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Chapter 943 Wheel War

What's more, No. 8 has set up two light prism towers in front of his house. These two light prism towers have been forcibly attacking the bridge in front of his house. The light prism towers can destroy the bridge, so even if he repairs the bridge,

But when he rushes in, he will always face the risk of the bridge being blown up and the tank being sunk! Naturally, he is not willing to take such a risk!

Moreover, position 8 is indeed a threat to him, but position 6 is not a threat to him? You know, the iron curtain of position 6 is about to run out of seconds. Once his iron curtain runs out of seconds, then

It was modified by Yuri who was sure to kill him instantly, so since No. 8 didn't take the initiative to attack him, there was no need for him to bully No. 8. For now, he had to kill the other one first.

Position 6 with super weapons is the way to go!

Soon, the troops came to the city. Since position 6 had been suppressed by Brother Li's other Yuri Kai, he did not send out any land troops, just some flying soldiers! Seeing Brother Li pressing towards him aggressively

Come over, position 6 is also ready to respond to the enemy, but can these pilots really withstand Brother Li's bombing?

Seeing Brother Li's troops arriving at the door of No. 6's house, No. 4 could no longer hold his position. He was also an ally. Under the suppression of Brother Li's Yuri Gai, he also sent out many flying soldiers. When he saw

Brother Li destroyed position 3 and was about to attack position 6 again. Position 4 already understood that he could no longer sit idly by. Position 8 was still reluctant to take action. If he didn't help position 6, then

Sooner or later, he will become the next target. You know, the only one who can punish Brother Li Yuri is the Iron Curtain at No. 6!

Therefore, when Brother Li launched a general attack on position 6, the pilots in position 4 also rushed forward to help defend position 6, but he seemed to have underestimated the power of Brother Li's anti-aircraft vehicle. The pilots were simply in front of the anti-aircraft vehicle.

Without any ability to resist, his pilots had not even gotten close to Brother Li's Yuri Kai. They had already been bombarded by Brother Li's anti-aircraft vehicles and fell one by one! And when his pilots flew to Yuri Kai's

When they were in the sky, half of the pilots had been lost, and the remaining half of the pilots had also lost half of their health, because the Soviet anti-aircraft vehicles were group air defenses, and their attacks were range-wide! See four

The pilot at position number flew over. Brother Li quickly asked Yuri to get into the anti-aircraft vehicle he had prepared in advance to take refuge. At the same time, he pulled up the anti-aircraft vehicle and started running away! The anti-aircraft vehicle was very fragile, but Brother Li could

We can't let him stand there like a fool and be killed by the pilot in position 4!

At the same time, when the pilot at position 4 went to rescue position 6, the pilot at position 1 also took action. He also realized that if position 6 was destroyed, it would only be a matter of time before he was destroyed.

And he has two base vehicles, a Soviet base vehicle and an Allied base vehicle. He can produce double flying troops through the copy center!

But do you think that double the number of pilots can handle Brother Li's Yuri? No, it's too different!

Because Brother Li not only has anti-aircraft vehicles, he also has a lot of air defense soldiers. Air defense soldiers are so cheap, 300 yuan each, and he has a copy center. Two air defense soldiers can be built for 300 yuan. Brother Li’s house even has anti-aircraft guns.

He didn't build anything, they were all air defense troops. He left some air defense troops to defend his home to prevent others from surrounding Wei and rescuing Zhao. He forced him to withdraw his air defense troops from the battlefield by sneak attacks on his hometown, while the other half of the air defense troops also went to the battlefield to protect You.

It’s safe to change it!

But seeing that Brother Li's tanks were about to demolish the bunkers in position 6, position 1 really couldn't wait any longer, because once he rushed into position 6's home, position 6 would be finished! So, when

After he saw that the pilots from position 4 who came to support were all killed and injured, position 1 had no choice but to bite the bullet. As long as they killed Brother Li's Yuri Kai, they could leave the army. At least they

There is also the power of one click!

But the results proved that the efforts of the first position were in vain. Brother Li had too many air defense soldiers, and the air defense vehicles of Brother Li were all Samsung anti-aircraft vehicles. Their output was so high that it exploded. His flying soldiers

How could one rush in under Brother Li's powerful air defense system? They all fell down one by one during the charge!

At this time, Kirov in position 5 also rushed over. Position 5 was the Soviet army, and the Soviet air force was Kirov. In fact, position 5 had already sent Kirov to help position 6 in defense.

