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Chapter 817 Reject Wei Bin

"Furthermore, Nirvana's gang style is very good and very positive. It can completely exaggerate the internal atmosphere of the chamber of commerce and set an example for other forces in the chamber of commerce! To have a gang like Nirvana with such vitality and positive image join us, we Angel Chamber of Commerce It’s something I wish for!” Shen Wansan continued.

Shen Wansan's words completely made Wei Bin feel relieved! It seems that this matter is going to happen in all likelihood!

"So, President Shen, have you agreed to Nirvana joining the Angel Chamber of Commerce?" Wei Bin said overjoyed.

"Guild Leader Wei, personally, I definitely hope that Nirvana can join the Angel Chamber of Commerce. But there are no rules, so everything must be done according to the rules, right? As the president of the Angel Chamber of Commerce, I set an example and must not do this. Abuse of power, pretending to be public for personal gain, and doing things based on one's own will! Gang Leader Wei, I heard that Nirvana is on good terms with Xue Muhua and Juesha. Why don't Gang Leader Wei go to Aunt Wang and Feng Zhong Zhui Feng and ask them to recommend Nirvana to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce? In this way, Come on, with the strength of Nirvana, you will definitely be able to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce!" Shen Wansan said.

"Cao! This Shen Wansan is indeed a cunning old man!" Wei Bin thought to himself.

This Shen Wansan is so shrewd! He won’t do anything that offends anyone!

He first praised Nirvana, saying how positive Nirvana's image was, how good his support was, and how much he hoped Nirvana could join. But what happened? You agreed to Nirvana's joining! After praising Nirvana a lot , in the end, you actually asked Nirvana to go through public channels and go through the formal process to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce. Then what is the use of all the nice words you said before? Isn’t it clear that you don’t want to offend people?

The most important thing is that Wei Bin could not find fault with his words. Although he had the right to directly let Nirvana join, he said that he would lead by example and take the initiative to abide by the rules of the Chamber of Commerce and not do anything special. Hua, these reasons are all just words, words that Wei Bin can’t find fault with!

If I can rely on the recommendation of Aunt Wang and Feng Zhongzhuifeng to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce, then why should I come to you?

Shen Wansan is so shrewd!

"President Shen, to be honest, they have decided to recommend Nirvana to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce. But if you want to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce through this introduction, you need to go through a voting process. With the current situation of Xue Muhua and Juesha, It was difficult for them to help Nirvana pass during the voting process, so the juniors found you, seniors, and wanted you to be lenient!" Wei Bin begged.

Wei Bin was also very particular about what he said. He did not mention the factional struggle within the Chamber of Commerce. Such factional struggle was not a good thing after all. He could not just say it outright. Wei Bin's words were very clever. , although he did not mention the factional struggle, the fact of the factional struggle has been exposed in his words. That is, with the current situation of Xue Muhua and Juesha, it is difficult for them to help Nirvana pass in the voting process. Doesn't this sentence refer to evidence that Xue Muhua's lineage is at a disadvantage in the factional struggle?

And Wei Bin's words also revealed a signal to Shen Wansan, that is, Wei Bin knew about the Angel Chamber of Commerce. In this way, they could save a lot of introduction to the Angel Chamber of Commerce in their subsequent conversation. Wei Bin already knew the two ways to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce, so Shen Wansan naturally didn't need to waste any time introducing anything to Wei Bin!

Here, Wei Bin actually revealed the true purpose of his trip to Shen Wansan!

Wei Bin wanted Shen Wansan to either vote for Nirvana in the voting process, so that Nirvana could pass the voting process and enter the next assessment task, or Shen Wansan would adopt another method of acceptance. The new method is to actively invite Nirvana to join. In this way, Nirvana can skip the voting link and directly enter the next assessment task link!

You must know that there are two ways for the Angel Chamber of Commerce to recruit new people. The first way is also the most formal and primitive way, which is for the Chamber of Commerce to take the initiative to recruit those forces that the Chamber of Commerce believes are powerful enough. In this way, This force does not need to go through the voting process and can go directly to the assessment tasks!

The second path is the invitation path of the old forces within the Chamber of Commerce. This path is also called the path to join by exception. It is the path through which Xue Muhua and Juesha invited Nirvana to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce. This path was actually the path that the Chamber of Commerce later used. What was added was that at the beginning of the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce, there was no such way. It was just a method used by the president to check and balance the two major factions. In this way, the disadvantaged faction, in order to strengthen its own With the strength of the factions, they will definitely try their best to find allies and new blood for the Chamber of Commerce. In this way, there is no need for the president to do it himself. The two factions will restrain each other by themselves. This is the way of checks and balances!

