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Chapter 834 Brother Li

"I've already passed on President Shen's side. These people should not be President Shen's people. It seems that our opponents are very strong!" Xuanyuan Aiai said solemnly.

"Strong? Gang leader, how can you see it?" a confidant asked.

"I think those people who slander the Great Elder are actually people sent by the Great Elder himself!" Xuanyuan Aiai explained.

"The great elder sent someone to smear him? Is he afraid of not being stupid? How can there be such a person, gang leader!" The confidants were even more confused now, how could there be such a fool in the world?

"Wrong! This is exactly the great elder's extremely smart performance!" Xuanyuan Aai said with certainty.

"Smart? Gang leader? You're not mistaken, right? A smart person will discredit himself?" The confidant was even more confused now!

"Yes, he is smart! How shrewd is the Great Elder? How can he discredit himself? His current behavior seems to be discrediting himself, but in fact, he is trying to do the next step Get ready!" Xuanyuan Ai Ai said.

"Get ready?" The confidant was completely confused!

At this moment, someone seemed to have sent a message to this confidant.

"Gang leader, the great elder has made some moves. Just now, the great elder spoke. He denied the fact that he arranged for child care to queue up. He said that the behavior of these people in the video is no different from the behavior of scalpers. These The person is most likely a scalper who charges fees to help people line up! And even if it is not a scalper, it is definitely not a shill arranged by him. It is most likely a shill sent by us, Nirvana, in order to discredit him, and then Nirvana Then I took the opportunity to take a video as the so-called evidence. If this was not the case, then why would Nirvana be so coincidental and take so many videos? This is probably a tactic planned by Nirvana!" The face of the confidant was extremely ugly. I have to say, The Great Elder’s words are so convincing!

"Haha! Great Elder, you are truly worthy of being the helmsman of the Angel Chamber of Commerce. His thoughts are really thoughtful. Unexpectedly, the trick we tried so hard to set for him not only failed to achieve results, but also received dirty water from him! It's amazing! !It’s really amazing!” Xuanyuan Aai’s expression was also not pretty!

"Now do you understand the meaning of what I just said? The Great Elder sent people to smear him on purpose! It is false for him to smear himself, but it is true for him to give himself an opportunity to speak! You must know that under our strict control, we When disseminating those videos, we did not add any copywriting to smear the Great Elder. Our real purpose is to let the majority of players within the Angel Chamber of Commerce think for themselves. Everyone is not a fool. After watching this kind of video, a wise person can immediately understand that it is What's going on, if we add some copywriting that slanders the Great Elder at this time, the effect will be bad, and it is very likely that some people will mistakenly think that this matter is a trap set up by our Nirvana. We deliberately designed a trap to discredit the Great Elder! And what if we don’t add any copy? Then we can completely eliminate the suspicion that we deliberately set up the Great Elder! But the Great Elder is the Great Elder after all, and the Great Elder can see through us at a glance Regarding the purpose of spreading these videos, he must give the people below an explanation, otherwise the people below will really recognize the face of the great elder! But the great elder wants to explain, but he cannot just stand up and explain directly. , because at that time we did not deliberately publicize that these people were the stooges of the Great Elder, and the people of the Angel Chamber of Commerce only circulated videos to each other, and did not discredit the Great Elder in a high-profile manner. In this case, if the Great Elder The elder just stood up and explained, which was tantamount to asking for nothing and being a thief with a guilty conscience! In order to give himself a name to explain, the elder played a bitter trick and sent people to discredit him. Everyone is like this anyway. I think, even if he doesn't smear himself, won't the people below recognize his true face? The next scene is now!" Xuanyuan Aiai explained.

"Originally, I thought that the Great Elder would describe these shills as scalpers and make a draw with us. Unexpectedly, the Great Elder was actually superior and said that these people were the shills specially arranged by our Nirvana. We

Nirvana's ability to produce so many videos seems to be proof of him, high, really high!" Xuanyuan Aiai said in admiration.

