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Chapter 828 Gift Points

"Bah! Do you think that nine-star equipment is just cabbage, easy to get? I do have a way to obtain nine-star equipment, but the cost is too high. Not to mention giving you more than ten or twenty sets, even I can't afford it myself!

Otherwise, wouldn’t our core members of Nirvana have already worn nine-star equipment?” Wei Bin was speechless.

"Hey, I'm just asking casually! Leader Wei, you said the land cost is too high, how much does it cost for a set?" Feng Zhongzhuifeng still doesn't give up!

"Actually, it cannot be said that the cost is too high. To be precise, it should be said that the materials are too scarce. These materials cannot be bought with gold coins at all, but are some rare materials!" Wei Bin said.

"Guild Leader Wei, if that's the case, as long as I can provide you with materials, can you help me build it?" Feng Zhong Zhui Feng asked.

"Theoretically speaking, this is indeed the case. Even if you have these materials, you don't need me to help you build it. You can build it yourself!" Wei Bin said.

"What material?" Feng Zhongzhuifeng asked.

Wei Bin stopped and couldn't help but look into the distance with longing. These materials, even in the later stages of the game, are rare treasures. They are rare materials throughout the entire history of Tianlong.


"Legendary jade refining, legendary cloth pieces, legendary tough leather!" Wei Bin said lightly.

"Refined jade, pieces of cloth, and tough leather? Gang Leader Wei, what does this legendary material you mentioned have to do with the ordinary jade, scraps of cloth, and tough leather that we get from fighting monsters on weekdays?" Feng Zhong said

Zhui Feng asked.

"If we must ask about the difference, then these two materials should be regarded as two completely different materials. There is no relationship between the two. If there is a relationship, it means that there are some similarities in the names.

The two cannot be transformed into each other, and legendary materials are even more rare!" Wei Bin explained.

"This is a bit difficult. I have never even heard of these materials. How can I obtain these materials?" Aunt Wang asked.

"It's normal that you haven't heard of it. These materials are simply not available on the market. There is only one way to obtain them in Tianlong, and that is the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce!" Wei Bin explained.

"Isn't there even a universal activity exchange system?" Aunt Wang asked.

"No! The activity exchange system is called a universal system. As long as you have enough activity points, you can exchange it for anything. However, this is just a theory. People are usually convinced by this exchange system, so they all

I subconsciously ignored the three words theory! After all, theory is just a theory. In fact, there are still some differences. At least, in this activity exchange system that can theoretically be redeemed for anything, the above three legends cannot be found.

The shadow of first-class materials! These three materials are only found in the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce, and cannot even be found in other chambers of commerce of the same level!" Wei Bin explained.

"Is it so scarce? The Kyushu Chamber of Commerce is a systematic chamber of commerce. Except for occasionally holding one or two auctions, the products in the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce are never sold to the outside world. Is there any way for Leader Wei to get these three materials from the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce? Just now Wei

Gang Leader, you said this is something that cannot be bought with gold coins. Does it mean that you cannot pay for things in the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce in the form of gold coins?" Aunt Wang asked.

"That's right! I have the authority to purchase items in the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce, but gold coins cannot be used to pay. In the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce, most props and materials cannot be purchased with gold coins, and these legendary materials are one of them!" Wei Bin


"Then what is the purchase method? Contribution value?" Aunt Wang asked.

"Almost, the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce has a special currency called gift points. Gift points can indeed be obtained by doing things for the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce, but it is still too rare!" Wei Bin continued.

"I see, it is indeed quite difficult. It has been more than two years since the server was launched, and I have never heard of the word gift points. It can be seen from this that almost no one has received gift points from the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce!" Aunt Wang said.

Wei Bin returned to the Nirvana City Lord's Mansion and summoned twenty players.

Which twenty players? These twenty players are not core members of Nirvana or members of the main force. Maybe among these twenty people, there are core members of Nirvana and members of the main force, but they are not directly related!

Back then, when Wei Bin led a team to attack Mu Tong Bo, Mu Tong Bo was defeated and handed Wei Bin twenty Martial Saint Cards. Wei Bin distributed these twenty Martial Saint Cards. Now it seems that at that time, these twenty Martial Saint Cards were handed over to Wei Bin.

