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Chapter 979 Details determine success or failure

Next is tk. What is the use of tk? Isn’t it just a laser two-shot missile? Seconds are meaningless at all!

But the ancient method is different. The damage of the ancient method's Nether Blast and ultimate move is very high. The most important thing is that he also carries a Macon on his back. The Macon can be used to restore health. Not only can it be used to restore health,

, you can also give them a halo. The minions and heroes with Macon aura are definitely different from the minions and heroes without Macon aura. After killing the ancient method first, it will be relatively easy to kill other heroes!

And just after Xiao Xiao instantly killed the ancient method, a ray of holy light appeared above the heads of several other heroes and the four wild monsters of the Paladin. Yes, this is the ultimate move of the Paladin, which increases the health of the group.

But obviously, his reaction was slow. Not only could he not save the ancient method, but he also wasted a big move because several other heroes were still at full health!

After dropping the ancient method in seconds, Brother Li had no second thought and hurriedly ran away in the direction of his teammates! Xiao Wai could be said to have gone deep alone. From his position, all four heroes on the opposite side could attack him.

, and there is no doubt that the four heroes on the opposite side will definitely attack him! If he doesn't run away, will he wait for the opposite side to kill him?

But just when he was about to escape, Xiao Wai used the Sheep Transformation Technique to control Brother Li. After transforming into a sheep, Brother Li's movement speed dropped sharply, making it difficult to move even an inch!

After Xiao Wai transformed into a sheep, he also used forked lightning, which is his attack skill!

At the same time, the Paladin also used a move on Xiaoxiao to increase the damage, so that the damage he would take next increased by 10, and then used another move to directly kill Brother Li's HP of more than 100!

That's right, after getting the damage bonus, the damage is only over 100, because the Paladin's skill level is too low, only level one. How much damage can a level one skill do? The Paladin's combat ideas

It is to summon wild monsters to advance, so what he mainly upgraded is the skill of summoning wild monsters, because the number of summoned wild monsters increases with the improvement of the skill level. At present, the Paladin is only level 7, and he has learned the summoning of level 4.

For wild monsters, the level 1 ultimate move, level 1 T and level 1 damage are just increased, there is nothing you can do about the low damage!

Next, tk directly connected with the second team. It has to be said that tk's damage has become the highest output among the remaining four people on the opposite side, because tk's laser ignores the hero's resistance, and any impact has its own 25

The resistance, that is, most skills can only cause 75 damage when hit on the hero, but TK's laser is sacred damage and can cause full damage!

After such a heavy beating, Xiaoxiao already had half of his health left. After all, there were four heroes on the opposite side. Even if he had no skills, his normal attack damage was not low!

After the sheep woke up, Xiaowai used the chain to hold Xiaoxiao again. Xiaoxiao was really unable to move even an inch!

But fortunately, at this time, the captain's torrent of moves rushed Xiao Wai into the sky and broke Xiao Wai's chain! Seeing this, Mystery directly threw a move "F" on Xiao Wai's face. The "F" of "Mystery",

Controls the target for one second every two seconds. This has nothing to do with the skill level. Even if it is only level one F, it has the same effect. As the level of this skill increases, it only increases the damage received during the stun period.

That's it. Every time the level 1 f stuns the target, the target will receive 20 points of damage. As the skill level increases, when the level 4 f level is used, each time it stuns the target, the target will receive 100 points of damage!

With the intervention of this f, Xiaoxiao can no longer run away!

But fortunately at this time, the captain's ship came over and directly controlled Xiaowai, the Paladin and TK. Only the Mystery who was standing at the back escaped!

The captain's ghost ship is a god-level skill. This skill can not only cause damage, but also cause stun control. However, these two effects are too limited compared to the real power of the ghost ship!

What is the most powerful thing about the ghost ship? It is the damage reduction effect it comes with. Wherever the ghost ship passes, it will add a 50 damage reduction buff to friendly forces, which lasts for seven seconds. This buff is the strongest in the entire Dota.

There are not many damage reduction skills, let alone the group damage reduction effect, which is god-like!

However, in a strict sense, this damage reduction cannot be called damage reduction. At best, it just transfers the damage. So, where is the damage transferred?

