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Chapter 971 Gang City Expansion Token

Western Liaoning is backed by silver-capped snowfields, and there is an upgraded holy land called the Tomb of the Former Kings. To be honest, the popularity of Western Liaoning is definitely not worse than that of Salt Lake!

Compared with Salt Lake, a map that was only supported by upgrading the holy land, Wei Bin still appreciates Liaoxi more. After all, Liaoxi is very comprehensive. There are many bosses Bai Mingqi in its territory, as well as the upgraded holy land Tomb of the Former King, which is even more difficult.

Relying on the silver-capped snowfield, as long as a gang city is built here, the people it attracts will be all kinds of people, and it will no longer be as monotonous as the Salt Lake!

And now, of the four locations in western Liaoning where gang cities can be built, only one is vacant. Naturally, Wei Bin must get that city transfer token no matter how high the price is!

The remaining empty space is the prime location in this map where players can build a gang city. Some people may want to ask, among the four locations, are the other three forces stupid? Leave the prime location to others, yourself

Choosing a location that is not a very good location? Are they all bad actors?

Wrong! When they originally chose the location to build their gang city, they thought they had chosen the best location! Because of the information gap problem, they did not have enough information in their hands!

There are four directions in which gang cities can be built in the southeast, northwest and northwest. Among them, the tomb of the late king is located in the west and the grassland is located in the south. What do players consider when choosing a site? First of all, business lines! This is their primary consideration, because

As a new gang, the most important thing is the gang's funds, and a good business line can speed up their business operations, thereby speeding up their development. Gang cities can be built in the four southeast, northwest and northwest

location, which direction has the best commercial line? It must be the southern location, because the grassland is in the south, and the only one that can establish a commercial line with Liaoxi is Yannan on the other side of the grassland. The route of the commercial line is Liaoxi-

- Grassland - Yannan, the closer the gang city is to the grassland, the better!

Besides this gang city in the south, where is the second best location? The west!

That's right, it's the west, because the location in the west is the same distance from the grassland as the location in the east, and the location in the north is definitely the farthest from the grassland!

In the east and west directions, the west side is close to the tomb of the late king. In comparison, the west side must have an advantage over the east side. The east side is the farthest position from the tomb of the late king!

So which location is ranked third? This is the location on the east. Although this location is farthest from the tomb of the late king, it is close to the grassland. When selecting the location, the priority of the business line must be

Higher than the upgrade! So the third force will choose the east side, not the north!

If the gang cities in western Liaoning are really popular in the future, it will definitely not be the only city in the west. Even though it is the closest to the tomb of the late king, in fact, if the gang city in the west has people queuing up to enter the city in the future, then the city in the southeast will be popular.

The three guild cities in the north will all line up because the player base is so large that even the four guild cities combined cannot satisfy the appetites of many players! Therefore, being close to the place where you can upgrade is important, but it is definitely not the first priority.

Factors to consider!

Next, only the northernmost position is left. In fact, this position is the best for Wei Bin. Maybe it is not the best for the other three emerging forces who are in urgent need of gang funds, but for Wei Bin

For Bin, it is definitely the best, because it is the closest to the silver-capped snowfield! For Nirvana, Nirvana is no longer in urgent need of gang funds, and the location in the north is closest to the silver-capped snowfield and not far from the tomb of the late king.

The location is prime!

Next, let’s take a look at the second-place reward, the Guild City Expansion Token. Why is this token ranked second?

Because this prop is so powerful!

The Guild City Expansion Token doubles the capacity and area of ​​the designated Guild City.

What is this concept? What is the concept of doubling the capacity and area of ​​a gang city?

You know, if it is a gang city that is not very popular, then this token does not have much effect, because there are not many people coming to this gang city, and it cannot reach full capacity.

Even if you double the capacity and area, so what? There is still no one there. In the past, there was an average person every ten meters, but now? There is an average person every twenty meters, and it seems even more empty!

But what if it is for gang cities like Nirvana City? What if it is for gang cities in Liaoxi or Salt Lake maps that will be queued in the future? That is different. These gang cities have geographical advantages, or

They are unique in themselves. They can attract a large number of players into the city, and even form long queues. If no one comes out, you can't get in! For this kind of gang city, is this order?