The individual is the seed sown by Wei Bin, and today is the harvest season!

The Martial Saint Card is a good thing. It can bring a lot of help to players in their development. The following are the rewards of the Martial Saint Card.

Level 10 5-square luggage bag making bag 1

Level 15 7-day mount Velvet Snow God Ox 1, Xianglong suit.

Level 20 Wealth Gold Coin (can be exchanged for game currency) 1, Great Return Pill (can add 1 million character experience) 1, Tianling Pill 1

Level 25 Rare Precious Beast Mutated Crab 1

Level 30: Hidden Weapon: Locust Stone 1

Level 40 New Mang Talisman Level 1 1

Level 45: Exquisite Luanmu Helm Pattern 1

Level 50 level 2 cotton cloth 1, skill elixir 3, clothing physical glyph pattern 1,

Level 55 Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce gives 13520 points, level 5 ruby ​​1

The rewards in the Martial Saint Card are phased rewards. Only when the player's level reaches the standard can he go to the NC to receive the corresponding rewards!

Among these rewards, in terms of real-time value, the level 15 Xianglong suit is undoubtedly the most valuable, because at that level, players don’t even have any equipment, so you suddenly have a whole set of attributes, which is pretty good.

suit, what kind of power is that? The boost it brings to players is so obvious! Isn’t it just with this Xianglong suit that Wei Bin is leading the way?

But if we put aside the real-time value of the current level and only focus on the value of the reward itself, then the 13520 bonus points from the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce are definitely the most valuable!

At that time, when Wei Bin issued the Martial Saint Card to them, he made an agreement with them, that is, all the items in this Martial Saint Card, except for the 13520 bonus points and the exquisite picture, the rest of the items

All of them belong to them personally, and these gift points and the drawing belong to Wei Bin. Now, it is time for Wei Bin to ask for these gift points from them. This is why Wei Bin summoned them here today!

"Everyone, as agreed, I need the gift points from you now. I have a detailed list here. You can go to the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce and help me redeem these materials!" Wei Bin said.

Whether it is legendary jade, tough leather, or legendary pieces of cloth, they themselves are divided into levels, and each material is divided into five levels.

Among them, the legendary materials at level 5 are worth 1300 bonus points, the legendary materials at level 4 are worth 600 bonus points, the legendary materials at level 3 are worth 300 bonus points, the legendary materials at level 2 are worth 150 bonus points, and the legendary materials at level 1 are worth 150 bonus points.

Level materials are worth 70 bonus points.

Among them, first-level legendary materials, when participating in the creation of equipment, can make the equipment guaranteed to be five stars, and there is a 50 chance to create six-star equipment, a 20 chance to create seven-star equipment, and a 1 chance to create eight-star equipment!

Second-level legendary materials, when participating in equipment creation, can be guaranteed to create six-star equipment, and there is a 50 chance to create seven-star equipment, a 20 chance to create eight-star equipment, and a 1 chance to create nine-star equipment.

Star equipment.

Level three legendary materials, when participating in equipment creation, can guarantee the creation of seven-star equipment, and have a 50% chance of creating eight-star equipment, and a 20% chance of creating nine-star equipment.

Level 4 legendary materials, when participating in equipment creation, can guarantee the creation of eight-star equipment.

And there is a 50 chance to create nine-star equipment.

The fifth-level legendary materials are a bit awesome. They can create nine-star equipment at 100%. This is nine-star equipment, but it can actually be crafted at 100%? This shows how rare legendary materials are!

Some people may want to ask, according to the description of the building principles, does it have nothing to do with the player's level of building equipment? It takes 100 to build nine-star equipment. So if the player deliberately makes trouble, the similarity will be copied to 1 during the copying stage.

, even the similarity of 60 cannot reach the standard, and the equipment has failed to be built, so how can it be said that 100 will produce nine stars?

The answer is yes!

As we all know, jade, tough leather and cloth are all commonly used materials for players to build equipment. Players only need to prepare these materials, and then use some plant-based building materials such as colored cotton, along with an equipment-building diagram.

, and after learning the building patterns of the equipment, you can build the equipment. As for the star rating of the equipment you build, it depends on your personal level. Factors that affect the star level of the equipment include copying similarity, and then there is the level of copying.