After being transferred to seven seconds, these injuries will appear on the player seven seconds later. In other words, even if you are out of the battlefield and no one is hitting you after seven seconds, you will still fall.

Blood, because the damage you suffered during the oil tank period has been transferred to this time! But fortunately, this loss of blood will not cause death. It will retain a drop of blood for you. For example, your upper limit of blood is 1000.

And you lost 800 blood during the tanking period. Theoretically speaking, after seven seconds, you will lose an additional 800 blood. However, since you only have 200 blood left, which is not enough, you will be left with one drop of blood in the end.

Won't let you die!

It is worth noting that if you die during the refueling period, and then you are bought alive again, and at this time, the seven-second refueling time has passed and you are about to start losing blood, then your death and

Buying life does not stop you from losing blood. Even if you buy life, you will continue to lose blood until you pay off the 50 damage you owe!

Therefore, this situation often happened in the past. A certain hero bought a living during the tanking period, and then went outside. But when he landed, before he had time to fight, he found that his blood volume was passing rapidly.

The opponent doesn't even need to touch you, you will have residual health, just because these injuries have begun to settle! Therefore, if you die during the oil period, you must not buy a life. Even if you want to buy it, you must wait until the oil disappears for seven seconds before buying again.

Live, because the transferred 50 damage is realized within seven seconds after the oil tank ends!

And Brother Li's little one obviously won't survive until the end of the ship's oil! Because now all the units on the opposite side are focusing on themselves, and even the paladin's babies are rushing up. The paladin's three centaurs have not been attacked.

The captain's ghost ship collided, so the three big horses perfectly controlled Brother Li's little one, stepped on the floor one after another to greet them, and the other four heroes also joined after waking up from the dizziness.

During the siege on Xiaoxiao, it has to be said that under the blessing of Bailang's command halo, even though Xiaoxiao had oil on his body, he still couldn't resist the opponent's indiscriminate bombardment. After all, the opponent's damage was too high.


Not long after, Brother Li's Xiaoxiao was killed, but at the same time, Wei Bin's captain and Linlin's ice girl had also rushed up. Their target was very clear, which was Xiaowai, because Xiaowai was under the captain's command.

After the second company, only half of Er's health was left. Moreover, at the same time that Xiaoxiao died, he had already reached level six. If Xiaowai had not just reached level six now, it would be too late to insert the snake.

If they get rid of Xiao Wai when the situation is great, then what they will lose is not just one tower, but two towers!

Because there is a high probability that the three of them cannot defeat the four people on the opposite side. Once their team is destroyed, the other side can easily take down the outer tower in the middle, and then take advantage of the trend to push the second tower in the middle. Xiaowai will definitely take it.

The snake stick is inserted here, and once the snake stick is inserted, the second tower in the middle will be lost, so they must kill Xiao Wai as soon as possible. Even if they die, Xiao Wai must be killed. If they and Xiao Wai

If they are all dead, then they will only lose one outer tower at most. If Xiao Wai survives, they will lose two outer towers. Whichever is lighter, Wei Bin and the others can still carry it!

However, if you want to kill Xiaowai, you can't just kill him casually. It requires skill!

Before the captain rushed to kill Xiaowai, he first marked the mystery in the distance, because the existence of the mystery was always a hidden danger for them, because the mystery's ultimate move had not yet been handed in!

And just when the captain ran to Xiao Wai's side, Linlin's ice girl suddenly froze Xiao Wai. At the same time, she stood beside Xiao Wai.

The ultimate move was activated between Wai and the Paladin, and Mystery seemed to have predicted the Ice Girl's intentions in advance, so the Mystery rushed straight towards the Ice Girl!

Yes, he wants to use his ultimate move to interrupt Ice Girl's ultimate move. After so long, the mystery is why he has been reluctant to hand in the ultimate move? He is just waiting for Ice Girl! Because their lineup lacks control.

There is only one control of Xiao Wai and one control of Mystery. Since Xiao Wai is standing so far forward, he will definitely be defeated, so Mystery can only rely on his own ultimate move to interrupt Ice Girl's ultimate move. You know, Ice

The damage of the woman's ultimate move is very high. If Ice Girl were to use her ultimate move from beginning to end, neither Xiao Wai nor the Paladin would be able to survive!

