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Chapter 921 Junk Skills

As for this ancient dragon soul, its output actually has room for improvement. Why?

Because of skills!

Obviously, the current skills of this ancient dragon soul are no longer applicable to it now!

Let’s take a look at what skills it has, including super combo, super beating, super mysterious thunder spell, super magical soul, super discernment, super bloodthirsty, mysterious thunder kill and evolution technique!

First of all, the super combo and super spell soul, super discernment, super bloodthirsty, and black thunder kill skills must not be used, because super combo is the main output skill of the ancient dragon soul. It attacks twice in a row.

The damage is doubled directly, and the super magic soul can't move even more. You know, as an internal power output baby, the magic soul is a standard skill. Even if you don't have any skills, you can't live without the magic soul, because the magic soul can provide

The baby increases the attack power according to the percentage. If the ancient dragon soul does not have this super magic soul, its output will only be 330,000, which is directly reduced by 110,000! So the super magic soul must not be moved!

And super detection cannot be removed either, because this is a magical skill to prevent Tianshan. Whether it is to prevent tracking or for other purposes, it can play a huge role at critical moments! ??

Not to mention super bloodthirsty and Xuan Lei kill. Super bloodthirsty is a skill that cannot be changed in this life. This is a skill that allows the ancient dragon soul to achieve a qualitative leap in output, and Xuan Lei kill is also a group that dares to hurt.

Attack, you can instantly kill players and clear the open space casually!

So what skills can be changed next?

Super Blow, this skill can actually be replaced or not, because the damage of this skill is linked to its qualifications. It can cause an additional 15 damage of the aura qualification. After calculation, it can increase the damage by about 90,000. Perhaps this 90,000 damage is relative to the damage of 90,000.

For the 440,000 attack power of the Ancient Dragon Soul, this additional 90,000 damage is nothing, but you must know that this is only relative. Compared with the output of the Ancient Dragon Soul at this time, this additional 90,000 damage is nothing.

The damage is indeed not that much, but what if we change the reference object? How about comparing it with the attack power of the previous Taikoo Dragon Soul? The previous Taikoo Dragon Soul only had an attack power of 50,000. Wouldn’t it be nice to add 90,000 damage this time?

?Comparing the damage with other players, how many players can reach 90,000 normal attack damage? Even players with a limit of five or more can rarely reach this number! From this point of view, is it very high?


What about the Super Mysterious Thunder Curse? This skill is actually the same as Super Thrash. It is also a damage-increasing skill. How much damage can it add to the ancient dragon soul? It can increase the additional damage by 15 times the master's mysterious attribute damage. Wei Bin

The mysterious attack is as high as 11820, which is 11820670920 damage after conversion. On this basis, multiplied by 15, it is the damage of the super mysterious thunder spell. It can be said that this damage is higher than the damage of super beat, so basically

There is no need to replace it. You must know that this is additional damage, and the final damage will be added to the output of the Ancient Dragon Soul itself!

The two skills of Super Mysterious Thunder Curse and Super Thrash are skills that can be replaced or not, but since Wei Bin still has to change these two skills, even though the output of these two skills is actually very high!

So, among the remaining rare beast skills, which skills are more suitable for the ancient dragon soul at this time than these two skills?

Is it a flaw that can reduce the target's internal and external defense?

Or can it reduce the weakness of the target's attack?

Or is it a trip that can reduce the target's movement speed?

No! None!

The above skills are all auxiliary skills. These skills are only applicable to ordinary rare beasts, because only ordinary players will carry ordinary rare beasts, because they have no money to summon divine beasts. Since they have no money, their combat effectiveness will naturally be very weak, and their combat effectiveness will be weak.

, they need skills like flaw and weakness to assist them! But for players who can summon mythical beasts, their combat effectiveness is very strong, they don’t need skills like flaw and weakness to assist them at all! The rich people’s mythical beasts need

It’s output skills such as combos, heavy blows and Xuan Lei Curse!

And what about going up a level? Wei Bin is at this level. His ancient dragon soul has been refined ten thousand times. He no longer needs Thrash Attack and Xuan Lei Curse. Instead, he needs other skills that are more suitable for him at this time, and

What is this skill?

That is a rubbish skill recognized by almost everyone - slowness!

That's right, it's Slowness. This skill book, Slowness, can be said to be a book that most players don't even bother to pick up after seeing it. Why? Because Slowness is a skill that increases the upper limit of the blood of rare beasts!