Under this approach, the invited new forces do not necessarily have to meet the psychological standards of the president, but the president will still give face to the old forces and temporarily agree to the old forces' invitation. At this time, the president's checks and balances will be It can work. If it is a force invited by a weak force, the president will most likely not refuse. If it is a force invited by a strong force, then the president will have room for maneuver. Once this happens After a new force successfully joins, it will form a one-sided trend among the two major factions, and the president will take action and vote against this new force to kill it!

This is the wisdom of the president and the checks and balances of the president!

And how could Shen Wansan, who has been in shopping malls for a long time, not understand what Wei Bin meant? Either let himself open a back door for Nirvana, take the initiative to invite Nirvana, and let Nirvana take the first way to accept new people. In this way, Nirvana can Skip the voting link in the second path and go directly to the assessment stage! Or let Nirvana take the second path to recruit new people, but he needs to vote for Nirvana's approval!

Although Wei Bin didn't say it clearly, his meaning was already obvious. Shen Wansan also realized what Wei Bin meant. Next, it depends on Shen Wansan's attitude!

"Chief Wei, if you want to achieve great things, you have to take the big road, not the small road!" After thinking for a while, Shen Wansan suddenly said this.


Shen Wansan's meaning is already very clear, that is, to reject Wei Bin's request!

Why did he ask Wei Bin to take the main road instead of the small road?

Obviously, the best way is to adopt an open recruitment process, that is, let Xue Muhua or Juesha invite Nirvana to join, and then go through the voting process according to the process, and then participate in the second assessment task after passing the vote!

And what does it mean to take the small road? The small road refers to joining the Angel Chamber of Commerce through the back door. The back door referred to here naturally refers to Wei Bin’s goal today—President Shen Wansan. !

This is very obvious. Shen Wansan is rejecting Wei Bin. Although this rejection is not explicitly stated, a polite rejection is also a rejection. It is just not to hurt the goodwill and prevent everyone from getting off the stage!

This Shen Wansan, after touting Nirvana for a long time, actually rejected him in the end.

Wei Bin thought to himself.

"President Shen, this junior also wants to take the high road, but the actual situation really does not allow it. To tell you the truth, before I came here, I had already approached Posuo. He is a very upright person and was unwilling to agree to my request. If you vote for our Nirvana at the voting meeting, he will only cast one abstention vote at most. In this way, five votes to six, our Nirvana will not be able to pass the voting! President Shen, the juniors really don’t have it. I found a way, so I had no choice but to come to you. This junior really wants to do his part for the Angel Chamber of Commerce and achieve a win-win situation with the Angel Chamber of Commerce! I hope President Shen will consider it again and give Nirvana a chance!" Wei Bin said again begged.

"Guild Leader Wei, I'm really sorry. You can't break the rules. The reason why the Angel Chamber of Commerce can stand in the world depends on the rules. If I break the rules today because of Nirvana, how can I convince the public in the future? Isn't this right? Are you going to destroy your future by cutting off your foundation?" Shen Wansan said, with words already in his words.

It shows that he still can't open this back door for Wei Bin!

"President Shen, the matter is not as serious as you think, right? In fact, the juniors also know that you are in a difficult situation, senior, so the juniors do not dare to expect the seniors to take the initiative to recruit Nirvana. The juniors only hope that the seniors can vote for us Nirvana in the voting process. One vote is enough! As for the next step in the assessment task, whether Nirvana can pass depends entirely on Nirvana's ability! The junior just thinks that this should not be considered taking a small path, right? Senior, didn't you just say that I hope Nirvana Can we join the Angel Chamber of Commerce? Then can we beg our seniors to give us a vote for Nirvana?" Wei Bin begged.

"Guild Leader Wei, theoretically speaking, if you didn't come to me, then it would be okay for me to vote for Nirvana. This does not violate the rules. But you have come to me. In this case, if I vote again, If you vote for Nirvana, are there some other subjective factors involved? In this case, is it suspected of breaking the rules?" Shen Wansan said.


