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Chapter 768 Herbal Seeds

Because the set is a five-piece set, no one can obtain these five-piece sets by completing dungeons with their own strength. They must all be bought. For example, when clearing dungeons, and a teammate drops one of the nine-star parts, then

You can take the opportunity to collect it at a high price. Next time your teammates drop it, you can collect it at a high price. When you have a complete set, will you sell it? Impossible. It is impossible to buy these parts.

Yes, they are definitely rich high-combat players. How much money do they lack? Wouldn’t it be nice for them to keep it for themselves, improve their own strength, and then open up more resources in a snowballing way?

Next, Wei Bin also left the inner space of Shennongjia.

"Boss, I just thought about this Shennongjia, and it actually recognized its owner, and the owner is me. You won't blame me, right?" Avril said embarrassedly.

It stands to reason that she is just a part-time worker. The money for purchasing herbal medicines, including collecting the types of herbal medicines in Tianlong World from the activity exchange system, was Wei Bin's idea. She just integrated the herbs into Shennongjia with her own hands. She is just a person with strength.

She was just an operator, but in the end she became the owner of Shennongjia. This is unjustifiable both emotionally and logically!

But what can she do? The owner recognition mechanism of Shennongjia is like this. Whoever has paid the most for the cause of unblocking it is its owner. For Shennongjia, what is the contribution? Then who must have integrated more herbs

Whoever pays the most will pay the most. Shennongjia doesn’t care who spends the money to purchase the herbs!

"Haha, isn't it appropriate for you to use Shennongjia? Your profession is to collect medicine + make medicine, wouldn't it be appropriate for you to use it? Or, we should return it to its original owner and give it to Doctor Xue for safekeeping

, Doctor Xue has a great demand for herbal medicine!" Wei Bin said lightly, not minding at all that Shennongjia recognized Avril as its master.

"Boss" Avril's heart suddenly surged with an inexplicable touch. This touch came from trust!

This is Shennongjia, but it is an artifact. They have all seen what happened in Shennongjia just now. It is no exaggeration to say that whoever owns Shennongjia owns the herbal medicine industry and half of the pharmaceutical industry. Whether it is cultivating a herb collection team,

Whether the pharmaceutical team sells medicinal herbs for money, they are absolutely unique in the entire Middle-earth continent. Their overwhelming advantages will definitely make anyone salivate. And with such an artifact, Wei Bin is actually very relieved.

What kind of trust is this given to me? Isn't Wei Bin afraid that she will run away? With this artifact, Avril can completely set up her own business, and after she sets up her own business, her development prospects will definitely be better than those who stay with Wei Bin.

Her subordinates are much brighter, and she will become the most unparalleled boss in the herbal medicine and pharmaceutical worlds, becoming the target of thousands of people's pursuit. When she stamps her foot, the entire herbal medicine and pharmaceutical worlds will be shocked!

Doesn't Wei Bin understand these principles? It's impossible not to understand, but Wei Bin still doesn't mean to be unhappy at all. On the contrary, he is happy for Avril Lavigne. What kind of heart and trust is this, Avril Lavigne can not be moved?

And why does Wei Bin trust Avril so much? There are two reasons. First, Avril was one of the first people to follow him, even earlier than Xuanyuan Aai and Fengyun Wuji, but she is a member of Nirvana's team.

The veteran here is one of the oldest people. Wei Bin understands what kind of person she is. In addition, Wei Bin has saved her life. At that time, her mother was terminally ill, but the family's money was not enough to support her mother.

All the money for medical treatment has been exhausted. If nothing else happens, her mother can basically report to the Paradise World! And when Avril was at her most desperate and helpless, it was Wei Bin who funded the treatment for her mother.

She was ill, and also left a sum of money for her later treatment. This kind of kindness, even a person with no conscience, will remember it in his heart and go through fire and water to repay it, right? So Wei Bin is very relieved about her! Avril Lavigne

She will never rebel, otherwise she will be condemned by herself for the rest of her life! Now the salary Wei Bin gives her is 10,000 gold per month, which is 100 million federal coins. When money accumulates to a certain level,

It has become a number. Maybe Avril can earn two dollars a month after starting her own business.

Ten thousand gold, thirty thousand gold, or even forty or fifty thousand gold, but to her, there is no difference at all. Who would be willing to live with the endless condemnation in his heart for the rest of his life?

The second reason is obvious. Shennongjia has already recognized its owner. What else can I do? Is it possible that Shennongjia should be beaten up and then change its appearance and recognize itself as its owner? Is that possible? Since Shennongjia has already recognized its owner.

, then Wei Bin can only accept it as it comes! Other than that, there is no other way!

"No, no, no, since it has recognized its owner, it should be kept by its true owner!" Doctor Xue said politely.

"Boss, I actually can't give it to him even if I want to, because Shennongjia is bound. However, I just thought about it. I can give others permission to enter the inner space of Shennongjia, even if this person has not integrated herbs into Shennongjia! So!

