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Chapter 831 Nine Star Divine Equipment

Ying Yang Level 70

Basic internal and external attack +300

Hit +600

Understanding +4 .??.

Fire attack +150

Internal attack +600

Aura +90

Physical strength +90

Concentration +90

Body skill +60

The main attribute of exploiting strengths and avoiding weaknesses increases by 5.

"Haha, it also adds fire attack, internal attack and spiritual energy, and has no power. This should be the exclusive equipment of the Xiaoyao sect, right? Haha, I am the only Xiaoyao sect here, everyone, I'm not polite, haha!"

He was laughing while chopping wires with a kitchen knife. The Xiaoyao Sect is an internal martial arts sect, and at the same time, the attribute attack type is fire attack, so this equipment must be the equipment of the Xiaoyao Sect!

"Haha, you are so lucky. At the same time, you have added internal attack, hit, fire attack, understanding, aura, physical strength, concentration, and body skills. It is really a perfect piece of equipment!" Wei Bin was also very impressed by holding the kitchen knife.

Wei Bin had never thought about the luck of cutting wires. He only re-refined once and could re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-require such a piece of equipment. The probability is too low! After all, in addition to the above attributes, there are also strength and external attacks.

, Xuan attack, ice attack and poison attack are used as confusion items. Even if only one of these five attributes appears, it cannot be regarded as the exclusive equipment of Xiaoyao Sect!

"Actually, it's not perfect. If possible, I would like to remove the concentration and replace it with all attributes! All attributes are better than concentration, right?" He took a kitchen knife to cut the wires and got a bargain, but he still behaved.

"I'll go, you can get it. With your Xiaoyao sect's small body, wouldn't it be better to add some internal strength and defense? Tell me, which eight attributes do you want to specify to be doubled?" Wei Bin said, holding a kitchen knife to chop the wires.

Theoretically speaking, the increase in all attributes is indeed stronger than the concentration. Generally speaking, if all attributes are increased by the same amount on the same piece of equipment, the value is usually 20 of aura, physical strength or concentration, that is

Say, if 100 points of aura, physical strength, or concentration are added to a piece of equipment, then if all attributes are also added to the piece of equipment, then the value of all attributes will be 20. In other words, if

Add an additional 20 points of strength, aura, physical strength, concentration and movement skills.

Although 20 points of strength are useless for cutting wires with a kitchen knife, what about 20 points of aura, stamina, concentration and movement? This is always useful for cutting wires with a kitchen knife, right? And why are both Wei Bin and Wei Bin recognized as 20 points for cutting wires with a kitchen knife?

What if all attributes are stronger than 100 points of concentration? Because they think the same as most players, concentration is a not very good attribute. Concentration can only increase the internal defense and the upper limit of qi. The upper limit of qi is basically useless, and the internal defense

The scope of application is also too narrow, so no one is willing to ask for the concentration attribute! Compared to all attributes?

What is the difference between +20 for all attributes and +100 for concentration? +20 for all attributes is 20 points more spiritual energy, physical strength, and movement skills than concentration +100, but 80 points less concentration. Since spiritual energy, strength, and movement skills are more important to players,

are very important, so let’s understand it as 60 points of physical strength. All attributes are +20, which is 60 points more physical strength and 80 points less concentration than concentration +100. In other words, here is 60

The value trade-off between one point of physical strength and 80 points of concentration. If it were you, would you choose the 60 points of physical strength or the 80 points of concentration? I’m afraid 99.999 people will choose 60 points of physical strength, right? Concentration

It is an attribute that is not very popular in itself. Who would choose Concentration just for a mere 20 points?

This is why it is said that the most perfect attribute of this piece of equipment is to wash concentration into all attributes, because all attributes are indeed stronger than concentration!

And why did he cut the wires with a kitchen knife and directly grab this piece of equipment instead of letting Wei Bin continue to rinse it? Because he knew in his heart that perfect attributes only exist in theory, but in practice, they are extremely difficult to achieve. You know,

Among the perfect attributes that suit him, there are five confusing attributes: strength, external attack, mysterious attack, ice attack and poison attack. Even if any of these five attributes appears in this equipment, it is not as good as the current equipment.

Perfection and concentration are better than the above five attributes, no matter how unpopular they are, right?