Even if you really have influenced your subjective thoughts because I came to you in advance, can this be called a violation of the rules? Only you know whether you have violated the rules or not. After all, what is your true thoughts? What, no one else knows? Moreover, even if it violates the rules, only you and me know about this matter. If you don’t tell me, and I don’t tell you, who will know? You will definitely not take the initiative to tell me. , and what about me? Would I be stupid enough to tell others that I went through the back door, and then cause public outrage and kick me out of the Chamber of Commerce? Obviously not!

Wei Bin finally understood. To put it bluntly, Shen Wansan just didn't want to open this back door for Wei Bin. After all, with Nirvana's current strength and foundation, it might not have reached the threshold to enter the Angel Chamber of Commerce! Shen Wansan didn't want to take risks. It is human nature to let a gang that does not meet the standards enter the Angel Chamber of Commerce. After all, the Chamber of Commerce belongs to him!

"President Shen, maybe our Nirvana's foundation and strength have not reached your psychological bottom line, but I believe that with Nirvana's development potential, this day will come sooner or later, and once it comes, Nirvana will be able to bring great benefits to the Angel Chamber of Commerce. Greater help and benefits, so I ask senior to think twice and give Nirvana a chance. Senior doesn’t have to give me an answer today. In the future, senior can think about it and give me an answer at any time!" Wei Bin was still a little reluctant to give up, after all. , Shen Wansan is the last straw for him to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce. If he can't get through to Shen Wansan, then Nirvana may never be able to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce before his strength reaches the standard!

Someone may ask, if you come here empty-handed and don’t bring a gift, how can you ask Shen Wansan to agree to you? After all, he is only a short-lived person, and his status is not much higher than that of Po Sua. If you ask Po Suo for help, You even gave me 300,000 gold as a gift. Today you came to ask the boss of the Chamber of Commerce for help and you didn’t bring anything with you?

This comes back to the topic mentioned earlier. You can bribe a company's buyer, and the two of you do some tricks on the bills, and then both parties benefit, because the company does not belong to the buyer, and the buyer is just a wage earner! But But you can't directly bribe your boss, because the company belongs to his boss. Will he help you at his own expense just because you brought a gift? Obviously impossible!

The above is one of them!

Secondly, when asking your boss to do something, you cannot ask for it through bribery. Even if you bring it, you must bring a gift other than money. And it is this gift that makes Wei Bin think about it and can’t think of it! People’s Chamber of Commerce President, is there anything you have that others don’t have? What treasures do you have that others would like?

Even if it is true, Wei Bin cannot easily disclose it to the public, such as the Shennongjia in his hand. Shennongjia is his cornucopia. Maybe at the moment, the value of Shennongjia has not been brought out, but in the near future, Shennongjia will definitely be able to Bring supreme benefits to Nirvana!

"Guild Leader Wei, what you said is all about the future. When the foundation of Nirvana reaches the standard in the future, you can naturally take the high road to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce. Why take this small road in front of you? As for the date of reply, it is really I'm sorry, Chief Wei, I can give you the answer today, that's it," Shen Wansan said.

However, just as he was about to finish his words, a cough came from the direction of the back hall. Hearing the cough, Shen Wansan's words stopped abruptly and he did not continue!

"What does this coughing sound mean? Isn't the old president dissatisfied with my answer to Wei Bin? Is he dissatisfied with the way I handled the matter of Wei Bin looking for me?" Shen Wansan heard the cough in the back hall. When I heard the sound, I fell into deep thought!

It is impossible for the old president of his back hall to make such a coughing sound for no reason. Otherwise, why would he not cough earlier or later, but why would he make such a coughing sound just when he was about to clearly reject Wei Bin? ?Yes, it must be, the old president must be dissatisfied with the way I handled this matter!

But, how exactly does the old president want me to handle this matter? Agree to Wei Bin's request? To what extent should I agree? Give Nirvana a yes vote? Or actively recruit Nirvana and let Nirvana skip the voting process directly? What about entering the assessment task stage? We can't even skip the assessment task and directly let Nirvana join the Angel Chamber of Commerce, right? Although I also have this right in my hand, this is against the rules and will have irreparable adverse effects on our Angel Chamber of Commerce. Ah! Once I set this precedent today, this trend will surely grow and become out of control in the future!

No, it’s better to stabilize Wei Bin first, listen to the old president’s opinion, and then give Wei Bin a reply in the future!

Shen Wansan thought in his heart!

