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Chapter 917 Feeling proud

The purpose of Wei Bin's vaccination for them is to let them know that if you really lose your bet, don't blame me. I can remind you that you didn't seize the opportunity. You can only blame yourself!

I am willing to destroy my own interests and remind you, which is already the most benevolent and righteous. How many people in the world can do this? Although I am only hinting to you, it is already quite good to be able to hint. Isn't it?

There are some who can make a big show of it and shout around with a big loudspeaker, saying that I can pass the level, and everyone will come and suppress me!

Isn’t this a fool? Besides, you don’t believe me even if I say this!

Wei Bin doesn't want to offend the people who bet on him, so he would rather make less money and give them a hint! At least this can resolve the hatred between them and Wei Bin!

In addition to resolving hatred, Wei Bin also wants to win over some people. You know, Wei Bin has hinted like this. There will definitely be people who can understand Wei Bin's meaning. Although not many, there must be some, and most of these people are still

Those players who were present yesterday who had challenged Yanziwu, because Wei Bin had already hinted to them twice, once yesterday and just once, but for the new players who came to watch the excitement today, Wei Bin had only hinted them once.

, that is, the time just now, because they were not present yesterday! People who have heard Wei Bin’s reminder twice in a row will definitely be easier to understand the deeper meaning of Wei Bin, so there will definitely be some players who were present yesterday who can understand it.

Realize Wei Bin's deep meaning and go to escort Wei Bin to win!

This is the goal that Wei Bin is trying to win over. Among the many new players today, there may be some well-known big forces, but there are definitely more small forces who come to watch the fun, or individual people. In comparison,

Yesterday's group of people was different. Yesterday's group of people were all well-known big forces, and it was precisely among this group of people that someone bet on Wei Bin to win because of Wei Bin's hint.

!After the event is completed, can these people not thank Wei Bin? You know, if there is no hint from Wei Bin, then there is a high probability that they will not choose to protect Wei Bin to win. Wei Bin is taking advantage of the opponent's prize pool.

I gave myself a piece. You know, Wei Bin can eat it all for himself. There is no need or obligation to hint that they will share the cake! How can they not be grateful to Wei Bin?

If those people yesterday were just small forces, then maybe Wei Bin had no intention to win over them, because the small forces did little to help Wei Bin and Nirvana, but it was different with the famous big forces.

The forces are very powerful and will be of great help to Nirvana in the future. Compared with the immediate interests, making good friends with them is definitely more important!

Sure enough, after a while, someone quickly realized something was wrong.

"Damn it, Nirvana actually came to place a bet? And he even bet 100 million gold on Nirvana to win? This" a player noticed the change in the prize pool.

"What? Nirvana bet on himself to win? Damn it, it seems I guessed wrong. Originally I thought this bet was actually being handled by Wei Bin. Wei Bin is the only one who can decide the success or failure of this bet.

Man, in comparison, the difficulty for Wei Bin to lose is much lower than the difficulty for him to win. As long as he wants to lose, then he has a hundred ways to lose, but if he wants to win, then there are a hundred ways to lose.

It’s difficult! So Wei Bin will definitely bet on himself to lose, and then swallow up the money in the prize pool that was bet on him to win! Now it seems that I thought in the wrong direction, Wei Bin is not going to be this trader! Even if it is

What you have to do is control yourself to win!" Another player said.

"What? Wei Bin would not hesitate to ruin his own reputation by trading for money? If he dared to do this, his reputation would be ruined in minutes. You know, we can all see who he bets to win, even if it is

I didn't see it, but I could see it when the meat was finally divided. He was telling the whole world that he was manipulating. Didn't he openly deceive those supporters who were optimistic about him? If he dared to do this

How can you do it without ruining your reputation? For some money, what? How could Wei Bin do such a thing of killing the goose that lays the goose to lay the eggs?" Another player said.

"In other words, Wei Bin has premeditated it? He wants to swallow up most of the cake in Xiongba's prize pool? In other words, Wei Bin is sure of winning? If he is not sure, how can he invest?

One hundred million gold?”

"What you said seems to make sense. If Wei Bin was not sure of winning, how could he bet 100 million gold to win on his own? A person who is sure to pass the hell level difficulty must have chosen the legendary level difficulty dungeon due to a mistake.

, there should be a great chance of winning, right? Even Wei Bin did not choose the wrong difficulty because of a mistake, he clearly did it on purpose!"

