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Chapter 946 Containment

Some people may question that the ground attack of anti-aircraft vehicles is so low. Although there are four anti-aircraft vehicles in the fourth position, Brother Li only needs one tank or at most two tanks to drive them away, right? Is it necessary to wait?

After such a long time, did you hold back five tanks before going out?

Who told you that Brother Li’s goal is the four anti-aircraft vehicles in position 4? If it is just to disperse the four anti-aircraft vehicles in position 4, then two tanks at most are enough, but Brother Li’s purpose is absolutely

Not only did he drive away the four anti-aircraft vehicles in position four, he also wiped out position one!

Brother Li knows that positions 1 and 4 are definitely a secret alliance. He knows that this is definitely not just a guess based on imagination like the audience. He has a basis for it, because he himself and Chongzi

Also a dark alliance!

The guesses of the audience just now were correct. They were two groups of secret alliances, and it was indeed a coincidence. The secret code of Brother Li and Chongzi was to build an engineer at the beginning, but they didn't expect that there were actually two people on the field.

Engineers were built, which undoubtedly made it more difficult for Brother Li and Chongzi to identify each other. In fact, it not only made it more difficult for Brother Li and Chongzi to recognize each other, but the two engineers, Brother Li and Chongzi, also made it difficult for them to recognize each other.

The identification of the other group of Dark Alliance players added a lot of difficulty! However, they were able to identify each other in the end! Because after their engineers came out, they stopped at different locations. The agreement between Brother Li and Chongzi was that after the engineers came out, they had to stop at different places.

Parked at the lower left corner of the base vehicle, and the agreement of another group of dark allies was that after the engineers came out, they would park at the lower right corner of the base vehicle. Fortunately, their agreement was not only to identify the construction engineer, but also to

There is an additional condition for the engineers to park there, otherwise, they would be really difficult to identify!

Perhaps, there will be a coincidence that all four people have built engineers. However, it would be too much of a coincidence for the four engineers to stop at exactly the same location after coming out. What a low probability!

The identification method of the four of them can be said to be very simple and effective, especially their setting of using the base vehicle as a reference! You must know that the architectural pattern given by the system is different for each birth location.

For example, the sixth position where the bug is located will be given a row of bunkers, and the third position where Brother Li is will be given a giant cannon power plant and anti-aircraft cannon. There will also be other gift buildings in other places. They can indeed agree that if anyone is born in the nuclear bomb position

, just park the engineer at the nuclear bomb silo to make it easier for the other party to identify. If someone is born in position 6, he will park the engineer in the bunker. If someone is born in position 8, the engineer will be parked in the bunker.

At the empty finger area covered by the Iron Curtain, etc. This method is indeed very effective and can make it easier for each other to identify teammates, but it is too cumbersome. Each of them has to remember these eight places. This is not in vain.

Is it a waste of brain capacity? Simply unify the standard. No matter where you are born, park the engineer in the lower left corner of the base car. The commonality of every position is that there is a base car. This will simplify it a lot!

And just now, when the four of them discovered that four companies had built engineers, their faces became extremely ugly. It was because they interfered with each other's identification. They were worried that the other party would have the same password as themselves. If so,

If so, that would be troublesome. In that case, they would really have to identify each other through their operating habits, as the audience said, but this would be much more difficult! But

Fortunately, their codes were different. One group parked the engineers on the left side of the base vehicle, while the other group parked on the right side. When they saw where the four engineers were standing, they felt relieved!

This is why position 4 ignored position 5 at the start of the game and instead moved towards position 3, because position 3 and position 6 are also secret allies, and both of them can break into the top eight.

The finalists are definitely the masters who can beat each other, and the two masters who can beat each other together, the power is definitely much greater than the threat of a Moon 3 who is in the late position of farming boxes, no matter how strong the Moon 3 is.

, it’s just one person, but there are two people in the secret alliance. How can one person compare with two people? Furthermore, Moon 3 is not necessarily better than Position 3 and Position 6, right?

All in all, the threat posed by the dark alliance in positions 3 and 6 to the dark alliance in positions 1 and 4 is too great, so the player in position 4 started the game.

He took great risks to attack Brother Li because he needed to get rid of this group of dark alliances as soon as possible!