, I can give Divine Doctor Xue some permissions, and his people can freely enter the inner space of Shennongjia in the future!" Avril said.

Bound? This is a good relationship! In this way, Wei Bin has a reason to keep Shennongjia in Avril's hands. Although he can still use Shennongjia to Xue Muhua, it is too inconvenient. If Doctor Xue puts it

It's fine if it's placed in the system city, but what if he takes Shennongjia back to his Red Cross Hospital Alliance headquarters? Then it won't be that convenient for Wei Bin to collect herbs again!

It would be different if Shennongjia was in the hands of Avril. Avril is in charge of her life players and life NCs. Avril can directly dispatch them to Shennongjia, which would be convenient!

"Senior Xue, I'm still a little confused here, please ask Senior Xue to clarify my confusion!" Wei Bin asked.

"It doesn't matter, Gang Leader Wei, we are all our own, there is nothing we can't say!" Xue Muhua said with a smile.

"What I want to know is, how should we obtain the seeds of those herbs? I found that Shennongjia is different from the outside world. The herbs in Shennongjia can produce their own seeds, but in the outside world, I have not seen any

The herb has produced seeds. If we don't have seeds, how can we mass-plant herbs that are not available in Shennongjia?" Wei Bin asked.

"Haha! Boss, are you a layman now? Why do you need my master to answer this question for you? I will answer it for you!" Avril laughed. Wei Bin's question made Avril deeply feel the truth.

That is, there is a certain order of learning and specialization in the art! Although Wei Bin is enviable in all aspects, when it comes to herbal medicine, he is definitely not as good as himself. It can be seen from the question he just asked.

What a layman!

"Oh? What do you mean? You mean you are better than me? Haha!" Wei Bin scratched his head in embarrassment, seeming to realize his amateurishness!

"That's for sure! Leader, you are so busy at ordinary times, how can you have time to focus on these herbs! In fact, in the outside world, herbs can also produce seeds, but each herb has its own seed-forming period.

After this period, its seeds will take root on the ground. After taking root, we will not be able to use it to cultivate our herbal medicines. This is why the herbal medicines outside can continue to grow! However, their

The seed-bearing period is relatively short, usually only one or two minutes. If you go there late, you will definitely not be able to see its seeds! If we want to collect the seeds of herbal medicines, we need to go there when they have just grown.

, wait for its seeds to grow, take them out as soon as possible, and never wait for them to fall to the ground! In this way, we can take them home and grow herbs ourselves! However, different herbs have different ingredients.

The long-term is also different. The growth period of some herbs is as long as an hour, that is to say, it grows from a bud state to a ready-to-collect form.

It takes an hour to reach the desired state. Within one or two minutes after one hour, it will be its seed-bearing period. We must pick its seeds within these one or two minutes! But some herbs have two growth stages.

Hours, or even three or four hours, this undoubtedly causes great trouble for us when picking seeds, because we don’t know when it will start to germinate, and we have to wait in place. During this wait, if you are lucky, you may get it.

It starts to seed within a minute, and if you're unlucky, you might have to wait several hours!" Avril explained.

"Hey! I didn't expect you to be quite proficient. So, collecting the seeds of herbal medicines is not an easy task, at least it is much more difficult than collecting herbal medicines!" Wei Bin said.

"That's for sure. If we want to collect the seeds of herbal medicines, not only do we have to spend time and effort to go there, but we also need to have enough luck and money!" Avril said.

"I understand luck, but money is not necessary, right? Do you need to spend money to collect seeds?" Wei Bin was surprised.

"What do you think? Boss, let me tell you, you haven't paid much attention to the herbal medicine industry. You may not know that, in fact, instead of collecting seeds, we spend money to buy seeds! You don't know,

Now there seems to be a profession in the game, and there are some people who are dedicated to squatting on these herbs. They don't collect them, but squat on the herbs that are about to grow. If anyone wants to collect seeds, those people will threaten you.

Ask you to give them some money, otherwise, they will collect or destroy the herbs for you when the seeds are about to grow. Once the herbs are collected or destroyed before the seeds grow,

, that kind of seed will not be able to grow! This threat is simply fatal to those players who want to collect seeds! You know, it is not easy for them to find such an herb that will produce seeds soon, so basically, as long as

These people opened their mouths, and they will pay as much as they want! Do you think it costs nothing to collect seeds?" Avril complained one after another.

"So exaggerated? Isn't this robbery? Have you ever been robbed?" Wei Bin asked.

"Hey, I often walk by the river, and my shoes don't get wet. I have been robbed and beaten many times. People and Nirvana will never interact. Who cares whether I am a Nirvana person, as long as I am discovered by others, I want to collect them.

The intention of the seeds is that they will never escape and have to pay for it! Now the gold coins they robbed me are not one thousand but eight hundred in total! Hey, there is no way, who let people strangle our lifeline!" Avril Lavigne was bitter.