"Yes, maybe Wei Bin really did it on purpose. Please allow me to explain slowly. You should know that Aoshi and Nirvana have always had a feud, right? Wei Bin brought up this bet, as did the bet of 2 million gold.

It was Wei Bin who proposed that the market be closed immediately after they entered the dungeon. He had just bet 100 million gold on Nirvana to win. You should have seen it. If you connect the above details, what will you get?

What kind of answer is that? Let me tell you, that is, Wei Bin is indeed a trader. What he is planning is not only the 2 million gold coins from Xiong Ba, he also wants to get the money from Xiong Ba’s prize pool, so Wei Bin

Only then did he agree to the request to open the market, but why did Wei Bin deliberately emphasize that he wanted to close the market as soon as they entered the instance? Why did he deliberately emphasize this sentence? It was because he knew that the legendary difficulty he chose

The copy will make many of us react. After reacting, we will go to defend Wei Bin to win. In this way, the more people who defend Wei Bin to win, the smaller the proportion Wei Bin will account for! Just imagine it.

, if Wei Bin chooses a hell-level difficulty dungeon, is it necessary for him to deliberately emphasize that they must close the transaction immediately after they enter the dungeon? If they do not close the transaction, Wei Bin can obtain greater benefits from it.

Right? Because as time goes by, more and more people will bet on Xiongba to win, because the less time is left, the more disadvantageous it is for Wei Bin! The more money there is in the prize pool on Xiongba’s side, the more money Wei Bin will win.

Can he make more money? Why did Wei Bin deliberately emphasize that he must close the market in time? It was because he had no intention of choosing the hell-level difficulty dungeon from the beginning. He wanted to clear the legendary level from the beginning to the end.

Yanziwu! Oh my god! Wei Bin really made a good move!" A well-informed and thoughtful player analyzed.

"Damn, your analysis makes sense. Let me just say, how could Wei Bin sign a 2 million gold bet with Xiong Ba in a fit of enthusiasm? No matter how rich he was, he would never give Xiong Ba this kind of money.

Sending money, this is obviously because Wei Bin has long been sure of winning! In my opinion, the difficulty level of Yanziwu he challenged yesterday was the legendary level, not the easy level dungeon that everyone said

, it is rumored that Wei Bin challenged the simple level dungeon yesterday, but in fact it is just their guess. Who has seen with their own eyes the difficulty of Wei Bin choosing the dungeon? If someone had seen it, it would not be the case now.

It has long been changed to I saw with my own eyes that Wei Bin chose the easy level Yanziwu yesterday! In my opinion, Wei Bin challenged the legendary difficulty Yanziwu yesterday, and although they failed yesterday, they have concluded

They came up with a guide to pass the level, but because of time issues, they failed to put it into practice. After all, the time requirements of this dungeon are too strict! It is the first time to challenge a new and unfamiliar dungeon and choose the legendary difficulty. Although this is

It's impossible no matter how you think about it, but when we think about this, we think about it from our own standpoint. We don't think from Wei Bin's perspective. With our strength, facing a strange new

When it comes to dungeons, we may not dare or have the strength to choose legendary difficulty dungeons, but we can't do it, which doesn't mean Wei Bin can't do it either. Who is Wei Bin? Wei Bin is a dungeon master.

Since the opening of the server, which dungeon has not been won by Wei Bin for the first time? And they are all the most difficult dungeons! Take Piaomiao Peak, which is the closest difficulty level to Yanziwu, for example. Didn’t Wei Bin win the big dungeon directly?

Did you get the first pass? In contrast, Wei Bin went directly to challenge the pass yesterday.

What's wrong with Yanziwu, which is a high-level player? They are proficient in this area!" Another player analyzed.

"Hey, it seems to be true. It's been too long. If you don't tell me, I would have forgotten. When Wei Bin challenged Yanziwu, he did directly choose Dapiao instead of Xiaopiao, because the first pass record at that time was

Da Piao, no one can lie about this. Hey, it took too long, and I would have ignored it even if you didn’t tell me! Damn it, if I had known that Wei Bin would win! I didn’t bet on anyone this time!”

"I'll go, just be satisfied! You didn't bet on anyone, at least you won't lose. I bet on Xiongba worth a thousand gold to win. Listening to what you said, it seems that Wei Bin really might win.