Compared with the dark alliance between Brother Li and Chongzi, their dark alliance can be said to have an absolute advantage, because their two families are very close to each other, and there is only one person between the fourth position and the first position.

At position three, they were able to form a synergy in the early stage, but the situation of Chongzi and Brother Li was far different. The distance between them was too far. In the early stage, neither of them could care about the other at all.

For example, positions 1 and 4 can cooperate and provide cover!

Moreover, the number three position between the two of them is none other than one of the members of another group of dark alliances. This is nothing short of great news for them. You must know that the two of them have already

Think of Brother Li's group of dark alliances as their biggest opponents in this final. As long as one of the members of this group of dark alliances is eliminated, they will win. This is simply a God-given opportunity. This is simply a blessing from God.

Give them the champion!

With such a huge advantage in position 4, how could he destroy Brother Li without starting the game?

But who would have thought that Cheng Yaojin would appear on the way? The pilot in position 8 actually went up to help position 3? Who is this intruder in position 8? Could it be that they are a secret alliance between the three of them? This is possible

The effect is not big, because firstly, there is no engineer at position 8. If it is a three-person dark alliance, there is no reason for two people to be artificially engineered and the other one not to be an engineer. Secondly, all three people from the dark alliance can enter.

In the finals, they were able to stand out from the global selection and squeeze into the top eight. Is the chance too low? To be honest, neither the fourth position nor the first position thought that they could reach this point. They

The agreement is that if we can get to this point, we will win the championship through a dark alliance. If anyone fails to squeeze into the top eight, then naturally the dark alliance will be meaningless. Is it so easy to enter the top eight? A

It is very difficult for people to enter the top eight, and the chance of two people entering the top eight at the same time is even more pitiful. What about three people? Three people from the dark alliance, getting into the top eight at the same time? This has to be a chance

How low? How strong is this strength? I believe that someone with the confidence to make it into the top eight can win the championship even if he does not join the Dark Alliance, right?

Therefore, position 8 can basically be ruled out as not being a member of the dark alliance between Brother Li and Chongzi!

No matter how hard it was, No. 4 did not realize that No. 8 would actually help No. 3. Even if he helped No. 3, he would actually be determined to destroy his Dark Alliance brother No. 1.

How could he endure this? He had to go over immediately to support his dark alliance brothers. Why is the dark alliance group so powerful? Isn't it just because there are two people? If his dark alliance brother is destroyed, then he still has

What advantage? In fact, not only does he have no advantage, he will actually have a disadvantage, because he has just offended the No. 3 position. Next, the dual super weapons of the No. 3 position will definitely be used against him, but what about his small body?

Can he withstand the blows of two super weapons? Nuclear bomb attack + lightning storm can send him to the west in no time!

Therefore, he must support his No. 1 brother. If the No. 1 brother dies, he will not survive!

Although Brother Li doesn't know why the player in position 8 wants to help him, he is very clear about one thing. The position he is in now is very dangerous. He is caught in the middle by this group of dark alliances. If

If he doesn't cooperate with position 8 and kills position 1, he will be killed by the combination of positions 1 and 4 in the future!

Brother Li has the same idea as No. 4, kill the people of the Dark Alliance first! Because the combined power of the Dark Alliance is much more powerful than the others!

Back on the battlefield, Brother Li drove five tanks directly from his home and killed the four anti-aircraft vehicles in position 4, while the masked girl

Seeing Brother Li's actions, I couldn't help but smile knowingly.

The fourth position is not a fool. The moment he saw Brother Li's tank dispatched, he already understood that he could not cooperate with his brother in the first position to defend, because the anti-aircraft vehicle would definitely not be able to defeat the tank, and he

He cannot send tanks or soldiers from home, otherwise, he can be sure that Moon 3 at position 5 will definitely attack his hometown. By then, let alone whether his tanks can protect position 1 and defend his hometown, his

My hometown is definitely gone!

Seeing the anti-aircraft vehicle of brother No. 4 leave his territory, No. 1's heart suddenly went cold.

Position 1 simply gave up resistance. What was the point of resisting at this time? Brother Li's tank was coming. Tanks are not like Black Hawk fighter jets. Black Hawk fighter jets can dodge, but no one can dodge tank cannons.

If he doesn't drop it, he can just pull up the base vehicle and run away. How many seconds can he delay it?