In the Great Elder’s external rhetoric, these people are either scalpers or shills sent by Nirvana to deliberately discredit the Great Elder. Why doesn’t the Great Elder directly say that these people are shills sent by Nirvana? Because if he said that

, that offensive type is too strong, the great elder is just explaining, just to distance himself, this kind of artificial behavior, people from the Angel Chamber of Commerce may not believe it!

And what if you add the possibility that these people are scalpers? That would be different! The great elder said that these people may also be scalpers, or they may be shills sent by Nirvana. If you say this, it highlights the impartiality of the great elder.

Sex is coming. The great elder has no evidence, so he doesn’t talk nonsense. He just gives everyone two possibilities and lets everyone think about it. In this way, the great elder’s words are more relatable and make the people of the Angel Chamber of Commerce feel

The Great Elder did not go there for revenge and Nirvana!

In this way, the credibility of the great elder's words is much higher. If the people of the Angel Chamber of Commerce believe in the great elder's words, then either these people are indeed scalpers, or they are indeed a good show arranged by Nirvana.

, In any case, these people are not shills arranged by the great elder. The great elder has only one purpose, and that is to distance himself. By the way, it doesn’t matter how many people can be misled by him, even if only half of them, one-third

If a person thinks that a person has achieved nirvana, then he is not at a loss. It can be said that the great elder's move is really too clever!

"Gang leader, what should we do? We must think of a foolproof strategy. The great elder is really not aggressive. If we are not careful in our countermeasures, we may bring Nirvana in!" A confidant said worriedly.

"Actually, it is very simple to distance ourselves from Nirvana. However, if we want to throw dirty water back to the Great Elder, it may not be that easy! In this way, if you release the news, say that our Nirvana does not have

It is necessary to arrange shills to cause trouble for the great elders. We Nirvana are purchasing the souls of mythical beasts in large quantities. We don’t even have enough of the souls of mythical beasts in our own hands. How can we sell the souls of mythical beasts to the big elders in the form of shills?

Where is the elder?" Xuanyuan said aloud.

Xuanyuan Aiai's rhetoric can be said to be impeccable. No matter how much the Great Elder chews on words, it is impossible to catch any loopholes! Because the original intention of Nirvana is to acquire the divine beast Yuan Shen, and the Great Elder and others are just malicious bidders later.

, everyone is well aware of this, but since Nirvana has a very large demand for the soul of the mythical beast, how can it possibly arrange a shill to sell the soul of the mythical beast that it has worked so hard to acquire to the great elder?

Isn’t that putting the cart before the horse?

But what Xuanyuan Aai said can only mean that the people in the video are not the shills arranged by Nirvana. It cannot explain at all that these people are indeed the shills arranged by the Great Elder. From this point of view,

The great elder's rhetoric is a tactic that can be used to attack, retreat or defend. If you advance, you can pour dirty water on Nirvana. If you retreat, you can make everyone think that these people are scalpers. It can be said to be a foolproof strategy!

As a result, most people from the Angel Chamber of Commerce will definitely regard it as a scalper. In this game, there is no winner or loser between the two sides. It is hard to tell the difference!

In the real world, in a company in city b.

"Brother Li, the tools you requested have been delivered to you!" A supplier walked into Brother Li's office and handed over a cigarette.

"Okay, as long as the quantity is correct, just put it here!" After saying that, Brother Li stretched out his hand towards the supplier, and then, the supplier sent a delivery order, and Brother Li signed it and left.


Brother Li is the tool buyer of their department. After he distributed the tools to each team, he still had a pair of scissors, a wallpaper knife, and some glue sticks and other gadgets left in his hand.

"Bring her the things up!" Brother Li said to himself, yes, the remaining things were all paid for by him in the name of each team!

"This is" Seeing Brother Li bringing the things up, a female colleague named Linlin seemed a little confused about what he meant.

"Take it and use it! Don't you need these for work?" Brother Li said.

This female colleague named Linlin is their

Official document clerks often use scissors, wallpaper cutters, glue sticks, etc.

