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Chapter 923 Choice

And as long as he doesn't output it, the hit and understanding are useless attributes to him. Only dodge and understanding defense are useful. Half of the attributes brought by the body skill are suddenly useless, and their value is naturally not as good as

Pure dodge is cost-effective. Although dodge is also included in Shenfa, its dodge value is much lower than the value of this single dodge. If they are equal, then who would choose the single dodge option? For Emei Lai

It is said that dodge is useful to him, so basically only Emei players will choose dodge as an attribute!

The last potential of the meridians is the perseverance potential. This potential will not be useful until the player's level is improved. For now, this potential of the player's meridians cannot take effect, so I won't introduce it further for the time being!

So, what is the relationship between the meridian system, heroes, and hero equipment?

The relationship is very close! It can be said that if there is no hero, then your meridians are 0, because only when the hero opens the meridians for you, you can use the potential fruit to cultivate this meridians, and then obtain attributes from it! And heroes, so

It actually refers to the protagonist nc in the world of Tianlong!

Among these protagonist NCs, the so-called heroes, they are actually divided into grades, or levels. For example, the three protagonist NCs Xu Zhu, Qiao Feng and Duan Yu are ranked in the first tier. They are the

The real protagonists of Tianlong. If we look for the three people in the world of Tianlong who are most suitable to be called protagonists, they must be the three of them!

In addition to the three of them in the first echelon, there is also the second echelon, which is Wu Yazi, Li Qiu Shui, Tianshan Tong Lao, Wang Yuyan and Murong Fu. These five people are in the second echelon.

Next, A'Zhu, Duan Zhengchun, Duan Yanqing, Murong Bo, Xiao Yuanshan, Ding Chunqiu, Jiumozhi, and A'Zi are the third echelon.

Zhong Ling, Xuan Ci, Su Xinghe, Mu Wanqing, Nanhai Crocodile God, Ye Erniang, Yun Zhonghe and Ruan Xingzhu are the fourth echelon!

You Tanzhi, Abi, Zhu Wanli, Fu Sigui, Zhu Danchen, Gu Ducheng, Fengbo evil and Mrs. Wang are the fifth echelon!

The echelons are arranged based on the length of their appearance, their impact on the plot, personal strength and other comprehensive factors. Some people may say that some people are more famous than them, so why are they not on the list? For example, Doctor Xue,

Because Dr. Xue’s role is too small! Some people will question whether the sweeping monk is not the protagonist NPC? He is so powerful! It really doesn’t count! It doesn’t mean that someone with strong strength can become the protagonist NPC!

So in Meridian, why do we mention the echelon of the main protagonist NPCs? This is to introduce hero equipment and hero-specific equipment!

The meridians interface is on the player's side. When your friendship with a certain hero, the so-called protagonist NPC, reaches 2000, that is, when you reach the standard to receive items such as resurrection stones and repair pills, you can not only get items from them

In addition to getting this kind of benefits, after you reach level 70, you are also qualified to ask them to help you open the meridians! After opening the meridians, you can use the potential fruit to cultivate this meridians, and then gain attributes.


In the meridian system, there are three places that can bring you attributes!

The first is what was just mentioned before. When a hero opens a meridian for you, you use the potential fruit to cultivate the five potentials in this meridian, and then gain attributes.

Second, the hero who opens the meridians for you can also increase your attributes. But here, you need to pay attention. How many attributes this hero can bring to you depends on the friendship between the two of you.

degree, and the echelon this hero is in, that is to say, the attributes he brings to you are not static. The higher the friendship between the two of you, the higher the attributes will naturally be! However, once this meridian of yours is

Once a certain hero gets through, that hero will leave traces in this meridian of yours, which is equivalent to being bound. In the future, you will no longer be able to let other heroes add attributes to your meridian!

This restriction seems insignificant, but in fact it is of great importance. For example, you asked A'Zhu to open this meridian for you. But after a while, the friendship between you and Qiao Feng surpassed that of A'Zhu and Qiao Feng.

The attributes that Feng brings to you are definitely higher than those of A'Zhu, but since it was A'Zhu who opened this meridian for you at that time, you should not pretend to say, A'Zhu, you should not add any increase to this meridian of mine.