However, just when the mystery was about to use its ultimate move, Wei Bin's captain marked the mystery back to its original position with a manual mark! This undoubtedly delayed the time for the mystery to release the ultimate move. If the mystery wanted to use the ultimate move, he could only

Came back again!

In this way, the captain's mark wasted two seconds of the mystery!

When Mystery came over again, the Paladin had one-third of his health left, and Xiao Wai was even worse, with only one-fourth of his health left. At this time, Mystery finally used his big move, although he knew

The Niutou on the Guards side has not yet joined the battle, and Niutou is waiting to interrupt his ultimate move, but he can no longer take care of that much. His most urgent task now is to interrupt the Ice Girl's ultimate move. Otherwise, don't say anything.

If it's too small, not even the Paladin will survive!

So Mystery used his ultimate move at the extreme position. This extreme position could only interrupt the ice girl and pull her towards the center of the black hole bit by bit. However, the damage was very low because the damage of the black hole was

Calculated based on the position of the black hole, the closer to the center of the black hole, the higher the damage. On the contrary, the further away from the black hole, the lower the damage. But the mystery can no longer be taken care of so much. He is saving people now.


At the same moment when Mystery released his ultimate move, Xiao Wai successfully threw the snake club. He was about to die now. What he needed to consider was no longer pushing the tower, but how to win this team battle.


If he is greedy for skills and is reluctant to use powerful moves, then they may not be able to win this team battle because he is about to die, and the Paladin does not have much health, but what about the opponent? The opponent's captain

, the ice girl and the bull head are still at full status, leaving only one mystery on our side, a tk and a paladin with residual health. Although the paladin still has a baby, even if he wins in the end, it will be a miserable victory. It is not as good as

Hand over the snake stick now. After handing over the snake stick, they will be completely victorious!

Seeing that Mystery handed over his ultimate move, Shenniu decisively interrupted Mystery with a move of Gully. However, because Mystery's ultimate move had already taken effect, Ice Girl's ultimate move was also interrupted. At the same time, the Ice Girl and the Captain were

A bunch of snake sticks appeared in the room. Wei Bin's captain ran fast. As soon as he saw the snake sticks, he ran away from the snake sticks and attacked Xiao Wai while running. Linlin

The Ice Girl knew that she could not go back alive, so he used the Frost Nova to slow down Xiao Wai, and then used a basic attack. The Ice Girl was beaten to death by Xiao Wai's pile of snake clubs! And the Ice Girl was in

Before dying, he still made a great contribution. His attack and basic attack directly reduced Xiao Wai's health to the last trace. Then Wei Bin's captain made another stab and got Xiao Wai's head!

Next, Wei Bin just relied on the ship oil on his body to escape successfully! As for the bug's bull head, it only placed a ravine from beginning to end. It was not that he didn't want to use his skills, but it was because he was unable to return to the sky.

!His mission is to control Mystery, because Mystery’s ultimate move, Black Hole, is so powerful. If you can control others for several seconds, how many people will die in these seconds!

And just after Niutou used Gully, while the opponent was attacking the captain, Divine Niu had already run into the enemy's formation. He saw his big move blossom among the monsters, taking away the Paladin and his few.


There is a mechanism for the Bullhead's ultimate move, that is, the more hostile units around him, the greater the damage of the echo wave. If the Bullhead releases the ultimate move against one target, the effect will be the same as releasing the ultimate move against ten units.

It's completely different, and just now, there were a bunch of monsters on the opposite side, including Paladin's summons, small mysteries, and soldiers on the line. These units all added a lot of damage to the Bullhead.


Immediately afterwards, the bull's head was useless as a totem. He turned around and ran home! Because the snake club could hit him where he was just now. In just one volley, he knocked out nearly a third of the sacred bull.

The amount of blood was high, and when the bull head was out of the attack range of the snake club, half of the blood was gone!

Now there is no use for him to stay. Captain Wei Bin's remaining health has gone home, and Ice Girl and Xiaoxiao have not been resurrected yet. What can he do alone? There is still a mystery and a TK on the other side.

What should I do if I give him a tk all at once? Then wouldn’t he become a dead man?

Soon, a new wave of soldiers came, but under the attack of Xiao Wai's snake club, the guards' soldiers were wiped out in seconds. Mystery took the opportunity to kill a guard's soldier and summoned it.