"Um, thank you!" Linlin said politely, and after saying that, she put away all these tools, for fear that outsiders would see them, because she knew that these tools were not declared by her through formal channels, but what she had in front of her.

Brother Li got it for her through some means unknown to her.

Next, the two chatted for a long time.

For many days after that, Brother Li would go to Linlin's office almost every day. Over time, the two of them became familiar with each other.

In the days that followed, Brother Li gave her many things, some of which were declared in the name of the team, and some of which were local products grown at home.

That's right! Brother Li likes Linlin!

Why does Brother Li like Linlin? How did Brother Li fall in love with Linlin?

As early as the beginning of their acquaintance, he once went to Linlin's office. Linlin asked him to wait a moment. She was going to clean the table in the conference room. There would be a meeting in the conference room later. This made Brother Li a little confused. Wipe the table.

It's not her job, why should she wipe it?

Later she said, if you don’t wipe it, won’t the people attending the meeting stain their clothes?

What kind of excuse is this for wiping the table?

For this reason, Linlin left a good impression on Brother Li as a diligent person.

In subsequent interactions, Brother Li discovered more of her strengths, such as her diligence, gentleness, generosity, etc.

However, she got divorced. She divorced when the child was two years old. Now the child is six and a half years old. Brother Li feels that such a beautiful girl should not be divorced!

Suddenly, pity ignited in Brother Li's heart. Yes, at this time, Brother Li had not fallen in love with her. He only had pity for her. Because of this, he gave her various things every day.

, help her in work and life!

But as the relationship deepened, Brother Li's feelings for Linlin changed a lot. He clearly felt that this was no longer pity, but love! He didn't know when, he already loved her.


During the heart-shaped coronavirus that was raging around the world, City B had an outbreak at a certain stage. Fortunately, it was already in the late stage of the virus and some inhibitory drugs were already available. After Linlin's child was infected with the virus, Li

Brother knew it right away. How did Brother Li know?

It's not what Linlin told Brother Li, but what Brother Li discovered himself. When you like someone very much, you will dig out everything about her and pay attention to everything about her. Even if she has the slightest abnormality, you will be able to understand it very well.

Sensitively aware.

As a result, that night, the child's fever reached 42 degrees. Linlin hurriedly took him to the hospital, while Brother Li kept calling her to comfort her, telling her not to worry, and using his own experience of being infected to provide guidance.

He supported her and helped her get through the difficulties. Yes, Brother Li had been infected at that time, but his community had been under lockdown and he couldn't go out at all!

The next day, she and her mother were also infected. As a young person, she could only shoulder the burden of taking care of the whole family.

But at that time, there were no drugs to suppress the virus on the market. Brother Li once seriously asked him to deliver medicine to her, but she refused his kindness on the grounds that relatives would come to deliver medicine to her tomorrow.

After that, the relationship between the two became closer and closer, and they became more and more familiar with each other. She seemed to have let down her guard against him, and even told him a lot about her ex.

After seeing this, do you feel that the two of them should have a happy ending?

It's a pity that in real life, there are so many romantic love stories, and there are still romantic love stories that come to the end?

The good times didn't last long, she got into a car accident and died unexpectedly

That day, he cried for a long time. Yes, he was a man who stood upright and cried until he couldn't stop crying.

After he learned the news of her death, he came to her home immediately. When he got there, some of his colleagues had already arrived first. After all, the time of learning the news was different, and his colleagues

Just because he came early does not mean that his colleagues care about Linlin more than he does. Just because he came late does not mean that he despises Linlin more than his colleagues.

"Auntie, sister, brother-in-law, I am Linlin's colleague, Brother Li." Brother Li said, yes, this is the first time that Brother Li has met Linlin's family.

Linlin's father has passed away long ago, and she herself has been divorced. Now the only people in their family are her sister, brother-in-law, her mother, and her children!

"Are you Brother Li? I've heard of you. Linlin usually mentioned you to me. You gave her a lot of things, and the child also liked you very much. He said he wanted you to come over and set off fireworks with him last time, but it turned out

You were too busy, so you didn't come." As she spoke, Linlin's mother began to sob. She seemed to think of many of Linlin's past events when she was still alive. She also seemed to be full of worries about her child's future when she mentioned her child.