I have asked Qiao Feng to increase the attributes for me! Sorry, no! A'Zhu has already been bound to your meridian! If you want the attributes of this meridian to be stronger in the future, then you can only try your best.

It’s better to improve A’Zhu’s friendliness if possible!

The echelon level of this hero can also affect the attributes he brings to you. For example, even if the friendship between you and Qiao Feng is only 1000, after Qiao Feng opens the meridians for you, the attributes he brings to you will be

The attributes are also more than those of Zhong Ling who has a friendship level of 2000 with you, because they are at different levels. Qiao Feng is in the first echelon and Zhong Ling is in the fourth echelon. How do they compare? This is why they are divided into

The reason for coming to the echelon is that the higher the echelon you are in, the higher the attributes this hero will bring to you after opening up your meridians!

Combining the above two points, when you decide to let a certain hero help you open up your meridians, you must think clearly whether this hero is suitable for you. Once he opens up your meridians, everything will be finalized!

Some people may want to ask, what is there to consider in this? Isn’t it that the higher the echelon, the better? Because the higher the echelon, the higher the attributes you will get after opening the meridians!

Not necessarily! This depends on your own actual situation. Qiao Feng’s echelon is indeed very high, but you have to think about whether you have a chance to deal with him. If you can’t even see his figure, how can you improve?

Friendliness? Even if you improve your friendship with Qiao Feng, for a first-tier hero like him, you need to do a lot of difficult tasks for him to improve your friendship! If you put the same experience into other

Heroes in the echelon can get higher friendship. In this case, can you still say that the higher the echelon, the better? This truth is correct, but sometimes it is difficult to achieve. Instead of aiming too high,

Instead of looking for the whereabouts of high-tier heroes, you might as well focus on low-tier heroes. Furthermore, you may not be able to complete the tasks issued by high-tier heroes!

The meridian system can give players a third point to increase their attributes - hero equipment!

Heroic equipment can also increase your attributes. After you integrate the heroic equipment into your meridians, this piece of heroic equipment can bring you attributes. So, how many attributes can it bring you?

This is related to two things. One is the grade of the hero equipment, and the second is whether this hero equipment is exclusive to the hero who can help you open this meridian!

First of all, the first one is the level of hero equipment!

Hero equipment is divided into weapons, treasures, moves, mental techniques and accessories, which respectively correspond to the offensive potential, defensive potential, fighting spirit potential, willpower potential and perseverance potential of the meridians. Only if you collect a certain treasure and integrate it into the meridians

In the future, this treasure can bring attributes to your corresponding potential! Hero equipment also has grades. Generally speaking, it is divided into five grades: white, green, blue, purple and orange. The higher the grade.

, the more attributes it brings to the corresponding potential in your meridians!

For example, if you collect a white hero weapon and an orange hero weapon, if you integrate this white weapon into your meridians, it can add 100 attribute attacks to your offensive potential.

And if you integrate not a white hero weapon, but an orange hero weapon, it can increase your attribute attack by 1,000 points. Each meridian can only integrate one weapon, treasure, move, mental technique and accessory!

If you collect higher-grade heroic equipment later, you can peel off the previous heroic equipment from the meridians

Come out and reintegrate into the new hero equipment!

How many attributes each piece of heroic equipment can bring to the player is fixed. How many attributes this equipment can bring to you can also bring many attributes to others. Take hero weapons as an example. White hero weapons

It can increase your attribute attack by 100 points, the green hero weapon can increase your attribute attack by 200 points, the blue hero weapon can increase your attribute attack by 300 points, and the purple hero weapon can increase your attribute attack by 500 points.

Attack, the orange hero weapon is abnormal, it can increase your attribute attack by 1000 points!

All hero equipment is inseparable from this rule, but there is one kind of hero equipment that is not necessarily the case, and that is the second item mentioned above, the hero's exclusive equipment!

Is this hero equipment exclusive to the hero who can help you open this meridian? You must know that hero equipment can be divided into five types according to grade: white, green, blue, purple, and orange. According to type, it can be divided into weapons, treasures, moves, and hearts.

Magic, accessories, and if divided according to their nature, they can actually be divided into two types, that is, exclusive equipment and ordinary equipment!