After the copying is completed, the degree of fusion when fusing the materials, these two points are factors that affect the equipment star rating!

But if legendary materials are used to build equipment, it will be different. Players do not need to do anything to create equipment involving such legendary materials. Players only need to throw the required materials and crafting diagrams into the pit.

Just go inside and the equipment will come out in a short while!

In other words, this kind of building method is of no use to the player's own building level. Even if you are a crafting master with rich experience, when you build these equipment, you are no different from a newbie.

Judging by their appearance, a newbie might be able to create an eight-star piece of equipment, while this expert might be able to create only a seven-star piece of equipment!

This is a crafting method that depends purely on luck!

Legendary materials from level one to level five cannot be synthesized from each other, and the finished products can only be purchased from the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce. In other words, before you want to build equipment, you'd better think about what kind of materials you need.

, to avoid regret!

As for what level of legendary materials Wei Bin wants to exchange for? It must be level 5 legendary materials. Only level 5 materials are in line with Wei Bin's wealthy character!

Of course, the above is just a joke. Wei Bin really wants to exchange for fifth-level materials, but the reason is definitely not to improve his performance. He is for stability. You must know that five-star legendary materials cost 100 to create nine-star equipment.

What about four stars, three stars, or even two stars? Those below four stars will definitely not be considered. Only third-level materials have a 20% chance of creating nine-star equipment. Wei Bin's goal is nine-star equipment. If he only creates eight-star equipment,

Equipment, or guaranteed seven-star equipment, is completely meaningless to Wei Bin. He does not need to use these legendary materials, he can still create seven-star or eight-star equipment, so why should he waste these legendary materials?

Not to mention three-star legendary materials, Wei Bin doesn't want to risk even four-star legendary materials. For the same reason, what he needs is nine-star equipment. Eight-star equipment is meaningless to him. Once he builds eight-star equipment, he doesn't want to risk it.

Star equipment, then he will lose!

Although the value of a level 5 legendary material is exactly the value of a level 4 material, and the level 4 material has a 50% chance of creating a nine-star equipment, but probability is probability, even if it is theoretically possible to create it twice.

It's a bit too risky to produce a nine-star gem! It's like synthesizing gems. Three low-level gems can be synthesized into a high-level gem. Four or five low-level gems can also be synthesized into a high-level gem. But why in four?

When first-level gems are synthesized into fifth-level gems, or when fifth-level gems are synthesized into sixth-level gems, almost no one chooses to go for three-in-one or four-in-one? Isn’t it because of the probability? The price of high-level gems is too expensive.

It's worth taking the risk! Wei Bin also thinks the same way when choosing crafting materials. The prices of these legendary materials are too expensive, and he doesn't dare to take risks. Even if he fails once, the price will be unacceptable to him!

Today, among the twenty people present, Wei Bin only gave one of them a list, because for the materials he needed, this person's gift points were enough to redeem them!

Each piece of equipment requires 1 legendary material. In other words, Wei Bin only needs ten materials, and each fifth-level material is worth 1,300 bonus points. Ten materials are 13,000 bonus points. Each level 5 material is worth 13,000 bonus points.

Each player has 13520 bonus points, so only one player needs to redeem the materials for him!

The player then went to the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce to exchange for the materials Wei Bin needed. After Wei Bin collected some other materials, he began to build equipment!

Under Wei Bin's arrangement, Avril purchased ten level 70 equipment drawings at a high price, because most players have already reached level 67 or even level 68, and Nirvana players can reach level 70 in less than ten days.

level, at this time, it would undoubtedly be a waste of money to build level 60 equipment. Anyway, Nirvana will also build level 70 equipment soon, so Wei Bin simply asked Avril to take advantage of this opportunity and directly purchase the level 70 equipment patterns.

, Just imagine, Shen Wansan didn't ask for a certain level of nine-star equipment. If he could take out a complete set of level 70 nine-star equipment before the players reached level 70, would that be a big deal? That would give Shen Wansan a lot of face.

Give Nirvana more face. This move can definitely be regarded as an excellent completion of the assessment task and shut up those forces that oppose Nirvana's joining the Angel Chamber of Commerce!

