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Chapter 784: Summation (New Year Update)

So the Jurchen fleet retreated to force the Wuzhang Shark to join the battle. In the end, the Wuzhang Shark fleet was fooled and entered the Nirvana encirclement!

The order of the Nirvana fleet's sailing out was also carefully arranged by Wei Bin. Wei Bin first let the 500 warships from the south appear, which was reduced in number, because often the first wave of besiegers is the most deterrent, and the side being surrounded

Everyone will think that this is a fleet that can destroy them all. This is human psychology, although generally as long as they see a fleet appearing over there, Wu Zhang Shark will never evacuate in this direction!

After that, Wei Bin asked the 1,000 warships to the west to appear again. At this time, most people's thoughts were definitely to rush over directly, and definitely not to change direction, because changing direction involves a change of formation, and in the process of turning

, they will definitely be bombarded by the Nirvana Fleet behind them, so going straight is undoubtedly the best escape route for the Wuzhang Shark! And this just fell into Wei Bin's cunning plan, and Wei Bin arranged 1,000 warships in this direction.

!How could the Wu Zhang Shark Fleet, which was escaping hastily, be able to defeat the Nirvana force waiting for work?

In this way, Wuzhangsha's 700 warships successfully came into contact with Nirvana's 1,000 warships. For a time, artillery fire continued, and the fight was inextricable!

"Make a gap and let them pass!" Tian Jing ordered. She is the commander of this fleet. Obviously, she is going to imitate the tactics she used when she defeated the Daxia Dragon Bird Fleet a year ago!

With an order from An Jing, Nirvana's 1,000 warships split into two groups, and a channel was opened in the middle for the Wuzhang Sharks to retreat!

Why did An Jing do this? You will know the reason soon! .??.

When the Wuzhang Shark Fleet saw that the Nirvana Fleet had made a passage, they were very excited for a moment. This was their way of escape. Even after passing through, it was still unknown whether they could survive, but when a passage appeared in front of them

In front of them, they were still very excited. After all, if they moved forward, there was still a glimmer of hope of survival, but if they didn't move forward, they would definitely die!

"Everyone, change grape bombs to chain bombs and attack their outermost warships first!" Tranquility ordered.

With an order from An Jing, all the warships replaced their cannonballs with grapeshot and launched an attack on the Wuzhangsha fleet!

"Sorry, gang leader, all the masts on our warship have been destroyed by Nirvana, and now our ship can't move!" A captain sent a battle report to Wu!

"Gang leader, we can't move. Nirvana used chain bombs and destroyed our mast!"

"We can't move either!"

For a time, news of various masts being damaged reached Wu's ears! Moreover, even without these battle reports, Wu had already felt it, because their outermost warships, both at the front and on both sides, were

The movement speed of the warships has become so slow, and some warships even stopped!

"All warships whose movement speed is not affected can go around from both sides and run as much as they can!" Wu ordered.

"Gang leader, but what should we do? We are making progress now, and we can't retreat!" The people speaking were not the members of the warships whose movement speed was reduced, but those warships whose movement speed was reduced by this area.

Among the surrounding warships, these warships were the worst. They themselves were not slowed down, but the warships in front of them, on the left and right, were all slowed down, and even red lights were set up. These ships could not move.

How do they go? Their only way to escape is to retreat to the rear first. After evacuating the area of ​​the slowed warship, they can then move towards both sides and bypass them to escape!

However, there are also warships behind them. It is like a traffic jam. There are four lanes, and the left and right lanes are blocked by 50 cars. The two cars at the front of the two middle lanes are also blocked by red lights and cannot move.

, and the speaker is the person in the 250th car in the two lanes in the middle, especially the car further forward, the worse it is, because they need to wait for all the 48 cars behind to back out before he can turn around and leave!

But don't talk about him. In this situation, it is difficult for even the 50th car to leave here, because there are cars behind him, and the cars behind him are eager to bypass the two rows of cars on the far sides.

, leaving from the sidewalk, or leaving from the fifth or sixth lane, how could they give way to the 50th car and let the 50th car leave first?

And what about the 49th car? If the 50th car does not leave for a day, he will be stuck here for a day. The cars in front have this fate. They also want to turn around and leave, going around the outside of the lanes on both sides, but they

There are so many cars blocked behind, and they can’t get through! They want to evacuate, and they can only turn around and leave after all the large troops behind them have passed around!

This is very troublesome. They have almost become abandoned. Although they still have the ability to move, their fate is the same as that of the 50 cars on the far side. They can only look at the mood of Nirvana!

If only their 100 cars are unlucky, forget it, the other cars are not much better. In this collective escape situation, who doesn’t want to escape first? Who will take care of others? The more you have this mentality, the harder it will be to escape.

The more you rush, the more chaotic the formation will be. What is the most fearful thing about traffic jams? It’s not that there are too many cars, nor that the two lanes on both sides are blocked. The most fearful thing about traffic jams is those who want to go first, and everyone wants to go first.

People who don't pay attention to order will end up being unable to leave just because everyone wants to leave!

For example, there is a car in front of A who wants to turn left, but a row of cars comes in front of him, and no one gives him a parking space, so he just can't turn! At this time, the row of cars coming from the opposite side

Here, there is also a car b who wants to turn left, but because a has been parked there, the car behind a cannot drive normally. As a result, b cannot turn, and b cannot pass, so the car behind b cannot drive normally.

After driving, just like this, this two-way road cannot turn from two points a and b, resulting in a traffic jam! Over time, there are more and more cars behind a and b, and the more cars there are, the more jammed they are. When people realize

The reason for the traffic jam was that by the time the car that was blocking A from turning wanted to give way to A, it was already too late, because there was already a traffic jam behind him. Even if he wanted to reverse the car, he could make room for it.

It becomes impossible to leave the space!

It was originally a simple road situation, but because no one was willing to give room for A to turn, it eventually led to a traffic jam like a long queue. If someone had given room for A to turn at the beginning,

That would delay them for ten seconds at most, but what about now? Since no one was willing to give way to him, no one wanted to waste ten seconds. In the end, they were stuck in traffic jam for ten minutes, twenty minutes, or even half an hour.

, a lot of time wasted in vain!

However, everyone knows the truth, but when a person is in a situation, few people can take the initiative to give way to him, because people are selfish, everyone wants to pass quickly, and everyone wants to let the car behind them pass

Everyone goes to give way to him, and everyone takes a chance, thinking that there will be no traffic jam, but what is the final result? Haste makes waste! Aren’t we all selfish? Well, everyone should not leave!

The situation before us is the embodiment of the above traffic jam scene, except that the traffic jam is changed to a boat jam. The bad situation of the boat jam even outweighs the traffic jam! Because this is what happened during the war, no one wants to die, and the people around them

There are shells coming at any time, and the threat of death makes them run subconsciously. Their own life or death is uncertain. Who will care about the life and death of others? Who doesn't want to escape first?

This is the purpose of Tian Jing ordering the fleet to make way for the Wuzhang Shark fleet to escape! Can the Nirvana fleet make way for the Wuzhang Shark fleet to escape safely?

Absolutely impossible! Sometimes, you think you see a ray of hope, but in fact it is not hope, but despair wrapped in hope! You think it is a way to escape, but in fact it is just a trap!

Tranquility gave the Wuzhang Shark Fleet a seemingly safe escape channel. In fact, it was to take advantage of the Wuzhang Shark Fleet's eager desire to escape, and to cooperate with the chain bombs' obstruction to their outer warships, to cause chaos within the Wuzhang Shark Fleet.

, what large fleets fear most is chaos. Once chaos occurs in the fleet, it is even more impossible to escape. On the one hand, the decline in combat effectiveness of the fleet is the most fatal!

You must know that the escape channel given by the Nirvana Fleet can only accommodate about twenty ships to pass through at the same time. With this channel, the Wuzhang Shark Fleet will subconsciously take this channel. Originally, the Wuzhang Shark Fleet would use this channel.

The Zhangsha fleet consists of 50 warships marching together, but when they need to cross this safe passage, they will subconsciously narrow the fleet and change it to 20 warships marching together. Halfway through, the large force is attacked by

They were unable to move forward due to the obstruction of the chain bombs. At this time, only the outermost warships could attack the Nirvana Fleet. The warships inside could not attack at all because they were all crowded together. If they fired rashly, it would be extremely dangerous.

You may accidentally injure one of your own, and if that happens, it will be even more chaotic!

On the other hand, Nirvana's queue is neat and orderly, and there is a large enough distance between each row of fleets. There is no need to worry about accidentally injuring one's own people. In this way, Nirvana's firepower intensity reaches the level of the Wuzhang Shark Fleet.

Several times, the battle losses plummeted!

Now you understand the reason why Tian Jing gave up a safe route for the Wu Zhang Shark Fleet to pass? Where is the escape passage? This is clearly a fast passage to hell!

In this way, under the indiscriminate bombardment of the Nirvana fleet, more and more Wuzhang shark fleets were blocked in this escape channel. At this time, the Wuzhang shark fleet was in a dilemma. Keep moving forward, as if it had become

It's an impossible thing, and what about retreating? They need to retreat layer by layer. Only when the warships at the back have withdrawn, can the warships in front turn around and retreat. This operation can indeed be achieved, but it will waste a lot of time.

, what they lack most at this time is time, because the Nirvana fleet behind them has gradually approached them. Maybe when they just withdrew from this escape channel, they were surrounded by the Nirvana fleet behind them. In the end, their efforts were all in vain.

That’s all!

"Brother, what should we do?" Lao Sansha looked at Wu.

"What should we do? What else can we do? I have long said that the Jurchens cannot be trusted. You have to trust her. Now, we are about to face a disaster! You should have listened to me from the beginning. We are here

When the Jurchen anomalies are discovered, they should withdraw to the hinterland of the Jurchen country's waters and use the geographical advantages to fight guerrilla warfare with them. Although they may not win, the situation is better than now?" Wu complained.

"Brother, it's useless for you to say all this now. For now, let's think of some ways to escape!" Zhang, the second brother, stepped forward to persuade.

"How to escape? In another minute or two, nearly 3,000 warships from the Nirvana + Jurchen fleet will be able to encircle us. How can we break through with less than 500 combat ships? Impossible!" Wu said.

"Brother, in ten minutes at most, No. 3 and No. 4 will arrive at our place. We can cooperate with them and focus on attacking one point of the Nirvana fleet. We will use heavy bomb attacks to sink their warships.

As long as we open up a passage, we can escape, and then we can escape as much as we can!" Lao Er Zhang suggested.

"Don't be stupid. The reason why No. 3 and No. 4 agreed to join our alliance to fight against the Nirvana Fleet is based on the fact that we have a chance of winning. The current situation is that even with their joining, we will definitely lose.