"I haven't finished speaking yet. Wei Bin just said something. I don't know if you have noticed it. He said, I advise everyone here, please believe me! You also believe in the strength of Nirvana. I can tell you that yesterday Wei Bin

I was also present when Wei Bin challenged Yanziwu. He said this yesterday! So the question is, why did Wei Bin say this? Why did he advise everyone to bet on him to win? Everyone bet on him to win.

, is there any benefit to him? If Wei Bin bets on Xiongba to win, and then deliberately makes the copy fail, then if he asks us to bet on him to win, it can be explained, that is, he wants to make money from us by trading.

, but Wei Bin did not bet on Xiongba to win, Xiongba bet on himself to win. In this case, Wei Bin still wants us to bet on him to win, does he still want to make our money? If we bet on him to win, we will only become him.

A competitor, the more people bet on him to win, the smaller his proportion will be. At this point, do you understand what Wei Bin means? Wei Bin wants to give us a piece of the cake.

Ah! Wei Bin is such a great love! Wei Bin is indeed a messenger of justice, let us all get rich together!" The analyst just now continued his analysis.

As soon as this person said this, the entire atmosphere changed. If Wei Bin really thought this way, wouldn't Wei Bin be too philanthropic?

"Haha, you are so good at obscenity. How do you know that's what Wei Bin thinks? It's all in your head, it can't be taken seriously!" Seeing that the atmosphere on the scene had changed so much, Xiong Ba's face became a little confused.

I can't hang on anymore! Although everyone is guessing, no matter who guesses right or not, nothing can be changed. But Xiongba still has to stand up and adjust the atmosphere. Otherwise, if everyone thinks that Wei Bin is very philanthropic, it is very big.

As for love, if everyone thinks that Wei Bin will win, how embarrassing will he be!

"Master Xiongba, please don't be angry. All of this is just my personal guess. It can't be taken seriously, haha!" Seeing that Xiongba was a little unhappy, this person hurriedly explained that the matter itself had nothing to do with him and he couldn't do anything wrong.

I offended Xiong Ba for this matter!

In this way, everyone began to wait silently. Who will win will be known soon!

As for Wei Bin in the dungeon, he naturally doesn't know what's happening outside. The six Wei Bins are working hard to conquer the dungeon!

With the experience of conquering the first dungeon yesterday, their path to conquering this time was obviously much smoother. Everyone knew when they should do something, and they passed many dangerous key nodes without any danger.

!Soon, the six of them defeated Duan Yanqing easily. Since their resistance was up to standard, to be honest, Duan Yanqing was the easiest level for them!

What really caused difficulties for Wei Bin and others was actually the second level of Jiumozhi's place, because there were too many little ones in Jiumozhi's place, and their offense and defense reached the strength of a mini-boss. If their strength were

If placed on a wild map other than a dungeon, it would be somewhere between elite monsters and bosses. If there are only one or two wild monsters like this, it doesn't matter, but once there are more, who can handle them? And what's more?

It's Jiumozhi's fire group that has no pattern of release. Jiumozhi's fire group is the most deadly to them, because the fire resistance of this group of people can't kill Jiumozhi. Just kidding.

How can a player with a max limit of 5 raise all four resistances so high? The three resistances are already up to standard! Fortunately, Wei Bin has two control skills that can interrupt Jiumozhi's fire group, as well as a guardian angel.

With the existence of this powerful weapon that is immune to damage, Jiumozhi had a near-miss in this level!

The only person who caused a fatal obstacle to Wei Bin and others was Murong Fu! You know, didn't they lose to Murong Fu yesterday? Murong Fu has innate invincible skills, Lingshen Style + Qi Ding Liuhe + Counterattack with the help of force.

Shi+Heaven Breaking Style!

Murong Fu only needs to fly over in Lingshen style, and then he will shout at the target with Qi Liuhe. The opponent will have nothing to do, because the taunting effect cannot be dispelled. Then Murong Fu will start to use his strength to counterattack. Basically, as long as you are shouted at

Stop it, if you attack Murong Fu who is in the borrowing and counterattacking state, then you are basically dead. Even if you are not dead, Murong Fu still has the Heaven-Breaking Style. You know,

When you are roared by Murong Fu, you two are very close to each other, and the landing range of Breaking Heaven Style is five meters, and the range of action is also five meters. In other words, Breaking Sky Style can attack you with almost 100% chance.

Have you ever experienced the Sky-Breaking Style in the Divine Style state? Even Wei Bin, who is at full health, cannot handle the above operations!