Wei Bin even took out n pieces of level 5 mithril, level 5 cotton and level 5 refined iron. These level 5 materials cost only two to three hundred gold, but they are impossible to buy on the market.

!However, just because you can’t buy it on the market doesn’t mean that Wei Bin doesn’t have it here. Wei Bin has too many materials because he has a material synthesizer in his hand. The material synthesizer can synthesize low-level mithril, cotton cloth and refined iron.

High-grade materials can have a high probability of adding one or two attributes to equipment. Due to the market demand for high-grade materials, Wei Bin has specially opened up the business of synthetic materials to the outside world, and one of the handling fees is

With this way of obtaining these materials, Wei Bin will naturally be able to obtain a large amount of materials!

Later, Wei Bin came to the forging room and started to build equipment. The process of building equipment was very simple. Wei Bin directly combined a piece of fifth-level mithril, a piece of fifth-level legendary material, as well as some other supporting materials and building plans.

It was thrown into the forging furnace, and a moment later, with a ding sound, the creation was completed.

Wei Bin opened the forging furnace and carefully took out the equipment.

The system congratulates you for creating the first nine-star equipment in the entire Middle-earth continent and earning the title "Luban Apprentice".

When a Luban apprentice builds or re-refines equipment, he can double a specified attribute.

"Damn it! So that's it, that's how this Luban apprentice got his title?" Wei Bin thought to himself.

Wei Bin had only heard of the title Luban Apprentice in his previous life, but had never seen anyone with this title. How did Wei Bin know about the existence of this title? Because Wei Bin had seen a piece of equipment.

, on this kind of equipment, the increased physical strength value is twice the increased spiritual energy value!

This is very abnormal. Logically speaking, if the same piece of equipment has both aura and physical attributes, then the attributes of these two attributes should be the same. This is the law of equipment! But suddenly something happened

One day, Wei Bin saw a piece of equipment at an auction. The physical attribute of this piece of equipment was twice that of aura. Later, after Wei Bin's painstaking study, he learned about the existence of this title. However, he just

He only knows about the existence of this title, he doesn’t know who holds this title!

Moreover, according to Wei Bin's analysis, this title can be upgraded, because later, Wei Bin saw another piece of physical strength and aura that were twice the concentration value. What does this mean?

Is it possible that the owner of the Luban Apprentice title has upgraded this title? After the upgrade, instead of doubling the specified attribute, it will double the specified two attributes. This is enough.

Explain why the physical strength and aura of that piece of equipment are twice the concentration!

Moreover, judging from the name of the title Luban Apprentice, is it very possible that it can be upgraded? The word apprentice is too hierarchical. If there is an apprentice level, is there a master level? Are there some other levels?

What? This is very possible!

As for how to upgrade this title, it is unknown! But one thing is certain, that is, only one person can obtain this title, because the system has just made it very clear, Wei Bin is the first among all players to create

For players who produce nine-star equipment, this title is the reward given to the first player!

Wei Bin carefully took out the equipment. For a moment, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and this piece of equipment suddenly burst out with a dazzling light, which made Wei Bin unable to open his eyes! Fortunately, they were in the forging room. If they were outside,

, this kind of vision may attract many people!

Ten seconds later, the dazzling light gradually faded away, and Wei Bin directly shared the equipment with everyone.

Ying Yang Level 70

Basic internal and external attack +300

Hit +600

Understanding +4

Mysterious attack +150

Internal attack +600

Aura +90

Physical strength +90

Concentration +90

Body skill +60

The main attribute of exploiting strengths and avoiding weaknesses increases by 5.

"What the hell? What kind of equipment is this horse riding on?" Everyone said in unison.

This group of people also includes Wei Bin, because even Wei Bin had never seen the nine-star equipment built by players in his previous life!

The reason is very simple. In the previous life, there were only a few people who owned the Martial Saint Card. After the value of the Martial Saint Card was truly developed, the player's level had already exceeded the level required to activate the Martial Saint Card. Only the Martial Saint Card could be used.

Players below level 30 will have a chance to obtain a Martial Saint Card after killing Tong Bo, and this Martial Saint Card can only be activated before level 30. After level 30, even if you acquire it from someone else,

The Martial Saint Card won't help, you can't use it at all!