In this way, No. 1, one of the members of the Dark Alliance, became the first person to be eliminated in the finals, ranking eighth!

The ranking of the last eight people is very simple, that is, they are ranked according to the order of elimination. The first person to be eliminated is the eighth, the second to be eliminated is the seventh, and so on, who survives?

In the end, who is the champion!

Of course, the so-called dark alliance is actually just a term in the minds of those who know it. In the eyes of those onlookers, they are just random guesses. They have no evidence that positions 1 and 4 are the dark alliance.

Positions 3 and 6 are also secret allies!

In other words, what can they do even if they know? What can they do even if they have evidence? The members of the Dark Alliance have the strength to all enter the top eight, and there is no official ban on the Dark Alliance!

With the elimination of position 1, the situation on the battlefield immediately became clear!

Back to a few minutes ago, position 7, the dominant force in the early stage, was the first to attack him as Chongzi imagined. First, tanks and soldiers rushed to kill Chongzi at the intersection. However, Chongzi also attacked a lot.

The soldiers came to resist, so the army's offensive was blocked by the bugs!

But while position 7 was launching an offensive against the bugs on land, the development of his family did not fall behind. In addition, he always had the right to occupy the mine pillar in the center of the map, so his economy was still very good. He first built a shipyard

, then the missile ship and Kirov walked out of the shipyard and tank factory respectively!

And this No. 7 position is obviously much more powerful than the No. 7 position of the insect in the last game. Kirov in this No. 7 position knows how to cooperate with the missile ship. His missile ship and Kirov focus on the insect.

The bunker at the entrance of the high platform will put a lot of pressure on the insect's operation, because the missile ship launches a round of missiles every few seconds, and in the gap between its launches, Brother Li's air defense

The system must be attacking Kirov at position 7. Here’s the key point. When the missile ship’s next attack comes, the bug’s air defense system has been attacking Kirov at position 7, and the air defense system

The attack target will not be switched until the current target is destroyed. In other words, when the missile ship's next attack comes, the bug's air defense system will not actively attack the missile ship's shells. This is a problem.

Come on, the power of the missile ship is recognized as powerful. If these missiles are not intercepted, the threat posed by the missile ship to the bugs will be fatal!

However, the missiles of the missile ship fly very fast, and it is almost impossible to intercept these shells by manually controlling the air defense system!

It’s not that the player’s hand speed can’t keep up with the flight speed of the missile ship’s missiles. In fact, as long as the player’s hand speed is A300 or above, their hand speed can keep up. The reason why it is difficult to intercept is because these missiles are dynamic.

It is difficult for players to click on these shells. In this way, in Kirov's first round of offensive with the missile ship, Chongzi lost two bunkers. Seeing that the situation was not good, Chongzi hurriedly used time-space conversion to teleport the missile ship to himself.

In the sea area next to his home, he used Yuri to capture him. After capturing him, the bug followed the example he did in the previous game and began to bomb his hometown at position 7!

However, the player in position seven is worthy of being an experienced player who can advance to the top eight. He seems to have been prepared for the scene in front of him. He seems to have expected that the bug will use the time-space transition to capture his missile ship, so he

He had already built two anti-aircraft guns at home in advance. It couldn't be easier for the two anti-aircraft guns to defend against the bombing of a missile ship! After his missile ship was captured by insects, No. 7 hurriedly ordered Kilo

The husband retreated, and his Kirov now stepped forward to deal with the insect's bunker, which was tantamount to death, because the insect, like the seventh position, was very forward-looking. As early as when the seventh position launched an attack on the insect on land, the insect

They have already started to build their own air defense system, because Chongzhi knows that the offensive of position 7 is not just an offensive on land. If position 7 wants to win position 6, it must use missile ships. This is not possible.

Discuss, because there are four Yuri in position 6, it will be difficult to win position 6 on land!

But the first wave of missile ships in position 7 was captured by bugs and it didn't have much effect, because the player in position 7 owns the ore in the middle of the map. If he has money, he will build missile ships one after another to coordinate with his Kilo.

Go bomb the bugs!