However, Wei Bin already had a way to deal with Murong Fu's set of invincible operations, which was to reduce the cooldown time of Murong Fu's skills. The core of Murong Fu's set of invincible operations is to fix Liuhe with Qi. If there is no Qi to fix Liuhe,

, then he can’t yell at others, and others can run away! And Wei Bin only needs to designate strategies for Murong Fu’s Qi Ding Liuhe!

Wei Bin's strategy is to use the cooldown time of Kamurong Fu's Qi to stop Liuhe. As long as Murong Fu has used Qi to stop Liuhe, Wei Bin and the others will attack Murong Fu for 30 seconds, because Murong Fu's Qi to stop Liuhe is 30 seconds.

After waiting for 30 seconds, Wei Bin controlled Murong Fu, and then the six people dispersed in a hurry, leaving Murong Fu's attack range, and sent the baby to attack him. Anyway, if the baby dies, he can be summoned again. Then, Murong Fu chased

Anyone can run away. Anyway, Wei Bin has a degenerate aura that limits Murong Fu's movement speed, so Murong Fu can't catch up with him at all!

Here, one thing needs to be mentioned, and that is the issue of losing hatred. Under normal circumstances, if there are no players within 20 meters around the target, it will be considered as losing hatred, and the target will be full of health.

Returning to the original place, logically speaking, Wei Bin and the others were already 20 meters away from Murong Fu at this time. Murong Fu should have full health and then return to the original place. Wei Bin and the others could not rely on the baby to attack.

Murong Fu's, even if the distance between the baby and Murong Fu is less than 20 meters, it won't work, because the baby is not a player!

So why were Wei Bin and the others able to stay 20 meters away from Murong Fu without letting Murong Fu lose their hatred? This has to do with special circumstances!

Under normal conditions, if there are no players within 20 meters around Murong Fu, then Murong Fu will indeed return to the original point with full health, but this is only under normal conditions. Since there is a normal state, there is a special state. What situation is considered a special state?

?That is, if someone attacks Murong Fu 20 meters away, Murong Fu will still not lose hatred for three seconds. If no one stands 20 meters away and attacks Murong Fu after three seconds, then Murong Fu will

Hatred will be lost!

What? Isn’t the ultimate attack distance only 20 meters? Is there anyone who can attack a target 20 meters away?

It really works!

For example, the Wudang Clan's three-ring moon set is a directional group attack skill. He can place it wherever he wants. Then if this Wudang Clan player stands far away from Murong Fu

If you use the three-ring moon set 20 meters away and towards the 20-meter position, is it possible that the three-ring set moon can attack Murong Fu? Because the three-ring set moon

The moon is a group attack skill and has a radius of action. If Murong Fu is only 21 meters away from this Wudang sect player, then wouldn’t the three-ring moon set be able to attack Murong Fu? The scope of action of the three-ring moon set

No matter how small it is, it must be more than one meter! Doesn't this mean that you can attack Murong Fu from a position 20 meters away? Then Murong Fu can't lose his hatred? Even if it is lost, there will be no one after three seconds.

Continue to attack Murong Fu to lose it, right? If within three seconds, someone else follows the example of this Wudang Clan player, wouldn't it be possible to extend the time for losing hatred?

Some people may want to say, how can you attack others while standing twenty meters away? When you are twenty meters away from Murong Fu, Murong Fu has already lost his hatred. What will happen even if you attack Murong Fu at this time?

Murong Fu has already been full of health. Does this mean anything?

It really doesn’t make sense, because it requires triggering conditions and the cooperation of people. For example, your teammates are standing twenty meters away from Murong Fu. At this time, your teammates are still within the twenty meters range of Murong Fu.

, Therefore, Murong Fu’s hatred will not be lost. Then, you, a Wudang Clan player, stand 20 meters away from Murong Fu and attack Murong Fu. Then, your teammates will also be 20 meters away from Murong Fu.

distance, will Murong Fu not lose hatred in this way? Although there are no players within 20 meters of him, because you attacked Murong Fu within three seconds, Murong Fu will not lose his hatred.

No hatred lost!

Of course, the above is just to discuss whether this situation exists. In fact, its practicality is not very great and it is difficult to use it in actual combat!