Whether it is exclusive equipment or ordinary equipment, it can be divided into five types: weapons, treasures, moves, mental skills and accessories. However, the exclusive equipment only has two grades: purple and orange, and there are no blue, green and white.

, this is the hero's exclusive equipment, and it is the equipment that the hero has used before. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if its grade is too low?

For example, Xuanci's nine-ring tin staff is his exclusive weapon. If you get this piece of equipment and integrate it into a meridian opened by Xuanci, then it can bring you 1,000 attribute attacks.

, since this meridian was opened for you by Xuanci, and the nine-ring tin staff is Xuanci’s exclusive equipment, when the exclusive equipment meets the hero himself, the attributes added to you will be doubled!

And if this meridian is not opened for you by Xuanci, but by other heroes, then even if this equipment is exclusive to Xuanci, it can only increase your meridian.

It only has 500 attribute attack points. It is no different from other non-exclusive equipment. After all, although it is an exclusive equipment, it does not meet the hero himself. It is just Xuanci's exclusive equipment. It can open this path for you.

It’s not Xuanci who controls the meridians!

It can be seen from this that it is crucial to find the exclusive equipment of the hero who can open up the meridians for you. You must know that its attributes can be doubled!

From this point, it can also be reflected from the side that the higher the echelon of heroes, the better it is to open the meridians for you, because the higher the echelon of heroes, the more difficult it is to obtain their exclusive equipment. Maybe the hero who opens the meridians for you will be better.

You have added a lot of attributes, but if you don’t have that hero’s exclusive equipment, you might as well ask the hero whose exclusive equipment you have to get through it for you, because the attributes that the exclusive equipment brings to you are definitely higher than

The attributes that a hero brings to you when he opens meridians for you. After all, there are five pieces of hero equipment! For example, a first-tier hero can bring you 1,000 combat power after opening meridians for you. Combat power is used directly here.

to represent attributes, but since you do not have exclusive equipment for this hero, you only have ordinary hero equipment. After integrating five pieces of hero equipment, the five pieces of equipment bring you 5000 combat power, and at the same time, you have a second

The heroes of the second echelon open up another meridian for you. This second-tier hero adds 500 combat power to you. However, if you have five pieces of exclusive equipment for this hero, each piece of exclusive equipment will increase your combat power by 2,000.

The total combat power is 10,500, but the result is higher than the total combat power that the first-tier hero brings to you! This is the meaning of exclusive equipment!

It can be said that exclusive equipment is the main factor that determines which hero you should choose to help you open up your meridians, because the bonus of exclusive equipment is too huge! You can completely tailor it to suit your needs. If you accidentally get something

For a hero's equipment, you go to him or her to help you open the meridians based on who owns it first. Instead of asking whoever you ask to help you open the meridians first, you go to find his or her exclusive equipment. Try not to reverse the order of the two.


Generally speaking, the lower the echelon of heroes, the greater their popularity. The first is because the exclusive equipment of low echelon heroes is easier to obtain, and the second is because the friendliness of low echelon heroes is easier to increase. This applies to

All players, it does not mean that high-competition players and rich players look down on low-tier heroes. You must know that this is you asking for help, not others asking for you. If you want others to help you open up your meridians, you need friendliness. Maybe

Your friendship with the heroes of the first tier is not up to standard yet. I have collected all the exclusive equipment for the heroes of the fifth tier and opened up the meridians. There is no use in aiming too high unless you really have that.


Furthermore, there are only two levels of exclusive equipment for heroes. The exclusive equipment for heroes in the first and second echelons is orange, and the exclusive equipment for heroes in other echelons is purple. All exclusive equipment of the same color, among others,

The attributes are exactly the same. For example, the exclusive weapons of Azi in the third echelon and You Tanzhi in the fifth echelon are purple, and the attributes they bring to the players are also exactly the same.