It seems that he is full of affection for Brother Li in front of him!

"Brother Li, I have often heard Linlin mention you. Last time we went out to play, I asked you to help me. The two of us talked on the phone." At this time, Linlin's sister also came up.

Brother Li has never met Linlin's sister, but when Brother Li saw this woman, he was sure at a glance that this person was Linlin's sister, because the two of them were twins.

The growth is no longer the same, but there are still some traces!

The first time Brother Li saw her sister, Brother Li's heart beat violently, as if he saw the shadow of Linlin in her body!

"Auntie, sister, my condolences, you still have me, and I will protect you from now on!" As he said that, Brother Li's eyes began to become moist.

He once said this to Linlin, but he never fulfilled it.

At that time, due to certain work matters, Brother Li did not hesitate to approach the leader in order to prevent Linlin from increasing her workload, and therefore offended the leader.

When Linlin found out about this, she started to quarrel with Brother Li. Of course, it might not be called a quarrel. It was just that Linlin thought that Brother Li shouldn't do that. The two had different opinions.

At this time, Brother Li said, "I did this to protect you, didn't I?"

These are his true words, the most sincere words he has ever said in his life!

Although Linlin did not approve of what Brother Li did, she was still somewhat moved. Even if what Brother Li did was wrong, no matter how inconsistent with her values, outlook on life, and world view, he was still doing it for her own good after all.

Ah! Just like that, Linlin forgave him, and since then, the relationship between the two has become closer.

Now, Brother Li said the same thing to her family. He didn't know if he could do it, but he knew that right now, Linlin's family needed comfort. Since her family had heard about him, he would give it to her.

Her family left a good impression, so his words at this time should still have some weight, especially when he heard from Linlin's mother that Linlin's child liked him very much, he knew

, Linlin’s mother cares about herself very much.

"It's okay, we're okay, come and sit for a while!" Linlin's mother said. There was no hint of politeness in her tone. However, it was this tone of not being polite that made Brother Li's heart

It was very comfortable, because he knew that Linlin's mother regarded him as one of her own!

Before Brother Li came, many of Linlin's friends had already come. After these people came in, they all gave them kind words, bowed, and after staying for a while, they all left in a hurry. After all, they were

Linlin herself passed away, not Linlin's family members.

The worldly love is vividly interpreted by everyone at this moment!

But Brother Li was different. When Lin's mother saw Brother Li's eyes that seemed to be about to get wet, she already knew that Brother Li was different from Linlin's other colleagues. None of Linlin's colleagues had expressed that they wanted to cry here.

Signs, who would cry over a colleague?

"Auntie, let me bow to Linlin first!" After saying that, Brother Li walked to the place facing Linlin's photo.

He straightened his back and bowed solemnly towards her portrait. With this bow, a tear completely left his eye socket and fell to the ground.

In this episode, Brother Li's mood was extremely complicated, with regrets, regrets, and most of all, sadness.

Just as he bent down, a large number of scenes of him and Linlin spending time together flashed through his mind, including working together, laughing together, and discussing some little secrets.

Immediately afterwards, Brother Li bowed for the second time towards her photo.

At this moment, there was no trace of her in his mind. At this time, there was only one face in his mind, a face that was not very good-looking, but still outstanding.

The third bow. ??

There is no thought left in Brother Li's mind, just like a dead person. If at first, he was a little worried that his colleagues would see him crying for Linlin, then at this time, he had already given up everything.

No matter what the reputation or the scandal, just let him go, he doesn't care about anything anymore!

The fourth bow.

Brother Li was instantly full of fighting spirit, and seemed to have turned grief into strength. He made a very difficult decision!

"Auntie, can I see her one last time?" Brother Li begged.

"Well, you go ahead," Lin's mother cried.

Because the incident happened suddenly and the people from the funeral home hadn't arrived yet, Linlin's body lay quietly in front of the photo.