There may also be people who are willing to delete the account and start over to brush the Tongbo, but the drop rate of the Martial Saint Card is so low, and the Tongbo only refreshes one every day, even if no one competes with you, you can stay there for a hundred days.

You can't get a Martial Saint card. From now on, your Tianlong will become a stand-alone game. Others are already at level 50 or 60, but you are still at level 29!

All in all, Martial Saint Cards are very scarce, and without Martial Saint Cards, there would be no 13520 bonus points. Without such bonus points, players cannot afford level five materials, which can only be obtained by doing things for the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce.

How many bonus points? It’s too small! Compared with 1,300 bonus points for a fifth-level material, who is willing to buy such a high-end material? Even if most players buy it, they are buying third-level materials. For them, the minimum guarantee is seven stars.

The equipment is enough!

Therefore, in his previous life, Wei Bin had never seen Jiuxing’s handmade equipment at all. There may indeed be some, but Wei Bin has never seen them! To be precise, there must be some, but Wei Bin has never seen them, because since Wei Bin

Everyone has seen equipment that doubles a certain attribute, which proves that the title of Luban's apprentice does exist, and since this title has been born, there must be someone who has successfully built nine-star equipment!

This nine-star equipment is really powerful!

In addition to having higher attributes than low-star equipment, the most important thing about nine-star equipment is that each piece of nine-star equipment comes with a passive skill. This skill is very diverse and extremely powerful! And the nine-star equipment in Wei Bin's hand

Leveraging the strengths and avoiding weaknesses of equipment is just one of them!

What does it mean to increase the main attribute of 5? It means that it is at least equivalent to a level 5 gem. If you are a deviant player, it can even be equivalent to a level 6 gem, or even two!

Some people may want to say that players with high attributes need this skill to be effective, but players with low attributes only need 5?

Yes, this is the case in theory, but in fact, the attributes of players with this skill will never be low. The reason is very simple. Players with low attributes must have no money, and players without money can afford nine-star equipment? Anyone who can buy it

The person who picks up this piece of equipment must be at least a player with a limit of 5 or more, right? And players with a limit of 5 or more have lower attributes?

Don't look at it, it's only 5. If you place it now, these 5 may not be anything at all, but what if it gets to the later stage of the game? In the later stage of the game, the players are all leveled up. How many attributes will they have? By then, the main attribute of 5 will be

It’s scary high!

Let’s first talk about what the main attribute is. The so-called main attribute refers to aura and strength. The main attribute of the internal strength sect is aura, the main attribute of the external strength sect is strength, and the main attribute of the Tianlong sect is aura and strength.

That is to say, if a Tianlong player wears this equipment, the price/performance ratio will undoubtedly be the greatest!

For now, Wei Bin has 4345 spiritual energy. In other words, if Wei Bin is allowed to wear this equipment, then this equipment can increase his spiritual energy by 217 points, and a level 5 sapphire can increase him by 120.

With some aura, a level 6 sapphire can increase the aura by 240. By comparison, is it equivalent to giving Wei Bin the aura attribute of a level 6 gem?

This is just Wei Bin, what if it is Lingwu Dangdiewu? You know, maybe in terms of total attributes, Wei Bin's attributes are much higher than Diewu's, but if you want to talk about aura alone, then

Wei Bin's aura is really not as high as Diewu's! You know, Diewu abandoned rubies. She inlaid double rows of sapphires to increase her aura. In addition, the aura added to her hidden weapon is higher than that of Wei Bin!

Because Diewu is following the Lingwudang route, she must give priority to her spiritual energy in everything. Otherwise, how could Diewu have an internal attack of 70,000 to 80,000? Diewu’s spiritual energy attribute is as high as 7,000. In other words, if she were to wear it,

This piece of equipment can increase her spiritual energy by 350, which is a bit scary. This is a level six gem and a half!

This skill uses strengths and avoids weaknesses. From its skill description, it is not difficult to see that it is an offensive skill. Only in the hands of players who pursue extreme attacks can it exert greater value!

In addition to this skill of leveraging strengths and avoiding weaknesses, there are many similar skills, such as

The bucket increases the player's lowest attribute by 50.