Because You Tanzhi's echelon is relatively low, the attributes that his hero equipment brings to players will be reduced! From this point, it can also be reflected why the lower the echelon of heroes are, the more popular they are. Whether You Tanzhi is

The improvement of friendliness and the difficulty of collecting exclusive equipment are both lower than that of Ah Zi, but the attributes that the hero's exclusive equipment brings to players are the same. The only difference is that after Ah Zi opens the meridians for players,

, the attributes it brings to players are higher than those of You TanZhi, but as mentioned before, the attributes that heroes bring to players when they open up meridians are not as high as those of exclusive equipment. You let You TanZhi

Opening meridians for you may have lower attributes, but the threshold is low, and exclusive equipment is easy to obtain! Again, don’t aim too high, and just give up when you see good things, unless you really have the strength! You can’t even reach Azi’s friendliness

It’s not up to standard yet. I have integrated You Tanzhi’s exclusive equipment here! One thing worth noting is that there is not just one set of exclusive equipment for the hero. It does not mean that if you get it, others will not be able to get it.

The hero's exclusive equipment is actually just a name. There are many sets of it. This is a game, not reality. Once you have collected a set, others can also collect a set, just like the player's own equipment.

Your ring is called the Chonglou Ring. Can’t others have the Chonglou Ring?

Another point, which is also one of the factors that affects players' choice of heroes, is that after each hero opens the meridians for you, the attributes he brings to you are also different. When some heroes open the meridians for you, they will give you additional attributes.

Some are for physical strength, some are for increasing concentration, some are for increasing attribute attacks, and so on!

For players, they must give priority to heroes who can increase their physical strength, attribute attack and movement skills. These three attributes are the three most popular attributes among players. If there are two heroes in the same echelon, their exclusive equipment

You have both, but one of the heroes can increase your physical strength when opening up your meridians, while the other one can increase your concentration. So which one do you choose? It must be the hero who can increase your physical strength for you.

Open up the meridians!

Returning to Murong Fu's rewards, you can choose a hero's exclusive equipment at will. After understanding the previous mechanisms, do you know what choice you should make?

Now that Murong Fu said that Wei Bin can choose whatever he wants. He has whoever he wants, but if Wei Bin really chooses this reward, will he choose the exclusive equipment of the first echelon without thinking? That is not necessarily the case.

!What suits you is the best, if he can’t get it

For a hero in the first echelon, the equipment he chose is a piece of waste equipment!

Next, to be honest, Wei Bin is in a bit of a dilemma! He wants all three rewards!

The first reward is to randomly select a skill book on the first floor of Murong Family's Huanshi Shui Pavilion. You must know that the skill books here are all skills as strong as his control-free field, although he cannot do it arbitrarily.

You can choose, but you can’t beat any book!

The second reward is to gain Murong Fu's friendship. Although his friendship with Murong Fu is already very high, this does not prevent it from getting higher. Murong Fu is a second-tier hero, so the friendship with him is naturally the highest.

The higher the better!

The third reward is to randomly select a piece of hero-exclusive equipment. You must know that hero equipment is not so easy to obtain. Let alone hero-exclusive equipment, even ordinary hero equipment is not so easy to obtain. Obtaining hero equipment

The main way is Yanziwu. The difficulty of Yanziwu is so high, the output must be extremely low, and most of the output is white and green hero equipment, and there is no trace of blue hero equipment.

Not to mention the purple and orange ones, other than that, they can only be obtained by completing some difficult tasks, such as the task in front of Wei Bin! It is really more difficult to collect a set of hero-specific equipment.

It is difficult to reach the sky, so it can be seen how precious the reward of this option is!

With such a generous reward, how could Wei Bin not hesitate?

Wei Bin once visited the first floor of Huanshi Water Pavilion. At that time, in the first floor of Huanshi Shui Pavilion, in addition to the control-free field skill book he chose, he also saw many perverted skill books. If these skill books

Once it is put on the market, it can really set off a storm! For example,

God descends to earth: dispels the current control effect, and becomes immune to and rebound from control within 6 seconds. At the same time, the casting distance is increased by four meters, the attack has a splash effect with a radius of five meters, and the splash damage ignores defense and resistance. The cooling time is 60 minutes.


Does the name "God Descends to Earth" sound familiar? Yes, it is the skill in Wei Bin's Chonglou suit. Of course, its skills are not exactly the same. The duration of the skill of "God Descends to Earth" in Wei Bin's Chonglou suit is 10 seconds.

, and the god descending to earth in Huan Shi Shui Pavilion can only be regarded as a pickled version, only 6 seconds! However, despite this, it still cannot cover up the light of this skill. This is also a magical skill, not to mention that it can dispel control.

