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Chapter 882 Why do you need so much money?

"I really don't know how to spend this money. To be honest, the high salary you offered me is enough to fulfill all my wishes. I can seek the best educational resources for Chenchen, and that's okay.

Leave him a lot of money so that he can have enough food and clothing throughout his life. To be honest, it is enough to spend it. It is useless for me to ask for so much!" Linlin said again.

"That's your business. If it doesn't work, just deposit it in the bank and keep it for your grandson, great-grandson, or great-grandson, so that your family can enjoy your cuteness for generations to come!" Wei Bin suggested.

"I don't want that! There is a truth, don't you understand? If I leave them too many assets, it will make them lose the motivation to fight. They will rely on their money and stop working hard. They will

They will start to gnaw at their old age in their bones, and even think that it is natural for them to sit back and enjoy their achievements. I don’t want Chenchen and my descendants to become such people! Even, I don’t want Linlin to know that I have so much money,

Even if it’s a monthly salary of 100 million, I don’t want him to know! I want them to get what they want through their own efforts. I want them to become powerful people. I want them to become a powerful person through their own efforts.

People who are highly respected by others, instead of only saying five words when others mention them, their family is rich!" Linlin said very seriously.

"Haha! I'm talking about Linlin, let's not talk about the 1.8 trillion federal coins you just saved. Even if Linlin relies on your monthly salary of 100 million, you should change your mentality. That mentality of yours

, is the mentality that an ordinary person should maintain when they have money in the future, but that is just an ordinary person's fantasy. When your strength reaches the standard, you don't need to fantasize anymore. When your strength reaches the standard, your thoughts

You should change your mind to a rich person! Look at me, my family used to be very poor. When buying clothes, I always choose cheap ones. When buying food and drinks, I don’t dare to be too picky. I just make do with what I can eat.

Okay, even when I buy fruit, I just buy some fruit to be processed, because at that time, my strength did not allow me to have higher pursuits, but now I am different. Now that I have money, I buy clothes.

I buy the best, and eat and drink more healthily. When buying fruits, I don’t buy fruits that are almost spoiled by the store just for the sake of cheapness. I even bought a villa and even rented it.

A few cleaners, a few security guards, two chefs, a driver, and a personal doctor. I also bought a private jet and hired a bodyguard! Now that I have the conditions, of course I want my family to eat healthier food and wear clothes.

More comfortable and fancy clothes, because I want my family to be looked upon favorably by others, and no longer look down upon others like they did before living in the slums.

, even when taking the bus, I have to be scorned! I want outsiders to know that my parents’ children are promising! I want my family to live in a more elegant house, I want them to be safer, I want them to be more leisurely, and I don’t have to

I cook by myself and suffer from the smell of cooking fumes. I want them to hear the most authentic doctor’s advice and treatment when they are sick. I want them to travel more conveniently and not waste time on meaningless journeys! We

Now that you have money, should you live the life of a rich person? Don’t live with the poor mentality you had before. Change your mentality and try to enter the lifestyle of the upper class! Of course, you want to

There is nothing wrong with children becoming useful people, but this has nothing to do with you keeping the money. Only when you have money can you train your children faster and more efficiently! As long as you guide them in the right direction

My child, he shouldn’t be nibbling on his old age!” Wei Bin enlightened Linlin, and it could be seen that she had not yet accepted the fact that she was already rich!

And all of what Wei Bin just said is indeed the transformation that a poor person should undergo after transforming into a rich person. There are several poor people who have transformed into rich people and still choose to be frugal in the past.

What about life? What is the purpose of making money in this life? The original purpose of making money is to survive. This is the initial stage of making money. But when the income increases to a certain level, isn’t making money just to make life more comfortable?

, in order to make others think highly of yourself? If you still live the poor life before after you have money, then what is the use of making so much money? Earning 10,000 federal dollars a month is as good as earning 100 million federal dollars a month.

Just like life, wouldn't the extra 99.99 million federal coins have no value?

"I understand what you are saying, but I still want to train my child. One day, he will know that he is rich. But while he is growing up, I still want to hide it from him for the time being and let him be positive.

Become his true nature! You should take this money back, Brother Bin!" Linlin said.

"If you don't want the money, then just donate it! Donate it to those who need it! I will definitely not take it back. This is what you got by relying on your own ability. I can't take it! Okay,

That's it, go and do your work!" Wei Bin said.