Are the cards useful?

You know, a gang city that can accommodate one million people is definitely different from one that can accommodate two million people. Even if its income cannot be doubled, it can at least be doubled! Now in Erhai

Nirvana City is already overcrowded, and Wei Bin has begun to limit everyone's stay time. If it moves to western Liaoning in the future, won't it be even more crowded? Wei Bin must find a way to solve this situation.

There are three ways to solve the situation of being overcrowded. The first is to increase the city entrance fee. If the city entrance fee is still only 10 copper coins as before, it will definitely not work. Wei Bin can increase it to one silver, two silver, or even silver.

, after all, there is a point where the players who come to Nirvana City can just reach the capacity of Nirvana City, because there will definitely be people who are unwilling to come because of the high entrance fee. As long as Wei Bin finds this balance point, then naturally

This problem can be solved!

However, if Wei Bin wanted to raise the price, he would have raised the price long ago. Wei Bin is now mainly focused on winning people's hearts. He needs to leave a good reputation to the world. He charges one silver to enter the city and 10 coppers.

The entrance fee for the city must have left a different reputation to the world. Such a popular city only charges an entrance fee of 10 coppers. Who wouldn't appreciate his kindness? You know, the entrance fee of 10 coppers is the highest in Middle-earth.

In the guild city circle, it is already the lowest, and there is nothing lower than 10 coppers!

The second way to solve this crowded situation is to limit the time they can stay in Nirvana City. Players who own land, shops or rent these things can stay unlimitedly. In this way, the land in Nirvana City can be guaranteed.

Value, and at the same time, it can also alleviate the pressure of overcrowding in Nirvana City to a certain extent!

You must know that by limiting the time players can stay in Nirvana City, there is also a point in the process where the number of players coming to Nirvana City is exactly the maximum capacity of Nirvana City! For example, you

Limit each player to only stay in Nirvana City for a maximum of three hours. If under such circumstances, Nirvana City is still overcrowded and there are people queuing up to enter the city, then you can change the limit to a maximum of two hours per player.

Half an hour, if this still leads to overcrowding, then you can limit everyone to stay in Nirvana City for a maximum of two hours. There is always a balance point that can achieve the goal! Moreover, this restriction does not require players to supervise.

The city's management page has this function. As long as you set the corresponding time, players in Nirvana City will be automatically kicked out of Nirvana City after they stay in Nirvana City for the set time. No management is required at all.

Don't worry!

Wei Bin is currently using this kind of current-limiting mode. He will not offend players at all by limiting the current, because he is doing this for the sake of more players. After all, many people want to enter Nirvana City, and you can't keep occupying it.

Why don't you poop in a latrine? Don't you want others to enter the city?

The third method is to expand the capacity. If the capacity can be expanded, this congestion problem can be solved once and for all. This is also the best solution. Obviously, Wei Bin must get this token no matter what.

Just like the previous gang city transfer token, no matter how much money you spend, you have to get it.

But it is a token to increase the income of Nirvana City. As long as the capacity of Nirvana City is expanded, the money spent will be repaid in a short time. You know, the daily income of Nirvana City is as high as 60,000 to 70,000 gold.

, if after the successful expansion, the income can be increased by 50, then you can earn an additional 30,000 to 40,000 gold every day! If you calculate it like this, you can get back the money in almost a month! Of course, this is only limited to places like Nirvana City.

This is just a high-income guild city. If it is a guild city with a daily income of only 10,000 to 20,000 gold, or even only a few thousand gold, then the period of repayment will be long!

Moreover, this expansion not only doubles the player capacity of the land and city, but also doubles the land on which stores can be built. After all, if only the city area doubles, but the number of city land does not double, then

It seems a little empty! And how much does this land cost? It must be a million gold level, right? It may be one or two million gold, or it may be a million gold. The value depends on the land price in the gang city.

Yes! Of course, the money for the land does not need to be included in the time when the capital can be repaid, because you have bought the token now and can go to auction the land tomorrow. It is just a temporary advance of some funds.