It can also be immune to control and rebound control. The attack distance can be increased by four meters. The attack also has a splash effect. The splash damage ignores defense and resistance. Where can I find this skill? This is perfect!

In addition to the gods descending to earth, there is also a general force control skill book.

The universal strong control skill book provides single-target remote strong control. The duration is determined by the difference between the skill level, practice level and the target's practice level. The target cannot move, cannot use skills, cannot be released, cannot be immune, and the cooling time is 2 minutes.

The universal strong control skill, its control determination mechanism is the same as the sect's strong control skill judgment mechanism, and how rare is the sect's strong control skill? It has been more than two years since the server was launched, and only two people in Nirvana can force control.

It’s just a skill. The strong control skill is not a piece of cake. Anyone can learn it! And isn’t this just one book? And it does not conflict with the player’s strong control skill. You can learn two strong control skills.

Skill books, one is this universal strong control skill book, and the other is the strong control skill book of the sect itself. Then your control ability is a bit unsolvable. You will definitely be a good hand in defeating bosses!

Thundergod's Wrath summons lightning to hit all enemy units in the map at the same time (excluding wild monsters and invisible units), and has a true vision effect for 5 seconds. It does not enjoy damage bonus, blood-sucking effect, etc., and does not enjoy splash.

Wait for the buff effect, enjoy knowing hits, critical hits, and the cooldown time is 24 hours.

To be honest, the effect of this skill in the early stage may not be abnormal, because the damage is actually just a normal attack by the player. It is calculated by calculating the attack of the caster and the defense of the attacked. However, in the middle and late stages of the game, if

It would be a bit buggy for a player with high combat power to use it! This is the only skill in Tianlong that can attack all over the map. Just imagine, during a large-scale team battle, the two sides are fighting on the same map. At this time, if a high-level player

Fighting players, like Wei Bin, if Wei Bin used such a trick, many people would not even know how they died. Do we still need to question Wei Bin's output? He harvested hundreds or thousands of heads in a daze.

!The opponent will collapse without a fight! Moreover, this skill also has a cloaking effect. After using it, every player who is attacked will be under true vision for 5 seconds. Under true vision, everyone can see through the player's invisibility!

This is the nemesis of Tianshan sect players!

The only disadvantage is that this skill does not enjoy damage bonus effects, nor does it enjoy splash effects similar to grafting, nor can it enjoy blood-sucking effects, etc. Otherwise, it would be really too abnormal. If a Tang Sect or

If Tianshan uses this skill, he can really kill the entire map instantly! To put it bluntly, this skill is to perform a normal attack on all enemy units in the entire map. It does not enjoy any carrying effect. Its damage level and whether it can hit are all.

Depends on the attribute difference between the caster and the enemy unit!

Ninjutsu passive skill, every 60 seconds, the next hit will be a critical hit.

Damn it! Another god-level skill! Even though its cooling time is as long as one minute, this minute is really short. What is the concept of a critical hit every minute? What is a critical hit? A critical hit

But it is independent of things other than the knowing hit. Its effect is the same as the knowing hit, that is, the damage is multiplied by two. However, unlike the knowing hit, the triggering probability of a critical hit is affected by its own knowing attribute.

If your knowing value is not much higher than the opponent's knowing defense, then it will be difficult for you to trigger a knowing blow! But a critical hit is different. A critical hit is not affected by its own attributes. It is only affected by this critical hit.

It is related to the triggering probability of the strike skill itself, and it can be superimposed with a knowing strike! For example, Wei Bin’s King of Hundred Weapons has a 15 chance of triggering a critical hit! In comparison

Next, although the total number of critical strikes triggered by the King of 100 Weapons in one minute is definitely greater than once, you must know that this ninjutsu is triggered once at a fixed time, and its fixed nature brings great operability to it.

Well, just like Tang Sect, when a Tang Sect player has accumulated the dual burst state and used all kinds of damage-increasing skills, he will use the time delay to cater for this critical hit, allowing Tang Sect's high burst to trigger ninjutsu.

, then it is really a God who blocks the God, and a Buddha who blocks the Buddha kills the Buddha! The Tang Sect's burst is high, and it is easy to trigger a knowing blow. If the knowing blow and a critical hit are superimposed together, then who can

I can handle it!