How about it? Is it awesome? This bucket skill can greatly make up for the player's shortcomings! For example, Dingli! Dingli is the shortcoming of almost all players, because the attribute of Dingli is different from aura, strength,

Among the five attributes of physical strength, concentration and movement, it is the least cost-effective. When faced with equipment selection, most players will definitely abandon concentration to a certain extent. Even if it is a player with a limit of five or more, his concentration attribute

It may only be one or two thousand, but what if this player is equipped with a piece of equipment with a bucket skill? That can make up for his shortcomings of low internal defense to a large extent. Is this skill awesome?


And this is only worn by a player with a limit of five or more. What if it is worn by players who are not very scientific? Such players have not given up on concentration, although in the end their concentration attribute is also the lowest.

But it’s not much lower than the second-to-last attribute! Take Wei Bin for example. Wei Bin’s physical strength is the highest in the four dimensions, up to 15706, the second is the body skill, up to 7018, and the third is

Aura, up to 4345, and the last one is concentration, up to 3964. Wei Bin is a typical example. Although Wei Bin's concentration attribute is at the bottom, his concentration attribute is at the bottom.

It's not much lower than aura. In this case, if Wei Bin wears such equipment, can it increase Wei Bin's concentration by nearly two thousand points at once? This is a bit awesome, right? A limit

I'm afraid that the total number of players with five or more players will only have this much concentration, right?

The highest attribute enhancement increases the player's attribute with the highest value by 2.

Adding 2 to the player's highest attribute in the four dimensions, does it feel a bit weak from a numerical point of view?

But in fact? It’s not the case. You must know that this skill is definitely one of the most popular skills among players. Why? Because it increases the player’s highest attribute by 2. This attribute itself is the player’s highest value.

Attribute, so although the value is 3 less than the previous one of using strengths and avoiding weaknesses, after the addition, its effect is not necessarily weaker than using strengths and avoiding weaknesses!

Take Wei Bin as an example. Wei Bin's physical strength is calculated as 15,000. Then this skill can increase Wei Bin's physical strength by 300 points. What about using strengths and avoiding weaknesses? Using strengths and avoiding weaknesses only adds 217 points of aura to Wei Bin. From the increased

From a numerical point of view, the effect is even better than exploiting strengths and avoiding weaknesses!

Perhaps for some players, the attributes after the final bonus may not be as high as using strengths and avoiding weaknesses, but don’t forget that since this attribute is the highest for players, it is enough to show that this attribute is the most popular attribute for players. As long as it can increase your

What is the harm if it is a little less than exploiting strengths and avoiding weaknesses?

All attributes are strengthened. All attributes of the player are increased by 1.

This skill is a skill that comprehensively enhances the player's first-level attributes. Take Wei Bin as an example. Wei Bin's all attributes are as high as 31,000. If it is 1, it is 310, which is not low!

Strengthen the internal strength attack. The player's internal strength attack increases by 4.

The frequency of application of this skill is very high. Not only does everyone need internal attack, but the most important thing is that the value added by this skill is not low! Take a player with a limit of five, assuming a player with a limit of five

The player's internal strength attack is 30,000, so this skill can increase his internal strength attack by 1,200. You must know that a level 5 cat's eye stone only increases the internal strength attack by 800. This skill is equivalent to adding one to a player with a limit of five.

A half-level five gem, which is already quite powerful! And what if this skill is given to Die Wu, or even to Wei Bin? It would be even more abnormal. Die Wu’s attack power is close to 80,000. In other words, if Die Wu wears

If the last piece of equipment has this skill, it can add 3200 internal power attack to Diewu, which is equivalent to adding four additional level 5 cats' eyes to her. If it is Wei Bin, Wei Bin's internal power attack

Up to 135,000, that is to say, this skill can increase Wei Bin's internal attack by 5,400, which is the gain of seven level five cat's eye stones. This is equivalent to him having an extra row of level five cat's eye stones embedded in him than others! How is this?


Full Attack Strengthens the player's all attack power by 2.

This skill has a strong tendency. Who does it prefer? It must be more inclined to the Tianlong Sect! You know, the Tianlong Sect is a four-attribute sect, and at the same time, it is also an internal and external attack sect, that is,

It is said that wherever attacks are involved, the Tianlong sect has taken over them all. What about other sects? The external attacks of the internal sect are invalid, and the internal attacks of the external sect are invalid. Even if there are four attributes, each attribute is applicable to all sects.

