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Chapter 929 The imminent war

Just imagine, this is an eight-person melee. Who is not afraid that when he is killing others, his rear will catch fire and be attacked by others? And since the insect is not afraid, it means that he has the ability to deal with sneak attacks. How can the other six people do it?

Not stressed out?

In fact, using stolen cars to destroy the country in the early stage is the lowest cost method among all methods of destroying the country, because it does not need to build many soldiers or tanks, it only needs an anti-aircraft vehicle, a terrorist robot and one or two engineers.

That’s it. The cost is already very, very low. An engineer costs 500 yuan, a terrorist robot costs 500 yuan, and an anti-aircraft vehicle costs 600 yuan. The total cost of the inside and outside is only more than 2,000 yuan at most, and it can be destroyed with more than 2,000 yuan.

Isn’t the cost low enough for a player?

You know, as long as you delay it for a while, even if it is only delayed for five minutes, if the battle starts again after five minutes, it will be difficult to kill a player without thirty or forty tanks, and a tank is worth a thousand dollars, adding up

It costs at least 50,000 to 60,000 yuan! In the middle of the game, the cost of killing someone becomes even higher. Don’t even think about it if you don’t have 20,000 to 300,000 yuan!

The worm in the eye of money knows this truth very well, so he would rather develop slowly in the early stage than destroy a neighbor as soon as possible, so as to save money in the future! Now he only needs to pay two to three thousand yuan to save money in the future.

Tens of thousands of dollars, why not?

In addition to saving money, Bugs also has another purpose in killing him, which is to get rid of the threats around him as soon as possible, and at the same time help everyone open up the situation!

Everyone knows that eight players form a circle, starting from the upper left corner. The upper left corner is position 1, the left is position 2, the lower left corner is position 3, the lower is position 4, and the lower right corner

It's position five, the right is position six, the upper right corner is position seven, and the top is position eight. The eight players form a "mouth" shape. They are adjacent to each other, and no one wants to be the first to make a move.

Because whoever takes action first may face a sneak attack from another neighbor! Therefore, in a game like this, everyone is willing to wait and see what happens, and then send troops to destroy them after the situation changes.

China! So this kind of competition takes a lot of time. It may take more than ten or twenty minutes!

And now, isn't it the opportunity they hope to see? The bug in Qian's eyes has destroyed the country, and the entire battlefield has undergone earth-shaking changes. First of all, the bug in Qian's eyes was randomly born in position 4, and he just

What was destroyed was position 3. At this time, the territory of position 3 has been cleared. In other words, position 2 only has one neighbor left, position 1! Then, next, position 2 can only

Playing with the No. 1 position, because there is no threat on the other side of the No. 2 position, and he has no worries anymore. The best way for him to fight is with the No. 1 position. He can't play with the No. 4 position, right? If he plays with the No. 4 position,

If you play at the No. 1 position, aren't you afraid of being attacked by the No. 1 position? With a more secure playing style, who would take radical risks? .??.??

Position 1 can definitely guess what position 2 is thinking at this time. He knows that position 2 no longer has the threat from the other side, so position 2 will definitely fight him with all his heart, so position 1

I will definitely devote myself to the second position!

As for the other neighbor of position 1, position 8, he must also know that there will be a battle between position 1 and position 2 sooner or later. Position 1 will most likely not attack position 8, so position 8

You can then free up your hands to concentrate on dealing with position 7!

And No. 7 is not a fool. He knows that No. 1 will fight No. 2. Then No. 8 will have no worries and can concentrate on playing with himself, so No. 7 will not touch No. 6.

Instead, focus all your energy on position eight.

Based on this deduction, position 1 will fight against position 2, position 8 will fight against position 7, position 6 will fight against position 5, and only the fourth position, the insect, is left!

It can be said that the safest person at this time is the bug, and the most dangerous thing is the bug's other neighbor, position 5, because position 6 will attack position 5, and if the insect also attacks position 5 at this time,

, then the fifth position is definitely lost? If two families fight against one, you can win even with one hand!

