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Chapter 792 List of Purchased Items

Maybe they want to take this opportunity to let Xue Muhua or Juesha owe them a favor, which will help them turn to Xue Muhua or Juesha when they encounter difficulties in the future! For various reasons, there are many people in the circle who

There may be some interests or relationships, and the formula holders among them may sell the formula to Xue Muhua or kill them!

What about Nirvana? Nirvana has only been established for more than two years. The number of people who deal with Nirvana is far less than that of Xue Muhua or Juesha, and the relationship and trust accumulated by Nirvana are not as good as that of Xue Muhua or Juesha. Maybe in a few years, Nirvana's circle and connections will be better.

To surpass Xue Muhua or to win, but not now!

In addition to level 7 and level 8 recipes, the list also includes various level 70 equipment drawings, crafting drawings and materials. Of course, there are also exquisite drawings. Since the current mainstream level of players has been raised to level 65 or above,

Therefore, there is no point in acquiring level 60 equipment patterns at this time. In a month or two, mainstream players will be upgraded to level 70. Who will wear level 60 equipment? After reaching level 70,

After players get level 70 equipment, they will definitely transfer the gems there and then sell all the level 60 equipment. This means that there will be a large number of level 60 equipment flowing into the market. From this perspective

Speaking of which, there is no need for him to acquire the drawings of level 60 equipment. Although the level 60 equipment is not outdated yet, there is no need to acquire the drawings anymore!

Obviously, it is very advisable to stock up on level 70 equipment patterns in advance. You must know that making equipment is different from making medicine and cooking. Making equipment does not require skill level. There are three life skills in making equipment, sewing and casting.

Craft type. Sewing type equipment includes hats, clothes, wrist guards, shoulder pads, shoes, gloves. Casting type can only make weapons, while craft type can make necklaces, rings, and amulets.

These three skills have no levels. That is to say, as long as you learn these three skills, as long as you have the drawings, crafting diagrams and corresponding materials in your hands, you are level 0 and can build level 100 equipment!

Wei Bin can buy the equipment patterns first, and then make level 70 equipment in advance. In this way, when the Nirvana people and outsiders reach level 70, Wei Bin can sell it or wear it himself.


Correspondingly, there are level 70 building diagrams and corresponding materials. Although there are no drawings and rarity in the building diagrams, the equipment building diagrams of this level are no longer like the low-level equipment building diagrams. The low-level equipment building diagrams

You can buy it from NPCs in cities and wild maps. Although it is relatively popular, it is a way. Starting from level 60 crafting maps, you can no longer buy crafting maps in the wild. Players can only rely on their own abilities.

Go and defeat bosses, open treasure chests, and clear dungeons to get it. In comparison, the difficulty of obtaining it has skyrocketed. Therefore, it is best to acquire this kind of thing in advance before everyone needs it!

If you want to build a piece of equipment, you first need to learn a pattern of the equipment. Once you learn this pattern, it is permanent and you can build this kind of equipment for a lifetime. What is needed to build this kind of equipment? You need a piece of this equipment.

The level building diagram, plus the required materials. For example, if a player learns a level 80 water-soaking boots pattern, then you still need a level 80 boots building diagram to create level 80 boots.

Pictures can not only be used to create water-soaking boots, but can also be used to create other level 80 shoes. Crafting pictures is considered universal! In addition, these are the required materials!

Among the materials used to build equipment, two types of materials are generally needed. One of them can be dropped by killing monsters. As soon as you hear that both materials can be dropped by killing monsters, you immediately feel that the price should be very cheap and the output should be high? What if?

It is normal to feel this way, because materials below level 60 are indeed very cheap and the output is also high. However, starting from level 60 materials, they are no longer popular for killing monsters. In other words, the output becomes lower and the price

Naturally, it has improved! When building equipment of level 60 and above, it is not only the drawings and building plans that make people worry, but the building materials are also a point that makes them unable to eat, because materials above level 60, the material level

The higher the level, the lower the drop rate. Although the player base is large and there are a lot of dropped materials, as the level increases, players become more and more experienced, and more and more people start to invest in building equipment.

, now there are more monks and less meat, and there are simply not enough materials. This point, if placed in the early stage of the game, is almost impossible. For example, level 50 equipment has a high material drop rate, but the people who build the equipment are not.

