaos Continent is not inhabitable!

"Also, in addition to the ancient dragon soul, Jiuli Demon Tiger and Tianming Xuanfeng's clones in your body, you actually also have the aura of my beloved divine mink in your body. It's really incredible! When I meet you

Before, I didn’t believe in fate, but since I met you, I started to believe in fate! I don’t believe there can be such a coincidence. This only shows that it is destined that not many people can unblock Shennongjia, but they just happen to

It's you who owns the divine mink, haha, it's destined!" Shennong said with a smile.

"What? Divine ferret? Pet? Senior Shennong, is this it you are talking about?" As he said that, Wei Bin summoned the hoofless ferret. However, although he summoned it, it had just eaten Baqi.

The snake bile of the beast fainted and has not yet woken up!

"Exactly! It was my pet. After I lost all my cultivation, I began to lead the human race around to make a living, and I traveled around the world in search of herbs. At that time, it was my pet! Over time, its

Lingzhi seemed to have been enlightened and understood human nature. After I died, it stayed with me for decades. We cuddled up to each other every night, and our relationship was deep! At that time, it also ate that plant.

Poisonous weed, but it itself is poisonous and has strong resistance to toxins, so after eating the poisonous weed, he only lost his memory and did not die! Unexpectedly, he could see it again today! This is fate

Destined fate! Wei Bin!" Shennong said with a smile.

"Senior, is there nothing wrong with the Divine Marten? This is the third time it has fallen asleep. Each time it fell asleep, it was due to eating higher-grade snake gallbladders. And every time it woke up from a deep sleep, its memory would awaken a little, and

It has been sleeping for the longest time this time, almost half a day, will it be okay?" Wei Bin said with a slight worry.

"Haha, don't worry, it must be because the higher-grade snake gallbladder is so delicious, so it subconsciously fell asleep. It's no big deal. When it wants to wake up, it will wake up naturally! As for its ability to recover its memory

This must be the result of the high-grade snake gallbladder!" Shennong explained.

"Senior, don't you want to wake it up and recognize it as its master and servant?" Wei Bin asked.

"Master and servant recognize each other?

It's gone! I'm leaving soon. If I recognize it now, it will only be more sad. I have already been separated from it once, why should I let it break my heart a second time?" Shennong said.

"However, before I leave, I have a gift that I want to give to him, so I would like to trouble you to give it to him!" After saying that, Shennong took out a set of battle armor from somewhere.

"This is" Wei Bin's eyes widened! What kind of magical equipment is this riding horse?

Jiuxing baby set?

The internal and external defense of Black Leopard's Stunning Armor is increased by 100.

The HP limit of Black Leopard's Staggering Helmet is increased by 100.

Black Leopard's Staggering Claw attack increases by 100.

Ink Leopard's Staggering Ring's hit points are increased by 100

Ink Leopard's Staggering Decoration increases dodge by 100

Set properties

The triggering probability of spell skills is increased by 100.

The triggering probability of internal and external attack skills is increased by 100.

The triggering probability of auxiliary skills is increased by 100.

Movement speed increased by 100.

"This armor originally belonged to it, but after I built it, I died before I had the chance to give it to it. Now, I can only trouble you to help give it away!" Shennong

He said sadly.

"Young man, I'm leaving. The human race is relying on you!" The more Shennong said, the more blurry his figure became. When he finished the last word, his whole person disappeared. Obviously, he was exhausted.

With his last bit of strength, he really has no ability to maintain his body shape!

Wei Bin has been so sluggish. He really made a lot of money today!

This is Jiuxing’s baby set!

After the player reaches level 75, a new dungeon called Killing Star will appear in the public eye, and one of the products of this dungeon is the baby suit!

In other words, after the player reaches level 75, not only the player himself can wear equipment, but also the baby! And what Shennong gave it is the best of the baby suits!

Baby suits are similar to player suits, with star ratings. The lowest is four-star equipment. The star difference is reflected in the percentage bonus that the equipment brings to the baby. For example, a four-star baby suit can

Add 50 points to the baby's internal and external defense, blood limit, attack, hit, and dodge. Among the set attributes below, the triggering probability of various skills and the bonus to movement speed are only 50!