Of course, position 5 knows that the bug in position 4 will most likely not do this, because position 5 will fight with position 6. No matter who loses or wins between them, the winning side will definitely suffer a great loss in strength.

, for Chongzi in position 4, this is definitely what Chongzi wants to see. Chongzi hopes that both of them will lose, because then Chongzi can reap the benefits!

On the contrary, if the bug also joins the war and cooperates with the sixth position to destroy the fifth position, then he himself will suffer certain battle losses, and secondly, due to his participation in the war, the battle losses of the sixth position will be reduced.

, In this way, although position 5 has been eliminated, there is still such a big enemy as position 6. This is definitely not what Chongzhi wants to see. Why should he bother? Let the two families of position 5 and position 6 consume each other.

, wouldn’t it be good for him to develop his economy and military strength in a low-key manner, and then reap the benefits? You know, Chongzi’s economy is not as good as the other six people, because he spent two to three thousand yuan in soldiers in the early stage to destroy the third position.

, and the other six people either used the money to build mines or mine carts. Their economy is better than that of Chongzi. If Chongzi doesn't seize the time to develop himself, how can he go into their troubled waters? So No. 5

He is relatively at ease with the bugs. As long as he doesn't take the initiative to provoke the bugs, the bugs won't touch him!

Chongzi killed the player in position three just to instigate a war between the other companies. He killed the player in position three so that the other six companies could fight without any worries, while he could develop in a low-key manner.

In the end, he reaped the benefits! Even if he couldn't do this, he turned the six families into three families, and they were still weakened. The three families that had suffered battle losses were also what he liked to see!

Maybe some people want to say, if the bug in the eyes of money can think of this, can others not think of it? Will other people act according to the bug's script and let the bug reap the benefits?

Do they have any choice? Look at the No. 2 position. There is no way he would not attack his old neighbor at the No. 1 position, but go all the way to attack the bugs at the No. 4 position, right? If he goes out to expedition against the bugs, what if?

What should the position do if he seizes this opportunity to sneak attack him? At that time, due to the distance, he will not have time to return to defense! So even if he knows that the bug will gradually grow stronger, he has no way, and he cannot attack the bug! There may be someone else

I have a question, can't position 3 stand still? Position 3 doesn't attack position 2, and the other players don't attack each other. We all spend it together. At least this way they won't suffer any losses in battle, and the bugs won't just sit back and reap the benefits.



Because although the map allows them to do this, the game does not allow it. The game time is only 30 minutes. If all eight players hang up within 30 minutes and do not fight against each other, then when the time is over, all eight people will be eliminated.

! And if one person destroys the country, then several other people will be eliminated. The person who destroyed the country will advance. If someone destroys two countries, and someone destroys one country, then the person who finally destroyed two countries will advance.

This person wins. Since they have held a competition, they must have ways to punish you. How can they allow you all to hang up?

To be honest, on this map, there are indeed many people who would rather hang up and develop than take the initiative to attack others. On the battlefield of bugs, bugs took the lead in destroying the country, so it gave several other countries the opportunity to attack others. But if

Is it the kind of game where the country is destroyed if no one starts? All eight people spent a period of peaceful development together. Since no one was destroyed, each of them had two neighbors. In this case, who would

Taking the lead in attacking others? Isn't he afraid of being attacked by another neighbor? If everyone is in danger like this, it will be really difficult to start a fight, and it will be difficult for someone to be the first one!

So here comes the question, if no one wants to be the first bird, then what if everyone doesn’t take the initiative and hang up at home to develop? How can this game be played? How can this competition be carried out? After all, in an eight-player melee, everyone hangs up.

It appears too easily,

Because the promotion mechanism of the game is that only one person among the eight can advance, and it is not based on points. If the promotion is based on points, whoever kills a family will gain one point, then naturally there will be a lot of people to take the initiative.

, even if he dies, as long as he gets points, he will not necessarily be eliminated, but the key is that it is not a points system, it is an elimination system, and only the player who survives to the end can advance!

In view of the phenomenon that players may hang up in large numbers, the official is not a fool. They will not tolerate you doing this. Although their primary promotion method is not a points system, their secondary promotion method is a points system!