And how much impact do the five confusing attributes have on the refining results when refining equipment? This is a game of 13-choose-8. For offensive equipment, there are a total of 13 attributes that may appear, including internal attack and external attack.

, aura, strength, physical strength, concentration, movement, hit, understanding, and four attribute attacks, and the basic internal and external skills attacks on this piece of equipment are definitely there, so he only wants those eight internal skills.

Attack, aura, physical strength, concentration, movement, fire attack, hit and understanding, there are five confusing attributes. How many times does Wei Bin have to practice again to get all the attributes he likes? At least it has to be

Hundreds of times, right? Or even, thousands of times! Just give it up when it’s good, there’s no need to worry about all the attributes of a mere one!

"Except for concentration, give me double everything!" It's a long way to chop wires with a kitchen knife. This piece of equipment, including basic internal and external attacks, has only 9 attributes in total. He doesn't want concentration, so it must be

Choose the other eight attributes to double them!

And what if a piece of equipment with all attributes is really washed out? Then, when he is faced with choosing which eight attributes to double, he will be in a dilemma, because they all have perfect attributes.

, each one is extremely useful to him. If it is useless, then what is a perfect attribute? If it is really a perfect piece of equipment, what choice will he make? Which attribute should not be doubled? Then he must not be entangled.


The issue of choosing to double the attributes is actually quite particular. Suppose Wei Bin wants to re-refine his Chonglou artifact later, how should Wei Bin choose? Take the Chonglou Ring as an example.


Basic internal and external attack +976

Blood limit +11268

Gas limit +5797

Mysterious attack +150

Hit +1107

Dodge +369

Understanding +11

Aura +103

Physical strength +103

Concentration +103

Body skill +56

All attributes +19

After the skill hits the enemy, there is a certain chance to trigger "sealing the hole" for 10 seconds.

Chonglou Ring has a total of 12 attributes. What choice does Wei Bin make? Among these 12 attributes, Wei Bin can exclude two. One is that the upper limit of Qi will not be doubled, and the other is that concentration will not be doubled. And the next ten attributes

What? It’s hard to choose! While it’s hard to choose, there are actually some attributes that have priority, such as blood limit, mysterious attack, understanding, aura, physical strength, body skills and all attributes. They must all be

In contrast, hit and dodge are not that important. Putting aside Wei Bin as the master of the Chonglou Ring, hit and dodge are both mysterious and mysterious attributes, and the effect is not particularly obvious. Dodge

No matter how high it is, the opponent may still hit you. No matter how low the hit is, you may still hit the target. Dodge and hit are not as practical as other attributes, such as the blood limit. High blood volume means resistance, and high aura means high understanding.

, the output will naturally be higher! As the owner of the Chonglou Ring, Wei Bin himself is not lacking in hit and dodge at all, so these two attributes will naturally be discarded!

Here, there is an attribute that has not been mentioned, and that is the basic internal and external attack carried by the ring itself. Why is this attribute not mentioned? Because this attribute is what I want to talk about here, and you need to pay special attention to the attribute selection.

place! All basic attributes, such as this basic internal and external attack, when faced with a choice, you must choose to double it! Why? Because the equipment can be strengthened, such as this Chonglou Ring, strengthened +9

, and strengthening can only strengthen the basic attributes of the equipment, that is, the basic internal and external attacks. This is obvious. Then you must specify this attribute to be doubled, because after doubling, it can be strengthened.

Get more attributes! It is also the so-called most cost-effective!

There are many other types of equipment, such as Wei Bin's Chonglou Wrist.

Chonglou wrist

Base hit +1209

Basic dodge +401

Blood limit +11268

Gas limit +579


Mysterious attack +150

Hit +1107

Dodge +369

Understanding +11

Aura +103

Physical strength +103

Concentration +103

Body skill +56

All attributes +19

After the skill hits the target, the third skill of the target's hidden weapon will become ineffective for 3 seconds, and the interval between uses on the same target is 10 seconds.

The Chonglou Wrist is even more obvious. Two basic attributes are added at once. In this case, these two basic hit points and basic dodge must be doubled, because after doubling, after a series of strengthening, it will be

You can get more hits and dodges, and its cost-effectiveness far exceeds physical strength and aura!

Next, the second piece of equipment came out, and everyone looked at it with great expectations. However, the result was a big disappointment for everyone!