That’s all!

Next, let’s take a look at the first place reward. Among these three rewards, which one does Wei Bin need most urgently? That is undoubtedly the first place reward – the Contract Scroll!

Because there is still a Yamatamon imprisoned in the prison cell of Baishi City. Wei Bin needs to get this Yamatamon as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams! But it is not easy for the Yamatomon to recognize its master.

, the Yamatamon is a high-level creature, and it must have a contract scroll before it can recognize itself as its master. What a powerful helper the Yamatamon is? As long as Wei Bin possesses the Yamatamon, his future strength can definitely be restored.

Take it to the next level!

The contract scroll is not that easy to find. At least in the three years since the server was launched, Wei Bin has never heard of anyone having a contract scroll, because the contract scroll is too rare, too precious, and too powerful!

How powerful is the Contract Scroll?

It's powerful enough to recruit NCs!

That's right, as long as you sign a contract with a certain NPC, you will be his master from now on. This master is different from the kind of master you hire. The NPC you hire is always just an employment relationship, and he will not do it for you.

Death, even if they can die for you, there are many restrictions. For example, heroes or mercenaries who protect the guild city can indeed die to protect the city, but their restriction is that they cannot leave your guild city.

, they can only defend for you, but they cannot conquer the world for you!

Of course, you can also hire some generals to fight with you when you go out, just like you can hire some literary NPCs to help you take care of your shop. However, these generals who go out with you will never obey your orders unconditionally.

, or even die for you! Like mercenaries, they must have many restrictions!

In contrast, an NPC who has signed a contract scroll is different! As long as he signs a contract with you, he will obey your orders unconditionally. He will do whatever you ask him to do. There is only you in his world.

He is unable to resist your order. Even if you ask him to die, he will die without hesitation!

This is the function of the contract scroll. So, what level of people can the contract scroll sign a contract with? There must be a range. If it is said that he can only sign contracts with ordinary NPCs, then to be honest, it is not interesting at all.

You are an ordinary NPC. What do I need you to do? What can you do for me? Therefore, the value of this contract scroll depends on its scope of application and the highest level of NPC it can sign a contract with.

What level of NPC can the maximum ability limit? If he can limit NPCs of Qiao Feng's level, and you sign Qiao Feng, then you are not invincible? Who will be your opponent that day? In the entire Middle-earth continent, you

You can't walk sideways? If that's the case, then you can't get this contract scroll, let alone one million gold coins, tens of millions of gold coins, even 100 million gold coins!

Of course, it is impossible for such a contract scroll to exist in this world. It can control the protagonist NPC? Or even the three largest protagonist NPCs? What are you thinking!

This contract scroll can be said to have reached the ceiling of contract scrolls. As long as it is a non-protagonist NPC or a god, it can restrict it. As long as you sign a contract with the target, the target will obey your orders unconditionally!

Of course, the prerequisite is that the other party is willing to sign a contract with you! You know, compared to getting such a contract scroll, it is more difficult to make the target willing to sign such a contract with you. After all, who wants to let others become their own?

Where is the master?

However, Wei Bin does not have to consider this, because he has already communicated with Yamatomon. Wei Bin will protect Yamatomon's life, but Yamatomon has to sign a contract with himself and recognize himself as its master. Yamatomon still has

Is there any choice? Either die or sign a contract! Yamakimon, with such a strong desire to survive, will definitely choose to sign a contract!

Above, these are the rewards for the top three teams!

The dota competition officially begins!

In the first game of Team Li’s team, Brother Li chose his signature hero, Geomancer!

That's right, Brother Li's signature hero is Geomancer. It's not that he can't play other heroes, but that he plays Geomancer the best!

As for Linlin, she directly chose Ice Girl. In fact, she originally wanted to choose a violent output hero. After all, she is a martial arts practitioner and she is full of radicals in her bones. Let her play support.

, it would be better to kill her, but just before she chose the hero, she suddenly changed her mind. For some reason, she didn't want to play DPS anymore, and finally chose the auxiliary hero Ice Girl!