Undoubtedly, do you think they will save us? I'm afraid that when they see our situation, they will immediately turn around and leave this place of right and wrong, and will they come to rescue us? Don't be stupid, okay!" Wu Yipen

Cold water was poured on him, immediately extinguishing the only hope in Zhang's heart!

"Then what should we do now? Sue for peace? How about we go to Nirvana to sue for peace? Just say that we are willing to contribute all the resources in the entire Jurchen Kingdom to Nirvana. As long as they let us go, we can stay for the rest of our lives.

Never step into the waters of the Jurchen Kingdom again! We will never be enemies of Nirvana in our lives, is this okay?" Shark said.

"Seek peace? Are we still qualified to ask for peace now? Peace is based on the premise that although we will lose, we can still bite them before we die. In order to reduce losses, the other party may consider our request.

And, now, what if we can bite them back even before the group is destroyed? As long as they capture all our warships, it will be enough to make up for all the losses during this period. Will they agree to our request for peace? We

These promised things are meaningless at all. Give up all the resources to them? Do we need to give up for Nirvana? People can reach out and take it themselves, so why do we need to give up? We will never step into the waters of the Jurchen Kingdom in the future? Do you think we will do it in the future?

Do you still have the qualifications to step into the waters of the Jurchen Kingdom? The reason why we were able to rise again after our last group was destroyed is because we reaped the dividends of the times. At that time, the warlords were still in the stage of conquering each other, and we took advantage of the chaos to rise!

But things are different now. As long as our group is destroyed now, we will never be able to make a difference! Because the forces in the major sea areas have basically been finalized, and the chaotic situation of the major warlords in the past is gone forever.

The number one position in each sea area is very likely to be the future overlord. Will they tolerate our rise? No! They will never have any new forces rise. We are no longer qualified to rise, we are not qualified to seek revenge from Nirvana, and we have no chance.

We have entered the Jurchen Sea again! So our promises are meaningless at all, they are just empty promises! Nirvana is 100% capable of swallowing our fleet, and there is no way we can escape!" Wu Xin!

He said dejectedly.

Wu's thinking is still normal. People can eat you and solve their worries once and for all. How can they let the tiger return to the mountain and let you leave safely? When you leave, will you come back to Nirvana for revenge after you are full-fledged? Please

, is there such a fool in the world?

"Brother, what should we do? Let's fight to the death. If they want to kill us, they will have to lose their hair in Nirvana!" Zhang said harshly.

"It's meaningless to do anything now. Maybe we can make Nirvana suffer a greater loss, but this is completely meaningless to us. We will still lose no matter how much we should lose!" Wu said dejectedly.

"Then what should we do? We can't hang up and wait for death, right?" Zhang asked.

"Let's surrender." After a long time, five words finally came out slowly from Wu's mouth!

"Surrender? Brother, didn't you just say that? Nirvana has already defeated us, will they accept our surrender?" Zhang asked.

"Yes! They will definitely accept our surrender. If we don't surrender, but fight to the death, we will cause them at least a hundred thousand gold losses during our struggle. With so many warships, wouldn't they?

Do we need repairs? During our struggle, both the warships of their Nirvana fleet and the warships of our Wuzhang Shark fleet will be attacked by artillery fire! But if we surrender, it will be different. Both of us can

Cease fire immediately and stop damaging the warships of both sides. Nirvana must want to receive better quality warships! So they will definitely accept our surrender!" Wu said through gritted teeth. After all, the word "surrender" means nothing to anyone.

What a shame!

"But brother, what benefits will our surrender bring us? What is the meaning of our surrender?" Shark asked.

"I can discuss with Nirvana, we surrender, and then ask them to let go of the dozens of transport ships in our team, and let our players leave on the transport ships. The transport ships have no combat effectiveness and cannot do any harm to the Nirvana fleet.

Any threat. In this way, we can still rely on these transport ships to do business in the future, and we will not end up worse than ordinary people! You know, we have several transport ships that have just been loaded with gems, and even the goods have been returned.

They were gathered together without unloading!" Wu regretted a little at this time, why he had to take the transport ship to join the war in the first place!

In fact, dragging transport ships into battle is a common tactic of many fleets. Although these transport ships have little combat effectiveness, they can be used as casualties. At first glance, the opponent will feel guilty when he sees so many warships. In fact, many of them have no combat effectiveness.

The transport ship can play a role in misleading the other party!

"Yes, I think I can give it a try!" Zhang became interested immediately after hearing this.

"I also agree. This can at least leave us with some capital. Even if we can no longer dominate the sea, at least we still have capital to do business!" Shark also agreed with Wu's suggestion.

In this way, Wu contacted Wei Bin.

"Guild Leader Wei, how are you doing lately?" Wu greeted very politely.

"How can it be okay? We are at war. It seems a bit inappropriate for you to ask me this question at this time, right?" Wei Bin didn't take it seriously. Wu contacted him at this time, and he knew it even with his toes.

Wu's purpose is nothing more than to surrender or seek peace. As the superior at this time, he naturally does not need to be polite!

"What did the leader of the Wei Gang say? Isn't it because of resources that we are fighting? If the leader of the Wei Gang wants the resources in our Jurchen country's waters, he can just say so and we will give them to you. Why go to war!

Our Wuzhang Shark Fleet has always advocated peace, especially regarding Nirvana. We have never had any second thoughts. Let alone the past and the present, even in the next hundred years we will not have any disrespectful thoughts about Nirvana! Ours

Sincerity can be seen from heaven and earth, and can be demonstrated by the sun and the moon, so we ask Leader Wei to believe in us, show your noble hand, and let us, Wuzhangsha, have a way out!" Wu bowed his hands and bowed fiercely to Wei Bin!

At this moment, Wu felt as if he had eaten a dead fly. He was extremely disgusted. It was clear that Wu Zhang Shark had been invaded by Nirvana, but he saluted the culprit in front of him. This...

"Gang leader, what are you talking about? We, Nirvana, are also forced to do so. If it is not a last resort, we Nirvana do not want to start a war!" Wei Bin said sarcastic words at the other end of the video. How could he be forced?

?Who forced him? But he just dared to say that, he just dared to say that he was forced. At this time, he was the superior, and whatever he said was what he said. Did Wu dare to question Wei Bin? He dared to talk to Wei Bin

Who forced him to argue? He didn't dare. He was the inferior at this time, and he was the one who was beaten and begging for mercy. If he exposed Wei Bin's mask and embarrassed Wei Bin, would Wei Bin let him go?


"Guild Leader Wei, since this is all a misunderstanding, then please stop firing, Leader Wei. I guarantee that from now on, our Wuzhang Shark Fleet will only follow Nirvana's lead. Wherever the Nirvana Fleet points, our Wuzhang Shark Fleet will attack wherever it leads! And,

If the leader of the Wei Gang does not dislike it, our Wuzhang Shark Fleet is willing to be the puppet of the Nirvana Fleet. In the future, the Nirvana Fleet can safely hand over the Jurchen Kingdom’s waters to our Wuzhang Shark Fleet to manage. All resources in the Jurchen Sea Area, our Wuzhang Fleet

After the sharks are mined, they will be handed over to Nirvana in full. Although our Wuzhang Shark Fleet is nominally operating this place, the real owner of the Jurchen Sea is Nirvana!" Wu suggested.

It is not difficult to see from this that in fact, what Wu said had nothing to do with his plan before coming. His real purpose was to surrender, but what he said now was to surrender to Nirvana, which obviously did not match!

So, why did he do this? Here is a joke. As long as you understand this joke, it is not difficult to understand why Wu did this!

Xiao Ming called his parents and said that he accidentally scratched a Bentley while riding his bicycle. The owner of the Bentley asked him to pay 500,000 federal dollars. When Xiao Ming’s parents heard this, they were immediately frightened. How could he have 500,000? So

He was very angry and yelled at Xiao Ming for not being careful. At this time, Xiao Ming said that his reaction was the same as that of his parents. He was also very angry when he heard this number, so he simply beat up the Bentley owner.

Now the Bentley owner has to pay one million in compensation!

When Xiao Ming’s parents heard this, they were so frightened that they almost fainted and became even more angry! They scolded Xiao Ming even more fiercely!

At this time, Xiao Ming said that he was actually just making a joke, and then said that he only scored 59 points in this exam!

After his parents heard this, their hearts immediately returned to their stomachs and they said, oh, you scared me to death, didn’t you just fail the exam? Just try harder next time!

In contrast to compensating others one million, failing the exam is just nothing? Xiao Ming took advantage of this psychological contrast and successfully escaped a beating for failing the exam! If he hadn't

The previous compensation incident was used as a foreshadowing, but if I directly said that I failed the exam, I would most likely not be able to escape after being beaten!

Now, Wu is taking advantage of this mentality. He first proposed to Wei Bin that he was willing to surrender. He knew that Wei Bin would not be able to agree to him, because Wei Bin knew that if a natural enemy surrendered to him, he would definitely surrender.

I can’t even sleep! So Wei Bin will definitely reject Wu’s proposal!

Later, Wu lowered his expectations and said that he wanted to make peace. He could hand over all the resources in the entire sea area to Nirvana, and form an alliance with Nirvana forever. He would never be an enemy of Nirvana, as long as Nirvana was willing to let the Wuzhang Shark Fleet leave and give him

Wuzhangsha left behind a small number of warships! Obviously, Wei Bin was unable to agree to this request!

At the end, Wu Zai proposed that he no longer wanted warships and was willing to surrender. He only needed to keep all the transport ships. On the one hand, he would carry the players of Wuzhang Shark away from here. On the other hand, he would switch to business in the future.

Then pose a slight threat to the Nirvana Fleet! At this point, since there have been two excessive suggestions in the past, and those two suggestions are in sharp contrast with the last one, Wei Bin will definitely accept his surrender conditions.

After all, if the battle continues, Nirvana will end up with some dilapidated warships. How much will it cost just to repair these warships? That money is enough for Wei Bin to buy so many transport ships, so Wu’s suggestion is very important to Wei Bin

It is more beneficial!

"Gang leader, I can manage the Jurchen Sea Territory by myself, why bother you? Isn't that just seeking the far side instead of the near?" Wei Bin decisively rejected Wu's proposal!

"It would be ideal for the leader of the Wei Gang to run the Jurchen Kingdom's waters with his own children, but wouldn't that be a waste of the manpower and energy of the leader of the Wei Gang? However, since the leader of the Wei Gang wants to run it by himself, I naturally don't dare to have any objections.

, I hope that the leader of the Wei Gang can be noble and leave us some warships. There are not many. I only want 100 ships. I promise that as long as the leader of the Wei Gang lets us go, we will leave the Jurchen Kingdom immediately and never come back.

If the leader of the Wei Gang needs anything in the future, just ask, our Wuzhang Shark fleet will have no problem even if it goes up mountains of swords and seas of fire. Although the Wuzhang Sharks can serve as the pawns of the leader of the Wei Gang, conquer the world for the leader of the Wei Gang! " Wu Zhang Shark!