Yes, he set off earlier than No. 4, but Kirov's movement speed was too slow. Not to mention the pilots in No. 4, even the pilots in No. 1 were all dead.

, his Kirov has just arrived on the battlefield! But what is the use of arriving on the battlefield at this time? Maybe the Kirov is indeed very experienced, but it cannot withstand the indiscriminate bombing of so many anti-aircraft vehicles by Brother Li! So

Not long after, Kirov in position 5 was also shot down one by one!

Some people may want to ask, why do you need Calabash Baby to save grandpa? Can such a stupid operation be used? Can't we do it together?

This is a God's perspective view, but you must know that there is no unified command between them. Who can know when each other will support the sixth position? Furthermore, Brother Li's attack was carried out so suddenly,

From the time when No. 3 was destroyed to when No. 6 was at the gate, it only took ten seconds! Who can react to this?

Furthermore, the four of them are in different camps, and they have no alliance with each other. Their troops can attack each other. In this melee mode, it is difficult to attack one person together, and you can only attack one person like

Now it’s up one by one!

Some people may still question, knowing that they are going to die, but forcefully go up and kill someone. Isn't this a fool? Their purpose is nothing more than to protect No. 6, but there are many ways to protect No. 6, and they don't need to

They must send flying soldiers to die. Can't they wait for Brother Li's tanks to rush into the house of No. 6 before sending flying soldiers to destroy Brother Li's tanks? Brother Li needs to use

It's a tank, not an air defense force. Can't we just destroy Brother Li's tank?

That's definitely not possible. Position 6 has an anti-aircraft cannon at home. You know, in order to prevent Brother Li from attacking him, position 6 must build anti-aircraft cannons in advance, just like the bugs in the last game.

When building anti-aircraft guns, you must know that position 7 will most likely attack position 6 in the early stage, and because position 6 has Yuri, if position 7 fails to deal with Yuri in position 6,

Most likely, Kirovs and missile ships will be used, and this requires a very powerful air defense system to defend. At this time, position 6 needs to build an air defense system in advance, and it must be built in advance, because if

If you wait until the Kirov or missile ship appears at position 7 to build it now, it will definitely be too late!

Position 6 is suppressed by Brother Li's Yuri Kai, which prevents him from building anti-aircraft vehicles and anti-aircraft ships, so he needs to build more anti-aircraft guns for air defense. There are so many anti-aircraft guns at home, so that others can't build them.

Why did they send flying soldiers to help defend his house? Before they could destroy Brother Li's tanks, they were the first to be bombed to death by the anti-aircraft guns at position 6!

Position 6 was feeling miserable at this time. He always thought that Brother Li would use Kirovs or missile ships to attack him, because he had four Yuri at home, and there was a row of bunkers provided by the system at the door, which were his land defenses.

The ability can be said to be very powerful, so he did not build additional land defense buildings, but who knew that Brother Li actually sent the army to attack him, which really caught him off guard!

Brother Li exploded a group of soldiers, with the soldiers in front and the tanks behind, and directly bulldozed the bunker in front of the player in position 6, because he had several three-star tanks, and three-star tanks can demolish buildings very quickly, and the one in position six, especially

Li didn't dare to step forward at all, because Brother Li had soldiers standing in front of him! Brother Li's tank was very insignificant!

Just like that, Brother Li wiped out No. 6 again!

And at this moment, No. 8 was dispatched!

The time has come, and he can't wait any longer. Now there are only positions 1, 4, 5 and him on the 8th. Only the four of them are going to fight Brother Li. If he still has

If you don’t take action and continue to watch the fire from the other side, then if Brother Li is allowed to kill another family, only three of them will be left.

It would be a bit difficult to kill Brother Li!

I saw twelve Black Hawk fighter jets flying over in position 8, arriving in the sky above Li Ge Yuri Kai. Position 8 was definitely a very powerful player. He first destroyed the air defense next to Li Ge Yuri Kai.

After that, he asked other Black Hawk fighter jets to kill one of Brother Li's Yuri Kai!

The other Yuri Kai did the same thing. He first destroyed the anti-aircraft vehicle next to Yuri Kai that was ready to be equipped with Yuri Kai at any time, and then the other Black Hawk fighter jets in the same group went to kill Yuri Kai!