Among them, level one slowness can increase the upper limit of the precious beast's blood by 5,000 points, level two slowness can increase the upper limit of the precious beast's blood by 10,000 points, level 3 slowness can increase the upper limit of the precious beast's blood by 15,000 points, and level 4 slowness can increase the upper limit of the precious beast's blood by 20,000 points.

The upper limit of blood points. Level 5 slowness can increase the upper limit of blood points of rare beasts by 25,000 points!

Starting from advanced slowness, the bonus method of its skills has changed. It is no longer a fixed blood limit, but can increase the blood limit of rare beasts by 50. Super slowness can increase the blood limit of rare beasts by 100!

Obviously, this is a skill created for physical babies, because physical babies need to be alive, and only alive can help the player. Although aggressive babies also need to be alive, aggressive babies have far less need for dullness than other babies.

Due to the demand for skills, attacking babies simply don’t have extra skill slots to learn slowness. Furthermore, the slowness before advanced slowness is not very effective. Even at level 5, it only increases the blood limit by 25,000. That’s it.

What is enough blood for? What about advanced slowness and super slowness? The upper limit of blood is increased by a percentage. That is to say, the higher the upper limit of blood of the precious beast itself, the greater the bonus this skill brings to it, and the physical strength

The blood volume of type babies is obviously much higher than that of output type babies, so this skill is said to be specially prepared for physical type babies!

The level 80 destiny black phoenix that Wei Bin's bloodline awakened now has 250,000 blood, and even a level 80 non-divine beast probably has more than 100,000 blood. For such a rare beast, even if it is just

It is a high-level slowness, which can also give it a blood limit of 50,000, which is much stronger than the fifth-level slowness! And what about super slowness? It is doubled directly! From the original 100,000 blood directly to 200,000 blood! If it is

If a destiny black phoenix has awakened its bloodline, its blood limit can reach 500,000!

Some people may want to say, this skill looks good, but it can increase the blood limit by so much, isn't it? This should be a magical skill, right?

Wrong! The reason is that this is just the upper limit of blood, not the real blood volume!

There is such a mechanism in Tianlong, that is, when you switch the scene, the baby's status skills will disappear. You have to give it a second or two to use them. Slowness is such a skill. The same skill will be used again.

For example, Strengthen the body to increase the player's physical strength, Concentrate to increase the aura of the player, and Instant Shadow to increase the player's movement skills. These are all status skills. The precious beast makes its blood flow by imposing a slow state on itself.

The upper limit is also increased by imposing a state on the player to bring aura, physical strength or movement skills to the player! This is the state-based skill that the precious beast gives to the player or applies to itself. After switching scenes

, these skills need to be reapplied. In other words, what if Wei Bin’s Destiny Black Phoenix doesn’t have 250,000 blood? If Wei Bin learns a super slowness for it, then, its first action after switching scenes

Time, there is still only a blood limit of 250,000, and then, its destiny Xuanfeng will impose this sluggish state on itself, and then the blood limit will become 500,000!

Some people may want to ask, didn't it just take effect the first time the scene was switched? But it took effect the next second, didn't it delay things? This should be nothing, right?

It's really nothing. If it's a state-based skill like aura or movement that is applied to the player, it's really nothing. But if it's to strengthen the body or slow down,

This type of skill that increases the blood limit would be a big problem!

You must know that these status skills only increase the blood limit, not the real blood volume!

In other words, the upper limit of Wei Bin's destiny Xuanfeng's blood volume will indeed become 500,000 in the next second, but its actual blood volume is only 250,000 at most! If before switching the scene, the blood volume of this destiny Xuanfeng

If it reaches 500,000, then after switching the scene, since the Tianming Xuanfeng is not in a dull state at that moment, its blood volume will drop to 250,000, because its upper blood limit itself is 250,000! And if before switching the scene,

Its blood volume is only 100,000, so after switching scenes, it is still only 100,000. Is it clear? That is to say, the part of the blood volume in the upper limit of blood that Slowness adds to the baby will be lost after switching scenes.

If it is dropped, what is the use of the slowness skill? It would be better if it is used to strengthen the player's body. After all, if there is Emei, it can turn those empty health bars into real blood volume, but

If the baby is slow, it will be difficult. How can anyone in Emei specifically go to add blood to the baby? What kind of supreme treatment are you doing? Are you paying to hire me?