He begged again.

"Hey, there are so many wars in the world, why do you always talk about fighting and killing? Our Nirvana Fleet will not provoke wars, so naturally we will not need the help of your Wuzhang Shark Fleet.

"You'd better give these boats to me directly so that we can get together and meet each other in the future!" Wei Bin said with a smile.

Obviously, Wei Bin is a warship, so he gave it to Wuzhang Shark without even considering it!

"Guild Leader Wei, you really want my life! If you do this, how will my brothers survive? Woohoo!" Wu pretended to cry.

"In this case, I don't dare to embarrass you, the leader of the Wei Gang. Then I have one last request. I don't want any warships, but can you let go of my brothers and let them carry the only remaining warships?"

These dozens of transport ships can leave safely. If the leader of the Wei Gang is willing to agree, we Wuzhangsha will immediately put down our weapons and give up all the warships to Nirvana. What do you think?" Wu paused and continued.


"You don't seem to have understood your situation at this time. Our Nirvana fleet can completely eat all your warships + transportation."

Ship loser, you have no bargaining chips with me, so why did I give you the transport ship I already got? Although a transport ship is not expensive, it is still worth 1,000 gold. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

!" Wei Bin rejected Wu again. If he wants to negotiate, he can't do it without chips in his hands!

"Guild Leader Wei, who said I don't have any chips in my hand?" Wu said.

"Oh? Do you still have chips? Tell me?" Wei Bin said.

"Guild Leader, I still have at least 500 warships in my hands now. Maybe your Nirvana fleet can eventually completely eat up our warships. However, in the process, the battle between your Nirvana warships and our Wuzhang Shark fleet will be fierce."

The ships will suffer great damage. After you obtain our warships, won't you need to pay for the repairs? The transport ships I want together only cost tens of thousands of gold, and if we fight to the end, every soldier will be killed.

If so, the cost of repairing the ship for your Nirvana will probably be more than 100,000 gold, right? I am doing this for a win-win situation, so that you, Leader Wei, can spend less money on repairing the ship, and as for us, Wuzhang Shark, we have already

It has been decided that we will no longer rely on the fleet to survive in the future. We have decided to switch to cross-strait trade. To do trade, transport ships must be indispensable. Maybe we will still have trade relations in the future. Leader Wei! Please open the network for everyone.

Our win-win policy, give in and let us leave on the transport ship!" Wu bowed his hands again and bowed fiercely towards Wei Bin!

When Wei Bin heard this, he realized that what he said made sense. If I rejected his request, they would definitely fight to the bitter end and not plan to evacuate. They would just fight to the end. How much loss would this cause to the Nirvana fleet?

You know, although Wuzhangsha's warship is still Wuzhangsha's, it will soon become Nirvana's. In the end, Nirvana will not pay for the ship repairs. And what if he agrees to Wu's surrender request now? Then

The two sides can immediately cease fire and no longer cause damage to Nirvana's warships. This will undoubtedly save Nirvana a lot of ship repair costs, and these costs are definitely much more expensive than those transport ships! Which one is more important?

You can see it clearly just by looking at it!


Something is wrong! The purpose of Nirvana is to support the Jurchen fleet. After this battle, Nirvana will definitely leave some warships for the Jurchens. Now, the number one position in each sea area has about 1,000 warships. Naturally, the Jurchens

There is no exception. The Jurchens must have about 1,000 warships in order to stand firm in the Jurchen waters. Otherwise, they are likely to attract the covetousness of other major forces in the sea due to lack of strength! The Jurchen fleet is currently

It already has 500 warships, which means that Nirvana needs to give the Jurchen fleet 500 more warships. Nirvana can choose some seriously damaged warships and give them to the Jurchens, and let the Jurchens repair the ships themselves! In this way

, the cost of repairing the ship was shared by the Jurchen fleet! And what about the transport ship? The transport ship Wei Bin will definitely not be left to the Jurchens. He will still use the transport ship himself, whether it is the Nirvana Fleet or the Twilight Fleet.

, we have already started cross-strait trade, which company doesn’t need a transport ship?

We cannot agree to their request!

"Gang leader, to tell you the truth, I can't satisfy your request. I also have my own secrets! I can't agree to your request. I want all your warships and transport ships!" Wei Bin stretched out his right hand.

, the palm gradually evolved from the five fingers spread to a fist, which means I want them all!

"Guild Leader Wei, if you say that, there is no point in talking about it? I can't believe that the dignified Leader of Wei Gang can't even settle such a simple account. Can't you tell what is more important?" Seeing that Wei Bin rejected him,

Wusuo became hardened. The reason why he acted weak just now was because he was begging for help. But now Wei Bin has clearly rejected him. There is no need for him to beg Wei Bin anymore. He can naturally speak with confidence.

It's back!

"No, no! Although we have not reached an agreement on this matter, we can talk about the people you helped! Are there at least tens of thousands of people alive on your warships now? If one person dies,

If you only need to pay a pension of 3, then if your group is wiped out here today, then you will have to pay at least a hundred thousand gold in pension, right?" Wei Bin asked.

"So what? Aren't you unwilling to let us leave on the transport ship?" Wu Yi was a little confused for a while. Since you, Wei Bin, don't want to let us leave, then you can calculate how much pension I need to pay.


"Don't get me wrong, I just said that I can't let you take the transport ship away. I can still let your players go!" Wei Bin said.

"Are you saying that after transporting us back to the port, the ship will be taken away?" When Wu heard this, he immediately became energetic. If Wei Bin really planned to do this, then both the people and the ship would be saved.


Why do you say that? This has to do with the issue of changing ownership of the warship!

There is a principle when changing ownership of a warship, that is, only when all the original players on the ship are gone can the ship be declared to belong to the landing party! In other words, Nirvana Ruguo wants to destroy Wu Zhang on the sea.

If Shark's warship is changed to the flag of Nirvana Fleet, all the Wuzhang Shark players on the ship need to be killed!

And if, as Wu wants, Nirvana transports them back to the port and then hands over the warship to Nirvana, then they will have a loophole to exploit! We Wuzhang Sharks have already landed at the port, why do we still need to hand over the warship to Nirvana?

What about leaving the ship to you for nirvana? Can't I just put the warship back into my backpack? If Wei Bin is really what Wu thinks, then Wu will lead the fleet to escape from death!

But does Wei Bin really think so?

"Transport you back to the port? No! That would be too troublesome. I have a faster way to get your people back to the port unharmed!" Wei Bin said.

Cao! Wei Bin, this cunning man!

"Then how should we go back?" Wu Ming asked knowingly.

"During the voyage, although players cannot use the scroll to return to the city, there is a way for your people to return directly to where they belong! As long as all your people are offline and only the captain is left, we will land on you

’s warship, killed the captain, and the warship was changed to the Nirvana Fleet. The next time your people come online again, they will automatically return to the city where your resurrection point is! In this way, wouldn’t you have escaped?

After one calamity, there is no need to die again?" Wei Bin suggested.

After hearing Wei Bin's words, Wu's face turned ugly again. He naturally knew the mechanism of free return to the city, but in this way, not even one of his transport ships could come over!

"Guild Leader Wei, is it a little too unkind for you to do this? From a win-win perspective, I can not only save you Nirvana money on repairing the ship, but also leave a ray of hope for our Wuzhang Sharks.

Not only are you ungrateful for the upgrade, but you actually made such an exorbitant request. Aren't you Nirvana afraid that our Wuzhang Sharks will break the net? You have to know that if we resist to the end, your Nirvana will have to spend at least tens of thousands more gold to repair it.

Where’s the shipping fee?” Wu said through gritted teeth.

"We Nirvana have plenty of money, and I don't mind spending more money to repair the ship! However, you have to think carefully about how much money you Wuzhangsha have in hand, and whether it is enough for you to issue pensions. The pension should be at least

Ten or two hundred thousand gold, right? In comparison, your situation is more difficult, right?" Wei Bin stimulated Wu.

"You!!!" Wu said through gritted teeth, but he couldn't say a complete sentence. What else could he say? What else could he say?

"Gang Leader, you have to think clearly. We at Nirvana don't care about the money for repairing the ship, but you, Wuzhang Shark, have entered the incandescent stage of the battle. You should think about stopping your losses in time!" Wei Bin

He emphatically chewed on the four words "stop loss in time", and these four words, like a heavy bomb, hit Wu's heart hard.

Yes, it’s time to stop the loss in time! Wei Bin is determined not to let go of himself. If he wants to save his men, he must adopt Wei Bin’s advice and return to the city by going offline, so as to escape a crisis.


"If that's the case, then okay." For a moment, Wu seemed to have aged ten years in an instant!

It's no wonder that just a day ago, he was a man standing at the top of the entire Jurchen Kingdom. Every word he said directly determined the life and death of others. He was so powerful and arrogant, and this was only a day later.

However, his status suddenly dropped, from the throne just now to the bottom. How many people can bear this feeling of disparity?

In this way, under the orders of the leaders of both sides, the fleets of both sides stopped attacking one after another, because during the naval battle, it is impossible to go offline in the combat state. Naval battles are different from land battles. Land battles can be offline, but it takes a lot of time.

It takes a long time to complete offline, but naval battle cannot be offline at all!

In this way, the Nirvana fleet successfully took over the Wuzhang Shark fleet.

At this moment, another fleet came from the west of the Nirvana Fleet.

"Strange, where are the flags of the Light Nirvana Fleet and the Jurchen Fleet, and the people of the Wuzhang Shark Fleet? Where have they gone? Are our coordinates wrong?" The person who spoke was the boss of the third force.

"Gang leader, there is nothing wrong. The coordinates Wu Fa sent are here!" His subordinate confirmed again and again.

"Then where are they? Why are there only the Nirvana Fleet and the Jurchen Fleet here?" the leader asked suspiciously.

In his mind, they must have come to the wrong place, or the Wuzhang Shark Fleet reported the wrong coordinates. He would not believe that the Wuzhang Shark Fleet had been annihilated by the Nirvana Fleet even if he killed him! You know, the Wuzhang Shark Fleet has been annihilated by the Nirvana Fleet!

The fleet is a fleet of 800 warships. With so many warships, even if they fight for two hours, they will not be able to die! It has only been an hour, and it is impossible for the Wuzhang Shark fleet to be destroyed! That's why he

I think Wu gave him the wrong coordinates!

"Strange, why did the Jurchen fleet get mixed up with the Nirvana fleet? They both looked very friendly. Weren't they still at war just now?" The leader was even more confused now!

In fact, when Wu conveyed the information to him, he only conveyed to him the information about the battle between the Jurchen fleet and Nirvana. Wu did not elaborate on this point, and he did not lie. Later, the Jurchen fleet suddenly turned against the enemy and turned the tables on him.