There are very few, and the materials are extremely cheap! This is why Wei Bin included the materials dropped by level 70 monsters in the list!

Another kind of material for making equipment is even rarer. It comes from planting, which is the product of the land outside each city, such as cotton, colored cotton, etc. At first, people were not aware of planting.

The importance of these materials for building equipment. They have been growing wheat, corn and other products that can be used to make cooking products. Moreover, it was still the suit era and it was the early stage of the game. Even Wei Bin asked his employees to make these cooking products.

Materials required!

But things are different now. Building equipment has become popular now. More and more players have abandoned growing corn, wheat and other cooking materials. They have begun to grow the materials needed to build equipment. However, every city

The land outside is very limited. Even if all the land is used to plant these materials, the supply will exceed the demand for the entire Middle-earth continent. After all, the output is there. In order to better build equipment, Wei Bin

I had no choice but to include these materials in the purchase list. The materials grown by our own people in the hope of Nirvana are far from enough!

In addition to the above materials, Wei Bin also added mithril and cotton cloth to the list. As we all know, there are two ways to build equipment. The previously mentioned patterns + crafting diagrams + materials dropped by killing monsters + planting materials are just one of them.

It’s just a way to build equipment, and this is also the way people build equipment! In addition, there is another way to build equipment, which is pattern + building diagram + advanced building materials!

This so-called advanced crafting material refers to mithril, cotton and fine iron. Among them, cotton is used to make sewing equipment, such as hats, clothes, wrist guards, shoulder pads, shoes, gloves, and mithril is used to make crafts.

equipment, such as making necklaces, rings, and amulets, while fine iron can only be used to make casting equipment, that is, to make weapons. In terms of weapons, due to the existence of artifacts, the market for making weapons is obviously relatively small.

, who wouldn’t choose an artifact with higher attributes? Although the Xinmang Talisman is very expensive, there are many ways to obtain it, and the threshold is very low. The lowest level copy three rings have a chance to drop. As long as the players are diligent and willing to work,

It is just around the corner to have an artifact in everyone's hands! Therefore, fine iron was not included in Wei Bin's acquisition list. Wei Bin's main goal is still to target cotton and mithril!

Mithril and cotton cloth have been in Wei Bin's acquisition list for a long time, and they were not just added by him, because mithril and cotton cloth are still very popular even in the late game!

These three materials are very rare high-end materials. Why is the manufacturing method mentioned above a mass method? It is to highlight the advantages of mithril, cotton and fine iron. These three materials are necessary for building high-end equipment.

, the equipment it creates is obviously stronger than the equipment created using the former materials!

What is its strength specifically? The star rating of the equipment it builds is no different from the former. These three materials do not increase the similarity in the building process. However, any equipment built with these materials will have a certain

It is very obvious that the equipment created by the former has one more attribute than the former! If each piece of equipment has one more attribute than others, what a big advantage it will be?

Moreover, these high-grade materials can be upgraded, up to

At level five, Wei Bin previously obtained a material synthesizer. This material synthesizer is used for this, because the synthesis method of these three crafting materials is different from gems. As long as you have gems and gem synthesis symbols, you can

You can go to the gem craftsman to synthesize them, but these three materials are different. These three materials must be synthesized using a material synthesizer!

And why should we synthesize these materials? Take mithril as an example. If you use first-level mithril to build equipment, there is only a 30 chance that it will have one more attribute than the equipment made with ordinary materials. In other words, even if you use mithril,

Silver-made equipment can give the equipment one more attribute, but it is not an increase of 100, but a chance. This is the meaning of synthetic materials. Level 2 Mithril has a 50 chance of one more attribute, which means

What? It means that as long as you combine the first-level mithril into the second-level, there will be an extra 20 chance of giving the equipment an additional attribute!

What's the point of using advanced materials like mithril to create equipment? Isn't it just that it can have one more attribute than using ordinary materials? With the more reliable second-level mithril, many people will definitely use it.

Level 2 mithril is used to build equipment!

Level three Mithril has one more attribute for 100, level four Mithril has a 50% chance of getting two more attributes, and level five Mithril has two more attributes for 100!