Not everyone can own a baby set, and not everyone will choose to build one! Because the baby set is so rare, its rarity directly determines its high price! As for the baby set, not everyone will choose to build one.

The reason for the suit is that the baby suit brings bonuses to the baby based on a percentage. What does this mean? It means that only the best babies wear the baby suit. Ordinary babies do not deserve to wear the baby suit at all, because even if they wear it

Yes, the gain brought to it is also very limited! Suppose a destiny black phoenix has 100,000 health, so what if you add 50? Is there any difference between a baby with 150,000 health and a baby with 100,000 health? Team battle

A baby with 100,000 health will not survive for two seconds. A baby with 150,000 health will not survive for 2 seconds! A duel? Anyone who dares to duel with a player with the Destiny Xuanfeng is weak.

?If the opponent wants to kill your baby, 50,000 blood is just a skill!

This is true for Tianming Xuanfeng, let alone other babies. It is too rare for babies at this level to reach 100,000 blood!

In the final analysis, the baby's growth rate is lower than that of the player. Even if he wears the suit, he is still very fragile. There is not much difference between wearing it and not wearing it. This is only in terms of blood volume, internal and external defense, attack, hit and

The same goes for dodge. Since the baby's growth potential is inherently low, the baby's main target is wild monsters, so there is no need for high hits and dodges. The demand for blood limit and internal and external defense is not that strong! Everyone

When all aspects of growth are so low, what if it adds 50 to you? If you add 50 internal and external defense, you don't have to die? If you add 50 attack power, you can attack players.

Has it caused horrific damage? If you increase your hit by 50, can you hit the player? If you increase your dodge by 50, can you dodge the player's attack with a high probability?

At least for ordinary babies, this is useless. For example, the player's dodge is 10,000, and your ordinary baby's hit is only 10,000. When the hit and dodge are the same, your hit is only about 50 at this time. Give you an extra

With a hit rate of 50, the player can be hit with a hit rate of 15,000? The hit rate has been increased to about 60? Is there a difference?

Therefore, even if these ordinary babies wear baby suits, their attributes are still very low, so many people will not choose to give their babies a baby suit. Generally, only those mythical beasts will be given a suit.

Baby suit, because the foundation of mythical beasts is better than that of ordinary babies, and its basic attributes are high, so the benefits brought by wearing the baby suit will naturally be higher!

The price of a four-star baby suit is basically around 10,000 gold, and as long as a player can afford to summon a mythical beast, he will definitely start with a four-star player. A three-star player cannot afford to summon a mythical beast! As for the baby suit

, the most worn one is this four-star baby suit, which is also the most cost-effective. As the star rating of the suit increases, although the added attributes will also increase, the price will rise faster! So wear it

The most popular one is this four-star suit!

If it is a five-star baby suit, it will be different. In a five-star baby suit, a single piece of equipment can add 60 points to the baby's internal and external defense, blood limit, attack, hit, and dodge. The following suits

In terms of attributes, the triggering probability of various skills and the bonus to movement speed have also been increased to 60!

Regardless of the attributes it brings to the baby, it is only 10 more than the four-star set, but its price is a full 50 higher. Therefore, these five-star baby equipment are rarely built by players who have reached the level of four.

Only those very wealthy players with a minimum of four will consider it!

What if it is a six-star baby suit? For a six-star baby suit, a single piece of equipment can increase the baby's internal and external defense by 70, blood limit, attack, hit, and dodge. Among the following suit attributes, various

The trigger probability of the skill and the bonus to movement speed have also been increased to 70!

Although the six-star baby suit only has 20 more attributes than the four-star baby suit, its price is 100 higher. The six-star suit is basically no longer available to players with four stars.

Which 4-level player would be willing to buy such a set for his baby? If I have the money, wouldn’t it be nice to replace the 4-level gems with the 5-level gems? Basically, the 6-star baby set has become the ultimate max-level set.

A patent for five players, only those players with a limit of five will buy a six-star baby set!

A seven-star baby suit. A single piece of equipment can increase the baby's internal and external defense, blood limit, attack, hit, and dodge by 80. In the following suit attributes, the triggering probability of various skills and the bonus to movement speed are also included.