However, something unexpected happened this time, that is, Brother Li's Yuri Kai dodged the shells of the Black Hawk fighter jet at position 8! Yes, Brother Li can dodge bullets!

Under normal circumstances, any military unit can dodge bullets, that is, before the shells reach the target, the target is moving and alert. In this case, there is a certain chance of dodging the Black Hawk fighter's shells, but it does not mean that it can 100

You have to dodge the shells, because dodging the bullets itself is random and depends entirely on your face. If you are unlucky, no matter how fast you operate, you will not be able to dodge!

Seeing that Brother Li's other Yuri Kai survived, position 8's reaction speed was also extremely fast. He immediately hovered the last Black Hawk fighter, which had no shells, over Brother Li's Yuri Kai. Logically speaking,

It is said that each Black Hawk fighter has only one shell. After it is fired, it must return to the empty finger to refill the ammunition. If you don't go home even if you have no shells, why are you hovering here?

Are you waiting for Brother Li's anti-aircraft vehicle to shoot you down?

That's right! He was just waiting for Brother Li's anti-aircraft vehicle to shoot down his Black Hawk fighter jet!

Sure enough, in the next second, his Black Hawk fighter jet was shot down and hit Yuri Kai, killing the last Yuri Kai! This is the Black Hawk fighter jet that the player in position 8 just shot down.

The purpose of hovering over Yuri changed, because the falling of the Black Hawk fighter plane is harmful. Not only can it kill people, but if there is a building with residual health below him, it can also destroy the building!

Seeing this scene, not only the audience in the stadium was excited, but also several other players were relieved! I am finally dead! And No. 8 himself became complacent, relying on

Me, if it weren't for me, you would really have been bulldozed by Brother Li!

Seeing that Brother Li was without Yuri Kai, several other people quickly built the tank that was about to be built in the tank factory. They had long known that No. 8 would do it sooner or later, so they built the tank in advance.

, once Brother Li’s Yuri is dead, their tanks will be able to come out immediately!

And what they built were all high-end tanks. The Soviets built the Apocalypse, and the Allies built the Light Prism. They now have three tank factories and began to frantically produce high-end tanks! They still have some on hand.

Got some money!

When they got three tanks, positions 1, 4 and 5 sent out troops at the same time. They couldn't wait any longer. If Brother Li sent out another Yuri Kai, wouldn't they be back before liberation?


They must send troops immediately to destroy Brother Li before his Yuri Kai is built!

Although Brother Li destroyed position 6 just now, during the battle, Brother Li's strength was also greatly weakened. He had very few soldiers left and almost all his tanks. At this time, it can be said that he was going

The best time to attack Brother Li!

Seeing that the other three companies started to take action, the plane at position 8 also took off again, but this time his target was no longer Brother Li's hometown, but Brother Li's combat laboratory in the direction of position 2. That's right.

It’s the combat laboratory in position 2 occupied by Brother Li! If you want to build Yuri Kai, you must have a combat laboratory!

And Brother Li seemed to have expected that No. 8 would do something like this at this time, so he built another combat laboratory as soon as Yuri Kai died, but it just hadn't been put on the ground yet!

When the plane at position 8 destroyed Brother Li's combat laboratory, he first put the already built combat laboratory on the ground. Since his combat laboratory had always existed, there was a lot of work going on in his barracks.

The construction of Yuri Kai was not interrupted!

Because of this, Brother Li had to pay attention to the player at position 8, because this position 8 is very strong!

First of all, if it is an ordinary master, he will definitely not blow up his combat laboratory at this time. He will definitely pursue the victory as soon as Li Ge Yuri Kai dies, blow up his combat laboratory, and then

Suppress Brother Li's momentum!

However, the player at position 8 did not do that, because he knew that the construction of Yuri Kai took a long time, and there was no need for him to rush. If he destroyed Brother Li's combat laboratory so early, then Brother Li would

There is enough time to build a new combat laboratory again, and then build Yuri Kai! But if he blows up Brother Li's Yuri Kai when it is half-built or about to be completed.

What about the combat laboratory? Will that greatly delay the time for him to release Yuri Kai? In this way, will their chance of killing Brother Li be greater? And this time is obviously now.

, now that the other three families have sent troops, if Yuri Kai, who is attacking Brother Li, comes out, then the three of them are still dead. But what if he interrupts Brother Li and Yuri Kai's construction now? What about Brother Li?

