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Chapter 857 Alsace

In fact, Wei Bin, the Great Elder and others have guessed correctly. This sealing stone has indeed been tampered with by dark creatures, and it was also done by the leader of the undead, the Lich King - Arthas himself.

His hands and feet! However, Arthas did not get the news from Taigo, the prophet, the high-level officials of Middle-earth or the human race that Taigo was going to Mount Olympus to find the sealing stone. Arthas

He has a piece of Haotian Mirror in his hand. This Haotian Mirror is a divine object. He can see what happens to most of the other parties in this world. He can even see the palace where the top officials of the Middle-earth continent are located at this time.

Seeing that at that time, Arthas only knew the news through the Haotian Mirror. After getting the news, Arthas immediately sent people to find the sealing stone one step ahead. Then, Arthas sent the person in front of him

The formation master studied the seal stone and made a formation on the seal stone. Next, Arthas only needed to inject divine power into the formation! At that time, according to the formation master,

, the formation he arranged was enough to destroy the formation of the Bone Burial Ground with a durability of 60. In other words, after 800 years, this sealing stone would be just enough to destroy the formation of the Bone Burial Ground. Later,

Arthas injected divine power into the formation made by this formation master!

But now, the sealing stone has not destroyed the formation of the Bone Burial Ground as promised. In other words, there are only two places where there may be mistakes. The first is the formation arranged by the formation master on the sealing stone.

There is something wrong with the magic. The power of this formation is not enough to blow up the 60 durability of the formation in the Boneyard. The second possibility is that the divine power injected by Alsace is not enough. The formation is like an explosive.

Pack, and these divine powers are the explosives in the explosive pack. No matter how perfect the explosive pack is, if there is not enough explosive inside, it will naturally not achieve the expected effect. But at the moment, the power of the sealing stone has not shown what they expected.

That, so, someone must take the blame for this, either the formation master or Alsace himself!

As the leader of the undead, the Lich King, Arthas would definitely not bear the blame. Moreover, he knew very well how much divine power he had injected into him. Therefore, he could only think that it was the master of the formation.

The formation was not perfect. It was an unqualified explosive bag. Naturally, the blame fell on the formation master in front of me!

"Sir, this is not what I mean. I have little suspicion. It was Tiger who discovered something was wrong with the sealing stone before he died. He used his best to

The last trace of power offset part of the power of the sealing stone, so the power of the sealing stone did not achieve the expected effect!" said the formation master.

"Tago discovered the abnormality of the sealing stone? Even if it is because Tago discovered the formation you arranged on the sealing stone, isn't it because your formation is not concealed enough? As for, is it because Tago discovered it?

The formation of the sealing stone can be known by examining it with the Haotian Mirror!" After saying that, Alsace injected his divine power into the Haotian Mirror, and then, the Haotian Mirror began to emerge. At that time, Tiger merged himself with the sealing stone.

A scene from the Boneyard Formation!

The Haotian Mirror is a magical object. It can not only view real-time footage of most places in the world, but it can also view what happened in the past. However, to drive the Haotian Mirror, you need to possess divine power.

Okay, and depending on the scene you are looking at and the era, the amount of divine power you need to consume is different. For example, if you look at what just happened yesterday, you will definitely consume more divine power than looking at what happened a year ago.

Much less. For example, if you look at what happened in the past, you will definitely consume more divine power than looking at the real-time footage at this moment, because if you look at the real-time footage now, you can do something for the future.

Preparation, for example, if you see other people's conspiracies through the Haotian Mirror, then you will have enough time to deal with it, but if you are looking at other people's past conspiracies, then you may not have enough time to deal with it now.

Therefore, viewing real-time footage must consume more divine power than viewing history!

Furthermore, what does it mean that the scene being viewed is different and the divine power consumed is different? For example, Arthas has just been looking at the palace where the high-ranking officials of Middle-earth are located through the Haotian Mirror. You know, the palace where the high-ranking officials of Middle-earth are located.

But there are restrictions. After all, a place like this where human affairs are discussed cannot be easily detected. However, the Haotian Mirror can break through the restrictions. However, the power consumed is much greater than that of exploring other places.

The palace where the top executives of the Tu Continent are located is a special scene!