This is very abnormal. If you use a level 5 mithril to build equipment, then 100 can have two more attributes than the equipment built with ordinary materials. The equipment built by the majority of players is all built with ordinary materials, that is to say

, here is a point that widens the gap with mass players, and is the preferred creation method for high-combat players!

As the level of mithril increases, the ways to obtain it become more and more rare, and the value naturally increases exponentially. High-level mithril is a material that can be encountered but cannot be obtained!

At this time, Wei Bin's material synthesizer comes in handy. It can synthesize low-level materials into high-level materials in a two-in-one manner. For example, two first-level mithrils can be synthesized into one second-level mithril.

, or combine two second-level mithril into one third-level mithril, and so on!

In Wei Bin's opinion, these high-end materials are only worth the money when used to build equipment above level 60. The previous equipment is updated too fast. If you want to build equipment before level 60, you also need to use these advanced materials.

It would be too wasteful to build it!

Why do Nirvana's core players have much higher attributes than those of outside gangs? Here's a point. Nirvana's core members wear equipment made by Wei Bin. Each of their equipment is better than the core members of other gangs.

Group players have two more attributes, and have a total of eight self-made equipment in their body. Each piece of equipment has two more attributes, which is equivalent to wearing two or three more pieces of equipment than others. Can its attributes not be higher?

Wei Bin's next plan is to start with level 70 equipment. When Nirvana's main group updates their equipment, they will start to take the high-end route like its core group members. Wei Bin will popularize these high-end equipment to Nirvana's members.

In the main group, everyone in Nirvana's main group wears equipment with two more attributes than outsiders. This will obviously greatly improve the strength of the members of Nirvana's main group! Wei Bin has already stocked up in the past two years.

A lot of advanced collection is done to create equipment for use after level 70!

The reason why these high-end materials are so rare is that they can not only be used to make equipment, but they also have a higher-end purpose, which is to participate in the refining of equipment!

Equipment has a re-refining function. After re-refining, all the attributes attached to the equipment will be re-refined, but the star rating of the equipment will not change. What is the meaning of re-refining the equipment? It is to remove the attributes you do not want.

Eliminate them all and replace them with the attributes you want. The same star rating means that players can turn a piece of high-star equipment with useless attributes into a treasure! For example, on a piece of eight-star equipment, add

It has concentration and strength, as well as fire attack and energy limit, but its user is a Wudang Clan player, which is embarrassing!

First of all, the Wudang Sect is an internal martial arts sect. It is useless for him to have strength. The main attribute attack of the Wudang Sect is the mysterious attribute. The bonus given to him by the fire attack is far inferior to the mysterious attack. Finally, there is the upper limit of Qi. The upper limit of Qi is undoubtedly higher than that of Emei.

It is the most annoying attribute for all other players. For Wudang, if it is a Qi Wudang, it is fine, but if it is a Blood Wudang, the upper limit of Qi is equivalent to a useless attribute! In other words, this piece of equipment

Although it is an eight-star equipment, its actual value to this Wudang player is not as good as a seven-star equipment, or even a six-star equipment! At most, it can be worn as a five-star equipment! Because some attributes that are not listed are likely to be

Still useful!

Not only does this piece of equipment fail to have the value it deserves as an eight-star piece of equipment on this Wudang, but even if a Mingjiao player wears it, can it have a value of 100? No!

Although the power and fire attacks are very compatible with Mingjiao, the upper limit of Qi is of no use to Mingjiao, and the effect of concentration is not very great. When this piece of equipment is worn on a Mingjiao, it can at most be regarded as a piece of equipment.

Six-and-a-half-star equipment, because the upper limit of Qi is a useless attribute, and the concentration is at most half an attribute!

This is embarrassing. It is obviously an eight-star piece of equipment, but because its attributes are so useless, its actual value has been reduced by several stars! There are many such pieces of equipment, like those made by Wei Bin, all of which have useful attributes.

There were too few equipments. Wei Bin didn’t know how many pieces of equipment he had to make before he could come up with one piece of equipment that had all the useful attributes!

At this time, the function of equipment refining can come into play. Equipment refining can randomly refresh the original attributes of the equipment. This refresh may change the fire attack into a mysterious attack, or refresh it into a mysterious attack.