, he did not convey it to positions 3 and 4. It was not that Wu did not want to convey it, but that he did not dare to convey it. He was still counting on positions 3 and 4 to come and support him. If he told positions 3 and 4

The Jurchen fleet betrayed the enemy, so do they still dare to come and save themselves? So, even if they kill him, they can’t tell the news to No. 3 and No. 4. That’s why No. 3 leader surprises the Jurchen fleet and the Nirvana fleet.

Such a friendly scene appeared!

As for Wu Zhangsha’s surrender, Wu still didn’t notify No. 3 and No. 4 not to come to rescue them again. In fact, it was because of Wu’s own considerations! Because No. 3 and No. 4 joined the alliance and couldn’t hide it.

Just like paper cannot contain fire, it will be exposed sooner or later. In other words, even if he tells No. 3 and No. 4 to run away and never come back again, No. 3 and No. 4 will join the alliance and try to fight against the Nirvana Fleet sooner or later.

The Nirvana Fleet knows that after all, there are too many people! At that time, who will No. 3 and 4 be angry at? It will definitely be angry at the Wuzhang Shark. It was the Wuzhang Shark who pulled them into the group, but at that time, in the hands of the Wuzhang Shark

There are no more warships, and positions 3 and 4 still have warships in their hands. Can positions 3 and 4 spare Wu? You can’t let Wu Zhang Shark die for fun?

Therefore, in order to avoid potential trouble in the future of Wuzhang Shark, Wu must use the Nirvana Fleet to get rid of the fleets in positions 3 and 4 as well. In this way, even if positions 3 and 4 will be angry with Wuzhang Shark, they will not

They have no ability to retaliate against the Wuzhang Shark! Because their fleet was also annexed by Nirvana, so this is the scene in front of No. 3, the battle is over so quickly!

"Brother, what should we do now?" a subordinate asked.

After listening to this subordinate's words, the boss fell into deep thought, yes, what should we do now? Before he arrived, he thought about many possibilities, but he never thought that the scene in front of him would appear. This was too

Unbelievable, right?

At this moment, the Nirvana Fleet moved!

"Fuck, no! Retreat quickly, stay away from the Nirvana Fleet!!" The boss was so anxious that he hurriedly issued the order to retreat. He even didn't even say where to retreat, because he was already panicked and he realized

A very serious question has arisen, that is, why did he lead the entire fleet here? Maybe he has a hundred reasons to explain his behavior. After all, he has not participated in the war yet, but Nirvana is not a fool. Will Nirvana believe his lies?

?Don’t come early, don’t come late, but come during the battle between the Nirvana Fleet and the Wuzhang Shark Fleet? And they and the Wuzhang Shark are both from the Jurchen Kingdom. There is only one possibility for their arrival, and that is to jointly fight against the Nirvana Fleet.

The Nirvana Fleet would not listen to his explanation. All they could reply to him was ruthless cannonballs. Although he had not participated in the battle, he had already been burned!

Seeing that the No. 3 fleet turned around and began to retreat, the No. 4 fleet not far behind him immediately realized something and also began to turn around and evacuate!!

"Haha, I didn't expect them to come so soon. They came at the right time. Today, they were all taken care of. Brothers, come to me and grab all their warships!" Wei Bin gave an order,

He took the lead and launched the charge!

Wei Bin knew that No. 3 and 4 were wearing the same pants as Wuzhang Shark, because when Shark was recruiting the Jurchens to join the team, he had already told the Jurchens in order to convince them, and if the Jurchens knew about it, it meant that Wei Bin knew about it. Now this

Two fleets are coming over. Isn't that just what I want?

Just like that, a chase begins!

But escaping is useless. Just like the black sharks blindly escaping before, there are a lot of reefs, fog, and stormy areas on the sea. They can't always escape in a straight line, but as long as they turn a corner, Nirvana can be pulled in.

With the distance between them, if you turn a few more turns, the Nirvana Fleet will naturally catch up with them!

Just like that, after several hours of chasing each other, positions 3 and 4 were finally surrendered by the Nirvana Fleet!

Jurchen Kingdom port.

"Jurchen Gang Leader, today's battle, without the cooperation of your Jurchen fleet, it is absolutely impossible for our Nirvana fleet to win so easily. I originally thought this was a protracted battle that would last for many days. Unexpectedly, Gundam

The battle involving thousands of warships was actually completed in just one day, all thanks to the help of the Jurchen gang leader!" Wei Bin said politely.

"Haha, blah, blah, blah, our Jurchen fleet just accompanied the leader of the Wei gang to fight a soy sauce. In a normal battle, our Jurchen fleet didn't contribute much at all. We all relied on the power of the Nirvana fleet to make the Wuzhang Shark fleet escape.

Looking back now, the tactic of the wife of the leader of the Guard was the most remarkable, which was to open up a route for the Black Zhang Shark fleet to escape, but in fact, where is the light at the end of that route? What is waiting for them is endless.

Darkness is the road to hell!" The Jurchens also exchanged business blows.

"Jurchen Gang Leader, according to the agreement, our Nirvana Fleet will help your Jurchen Fleet become the largest force in the Jurchen Kingdom. At present, the previous No. 1 positions have been wiped out by us, and the No. 3 and No. 4 positions have also been annexed by us.

, your Jurchen fleet has become the largest force in the Jurchen Kingdom! However, in order to consolidate your position and avoid being hostile to you by the major forces in other sea areas, and also to avoid being overtaken by other forces from other Jurchen Kingdoms.

"Go, I decided to take out some of the warships we captured and expand the number of warships in your Jurchen fleet to 1,000. This will make you look like the largest force in the sea... Haha!" Wei Bin said with a smile.

As soon as Wei Bin said these words, the Jurchens could no longer suppress their inner excitement! She had waited for this day for too long. Although she wanted to become the largest force in the Jurchen country, she only hoped.

I have never thought about it that way, because she started from scratch, and the gap between herself and those big forces with background and funds. How could a self-made person get into the top force in the Jurchen Kingdom? Anyone would think it is impossible.

!So she didn’t dare to think about it at all!

Even three days ago, when Wei Bin found her, she couldn't believe that Wei Bin could help her achieve this step, because she was very aware of the strength of the Wuzhang Shark. In her opinion, although the strength of the Nirvana Fleet was far away

It is far stronger than the Wuzhang Shark Fleet, but it is very difficult for the Nirvana Fleet to cross the sea to destroy the Wuzhang Shark Fleet. The Wuzhang Shark Fleet can find a place to hide, or use its local advantages to fight with Nirvana.

The fleet launched a tug-of-war that lasted for dozens of days or even months, because the Jurchen Sea area was so big that it was too easy for a fleet of 1,000 warships to hide!

Originally, in the Jurchen's conception, this war could only end in nothing, because the Nirvana fleet could not stay in the Jurchen waters for too long. It would last for ten days and a half at most. Nirvana's fleet did not need it.

Are they working? Don’t they need to go back to Dali to exploit resources? Don’t the Nirvana Fleet need to develop? The Nirvana Fleet cannot delay its own development too much for the Jurchen Fleet! The best result is that after the war, the Jurchen Fleet’s warships

The number is equal to or similar to that of the Wuzhang Shark Fleet, so the original No. 1 Wuzhang Shark Fleet in the Jurchen Sea area has become two fleets: the Jurchen Fleet and the Wuzhang Shark Fleet. Neither of the two is much stronger than the other.


Unexpectedly, Nirvana actually completely wiped out the Wuzhang Shark Fleet in just one day, and even took care of the No. 3 and No. 4 ships, completely establishing the Jurchen Fleet's dominance in the Jurchen Sea.

This status allowed the Jurchen fleet to truly unify the waters of the Jurchen Kingdom. This ending was really unexpected. If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, who would have dared to believe that such an ending could happen?

Overnight, he became the overlord of the Jurchen Kingdom's waters. Who would believe this?

Even though she suddenly became the overlord of the Jurchen Kingdom's waters, Nirvana actually gave her a batch of warships, expanding the number of warships in the Jurchen fleet to 1,000? That doubled all of a sudden? These days,

Has a three-masted warship with a few thousand gold coins become a cabbage? Double it, double it? This is 500 warships! Several million gold coins!

The most important thing is that Wei Bin not only helped her become the overlord of the Jurchen Kingdom's waters and helped her expand her fleet, but also helped her eliminate potential enemies in the Jurchen Kingdom's waters at once, that is, No. 3 and No. 4.

No. 1, in the waters of the Jurchen Kingdom, the only ones that threaten her are No. 1 Wu Zhang Shark, and No. 3 and No. 4. Nirvana helped her wipe out all the enemies in one fell swoop. Her development speed will not be as high in the future.

God? You know, if you want to exploit maritime resources, you can't do it without the escort of a fleet. As long as you have a fleet, no one will dare to touch you even if you don't escort it. But if you don't have a fleet, then I'm sorry, these resources

You are not qualified to mine. Even if you discover this resource, it will eventually be plundered by others because you do not have enough force to protect it!

In the past, although there were only 300 warships in position 3 and 200 warships in position 4, neither the Jurchen Fleet nor the Wuzhang Shark Fleet had any idea about the resources in position 3 and 4.

After all, they have a fleet in their hands, but it is different now. The fleet in their hands has been destroyed, which means that they have to say goodbye to their resource points, and the new owners of these resource points will naturally

It has to be Jurchen! Now she is the only one with the fleet, who dares to compete with her?

In fact, the Jurchens can completely imitate the original Twilight Fleet and later the Nirvana Fleet, and do not allow more than 100 warships to appear in the Jurchen Kingdom's waters. Now the entire Jurchen Kingdom's waters are her world, and she keeps her word.

Yes, she can make up the rules at will! How did the Twilight Fleet and the Nirvana Fleet formulate the rules in the first place? Isn't it because the Twilight Fleet and the Nirvana Fleet unified their respective sea areas? And now the Jurchen Fleet has a greater advantage than the Nirvana Fleet and the Nirvana Fleet at that time.

The advantage when the Twilight Fleet unified their respective sea areas was even greater! At that time, how many warships did the Twilight Fleet and the Nirvana Fleet unite in the sea area? It was only two to three hundred ships. The forces with two to three hundred warships could make rules at will, and more

What's more, the Jurchen fleet has 1,000 warships? Isn't that just what you say?

Speaking of this kind of kindness, how could Jurchen not be grateful to Wei Bin? How could she not step forward when Wei Bin needed her in the future?

"Brother, you are confused. We don't even have a fleet anymore, and we are planning to withdraw from the world and go into trade. What do you think we need from this gang? What else are we going to do to save these players?" Lao Er Zhang complained.

"Time was so tight at the time, how could I think so much? At that time, I had been thinking about how to appease people's hearts and how to minimize the losses. By doing this, I really minimized the losses. Otherwise, I would just pay the pension.