"So many? Why haven't I heard you say that? Wait, so to speak, you have already collected a lot of herbal seeds?" Wei Bin suddenly realized that this little girl seemed to have grown up step by step.

She is no longer the Avril who begged her with tears in order to raise money for her mother's medical treatment, and she is no longer the little girl who only dared to make the decision after asking her for advice on everything big or small.

Over the years, she has grown into a general who can take charge of her own business. Previously, Avril secretly donated low-level herbs to the Red Cross Hospital Alliance in the name of Nirvana. Now it has been revealed that she was raped while collecting herbal seeds.

A total of more than a thousand gold was robbed! Avril never mentioned these two things to Wei Bin, because she knew that Wei Bin had no time to pay attention to these things. She told Wei Bin these things,

It will only distract Wei Bin. With such small money, Avril can make her own decisions. Anyway, she is doing it for Nirvana, not to line her own pockets!

"Well, there aren't many. I didn't collect many low-level herbal seeds because players were upgrading very quickly at that stage. Low-level herbal medicines were updated too frequently. In a few months, a medicine would be eliminated and no one would use it.

Naturally, no one wants the corresponding herbal medicine, so there is no point in collecting the seeds of low-level herbal medicines! I started collecting herbal seeds when the sixth-level herbal medicines emerged.

Yes, however, I did not collect many seeds of level 6 herbs because I lacked experience at the time and the efficiency was very low. In fact, the vast majority of the herb seeds I have collected so far are seeds of level 7 herbs, which is what we need at this stage.

I have collected most of the herbal seeds, basically the seeds of level 7 herbs, I have collected all the commonly used herbal seeds, and the rest are some unpopular herbs!" Avril said proudly.

Perhaps, in the eyes of outsiders, Avril's contribution is only one sentence, that is, I have collected most of the seventh-level herbal seeds!

At first glance, it doesn’t sound like much, because you haven’t practiced it. Without practice, you don’t know how difficult it is, and you don’t know what it means!

To know this, we have to start with the meaning of herbs and herbal seeds!

As we all know, starting from level 6 herbs, herbs gradually advance from low-level herbs to high-level herbs. Of course, whether a herb is a low-level or a high-level herb is not determined by the properties of the herb itself, but by the player's settings for it.

Definitely, the so-called low-level herbs are actually herbs used when the player level is relatively low. When the player level is low, you can only get the golden sore medicine formula. The golden sore medicine can only be made with third-level herbs, but the player level

When it is low, the upgrade speed is very fast, which means that the survival period of the golden sore medicine is actually very short. It is like a meteor, fleeting. Its stage is destined to be short-lived, and the golden sore medicine has ended.

, the third-level herbal medicine is naturally of no use, or in other words, the use of the third-level herbal medicine has become very narrow! As for the high-level herbal medicine, compared with the low-level herbal medicine, the high-level herbal medicine can be used to make high-level medicines.

As the level increases, high-level medicines will stay with them for a long time. Low-level medicines such as golden sore medicine can only accompany players for two or three months. After two or three months, basically no one will use them anymore. However, high-level herbal medicines are different.

Well, advanced herbal medicines can accompany players for at least half a year, and in the later stage of more advanced herbal medicines, it is possible to accompany players for one or two years!

Level 6 herbal medicine is the beginning of high-level herbal medicine. It can be said that level 6 herbal medicine is a transitional herb from low-level herbal medicine to high-level herbal medicine. Starting from level 7 herbal medicine, it begins to enter the stage of high-level herbal medicine, because players at this level

, the upgrade speed has dropped significantly, and the upgrade speed is the criterion for determining low-level or high-level herbs!

As for level 7 herbs, each player can only collect up to sixty or seventy herbs per day. Note that this is the most. There are so many living players around the world who collect herbs. The person who collects the most herbs can only collect sixty or seventy herbs.

This does not mean that the yield of herbal medicines is very high. People and players from all over the world collect them together, and the tallest person can collect sixty or seventy plants!

On the contrary, what stands out here is the low yield of herbal medicines. There are indeed many players who collect herbs around the world, but not all of them go together. Those who collect the most can collect sixty or seventy plants. In fact, they can actually collect up to level seven.

There are only a few people who make herbal medicines, and among these few, the ones who can collect the most are only sixty or seventy plants!

You must know that the daily output of each level 7 herb is only 20,000 plants. On average, there are only more than 300 plants in each city. There are not many types of level 7 herbs. Together, each city has

The total number of seventh-level herbs in the city is only tens of thousands, but how many living players are there in a city? The unit is tens of thousands. So, if a person can collect sixty or seventy herbs, it will definitely be

The embodiment of strength and luck!

What are herbal seeds used for? Herbal seeds are used to grow your own herbs. There will be some land for players to plant around each city. These lands are free to use. In addition to growing corn on them, players can

In addition to the crops with free seeds in the system, players can also plant what they want to grow, but the seed problem needs to be solved by the players themselves!

This chapter has been completed!
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