Three little mysteries!

In this way, both sides had two people left, but the natural disaster side finally pushed down the tower of the guard side. Overall, although the natural disaster side lost one more hero than the guard side, overall, the natural disaster side still had

They made a profit, because they not only took down the defense tower, but also got the little big head!

What is a big head?

It means killing more people!

Brother Li's Xiaoxiao had killed nine people before he died, and he was about to become a super god. First, he took Xiaowai's first blood at the river talisman point on the road. Then, he gave up on eating the talisman and unexpectedly went up the road to grab it.

After catching the careless paladin, he then used the illusion talisman to kill the tk in the middle. Then he replaced the civet cat with the prince and used an illusion to confuse everyone in the middle. In fact, his body had already reached the bottom lane and was captured.

The ancient skills and mysteries of the bottom lane. Then, when Xiaoxiao went to the top lane to ward and increase his vision, he met Xiao Wai, who was also a ward keeper, at the river symbol on the top lane. After that, he immediately went to the bottom lane.

Throwing the bull's head over, he won a double kill. There were already eight heads here and there. In the team battle just now, he directly lost the ancient method in seconds. That's nine heads. Xiaoxiao was already like a god.

As long as he takes another head, it will be a killing that surpasses God!

As for the so-called big head, when the player gets this big head, the money rewarded to him is different from the ordinary heads. The more heads he kills in a row, the more rewards he will be given after ending his continuous killing. For example,

Say, if you kill a hero who has not taken a kill, you can only get a reward of more than 200 yuan. But if you kill a hero who has killed five people in a row, then you can probably get it.

A quick reward of five or six hundred. What if you kill a hero like Brother Li's Xiaoxiao who kills nine people in a row? Then you can get a reward of eight or nine hundred. If you end a super hero, then you

You can get more than a thousand rewards!

This is called a big head! Obviously, Brother Li's Xiaoxiao has killed nine people, which can be called a big head!

With an income of 800 or 900 yuan, the Paladin who got someone else's head instantly had an extra component of his A account! Coupled with the defense tower that had just been pushed down, the Paladin was now only one step away from his A account.

The difference of 600 yuan is almost as close as a ruler!

"We seem to be at a bit of a loss!" Chongzi said.

"Then what can we do? We already have a small number of people, and the lineup is suppressed. It's great that the fight just ended like this!" Brother Li said.

"The Paladin just got your head, more than 800 at once, and just pulled out our defense tower.

Now he only has one component left, and he can make a big deal!" Chongzi reminded.

"It's okay, don't panic. Although they won the fight just now, they lost the situation!" Brother Li said with a smile.

"Lost the situation? Didn't they just knock down our middle outer tower? Is their situation okay?" Chongzi said.

"No, they did knock down our middle outer tower, but they lost the situation! You can think about it, although they knocked down our middle outer tower, what did they pay?

They paid for everyone's ultimate move, Xiao Wai's ultimate move, Enigma's ultimate move, Paladin's ultimate move, especially Xiao Wai's and Enigma's ultimate moves. These two ultimate moves are what keep them pushing us away.

The guarantee of the outer tower. Among them, Xiao Wai's ultimate move is the main force for pushing down the tower, and the Mystery's ultimate move is their back-up skill to deal with our forced group start. If the opponent does not have the Mystery's ultimate move, then their

It's hard to beat us head-on. You can recall just now. If it hadn't been interrupted by the mysterious ultimate move, the Ice Girl's ultimate move would have taken away the Paladin long ago. There is no need for Lao Niu to appear. Lao Niu's

The ultimate move can be left to others! Even if the mystery does not have the ultimate move, then Lao Niu can already enter the battlefield, why wait until the end? If he joins the battlefield in advance, then we will definitely win? So,

If the mystery wasn't big, they wouldn't dare push it! Furthermore, if Xiao Wai wasn't big, they wouldn't dare push it either! Think back to just now, without Xiao Wai's ultimate move, the Ice Girl wouldn't have died, and the captain wouldn't have died either.

It was impossible to escape with only half health. Without Xiao Wai's ultimate move at that time, Xiao Wai with half health, a Paladin with one third of health, TK with two thirds of health, and Mystery would not be able to defeat the captain at full health.