Moreover, why is position 7 said to be a master? Because before he built the next missile ship, he took the lead in building two anti-aircraft ships, and then let the second missile ship leave the factory. Why did he do this? Because of bugs

A missile ship in position 7 was captured. Everyone's missile ships have the same range. While the missile ship in position 7 can attack the buildings in Chongzi's hometown, the missile ship Chongzi captured must be

It can also attack the missile ship at position 7. Therefore, before attacking the bugs, position 7 must first ensure the safety of its own missile ship. This is the role of the air defense ship!

Soon, the second missile ship of position 7 left the factory. He continued to imitate the previous tactics and cooperated with Kirov to bomb the front row bunkers of the insects. As long as there were no bunkers, the offensive of position 7 on land would be

It’s much easier!

Without the help of time-space transformation this time, Bugs can only hope to intercept his missiles manually!

Chongzi stared intently at the missiles at position 7. When these missiles entered his airspace, Chongzi hurriedly controlled his Aegis cruiser to block them!

Fortunately, the insect's hand speed was too fast. Its hand speed of up to 1000a successfully intercepted the missile at position 7 outside the country!

Next, in the second and third rounds, the bug just relied on his inhuman hand speed to intercept the missiles of these missile ships! But this consumes too much energy for one person!

Just when the insect was a little negligent, a missile slipped through the net and flew towards the insect's bunker. At the same time, Kirov in position 7 also flew over the bunker. Before him,

Under the interception of the air defense system, the Kirov had lost its health and was on the verge of collapse!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Chongzhi covered these bunkers with an iron curtain. Now let alone the missiles at position 7, even this crumbling Kirov will kill these bunkers when it is shot down.

Two or three bunkers were smashed to death!

The bug cannot let these bunkers be sacrificed like this. Without these bridgeheads, it will be much easier for the tanks and soldiers at position 7 to land on his high ground! Therefore, the Iron Curtain cannot be spared, it must be used when it is time to use it!

Although the first Kirov in position 7 was shot down, his second Kirov has already rolled out of the tank factory! A new round of offensive is coming!

Bugs see

The situation was not good, so we hurriedly sent anti-aircraft vehicles down to the high ground, trying to shoot down Kirov in position 7 before he entered his air defense system below the high ground, even if it cost him a lot! You know,

The core of this style of play at position 7 lies in Kirov. It is precisely because Kirov attracted the attack of the insect's air defense system that his missiles were able to escape the air defense system and blow up the insect's building.

If the bug shoots down Kirov in position 7, then with his home air defense system, it would be extremely easy to prevent the bombing of the missile ship in position 7!

But just when Chongzi's anti-aircraft vehicle walked down the high ground and tried to intercept Kirov in position 7 in advance, the tank in position 7 pressed forward. This is a master. Position 7 knew what Chongzi wanted to do. Since he

If you know the purpose of the bug, how can you let the bug succeed?

In this way, the insect's anti-aircraft vehicle was once again forced back to the high ground by the tank in position 7.

Some people may want to ask, position 7 can even build missile ships, Kirovs, anti-aircraft ships and tanks, but Bugs can’t even build a few tanks? Bugs can also build tanks to compete with Position 7!

Bugs really can’t be made!

Position 7 has money because he has been occupying the mine pillar in the center of the map. He is not very short of money, but the bug is different. He started with 15,000, and all the money was used by him to build an air defense system. Just relying on each

How many tanks can he build with a salary of 30 yuan per second? He does have four or five tanks at home, but these four or five tanks must not go out to compete head-on with No. 7. Once he goes out, he will win No. 7.

This is because No. 7 is eager for Chongzi to go out and have a fight with him. By then, Chongzi’s tank will die and No. 7’s tank will be produced again. Wouldn’t Chongzi be in danger?

What's more, Bug's enemy is not only No. 7, there is also Moon 3 on his right who can pick up boxes. As long as he doesn't have a tank, even if No. 7 doesn't fight him, Moon 3 can still fight him.

Destroy him!

His tank at home can not only form a deterrent to position 7, but can also intimidate Moon 3, so that when Moon 3 wants to attack the bugs, he has to think carefully about whether he can defeat them!

Position six is ​​a defensive position in the early stage. Only by guarding position seven can he have the right to attack. Therefore, before position seven is destroyed, he can only be beaten passively!

Soon, the second round of offensive in position 7 came. This time, Chongzi was not so lucky. He did not have the assistance of time and space transformation and iron curtain. When the second Kirov fell in position 7, he succeeded.