Understanding, change the strength into aura, or movement skills, change the upper limit of energy into upper limit of blood, or some other attributes with greater effect. Although the refreshed attributes are random, if you practice it several times, it will always be

Able to develop perfect attributes!

However, equipment re-refining is conditional and cannot be re-refined casually. If you want to re-refine a piece of equipment, you must add at least one high-level material. These high-level materials are necessary for re-refining the equipment.


Someone may want to ask! Refining equipment requires at least one piece of mithril, cotton cloth, or fine iron, so why not just recreate it? What is the difference between the two?

The difference between the two, in addition to the patterns and crafting diagrams required to re-create the equipment, is also the most important point, that is, after re-refining, the star rating of the equipment will not change! If it is given to a six-star equipment or even

If it is a five-star equipment that needs to be refinished, then to be honest, it is better to build a new piece of equipment. But if it is a seven-star equipment or even an eight-star equipment that needs to be refinished, then it must be refinished, not

It has been re-created. The reason is very simple. If you re-create a piece of equipment, can you guarantee that the equipment you create will be a seven-star or even eight-star equipment? How difficult is it to create seven-star equipment and eight-star equipment? If you spend

A piece of mithril ended up creating a five-star or six-star equipment. Wouldn’t that be a loss of blood? You know, the equipment after refining can retain the star rating of the original equipment. In other words, after refining,

Although the equipment is random, it is an eight-star equipment after all. The attributes of the eight-star equipment are definitely higher than those of the five-star equipment. If the six-star equipment adds 75 points of physical strength, then the five-star equipment will

, six-star equipment can increase physical strength by fifty or sixty points at most! Since the final attributes are random whether it is re-refined or re-forged, then if the target is a high-star equipment, then why not re-refin it? At least.

The star rating is saved!

Which one is better or worse can be seen at a glance!

If you use these advanced materials to participate in re-refining, the principle is the same as that of building equipment. If you use a piece of first-level mithril to participate in re-refining, there is a 30% chance that the re-refined equipment will have one more attribute. If you use

If you use a piece of second-level mithril to participate in re-refining, there is a 50% chance that the re-refined equipment will have one more attribute! The third-level mithril will have 100 more attributes, and the fourth-level mithril will have a 50% chance of having one more attribute.

Two attributes, level five Mithril has two more attributes for 100!

In other words, if you use a piece of level 5 material to participate in re-refining, the equipment that is finally washed out will indeed have two more attributes, but the original attributes of this equipment will be disrupted and will eventually be crafted.

The equipment may not be as good as the original equipment, because there may be many useless attributes that the player may not be able to use at all, which would be embarrassing!

But since refining equipment will lead to the reshuffling of equipment attributes, why is the function of equipment refining introduced? In order to force players to spend money, let players refining it several times? No, this is absolutely the design of the equipment refining function.

Original intention!

The original design intention of the equipment refining function is actually for the players!

As we all know, although in theory all equipment can participate in re-refining, in reality, there are many equipment that are not suitable for re-refining. At this time, the low-star equipment mentioned earlier will cost materials to refining a low-star equipment.

When it comes to refining equipment, it’s really better to use this material to build it again. At any rate, the rebuilt equipment may have a high star rating!

Among those equipment groups that are suitable for re-refining, there is a type of equipment that is 100 suitable for re-refining. It can be said responsibly that the equipment re-refining function is simply designed specifically for this type of equipment. Other equipment is just

Just taking advantage of this type of equipment!

This type of equipment is referred to as fixed equipment!

The attributes of this type of equipment are fixed, that is, non-crafted equipment. Equipment can be divided into many types according to different sources. For example, some equipment is built by players themselves, and some equipment is obtained by completing tasks.

Some equipment is dropped by beating bosses, and some can be redeemed through certain props, obtained by participating in various competitions, winning prizes in activities, etc.!

In these ways, as long as the equipment is not made by the players themselves, it can be called fixed equipment, because its attributes are fixed, such as the Royal Gift Set exchanged for Wanling Stone, which can be redeemed by everyone.