Shadowless Fist strikes all enemy units within a radius of 20 meters. The casting distance is 20 meters and the cooling time is 10 minutes.

Maybe someone should say something. I have seen so many god-level skills before, but the conversation suddenly changed. Why did such a rubbish skill appear? Is this enough to be worthy of entering the Huanshi Water Pavilion? This is nothing in the world at best.

It's just a targetable version of a dog. No Dog in the World is centered on itself, with a radius of 20 meters. The casting area is fixed, and this Shadowless Fist move just has an extra casting distance, which can target within a range of 20 meters.

It's just a directional exercise in other places. This Shadowless Fist can designate the center of the group attack, which means it can hit targets as far as 40 meters away. With such an advantage, this is not even an upgraded version of No Dog in the World.

Let's go? At any rate, No Dogs in the World is a direct attack that ignores defense, and No Dogs in the World also has a stiffening effect. Any unit affected by No Dogs in the World, whether it is attack speed, movement speed, hand-raising speed, or

Even the turning speed will be halved! And this shadowless fist only causes a normal attack to the target within the range, and there is no direct damage that ignores the defense!

No matter how you look at it, this Shadowless Fist is in harmony with the world.

If there is no dog at the same level, it must not be powerful enough to enter the Huanshi Water Pavilion, right?! How come it also appears on the first floor of the Huan Shi Shui Pavilion?

Haha, if you are deceived by its appearance, then congratulations, you will miss a god-level skill! Shadowless Fist is a skill that Wei Bin wants day and night!

You know, many skill books have very simple descriptions of their skills. After all, the more powerful the skill, the harder it is to describe it clearly. It is completely up to the players to explore by themselves after learning. It is impossible to describe every detail of the skill in words.

Describe it! For example, the Wrath of the God of Thunder introduced earlier, its skill description only states that it has the true seeing effect, but he did not explain what the true seeing effect is. Those who know it are anti-invisibility, and those who don’t know can only

You have to learn and explore on your own! For another example, the Wrath of the Thunder God only describes not enjoying the splash effect, but does not introduce in more detail what splashes are included, such as the Tianshan Sect's grafting, and the split of the gods descending to the earth.


The same goes for the Shadowless Fist. Just in the simple description of the Shadowless Fist, there is a powerful murderous intent hidden in it!

First of all, let’s draw out the first powerful point of Shadowless Fist through the Thunder God’s Wrath mentioned earlier! That is, Thunder God’s Wrath indicates that it does not enjoy various bonuses, but what about Shadowless Fist? They did not indicate it

Saying that you don’t enjoy bonuses means that Shadowless Fist can enjoy various damage bonuses, splashes, blood-sucking and other buffs. Isn’t this a bit powerful? Shadowless Fist can attack all targets within the specified range.

, and the effect of the move is to splash three targets around the attacked target. Isn’t this attack routine just there? With one move of the move + Shadowless Fist, everyone will be splashed several times, which is impossible in this range.

There will be people alive. Taking advantage of this, will there be a lot of room for maneuver and strategic value?

For example, when they are surrounded and need to break out, with one move of Shifting Wood and Shadowless Fist, a large hole can be opened in the human wall instantly for them to escape! Another example is when two armies are fighting, if the other party's command

If the officer is too close to the front line, can he be killed instantly with one blow? Even if he is 60 meters away from the front line, Tianshan faction players can teleport 20 meters before actually using this skill, even if it is as high as 80 meters away from the front line.

, the Tianshan faction players can also use another move, the clearing of heaven and earth, and then use it after changing positions. The distance of 80 meters is enough for any commander to relax his vigilance. After all, even someone as strong as Wei Bin can only

They have only killed people from a distance of forty meters. Isn't this sudden decapitation a strategic method based on the flexible use of the Shadowless Fist?

In addition, there is actually a hidden mechanism of Shadowless Fist. This mechanism is difficult to discover except for those who have experienced it personally. In fact, this mechanism is what Wei Bin is most optimistic about, and that is when using Shadowless Fist.

During the punch, the player is invincible! Players can completely use this invincibility mechanism to dodge some key skills. For example, if the opponent controls you, before his projectile hits you, if you move out with the Shadowless Fist, you will naturally be defeated.

I have escaped this forced control!