It is precisely because no one will specifically add blood to the baby that the skill Slowness will be reduced to a sewer skill. No one will choose to learn this skill for the baby. Not only is it ineffective, but it also occupies a skill slot.

You can’t even learn other skills!

However, just such a skill, Wei Bin took it out and prepared to learn it for his Ancient Dragon Soul! Slowness may be a rubbish skill for other people, but for Wei Bin, this is a magical skill

Yes! No skill is rubbish. The reason why it is considered rubbish is just because there is no suitable place to use it. I am born with a talent that will be useful. As long as you find the right place, won't it be useful? Even

It will also become a magical skill!

After Wei Bin learns super slowness for its Ancient Dragon Soul, its HP can soar to one million! In this way, it will be even more difficult to kill its Ancient Dragon Soul!

Isn't this a magical skill?

You know, just because no one adds blood to other people's babies, it doesn't mean that no one will add blood to Wei Bin's ancient dragon soul! During the team battle, Wei Bin will definitely arrange two Emeis to take care of his own baby.

Ancient Dragon Soul. After all, its Ancient Dragon Soul has extremely high output, and its output is much higher than that of players. Isn’t it worth arranging two exclusive Emei?

The disadvantage of slowness only exists when switching scenes, but during a team battle, it is impossible to switch scenes. Could it be that he could still fight in Songshan and hit Erhai? The entire team battle must be in the same place.

In the scene, as long as he cooperates with Emei, for Wei Bin, slowness is equivalent to a magical skill with no drawbacks!

Wei Bin's ideal plan is to replace Super Bash with Super Slowness, but which skill should he use to replace Super Mysterious Thunder Curse?

Wei Bin has two alternatives here, the first one is super blood-sucking!

Among the many rare beast skills, in addition to the recognized rubbish skill of slowness, there is another rubbish skill that is as rubbish as slowness, and that is blood-sucking!

The effect of the level 1 blood-sucking skill is that during the attack, there is a 6 chance to recover the blood volume equivalent to the damage caused. That is to say, if your baby's attack caused 10,000 damage this time, and it happened to be triggered this time

If it has a blood-sucking effect, your baby can recover 10,000 blood!

The effect of the level 2 blood-sucking skill is that during the attack, there is a 10 chance to recover the blood volume equivalent to the damage caused by oneself. The effect of the level 3 blood-sucking skill is that during the attack, there is a 14 chance to recover the damage caused by oneself.

The effect of level 4 blood-sucking skills is that during the attack, there is a 18 chance to recover the blood volume equivalent to the damage caused by oneself. The effect of the level 5 blood-sucking skills is that during the attack, there is a 22 chance

There is a chance to restore the blood volume equal to the damage caused by oneself. The effect of advanced blood-sucking is that during the attack, there is a 26 chance to restore the blood volume equal to the damage caused by oneself. The final super blood-sucking has a 30 chance to suck blood.


At first glance, isn’t this skill awesome? With such a high chance of sucking blood, it should be self-sufficient, right? Even the baby’s medicine is saved, so the baby can’t maintain full blood state?

Yes, at first glance, it does look okay, and it does sound reasonable in theory, but in practice? Is this skill really as powerful as imagined?

Let’s see it in action!

If you let an aggressive baby learn this skill, then its recovery ability can indeed become very strong, and it can indeed achieve full health for a long time, because the baby's output is very high, and the blood recovery will naturally be fast.

Yes, but have you ever thought about this problem? The offensive baby itself is very fragile. In a team battle, its death will definitely not be caused by losing blood bit by bit. With such a small amount of blood, it will die with such a low level.

Defense is most likely to be killed instantly. In this case, do you have time to suck blood? I'm afraid you will die before you have time to suck blood? If it is just a battle between a few people, then this skill may still have some use

, but once there are more than ten people, blood-sucking is of little use. The opponent's group attack skills will accidentally kill you, so there is no need to deliberately target them!

And what if a physical baby is allowed to learn this skill? A physical baby has rough skin and thick flesh, and its survivability is much higher than that of an aggressive baby. If you let it learn this skill, there is always room for blood-sucking, right?

There is indeed room for it. A baby with physical strength is indeed not easy to die. But have you ever thought that it is not enough for it to have room to suck blood? The most important thing is that it must have the ability to suck blood. It does not have that ability.

How lonely! Does it have that kind of output? What does it rely on to suck blood? It relies on your own attack power. Your attack power can't even break through the opponent's defense, so why do you still suck it? But the physical baby can't break through it.