The attributes of these suits are the same, and there are no random attributes. Another example is the equipment dropped by the player when he fights the boss. The attributes of this equipment have nothing to do with the player. Its attributes are determined by God, or in other words,

Determined by the system! But the equipment built by the player is different. Although the player cannot decide the attributes of the equipment, he can affect the attributes of the equipment. At least the player can affect the star rating of the equipment. I cannot control the high star rating I create.

Equipment, can’t I still control myself to build a low-star equipment? If it affects the star level of the equipment, it will naturally affect the attributes of the equipment! In other words, as long as the equipment is affected by the player, its refining

The attributes will change randomly, but those equipment are destined by the day, and those equipment that are not affected by the player are called fixed equipment!

Why is it said that the function of equipment refining is specifically designed to fix the equipment? Because all its attributes are fixed. Even if it is refinished, these attributes will not be affected. It will only be based on the level of the materials involved in the refining.

Just giving this piece of equipment one or two additional attributes will not disrupt its original attributes!

For example, the rabbit ears on Wei Bin's body, rabbit ears are one of them! This is why for most players, rabbit ears are a piece of equipment that can be worn almost to death, because rabbit ears themselves have no useless attributes.

Its attributes are originally the best among equipment at the same stage. If two additional attributes are added, it can be even better than equipment that is more than ten levels higher than it!

In contrast, equipment obtained from beating bosses, completing dungeons, and opening treasure chests is also fixed equipment, but its attributes are messy. Even if it is an eight-star equipment, it may have one or two useless attributes.

Its refining value is not optimistic. For example, a certain piece of equipment dropped by a boss has two useless attributes. To be honest, even if it is an eight-star equipment, it has no refining value because it is fixed.

For chemical equipment, its two useless attributes cannot be changed randomly during the refining process. This means that even after refining, the equipment will have one or two more attributes due to the participation of this advanced material, but this

There is still no change in the two useless attributes! This kind of equipment is obviously not suitable for refining!

However, there are still many rich people who will refinish equipment, even if the equipment is not a fixed piece of equipment! Can't the equipment created by players themselves be refinished? No! It can be done just by refining it a few times.

If you don’t wash out the perfect attributes once, then refining it twice. If you don’t wash out the perfect attributes twice, then refining it three times. How much does it cost to refining it once? The price of a piece of first-level mithril is 15 gold.

The cost of a piece of level 5 mithril is about 300 gold. Logically speaking, a piece of level 5 mithril is synthesized from 16 pieces of level 1 mithril. Its price should be 1516240 gold. However, there is no synthesis procedure here.

Taking into account the fees, synthesizing mithril is different from synthetic gems. The function of synthetic gems is available from gem craftsmen. The handling fee is very low. It can synthesize high-level materials such as mithril, cotton cloth, and fine iron. However, it is different. Only players can use it.

Only the material synthesizers in the store can be synthesized. For example, here in Wei Bin, players cannot synthesize it for others for free. The handling fee must be very high. The 60 gold price difference is due to the handling fee!

When refining a piece of equipment, if you want it to have two more attributes, you only need to use a piece of level 5 mithril for the first refining.

Each piece of equipment will have two more attributes. For example, the original equipment only has 6 attributes, then after refining, the attributes of the equipment will become eight. It should be noted here that these eight attributes are permanent eight, even if you re-refined them later.

If you use level 1 mithril to refinish it, it will still have eight attributes! In other words, to refining a piece of equipment, you only need to use a piece of level 5 mithril to increase its number of attributes by two during the first refining.

, then just use the first-level mithril to refining the attributes you want. The next level one mithril is purely a "tool man" who has to invest in order to reach the threshold of re-refining!

In other words, how much does it cost to refining a piece of equipment with perfect attributes? First of all, this 300 gold must be spent. However, this 300 gold cannot be included in the cost of refining, because these 300 gold are exchanged for

For two attributes, it is equivalent to a one-to-one purchase! The cost of refining should be calculated from the later level one mithril. The cost of refining once is 15 gold. If you can’t wash out the perfect attributes after refining it, then refining it.

10 times, if you can't wash it out after refining it 10 times, then refining it 20 times, 20 times should be enough, right? There are only a few useless attributes, and most of them are still useful attributes. No matter how you arrange and combine them, they will still appear useful.

The probability of attributes is high, so you can still get a perfect piece of equipment by spending 300 gold and refining it 20 times!