Just two hundred thousand gold coins!" Wu said with an innocent face.

"Brother, if you do this from the perspective of a gang, you can indeed minimize the loss. However, we don't even have a warship in our hands, so what else do we need from the gang? We are not going to cross the Taiwan Strait in the future.

Trade? What does it take for so many people to do trade? We don’t have to worry about the life and death of these gang members. The gang is about to be disbanded anyway! It’s better to talk to Wei Bin and get some transport ships, even if it’s

Just half of it is fine! One transport ship costs 1,000 gold, and 50 transport ships costs 50,000 gold! This is 500 million federal coins, who has so many 500 million federal coins!" Lao Er Zhang complained.

"Second brother, don't blame the eldest brother! In that environment at that time, our fleet was facing the danger of destruction at any time. Who could cover everything and consider everything flawlessly! Besides, time was tight at the time, and there was no way to do it.

Give us a few minutes to think. It's normal for the eldest brother to have some mistakes! Hey, isn't that a Jurchen? Is that Wei Bin?" As he spoke, the third child suddenly saw Jurchen and Wei Bin standing there near the port.


"This stinky bitch, let me chop her up if I don't!" Zhang, the second child, saw that she was really a Jurchen. He became furious and threatened to chop her up!

"You bitch, you dare to betray me half-way. Aren't you afraid that your reputation will spread and no one will dare to deal with you again?" The second child was about to take action, but in the blink of an eye, she and Wei

Bin was together, and he knew Wei Bin's fighting ability. If he took action so rashly, wouldn't he be killed by Wei Bin?

"Hey, isn't this Gang Leader Zhang of the Wuzhang Shark Fleet? He turned against the enemy halfway? Why did Gang Leader Zhang say this?" Jurchen asked knowingly.

"Why did you say that? Let me ask you, did you make an appointment with my third brother Shark to fight the Nirvana Fleet together? And at that time you were so bold that you directly demanded 50 of our loot at a fixed price! How dare you

Deny it, are these things happening?" Zhang asked.

"I admit it, so what?" Jurchen said with a mocking look.

"Admit it? Then since you made an agreement with us to fight against the Nirvana Fleet together, but what happened later? You pointed the cannon at us. Isn't this treason? What is it? A person like you who doesn't believe in his words,

Who will dare to deal with you in the future? Don't worry, after this battle, your reputation will be infamous!" Zhang threatened.

"Haha, I did aim the cannon at you later, but how can you be so sure that our Jurchen fleet and Nirvana are not the same group? You idiots, don't you understand now? You have been fooled.

The leader of the Wei Gang and I made a plan, do you think I betrayed the enemy temporarily? That was all our plan! Now, do you still say that our Jurchen fleet betrayed the enemy?" The Jurchens looked disdainful.


As soon as Jurchen said these words, Zhang's face immediately became hot. If the facts are really as what Jurchen said, then Jurchen's behavior will not be regarded as betrayal, and his reputation will not be damaged because of it.

On the contrary, if the Jurchens don't point their cannons at them, then that would be considered betrayal, because the Jurchens were originally on the same side as Nirvana, but now you keep attacking Nirvana, what else is it than rebellion?

At first, Zhang didn't think much about it. He always thought that the Jurchens were angry because the Wuzhangsha Fleet had been sitting idly by and allowed the Jurchen fleet to fight against the Nirvana fleet alone, so he rebelled in anger and reached a consensus with Wei Bin. The Jurchens

The fleet let the Nirvana fleet in, and then the Nirvana fleet let the Jurchen fleet go. This was a deal between the Jurchen fleet and the Nirvana fleet! Now it seems that this is not the case at all. The Jurchen fleet has actually been with Nirvana since the beginning.

Damn, you didn’t rebel because you were angry for something! After the second Zhang knew the truth, how could he not be so angry?

But the transport ship has been handed over to others, and the fleet has also been handed over to others. What else can they do? If you had the ability, don't surrender in the first place!

In this way, after this battle, the number of warships in the Jurchen fleet was increased from 500 to 1,000, while the number of warships in the Nirvana fleet was increased from 3,000 to 3,700. This is only the number of warships. Nirvana also captured

We bought 100 transport ships, which brought great convenience to Nirvana’s trade!

In this way, Wei Bin successfully supported the Jurchen Fleet and became the dominant strength in the Jurchen Kingdom's waters, which played a very critical buffering role in the future when the Nirvana Fleet was besieged by other maritime forces!

The matter of recruiting allies was successfully concluded, and Wei Bin once again embarked on the process of improving A'Zhu's friendship. At this time, a month had passed since the battle at Juxian Village. Before A'Zhu went to Yanmen Pass to look for Qiao Feng, Wei Bin

Bin and others asked her to take on a task, and the content of the task was to overcome the level with intelligence!

Intellectual level-breaking tasks are a major category of tasks released by the protagonist NPC. These tasks are very interesting, but at the same time, these tasks are relatively niche. For some people, these tasks are simple.

It's like walking, but for most people, it's difficult to reach the sky!

Furthermore, this type of mission is recognized by all players as the fairest mission. So the question is, why is it recognized by all players as the fairest mission, but only a few people think it is easy?

Because it does not require combat power, it requires brain power. Combat power can be improved through money, but brain power is not enough! Even if you have 100 million, your brain power will not expand because of this. As for some people with low brain power,

If people have high brain power, then there is nothing they can do!

There are many types of intellectual level-clearing tasks published by A'Zhu. Each task requires three levels. The tasks of the three levels are from easy to difficult. Only when all three levels are successfully cleared can the task be considered completed! And Wei

The mission that Bin accepted this time required him to go to three designated scenes to complete it.

Next, Wei Bin came to the scene designated for the first mission, which was a hotel run by NC.

As soon as Wei Bin entered the room, he saw the hotel owner who was worried and frantic, as if he had encountered something troublesome!

"Hello boss, are you in any trouble?" Wei Bin stepped forward and asked.

"Hey, my hotel is losing money every year. I don't think it can continue to operate!" the hotel owner said with a frustrated look.

"What's the big deal? As for asking you, old boss, to close your shop? Why don't you tell me and listen? Maybe I have a way to help you!" Wei Bin asked. This boss was Wei Bin's NPC who took over the task, and he was also the one who gave Wei Bin the question!

"Can you really help me?" The boss looked at Wei Bin questioningly.

"That's necessary!" Wei Bin patted his chest and said confidently.

Regarding puzzles, Wei Bin is still very confident. Wei Bin has been fond of puzzles, Rubik's cubes, mazes and other puzzle games since he was a child. He has even won an award for this because he is very interested in this aspect.

, he likes to use his brain and the sense of accomplishment that comes from solving a difficult problem!

"What happened is this. Three people came to stay at my hotel. They stayed in three rooms, and the cost of each room was 10 yuan, so the three of them paid me a total of 30 yuan! The next day,

I felt that it was not easy for these three people to go out, so I decided to give them a discount. Three rooms only cost 25 yuan, so I asked the waiter to return 5 yuan to the three guests, but who knew that the waiter would give them back 5 yuan?

The second one was greedy and only returned 1 yuan to each person, and secretly took 2 yuan himself. In this way, each of the three guests spent 9 yuan, so the three people spent a total of 27 yuan! So the question is

Well, the three of them spent a total of 27 yuan, plus the younger brother took 2 yuan for himself, the total is 29 yuan. But the three of them paid a total of 30 yuan, so where is the remaining 1 yuan? Where did this yuan go?

"The hotel owner asked with a confused look. Obviously, this problem has been bothering him for a long time!

As soon as Wei Bin finished listening to it, he immediately knew something in his mind. Isn't this the same intellectual question that he often used to trouble his classmates when he was a child? He knew this question by heart when he was a child, how could he be troubled now?

In fact, the game is also designed by people, and the puzzle tasks and test questions in it are also entered by people. In other words, as long as you sort out all the puzzles in the real world, you will definitely be successful in the game.

You can pass the level!

"Haha, boss, how can such a simple question bother you?" Wei Bin laughed.

"What? Do you know what is going on?" When the hotel owner heard this, Wei Bin seemed to have the answer!

"That's necessary, boss. The question you just mentioned is a bit different. First of all, you have to understand the 27 yuan paid by the three of them and the two yuan embezzled by your waiter.

There is a relationship between the 30 yuan that the three of them paid at the beginning. As long as you smooth out the relationship, the problem will naturally be solved!" Wei Bin explained.

"What's the relationship between the three?" the hotel owner asked doubtfully.

"Yes, boss, the reason why you are confused is because you confused the relationship between these three numbers! You need to know, what is the relationship between the 27 yuan and the two yuan? Why did you put them two

What about adding them together? Does it make sense to compare the two of them together with the number 30? Is there any logical relationship between the sum of the two and the number 30? You know, each of the three people gave you 10 yuan at first.

Later, you refunded them five yuan, and they finally got 3 yuan, which means each person only paid 9 yuan, 3927. Now, you have to pay attention, you cannot use 27 to add the two yuan embezzled by the waiter, because

The two yuan embezzled by the waiter were given by these three people. The 27 yuan paid by the waiter already included the 2 yuan. Is there any point in letting 27 go to +2? Here, you should

It only makes sense to subtract 2 from 277. 272 ​​is equal to 25, which is the money you actually received. In other words, these three people paid a total of 27 yuan, of which 2 yuan was in the second hand and 25 yuan in

In your hand, this is the relationship between 27 yuan and 2 yuan! As for the logical relationship between the two of them and the number 30 yuan? Strictly speaking, there is no logical relationship between this 30 and this 27. If

If anything, it means that the three of them initially paid a total of 30 yuan. Later, you refunded them three yuan, and they paid a total of 27 yuan! In fact, the actual composition of the 30 yuan you mentioned

Because, the 25 yuan in your hand, the two yuan embezzled by the waiter, and the 3 yuan you returned to them, 25+3+230, this is the relationship between them! So boss, you don’t have to worry about it.

, your store will not close down because of this kind of thing!" Wei Bin explained that this kind of intellectual problem is too simple for him!

"Oh, so that's it. After you said this, I seem to understand, haha! Young man, your mind is so good!" the hotel owner admired.

You have passed the first test of the system.

Soon, Wei Bin received a prompt from the system. Generally speaking, the first intelligence level was very simple!

Next, Wei Bin came to the second level. The second level was also a store opened by the system nc.

Wei Bin came to this shop, and the shop owner was scratching his head and thinking about something.

"Boss, what's bothering you? Is there anything I can do to help you?" Wei Bin stepped forward and asked.

The system please use two ideas to answer Miss Wang’s problem!

"Hey, I've been losing money in business recently. If it's just a loss, forget it, but I don't even know how much money I've lost. How do you think I can open this store?" Miss Wang said with a sad face.