"Hey, wait a minute, I haven't finished reporting on my work yet! I'm talking to the boss

During the negotiations with Hai, I agreed to him, saying that Nirvana would declare to the outside world that this action of theirs was to cooperate with Nirvana in conducting military exercises, and the purpose was to preserve their reputation. This was also the condition for him to withdraw from the alliance! So "

Linlin said.

"Okay, this is easy to handle. Just let Feng Yun Wuji do it. Just tell me what I said!" Wei Bin readily agreed. It's just a name, so why bother! When he wants to destroy the sea in the future

, can a mere name save him? His request is just to minimize the negative impact of his withdrawal, and to restore his image. After all, they are an alliance of five gangs, and the five

The Gang Alliance actually failed to win the Iron Triangle in the end, which will definitely attract the ridicule of the world!

However, even if he keeps his image, so what? Will this improve their actual combat power? As long as it does not improve their actual combat power, then it is easy to say anything. It is just a false name, why bother?

Seeing that Wei Bin insisted on not wanting her remaining 1.8 trillion federal coins, Linlin simply contacted her grandfather directly and handed him 1 trillion of them. After all, her grandfather had raised her for many years, and she deserved something in return.

Although she has been claiming to be the memory of the deceased Linlin, she still needs to remember the well-digger, and her filial piety must be fulfilled! This does not violate her identity as the deceased Linlin!

With the remaining 800 billion federal coins, Linlin chose to establish an aid association. This association was specifically designed to take in and raise orphans like her who lost their parents at a young age. Perhaps because of her past experience,

She has a natural affinity for those orphans. Spending money to help these orphans live a better life will make her feel at ease!

Linlin will create orphanages for them around the world, seek better educational resources for them, make them full of confidence, and guide them in the direction of future efforts, so that they can become social elites and become useful members of society.


This! This is her wish!

"Damn it, these two damn forces, I started organizing this alliance a month ago, but I didn't expect that in the end I would be thwarted by these two losers. Where is the trust I promised? I promised to guard it to the letter.

What? It’s all nonsense!” The alliance organizer slammed the table!

"Hey! These two idiots openly said that there was a fire in their backyard.

They say that the No. 2 and No. 3 forces in their waters have rekindled their old flames and are buying warships on a large scale and preparing to counterattack them. But this is just their excuse. In fact, this is a scene they directed and staged themselves.

What a show, didn't they say that the No. 2 and No. 3 forces on their side were buying warships on a large scale? I just sent people to verify that these people who were buying warships were not looking at the No. 2 and No. 3 forces above their heads.

The gang names of Force No. 3 are all people without gangs and factions. If it is really Forces No. 2 and No. 3 that are acquiring warships, then why don’t they reveal the names of their gangs? Isn’t this clear?

It was clearly a good show they directed and performed themselves. They may not know how much money they received from Nirvana! In order to minimize the negative impact of their withdrawal from the alliance, they made up such a good show for us to see.

, They are afraid of facing the wrath of our three families!" Another force echoed.

"Nirvana actually took the initiative to clarify for Dahai, saying that Dahai was just cooperating with Nirvana to conduct a military exercise? Where is this liar? If it is really a military exercise, then why not say that the five of us are cooperating with Nirvana

Military exercise? Dahai is the only co-author to send troops. Are we all just foils? This is obviously just a condition that Dahai and Nirvana talked about. Dahai is afraid that being the first to withdraw from the alliance will bring some negative effects to himself. He is afraid that people in the world will because of it.

I looked down on them because of this, so I asked Nirvana to say so! Am I right? They were the only ones who collected the money for the co-authorship, and the three of us came out to go shopping with them? It pissed me off! This

I can't just swallow the breath!" Another force said.

"If you don't swallow it? Is it possible that you can still vent it? Who are you venting your anger on? Nirvana? Or the sea? You can't vent your anger on anyone now. You can't defeat Nirvana, the sea? Think about it carefully, the sea and Nirvana are

Time, is there nothing else to do besides giving money to withdraw the troops? If you use troops against Dahai, can the Iron Triangle not stand up and seize our opportunity for internal strife? By then, four against four,

Can we beat them? Furthermore, do you have a reason for wanting to deal with Dahai? Even we all know that all of this is Dahai trying to give himself a reasonable reason to withdraw his troops, and to eliminate the negative consequences that will be caused by his withdrawal.

The impact is minimized, it's just a set up, but do you have evidence? At least they are reasonable on the surface, and you have no reason to deal with them!" said the leader.

"Then what should we do? Are we just being played by the two of them? Are we just going to watch them collect money and let us be their foils?"

This chapter has been completed!
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