Improved to 80!

The attributes of a seven-star suit are 30 higher than those of a four-star baby suit, but its price is 200 or more higher! Because this kind of star-rated equipment is basically rare.

Now, seven-star equipment is as rare as a player's seven-star equipment. It's not a matter of price at all. The output is there. No matter how rich you are, many people are destined to be unable to buy seven-star baby sets.

, so it is meaningless to talk about the price here! Not only is it meaningless to discuss the price, but it is also meaningless to discuss its scope of application. Although its price has increased to 300 million for a set, whether it is a limit of six players or a limit of five

Players, they can all afford it, but due to production issues, most people are destined to not be able to get a set of seven-star babies.


An eight-star baby suit. A single piece of equipment can increase the baby's internal and external defense, blood limit, attack, hit, and dodge by 90. In the following suit attributes, the triggering probability of various skills and the bonus to movement speed are also included.

Improved to 90!

The eight-star baby suit is basically out of print. Its rarity is still similar to the player's eight-star suit. It is basically priceless and you can't buy it if you have money. So far, except for the one made by Wei Bin

Except for the eight-star equipment, other people can only create eight-star equipment unless they are lucky and their character explodes during the equipment building process. Apart from this possibility, no one has the ability to create eight-star equipment.

, there are very few players wearing eight-star equipment in the entire Middle-earth continent!

The same goes for the eight-star baby suit. Even if the production in the entire Middle-earth continent is not much, it is destined that not many people can wear the eight-star baby suit. Pay attention, it is not that you can't afford it, but you can't buy it!

As for the nine-star baby suit, a single piece of equipment can increase the baby's internal and external defense by 100 points, blood limit, attack, hit, dodge. The following suit attributes include the triggering probability of various skills and the bonus to movement speed.

It has also been increased to 100!

This number looks scary. The bonus is 100, which is a doubling effect. If a top-notch beast is put on such a baby suit, its strength will definitely surpass its owner!

Take Wei Bin’s Tianming Xuanfeng who awakened his bloodline as an example!

The Heaven-defying Super Divine Beast of Destiny Black Phoenix Awakening 33 Bloodline 11

Level 76 Growth Rate: Perfect Comprehension 15 Spirituality 10

HP 205290

Internal attack 13553

External attack 13553

External Defense 14874

Internal Defense 14365

Hit 13566

Dodge 4500

Knowing 17

Knowing Defense 16

Reiki qualification 6680 (comprehension bonus +60) spirituality bonus +31

Strength qualification 6680+31

Physical qualification: 8510+31

Dingli qualification 8010+31

Shenfa qualification 6050+31

Super Loyalty: 46% chance of taking knowing damage for the owner. Babies with loyal character have the highest chance of being released.

Super aura: 46% chance of enduring bad conditions for the owner, and babies with loyal characters have the highest chance of being released.

Super borrowed power: Increases the master's strength by 575 points.

Super Honest: Increases own internal and external defense by 30.

Super See Through: Allows the owner to see through the invisibility state whose invisibility level is 2 levels higher than the owner's level.

Super Dispel: Removes all control effects from the owner and becomes immune to all control effects within six seconds. Cooling time is 2 minutes.

Super Holy Explosion: Up to 12 allies within a 7-meter range of the rare beast can recover the blood volume of Physical Qualification 2, and the cooling time is 2 minutes.

Brutal beast: reduce attribute damage by 50. Awakening skills)

Wei Bin's Destiny Xuanfeng can basically be regarded as the top existence in the entire Middle-earth continent. However, since the Xuanfeng Yuanshen is not particularly rare, other rich people also use Destiny Xuanfeng as their own.

The one made by Feng is exactly the same as the one Wei Bin has. It is also a bloodline awakening, and the spirituality has been raised to 10. Take these players as an example, if you give them a nine-star baby suit, what is the concept? The blood limit will be doubled directly.

To 400,000, the limit reaches five players. Even in the Great Shaolin, few can reach 400,000 blood volume. The internal and external strength defense is doubled to 30,000!

This chapter has been completed!
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