He destroyed two of his bunkers! At this time, half of Chongzi's bunker had been lost. If position 7 does this again, then position 7 can go to land to attack Chongzhi!

And just when the third Kirov at position 7 left the factory, the battle on Brother Li's side ended. Brother Li directly pulled the tank to the center of the map and began to bomb the mine cart at position 7. Only two rounds

Shooting, a mine cart in position 7 was destroyed, and the other mine cart went back to its hometown to seek refuge in disgrace!

Brother Li's intention is already obvious. The crisis on his side has been resolved. He will naturally go out to help Chongzi. He didn't come to help Chongzi deal with position 7 before because he couldn't free up. Now position 1 has been eliminated.

Now, he finally has the energy to help Chongzi deal with No. 7!

However, if you want to help Chongzi, you also need to pay attention to methods and methods. You can't just rush into No. 7's house like a reckless man and fight him to the death. Brother Li only has five tanks, and No. 7 has

There are seven or eight cars in the No. 7 position. It is obviously unwise to go head-on. All he can do is to contain the No. 7 position, and only attack the economy of the No. 7 position. Why can the No. 7 position keep suppressing the insect? Because the insect is better than him.

Is it a bad idea? Or is it because the geographical advantage of Chongzi is not as good as that of position 7? No, in terms of the geographical advantage of the birth position at the beginning, Chongzi is actually more advantageous than him. The geographical advantage of position 7 is that he is given two chariot factories, a barracks and

A replication center, and these advantages only existed in the early stage. The situation has developed to the present, and these are no longer considered advantages!

In comparison, aren't Bugs's time-space transformation and Iron Curtain more powerful than him?

It is normal for position 7 to use its geographical advantage to suppress the bugs in the early stage. However, at this stage, it should be able to fight 50-50, but why is position 7 still able to suppress the bugs all the time?

It is because the mine in the center of the map has always been under the control of position 7. The mine in the center of the map was mined by the player in position 7 before position 7 fell. This map is very poor.

, players who have no minerals to mine can only collect their wages obediently, and position 7, who has minerals to mine, has a greater advantage. It is this economic advantage that allows position 7 to suppress bugs all the time!

And as long as Brother Li suppresses the economy of No. 7, why can No. 7 suppress the Chong? The Chong Zhi's Iron Curtain Tank must not destroy No. 7?

That's why Brother Li chose to harass the mining area at position 7 instead of going to his house to confront him head-on!

Seeing Brother Li coming to harass his economy, position 7 decisively pulled the tank over and drove Brother Li's tank away!

The reason why position 7 can occupy the mine in the center of the map for a long time is because he has the advantage of tanks. When he starts, the system gives him two tank factories as a gift. He can explode the tanks at the start. When others start to build tanks, he

He already has at least seven or eight tanks. How can others compete with him? And this is a virtuous circle process. If he has a tank, he is qualified to mine this mine. If he mines this mine, he will have money to pay for it.

He has too many tanks, but what about others? If others have fewer tanks and cannot defeat him, then others will not dare to rob him of his minerals. If others cannot mine minerals, they will have no money to produce tanks. The less money to produce tanks, the more they will fight.

But the less he dares to rob his mine!

After driving away Brother Li's tank, the mine cart at position 7 dared to come back and continue mining!

Seeing that the tank in position 7 was going to drive away Brother Li's tank, the insect's anti-aircraft vehicle hurriedly descended from the high ground and went down to snipe Kirov in position 7 in advance.

Seeing this, No. 7 is a little embarrassed!

He definitely can't lose this mining area. If he can't continue to exploit the mines here, then he won't have any advantage. In this way, next, it won't be him who suppresses the insects, but the insects.

He fought! You know, bugs have an iron curtain!

But if he wants to keep this mining area, then his tanks must park here. But if he parks the tanks here, he won't be able to care about the other side. The bugs can let the anti-aircraft vehicles come down in advance to deal with him.

Kirov, his Kirov can't even fly over, and will be shot down by the bug's anti-aircraft vehicle!

This is a bit embarrassing. He is thinking about the head but not the tail. How can he play this? How about keeping the mining area first, saving some money, getting more Kirovs and missile ships, and then dealing with the bugs?