Yuri Kai will never come up with it in this life!

From this timing, it is not difficult to see that No. 8 is indeed a master!

The above is just the first one, there is also the second one. Position 8 only blew up his combat laboratory, but did not pay attention to his mine. Logically speaking, if it were someone else, he would definitely send more troops.

Some Black Hawk fighter jets were also destroyed together with his mine. After all, now they have to concentrate their firepower to jointly push away Brother Li. At this time, it is naturally a very important thing to attack his economy.

, you know, Brother Li has built so many anti-aircraft vehicles and air defense troops, and his economy is not good. If this mine is destroyed now, it is very likely that Brother Li will be stuck in money and will not be able to create Yuri in the end.


But No. 8 didn't do that. He just destroyed Brother Li's combat laboratory and ignored Brother Li's mine. Brother Li's mine is still mining there, so why did he do this?

?Why is he considered a master by Brother Li when he does this?

Because if the player at position 8 destroys his mine, then that piece of land will no longer belong to Brother Li. The distance between that piece of land and Brother Li is the same as the distance from position 1. For position 8,

For example, it is an enclave. If that territory no longer belongs to Brother Li, then position 1 will definitely occupy that territory. That mine belongs to the player in position 1! Position 1 is

The richest person on the field also has the strongest ability to explode troops. Let me ask, if Brother Li is destroyed, who will be the strongest next?

Yes, it must be the player in position 1. One overlord fell, but the other overlord stood up. This is not what the player in position 8 wants to see. Therefore, the player in position 8 cannot demolish Brother Li yet.

As long as Brother Li's mine is still alive, the No. 1 position will not dare to occupy that mine, because Brother Li can rely on that mine to build sentry guns! If there is no mine, then Brother Li will

No more buildings to build there!

Some people may want to ask, the number one enemy of position 8 is still Brother Li, not position 1. Isn't he afraid that because he did not demolish the mine to suppress Brother Li's economy, this group of people will not be able to survive in the end?

Killing Brother Li? Isn’t this a small gain but a big loss? There is nothing wrong with the idea of ​​​​suppressing the next overlord’s No. 1 position, but the premise must be based on ensuring that Brother Li is destroyed, right? What if?

Even Brother Li can't be eliminated, so if you suppress the No. 1 position, doesn't that mean you suppress your teammates?

Suppress yourself?

The answer is very simple. Position 8 is confident that he can destroy Brother Li, because by dismantling Brother Li's combat laboratory, he can greatly delay the time for Brother Li to come out with Yuri. If Brother Li wants to make a comeback now, he can only rely on Yuri.

Li Gai, Yuri Gai can't come out, it's all nonsense! And the No. 8 position has delayed the time for Brother Li to come out with Yuri Gai, so Brother Li will definitely lose!

And even if Brother Li's Yuri is modified, so what? He can blow up Brother Li's Yuri once, but can't he blow him up a second time? He has accumulated a lot of Black Hawk fighter jets now, and he is completely able to do this.


Of course, what happened later was that Brother Li built one in advance before destroying his own combat laboratory at position 8. This has nothing to do with the combat ideas at position 8. The combat ideas at position 8 must have been made up by Brother Li.

A combat laboratory has been formulated before!

First, he tried his best to delay Brother Li's release of Yuri Kai, and then he let his own mine go. This is definitely a master!

Thirdly, if the operation of position 8 was just an ordinary expert, when he found out that the Black Hawk fighter plane did not kill Brother Li's Yuri Kai, he would never immediately think of using a hover method to smash it.

Damn Yuri Kai, maybe he can react later, but it will definitely not be the first time! Just like this No. 8 position, this No. 8 position can actually think of it right away without destroying Yuri Kai.

How fast is the reaction speed of this method?

Fourth, the position 8 player has a good grasp of the timing of his intervention on the battlefield. Position 8 did not interfere with Brother Li when he destroyed position 3. Similarly, he did not interfere before Brother Li destroyed position 6.

He, in the end, chose to intervene on the battlefield and declare war on Brother Li after Brother Li destroyed the two super weapon owners, No. 3 and No. 6! This is the mastery of rhythm!