What is the primary promotion method and what is the secondary promotion method?

For example, if one of the eight families destroyed six families, then his points would be 6 points, but in the end he was destroyed by the remaining one, then even if you got six points, the last one would still get 6 points.

A person only gets one point, and the one who gets one point wins because he lives to the end. The player who lives to the end is the winner. Even if you get six points, you still lose! This is the first thing

Ways to advance!

What is the secondary promotion method? For example, after thirty minutes, the game time is over, but there are still two or more players alive on the field, then the way to judge the winner at this time is no longer

Let’s see who survives to the end, because several people have survived to the end! At this time, how should we determine the winner? It’s impossible to judge all survivors as winners, right? How many winners will there be? If so

If so, then no one would take the initiative to start a war, and just hang up at home, which would be a waste of time?

When there are still multiple players alive at the end of this countdown, the winner is determined by a points system. Whoever destroys more countries has higher points and is the winner, even if one player is destroying

After conquering five countries, he was destroyed by others. In the end, when there were two left on the field, he was still the winner. Although he had been destroyed, his points were the highest, and when the time was over, there were still two left on the field.

There are two players. At this time, the winner will be determined by points! And if everyone's points are the same, then they will all be judged as losers. There can be at most one winner, either one or none. The points system here is

How to judge the winner!

With the combination of these two determination methods, who dares to hang up? Everyone has to participate in the war. Even if they hang up, they will only hang up for a while. They are waiting for the fighter plane. Once the fighter plane appears, they will never continue.

If you hang up at home, you will definitely move out quickly like a poisonous snake to hunt your prey! In the battlefield of insects, it is impossible for the second position to fight the insects. The insects have already created a fighter opportunity for the second position, so the second position

The No. 1 position will definitely fight the No. 1 position. Even if he knows that the bugs may grow stronger in the end, he still has to fight the No. 1 position, because if he goes to fight the bugs, the No. 1 fighter will come.

If you are in position, you will go to the second position. Isn’t this second position cool?

It is possible for him to win when No. 2 plays No. 1. As long as he plays smoothly, has more points than the bugs, and delays time to ensure that he is not destroyed, then he is the winner. But what if he fights the bugs?

?Then he will definitely lose! This principle is not only for the second position, it is for all players!

Therefore, even if everyone knows that the bugs will gradually grow stronger, they still cannot attack the bugs and conquer each other. They may still win through points, and if they go to fight the bugs, they will definitely lose, so

They can only watch the bugs grow stronger. They have no other choice. The only way is to destroy the neighboring countries as soon as possible, because the earlier the country is destroyed, the lower their battle losses will be. Both sides have ten tanks.

The war damage caused by destroying the country at the same time is different from destroying the country by having only one or two hundred tanks on both sides!

This is the advantage of using stolen cars to destroy the country at the beginning. His current economic development may be delayed, or he may not succeed in the sneak attack at all. These two are hidden dangers caused by stealing cars to destroy the country, but once

If you succeed, the advantage is also very big, that is, you can stay out of it, develop in a low-key manner, and let others eat dog!

After destroying position three, Chongzi directly sold the barracks of the player in position three that he had just occupied, leaving only the other tank factory.

Why did he do this? Because as long as he has the Allied barracks and builds a Soviet combat laboratory, he can send out flying troops. And the Soviet army also has a building called the Replication Center. As long as there is

With the copy center, you can produce double the number of soldiers. Every time you build a flying soldier, in addition to a flying soldier coming out of the barracks, there will also be another flying soldier coming out of the copy center. You can only build one flying soldier for the price of one flying soldier.

Flying soldiers, and what about him? For the price of one flying soldier, he can make two flying soldiers. How can others play with double flying soldiers? As long as his copy center develops with the Allied barracks for a period of time, he will basically be invincible.

Got it!

So here comes the question. Someone may ask, isn’t this a good thing? Isn’t it good to greatly enhance one’s own strength and make oneself invincible?

Yes, it’s really not good!

Because other players are not fools. Everyone knows that once the Soviet army captures the Allied barracks, they can use the copy center to create double the number of flying soldiers. Therefore, others will never leave the bugs alone. They know that,

As long as you give the bug enough time to develop, the bug will be invincible!