But it turns out that his thoughts were too idealistic. Now that Brother Li has joined, the initiative on the battlefield is no longer in his hands. It doesn't mean that he doesn't have to fight if he wants to. He wants to

Let's rest for a while, save some money, and then launch a general attack on Chongzi. But, will Chongzi give him this chance?

Seeing that the tank at position 7 was being restrained by Brother Li, Chongzi immediately drove down the tank. The anti-aircraft vehicle was responsible for blocking Kirov at position 7, while the tank was responsible for demolishing his building. It was not up to him whether to fight or not.

Got it!

"There is no other way, we have to divide our forces!" Player No. 7 thought to himself, if he continues to be so anxious, there is definitely no way. People on both sides will beat him, and sooner or later he will be finished!

However, he was still a little at a loss when it came to dividing his troops, because he only had eight or nine tanks, while Brother Li had five tanks, and Chongzi also had five tanks. His total number of tanks was not as good as that of Brother Li and Chongzi, so he wanted to divide his troops.

, first of all, you have to be able to defeat both sides, right? If you can't defeat both sides, wouldn't you risk death if you divide your forces?

Therefore, position 7 did not rush to divide his troops, but first built a sentry gun. After the construction of the sentry gun was completed, he would rely on the sentry gun to defend. In this case, the success rate of victory would be slightly higher!

But the situation on the battlefield changed too fast. Just when he wanted to rely on sentry guns to help defend, Chongzi actually sent out his soldiers. With the addition of these dozen soldiers, his sentry guns

It’s definitely not enough!

In desperation, he had no choice but to start building Yuri. After all, Yuri's suppression of tanks was still very obvious. With Yuri's existence, at least the insect tanks could be deterred from attacking as much as they wanted!

But the problem came again, he was stuck with money! Yuri is very expensive, and the construction time is very slow. Just now because he built too many missile ships, Kirovs and tanks, he no longer has much money, although he has been

He is mining the mining area in the center of the map. Maybe mining does not mean he has unlimited financial resources. It will take a certain amount of time for him to build Yuri now!

And will Chongzi give him time? Chongzi has already begun to dismantle his copy center. As long as there is no copy center, even if he releases Yuri, he can only come out one at a time. There will be no double effect, and

Due to money stuck, his Yuri has been unable to come out. During this period, how many of his buildings will the bugs demolish?

However, just when No. 7 was scratching his head, No. 8 Weilong, who was in a paradise, came out!

Weilong seems to have seen through the current situation. It is obvious that they should be two groups of secret allies. Position 4 is a group with position 1 that was just destroyed. Position 3 is a group with position 6 who is rescuing.

Alliance, although he has no evidence, at least the strength of each family in front of him is like this, they are helping each other!

However, one of the dark alliances has been destroyed. Next, the group of dark alliances in positions 3 and 6 will gradually expand their advantage until they finally win the championship. After all, no one can resist two against one, so originally

Weilong, who planned to win by watching the fire from the other side, had to leave the mountain in advance!

He has to go out and deal with the dark alliance of positions 3 and 6. He doesn't expect to destroy all of them. He only needs to destroy one of them. As long as the dark alliance is dismantled, everyone will be

Now that we are fighting alone, who can win the championship next depends on their strength!

And when No. 7 saw No. 2 pulling two Yuri Kai, several anti-aircraft vehicles and a bunch of soldiers into the Central Plains, he instantly saw hope again. Obviously, No. 2 didn't want to see himself destroyed.

Position 2’s goal this time is definitely to deal with positions 3 and 7. He is finally saved!

But how can the situation on the battlefield be described as a rapid change? Just when the Veyron just came out of the mountain, the No. 8 Black Hawk fighter also left the air command and flew in the direction of the Veyron Yuri!

It has to be said that the masked girl's ability to control the Black Hawk fighter jets is much better than those No. 8 players in the previous games!

The masked girl carried seven or eight of Veyron's anti-aircraft vehicles, and blew up two of Veyron's Yuri's to death under the eyes of Veyron. Furthermore, the masked girl still managed to do this with zero casualties.

a little!

When the audience saw this, there was an uproar again. I am afraid that there are not many people in the world who can take the enemy general's head from thousands of troops under the eyes of Weilong, and still suffer zero battle losses.

Can you do this? Who is this masked girl? Can she actually do this?