Kirin Boots Level 70

Basic internal and external attack defense +300

Blood limit +8000

Internal defense +300

Understanding Defense +4

Mysterious resistance +40

Aura +90

Strength +90

Concentration +90

Body skill +60

The bucket increases the player's lowest attribute by 50.

This is almost a useless piece of equipment. It does not fit any sect. First of all, aura and strength coexist. From this point on, it has almost been sentenced to death for all sects. Only Tianlong can consider it, but this piece of equipment does not increase physical strength.

, a piece of equipment that does not increase physical strength is definitely not suitable for all sects!

Next, Wei Bin chose to continue practicing again.

Kirin Boots Level 70

Basic internal and external attack defense +300

Blood limit +8000

Internal defense +300

Understanding Defense +4

Mysterious resistance +40

Aura +90

Strength +90

Physical strength +90

Body skill +60

The bucket increases the player's lowest attribute by 50.

After the second retraining, the results were still a bit unsatisfactory. Although the physical strength was washed out, the aura and strength still coexisted. It was a bit hard to know whether there were any Tianlong sect players among the core members of Nirvana!

Next, Wei Bin prepared to practice again for the third time.

"Wait a minute, Gang Leader, you might as well keep this piece of equipment for now!" Feng Yun Wuji said.

"Oh? Do you have any ideas?" Wei Bin asked.

"Before I tell you what I think, I have to ask you, the gang leader. You have built a total of 150 pieces of nine-star equipment, but we actually only need more than 120 pieces. The remaining thirty pieces of equipment,

Gang leader, how do you plan to deal with it?" Feng Yun Wuji asked.

"I haven't thought about this yet. I estimate that I should give it to other Nirvana players who have reached the limit of 5. It is best not to release this kind of equipment, so as not to cause death!" Wei Bin said.

Nirvana currently has a total of 60 Maximum 5 players. Among them, only 15 are core members of Nirvana. The other 45 Maximum 5 players are still members of Nirvana's main team because they want to become core members of Nirvana.

Technology, combat power or other aspects are not enough. If you want to become a core member of Nirvana, the most important thing is trust. They need to gain the trust of Wei Bin and others! Just like Diewu, Diewu

The practical operation level and combat awareness and other comprehensive qualities can be said to be top-notch, right? But why was Diewu not a core member of Nirvana at the beginning? Because she did not gain Wei Bin's trust, and why did Diewu later become a core member of Nirvana?

Is she a core member of Nirvana? Because Diewu saved Nirvana City and Shuihuo twice. Diewu took back the city lord token in two Nirvana City defense battles. After the first time, Wei Bin directly promoted her to the main team.

The position of leader was directly included in the core members of Nirvana for the second time. This is the source of trust. Die Wu has made great contributions to Nirvana City. She is sincerely doing Nirvana good, and she does not care about any cost.

Defend Nirvana City!

At present, although Nirvana has 60 players with a maximum of five, Wei Bin does not trust the remaining 45 players enough for them to become core members of Nirvana. They are just enjoying the treatment of core members. Wei Bin

They are only equipped with equipment that reaches the maximum level of five. These equipments were all captured by Wei Bin from the hostile forces. They are just leaving them alone anyway. Why not use them to improve the strength of the main group members!

As for how to arrange the remaining thirty pieces of equipment, Wei Bin still prefers internal digestion. It is better not to leak this kind of nine-star equipment. The more outsiders know about it, the more detrimental it will be to Nirvana. If you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of thieves.

Remember, there are always some jealous people who want to kill Nirvana after they know that Nirvana can surpass the nine-star equipment! And if Nirvana only has the ten nine-star equipment that have just been released to the public, it will be much less powerful!

"In this case, I can recommend someone to you as the gang leader. Based on my long-term attention to this person, he will definitely live up to the gang leader's hard work!" Feng Yun Wuji said.

"Oh? Who is it?" Wei Bin asked.

"Deputy leader of the main force - the one who got hurt last!" Feng Yun Wuji recommended.

"Is it him? Haha, he is indeed a good prospect. I have also paid attention to him!" Wei Bin couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

"The person who was injured in the end is definitely a rare talent, and he is a talent with extremely violent output. This person has a strong sense of fighting, and is simply a fighting genius. He also has a stable and low-key personality, and a small social circle.

, almost never interacts with strangers, is also loyal to Nirvana, and has made great contributions to Nirvana many times! In my opinion, the position of deputy leader of the main force is not suitable for him!" Feng Yun Wuji said.