There is also a common sense that everyone knows about standing twenty meters away to attack the target, that is, the Tang Sect's Feng Lei Wanjun has a guide. Under this guidance, as long as Feng Lei Wanjun is turned on, then during the duration of Feng Lei Wanjun,

Here, the attack distance of the Tang Sect player is increased by 3 meters. This is obvious. The wind and thunder can last for 10 seconds, which means you can stand 20 meters away from Murong Fu and attack for ten seconds!

In addition to the Tang Sect's Wind and Thunder, there are actually some other skills that can also increase the attack distance. In other words, it is possible to attack the target twenty meters away. Then just imagine, if you can attack the target within two seconds

If Murong Fu is attacked ten meters away, then why would he lose hatred? Right!

For now, why can Wei Bin and the others do this? In what way and what skills did they use to make Murong Fu lose his hatred?

What is mentioned above is just a mechanism to prevent the target from losing hatred. The six Wei Bins took advantage of this mechanism, and the specific method is actually very simple, that is, using Wei Bin's degraded aura!

Because the degraded aura is an attack-type aura, it can restrict the target. In fact, whether it is a restriction or an attack, it is one of the mechanisms that prevents the target from losing hatred. The two of them are tied. Although the degraded aura cannot affect Murong

It will cause damage, but it can reduce Murong Fu's movement speed and attack speed. This can be regarded as limiting Murong Fu to a certain extent. In this way, of course, Murong Fu's hatred can be held twenty meters away!

And it can not only hold the hatred, but also pull it very firmly, because the range of the degenerate halo is as high as 100 meters. Wei Bin can't be 100 meters away from Murong Fu no matter what, right? Then should he attack?

Moreover, the aura still exists, and there is no problem of losing it after three seconds. As long as Murong Fu is within the aura, he will always be suppressed and unable to lose his hatred!

In contrast, it will not work if it is other halos, such as the brilliant halo chosen during the gang crusade mission. The brilliant halo is a defensive halo. Its scope of action is the player itself and will not cause restrictions or damage to the target.

Therefore, the brilliant halo cannot attack Murong Fu from twenty meters away!

If the halo from the gang crusade mission can be used to deal with Murong Fu, then the Heart Aura can also be used to attack Murong Fu while standing twenty meters away. Of course, the premise is that the range of the Heart Aura is greater than twenty meters.

, in fact, the range of the Heart-Ending Halo in the Gang Crusade dungeon is only 20 meters, which cannot be compared to Wei Bin's degraded aura. That's what I mean, because the Heart-Ending Halo is harmful!

Wei Bin took advantage of the game mechanism that the degraded aura can draw hatred from twenty meters away, so he specified this strategy. They had already tried this strategy personally when they attacked Murong Fu, although they did not do so at the time.

They did not succeed, but the reason for their failure was not because this strategy was not effective, but because they were destroyed twice during the process of developing this strategy, which caused Murong Fu to frequently become full of health. In addition, their travel time was because in the end

They failed because they ran out of time, but this time it was different. They no longer had to explore strategies. They could use this ready-made strategy right away, saving a lot of time. As long as they were more careful, they could use their babies to kill Murong Fu.

No problem!

Just after the dungeon lasted for fifty minutes, they finally consumed 1 of Murong Fu's HP. Then it was easy to handle. They only needed to hang up!

Later, in order to ensure that Wei Bin's future record-breaking plan could be implemented smoothly, the six of them hung up the phone together. Of course, the hanging up mentioned here did not really hang up. If they dared to hang up in front of Murong Fu, then they

I really don’t know how to write the word “death”!

The hang-up mentioned here means that they and the baby stopped attacking Murong Fu together. The six of them had to run if they should. They had to fly Murong Fu's kite. Whoever stopped would die!

At this moment, both inside and outside the dungeon, it was extremely funny. Inside the dungeon, because Wei Bin and others were sure that they had won, they felt very at ease!

But it is different outside the dungeon. At this time, people outside the dungeon are like ants on a pot, and they are extremely anxious!

Not only those who bet on Xiong Ba Ying are anxious, but also those who bet on Wei Bin’s victory! The people who bet on Xiong Ba Ying are anxious because the words of the person who just analyzed Wei Bin’s intention have indeed spoken into their hearts.