Ice Girl and Bull Head, right? So, if they are only as big as the Mystery, but not as big as the Little Wai, then they still can't beat us! This is the situation! Even if it takes another minute or two, the Paladin comes out a

Account, he still has to spend a minute or two to summon ancient wild monsters, otherwise it would be meaningless for him to issue a account, and in these few minutes, my account a has also come out. By then, even if we change towers, we

It’s not false at all! Of course, this is just a theory, but we can’t let the Paladin get out the account so smoothly, and we can’t let him summon the ancient wild monsters as he wishes! This way

Well, you go and seal off the ancient wilds on the opposite side with your true eyes, and kill their little ancient wild monsters!" Brother Li explained.

"Haha, Brother Li is Brother Li, and indeed no one can match him!" Chongzi said with a laugh.

When Brother Li said this, everyone suddenly became enlightened!

Yes, don't look at the Paladin on the opposite side who will be able to make an attack soon, but even if he comes out with an attack, they still can't push their own tower, because the mystery and Xiaowai's ultimate move are both on cooldown.

The cooldown time of these two people's ultimate moves has not ended, so they don't dare to push their own towers. The cooldown time of Xiaowai's ultimate move is as high as more than two minutes, and the cooldown time of Mystery's ultimate move is as high as more than three minutes.

, that is to say, it is impossible for the opponent to push his outer tower within three minutes! And in these more than three minutes, the Paladin can just come out with the a account and summon a few ancient wild monsters! Also

In other words, the next wave of offensive from the natural disaster party will start in more than three minutes!

Then, next, the Li Ge team on the Guards side will have room to maneuver!

Don’t you want to summon the ancient wild monsters? Okay, I’ll kill the big wild monsters in your ancient wilds, leaving you with two small wild monsters. I’ll see if you can summon them then. If you summon the small wild monsters, then the small wild monsters will

Monsters don't have much power, and if you don't want to summon small wild monsters, but you want to summon big wild monsters, then you have to kill these two small wild monsters first, or use the method of pulling wild monsters to move this position again.

Refresh a wave of ancient wilds. However, I have already blocked your ancient wilds with my true eyes. By the time you discovered it, a minute had passed. Even if you drained my true eyes, then wait

You still have to wait for one minute when you want to refresh the next wave of ancient wild monsters. In other words, if you want to summon a big wild monster, you have to wait at least more than two minutes! In these two minutes

How much can I do? You know, as a pushing lineup, you are forbidden to delay the late stage. The further you delay, the worse it is for the pushing lineup! Moreover, even if you remove my eyes, I can't continue to insert them.

Is it closed to the wild?

Let’s talk about the three minutes or so before the big moves of Mystery and Xiao Wai resume their cooldown. In these few minutes, it can be said that the natural disaster side is no match for the guards. Brother Li and the others can suppress the natural disaster.

Is it that easy to figure out an account?

Soon, Xiaoxiao and Bingnu were resurrected, and the four of them opened the fog and came to the wild area of ​​the natural disaster party, because just now the paladins of the natural disaster party had appeared in their field of vision, and the other side was also very smart, and the five of them had been there

Holding the group, although the five of them signing up for the group will seriously drag down the economy of the four people, they have no choice at all. Now their entire map is black, except for the military line, they have no vision at all, and their home

There were no artificial eyes anymore. Even if they wanted to do it, they couldn't do it. In desperation, the Paladin had to grab two babies to open up the field of vision. However, the babies couldn't break the fog. As long as the players didn't take the initiative to attack the babies, then

The natural disaster party cannot detect the Guards Corps with the fog turned on!

The other side has no vision, so they can only choose to join a group, because once they are separated, they will be captured immediately, because the guards' capture ability is too strong, and the small single capture ability can be said to be invincible. Whoever is captured will die, and the captain

What? The captain is the mark of the master. If the captain cooperates with anyone, he can easily catch them without any suspense! So they cannot be alone now. Whoever is alone will die. Now the other side is placing all their hopes on

This allows the Paladin to get out the A account as quickly as possible, then summon four ancient wild beasts, and advance with Xiao Wai and Mystery who have completed the cooldown of their ultimate moves!

Just when the Paladin was fighting vigorously, Brother Li's Xiaoxiao suddenly appeared next to the Paladin, and took him away with one T move and one basic attack!