"Oh? You mean to promote him to the leader of the main force?" Wei Bin asked.

"No! The leader of the main force is even more unsuitable for him!" Feng Yun Wuji said.

"Then what other positions are suitable for him? Or, how about including him as a core member of our Nirvana?" Wei Bin said.

"Gang leader, I don't mean this. What I mean is that he is born to be a combat genius. He is not suitable for any position, because any position will have some commanding functions attached to it, which will seriously affect his output. He is

A natural warrior, I think, should be returned to the sea, remove all his duties, and then give him a set of top-notch equipment, build it up carefully, and become a sharp knife for our nirvana. Only by fighting can he be more fully utilized.

With his advantage, allowing him to hold the position will only delay him!" Feng Yun Wuji became nervous.

"Haha, I just said it casually, you don't have to mind. What I mean is, if he is allowed to join the core members of our Nirvana, can I trust him?" Wei Bin asked.

From Feng Yun Wuji's nervous expression just now, Wei Bin seemed to see something from it.

He knew Feng Yun Wuji's original intention. Feng Yun Wuji just wanted to remove all the positions that hurt him in the end. However, the removal was not because Feng Yun Wuji had any problems with him, or because Feng Yun Wuji looked down on him.

On the contrary, Feng Yun Wuji is very fond of this person. However, he is not suitable for the position to make the best use of things and people. Only output can achieve success until the end. If he gives up output for the position in the end, then

If he sacrifices his talents for the sake of the bottom, sooner or later he will be delayed. On the contrary, if he maximizes his strengths and avoids his weaknesses, abandons all positions, and concentrates on output, then sooner or later he will become famous and become a well-known big shot!

Feng Yun Wuji did it out of cherishment and love for his talent, and at the same time out of loyalty to Nirvana, so he finally praised the injured person.

He praised again and again. But obviously, before Feng Yun Wuji told his true reason, Wei Bin misunderstood him. Wei Bin thought that Feng Yun Wuji wanted to recommend the core members who were injured and finally joined Nirvana. You know, from the beginning to the end,

The core members of Nirvana grew from one to a dozen, and finally to the current 15 people. All of these people were appointed by Wei Bin. None of these people were recommended by others, because these people were all

Smart people know that the core members of Nirvana have mastered many secrets of Nirvana, as well as the secrets of Wei Bin. People in this position must have the trust of Wei Bin himself. They must not recommend to Wei Bin, because once

If something goes wrong with the people they recommend in the future, firstly, they will not be able to escape responsibility, and secondly, Nirvana will also suffer losses! Naturally, Wei Bin himself will have to identify the people Wei Bin trusts! This is the first point, and the second point.

, the recommender itself is a manifestation of cliques. Maybe you don’t think so, but it doesn’t mean that others don’t think so. The core members of Nirvana are different from the main group members. They can recommend the main group members, but the core members cannot easily recommend them.

Go recommend it!

Over time, when this became the consensus of the core members of Nirvana, it also became a taboo in their hearts, that is, they cannot recommend core members to Wei Bin!

Therefore, this is the scene where Feng Yun Wuji was a little nervous. Feng Yun Wuji thought that Wei Bin thought he had crossed the line, but in fact he did not!

In fact, not only did Feng Yun Wuji not cross the line, but after Feng Yun Wuji explained, Wei Bin also believed that he had not crossed the line. Wei Bin knew Feng Yun Wuji too well.

"Gang Leader, I can't say this. You still need to understand everything yourself, Gang Leader! However, apart from trust, I can guarantee that in other aspects of him, he is definitely a talent!" Feng Yun Wuji recognized this to the maximum extent.


Feng Yun Wuji was very smart. He did not go to Wei Bin to give a guarantee. After all, if he had given a guarantee, he would be suspected of recommending Wei Bin to join the core members of Nirvana! However, Feng Yun Wuji still asked Wei Bin to a certain extent.

I have made a guarantee, that is, in other aspects besides loyalty! I can guarantee you in other aspects, but whether this person is trustworthy depends on Wei Bin himself. In fact, this is also a way to recommend core members to Wei Bin.

A good way is to recommend some people with superior abilities to you, and then you test their loyalty! After all, Wei Bin is so busy on weekdays, how can he have time to discover the strength of the gang members one by one?