Soon, Shen Wansan had something to say, and he cleverly followed up with his last sentence: "Guang Leader Wei, I can give you an answer today, that is, I need to think about it for a while and listen to other high-level officials in the Chamber of Commerce. After all, the Chamber of Commerce is big and there are many elders. This matter like yours is not trivial. Even I cannot make my own decision and give you a decisive answer!"

"That's it! Thank you, President Shen!" Upon hearing this, Wei Bin immediately violated Newton's law and flew back to the high altitude from the bottom of the valley!

However, Wei Bin suddenly had a mystery in his heart, and this mystery came from the coughing sound in the back hall of the City Lord's Mansion!

Originally, he had understood Shen Wansan's words, and Shen Wansan was about to reject him explicitly, but before Shen Wansan could finish his words, a cough suddenly came from the back hall of the city lord's palace, and then, Shen Wansan As soon as the topic changed, things immediately had room for maneuver! It was obvious that Shen Wansan was deeply influenced by the people in the back hall!

What kind of person is there in the back hall? Can he actually influence Shen Wansan's decision-making? This person's energy must be astonishing! The most important thing is that this coughing sound is very familiar to him, as if he has heard it somewhere before! He even knew this person. Regarding this, it was not that Wei Bin was making wild guesses, nor was Wei Bin trying to put money on his face. There was a reason why Wei Bin thought so!

The reason is that this person actually helped himself, so why did this person help him? If this person didn't know himself, would he help himself? Who would care about such nosy matters, such big nosy matters?

However, just when Wei Bin was still guessing who this person was, another coughing sound came from the direction of the apse of the City Lord's Mansion.

What does this mean? Wei Bin is even more confused now!

Not only Wei Bin was confused, but even Shen Wansan was a little confused!

What does "stepping on the horse" mean? Big brother, you can't play riddles for me! Are you really dissatisfied with the decision I just made? Or are you sick and coughing non-stop? I won't let you play like this Yes!

Shen Wansan was also thinking constantly in his heart.

What does the old president mean? He probably didn't cough because he was sick. After communicating with him for so long, he never coughed. How could it be such a coincidence that when he and Wei Bin were discussing this matter? Coughing twice in a row? Could it be that Wei Bin carries a cardiovascular virus? Infected the old president?

Since the old president did not cough because he was sick, he must be dissatisfied with his decision. If he rejected Wei Bin's decision, he would be dissatisfied. Could it be that his delaying strategy was to stabilize Wei Bin first and then ask the old president for advice? The decision to reply to Wei Bin after the president failed to satisfy the old president?

What is the old president thinking in his mind? Is it possible for him to agree to Wei Bin now and vote for Nirvana in the voting process?

Shen Wansan's brain was spinning rapidly.

Yes, that must be the case! There is no other possibility!

"Guild Leader Wei, actually, you don't have to be discouraged. When you first came in, I already made my attitude clear. I am willing to accept Nirvana into the Angel Chamber of Commerce from the bottom of my heart, because Nirvana's gang style is very decent. We The gang is also very united. Our Angel Chamber of Commerce needs fresh blood like Nirvana to wash away the dirt within the chamber of commerce! Do you know, since I said such things at the beginning, why did I politely refuse Nirvana to join? "Shen Wansan said.

"Juniors don't know, please ask seniors to clarify your doubts!" ​​Wei Bin had ten thousand Cao Ni flying in his heart. Why did he brag about Nirvana at the beginning and then decline Nirvana? Isn't it because you don't want to offend others, so you tout Nirvana? ?

But Wei Bin just needs to understand this kind of thing in his heart, and he can't bring it to the table. If he said this kind of thing, wouldn't he be embarrassed? Seeing that the direction of the wind was about to change, no matter how uncomfortable he felt, No matter how much he understood Shen Wansan's thoughts, he couldn't tell him!