Therefore, the other companies will definitely unite and give priority to dealing with the bugs. By that time, he will not be invincible. He will have been destroyed long before he is invincible! If it is the first day of the audition, facing

When he was a group of novices, he could do this, but the six players in front of him definitely didn't have a colored pen, so Bugs wouldn't dare to do that!

And why did the bug leave the tank factory behind?

Because the tank factory could not bring him much help, after the Soviet army occupied the Allied tank factory, it could only build some primary units, namely Allied mine carts, Allied primary tanks, and Allied tanks.

It can be said that anti-aircraft vehicles are almost useless. He cannot build the special Allied tanks Prism Tank and Phantom Tank. Even if he built the Soviet combat laboratory, he cannot build them. If he wants to build Prism Tank and Phantom Tank, he cannot build them.

The phantom tank must have built an Allied combat laboratory! But the bug did not!

The only advantage of having an additional tank factory for Bugs is that his tank construction speed is accelerated, because the tank factories are like barracks. The more tank factories there are, the faster the units in them can be built! And with this little benefit alone

, we will not let bugs become the target of public criticism!

After occupying this chariot factory, to be honest, the economy of the insect is not very behind others, because his mine cart construction speed is faster than others. At this time, others have only built one chariot.

It's just a factory, and he already owns two. Maybe for now, he is still two to three thousand yuan behind others, but it won't take a minute for him to regain his energy!

Although Chongzi has been outsmarting this player just now, the construction of his home has not stopped at all. So far, he already owns four mines, two tank factories, a barracks, and two power plants.

Others have one or two more mines than him and one less tank factory than him!

Since the other players were not as aggressive as the bugs, in the next few minutes, the remaining seven people spent a relatively peaceful development period!

Soon, Chongzi established a total of five mines. Five mines were already the largest number of mines in the early stage. It is not that there is a limit on the number of mines, but five mines. In the early stage, it was already the largest number of mines.


Then you can no longer build mines, you have to start building combat laboratories and more barracks and tank factories to produce troops!

First of all, what needs to be built is a combat laboratory, but the combat laboratory has a front-end building, which is the radar. After the bug built the radar, he also built the combat laboratory together!

What is a combat laboratory and what is its role?

The combat laboratory also has another name, which is commonly known as - Hi-Tech!

Hi-tech is the abbreviation of Hi-tech. As the name suggests, after you build Hi-tech, you can build advanced units. In this map, basically no one will build the initial ordinary tanks because ordinary tanks are too weak.

In front of tanks, ordinary tanks are living targets! Because no one is willing to fight in the early stage of this map. Even if you want to push the neighboring countries quickly, what if you build a bunch of junior tanks to destroy the neighboring countries? What about your one?

Doesn't it cost money to build tanks? After you destroyed your neighboring countries, other countries have already started producing high-end tanks. In the face of high-end tanks, your low-level tanks are useless. In other words, you just spent a lot of money to destroy them.

You are just a neighboring country. Compared to several other countries, you are the weakest. If another of your neighboring countries sends high-level tanks to attack you at this time, how should you resist?

Therefore, it is theoretically possible to quickly promote streaming at the beginning, but it can only promote one company quickly. After promoting this one, you will not be far away from being destroyed!

Therefore, ordinary players will not build basic tanks because they are too weak! After building five mines, most people will continue to build tank factories in order to build mine carts faster, or

, instead of continuing to build a tank factory, we will build a radar + combat laboratory. After the combat laboratory comes out, we will build more barracks and tank factories!

Here, generally speaking, Soviet players will build radar + combat laboratories first, because the Soviet mine carts are too stupid and prone to traffic jams, so the Soviet army will build about ten mine carts at a time, and its economy will be good.

The explosive troops that could keep up for a while were consumed! For the Soviet army, whether it was the construction speed of soldiers in the barracks or the construction speed of tanks in the tank factory, although as the number of barracks or tank factories increased, their construction

The speed is getting faster and faster, but it is not infinitely fast. There is a limit to the construction speed of both. For the Soviet army, when its barracks reach five, its troop dispatch speed will reach the limit.