Re-refining equipment is a fascinating thing, which is a sense of anticipation! Players are very excited every time they re-refine equipment, because they are looking forward to the birth of an equipment with perfect attributes, even if they re-refine it.

After practicing more than 20 times, their hearts are still full of anticipation and excitement. It's like gambling. This kind of mentality is destined to be in short supply of these high-end materials!

What Wei Bin has to do is to continue to acquire mithril and cotton cloth as usual. He is not only acquiring in the past, but also in the present and in the future.

He also wants to purchase these high-grade materials that will never go out of style!

In the list listed by Wei Bin, in addition to the above, there is also golden silk!

Golden silk is used to upgrade carvings. To carve carvings on a certain piece of equipment, you need 20 paintings and 20 yellow papers. After the carvings are completed, the default is carving level 1. Carvings can also be upgraded. Level 1 can be upgraded to level 2.

You need 1 golden silk to upgrade directly. Level 2 to level 3 requires 5 gold silk. Level 3 to level 4 requires 20 gold silk. Level 4 to level 5 requires 100 gold silk. Level 5 to level 6.

500 golden silk, no level limit.

First of all, Danqing is a drop from the Level 50 dungeon, the Sutra Pavilion. The drop rate is pretty good, but the key is that the demand is relatively small!

As for the yellow paper, haha, many people now don't even bother to pick up the yellow paper dropped by monsters, because it takes up too much backpacks, is not worth much money, and low-level monsters just drop it. Who cares about this kind of stuff?

It can be said that the cost of carving patterns on equipment is actually very low. It is nothing more than 20 worthless paintings and 20 worthless yellow papers. However, this is limited to the low cost of engraving. It is expensive.

The cost lies in subsequent upgrades. If you don't upgrade the glyphs, what's the use of just having a first-level glyph?

Next comes the key point. As the only material for upgrading carvings, the price of gold silk is very stable from the beginning to the end. It is ten gold pieces. Why is it so stable? Because its price has a reference. As we all know, at the same time, the price is very stable.

Level glyphs add the same attributes as gems of the same level! The main cost of gems is the gem synthesis talisman. The first-level gem itself is not valuable. Based on the above amount of gold silk required to upgrade the glyph, it is not difficult to calculate.

, the price of a golden silk is almost the same as the price of a low-level gem synthesis talisman, about ten gold, and the 20 pictures required to carve the carving patterns, each picture is worth 1 gold, which is exactly the price of the gem inlaid talisman and

Money for props to punch holes in equipment!

But! Not everyone has the strength to grind high-level gem synthesis talismans. Advanced gem synthesis talismans require Da Piao or level 50 Hunjiang Dragon. The level 50 Hunjiang Dragon can be beaten at the current player level.

It has passed, but its output is too low. If you refresh so many at once, how can you get enough points? And what about Dapiao? The level of the boss in Dapiao is linked to the player's level, and the boss's level is equal to the average player level.

, this means that those players who were unable to defeat Dapiao in the past can still not defeat Dapiao now because their resistance and defense are not up to par! As for Dapiao, which is the main source of high-level gem synthesis talismans, if the vast majority of people

If you can't even pass the level, how can the output of high-level gem synthesis talismans be increased?

What about golden silk? Golden silk is different. Although the output of golden silk in each copy is not very high, at least the vast majority of players have the right to participate! The player base is large. The player base has increased. Golden silk

The total output has naturally increased. Relatively speaking, the Sutra Pavilion is slightly more difficult than Xiaopiao, but much easier than Dapiao!

After clearing the normal difficulty level of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion copy, you can get 6 paintings and golden silks, one for each person! After clearing the difficult level copy of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, you can get 12 pictures and golden silk pieces, two for each person. For the hell level, you can get

You will get 24 of each, 4 for each person. At the legendary level, you will get 48 of each, 8 for each person! Generally speaking, players with level 3 or below can only clear the Sutra Pavilion dungeon of normal difficulty, while players with level 3 or above can clear it.

The difficulty-level dungeon of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Players with level 4 or above can clear the hell-level dungeon of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Players with level 5 or above can clear the legendary level dungeon of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion!

Generally speaking, the total output of golden silk is still acceptable!