Wei Bin, since he opened the server, has he done even one thing that he was not sure about? How could a thoughtful person like him make a mistake? How could he choose the wrong dungeon difficulty? The reason why Wei Bin did this,

In fact, he wants to show his strength. Just imagine, his bet with Xiongba was just to challenge the hell-level Yanziwu, but now he directly challenges the legendary Yanziwu in front of everyone. Once he succeeds,

, on the one hand, he can slap Xiong Ba in the face, on the other hand, he can also make a name for himself! Wei Bin really thinks so. On this occasion today, it can be said that people from various cities and forces have gathered together.

This is an opportunity for free advertising. If he can perform well on this occasion today, it will undoubtedly show the world the strength of Nirvana! At the same time, it can also let people know how fraternal and righteous Nirvana is!

And those who are betting on Wei Bin to win are panicking because the time left is really getting less and less. As time goes by, the less time is left, the lower the probability of Wei Bin and the others passing the level. They look at it again.

Without knowing the situation inside the dungeon, how would they know what situation Wei Bin and the others were in at this time?

Even if they had just analyzed Wei Bin's idea, it was not an official announcement after all. After all, it was just their personal guess, and personal guess didn't mean anything! Furthermore, even if they guessed correctly, Wei Bin really

The legendary difficulty level of Yanziwu was deliberately selected. Are there no accidents in the dungeon? You know, Yanziwu is very difficult and the error tolerance rate is very low. Even if Wei Bin has a strategy, once a mistake is made, it will be very difficult.

They may be sent out of the dungeon due to lack of time and declare the mission failed! Furthermore, Wei Bin and the others have only challenged Yanziwu once. Do they really understand this dungeon? In such a difficult dungeon, there are

It must be instantaneous

Changed, you may fail if you are not careful! Yanziwu is different from Dapiao. In Dapiao, as long as you have a strategy and your combat power reaches the standard, you can pass the level, even if the group is wiped out several times.

It doesn't matter, because the dungeon of Dapiao lasts very long and has a high fault tolerance rate, but what about Yanziwu? Even if you have a strategy and your combat power is up to standard, you may not be able to pass because of the dungeon time.

This thing bypasses combat power and strategy to a certain extent!

In this way, all the people present who participated in the bet were in panic. No one was sure that they could win! Even those who bet on the winner will become more and more advantageous!

Time passed like this minute by minute, until at the last minute, Xiongba spoke!

"Hahahaha! You guys, what did I say yesterday? The reason why Wei Bin and the others waited until the dungeon time was over before they came out was not because they were exploring anything in the dungeon. They simply knew that they could not pass the level.

Yanziwu, that's why I deliberately hid in the dungeon to delay time! How about it? There is less than a minute left and they haven't come out yet. Everyone, if you could still find excuses for Wei Bin yesterday, what about now? Now

What else do you have to say? Haha, in my opinion, Wei Bin is not as good as what you just analyzed. Why would he give you a part of the cake? Is he stupid? Will he share the benefits with you strangers? He

I wish I could have it as my own! You were all deceived by Wei Bin. Wei Bin hinted that you bet on him to win, but in fact he just wanted to defraud you of your money. You are all sold and still counting the money for you? Haha, it’s really sad.

!" Xiongba taunted loudly!

At this moment, Xiongba no longer needs to care about the authenticity of those analyses, nor does he need to care about what Wei Bin thinks about it. Facts speak louder than words. What he says at this time is what he means, even if Wei Bin is really very

Fraternity, I really want to share a part of the cake with others. At this time, Xiongba can also say that the white ones are black, because Wei Bin did not do it. Since Wei Bin did not do it, then Xiongba said what he said.

Every word you say is the truth!

After Xiong Ba's words, the faces of Wei Bin's supporters turned green all of a sudden, especially those who bet on Wei Bin to win because of Wei Bin's hint, their faces looked like they had eaten shit!

Yes, I was sold by someone and I’m still counting the money for him.

"That's right, you fools actually threatened to believe Wei Bin, and said that Wei Bin is a great philanthropist and that everyone will make a fortune together? What are you thinking?"

"That's it, you fools actually believe that Wei Bin can win? You actually think that Wei Bin can pass the legendary Yanziwu? Are you too naive? Not only are you easily deceived, but you also don't know the copy.

Mastery, the legendary level difficulty of Yanziwu can be won for the first time so early? Do you think this dungeon is too easy?"

"That's it, you losers are still daydreaming about turning your bicycle into a motorcycle? Is a motorcycle so easy to change? You can change it just when you say it? What a bunch of idiots, you just follow the crowd, don't you?