That is to say, the troop production speed when you build five barracks is exactly the same as when you build seven barracks! As for the tank factory, seven tank factories can reach the maximum troop production speed of tanks.

And why did the Soviet army build a combat laboratory first and then repair the tank factory? Because the Soviet army needed to build a small number of mine carts, it only needed to build ten additional mine carts. According to the experience of many players

For example, the Soviet army first built a combat laboratory and then repaired the tank factory. When seven tank factories were completed, ten mine carts had just left the factory! It did not affect the speed of subsequent deployment of advanced tanks, nor did it affect the dispatch of advanced tanks.

It will be because the mine carts are built too early, but the advanced tanks have not been developed yet, resulting in the tank factory having nothing to do!

What if the Soviet army repairs the tank factory first and then builds the combat laboratory? Then the ten mine carts will be completed soon. By then, you have not built the combat laboratory and cannot produce advanced tanks. In this way, tanks will be wasted.

Regarding the factory’s production capacity, what’s the point of finishing the minecart so early? Work will stop later!

If it is the Allies, the Allies generally like to build two tank factories first. When the number of tank factories reaches three, they will then build combat laboratories! Because the Allied mine trucks will not be jammed.

, so the Allies can build more mine carts to lead the Soviet economy. Generally, the Allies will choose to build 20 mine carts for mining. In this case, if you build a combat laboratory first, then wait

After your laboratory comes out, you still can't produce advanced tanks because you haven't finished building the minecart yet! If you only have one tank factory, the construction speed of the minecart will be too slow! In other words, even if you build it early

Even if the combat laboratory is built, it cannot play its due role, or in other words, its role cannot be maximized!

And if you build two tank factories first, as the number of tank factories increases, the construction speed of its mine carts will also speed up. In this way, you can build a combat laboratory and wait a while for your combat laboratory.

When the construction is completed, your minecart is almost ready. At least compared to the former, you don't need to wait too long. Basically, as long as your combat laboratory is completed, it will be able to perform as it should.

It works!

The Allies, like the Soviet Army, also have an upper limit on their troop dispatch speed. For the Allies, building five barracks can allow the troops in the barracks to dispatch troops as quickly as possible. In this regard, the Allies are different from the Soviet Army.

The same, but the Allied tank factories are different. The Allied tank factories only need to build five tanks to achieve the fastest construction speed, while the Soviet army needs seven. From this point of view

, the Allies still have a slight advantage...

When the combat laboratory is completed, in addition to the advanced units that can be produced in the barracks and tank factory, some advanced buildings will also be unlocked. Among them, the advanced Allied building is a building called the Ore Refinery. As long as you build it

With this building, after your mine cart delivers the mined ore to the mine, you can get an additional 25 benefits. Previously, the maximum carrying capacity of an allied mine cart was 1,000 yuan worth of ore.

, and as long as you build this ore refinery, you can get 1250 benefits from the same cart of ore, which is a full increase of 25. To be honest, this level of increase is already quite large, and it won’t take long.

, the economy of the Allied forces will far exceed that of the Soviet army!

In addition, after the Allies have a combat laboratory, they will unlock two buildings in the defensive building in the second column. One is the light prism tower. The light prism tower has stronger defense capabilities than the bunker.

The pyramid can instantly kill any troop type in the barracks, and it also does good damage to tanks! And the other building is also a spy satellite!

The spy satellite is a god-level building. Every player must build one. The function of the spy satellite is to illuminate the entire map. With it, you can see every corner of the entire map, even if you don't

It doesn’t matter if you explore the map! The exploration of the map at the beginning is actually just to prevent sneak attacks by neighbors. After all, as long as you have the neighbor’s field of vision, everything about the neighbor will be under your surveillance. From the mid-term,

, with only spy satellites, everything will be clear at a glance!

As for the Soviet army, the unlocked buildings in the second column of defensive buildings of the Soviet army are basically similar to those of the Allies. They also unlock a defensive building magnetic storm coil and a spy satellite!