"Okay, I understand, let's do this. I'll keep an eye on him. As for the equipment, I'll leave it to him first!" Wei Bin said.

Thinking of this, Wei Bin actually had the idea of ​​recruiting the core members who would eventually join Nirvana. Not only had Feng Yun Wuji paid attention to this person, but Wei Bin himself had also been observing him.

, after all, he is now in the position of deputy leader of Nirvana's main force, which is about to reach Nirvana's high-level status. How can Wei Bin not pay attention to a player in such an important position?

According to Wei Bin's observation, this person is indeed very talented, especially his character. He is very calm, unhurried and has a fighting mind. Before he served as the deputy commander of the main force, Wei Bin once

I have seen him many times use tactics to defeat more with less, and single-handedly reverse the disadvantages on the battlefield. He has the fighting ability!

However, Wei Bin has never understood his heart and what kind of person he is, because this person is too introverted and usually rarely talks. The calm impression he left on Wei Bin is not only

It only comes from his calm performance in the face of danger on the battlefield, but also from his introverted personality. Because he doesn't like to talk, he gives people a very calm impression, so that Wei Bin is a little unsure whether he is really calm.

, or because he is too introverted, which gives him the illusion of being falsely calm!

And because he is relatively introverted, Wei Bin doesn't know what kind of person he really is and whether he is worthy of his trust!

Next, Wei Bin talks about refining the third piece of equipment.

Phoenix Dance Level 70

Basic internal and external attack +300

Hit +600

Understanding +4

Mysterious attack +150

External attack +600

Aura +90

Physical strength +90

Concentration +90

Body skill +60

The damage caused by Damage Amplification is increased by 5.

It’s rubbish again! Of course, the rubbish mentioned here refers to the attribute type rubbish, not the equipment itself. If this piece of equipment is put on the market, it will definitely be the best equipment that countless people are snatching up!

In terms of attribute types, aura combined with external attack is a paradox in itself, unless he is also a Tianlong! But if it is equipment prepared for Tianlong players, then these attribute types are definitely not the best attributes!

Next, Wei Bin rinsed it again. After rinsing it many times, a magical costume that made Wei Bin find everything new finally appeared!

What a divine outfit! This is definitely a divine outfit!

Phoenix Dance Level 70

Basic internal and external attack +300

Internal attack +600

External attack +600

Mysterious attack +150

Poison attack +150

Ice attack +150

Fire attack +150

Aura +90

Strength +90

The damage caused by Damage Amplification is increased by 5.

This horse-riding, horse-riding weapon is definitely a divine outfit! Moreover, this is a divine outfit that perfectly fits the Tianlong Sect! There is no one like it! There is no attribute composition that can compare with the attribute composition of this piece of equipment.

It’s more in line with the Tianlong Sect!

You need to know, what is the positioning of the Tianlong Sect? Remote output plus assistance. The assistance includes control and attributes for teammates.

And what about the positioning output of Tianlong’s other half?

Rather than saying that the position of the Tianlong Sect is output and control, in fact, it is better to say that the positioning of the Tianlong Sect is output! Because the output of the Tianlong Sect is really too high. Of course, all of this refers to the later stage of the game, after it grows up.

The Tianlong Sect, on weekdays, players actually have a very low evaluation of the output of the Tianlong Sect, because the output of the Tianlong Sect is really low before it grows up in the early stage. Therefore, the Tianlong Sect is positioned as a support by the majority of players, just because he is a

The thug sect is also a long-range sect, so I reluctantly positioned it as an output!

But in reality? So far, no one has seen the horror of a Tianlong Sect player who has grown up, because for now, no Tianlong Sect player can be said to have grown up, even the Tianlong Sect player has grown up.

The eldest brother cannot be said to have grown up. The eldest brother of the Tianlong sect is just the most powerful one among the players of the Tianlong sect, but if he is put together with the other ten sects, he is slightly inferior!

But there is a question, why is there a Tianlong Sect? You know, this game is called Tianlong! The Tianlong Sect is a named sect! How can a named sect be weak? All those who think that this named sect is weak

, all because there is currently no Tianlong sect player who has truly grown up!

And today, with the advent of this nine-star equipment that perfectly suits Tianlong Sect players, Wei Bin secretly made up his mind, or else, to create a Tianlong Sect player who will change the world's view of Tianlong Sect!