The defense of the players is too normal. Not to mention ordinary physical babies, even Wei Bin's destiny Xuanfeng with awakened bloodline is estimated to be able to break through the defense of ordinary players. It is not good to meet a three-level player.

So, let alone four or five players! But why do you want to learn blood-sucking skills for your baby? Don’t you just want to increase your baby’s survivability? Ordinary players are not a threat to your baby, even if you can break it

What about opening up the defenses of ordinary players? It’s completely meaningless! And for those players who can pose a threat to your baby, your baby can’t break through their defenses. Isn’t this embarrassing?

Therefore, it is not without reason that players hate the skill of blood-sucking and think that this skill is a useless skill! Of course, if you don’t fight and only use it to kill monsters, then this skill is not bad!

But why did Wei Bin choose to give his Ancient Dragon Soul to learn such a rubbish skill? In the same way, there is no rubbish skill, it’s just that you haven’t found a suitable place for it yet. Right now, Wei Bin’s Ancient Dragon Soul,

Don’t you need such a skill?

Wei Bin's Ancient Dragon Soul is already very fleshy. Few players can break through its defense. Its dodge is also very high, and few people can hit it. Its blood limit has also been raised with the help of Slowness.

Its survivability can be said to be very strong, and at the same time, its output is extremely explosive. Isn't this equivalent to combining the advantages of attack-type babies and physical-type babies? When the two are brought together,

, then you can naturally learn the skill of blood-sucking. No one can instantly kill its ancient dragon soul, so it can continuously suck blood to increase its endurance, and its blood-sucking value is not low. It has four

With an attack power of more than 100,000, it must cause 400,000 damage, right? With 130 understanding and a knowing hit rate of nearly 100, can it cause 800,000 damage? If a super combo is triggered again,

Wouldn't that cause 1.6 million injuries?

And what about blood-sucking? Either

If you suck 400,000 blood, or if you suck 800,000 blood, or even if you suck 1.6 million blood, you will be full of blood!

Although the skill description of the combo skill states that it attacks twice, these two attacks are actually counted as one. This is the skill mechanism of the combo, because the two attacks are effective at the same time!

Even if nothing is triggered, he can still suck 400,000 blood. With a blood-sucking probability of 30, he has to suck blood at least once every two seconds. If coupled with Emei's care, then his ancient dragon soul can really be called

It means immortality!

Super blood-sucking is Wei Bin's first ideal alternative skill. In addition to super blood-sucking, Wei Bin actually has another alternative skill, and Wei Bin is even more optimistic about this skill!

That is - super counterattack!

The effect of counterattack is that when receiving an attack, there is a certain chance of counterattacking the opponent once, causing the opponent to be damaged by the attack of the precious beast itself. Of course, this damage must be calculated as defense! In the early stage of the game, didn't Wei Bin create a

Are you going to farm the baby alone? The counterattack skill is the essence of the baby farming alone. The baby relies on roaring + counterattack to deal damage. The roar can cause damage to targets within 20 meters. After these targets are roared, they will naturally attack the baby.

, and in the process of attacking this baby, if the counterattack skill is triggered, then the target will naturally be harmed!

Similar to counterattack, there is a skill called counterattack. The effect of counterattack is that when receiving an attack, there is a certain chance of counterattacking the opponent once, causing the opponent to suffer the same damage. This is easy to understand. You have to

If you want to kill this baby, you must be mentally prepared to kill a thousand enemies and suffer eight hundred losses to yourself!

The difference between counterattack and counterattack is that the damage caused by counterattack is the defense of the target of the precious beast's own attack power, while the damage caused by counterattack is the damage caused by the rare beast itself!

According to the skill mechanism of these two skills, different target groups and applicable groups are naturally formed. The target group of counterattacks are those high-combat players. High-combat players dare not fight a rare beast that has learned the counterattack skill.

In other words, he may have scruples, because their output is very high, and they are also afraid of being counter-shocked! As for the applicable groups for counter-shock, counter-shock is applicable to all babies, because the damage caused by counter-shock depends on the target's

Attack power has little to do with the baby itself!

The target group of counterattacks is wide, and counterattacks are aimed at everyone, because the damage of counterattacks depends on the baby's own attack power. As long as the baby's attack power is high enough, it can cause damage! Although counterattacks have a wide target group, they can

Its scope of application is relatively narrow. Obviously, counterattack only applies to aggressive babies, because only aggressive babies can break through the opponent's defense and cause damage to the opponent!