"You don't know how much you're losing? Boss, you might as well tell me and I'll help you calculate it!" Wei Bin seemed to have guessed the question when he heard Miss Wang's distress. This is a typical fake money loss test.

Question, because only when fake money is involved, this kind of situation will happen where you don’t even know how much money you have lost!

"The thing is like this, I am a shoe seller. The purchase price of a pair of my shoes is 45 yuan. However, due to the change of seasons, I don't want to backlog the goods until next year, so I decided to sell them at a loss of 30 yuan! And that's it!

Yesterday, a customer came to buy two pairs of shoes. He gave me a 100 yuan bill, but I didn't have change here, so I went to a neighboring shop to exchange 100 yuan in change, and then gave the customer 40 yuan in change!

Originally I thought the matter was over, but later the neighboring store discovered that the 100 yuan bill was fake. In desperation, I had no choice but to pay the neighboring store another 100 yuan! The question is, how much did I lose in total?

Where's the money? I really don't understand, young hero, can you help me do the math?" Miss Wang begged.

After hearing Miss Wang's troubles, Wei Bin couldn't help but get excited. It was indeed a fake money puzzle. He had encountered this kind of puzzle before. Although the numbers were different, they remained the same. As long as

Once you master the essentials of this type of problem and understand its key points, it will be easy to solve this type of problem!

One confusion point in this type of questions is that the same amount of money is calculated twice! When calculating this type of questions, you must sort out the ins and outs of each amount of money. You must not calculate it twice or even three times!

At first glance at this question, first of all, Ms. Wang lost money on two pairs of shoes, which is 90 yuan, because the purchase price was 45 a pair. Then, Ms. Wang gave the customer 40 yuan in change because the customer gave her 100 yuan.

Miss Wang sold it at 30 yuan, so 1006040, which means that at this moment, Miss Wang has lost 90+40130, and at this time the neighbor came over and said that the money was fake, so Miss Wang lost again

My neighbor gave me a real 100-yuan coin, which means that Ms. Wang lost 130+100230 yuan!



Someone will definitely stand up and point out Miss Wang's flaw, that is, you only calculated the part of the money you spent, but you haven't calculated the 60 yuan you just pocketed! You did pay a total of

There is nothing wrong with this, but you also made 60 yuan from selling shoes, which is the remaining 60 yuan out of the 100 yuan you used to exchange fake money for change the first time.

After giving 40 yuan to a customer, don't you still have 60 yuan in your hand? Then shouldn't your final loss be 23060170? You can't just count the expenses, not the returns!

So the question is, is Ms. Wang’s loss of 170 yuan correct? The answer is wrong!

This is the consequence of double counting the same money!

Let’s think about it differently. Ms. Wang had no change in her hand at the time, so she had to temporarily borrow 100 yuan in change from her neighbor (which was equivalent to exchanging it with counterfeit currency), and later returned 100 yuan to her neighbor. There was an exchange of equal value between her and her neighbor, borrowing and returning.

There is no question of who loses and who gains, right? So looking at the entire transaction process, it seems that there are three parties, but it is actually two parties. There is no neighbor at all. He just lent 100 yuan to Ms. Wang and then paid it back.

There is no stake in taking it back. All stakes only exist between Miss Wang and the customer. In short, the customer’s gain is Miss Wang’s loss. It’s that simple! Assuming that Miss Wang has change in her hand, there is no need to ask

The neighbor changed, then she collected the fake money from the customer, took out 40 yuan from her pocket and handed it to the customer together with 2 pairs of shoes. The customer turned around and left. So, how much money did Miss Wang lose at this time? 40+45

+45130, this is the money Miss Wang lost! What if we look at it from the perspective of the customer? The customer earned 90 yuan for two pairs of shoes, which together with the 40 yuan that Miss Wang gave him, is 130 yuan!

The above is the first way to solve the problem!

The second way to solve the problem is that we can assume that Ms. Wang had 300 yuan before this transaction, and then we can restore the transaction scenario.

First, the customer came to buy two pairs of shoes, so she first spent 300 yuan to buy two pairs of shoes, one pair was 45 yuan each, which cost her 45,290 yuan. At this time, Ms. Wang had 30,090,210 yuan left.

Next, the customer gave her 100 yuan, and she took the 100 yuan to the next door to get change. Because a pair of shoes was sold for 30 yuan, she got back 10030240 yuan of the customer's money, and put the remaining 1004060 yuan into her

Her own wallet, so she has 210+60270 yuan at this time.

The most critical step came. The neighbor told her that the 100 note she was looking for was fake, so she paid the neighbor 100 yuan. At this time, her wallet had 270,100,170 yuan. This is what Ms. Wang has left.


And she had 300 yuan at the beginning, so we can know that she lost 300,170,130 yuan in this transaction.

This is the second way to solve the problem.

The most confusing part of this puzzle is that Ms. Wang gave 100 yuan to the store next door twice. Many people here will calculate the 100 yuan twice. In fact, Ms. Wang did not lose a penny.

As for the owner of the shop next door, regarding this point, just look at it from the perspective of the owner next door. The boss next door only received 100 yuan in real coins from beginning to end, and he also paid 100 yuan in change. From beginning to end,

The boss next door didn't make a penny at all, and Miss Wang naturally wouldn't lose a penny. The money Miss Wang lost was the money earned by the customers. As long as this is clear, the answer will naturally be revealed!

"Miss Wang, let's do the math. Did the owner of the shop next door make any money from you? How much money did he charge you in total, and how much change did he pay you?" Wei Bin guided Miss Wang.

"Well, to put it this way, although I gave him 100 yuan twice in total, he actually didn't benefit from it because one of the bills was a counterfeit and he didn't earn a penny from me!" Miss Wang thought.

After thinking for a while he said.

"That is to say, how much money you lose depends entirely on how much money that customer makes? That customer made a total of two pairs of shoes from you, which is 90 yuan, and the change you gave him

Of that 40 yuan, he made a total of 130 yuan from you! In other words, you lost 130 yuan! There is no problem in understanding this, right?" Wei Bin said.

Miss Wang fell into thinking and seemed to still have not turned this corner!

"Let's change another idea..." Next, Wei Bin told Miss Wang another idea of ​​​​solving the problem. Only then did Miss Wang suddenly realize that she finally clarified her accounting problem!

All in all, these first two levels are just a pure math problem. As long as your math skills pass the level, you can still solve these simple puzzles easily!

However, these are only the first two levels. The third level is not that easy. The first two levels can only be used as an appetizer to seduce the player's interest. This third level is the main meal of this mission!

Next, Wei Bin came to the designated mission location, which was a teleportation array. Obviously, the real mission location was at the other end of the teleportation array. Wei Bin walked directly into the teleportation array without saying anything.

As soon as Wei Bin walked out of the teleportation array, he found himself on a pirate ship. There were five pirates on the pirate ship. The five of them were gathered together, and a hundred gems lay quietly in the center.

Five pirates in the system grabbed 100 gems, each of which was the same size and priceless.

They decided to divide it like this

The first step is to draw lots to decide your number 15.

In the second step, first, No. 1 proposes a distribution plan, and then all 5 people vote. Only when the voting result is that half or more than half of the people agree, the distribution can be carried out according to his proposal, otherwise this person will be thrown into the

Feeding sharks in the sea.

The third step is that if No. 1 dies, then No. 2 will propose a distribution plan, and then the four of us will continue to vote. In the same way, only when half or more than half of the people agree with his distribution plan, distribution can be carried out according to his proposal.

, otherwise he will also be thrown into the sea to feed the sharks.

By analogy, until someone proposes a plan that is agreed to by half or more than half of the people, the distribution ends.


Every pirate is a very smart person who can judge the gains and losses very rationally and make choices without being impulsive. At the same time, if possible, they all want others to die. Of course, the number of gems is still the priority!

mission target

Propose a distribution plan that maximizes the first pirate's income. If it is not the best plan, or the task is abandoned, the player will be thrown into the sea to feed the fish!

This was a bit embarrassing. Wei Bin had never encountered this question before. What surprised Wei Bin the most was that he actually encountered a level with penalties!

In fact, among all intellectual tasks, there are two types in the third level. The first type is more difficult. There will be no punishment for failure in this type of task because the level is very difficult!

There is another kind of mission. If you fail the mission or choose to give up the mission, you will suffer a certain degree of loss. Because this kind of mission is very simple, the system cannot give you points in vain! And now, what Wei Bin is encountering

It's this kind of mission, that is to say, he has no way out, he can only bite the bullet, because even if he gives up the mission, he will lose one level, which is not what he wants to see!

Next, Wei Bin analyzed the proposition this time. First of all, the proposition of the task is very simple, that is, help the first person come up with a distribution plan, and this plan must be agreed by at least two of the other four people.

Because there are only five people in total, he must agree with himself. Next, he only needs to find two people to agree with his distribution plan, which will be considered a success. If he only gets one person who agrees with his plan, then he will eventually support his distribution plan.

There were only two people making the plan, one was the one he just pulled over, and the other was himself!

Next, we need to combine the third step and the prerequisites for assigning tasks to arrange the allocation plan! What is the significance of the third step? No matter how you look at the third step, it is useless!

In fact, this is not the case. The third step actually wants to tell us that these four people behind them actually do not want the distribution plan for No. 1 to be implemented. Who doesn’t want to hold the distribution rights in their own hands? Of course, the prerequisites

I added that the five pirates are all sensible enough. They will choose the plan that suits them best and best distributes their own interests. So sometimes, even if they don’t want No. 1 to allocate, they have to agree to a plan.

Numbers are assigned, because if they were assigned by another person, they would get less in the end!

The above is the analysis of the topic. Next, when Wei Bin is thinking about the allocation plan, he should allocate based on the above points!

Soon, Wei Bin had an idea, that is, he had to put himself in each pirate's shoes and think about the problem.

First of all, assuming that the names of these five pirates are abcde, and the first pirate is a, then, how should a distribute these gems to get the support of at least two pirates among the other four pirates? Only what he proposed

This plan is the best distribution plan for the two pirates. Only then can he get the support of the two pirates. He must ensure that the plan he proposes is better than the plan proposed by B after his death.

It’s more beneficial to those two supporters. Otherwise, why would people support you? Wouldn’t it be nice for people to vote you to death to support b? Because every pirate is smart and rational!

So how should a allocate these 100 gems? It will definitely not work if he allocates 100 gems to himself without sharing them with others behind him. Four people will definitely kill him, so how should he allocate them? How does he know how to allocate them?

Wei Bin also fell into deep thought. No wonder the five pirates couldn't think of an allocation after thinking about the gems for so long!

"That's right! Use the backward method!" Wei Bin suddenly had an idea. If he distributed it in the forward order, he had no idea how to distribute it, but if he used the backward method, it would be much easier!