After Brother Li got Lin's mother's management, he slowly walked towards Linlin's body. She lifted the white cloth covering her body, and a lifeless face was exposed to Brother Li's view.

Brother Li knelt down and stretched out his right hand towards Linlin tremblingly. He gently touched Linlin's cheek, and two lines of hot tears rolled down from his eyes involuntarily!

"Sorry, I'm late," Brother Li said softly.

Then, he picked up Linlin's right hand and touched it on his cheek. Although she had no body temperature at this time, Brother Li still felt a little warmth from it. This warmth did not come from Linlin's.

The hand came from Brother Li's heart. This was the first time he had physical contact with Linlin.

Brother Li put Linlin's hand back to where it was. He stood up slowly and covered the faded white cloth back. Just before he covered Linlin's head with the white cloth, Brother Li bent down.

She stuck her head over and left a light kiss on Linlin's forehead.

Brother Li's action immediately exploded in everyone's hearts!

What exactly is this relationship? Are he and Linlin a couple? Why does he act like this?

The people present really had no idea. Even Linlin’s mother didn’t necessarily know everything about Linlin. As for Linlin and Li’s colleagues, they even lacked understanding of the two of them.

All they knew was that Brother Li always ran to Linlin's office over and over again. As for what the relationship between them was, who could say?

However, colleagues know that Brother Li has his own family. If you think about it this way, the two of them should not be a couple. But if they are not a couple, who would kiss a dead body? These colleagues,

Not to mention kissing the deceased Linlin, there was not even one person among them who wanted to see Linlin for the last time. You know how unlucky it is to see a corpse? Except for the closest relatives and trusted ones.

, who would go to see a dead person? As the saying goes, everyone is just a colleague, there is no such deep friendship at all!

Just when his colleagues bowed, stayed for a while, and were about to leave, he chose to stay. Yes, he wanted to keep vigil for his beloved woman. When he was alive, he had no chance to protect this woman. After she died,

, he must keep vigil for her!

"What? You're not leaving? Are you going to stay and watch the night?" When colleagues heard Brother Li's decision, they were extremely surprised!

When everyone is gone, what's the point of doing this? Who are you doing it for? If her family has left and you stay to help with the vigil, then that makes sense. After all, she is still there and her interpersonal relationships are still there.

Now, it will inevitably come in handy in the future, and she will definitely be grateful to you for keeping her family awake at night! In fact, one of these colleagues did stay overnight for her father when he passed away!

But what is the situation now? She herself has passed away. Who are you showing off to now? Who are you trying to please? It can be said that after this incident, you and her family have no contact at all.

What's the point of staying here now? Even the people who used to keep vigil for her father have chosen to leave now. What are you pretending to be here? What's the point? To commemorate your colleagues? How close the two of you are to each other.

, how much kindness must she have to you, for you to be like this?

"That's right, I've already told my family that I won't be going back tonight. If you have anything to do, go ahead and get busy. I'll keep an eye on you from here!" Brother Li said.

"No, Xiao Li, we don't lack manpower here. You still have your own things to do, so just go ahead and do your own thing. You don't have to stay here!" Lin's mother said.

"Auntie, the tone of your words is exactly the same as Linlin's. However, every time Linlin said this to me in the past, she couldn't defeat me and finally listened to my decision. Auntie, just leave it alone.

I really have nothing to do, and the leader has already said that we are colleagues after all, so if you have time, please come and help!" Brother Li was not sure whether he could convince Lin's mother, so he simply moved the leader out.

"It's really not necessary, just go back. Ang, we really don't lack manpower here!" Lin's mother continued to advise.

Isn’t there a shortage of manpower? Linlin’s father passed away and her husband divorced her. There is no man in your family, and Linlin doesn’t have many male friends, only Linlin’s brother-in-law, although you also have relatives in your family.

, but there is only one younger brother in the relative's family, so we can't let the elders keep vigil for her, right? With these two young people, you actually say there is no shortage of manpower? If Linlin dies and there is no one to keep vigil, then what?