"Haha, that's because I need to test your personality. You, Wei Bin, and your Nirvana have a very positive image in the eyes of the world. However, that is just the world's opinion of you. , does not mean that I think so too! I never believe in rumors. After all, there are so many public relations companies now, and many forces hire these public relations companies to promote a positive image for their own forces. As a member of the Angel Chamber of Commerce, I Sir, how can you easily believe in rumors? I only believe what I see with my own eyes and hear with my own ears. That’s why I want to test you. I want to know what you really are like. Are you like the people in the world? As you said, you are upright, selfless, and righteous! When I saw you today, Leader Wei, you are indeed worthy of your reputation. You are really like the rumors in the world. In this way, I can rest assured about you and Nirvana under your banner. To be honest, if you had just turned around and left unceremoniously after hearing my polite rejection, then I would definitely be disappointed in you, and joining the Angel Chamber of Commerce in Nirvana would also be far away! But! You did not disappoint me. Not only did you not slam the door and leave, but you stayed persistently and very politely begged me again to vote for your nirvana. Leader Wei, you are a very perseverant person! For this reason, I can promise you now, you don’t have to worry about Nirvana’s approval vote anymore, go back and prepare well, prepare to accept the assessment task!" Shen Wansan explained. ??

Damn it! Isn’t this too disgusting? Are you too hypocritical, old man? You obviously changed your mind because of the coughing behind you, and now you actually give me so many high-sounding excuses to excuse me. I?

Of course, Wei Bin still understands that seeing through is not a matter of telling. No matter what, the matter is finally settled. As long as he has Shen Wansan's ticket, he doesn't need to worry about Bingcheng at all. Shen Wansan knows it all He expressed his support for Nirvana. How could Bingcheng, as a neutral force, dare to go against Shen Wansan's wishes? That would be unethical! So, as long as Shen Wansan agrees to Wei Bin, it doesn't matter whether Posuo can help him or not. It doesn't matter whether Bingcheng's internal voice is resolved or he abstains from voting during the voting process. Bingcheng will definitely agree with Nirvana, along with Shen Wansan, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, to join Nirvana!

Surprises always come so suddenly!

"So, I would like to thank President Shen. I promise you that if there is a way to achieve Nirvana in the future, I will go through fire and water without any hesitation!" Wei Bin said overjoyed.

However, just when everyone thought the matter was settled, there was another coughing sound from the direction of the back hall of the City Lord's Mansion!

The arrival of this coughing sound made the two of them smart again! But this time, their moods were completely opposite!

Hey, what's going on with this guy? Could it be that the person behind it has regretted it? Boss, don't make such a joke! Wei Bin thought to himself.

And Shen Wansan's psychological activities are even more complicated!

What kind of situation is this? Isn't it enough after everything is like this? Is it necessary for the Chamber of Commerce to take the initiative to recruit Nirvana to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce? How can Nirvana be able to make the Angel Chamber of Commerce achieve this level? Although I am also very optimistic about Nirvana, it is not like this, right? You keep coughing so many times that I have no excuse or reason, and I don’t know how to tell Wei Bin!

Even though Shen Wansan was a little unhappy, he really couldn't think of any other possibilities. No matter how unhappy he was, he still had to show some sympathy to the old president behind him, right? The old president made it clear that he was If he is dissatisfied with the decision made, what can he do? He can't openly violate the wishes of the old president, right?

As for how he needs to explain to others after making this decision, that can only be discussed in the future!

"Okay! Leader Wei, you have indeed not disappointed me. You are not discouraged when you lose, and you are not arrogant when you win. When you hear that I decline you, don't be depressed or give up! Wait until you hear that I am willing to join you in Nirvana." When you voted for approval, you did not get carried away, but faced it calmly! You are really a talent! To tell you the truth, the series of words I just said is actually a test for you. If your performance satisfies me , then I will directly order the Chamber of Commerce to send an invitation letter to Nirvana. At that time, Nirvana can skip the voting link and directly enter the second assessment task link! And if you don’t make a move that satisfies me, then let alone The Angel Chamber of Commerce has taken the initiative to recruit Nirvana, and you will even lose the approval vote in my hand!" Shen Wansan said.

Oh my god! That’s disgusting. Can you please stop washing yourself so cleanly? If it weren’t for the coughing sound behind you, would you have changed like this?

However, the superficial drama still needs to be done!

"Nirvana is so virtuous and capable. I am really flattered to be so favored by you, President Shen! No matter what achievements I make, I will never be able to repay your kindness to President Shen!" Wei Bin said sincerely. said.

Although Wei Bin said these words to Chairman Shen, in his heart, the person behind Shen Wansan was really grateful, that is, the person who coughed three times in a row. Without this person, I'm afraid Shen Wansan has rejected him a long time ago! It was precisely because of this person's cough that Shen Wansan changed his mind several times. In the end, his attitude changed from rejecting Nirvana to actively soliciting Nirvana!