If the first four pirates die, then the fifth pirate can monopolize the 100 gems. This is what e wants to see most! But is this possible? Absolutely impossible! Because when there are only two people, d and e, left

When , d will definitely set the distribution plan to 100,0, and d will take 100 gems for himself, leaving no gems for e! According to the rules of the game, as long as the voting results reach half, the distribution plan can take effect.

So d will 100% be allocated like this!

But d is distributing it like this, but e is not willing to do it. If d is asked to distribute it, he will not get any one! But e is the next family of d, and e does not have the ability to kill d, so e cannot do it anyway.

Let d do the distribution, d is simply the nemesis of e!

In order to prevent d from allocating, e must ensure that c's plan is passed, because pirate number e knows that if c's plan is rejected, then there will be only two pirates, e and d, left, and e will definitely

Nothing! In addition, pirate number c also knows that number e understands this situation. Therefore, as long as number c’s allocation plan gives number e a little sweetness so that he will not return empty-handed, then no matter what allocation plan number c proposes,

Everyone e will vote in favor. Even if c only allocates one gem to e, e will agree to this allocation plan without hesitation, because if he disagrees, then c will definitely be executed, and d will distribute the next time.

, he can’t even get a hair! Therefore, number c only needs to allocate one gem to bribe pirate number e, so there is the following distribution plan, 99,0,1, that is, pirate c gets 99 gems

, pirate d received 0 gems, and pirate e received 1 gem!

In c's distribution plan, he will not allocate gems to d, because no matter how many gems he allocates to d, d will not agree, because as long as d kills c, d can allocate gems.

These 100 gems are all his, so no matter how many gems c gives to d, it is meaningless. In addition, the pirate is rational enough. Since it is meaningless how many gems to give to d, why give it to him!

Regarding c's distribution plan, d is also well aware of it, so d cannot let c allocate these gems, because if he lets c do it, he won't be able to get a single gem! So, in b

When distributing the plan, even if b only gives d one gem, d will agree that having one gem is better than not having it, right?

And b also understands this point of d's thoughts, so when b distributes the plan, d will undoubtedly become the target of his wooing. As long as d is on his side, then he will have two votes including his own vote.

If the ratio is two to two, his distribution plan will pass!

So b’s distribution plan is 99 gems, c0 gems, d1 gems, and e0 gems.


And c and e are definitely not happy with b's allocation like this! Because they didn't get a word in the end, so c and e can't be allocated by b anyway, they must support a's allocation plan, that is to say

As long as a gives a gem to each of c and e, c and e will support him, because they have no choice. It is better to get a gem than a to be thrown to death and let b distribute it. They both have one gem.

You can’t even get stronger with gems, right?

Therefore, for a, the best allocation plan is that a gets 98 gems, b gets 0 gems, c gets 1 gem, d gets 0 gems, and e gets 1 gem! That is, 98,0,1,


"I choose the distribution plan of 98,0,1,0,1!" Wei Bin said.

The system congratulates you, it has created the best allocation plan, and you have passed the level!

Immediately afterwards, Wei Bin found A'Zhu again and prepared to submit the task in exchange for friendship.

This intelligence level-breaking task was issued by A'Zhu, so he naturally asked A'Zhu to submit it! And since Wei Bin found out about A'Zhu's traces in Juxian Village, Wei Bin sent people to go to Yanmen Pass with A'Zhu.

On the one hand, they hired a carriage to take care of A'Zhu along the way, and on the other hand, they monitored A'Zhu's whereabouts, because the key task of these dozen core members of Nirvana in the past two or three months was to improve their friendship with A'Zhu.

, after raising the friendship level with A'Zhu to 2000, he can get his own exclusive props, so he must know A'Zhu's whereabouts at any time so that they can accept and submit tasks!

Soon, Wei Bin found A'Zhu, submitted the task, and his friendship with A'Zhu instantly increased from 500 to 1,000. The original 500 friendship level was increased when Wei Bin protected A'Zhu in Juxian Village without fear of death.

Right now, half of the goal of 2,000 friendliness has been achieved, and the next half should be done soon!

Next, Wei Bin took on another intellectual level-breaking mission.

Wei Bin came to the assessment NC office of the first level.

"Excuse me, I have three balls, red, yellow and blue. If I put them in a box and draw without putting them back, and stop when I draw the red ball, what is the probability that I will stop the second time?" A leader said

asked the bespectacled scholar.

"This is a classic probability problem!" Wei Bin thought secretly.

Probability problems still belong to the category of mathematics! Since it is a mathematical problem, it must not be difficult for Wei Bin!

This type of problem is actually very simple. Only the red ball can be drawn for the second time. In other words, you cannot draw it for the first time. At the same time, you cannot wait until the third time to draw it. You must draw it for the second time.

Just the right one!

In other words, this answer must not only ensure that you cannot win the first time, but also ensure that you can win the second time!

And the probability of not winning the first time is definitely 23!

So what is the probability of winning in the second draw? Since before the second draw, there are only two balls left in the box, and one of them must be red, which is the probability of choosing one of the two, then the second draw

The probability of selecting red is one-half!

Next, you have to ensure that you don’t win the first time and you also need to ensure that you win the second time. Naturally, it is the product of the two! That is 13!

"The answer is one-third!" Wei Bin said.

"Okay! You are very smart! Please listen to the second question! There are 10 balls in total, including 6 white balls and 4 black balls. Choose 3 balls from these 10 balls at once. Please ask, among the 3 balls

What is the probability that there is at least 1 black ball!" the assessment NC continued.

"It's a probability issue again? Isn't that simple?" Wei Bin thought to himself.

The probability that there is at least one black ball can be divided into many situations. It can be one black ball, two white balls, one white ball, two black balls, or three black balls. These three situations

Add the probabilities together, which is the answer to this question!

So, what is the probability of one black ball and two white balls?

What is the probability of getting a black ball out of ten? Obviously, 410!

What is the probability of getting two white balls from nine balls? Obviously, is it 69? Absolutely not, 69 is just the probability of getting one white ball. At this time, only two balls have been taken, and the third one has not been taken yet.

Where is the ball! The third ball must also be a white ball. So what is the probability that the third ball is also a white ball? 58!

In other words, the probability of getting only one black ball and two white balls is 4106958! That is 16.

And what is the probability of getting two black balls and one white ball?

First, the probability of getting a white ball is 610.

Next, the probability of getting a black ball for the second ball is 49, and the probability of getting a black ball for the third ball is 38. Then the probability of getting a white ball and two black balls in the end is 6104938, which is 110


Next, we need to calculate the probability that all three balls are black balls. This problem is simple! The probability that the ball touched for the first time is black is 410, and the probability of the ball touched for the second time is also black is 39.

The probability of getting a black ball three times is 28. The final multiplication of the three is 4103928, which is 130!

The sum of these three probabilities is the answer to the question! That is 16+110+130,930!

The answer is 930!

Right? Definitely not! Because this is different from the previous question. The previous question was taken out one at a time and not put back after taking it. But what about the second question? The second question is taken out all at once. This one is taken out once.

It’s different every time you take it!

This is the confusing part of the second question. This NC will first give you a simple question and give you an idea for solving the problem. Next, he will give you a similar question, but the solution is not exactly the same. Because

You have already solved a question before, and your preconceived ideas for solving the problem may mislead you. If you fall into NC's trap, you will lose!

As long as you fail the intellectual level-breaking questions, the next time you will be accepted will be a year later. It can be said that it is a very rare type of question. It takes a short time, but if you fail, the acceptance period is relatively long. Wei Bin naturally

This kind of mistake will not be tolerated!

It is actually very simple to answer this question. Don't calculate the sum of the probabilities of one black and two white, two black and one white, or three all black separately. It is too easy to make mistakes in this calculation. There is an easy way!

No matter how you touch the ball, there are only four situations. In addition to the above three situations, plus a situation where all the balls are white, then, do you just need to subtract the probability of all white balls from 1 to get the answer to this question?

The results of it?

The answer is yes!

So, what is the probability that these three balls are all white balls? Note, it is not 6105948, because these three balls are taken out together. If all three balls are taken out three times in a row, this is the calculation method, but

If three balls are taken out at one time and they are all white balls, this calculation cannot be done!

At this time, each ball should be numbered. Among them, the white ball is 16 and the black ball is 710. So how many combinations are there to take out three all white balls? There are 123 combinations, 124 combinations, 125 combinations, and 126

combination, 134 combination, 135 combination, 136 combination, 145 combination, 146 combination, 156 combination, 234 combination, 235 combination, 236 combination, 245 combination, 246 combination, and 256 combination, 345 combination, 346 combination, 356 combination, 456 combination,

There are a total of 20 combinations, and all 10 numbers are added together. How many combinations are there? 120!

In other words, the probability of all being white balls is 16,116, which is 56, which is the probability of drawing at least one black ball!

"So, the answer is 56!" Wei Bin said confidently. This typical mathematical probability problem is still not difficult for Wei Bin!

"Okay, good, the next third question requires you to go to a designated scene to complete it..." After saying that, the NPC opened a portal, and Wei Bin stepped in!

At the other end of the teleportation array, Wei Bin's eyes caught the sight of five pirates surrounding a box of treasure.

Five pirates in the system grabbed 100 gems, each of which was the same size and priceless.

They decided to divide it like this

The first step is to draw lots to decide your number 15.

In the second step, first, No. 1 proposes a distribution plan, and then 5 people vote. Only when more than half of the people agree with the voting result, the distribution can be carried out according to his proposal, otherwise the person will be thrown into the sea.


The third step is that if No. 1 dies, then No. 2 will propose a distribution plan, and then the four of us will continue to vote. In the same way, only when half or more than half of the people agree with his distribution plan, distribution can be carried out according to his proposal.

, otherwise he will also be thrown into the sea to feed the sharks.

By analogy, until someone proposes a plan that more than half of the people agree to, the allocation ends.


Every pirate is a very smart person who can judge the gains and losses very rationally and make choices without being impulsive. At the same time, if possible, they all want others to die. Of course, the number of gems is still the priority!

mission target

Propose a distribution plan that maximizes the first pirate's income. If it is not the best plan, or the task is abandoned, the player will be thrown into the sea to feed the fish!

"So lucky? It's the same mission as the last one? Haha!" Wei Bin secretly rejoiced. He was lucky now. He didn't expect that he got the 500 friendship points so quickly this time!

"My distribution plan is 98, 0, 1, 0...wait! Something is wrong!" Wei Bin almost said the last number, but just a second before he said it, he accidentally glanced at the title

, I don’t know if I don’t know this, I will be shocked if I tell you!

Wei Bin actually noticed that this question was slightly different from the question of the pirate level in the previous mission!

In the last task, the task description was that when the number of votes in the voting results reaches half, or more than half, the plan can be passed, but what about this question now? The description of this question is that when the number of votes in the voting results exceeds half,

When I was young, the plan passed!