Now back to the original topic, why is this piece of equipment a perfect fit for the Tianlong sect and the most perfect equipment for Tianlong sect players?

Because the positioning of Tianlong Sect is basically output, and what attributes are attached to this piece of equipment? Basic internal and external attack, this is an attribute that every ring and amulet has, and it is this attribute that can be worn by Tianlong Sect players.

How big a difference will there be between wearing it on the body and wearing it on other martial arts players?

First of all, the internal and external power attack is increased by 300 each. After strengthening by +9, the internal and external power attack is 885. In other words, this equipment is more powerful when worn on a Tianlong sect player than when worn on other players.

Players from other sects have nearly 900 more attack power, because internal strength attacks are ineffective against external strength sects, and external strength attacks are ineffective against internal strength sects. Tianlong is the only sect with internal and external strength attacks among all sects, and internal and external strength attacks are ineffective against Tianlong.

Pie all works!

And this is only the benefit it brings to Tianlong sect players for other equipment builders, but for Wei Bin? Wei Bin can double this attribute, that is to say, after doubling,

, this piece of equipment is worn by Tianlong sect players, and it has 1800 more attack points than players of other sects. Just one attribute in a piece of equipment makes Tianlong sect players have 1800 more attacks than other sect players.

Attack, do people still play this? This game is owned by your family, right? How much attack can a level 5 gem increase? A level 5 cat's eye stone can only increase 800 internal power attacks, and a level 6 cat's eye stone can only increase the attack by 800.

It's just an increase of 1600 internal strength attack, and this attribute is equivalent to giving this Tianlong sect player one more sixth-level gem attribute than other sect players. Isn't this a bit outrageous?

This is just the first attribute of this piece of equipment. Now let’s take a look at the 23rd attribute. Internal attack +600, external attack +600. These are attributes that increase the output of the Tianlong sect. There is no waste.

If Wei Bin doubled these two attributes, it would be internal attack +1200 and external attack +1200. If it were players from other sects, would they be able to get 2400 attack from such a piece of equipment? What are you thinking?

What? Still not sleeping? This is the attack power of a level 6 cat's eye stone! Perhaps other sect players can replace the other useless attack attributes with other attributes, such as physical strength, body skills, etc., but the body

For an output sect, is there anything more cost-effective than direct attack? Tianlong is a long-range output sect. He does not need to resist monsters, so the demand for physical strength is not particularly large. As for attributes such as body skills, understanding, and hits, etc.

, for a long-range output sect, it is far less cost-effective than directly increasing the attack!

Next, let’s take a look at attribute 4567. This is the highlight of this piece of equipment. It is the most dazzling piece of equipment and is defined as the attribute that best suits Tianlong players! Ice attack, fire attack, black attack and poison attack each have their own attributes.

Increase by 150! What kind of horse riding thing is this?

This is an attribute attack!

In terms of output, attribute attacks are completely superior to internal and external attacks. This is common sense, and it is also the reason why players abandon internal and external attacks and switch to attribute attacks!

As for the specific reasons, for example, players can inlay tiger's eye stones to increase external attack, but the opponent will also inlay rubies to improve external defense. A level five tiger's eye stone can increase external attack by 800, and a level five ruby ​​can increase external attack by 800.

It can increase physical strength by 120 points. The physical growth of different sects is different. For sects with relatively high physical growth such as Beggar Gang, Murong, and Tianlong, a level 5 ruby ​​can increase the external defense by 480. If it is

For the Shaolin sect with the highest physical growth, it has reached an external defense of 600. Even for those medium sects, a level 5 ruby ​​can increase the external defense by 360. In other words, after you have embedded a five-level ruby, it can increase the external defense by 360.

After level 1 Tiger Eye Stone, when you face opponents at the same stage, it can only increase your output by 200, 320 or 440!

But what if you inlaid it not with the fifth-level tiger's eye stone, but with the fifth-level main attribute attack stone? For example, with the fifth-level topaz stone, a fifth-level topaz stone can increase the mysterious attack by 120 points. According to the attribute attack growth of the single-attribute sect, one point

Attribute attacks can be calculated by adding 6 points of damage. A level 5 topaz stone can increase the damage by 720. At this time, as long as you cooperate with enough resistance reduction, you can actually increase the damage by 720! You will not suffer any damage.