The bug in Qian's Eyes chose a stable control earth-shaking sacred bull. The lineup is very important. In addition to considering whether each hero in the lineup can cooperate with each other, they also need to get more control heroes, because control, once

On the one hand, it can limit the opponent's output heroes, and on the other hand, it can also ensure the output environment of one's own heroes. It can be said that in terms of control, Earthshaking Bull can rank in the top three among all heroes!

Finally, Wei Bin chose a violent mage - Fire Girl!

You must know that in their lineup, the Geomancer is an agility type and can run through the early, middle and late stages, while the Earth-shaking Divine Bull is a power type, and its biggest role is control. But what about Ice Girl? Ice Girl is just an auxiliary.

, these three heroes, to be honest, the explosive power is very low. After Geomancer rises, the explosive power is still acceptable, but before it rises, this lineup has no explosive power, so Wei Bin needs to get a high-explosive hero.

Heroes can make up for the lack of explosive power in their own camp, and at the same time, they can also support their own side before the Geomancer rises!

The opposing lineup is quite targeted, with a high-explosion mage Ryan, a high-explosion mage Zeus, a large-group control Tidebringer, a large-group control Captain, and a late-stage Dark Ranger. This is a standard

Four guarantees and one lineup, Ryan and Zeus can guarantee magic output, while Dark Ranger is physical output, Tidebringer and Captain are two large group control players. Such a lineup is very powerful, whether in a group or solo!

And why was it said to be very targeted? Because the combination of Ryan and Zeus can kill people, and who is their target? It is definitely not a sacred cow, ice girl or fire girl. The reason why they took these two

Heroes are definitely aimed at the geomancer, because no matter who chooses the geomancer, he must be very good at using the geomancer. If a player who is good at using the geomancer is allowed to

If it develops freely, the consequences

It is very scary. You must know that the Geomancer rises much faster than other late-stage heroes. Once the Geomancer rises, it will be difficult for the opponent to rise in the late stage. Therefore, if the opponent chooses the Geomancer, it will be very scary.

Geomancer, then your own camp must choose one or two heroes who can target Geomancer! Zeus and Ryan are obviously very restrained against Geomancer, because these two mages are both high-explosion mages.

Instantly kill the Geomancer. As long as you suppress the Geomancer and buy enough time for your own late-stage heroes, the Geomancer will probably not be able to defeat your own late-stage heroes!

So, seeing that Brother Li chose Geomancer, and the opponent chose two high-explosion mages, it was obvious that they were chosen to target Brother Li. Just wait and see, these two heroes will all go to escorts.

Geomancers, their ultimate moves and high-explosion skills will definitely not be used on other heroes. In other words, if their ultimate moves are used on Ice Girl or Earth-Shaking Divine Bull,

When used on Fire Girl, even if they killed these three heroes, instead of making any profit, they actually lost money. Even though they gained experience and money for killing people, they lost their rhythm.

The geomancers were given time and space to develop. Generally speaking, instead of making any profit, they actually lost money! Because once the geomancers became powerful, they would all become geomancers' cash machines. They had previously started from geomancers.

The money and experience gained from teammates must be spit out exponentially!

"Haha, you are really lucky. We just met the gangster team in the first game. It seems that we should win this game easily!" the tide messenger on the opposite side said happily.

"Haha, yes, today's game must be mine!" Zeus said with great pride, meaning champion, which means he has the best record!

Why did the team on the opposite side have these thoughts? Because they saw that there were only four people in Brother Li's team!

Obviously, this is a team of bastards. Their purpose in participating is just to receive a participation award. After all, every player who participates, regardless of their performance, will receive a participation award in the end. The participation award can randomly receive 01 gold.

When it came to 1,000 gold, Brother Li’s team didn’t even have five members. It was obvious that they were just here to participate in the prize!

However, next, they will definitely pay for their underestimation of the enemy!

"You three, there is no need to go online. Each of you can buy me some eating trees, spend all your money, and then go into the jungle to help me!" Wei Bin and the other three had just finished selecting heroes.

That’s what Brother Li said.

Damn it, this is very embarrassing. Are you looking down on people? Is there such a thing on the opposite side, and you still want to pick five? Are you exaggerating?