But it is different in the functional buildings in the first column. The Soviet army does not have an ore refinery. Because of this, the Soviet army's economy is not as good as that of the Allies! However, although the Soviet army does not have an ore refinery, the Soviet army does not have an ore refinery.

The military has nuclear power plants and replication centers!

Nuclear power plants and replication centers are a great thing!

The function of a nuclear power plant is unlimited electricity. Basically, most buildings require electricity. Since the Allies did not have nuclear power plants, the Allies needed to build many, many power plants to maintain the normal operation of their buildings. However, the Soviet Army

It’s different. The Soviet nuclear power plant can produce unlimited electricity. In other words, the Soviet army only needs to build one nuclear power plant. There is no need to build a small power plant at all. This virtually saves a large area of ​​open space and economy. Of course,

Basically, at this stage, players are no longer short of money, so the economic savings are insignificant. The most important thing is to save a lot of open space, because there are still relatively few open spaces at this stage. If you build

Building a large number of power plants will inevitably cause construction congestion and affect the passage of tanks!

The copy center has already said that two soldiers can be made at the same price. One comes out of the barracks and one comes out of the copy center. This directly cuts the price of the soldiers by half, and also increases the speed of sending out soldiers in a different direction!

Soon, the seven people on the field built combat laboratories and their own unique buildings one after another. Advanced units also started construction. It can be said that the real competition has just begun. Next, the competition will be between the various units.

The ability to operate between players!

The game has reached this stage, and the bugs have already started to pull the mine cart. When does the mine cart pull? The meaning of pulling the mine cart is to let the mine cart go to the designated place to mine, because the mining habit of the mine cart is very disgusting, and the mine cart likes it.

There is only one line of mines. For example, after he mines the mines in a certain place, after he hands over the mines to the mine, he will return to the original place to continue mining, and keep going up along this place.

Mining! If you don't care about it, it won't take long before you find that the mining areas in your home are all strips. These strips are the places where the mines have been mined by the mine carts, which are where buildings can be built.

Okay, but what can such narrow strips be used for? What kind of building is so narrow? What kind of building can be placed in such a place?

You know, the open space in the early stage is very critical, because there is very little open space in this map of Qianduoduo, which is very precious. This involves the construction of subsequent buildings for players. If you have a lot of money but can't build a building, then doesn't it mean you have a lot of money?

Has the money been spent? But how can he build buildings in such small open spaces? If you want to build a building, it must be a square or a large open space close to a rectangle. How can you build this line?


Therefore, at this time, players need to manually operate the mining location of the mine cart. You need to manually interfere with the mining path of the mine cart. If you manually control the mine cart to mine, you will be able to mine an open space for you.

Has the building been constructed?

Manually controlling minecart mining is actually an operation that requires manual speed, because there are many minecarts, not one or two. So far, the bug has more than a dozen minecarts. After a while,

He will have more and more mine carts, because he needs to keep building mines. Only with more mines can there be more mine carts. With more mine carts, can open space be opened up faster. By then, there will be more and more mine carts.

The more players need to manually control it! For players, basically only in the early stage will they build mine carts through the tank factory. Later, they will need to build mines to increase the number of mine carts, because tanks

The factory needs to build tanks, and there is no chance to produce minecarts!

Then, the traffic jam of the Soviet mine cars gradually began. As the number of mine cars increased, the traffic jam was bound to happen. But the bug was very smart. He spread out the mining areas of these mine cars. Several mine cars

A truck mines here, and a few mine carts mine there. Because the mine carts unload the ore nearby, as long as their mining areas are divided well, the mine carts will naturally not be bunched together to unload the ore in the same mine.

! The bug uses this operation to avoid traffic jams in the minecart!

At the beginning of the game, all players were randomly selected, regardless of their country or geographical location. The random bug in Qian's eyes was the Soviet army, so he directly chose to build the Apocalypse Tank! The Apocalypse Tank is one of the must-have units of the Soviet army.

First, the defense and HP of the Apocalypse Tank are very high, and the range is quite satisfactory. In fact, except for the Prism Tank, the range of all other tanks is the same!