To be honest, which stage is Brother Li’s strongest? It’s not when Brother Li just came out as Yuri Kai. When he was the strongest, it was precisely after he destroyed the third position with nuclear bomb attack and lightning storm, because

A large number of buildings were destroyed, and Brother Li's tank was upgraded by several three stars. This is when Brother Li is the strongest. If position 8 interferes on the battlefield at this time, even if he kills two of Brother Li's tanks,

Although Yuri Gai, others still can't beat Brother Li, because Brother Li has many three-star tanks!

But what if he takes action after Brother Li destroys Position 6? He knows that it is definitely not easy for Brother Li to destroy Position 6, because there are four Yuri and a row of bunkers at Position 6.

The existence of Yuri poses a great threat to Brother Li's tanks, which prevents Brother Li's tanks from exerting 100% of its power!

The final fact also proved the conjecture of position 8. When Brother Li attacked position 6, his entire army was almost wiped out. Although he captured position 6, it made Brother Li extremely weak. He took action at this time

, only others have the ability to destroy Brother Li! This is the ability of No. 8 to grasp the situation of the battle!

If you are able to do the above points, will this not attract Brother Li’s attention?

"Did you build a combat laboratory in advance?" The player at position 8 reacted instantly. Brother Li had predicted his move!

Brother Li had guessed his thoughts. He knew that he would interrupt Yuri Kai's construction by destroying his combat laboratory, so he built a combat laboratory in advance and held it in his hands!

What a master!

"This No. 8 is still guarding me even now. He actually left a mine for No. 7. Isn't he afraid that we won't be able to destroy No. 7? The battle is not over yet.

Is the internal strife starting?" Player No. 1 cursed in his mind. He naturally guessed what No. 8 was thinking. He kept the mine, which made it clear that he didn't want him to occupy it!

In fact, position 1 has long been coveting the ore pillar at that position, but he did not do it because Brother Li built two anti-aircraft cannons there, and because Brother Li had Yuri Kai,

He couldn't build an army or a navy, so if he wanted to take over that territory, he had to rely on flying troops. But the Soviet anti-aircraft cannons were really powerful at hitting flying troops. When he conquered Li Ge Mine, at least

A dozen pilots would have to die, which was not what he wanted to see, so he was reluctant to take action! He had been waiting for the Black Hawk fighter jet at position 8 to move, but who knew that the Black Hawk fighter at position 8 would take action?

The Eagle fighter only destroyed Brother Li's combat laboratory, but left the mine to him?

Soon, tanks from positions 1, 4 and 5 approached Brother Li's hometown, and Brother Li also pulled all the anti-aircraft vehicles and air defense soldiers back home. These soldiers could not go to the battlefield at all. Their opponents

The ground attack is really too weak. If they are allowed to block the advanced tanks of the three companies, it will only have the opposite effect, because they will give them stars! If they kill your soldiers, can they not get a star upgrade?

Soon, large forces from the three families entered Brother Li's house and drove directly in the direction of Brother Li's combat laboratory. Now the best way to prevent Brother Li from leaving Yuri Kai is to destroy his combat laboratory!

However, just as they were about to arrive next to Brother Li's combat laboratory, two Yuri Kai came out of Brother Li's barracks and the replication center respectively!

"Holy shit! What is going on? Why did his Yuri Kai build so quickly? This is totally unreasonable. It would have taken him at least ten seconds to build it!"

For a time, these three companies were directly confused. The construction time of Yuri Kai was very slow, otherwise they would have started it long ago. But why did Brother Li's Yuri Kai come out so quickly?

Then the three of them subconsciously looked at Brother Li's territory!

"Damn it, how come he has so many barracks? He has nothing to do and money to spend?"

The next second, they realized that Brother Li not only had one barracks, he had several barracks! The more barracks, the faster the soldiers can be built. Although this is common sense, it has been selectively adopted by these three companies.

I ignored it because it is normal to build many barracks in the Qianduoduo map, because the players are very rich and want to build troops faster!

In the unfair 11 map, almost no one will build two or more barracks because the players are very poor and they don’t have the money to build too many soldiers, so there is no need to pursue the speed of building soldiers!

It was precisely because of this inertial thinking that they ignored the many barracks built by Brother Li!

This is going to be a big trouble. As soon as Brother Li's two Yuri Kai came out, they seduced all the tanks of these three companies!

"Damn it, it's over!" The three families thought together. Are there so many high-end tanks that they are so hostile to the enemy? Not only did they not play their role, but they became the knife in Brother Li's hand. How can they play this? Who can do it?