In addition, no matter where you use the Haotian Mirror to view, the divine power consumed refers to the reserve of consumed divine power.

Know that the divine power reserve will not be consumed under normal circumstances. For example, when Wei Bin uses baptism, expulsion and other magical powers, using these magical powers will not actually consume the divine power reserve, but as long as you have divine power in your body,

You can use these skills. The power of the skills is related to the amount of divine power reserves in your body! After using these magical skills, the divine power reserves in your body will not be reduced!

But looking at the Haotian Mirror is different. When you use the Haotian Mirror, the divine power consumed is the divine power reserve. The divine power reserve will be reduced a little when you use it. If you keep using it, the divine power reserve in the user's body will be exhausted sooner or later.

Once it is consumed, by that time, this person will no longer have divine power in his body, and he will not even be able to use magical powers such as baptism and expulsion!

This is the price of using the Haotian Mirror. If the Haotian Mirror is such a powerful divine object, how can there be no price when using it?

Next, Arthas opened the Haotian Mirror.

"Why is there such an aggressive formation inside the sealing stone? It's not good, it's cracking, it's a trap." At the last moment when Taigo and the sealing stone merged into the formation of the Bone Burial Ground, the sealing stone

The internal formation was exposed. This formation was exactly the formation arranged by the formation master in front of Alsace. The formation he arranged was extremely hidden. He carved it inside the seal stone. Anyone could

There are no signs of this formation from the outside. Only when using it can you find some clues!

And even when using it, not everyone can discover this formation. To discover this formation, the user must understand the principles of the formation extremely well, just like if you want to crack something,

First of all, you have to get to know him as much as possible! As for Tago, he is the leader of the Tomb Keeper clan. Eight hundred years ago, when the great master of the human race single-handedly built the formation of the Bone Burial Ground, Tago was lucky enough.

He participated in it, for no other reason than because Tago was well versed in the mysteries of formations. He understood formations best. It was precisely because of this that Tago was appointed as the leader of the Tomb Keeper clan!

Tiger knows the formations very well, so at the last moment, he discovered the offensive formations hidden in the sealing stone!

When Tago discovered the offensive formation in the sealing stone, Tago burned his life again and used his last bit of life to launch a final attack on this formation.

One blow, and it was precisely because of his full blow that the offensive formation was suddenly cracked, and then the divine power in the formation quickly leaked out!

However, at this time, this offensive formation has already begun to attack the formation in the Boneyard. Therefore, even if the divine power in this offensive formation is leaked, it does not leak much, and it is not harmful at all! So, this

The scene just now occurred. The formation durability of the Boneyard remained at 0.1. This 0.1 was obtained by Tago with his life. It does not mean that there is something wrong with the formation arrangement of this dark creature formation master.

It's not because the divine power injected by Alsace is insufficient, but because Tago destroyed this formation at the last moment before his death!

Seeing this, Arthas, the Great Protector and the formation master understood everything!

"Sir, there is nothing wrong with my formation, and there is nothing wrong with the divine power you injected. It was Tago who messed with it!" said the formation master.

"Haha, when you arranged the formation, didn't you think that Tago would discover the formation you arranged when using the seal stone? There is no problem with the formation you arranged, but you are wrong

We should arrange the formation to be more concealed! In this way, Tago will not discover this formation. If he cannot discover it, he will naturally not attack this formation before he dies!" Arthas squinted.

Take a look at this dark creature!

"Sir, there is nothing wrong with my formation. It is already very hidden. Tago has become one with this formation. They have lived together for eight hundred years and he has not discovered this formation. This is enough to explain that my formation is

It's hidden enough. As for, this formation will be discovered when Tago uses the sealing stone. Sir, Tago is a master who is well versed in formations. When he uses the sealing stone, no matter how deeply he hides his movements,

, he will also find out!" The dark creature explained tremblingly.

"Haha, you don't have to explain. You are also a member of our undead tribe. I will remember your efforts. Let's go." Arthas said, and then he turned around!

"Thank you for your kindness of not punishing me. I will work hard for the undead and contribute every bit of my strength!" After saying that, the dark creature lowered his head and retreated step by step towards the door.


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