"That's not necessary. I'd better protect you. After all, there are five people on the opposite side. They must be separated from 221. If the other party comes to wander around you, then I can still protect you..." Chongzi said, Earth-Shaking Divine Bull

, in the early stage, he plays the role of being on the hook to protect people. His control skills make it too easy to save people!

"No! Just go and pull the wild ones. Give me a few more pulls and I'll pick them up later!" Brother Li said.

"Should I go too? I chose Fire Girl. With such a high-explosion hero, wouldn't it be a waste not to go online and kill people?" Wei Bin asked, Fire Girl goes to pull wild for Geomancer? I have to bring it.

Is the rhythm good? If I don’t have a level, how can I provide rhythm? Without rhythm, do you have room for development?

"No! However, if you want to develop, then go and pull the wild monsters on the dominant side of the road. When it's time to clear the jungle, go pull the wild monsters. After pulling the wild monsters, you can go online to gain experience!" Brother Li said


After hearing what Brother Li said, Wei Bin was speechless.

Let a fire girl go to pull the jungle for you? I want the mid laner, okay? If I don't go online, how can I upgrade? Isn't it okay if I don't steal your mid laner? I can go to the offlane lane, right? There are only four people in total.

, if three of them are not allowed to go online, then the person on the other side will have to lose weight?

In this way, Wei Bin and the three of them each bought several sets of eating trees for Brother Li, and then threw them on the ground, and Brother Li picked them up.

But who would have thought that Brother Li had just picked them up, turned around and sold them one by one into the store. This scene made Wei Bin and the other two anxious!

"Let me go, Brother Li, you sold it, why don't you keep it for yourself?" Chongzi couldn't help but ask.

"It's okay, I don't need this!" Brother Li said calmly.

Ni Ni, of course you are fine, but the money is mine, I bought it for you. I got half of the original price from selling the things, and you lost half of it all at once!

Immediately afterwards, Brother Li bought a pair of shoes and three branches and went out without any supplies.

"Brother Li, why don't you leave a group to eat trees? You just go out like this and don't get crushed by others? The opponent must be Ryan or Zeus facing you in the middle. If these two mages give you two skills, you will be half-healthy.

, after half health, you still dare to step forward to hit the target?" Wei Bin said.

"It's okay, no need. Although Ryan and Zeus's bursts are very high, they have to wait until at least level five if they want to kill people, and even need level six. However, against me, they can't reach level five.

Level! Don't worry!" Brother Li said confidently. After hearing what Brother Li said, Wei Bin and the other three were speechless. Where did your blind confidence come from? I want it too! Don't let the mage reach level five.

?I’m afraid you’re the one who can’t reach level five, right?

Just like that, the competition officially begins!

With 30 seconds left in the countdown, the geomancer appeared at the talisman point of the river. On the river, two talismans would be refreshed every two minutes, one on the upper river channel and the other on the lower river channel. Brother Li and the four of them

He was born on the Konoe side, and his hometown is in the lower left corner of the map, so Brother Li went to grab the talisman of the river!

At this time, the three people on the opposite side also appeared in the lower river. Obviously, they were also here to grab this talisman, and not only did they want to rob the talisman from the river, they also wanted to grab the talisman from the upper river.

Rob, because there are many of them, there are five of them, and Brother Li’s side only has four people. According to the convention, Brother Li and the others must go to the road alone, and this person will never come to Xiahe Road.

Helping his teammates to grab the talisman, because after eating the talisman, he will not have time to go on the road. By the time he gets to the road, the opponent's hero will have already reached level 2, which undoubtedly adds a lot of trouble to himself! So prepare to go

The player on the road will definitely not go to the lower river channel to grab the talisman. Even if he goes to the upper river channel to grab the talisman points, it is impossible for him to grab the talisman points from the other side! Even if there are two people to grab the talisman on the upper road.

, but there are two people on the opposite side, so the opposite side does not suffer!

Since there will definitely be one person on Brother Li's side to go on the road, this means that there are only three people on Brother Li's side to grab the road talisman at most, but there are also three people on the opposite side. The opposite side is completely worthy of Brother Li and the others. Of course,

It's just that there is a chance that Brother Li and the others will send three people to grab the road talisman. It is also possible that there are only two people, one person, or even just give up these two talismans. After all, they have few people!