It has to be said that the masked girl's operation was too sharp. She let the four Black Hawk fighter jets with the Iron Curtain effect rush to the front to attract the firepower of the Veyron anti-aircraft vehicle and protect her other aircraft without the Iron Curtain.

Shrouded Black Hawk fighter jet!

Of course, Weilong is not a fool. As the most popular and strongest player at the moment, how could he not understand the masked girl’s intentions? So at the beginning, he ignored the masked girl’s Black Hawk fighter.

Because he knew that these pure black Black Hawk fighter jets were behind the Iron Curtain, his operation had always been to pull Yuri Kai. After all, shooting down the masked girl's Black Hawk fighter jet was just a bad idea. His most important thing was to protect himself.

Yuri Kai!

When the Masked Girl's other Black Hawk fighter jets entered the range of their own anti-aircraft vehicles, Veyron suddenly began to operate the anti-aircraft vehicles, manually controlling these anti-aircraft vehicles to attack the Masked Girl's Black Hawk fighter jets that did not have the Iron Curtain effect!

This is a master! If it were an ordinary person, he would never be able to use this kind of operation! And what about the masked girl? She is even more skilled. When she discovered that the Veyron's anti-aircraft vehicles no longer attacked her four

When the Black Hawk fighter jet of the Iron Curtain was set up, the masked girl immediately moved the Black Hawk fighter jet that was being attacked by the Veyron away from the battlefield to protect the Black Hawk fighter jet!

Seeing that the masked girl's operation was so sharp, Weilong felt like he was facing a disaster, and this was the first time he had seen a player with such delicate operation in the many years since his debut! The masked girl's operation and reaction ability are really too fast.


Those who can do this will not be able to do this if they only have fast operation or quick reaction ability, because being able to find the Black Hawk fighter under attack at the first time requires reaction ability, and

Being able to pull it away from the battlefield in the first time requires operational ability, and being able to possess these two abilities at the same time, is this not a top master? At least from Weilong's point of view, he himself cannot do this.


Seeing that the Black Hawk fighter that he had manually attacked was pulled away from the battlefield, Weilong quickly operated the anti-aircraft vehicle to attack other Black Hawk fighters, but the masked girl once again pulled the Black Hawk fighter away from the battlefield. At the same time, the Black Hawk fighter that had evacuated before

The Black Hawk fighter jet on the battlefield has returned to the battlefield!

Seeing this, the pressure on Weilong became even greater! If it were him, if he performed exceptionally, he might be able to do such an operation, but being able to do such an operation once would already be his limit.

, he thought that he would never be able to do such an operation a second time no matter what! But the player in position 8 in front of him did it!

Seeing that the Black Hawk fighter that was attacked by its own anti-aircraft vehicle had once again withdrawn from the attack range of its own anti-aircraft vehicle, Weilong hurriedly controlled the anti-aircraft vehicle to perform a third manual kill operation, but this time, the masked girl actually successfully pulled it away.

The Black Hawk fighter selected by Veyron, and the Black Hawk fighter that was pulled away before returned to the battlefield. Seeing this, Veyron was already sweating profusely. Throughout his many years of dominance in the red police world

, He has never seen such a powerful opponent, and he has never encountered an opponent that can bring such great pressure to him. Sure enough, there are still experts among the people. The strength of the No. 8 position in front of him is very strong, and

The reason why he has never met this masked woman before is probably because this masked woman has never participated in a competition. A master like her may no longer bother to participate in such a small competition. It is estimated that only

This kind of global competition is worthy of letting her take action!

At this time, the pressure on Weilong was doubled. In his opinion, the No. 8 position in front of him was simply invincible!

Looking at the operation she just performed, it was as smooth as clouds and flowing water. All the Black Hawk fighter jets were like every cell in her body. She could use her arms and fingers to hit where she wanted to retreat.

As for withdrawing, for ordinary expert players, let alone whether they can do this step, it’s good if they can react!

Thinking of this, the pressure on Weilong is even greater. You know, the aircraft position at No. 8 is the natural enemy of Yuri, his No. 2 position! Looking at these seven people, which position wants to play him as No. 2?


That's definitely the plane slot! Four times it's the overtime slot, and then there's the lightning storm slot. What's so strong about the No. 2 position in this paradise? Isn't it just that he's not afraid of the army and navy?

This chapter has been completed!
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