Among Wei Bin's optional skills, there is no counterattack, only counterattack! Because the defense of its ancient dragon soul is very high, few people can break through its defense. Even if it can't break through the defense, how can it cause damage? It can't cause any damage.

, how to counteract this damage?

The counterattack is different. The damage caused by the counterattack depends on the attack power of the ancient dragon soul. Wei Bin's attack power of the ancient dragon soul is so high, so the damage of the counterattack will naturally be high!

Counterattack: Passive skill. When attacked, there is a 20 chance to counterattack the opponent with a normal attack. Smart babies have the highest triggering probability.

A level 1 counterattack skill has a 20 chance to counterattack the target, a level 2 counterattack skill has a 23 chance to counterattack the target, a level 3 counterattack skill has a 26 chance to counterattack the target, a level 4 counterattack skill has a 29 chance to counterattack the target.

The target, level 5 counterattack skill, has a 32% chance of counterattacking the target. The advanced counterattack skill is a bit stronger, with a 40% chance of counterattacking the target. Super counterattack is even more unsolvable. Super counterattack also has a 40% chance of counterattacking the target.

, and at the same time, there is an additional effect, which is immunity to this damage!

What does it mean to be immune to this damage? For example, if the target attacks this rare beast once, causing it 10,000 damage, and also triggers the rare beast's counterattack skill, then the rare beast can fight back against this person once.

, at the same time, it will also be immune to this 10,000 damage, and it will not lose 10,000 blood!

With a 40% chance of triggering, plus immunity to damage when triggered, this skill is very powerful!

To be honest, the skill of counterattack is actually prepared for single-player babies. Likewise, the effect of immunity to damage is also prepared for single-player babies. The skill of counterattack looks very strong and can cause damage to the target equal to its own attack power.

, but in fact, if combined with the actual situation, it is not very powerful!

Why do you say that? Because the skill of counterattack does not bring much deterrence to players at all, at least it is far less powerful than counterattack. Counterattack reflects the player's damage. Which player is not afraid of being killed instantly by himself?

What about counterattack? As mentioned before, its applicable group is aggressive babies. The attack of aggressive babies is indeed very high, but it is also very fragile. When the enemy attacks you, they will not consider whether you have it at all.

Counterattack skills, so what if you have them? They can kill you instantly in two hits, do you have a chance to trigger a counterattack? Even if it can be triggered, it can only be triggered once at most? The baby's body directly determines its deterrence.

Players are not afraid of counterattack at all! It can be said that the skill of counterattack has minimal effect in the battle with players!

The skill of counterattack is actually prepared for single-player babies!

In the early stage, advanced counterattack is enough, with a trigger probability of 40, and it can also be effective on multiple units at the same time without affecting each other. But what about super counterattack? To be honest, the single-player baby disappeared a long time ago

has disappeared without a trace, because the system has been updated, and the interval between using rations to restore the baby's health has been adjusted from one second to five seconds. Why was single brushing so popular in the past? Because single brushing did not have teammates to share one's experience.

, and counterattack is a one-to-many skill that can counterattack multiple targets at the same time. The damage is calculated separately and does not affect each other. At the same time, the cooling time of the baby ration is only one second, which greatly enhances the baby's survivability.

You know, if you fight a baby alone, you will definitely have to fight one against many. With so many monsters hitting your baby at the same time, if the interval between using baby rations is too long, who can handle it? Will it be killed in seconds?

After adjusting the interval between use of baby rations, single-feed babies have disappeared since then! Because the use interval is too long, it suddenly increased to five seconds. Which single-feed baby can survive for five seconds under the siege of a group of monsters? This

It's simply impossible. You must know that single-player babies are all output-type babies. Physically-type babies say they can't be single-player babies because the damage of counterattacks comes from the baby's own attack power, and attack-type babies happen to have very low defense and can fly even if they don't die.


The emergence of Super Counterattack has allowed single-player babies to return to Middle-earth. It is precisely because Super Counterattack has an immune damage effect, which is equivalent to making the baby more fleshy and less likely to die. It has a high trigger probability.

Counterattack skills, combined with the damage-free effect, make single-swiping babies come alive again!

While the single-spawning baby is achieved, the existence of this damage-free effect also makes the output-type divine beast after soul refining!