Therefore, for those petty players who have at least three gems inlaid, high-level carvings are easier than high-level gems! Because the output of gem synthesis talismans, whether it is a low-level gem synthesis talisman or a high-level gem synthesis talisman, is

Far lower than gold silk, it is difficult for them to purchase gems to synthesize talismans, but in comparison, it is much easier to purchase gold silk. As long as there is gold silk, their carvings can be upgraded, and the cost is almost the same as gems of the same level.


So, why does Wei Bin include gold silk in his acquisition list with such a large output?

Because the output of gold silk is indeed greater than that of gem synthesis talismans, but this is only relative. Compared with gem synthesis talismans, the output is large, which is completely different from its own large output! For example, there are a hundred people in total,

The output of synthetic talismans is one per day, which is in short supply, while the output of golden silk is 10 per day. The output of golden silk is indeed much higher than that of synthetic talismans, but it still cannot meet the needs of these one hundred people!

Whether the output is sufficient or not is linked to demand, and golden silk is one of them. Although the output of golden silk is large, the demand is also very large. Not only the three-level players have demand, but even ordinary players also have demand.

Are ordinary players not worthy of upgrading glyphs? Sometimes, ordinary players are not called ordinary players because they have no money. Sometimes, they are called ordinary players because they have money but cannot purchase the items they want.

They are called ordinary players. They have money in their pockets, but the demand for golden silk is too great and the competition is too fierce. They cannot acquire it, so their combat power cannot be improved, so they are forced to become ordinary players!

It was because Wei Bin saw this that he included Golden Silk in the purchase list. If he couldn't collect these things, it didn't mean that Xue Muhua and Juesha couldn't collect them either. If they could use the two channels of Xue Muhua and Juesha,

It would be great if you came to buy a batch of golden silk!

In addition to the items listed above, Wei Bin also added some things that should not have been listed on the list, namely the Xuanfeng Yuanshen, Jiuli Demon Tiger and Dragon Soul Yuanshen!

It stands to reason that these 15 core members of Nirvana have already had a divine beast, but it is only one divine beast. For them, one divine beast is far from enough for them. So far, the Guangzhen Beast

They have opened three formations for possession. When the player reaches level 55, possession by rare beasts begins to enter the player's field of vision. There are five more formations on the player's interface for summoning rare beasts, namely the Blue Dragon Formation.

, White Tiger Formation, Suzaku Formation, Xuanwu Formation and Qilin Formation, these five formations are unlocked at level 55, level 60, level 65, level 70 and level 75 respectively. There are eight vacant inner elixirs in each formation.

position, inlay the inner elixir in the inner elixir position, and then place the precious beast in the center of the formation, and the formation can be attributed to the player!

The level of attributes that the formation brings to the player depends on the level of the inner elixir and the quality of the rare beast. The so-called quality of the rare beast refers to the qualification and level of the rare beast. Obviously, the qualifications of the divine beast are higher than those of ordinary rare beasts, so

After being possessed by a divine beast, the attributes it brings to the player are higher than those of ordinary rare beasts. Among the core members of Nirvana, the rare beasts in their hands need to be used for combat, and they cannot be placed in the formation as possessed rare beasts.

At this time, they needed more rare beasts, and since the possession effects of ordinary rare beasts were not as good as those of divine beasts, Wei Bin naturally wanted to get as many divine beasts as possible for them!

Among the mythical beasts that have come out so far, there are the ancient dragon soul, the destiny black phoenix, the Jiuli demon tiger and the jasper unicorn. Among them, as of now, although the unicorn soul of the jasper unicorn has come out, its number is really too small.

Except for Wei Bin, no one else has ever summoned the Jasper Kirin, so Wei Bin, the spirit of the Jasper Kirin, dare not even think about it! But the spirits of the Ancient Dragon Soul, Jiuli Demon Tiger and Destiny Xuanfeng are not so rare.

Of these three kinds of souls, after each battle for the Luoyang territory and the battle for the ancient city of Phoenix, the 15 virtual cities occupied will produce some souls for players to auction. In addition, use rare treasures

After using the map, you can immediately get a Dragon Soul Soul. After using the peerless treasure map, you can immediately get a Xuanfeng Soul!

This chapter has been completed!
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