Don’t you want to make others laugh when you go out?

But it would be different if she stayed. Even her colleagues would come to keep vigil for her. This shows how popular she must be?

"Auntie, please stop trying to persuade me. I'm really fine, and I have something else I want to tell you!" Brother Li said.

Just like that, when Mother Lin heard that Brother Li had something to do with him, she took back her attitude of letting him go home.

After his colleagues left, Brother Li and Mother Lin returned to the house together.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me, Xiao Li." Lin's mother asked.

"Auntie, there is something I want to ask for your permission for!" Brother Li said.

"What's the matter? Just say it!" Mother Lin asked.

"I want to pick up the child and take him to my place to take care of me. You are older now, your legs and feet are not very good, and you can't help the child's study! It will be different if I pick up the child. Usually I

You can take care of him. Hasn't he always wanted to set off fireworks with me? I can set off fireworks with him every day in the future!" After thinking about it for a while, Brother Li finally plucked up the courage and said what he did when bowing.

Huge decision!

He wants to raise this child! Raise this child who took up 90% of Linlin's energy during her lifetime! This child is everything to her. She has passed away now. It is conceivable that at the last moment of her death, she was definitely not thinking about herself.

, but this child should

what to do!

She once said something to Brother Li, saying that she was particularly worried that after she raised her child, the child would leave her and go to her ex-husband, because her ex-husband's family was very rich!

Although Brother Li doesn't know whether Linlin will choose to leave the child to the care of the child's father if she has a will, or whether she will take care of him as he wishes, but he firmly believes that he can be better than the child's father.

Dad takes better care of him, because this is Linlin's only concern in the world, the only thing left behind. He wants to take good care of Linlin's only thought before her death, raise him up, and give him a correct

outlook on life!

"Xiao Li, I know your thoughts. I also know that you sincerely want to take care of your children. I also know that you like Linlin! But I also know that you are a family man. You

You are already married and have a child. I can’t give you this child! He will affect your family harmony and drag down your family’s economy. In a few days, this child’s father will come to pick him up. Should you let him

Let his biological father take him away!" Lin's mother said, but it was a bit uncomfortable. She also understood that the last thing Lin Lin wanted during her lifetime was to have her child's father raise him!

"Auntie, you know everything!" Brother Li said in surprise.

"Haha, before, I just guessed, I wasn't sure, but from the moment you kissed Linlin's forehead, I'm sure that you like Linlin! I have tried to persuade her to find another one many times before, but she

She always refuses for various reasons, or she stops contacting her within two days after meeting. And when I know about your existence, when I know about the things you gave her, and the things you did for her.

When it happened, I knew that you liked her! At that time, I advised her, saying that people don’t dislike you for being divorced and having a boy, so just try to be with them everywhere! That’s it.

At that time, I learned from her that you are a family man! Xiao Li, nine out of ten things in life are unsatisfactory. You are destined to be destined to be together in this life and cannot be together! I also know

, you seem to have a very good relationship with your wife, so I don’t think you are a playboy. You may indeed really like Linlin, but the child will definitely drag you down, and you can’t bear to see him destroy it.

Your family, so you’d better not take the child away, just let the child’s biological father take him away!” Lin’s mother said bluntly.

If it wasn't love, if it wasn't deep love, who would kiss a cold dead body in public? What a deep love this must be! Unfortunately, Linlin was not blessed to enjoy it.

"Auntie, thank you for your recognition of me!" Brother Li was very moved after hearing what Lin's mother said.

I didn't expect that Lin's mother would still have such an attitude towards me after knowing her situation. This is really rare!

Who says a man can only like one woman?

Monogamy is nothing more than a specially formulated regulation by the Federation in order to maintain social stability and harmony. In ancient times, there were many people who married three wives and four concubines. Just because this era is like this, it cannot be said that a man can marry three wives and four concubines at the same time.

It is wrong to like two women. Right and wrong exist objectively and do not depend on personal will. At most, in terms of the current social atmosphere and moral standards, most people will think that this is the case.

is wrong!