However, in other sects except Tianlong Sect, the bonuses brought by their three secondary attributes are not high. The gain of total attribute attack brought by this skill to them is not as good as that of Tianlong Sect! If it is

For a Tianlong sect player who cultivates four attributes at the same time, this skill will be too powerful!

Some people benefit and others suffer. The Tianlong Sect benefits, and other sects naturally suffer losses. Of course, whether this is a loss or not is also relative. They do suffer a loss compared to the Tianlong Sect, but if it is compared to the previous

If the internal strength attack is strengthened, not only will you not suffer a loss, but it will be even stronger than the internal strength attack! Because most players with a limit of 5 or more take the attribute attack route, the value increased by the internal strength attack enhancement in the front is higher than that in the later one.

This full attack enhancement is doubled, but for the vast majority of players with a limit of five, the extra 2 internal attacks are definitely not as high as the attribute attacks of these two. Therefore, if the players with a limit of five are really allowed to

If you come to choose, the number of players who choose this full attack enhancement will definitely be higher than the number of players who choose the previous internal attack enhancement!

In addition to the skills introduced above, there are many skills, such as strengthening the external skill, strengthening the external defense, strengthening the internal defense, strengthening the hit, strengthening the dodge, strengthening the understanding, etc. In short, it is to strengthen the first-level attributes of the player.

Or secondary attributes. I won’t introduce the redundant skills. There are two skills that need to be mentioned here!

The first skill is still related to improving attributes, that is, damage amplification!

The damage caused by Damage Amplification is increased by 5.

Among the above skills, there are different applicable groups for the majority of players. Some skills may be applicable to a wide range of people, so this skill is very popular, while some are applicable to only a small group of people, so this skill will be popular.

It is relatively unpopular, but no matter what, these skills are relatively balanced, and there are no skills that are too powerful or too eye-catching. However, this damage amplification skill is different. This skill, let’s not talk about the people it is suitable for, this skill

It is already very buggy in itself. This is a skill with a damage bonus of 5. What is the concept of a damage bonus of 5? What benefits does it bring to the player, including the enhancement of non-explosive internal power attacks, and other attack enhancement skills?

As for the people it is suitable for, it goes without saying that the game Tianlong, according to its positioning, has only two major categories, one is nanny, and the other is thugs! In other words, except for the Emei sect, all sects need

This skill, this skill, can be called the king of all attribute-enhancing skills!

In addition to this skill, there is another skill, which is even more special. All the above skills bring some benefits to the player at the attribute level, but this skill is different. This skill directly jumps out of the attributes.

circle, he does not add attributes to the player, nor does he increase damage to the player, but adds an output method to the player!

The Half-Moon allows the player's attack to have a splash effect. The player can attack all hostile targets within 5 meters around the target at the same time. The damage of the target being splashed is halved and cannot be superimposed!

Do you understand? This half-moon skill allows players to have a splash attack effect. You must know that splash attack skills are extremely rare even if you look at the entire Tianlong. This is a splash effect. If you hit one person, the people around you will be affected.

It will lose blood at the same time, and this is a passive skill. As long as you attack, it can take effect at any time!

Although the damage of the target being splashed is halved, it is already very high. After all, this is a passive splashing skill with no duration. How powerful is this skill if it is used to spawn monsters?

Lure a bunch of monsters. When you kill one of the wild monsters, all the wild monsters within a radius of five meters will be half-healthy. When you kill another wild monster, the wild monsters in this area are almost dead even if they are not dead!

This is simply a magical skill to clear monsters!

And what if it is used for fighting? It would be even more awesome, especially during large-scale team battles, this is simply a meat grinder skill, it is really a fight to the death!

At the same time, precisely because the skill is so powerful, the system has placed a restriction on this skill, that is, it cannot be superimposed!

In other words, each player can only have one of this skill. Even if the player wears two pieces of equipment with this skill, only one will take effect in the end and will not overlap!

At the same time, this restriction also shows that other skills can be stacked, because other skills are not described as not being stackable, which is a bit awesome. If a player's financial resources really allow it,

Can this player get a piece of equipment with the same skill? Ten pieces of internal power to strengthen the attack, or ten pieces to increase the damage?

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