There is also a magical skill called Yuanmen Shooting Halberd. Its name comes from Lu Bu during the Three Kingdoms period. As the name suggests, he can hit the target accurately even if he is standing far away, which is used to describe the high accuracy of his hit!

Within 30 seconds after the Yuanmen Shooting Halberd is cast, all attacks are sure to hit and are sure to hit with a sure hit. The order of settlement is the last one, and the cooling time is 10 minutes.

What is the concept of a hit that is sure to hit and is sure to be understood? This horse riding skill is definitely a fairy skill. Every hit can deal double damage, and it is also sure to hit, making it inevitable for the opponent to avoid it. This is too perverted.

Are you right? In a duel between masters, this is definitely a killer weapon. Who can withstand this? Moreover, the skill description also deliberately states a sentence at the end, that is, the order of settlement is the final settlement!

What does this sentence mean? For example, if the opponent uses certain dodge skills, it can dodge the attack by 100%, so I'm sorry, your dodge of 100% doesn't work here.

When the player is in the state, it is useless, because my Yuanmen Shooting Halberd is resolved last. If you resolve your skills first, your skills will make my attack fail, and if my skills are resolved later, my skills can make my attack fail.

I hit 100% of the time! And if you settle the shaft-gate shooting halberd first, and then settle your certain dodge skills, then my shaft-gate shooting halberd will not be useful, because you settle it last, and all outputs are based on the final

Subject to that!!

It seems that the problem of spear and shield is solved here

So what choice should Wei Bin make? Is it to extract those dazzling skill books? Or to obtain a large number of Murong Fu's friendships? Or to choose a hero's exclusive equipment at will?

After thinking about it for a while, Wei Bin finally chose the third option, choosing any hero-specific equipment!

Why did you choose this? Because to be honest, the skill books in Shi Shui Pavilion are indeed very powerful. However, not all of these skills are suitable for Wei Bin or Nirvana. Some skills are indeed very powerful.

, but it is of no help to them. For example, having a life skills book has twice the effect of running a business.

This is also a very good life skills book. You must know that running business is the economic lifeline of a gang. If the efficiency of running business is low, the development speed of the gang will be slow. If the efficiency of running business is high, the development speed of the gang will be fast.

At the beginning of the establishment of the gang cities of the major forces, why did so many people spend money to beg Wei Bin to establish a business line with Nirvana City? Isn't it just for the convenience of doing business? And now there is such a skill book

, if a gang member were to learn it and then go into business 24 hours a day, how much more efficient would that business be?

You know, what does doubling the effect of running a business mean? Not only does the player's income from it double, but the funds he brings to the gang will also double. This is a bit strong, right? He runs the business once and supports others.

The effect of two quotients!

No matter how bad it is, for an individual who gets this skill book, this is a skill that can really make him rich through hard work. Generally speaking, the income from running a business is not bad, and if it is doubled,

, it has to be said that this income is very high. If he keeps running diligently, it will be no problem to make a fortune, and no matter which gang he joins, he will definitely be a popular target. After all,

Which gang's development does not require gang funds? If your efficiency is so high, others will of course be willing to accept you into the gang, and will also arrange an exclusive merchant position for you. The other merchant positions will be taken turns by others.

Yes, but you are the only one in your merchant position, and no one is going to compete with you. Who made you a member? Your qualifications are naturally much higher than others!

But it is such a good skill. For Wei Bin, does he need it? It is definitely a need, but it is definitely not a rigid need. If it is given to him for free, or he is asked to spend money to buy it, then he is willing to have it, too.

I am willing to buy it, but if this skill book is used as a random item in the first option here, then Wei Bin is not willing to buy it. You must know that the value of this skill book cannot be compared with the three here.

The rewards are comparable, Nirvana has so many businessmen now, does he lack some gang funds?

The above skill book is just an example. There are many similar skill books. By saying this, I actually want to tell you that there are indeed many skill books in Huishui Pavilion that are rare on the market, but they are not.

All skill books are very valuable, and not all skill books are suitable for Wei Bin. It is precisely because of these not-so-good skill books that they confuse Wei Bin and affect Wei Bin's ability to draw skill books.

, so Wei Bin gave up this option! If this option was to randomly select a skill book, then Wei Bin would definitely choose this option!

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