The above are just the guesses of the other party. It is just a guess that if Brother Li and the others come to grab the talisman, several people will come to grab it. However, it is also possible that Brother Li and the others will not come to grab the talisman at all, because from the perspective of the opposite party, Brother Li and the others will not come to grab the talisman.

I'm just trying to get rewards, so I might hang up in the spring in my hometown until the end. It's just a reward, so it'd be best if it ends as soon as possible!

And when the three of them saw Brother Li's Geomancer appearing at the talisman position, the three of them instantly became excited. This was a good opportunity to get first blood, and they won the first blood in this game.

They can get an extra 250 yuan for their heads, so the three of them rushed forward aggressively. After all, there are only three people on Brother Li's side at most, and they are also three people, so they can only split it 50-50 at most! It's not like that.

Lost your life?

So, the three of them rushed down together in a fierce manner. The first one to bear the brunt was the mage Ryan, who was the most stable among the three.

Control, the other two people are Zeus and the captain. As the controller, he must be the first to rush out and take the lead. As long as he controls Brother Li's Geomancer, the captain can then take on the second one.

Control skills, Zeus can also use attack skills!

At this time, Brother Li was standing at the position where the future talisman would be refreshed. Just when the person on the opposite side was still two or three seconds away, Brother Li moved. He started running in the opposite direction of the other three people, trying to

You know, this distance will soon enter Ryan's control range. If he doesn't leave now, he won't be able to leave when he wants to leave later!

However, Brother Li was still a step late. At this time, he was facing the three people opposite. If he wanted to escape in the opposite direction, he must turn around first. Turning around also takes time.

When he just turned around and was about to escape, Ryan on the opposite side stabbed the ground and threw him up!

Ryan's ground poke is a group control skill. It will control a line of enemies. Moreover, this skill can be used against the ground and at the target. The casting distance of this control is 500 yards, which is five

The distance between a hero and a hero, but the maximum range of the skill is 600 yards, which means that if it is used against the ground, it can reach farther targets! And this is how Ryan operates.

, he knew that he had no time to control the geomancer, because the distance between him and the geomancer at this time was 600 yards. If he used this skill to point at the geomancer, he would not be able to reach the geomancer at this distance.

However, what if he uses it towards the ground? Then he can just reach the Geomancer and control the Geomancer!

I saw a thorn emerging from the ground, and the end of the thorn just controlled the Geomancer! At the same moment, the captain of the other side threw the torrent out in advance, ambushing it before the Geomancer escaped.

Directly ahead!

The captain's torrent is also a group control skill. It can rush enemy targets within a certain range into the sky and then fall down. After falling, it will also cause a deceleration effect. However, this skill has a two-second delay effect.

Therefore, unless you can predict the opponent's movement, in which case you can use skills blindly, otherwise, it is best to wait for your teammates to control the opponent first, and then the captain can take over the control. In this way,

The probability of hitting is much greater! And since Ryan's Earth Thorn can only control the Geomancer for one second, the captain cannot put the Torrent at the Geomancer's feet when using the Torrent, because the Torrent is delayed by two seconds.

, after the geomancer wakes up, he will definitely run away. This one second time difference will probably allow the geomancer to escape and make the torrent useless!

Therefore, the best release position is definitely not directly under the geomancer's feet, but directly in front of the geomancer's escape direction. In this way, after the geomancer wakes up from the control of Ryan's ground thorn,

As long as he continues to move one step forward, he will be hit by the captain's torrent!

However, the next second, the geomancer's performance really exceeded everyone's expectations. After Brother Li's geomancer came to his senses, he did not continue to move forward, but turned around and rushed towards Ryan.


"Haha, you are a little expert, you know how to avoid the torrent, right? But so what? You are rushing in our direction now. Although you have escaped the torrent, you will now face our three heroes.

Attacked! Do you think you can escape the torrent if you can avoid it?" Ryan muttered in his heart.