As mentioned before, the skill of counterattack is not suitable to be used against players, because it is too fragile. If you counterattack, you will not be able to do much damage to yourself, but you will die first! But this point also has a scope of application, and within this scope of application,

It does not include the soul-refined mythical beasts!

Even a bloodline-awakened mythical beast cannot escape this circle, because even a bloodline-awakened mythical beast is still very fragile. It's okay if the opponent has few people, but once a team battle breaks out, that bloodline-awakened mythical beast will not be able to escape.

It is also untenable!

Before Wei Bin's ancient dragon soul was refined, it only had 130,000 health, 10,000 defense and more than 6,000 dodge. To be honest, is this a squishy thing? If there are few people, then such an ancient dragon soul is indeed

It is a big help, but once there are more people, such an ancient dragon soul will definitely die in the light, and there is no room for negotiation. Why do you say that less people use the ancient dragon soul, and more people use the destiny mystery?

What about the phoenix? Isn't it because the Tianming Xuanfeng is more fleshy and the Ancient Dragon Soul is more fragile?

But the ancient dragon soul after soul refining is different. Wei Bin's ancient dragon soul, few people can break through its defense and hit it. In this case, there is a natural way to counterattack.

As long as you hit me, you may not cause much damage to me, but I can counterattack your high damage, and even kill you instantly, because the damage of the counterattack is actually the damage of a normal attack!

What would it be like if Wei Bin's Ancient Dragon Soul learned a super counterattack? Not only could it stand up, but its own output was also extremely high. At the same time, when facing the enemy's attack

, can also counterattack the opponent, and use the deterrence of the counterattack to dissuade the opponent from attacking him. This is simply too powerful, and the compatibility between the super counterattack and this ancient dragon soul is too high!

This is Wei Bin’s second alternative skill!

It is certain that Super Slowness will replace Super Thrash. After all, Slowness can make the Ancient Dragon Soul become more fleshy. To replace Super Mysterious Thunder Curse, you must choose one of Super Vampire and Super Counterattack!

This is a bit embarrassing. Super blood-sucking is very compatible with it, which can make its recovery ability stronger. As for super counterattack, although the recovery ability is not as good as super blood-sucking, it can increase the damage and cause a certain amount of damage to the enemy.

Deterrence, this deterrence can reduce the damage it suffers. After all, if no one dares to hit it, doesn't that mean the damage is reduced?

However, despite the dilemma, Wei Bin still chose Super Counterattack, because the two have in common the ability to increase the survivability of the Ancient Dragon Soul. However, in comparison, Super Counterattack can also increase damage. In comparison, Super Counterattack

Naturally it’s a little stronger!

In addition to the above skills, Wei Bin also wants to change another skill, and this skill is the awakening skill of the ancient dragon soul - the Evolution Technique!

The effect of the evolution trick is that the rare beast has a 28 chance to evolve when attacking, which increases the attack by 9440, lasts for 3 seconds, and can evolve up to 5 times.

Judging from its high triggering probability and the attack frequency of two times per second by the Ancient Dragon Soul, the Ancient Dragon Soul can easily be stacked five times. After the stack is full, it will have an attack of 40,000 to 50,000. Logically speaking, this damage

In fact, it's pretty good. How did Wei Bin and the others defeat Murong Fu just now? Didn't they just rely on this evolution technique?

However, its good damage does not mean that it does not need to be replaced. Wei Bin wants to replace this skill because in the category of awakening skills, there is one that is more suitable for the ancient dragon soul at this time!

There are 11 types of awakening skills in total.

Decay Curse: When the precious beast dies, the damage caused by the defeater will be reduced by 50 in the next 10 seconds.

Power Transformation Spell: When the precious beast dies, it will cause a 5-second dispersion effect on the defeater.

Counter-spell: When the precious beast dies, damage equal to 900 of the rare beast's attack power will be caused to the defeater.

Decay Curse: When the precious beast dies, the healing effect received by the defeated person is reduced by 50 for the next 6 seconds.

Magical Art: When a rare beast is attacked, there is a 60% chance that it will be immune to control for 3 seconds.

Heartbreaking Curse: When the precious beast dies, the damage caused by the defeater will be reduced by 100 for 6 seconds.

Tianji Jue: Reduce the cooldown time of all active skills of the precious beast by 30

Enlightenment Technique: The rare beast gives the owner a 16 chance to cause additional damage equal to the owner's attack power of 150 when attacking.