Can it stop so many high-end tanks?

Brother Li's first target is none other than the No. 1 position! It's not that the No. 1 position poses the greatest threat to him, but because the No. 1 position is so eye-catching, Brother Li actually wants to destroy it the most.

He is in the eighth position, because the Black Hawk fighter jet in the eighth position is indeed a threat to him. The Black Hawk fighter plane flies very fast, and it is still a very big threat to Yuri Kai, so what Brother Li wants most now is

Position 8 was destroyed, but position 1 is a bit like the bridgehead of position 8. If Brother Li wants to go to position 8, he still has to pass through the territory of position 1. Before the army advances,

During this period, position 1 definitely didn’t dare to block him, but position 1 could still make some small moves that affected Brother Li’s performance. Therefore, if he wanted to destroy position 8, Brother Li must first win position 1.

, only by destroying the No. 1 position first will his attack on the No. 8 position become extremely smooth!

With these more than ten high-end tanks sent by the three of them, it would be extremely easy to destroy a force without tanks!

"Damn it, is it possible that this man named Brother Li is really going to fight one against seven? Isn't this too fake?"

"Yeah, there are so many high-end tanks, who can withstand them? We can't just bulldoze the whole map casually!"

"Awesome, really awesome. When I just placed my bet, being able to be in the top five is really a master!"

For a moment, almost everyone in the audience thought that Brother Li could sweep all the way and dominate the whole map. He really did it one against seven! This is something that has never happened in the entire Red Police world!

Just when Brother Li drove the dozen tanks he had just lured towards No. 1's home, the Black Hawk fighter jet from No. 8 appeared. He had to take action. If No. 1 was destroyed, what would happen next?

One target is definitely him, because currently only his Black Hawk fighter jet can pose a threat to Brother Li's Yuri Kai!

Therefore, he must use the Black Hawk fighter jet to kill Brother Li's Yuri Kai like he did last time. As long as Brother Li's Yuri Kai dies, then these tanks will be returned to their original owners and restored to their original owners.

At that time, they can take advantage of the situation to push back against Brother Li. No matter how fast Brother Li builds Yuri Kai, he can't attack as fast as them. As long as they destroy Brother Li's combat laboratory, Brother Li will come out.

Unless Yuri changes, Brother Li will definitely lose!

Position 8 follows what he did before and blows up the anti-aircraft vehicle closest to Brother Li Yurikai first, so that when he bombs Yuri Kai, Yuri Kai will get into the anti-aircraft vehicle to take refuge!

In this way, No. 8 successfully dealt with a Yuri Kai! But at the same time, none of his Black Hawk fighters were spared, because Brother Li did not go out this time with Yuri Kai. He now wants to bulldoze the entire map.

, there is no need for Yuri Kai at all, those high-end tanks alone are enough to level the entire map! So Brother Li’s Yuri Kai did not go out. The air defense system at home is the most powerful. His Yuri Kai

It is also the safest!

And because the Yuri Kai who just died had seduced several tanks before, after this Yuri Kai died, all the tanks that were seduced by him were free, and their original owners resumed control over them.


"Okay, good job. As long as we kill his other Yuri Kai, we can take back control of all the tanks. In this way, we can push back to No. 7!" No. 4

A player muttered in his mind.

"You guys, hurry up and take your tank away from my house. You accidentally injured me!" Player No. 1 seems to be a little anxious. Your tank has regained control. If you don't take it away yet, it will be an accidental injury.

Oh, it's me who's injured. This is in my house! Or are you doing it on purpose to avenge yourself? Do you want to consume me in advance before pushing back to No. 7? You guys, what a bunch of old guys.

Lao Yin batch!

As for the other Yuri Kai, there were some variables. You must know that Brother Li can dodge bullets. Even though his Yuri Kai did not get on the car, he finally evaded the Black Hawk fighter through daily bullet dodging operations.

The cannonball survived!

And it was precisely because Yuri survived that he took control of the tanks that had just regained their freedom in seconds. These tanks once again became Brother Li's thugs and began to bombard No. 1's home!

"Holy shit, what's going on? Why did you miss it? Your plane in position 8 is useless!" The player in position 1 is getting more and more anxious, but he knows that nothing he says is of any use, because the player in position 8 has no use at all.

Can't hear! In this finals venue, each player is in an independent box. They can't see each other, let alone hear others talking. This is to prevent someone from cheating and uniting with others.