Wei Bin's real benefactor is not Shen Wansan, but the person behind him! Unfortunately, I'm afraid he can't know the identity of this person. Since this person lives deep in the back hall, he coughs to Shen Wansan in this way. Wan San delivered the message without showing up, which is enough to show that he didn't want Wei Bin to know who he was. Otherwise, wouldn't it be bad for him to just walk out and sell Wei Bin a favor in front of his face? Even such a big deal This person is not willing to accept the favor in public, which is enough to show that this person is definitely an extremely noble person, not bothered by the world, not trapped by fame and fortune! This person is amazing!

"Okay, Leader of the Wei Gang, I will send out an invitation tomorrow. You go back first and prepare for the next assessment task. You have to remember that although I am very optimistic about you and I am also very optimistic about Nirvana, I can only It can help you get to this point. As for whether Nirvana can finally join the Angel Chamber of Commerce, it still needs to be

Look at your true strength and true heritage of Nirvana. No one can help you with this, you can only rely on yourself!" Shen Wansan said, and after speaking, he picked up the tea cup as a thank you!

"President Shen, please rest assured that this junior will certainly live up to expectations. Prepare immediately to successfully complete the tasks assigned by President Shen! Junior, please resign!" Wei Bin patted his chest and said, and then Wei Bin left the Angel Chamber of Commerce. City Lord's Mansion!

Wei Bin's trip was very profitable. Not only did he allow Nirvana to get the vote from Shen Wansan, he even skipped the voting process and directly let the Angel Chamber of Commerce take the initiative to recruit Nirvana! You know, these two But there is a big difference!

The difference, first, is that if the Angel Chamber of Commerce does not directly recruit Nirvana, but only agrees to vote for Nirvana, that is to say, they are taking the second way to recruit new people. This kind of In the path, Nirvana requires Xue Muhua or Jue Kill to introduce Nirvana. In this case, once Nirvana fails and fails to pass the second assessment task link, then he will implicate Xue Muhua or Jue Kill. This is the Chamber of Commerce rules. , once the introduced new force fails the assessment, the new force will be prohibited from joining the Angel Chamber of Commerce again within one year, and the old force that introduced it will also be punished to a certain extent!

But what about now? The situation is different now. Now the Angel Chamber of Commerce takes the initiative to recruit Nirvana, which is the first way to recruit new people. In this way, Nirvana does not need Xue Muhua or Juesha to introduce Nirvana, no more By introducing forces, Wei Bin naturally doesn't have to worry about whether Nirvana will affect those allies if it really fails!

After Wei Bin left, Shen Wansan came to the back hall of the city lord's palace and wanted to find out. He wanted to know what the old president of the back hall was thinking!

"Old President, this junior has little talent and little knowledge. If it hadn't been for the guidance of senior today, I would have made a big mistake!" Shen Wansan said very modestly, as if if the white-haired old man hadn't reminded him, he would have really made a mistake. It would be a big mistake!

This is the art of speaking. If it were an ordinary person, his first sentence would not be to thank the senior for his advice, but to ask the senior why he asked him to give Wei Bin trouble!

You should be able to appreciate the difference between the two, right?

If Shen Wansan came up and asked the old man why, it would be a bit ignorant. He only knew how to do things according to the old man's wishes, but did not understand the reasons. He was like a puppet without a thought! But if he comes up, How about thanking senior for his advice? That was different. I didn’t ask the reason, and even said that without senior’s advice, I would have made a big mistake. By saying this, I was revealing something to this old man. The signal is that I admit my mistakes to you. I admit that my previous decisions were indeed a bit reckless. However, after you pointed me out, I successfully realized my mistakes and corrected them! How correct is this attitude? This gives How good of an impression does it leave on others? Not only does it leave a good impression of someone who has the courage to admit mistakes, but it also praises the other person because he corrected it because of the other person's guidance!

This is the art of speaking!

"Xiao Shen! I'm not from your Angel Chamber of Commerce, and I didn't ask you to do anything or give you any advice! What happened today is entirely your personal intention, and you personally made a wise decision. What a move!" the white-haired old man said slowly.

"Ah! Senior makes atonement, but junior made a mistake!" Shen Wansan was immediately startled and broke into a cold sweat.