And his old neighbor No. 5 also built the Apocalypse Tank, and like the bug, he pulled it to his intersection. In this way, he can attack at any time and carry out the necessary defense of his own territory!

The bug in Qian's eyes was that his neighbor at position 3 was dead, and his neighbor at position 5 was a Soviet soldier, so he was not in a hurry to build an anti-aircraft cannon. On the other hand, it was different at position 5. His neighbor at position 6

The neighbor is an Allied army. When the Soviet army borders the Soviet army, few people will build anti-aircraft guns because the Soviet air force only has Kirovs, and Kirovs move very slowly. When you find the Soviet Union in your neighbor's house,

When the army starts to build Kirov, you can build anti-aircraft cannons in time! But it is different if your neighbor is the Allied Forces. The Allied Air Force is a flying force, and the flying force moves very fast. If you don’t

If you build anti-aircraft cannons in advance, once the Allied pilots come to attack you, it will be too late for you to build anti-aircraft cannons now. Therefore, the neighbor at position 5 of the insect must not only build tanks, but also some anti-aircraft cannons.

This invisibly puts a lot of pressure on his economy, because an anti-aircraft cannon is worth 2,000 yuan. To be honest, this is very expensive. The Soviet army's economy itself is very stretched. If the Soviet army only builds Apocalypse tanks,

There is no problem with the economy, but if we build some more anti-aircraft cannons, it will be a bit stressful! Especially for the fifth position, his left side is a bug in the eyes of money. Although he feels that the bug will not attack him, but

People are different from each other. Who can guarantee that Chongzi will not sneak attack him? Chongzi is a person who killed a country by stealing cars at the beginning. It is not impossible for him to sneak attack at position 5, so

In order to prevent sneak attacks by bugs, No. 5 also built some Yuri. The role of Yuri is to lure the opponent's army into his own. Each Yuri can only seduce one unit, but the unit that is seduced by it can

After death, you can continue to seduce other units! Of course, even if the seduced unit is not dead, Yuri can also seduce other units, but when he seduces other units, the previous unit will be restored.

Normal, restore it to its original belongings!

The price of Yuri is not cheap either. Building Yuri, Apocalypse and Air Cannon at the same time has really doubled the pressure on this player, and he has gradually started to run out of money!

Seeing Yuri appear at position 5, Bugs seemed to understand his concerns. He was obviously worried that he would sneak attack him, so he chose to build some Yuri to defend his Apocalypse Tank!

The purpose of building Yuri at position 5 is definitely for defense, and definitely not for attacking position 6, because position 6 is an ally, and the allies have produced a large number of light prism tanks, and the range of light prism tanks is extremely high.

Yuan, it is not easy to use Yuri to seduce the allied light tanks. You were killed by their light tanks before you even got to them. So, Yuri at position 5 is definitely the best choice.

Used to defend and the Apocalypse Tank!

And this is definitely not what Chongzi wants to see, because he knows that at this stage, if a Soviet army wants to build Apocalypse tanks, Yuri and anti-aircraft guns at the same time, it will definitely be stuck in money, because of the speed at which he spends money.

It is slower than the speed at which the mine cart can mine money. In this case, it will be disadvantageous for position 5!

Although in the duel between position 5 and position 6, Chongzi would rather hope that position 5 loses, but if the current progress continues, position 5 will indeed lose, but when he loses,

It is difficult to cause a fatal blow to position six. Although Chongzi hopes that position five will lose, he hopes that position five can deal as big a blow to position six as possible before losing. It is best to hurt both sides. In this way,

Bugs can destroy both families effortlessly! At least when No. 5 is destroyed, No. 6 will not have many troops left. In this way, he can also take away No. 6 easily!

Thinking of this, Chongzi made a gesture of goodwill and pulled all his Apocalypse tanks back to his home from the intersection!

He is showing his attitude to position 5. He wants to tell position 5, I will not sneak attack you, you can feel free to compete with position 6, I will never interfere, you should not waste money on building any more

Yuri, beware of me! You can't type or communicate during the game. If the bug in Qian's eyes wants to make position 5 understand its feelings, it can only express it through actual actions. Other than that, there is no other way!

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