The conditions for this question are one less than the previous question, which requires half of the votes to pass the solution!

This is a slight mistake, a huge difference! For this kind of logic problem, the change of conditions will definitely bring huge changes to the result!

Wei Bin's impatient answer just now almost cost him his life...

Now continue to solve the problem according to the problem-solving ideas of the previous task!

First of all, if there is only e left in the end, that is, it is e's turn to propose a plan, then he will swallow the 100 gems without any suspense! But, is this possible?

The answer is, maybe!

This is the difference between this question and the previous question, because the condition of this question is that the plan can only be passed with more than half of the votes, and when d proposes his own plan, e will definitely not agree, that is to say,

When d's plan is only agreed to by d himself, the plan cannot be passed, because there are only two people, and both of them must agree! So there is a possibility that only e will be left alone in the end!

Looking back at the previous question, it was not e's turn to propose his own plan at all, because when d proposed the plan, the plan was passed, because the condition of the previous question was that it could be passed as long as more than half of the votes were cast, and only d and e were left in the end.

There are two of us, and D will definitely agree to the plan proposed by D! So it’s not E’s turn to allocate the gems!

Then back to this question!

e wants to allocate these gems himself, so no matter what plan d proposes, e will not agree. They can keep it all, so why should they agree to your d plan? And the setting of this question is that it does not affect yourself

At the same time, they all want others to die!

As for e wanting d's life, d also knows it well! So in order to survive, d would rather not own a gem, but also to ensure that c's plan passes smoothly, because before getting the gem and life

If given multiple-choice questions, the pirates would still prefer to save their lives!

And C also understands this, so if C is allowed to distribute, he will give himself 100 cents, and neither D nor E will get a cent, because he will vote for himself. In order to survive, D will give 100 cents to himself.

If you can't get a gem, you still have to vote for yourself. As for e, CD and C have already received more than half of their votes, which is enough for the plan to pass. Then e's opinion is no longer important. Naturally, c will not give out even a gem.


Therefore, when b distributes the plan, c 100% disagrees, because c wants to distribute the gems himself, and e and d, as long as b gives each of them even one gem, they will both agree with b.

Plan, because once B’s plan is assed, it will be C’s turn to formulate a plan, and neither of them will get a word!

So b’s distribution plan must be to take 98 gems for himself, d1 gem, and e1 gem! C will not give it, because even if b gives all 100 gems to c, c will not agree to b’s plan, because c wants to

Let b die! And b only needs to pay two gems, given to d and e respectively. Then his plan will have more than half of the votes and it will be passed!

Therefore, in order for b to realize the distribution plan, he will most likely disagree with a's plan. Unless a is willing to give him 99 gems or 100 gems, otherwise, b still wants to keep the initiative in his own hands.


But a has to think about it. B only has one vote in his hand. It is impossible for a to give 99 or even 100 gems to b. A can definitely spend less money to win over a higher number of votes! Just like

c, d and e, because if b is asked to distribute, b can only give one to d and e, and c can’t even get one! So a only needs to give one gem to c, and two to d or e.

Got it!

Why? Because if b is assigned, then c will not get a single gem, so it is impossible for c to let b distribute. A only needs to give c a gem, and c will support itself unconditionally. One gem is exchanged for one vote.

The price-performance ratio is undoubtedly the highest! Some people may have doubts. If b is assigned to distribute, b will not give a single gem to c, then why doesn’t a try and not give a single gem to c?

Anyway, b will not give it to c, so a can keep one more gem!

This is not possible! Because this question has a premise, that is, as long as it does not affect their own interests, the pirates hope that other people will die! Since a will not be distributed to c, b will not be distributed either

c, then why doesn’t c vote for a? So a must be given to c! Otherwise he will die! Of course, he can also vote for himself by wooing d and e, but the cost of wooing d and e is definitely

It is higher than wooing C, and wooing C is the most cost-effective option!

So why should we give two gems to d or e? Can't we give one to each person?

Why give one to each person? A only needs three votes. A already has one vote, and C voted for a. Next, a only needs to win over one person. Why spend the same number of gems to win over two people?

What's more, if each of these two people is only allocated one gem, they may not be able to win over him! In other words, they may not be able to win over!

The reason is the same as above. Pirates all want other people to die. Whether it is a or b, if they will allocate a gem to d and e each, then d and e will definitely choose to let a die and let b share it!

Therefore, it is not feasible to give d and e one gem each to win over. You must give one of d or e two gems, and the other person does not need to give it! As long as you win over one of them

The number of votes is enough!

In other words, the distribution plan of a is 97,0,1,2,0, or 97,0,1,0,2.

The above is a solution analyzed through the reverse deduction method! Next, we can verify whether this allocation is reasonable through the forward sequence!

Analyzing the first set of allocation plan, if a allocates it like this, c will definitely agree, because c does not want b to allocate it. If b does the allocation, b’s plan will definitely be 98, 0, 1, 1. He doesn’t have a word.

You can't even get it! D will also agree to a's plan, because he can get two gems. If b is assigned, he can only get one gem. A distributes more gems to d, so d naturally agrees with a!

Next, let’s start to analyze why de doesn’t make a concerted effort to kill both a and b? Because if a and b both die, it will be the time for c to take charge. C will arrange 100 gems for himself.

It will not be left to d and e, and this plan will pass smoothly, because d supports c unconditionally, because if c dies and d distributes the plan, e wants to monopolize the gems and wants to kill d.

, will definitely oppose D's plan. When there are two people left, he will die if the votes reach half! So in order to save his life, D has to agree to C's plan even if he cannot get a gem. This is why C dares to give

The origin of allocating 100 gems yourself!

Although d will support c's plan, it does not mean that he wants c to distribute. He is just forced to save his life and agrees to c's plan as a last resort. On the contrary, the last thing d wants to see is c to distribute.

, because c will not give him a gem! So it is impossible for d to let both a and b die! And among a and b, d is naturally more inclined to a, because a gives more!

In this way, because d does not want c to distribute, and because a gives more than b, d supports a! And what about c? If b is assigned, b will not give him a word, so a only

You need to give c a gem, and c will also support a. This is the origin of 97,0,1,2,0!

As for the second set of allocation plans, the principle is the same, because when c starts the allocation, the fate of d and e will be the same.

and e each have a gem, their fate is still the same, so their ideas are exactly the same, so it is completely feasible to analyze the second plan through the analysis method of the first plan!

"My allocation plan is 97,0,1,2,0!"

Wei Bin said.

The system "50 correct answers, please give another allocation plan, you have 20 seconds left!"

"Holy shit! Isn't this system too shady?" Wei Bin cursed in his heart.

You actually have to list both solutions to the problem? And there is a time limit? What does this mean? It means that if after submitting the first set of solutions, if the second set of solutions is not revealed after 20 seconds

If so, the system will determine that the task has failed!

It would be fine if the player thought of both options in advance. Once he only thought of one of them, the remaining 20 seconds would not be enough for the player to think of the second option, so Wei Bin scolded him.

The system is too shady! If Wei Bin doesn't give an answer, he will be thrown into the sea to feed the fish!

This is how you go through this kind of puzzle. The reward is so rich that it is 500 friendship points. It is second only to the legendary difficulty tasks. The legendary difficulty tasks only reward 1,000 friendship points!

In the context of high rewards, tasks are destined to be either very difficult, or the consequences of task failure are very serious. The task in front of me seems to be involved in both. The difficulty of the task is not very low, and the punishment measures are very serious. If it fails,

It's going to be downgraded!

"97,0,1,0,2!" Wei Bin hurriedly added. Fortunately, he had thought of both options in advance, otherwise, he would have lost his mind at this level!

In this way, Wei Bin once again asked A'Zhu to hand over the task. Next, Wei Bin could no longer accept intelligence-type tasks, because intelligence-type tasks, to be honest, are relatively difficult compared to other types of tasks.

The low level is just a relatively niche one. Most people’s brains can’t pass it! But low difficulty means low difficulty. This kind of task can only appear as a welfare task, and it is impossible to become a mainstream task. Otherwise,

, for those players who are good at such tasks, isn’t it a friendliness bug?

In order to avoid this phenomenon, and to live up to its reputation as a welfare mission, intelligence missions can only be accepted once every year, and can be accumulated! This means that you can only receive them one year after the server is opened.

The first intellectual level-breaking mission, and the number of this mission can be accumulated. That is to say, if you do not do this mission after the first year, then the number of missions can be retained for you ten years later.

You can do ten such tasks at once! The server has just been launched for more than two years, so Wei Bin can only do two such tasks!

Next, Wei Bin was in trouble! These days, under Wei Bin's suggestion, the core members of Nirvana are doing team-type tasks. That kind of task is very suitable for them and is very cost-effective for them.

Wei Bin was tired of running around and practicing his proficiency in several skills, so he did not mix with them. In other words, now he could either wait for others to complete their current team tasks before taking him with him.

He can take on other team missions, or he can take on some solo missions and go on a solo adventure!

Obviously, Wei Bin doesn't plan to wait for them!

Wei Bin kept scrolling through the task list, not knowing which task to choose. At this time, the friendship between him and A'Zhu had increased to 1500. In other words, he still needed 500 friendship to obtain exclusive props.


And he doesn't plan to do five hell-level difficulty tasks. A hell-level difficulty task only rewards 100 friendship levels. He plans to do it in one step and directly do a task that rewards 500 friendship levels!

As mentioned before, tasks with hell level difficulty can reward 100 friendship points, and tasks with legendary difficulty can reward 1000 friendship points, but this does not mean that there are no tasks with other reward amounts between these two tasks. In fact,

, Hell level difficulty and Legend level difficulty tasks are just the dividing line between the two mainstreams. There are various tasks interspersed between them, such as tasks with 200 friendship reward, 300, 400, and even 900.

Its difficulty is between hell level and legendary level! And Wei Bin is only 500 friendliness away from reaching the standard, so he naturally tries not to consider tasks with more than 500 friendliness!

"Defeat the Phoenix? No, I can't beat it!"

"Thaw the snow-capped mountains? Stop making trouble. This kind of task is comparable to a legendary difficulty task. It's too difficult. Don't do it!"

"Capture the Flying Cat? I should be able to beat this Flying Cat, but this Flying Cat has been hanging out on Xuanwu Island all year round, and Xuanwu Island is so big. I want to find traces of the Flying Cat, but it will take forever!? I won't do it if I don't do it!"


In this way, Wei Bin eliminated one mission after another. Among these missions, some were really unbeatable, some were beatable, but it took an extremely long time, and some were too difficult, comparable to the legendary level, but

The rewards are somewhere between hell level difficulty and legendary level difficulty, the price/performance ratio is too low!

In the end, Wei Bin set his sights on a task called Capturing the Alliance Leader's Treasure Box! Capturing the Alliance Leader's Treasure Box, such a familiar name!

This chapter has been completed!
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