This white-haired old man, whom Shen Wansan calls "Old President", is actually not the old president of the Angel Chamber of Commerce, but the old president of other chambers of commerce! Whether in major gangs or in major chambers of commerce , or maybe in reality, there is a taboo, that is, having to interfere in the internal affairs of other groups. Interfering in the internal affairs of other groups is something that everyone hates and is very afraid of. After all, who wants to do things within their own power? , was interfered by others? Once this kind of thing is exposed, everyone will shout and beat him, and everyone will punish him! And obviously, although there is no evidence for the actions of the white-haired old man just now, his three bouts of coughing The sound has indeed affected the decision-making of the Angel Chamber of Commerce, especially the president of the Angel Chamber of Commerce Shen Wansan! Let me ask, if the president of a chamber of commerce is affected by someone, then once the matter is leaked, The person who was most hurt was not the white-haired old man, but the Angel Chamber of Commerce itself! You know, the one affected by the white-haired old man was the president of the Angel Chamber of Commerce. The president of a chamber of commerce was influenced by others. How long can such a chamber of commerce last?

It was under the reminder of the white-haired old man that Shen Wansan realized this, so he said that he had made a mistake! You know, his first words after coming in and seeing the white-haired old man were, "Thank you, senior." Guidance! Doesn’t this make it clear that he made the decision after being deeply influenced by the white-haired old man? Didn’t he cause trouble for the white-haired old man, and more importantly for himself? What the white-haired old man said Words saved him!

"Xiao Shen, in fact, this is all harmless. You are a person who understands the general situation and has your own opinions. How can you be influenced by others!? Okay, let's get back to the topic. I know that when you hear my voice, You are full of doubts, you wonder why I want to help Nirvana! Today, I will tell you why!" said the white-haired old man.

If you want to look at the art of speaking, you can't look at others, you have to look at the white-haired old man in front of you. This white-haired old man doesn't know whether Shen Wansan really realizes what he means, or is just pretending. Realizing what he meant, he did not directly ask Shen Wansan, "Do you know why I want to help Nirvana?"

If the white-haired old man asked this, what should he do if Shen Wansan didn't really understand what he said and Shen Wansan just completely followed his own hints? Wouldn't that be an embarrassing scene?

Therefore, the white-haired old man simply did not ask Shen Wansan if he understood, but chose to tell him directly!

"I hope that senior will not hesitate to teach me!" Shen Wansan said very humbly.

"Haha, Xiao Shen, you only saw the surface phenomenon, not the essence. You only know that I am helping Nirvana, but you don't know that I am actually helping your Angel Chamber of Commerce!" The white-haired old man laughed. said.

"Help our Angel Chamber of Commerce? Senior, to tell you the truth, I really haven't seen this yet!" Shen Wansan said straightforwardly.

It is clear that our Angel Chamber of Commerce has made concessions over and over again, so that Nirvana's treatment has been improved over and over again, and the benefits that Nirvana has brought to Nirvana by joining the Angel Chamber of Commerce are definitely greater than what Nirvana has brought to the Angel Chamber of Commerce. It brings benefits, but you say that you helped Nirvana join the Angel Chamber of Commerce for the good of our Angel Chamber of Commerce? To be honest, I really can’t understand your operation. If you don’t give me a reasonable explanation, I don’t even know that I should explain it to the other senior executives of the Angel Chamber of Commerce!

"Okay! I just like your frankness. If you don't understand, you don't understand. If you don't know, you don't know. You are smart and eager to learn, and you are not ashamed to ask! In fact, I have been observing Wei Bin for a long time. This guy It’s definitely not a thing in the pool! I dare to assert here that if the Angel Chamber of Commerce wants to further grow bigger and stronger and become one of the top chambers of commerce in the world, it absolutely cannot do without Wei Bin’s help! This is from the standpoint of your Angel Chamber of Commerce. That's right, and if you look at it from Wei Bin's perspective, your Angel Chamber of Commerce is definitely not his end. The Angel Chamber of Commerce is just a stepping stone on the way to Wei Bin's rise. Wei Bin's future achievements will definitely be far higher than those of the Angel Chamber of Commerce. , Xiao Shen, there is a truth, I don’t know if you understand it or not, adding icing on the cake is not as good as providing help when it is time!” The white-haired old man said calmly.

"Senior, are you saying that Wei Bin is a giant dragon that has not yet grown up? Let me help him in his most critical and difficult period? Help him grow up. In this way, when Wei Bin rises completely Now, our Angel Chamber of Commerce has achieved the power of following the dragon?" Shen Wansan carefully guessed!

This chapter has been completed!
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