Attack others together!

This was terrible. Not only was No. 1 about to collapse, but No. 8 was also a little panicked, because he only had four Black Hawk fighter jets at home. The air defense system at Brother Li's home was too strict, and his four

The Black Hawk fighter jets may not be able to break through Brother Li's air defense system and kill his Yuri Kai!

What should we do? Should we wait for another wave of Black Hawk fighter jets presented by the system? It would be safer to dispatch eight Black Hawk fighter jets together. If there are only four, then what if Brother Li's Yuri Kai fails to be killed?

Not only is position 1 about to be finished, but his life is also at risk!

"Let's wait a little longer." To be on the safe side, No. 8 decided to wait for another wave of Black Hawk fighters. Anyway, it's not him who is being beaten now, but No. 1, so let's treat it as a way to suppress No. 1, otherwise what happens?

Brother Li is now pushed back. It is indeed a troublesome thing for him to deal with the No. 1 position! Just think of it as another wave of weakening the No. 1 position!

"Damn it, is this No. 8 stupid? Why haven't you sent out a plane? If Zaini doesn't send out a plane, I will be in trouble! What are you waiting for? You are really the sixth one! You are not

You want to weaken my strength, you are trying to kill me!" Player No. 1 has 10,000 grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart!

Brother Li is also very alert. He knows that he can't delay any longer. He must attack the No. 8 position immediately. The Black Hawk fighter at the No. 8 position is too great a threat to him!

Brother Li picked up and demolished the building at position 1. He only demolished Brother Li's defensive buildings such as bunkers and military buildings such as tank factories and barracks. He did not even touch the replication center and base vehicles.

He hurriedly led the large troops to the broken bridge in front of the gate of No. 8, because his engineers had already arrived at the broken bridge to prepare to repair the bridge!

Seeing that Brother Li's army had given up on him, position 1 breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously, position 7 realized that there was no use in killing him. The biggest enemy of position 7 now was position 8.

If the Black Hawk fighter in position 8 is dispatched one more time, then Brother Li will be finished!

But Brother Li knows that it is not easy to destroy No. 8, because there are two light prism towers at the door of No. 8. Logically speaking, it is impossible to stop the two light prism towers. Brother Li

As long as Brother Li's tank army passes by the light prism towers, these light prism towers will cease to exist!

However, the attack target of these two light prism towers is not Brother Li's tanks, but the broken bridge in front of the No. 8 gate. The light prism towers have the effect of destroying bridges. Brother Li can indeed repair bridges.

But what if he has just repaired the bridge and the bridge is destroyed again while the tank is passing through? Then his tank will sink to the bottom of the sea! You know, advanced tanks do not move as fast as junior tanks, and

The probability of the light prism tower destroying the bridge is random. It may be possible to destroy the bridge with just one attack, or it may take ten attacks to destroy the bridge. But no matter what, this is always a variable that is unfavorable to several people!

But now Brother Li has no good solution. He has no navy or air force. He only has tanks. It is definitely too late to build a navy and air force now. When the warships or Kirovs arrive, the day lilies will be cold.


Build the bridge and cross the river in one go!

But just when Brother Li's first tank arrived at the bridge, the bridge was once again destroyed by the light prism tower at position 8. Although Brother Li failed to cross the bridge this time, he did not lose any tanks!

At this time, the four Black Hawk fighter jets presented by the system were in place. Player No. 8 pulled up eight Black Hawk fighter jets and flew towards Brother Li's hometown. On this trip, these eight Black Hawk fighter jets shouldered the responsibility of

With a mission of no return, they know that if they don't succeed, they will be in trouble. Even if they succeed, they will not be able to come back because Brother Li's air defense system is very powerful!

Next it’s time to gamble, Brother Li builds the bridge again and crosses it!

But this time! Brother Li successfully crossed the river, and a dozen tanks drove into the house of No. 8 with great force. Brother Li's goal was very clear. He first destroyed the two light prism towers at the door of No. 8.

Because his light prism tower has been forcibly attacking the bridge, what if his follow-up troops are sunk to the bottom of the sea? Or, what if the bridge is destroyed by him again, cutting off his way home? Then he still has to

Repairing the bridge again will more or less bury some hidden dangers, so the first thing after crossing the river is to dismantle the light prism tower!

This chapter has been completed!
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