Guarding Technique: Allows the owner to gain a 4-second shield every 13 seconds. During the shield period, the owner can completely resist an attack.

Splash: When the rare beast attacks, it has a 30 chance to splash to 10 units within 5 meters of the target.

Evolution trick: The rare beast has a 28 chance to evolve when attacking, which increases the attack by 9440, lasts for 3 seconds, and can evolve up to 5 times.

Savage Beast: Reduces own attribute damage by 50%.

Among the above 11 awakening skills, the mythical beast can randomly comprehend one of them after awakening its bloodline. These awakening skills can be said to have their own merits, characteristics, and suitable fields!

Generally speaking, the Guardian Technique, the Enlightenment Technique, the Evolution Technique, and Splash are the mainstream among these awakening techniques. Similarly, the awakening techniques can be replaced. You only need to spend 1,000 gold here in Yun Piaopiao to re-update them.

Randomly, players only need to spend some money to get the awakening skills they want!

So among the many awakening skills, which skill is more suitable for the ancient dragon soul at this moment? Several other mainstream skills: Guarding Technique? Enlightenment Technique? Or Splash?

That is definitely sputtering! Other skills have nothing to do with whether the Ancient Dragon Soul is soul-refined or not. Even if the Ancient Dragon Soul is soul-refined, the effects of these skills will not change at all! But the skill Splash is

It’s different!

You know, splash is a range of damage. Why does Wei Bin want to change the skill of the Ancient Dragon Soul to splash? And no longer wants to evolve? Because the output of the Ancient Dragon Soul can already be done.

It's a human in seconds, and its output is no less than the 40,000 to 50,000 people. Even if you give it 3 million attack power, it can only kill one person instantly. It can only kill with one click!

It will be different after it can be replaced by sputtering. Sputtering can spray damage to 10 units within 5 meters of the target, and its triggering probability is also scary. It has a 30% chance of triggering. In other words,

Basically, every time this ancient dragon soul attacks three times, it can splash once. As long as the splash effect is triggered, more than one person will die! Ten people will die at once, unless you trigger Unyielding or self-defeat.

Reward, otherwise, just go to Po Meng to drink soup!

This is a big killer! This is a team battle meat grinder! In team battles, its output can be said to be beyond everyone's! Even Wei Bin can't compare, maybe Wei Bin can use the leverage

Counter-cast can kill many people instantly, but his counter-cast with leverage only lasts for 8 seconds. What happens after 8 seconds? How many seconds can his transfer last? What happens after the transfer? The Ancient Dragon Soul can trigger a splash every two seconds.

Shoot, it's ten heads at a time! Who can compare to this kind of damage? Therefore, the evolution technique must be replaced with splash!

This is very powerful. The ancient dragon soul that has relearned its skills has become even stronger. Not only has its own survivability been greatly improved, but its output capability has also reached a higher level again. Its output can be said to surpass Wei Bin himself.

They are all far away!

This is the meaning of the soul refining of the divine beast. The soul refining of the divine beast itself can not only improve the strength of the divine beast. While improving its own strength, it also gives it the option to change the way it is built. After changing the way it is built, it can be improved again.

Its strength, a divine beast that has been refined many times, is normal for its strength to far exceed the player's own strength!

And with the assistance of this ancient dragon soul, Wei Bin's combat effectiveness becomes even more powerful!

The soul refining of the mythical beasts has come to an end!

Let’s talk about Wei Bin’s plan to build a mythical beast. So far, although he has built a mythical beast for the members of Nirvana’s main force, this is only the first step in his plan to create a mythical beast. It is far from his ultimate goal.

In fact, there is still a long way to go, and what is his ultimate goal? That is to raise the comprehension of these mythical beasts to 15, and to raise the spirituality to 10. You must know that both spirituality and comprehension can improve the qualifications of the mythical beasts.

For a divine beast, qualifications are its output and defense. If there is no understanding and spirituality, then the combat effectiveness of this divine beast will be much worse! In addition to spirituality and understanding, Wei Bin also wants to give them

The ancient dragon souls are all equipped with advanced skills. Forget about super skills. To upgrade advanced skills to super skills, you need comprehension pills. Wei Bin doesn't have many comprehension pills in his hand. It is impossible for him to use all their skills within a year.

It can be understood as a super skill, and the advanced skill is not bad, and its power is already very powerful!

This chapter has been completed!
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