In fact, the first reason why Brother Li turned back was because he saw the opponent's captain raising his hand. The captain must have used a skill, and most likely it was used in the direction he had just evacuated, because the torrent

There is a two-second delay. Now that Brother Li knows that the captain has used Torrent, how can he throw himself into a trap? The above is one of them!

The second one is the next scene!

Just when Ryan and the other three were feeling extremely proud and dreaming about winning the first drop of blood, three people suddenly rushed out from the position of the Roshan! That’s right! The Earth-Shaking Divine Bull, Ice Girl and Fire

The three women were killed!

"Holy shit, it's not good, there's an ambush among us, brothers, retreat quickly!" When Ryan saw three people suddenly rushing out from the Roshan position, he was the first to feel something was wrong. This was a trap.


The location of Roshan was close to the rune point of the lower river, and they had no vision from Roshan's location, so they did not discover the traces of the Earth-shaking Divine Bulls at the first time!

But when they discovered the three earth-shaking sacred bulls rushing out, it was too late to escape!

I saw a ravine directly separated by the earth-shaking sacred bull, Ryan and Zeus from the captain. Ryan and Zeus were separated to the right of the ravine, and the captain was separated from the gully to the left!

The gully of the Divine Bull uses itself as a barrier to instantly build an insurmountable high barrier. This high barrier is very far away and can play an isolation role. It can be said that if this gully is used well,

, then it would be too easy to kill the opponent’s hero!

In addition, Gully also has a control effect. If not, Godox would be among the top three control heroes!

At the moment, the insect's gully can be said to have been used very well. He directly isolated Ryan and Zeus on the right side of the gully. Moreover, if the two of them wanted to go around to the left side of the gully, they would have to run far away.

distance, and they have to run in the direction of the three earth-shaking sacred cows. In the process of escaping, they will undoubtedly receive a severe beating in vain!

Ryan and Zeus were also very smart. They knew that if they bypassed the ravine and continued to return the same way, at least one of them would die. Therefore, they simply did not go back the same way.

He ran towards the right side of the ravine, preparing to run down the lower river and escape from his lower tower!

But they were too naive. You know, Brother Li and the others have four heroes, and each of them has a control skill. When he saw the two of them escaping directly along the river to the lower right direction, Wei Bin immediately shouted

Using T, the two of them were stunned. Fire Girl's T is also a group control skill. It is similar to the captain's torrent, with a casting delay. However, his casting delay is relatively short, only 05 seconds delay. Basically

The fault tolerance rate is very high, and now both Zeus and Ryan are in a hurry to escape. Obviously they can't avoid the fire girl's attack. In this way, Wei Bin controlled the two heroes with one move! Then it's time for a violent beating.

Under the command of Brother Li, the four of them focused on Ryan, because Ryan's movement speed is slightly faster than Zeus. If you want to kill, naturally you have to give priority to the one who is more difficult to kill, because their

The appetite is not just about getting first blood, neither of these two people can escape!

After the control was over, Ryan had been beaten to only half health. At this time, Brother Li's Geomancer threw a net up, covering the two of them firmly in place, in a narrow position like the river.

, it is very easy to control the two of them. In addition, the two of them have just woken up from the fire girl's t, and the position itself is very dense. It is simply too easy to control two of them!

Next, there was another violent beating, and obviously, within the 12 seconds of Fire Girl's control, they were able to beat Ryan to half health, let alone the Geomancer's two-second control of the net! A violent beating

Then, just when Ryan's blood volume was still the last bit, the Earth-Shaking Divine Bull, Fire Girl and Ice Girl changed their attack targets together, aiming their spearheads at Zeus next to Ryan, leaving the head to use Geodivination.

Teacher’s Brother Li!

As a first blood sound sounded, Brother Li successfully got the first drop of blood in this game, and the four of them also gained a wave of experience! After the net ended, Zeus's blood volume also dropped by a quarter, and just before

At this time, the Ice Girl came up with a move. As mentioned before, the Ice Girl was a skill that slowed down a large area and caused damage. After the speed was greatly reduced, the four of them chased Zeus and gave him a beating!

This chapter has been completed!
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