Isn’t it better to make a little money and be safe? Is it okay now? Not only can’t it become a motorcycle, but now it doesn’t even have a bicycle, right? Hahahaha! It really made me laugh to death!”

However, not long after Xiongba finished speaking, a teleportation array appeared near the NC. This teleportation array was orange.

At the same time, the system also issued an announcement, announcing that six people from Wei Bin had cleared the legendary difficulty level Yanziwu dungeon.

Just for a moment, the scene was completely boiling!

"Wei Bin is invincible!"

"Wei Bin is awesome!"

"Wei Bin is my reborn parent, I finally turned over, haha!"

Cheers filled the space between heaven and earth! Obviously, these people did the right thing, and their bicycles turned into motorcycles!

However, some people are happy and others jump off the building. Those who bet on Wei Bin to win basically got double the income. This is based on the premise that Wei Bin bet 100 million gold. If Wei Bin did not have the last 100 million gold

Injection, then their income will be doubled!

"Everything is over. I've lost 10,000 gold! This is the money I have worked hard to save for two years! Woohoo!"

"Damn Wei Bin, give me back my hard-earned money!"

"Damn Wei Bin, you cheated me out of my money, and I swear we will never be at odds with you!"

Players who had bet on Xiongba suddenly became red-eyed. This was tantamount to killing their parents!

"Hahahaha, it really made me laugh. I am willing to admit defeat. Since you are willing to participate in gambling, you must be mentally prepared to lose. Where can there be a victorious general in this world? If you lose, you will win. No one will always win.

If you lose, no one will win all the time! You will be so angry when you lose, you really have no gambling products!" one player laughed.

"Yes, if you are willing to gamble, you must admit defeat. Besides, Wei Bin has already said before entering the dungeon that we should believe in Nirvana. Wei Bin has made it very clear. It is you who does not believe in Wei Bin. This

Can you blame Wei Bin? Is it possible that Wei Bin is going to kneel down and beg you to let you bet on him to win? You know, Wei Bin also bet on his own victory, and everyone who bets on him to win is his competitor.

, it’s already great if they can invite us to divide this big cake. Should you expect Wei Bin to kneel down to you and beg you to divide the cake? Or should you let Wei Bin divide the cake?

, Kneel down in front of you and beg you to eat? Isn’t your face too big? Haha, I have no discernment, and in the end, if I lose, I still blame the person who invited you to share the cake with me. It’s really shameless!” Again!

One player laughed.

"Hahaha! It really made me laugh. This is simply a ridiculous thing. Gambling itself is a speculative way to make a fortune. If you want to turn your bicycle into a motorcycle, just go for the unpopular one. If you want to be safe, then you need less money.

Earn some money and follow the crowd. If all the players who follow the crowd are like you, then is there any way out for those of us who turn bicycles into motorcycles? Together with you guys who follow the crowd, you are still promoted and rich, let's go and fight for cycling.

Anyone who turns into a motorcycle should die, right? Who says that those who follow the crowd should win?"

For a moment, those who bet on Wei Bin to win launched an attack on those who bet on Xiong Ba to win. You are too overbearing. Wei Bin has already invited you and made you believe in Nirvana. Yes.

You yourself don’t believe in Wei Bin or Nirvana, so in the end you still blame Wei Bin? Are you being too unreasonable? Are there people like you? Do people like you have friends?

"Wait, wait a minute, who just said that Wei Bin is destined to lose? Where have these people gone? Are you still here?" A player thought back.

"Yeah, don't run away. Just a minute before the dungeon ended, who mocked us for turning our bicycles into motorcycles? Who said that not only did we not turn into motorcycles, but we even lost our own bicycles? Who was it?

Advise us to be more prudent and let us follow the crowd? Everyone, please stand up for me!"

"Also, who just said that we are easily fooled and that we are naive? Who said that we have no vision and that we don't understand copies? You are the ones who don't understand this, right? Facts speak louder than words, and now you still have

What’s so nice?”

Players who had been ridiculed before suddenly became proud and proud!

Immediately afterwards, someone soon dug up the story about how they had just been ridiculed by the other party. Don't mention it. Just when they were being ridiculed by those people, they really had nothing to say, because they knew it in their hearts.

, there is only the last minute left in the copy, and the possibility of Wei Bin passing the level is really slim, so when faced with the cynicism from the other party just now, they really have nothing to say, after all, they are on the winning side!

This chapter has been completed!
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