Maybe someone wants to say, if you want to deal attribute damage, don't you have to use resistance-reduction gems? If you inlay a single row of resistance-reduction gems, you will have to give up one of the three types of hit, knowing, and external attack!

That's right, in terms of the crafting method, if you are a player who takes the external skill route, the attack gems will be inlaid with double rows of tiger's eye stones. For a single row of hits, you can choose citrine or knowing for the remaining hole.

Players who take the attribute attack route will choose topaz in the double row, resistance reduction in the single row and hit in the single row!

At first glance, it seems that the external power route has a higher output, but in fact? That’s not the case at all!

In terms of the way to build the external skill route, the topaz inlaid in a single row is of no use at all, because you have no resistance reduction, and attribute attacks cannot do any damage at all. As the player level increases, more and more players have over 100 four-resistance.

Resistance reduction and attribute attack gems are just decorations! So this comes back to the competition between knowingly combining double rows of tiger's eye stones and combining resistance reduction with double rows of citrine. It can be said responsibly that the latter definitely has the advantage!

The attribute of understanding is useful if you say it is useful. It is useless if you say it is useless. Whether understanding is useful depends on who uses it. Players with high output will only use understanding. Only if the damage is high,

A knowing blow is meaningful! And if the player's own damage is not high, what will happen even if you trigger a knowing blow?

What's more, a level five understanding gem can only increase understanding by 5 points, and five gems can only increase understanding by 25 points. It increases the understanding hit rate by 25. How can a double row of topaz be safe? Or is it an attribute attack route?

More stable, no need to look at faces, real damage!

This is just a damage difference that does not include any damage bonuses. What if you include the skill bonus of hidden weapons? The orange Xuanxuan skill can increase the mysterious attribute damage by 30 to targets with a blood volume greater than 70, which is enough

It increases the attribute attack by 30! In the later stage of the game, there will be skills that increase the lower limit of resistance reduction. For example, Wei Bin's Chonglou Chain skill increases the lower limit of resistance reduction by 10 points. After players have the lower limit of resistance reduction, they can

The attribute damage is increased by a percentage, and the attribute attack becomes more powerful as it develops!

In this era when attribute attacks are king, this piece of equipment actually adds 150 points of ice attack, 150 points of fire attack, 150 points of black attack and 150 points of poison attack. This is a bit abnormal! For Tianlong faction players,

The growth of the four attributes of Ice, Fire, Mysterious Poison of Tianlong Sect, each attribute attack increases 5 points of damage. In other words, this piece of equipment can bring 3000 damage to Tianlong Sect players, and if other single-attribute sects wear this

What about a piece of equipment? Then it can only increase the damage by 2700. If it is doubled by Wei Bin, it will be a damage difference of 600!

Of course, if it is a single-attribute sect, then most of them will choose to replace the three secondary attributes with other attributes such as physical strength. But if this is the case, then if this piece of equipment is worn by a Tianlong sect player, it will cost 5100 more than other sect players.

Damage, this gap is a bit too outrageous, this is equivalent to the gap of three level six tiger eye stones! Again, as an output sect, what is more important than direct output? A single attribute

The physical strength, body skills, etc. that the sect has replaced are simply not enough to compare with this 5100 damage!

No Tianlong sect player is immune to a piece of equipment with four attributes of attack! Because equipment with four attributes of attack is really important to a Tianlong sect player!

The last two attributes of the equipment, aura and strength, are also attacks for Tianlong sect players. This is definitely a great boon for a long-range output Tianlong sect!

All in all, this is definitely a magical piece of equipment for Tianlong sect players. It is just a piece of equipment, but it adds the attributes of several level five gems!

If Wei Bin were to choose which attribute should not be doubled, it would undoubtedly be strength, because the strength growth of Tianlong Sect is very low. One point of strength can only increase 2 points of external attack, and 90 points of strength is only 180 external attack.

, far less cost-effective than other attributes! Although the spiritual energy growth of the Tianlong Sect is the same as the strength growth, for the majority of players, the internal defense is generally low, and giving up strength is obviously more cost-effective than giving up aura!

Next, Wei Bin rinsed the remaining equipment. Finally, after spending a full day, he finally washed out perfect equipment for the 15 core members, and also specially washed out a set of Tianlong-specific equipment.

Equipment, all offensive equipment are similar to the equipment above!

This chapter has been completed!
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