Love itself can be divided. Two identical bags are placed in front of you. Which one do you like? Don't you like them both?

Brother Li really likes both his wife and Linlin. This is not a false proposition!

"Auntie, you are the grandma of the child. I, an outsider, cannot be your master as to the ownership of the child. If you are worried that the child will affect my family, can you do this? When I become rich in the future, I will

Take the child away, do you think this is okay?" Brother Li took a step back.

Regarding the fight for the custody of this child, Brother Li is indeed a little entangled in his heart. He sincerely wants to take care of this child who is the only child Lin Lin cares about. However, Lin's mother is right. This child will drag him down. He loves Lin.

Lin, but he also loves his wife and his children. If he affects his children and wife because he wants to take care of Linlin's children, is he doing this worthy of his own family?

However, whether you are sorry or not ultimately depends on your financial strength. If your family is average, then you are indeed sorry, because the cost of raising one child is different from raising two children. But if your family has a lot of money

If so, it will be different. You have enough economic area to take care of this child. In this way, you can reduce the drag caused by this child to zero!

"Let's talk about this in the future! Xiao Li, I appreciate your kindness!" Lin's mother did not agree, but she did not reject it either.

Lin's mother's attitude gave Brother Li some hope, because Lin's mother did not refuse, and as long as he did not refuse, there would be room for operation. If he really becomes prosperous in the future, Lin's mother will most likely do what he wants.

He wishes to raise Linlin's child. Brother Li can see from Lin's mother's expression just now that Lin's mother actually doesn't want the child's father to take him away. If she could be younger, she would definitely choose herself.

Take care of this grandson yourself!

In this way, he stayed for her for three days and three nights. During this period, Lin's mother asked him to go to bed and rest for a while countless times, but he refused every time. He just looked directly at Linlin's face.

Photos, I don’t know what I’m thinking!

One day later, Brother Li came to visit Mother Lin with his things. At the same time, he also wanted to see the child for the last time, because he knew that the child's biological father would take him away soon!

"Uncle, after I move away, will I be farther away from your home? Then won't you be able to set off fireworks with me in the future?" What they didn't expect was that when they were saying goodbye, Linlin's child actually said something to her.

Said something like this.

After Brother Li heard this, his heart felt like a knife piercing his heart. He hated it!

He hated himself for being incompetent, forgetting that he couldn't protect Linlin, he couldn't even protect Linlin's children, he hated himself for being too weak, he didn't have strong financial strength, and he had no say!

"No, I believe uncle, he will visit you from time to time!" Brother Li said.

Just a few months ago, Brother Li gave Linlin some fireworks and said that he would show them to his children when he went home. Later, during a phone call between Brother Li and Linlin, the child was also on the other end of the phone, saying that uncle, these

Did you give the fireworks to my mother?

Brother Li said yes.

Then, the child said, "Can you come over and set off fireworks with me?"

It may be that the child lacks father's love, or it may be that Linlin mentioned this uncle in front of the child to make the child have a good impression of him.

When Brother Li heard what the child said, he was very happy because the child did not reject him!

Unfortunately, he is a family man, and it is impossible for him to go over and set off fireworks with him, so he told his child on the phone at that time, my house is a bit far from yours, maybe next time!

Brother Li's love for Linlin is different from Brother Li's love for his wife. His love for his wife includes responsibility, care, and many other things.

However, his love for Linlin was different. He never thought of being with Linlin because he had a wife and his strength did not allow him to do that! His love for Linlin has always been about protecting.

He just wants to protect Linlin and prevent Linlin from even the slightest harm. He just wants to help Linlin and love Linlin in this way!

"Don't worry, I will come over to see you often!" Brother Li said with a smile.

He knew that if he could not develop, it would be almost impossible to realize what he said, because his family situation was indeed very ordinary. He only had an income of several thousand federal dollars every month, which was barely enough.

To support his family expenses, how could he have enough money to travel thousands of miles to visit this child in another city?

Just like that, as Brother Li watched him off, the child's biological father took him away!

This chapter has been completed!
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