When the teammates of the Paladin not far away saw this, Xiao Wai controlled Xiao Xiao immediately. However, at this moment, a torrent rushed him into the sky again. When he fell to the ground, a ghost ship

The boat had already collided with it. Taking advantage of Xiao Wai's dizziness, Brother Li and Xiao Xiao quickly retreated!

But Shenniu and Ice Girl are not going to let them go. You know, there are only four people on the opposite side now, and the captain's ghost ship just hit four people directly. They have all lost blood, and the three Shenniu are on the ship.

In the damage reduction state of oil, if you don't use it now, when will you wait?

After the captain's ghost ship's stun effect ended, Linlin's Ice Girl directly froze Xiaowai. At the same time, the Ice Girl also received a magical backlash from the ancient magic wand. Then Niutou walked up directly, and he

After getting close to Xiao Wai, he casually used a totem move. Under the effect of the aftershock, Niutou successfully stunned Xiao Wai. Then, he followed up with another ordinary blow, followed by a move of gully, which stunned the three of them. At the same time, the mystery was revealed in the original

He released a Death and Decay, and at the same time stunned the Ice Girl with F. With the help of many millet groups and the wild monsters of the Paladin, he killed the Ice Girl in an instant, and played a one-for-one game with Xiao Wai!

At this moment, tk's ET second company directly knocked out less than half of Niutou's health. Niutou quickly retreated after seeing this, because even though it was only half of the blood, it was actually two-thirds of the blood, because

He is currently in the damage reduction state of the boat oil, and the other half of the damage has not yet appeared!

But the ship's oil can only last seven seconds, and it's about to end. But how can it be so easy to run away?

The ancient method uses a move of nothingness + nether explosion + blood-sucking. The movement speed of the sacred cow that was emptied into nothingness was reduced. Under the attack of this set of skills of the ancient method, the sacred cow instantly lost its health. In the end, although the bull's head passed through the circle,

His vision was cut off by the ancient method of blood-sucking, but in the end he died under the death and withering of the mystery!

When the captain saw that he was the only one left on the battlefield, he quickly retreated

To be honest, the output of the opponent's group of little mysteries + wild monsters, plus the three heroes is still very high. Even though he has oil, he still loses a lot of blood, and at this time, the seven seconds of oil time has expired.

However, he had already begun to digest the damage he had suffered in the past seven seconds. Just when the captain turned to leave, he had half of his health left. At this time, TK refreshed his skills, and directly hit et and two together.

Gone Captain!

At this time, there are only Xiao Xiao from the Guards side and TK from the Calamity side, mystery + ancient method left on the battlefield!

Looking at it so far, do you think the natural disaster hero has won?


The winner is not the natural disaster side, but also the Konoe side! Because Xiaoxiao is still in a good state, Xiaoxiao has a very strong sense of oppression against them at this stage, one versus two is no problem, if it is one

If you play three, it’s not impossible to play even if the opponent lacks control heroes!

Just when the natural disaster party thought that the battle was over, Brother Li's Xiaoxiao suddenly entered the battlefield again, and with one move, T Company 2 easily took away the mystery!

Afterwards, Xiaoxiao once again escaped from the sight of the natural disaster party! However, the heroes of the natural disaster party had nothing to do with him, because the remaining ancient magic and tk did not have any control skills in their hands, so the two had to escape to the line in a hurry, and passed

Go home online!

And Brother Li was not idle. He seemed to have expected that the two heroes on the opposite side would go home, so Brother Li had been predicting the opponent's trajectory! After a while, the small skill was cooled down again, and Brother Li went directly towards

He walked towards the high ground on the road. When he reached the high ground, he jumped over. After he jumped over, he happened to jump next to Gu Fa and TK. Xiaoxiao directly moved T and TK twice.

Easily got a double kill!

At the same moment, Brother Li quickly used the scroll to return to the city. At this time, he no longer cared about whether he was attacked by the defense tower. With his body, he could withstand several attacks from the defense tower without any problem.

What he fears most now is the resurrected Xiao Wai. Once Xiao Wai controls him, relying on the attack of the defense tower, he is destined to fall here!

And because Brother Li used the scroll of return to the city very decisively, Xiao Wai had no time to control him. The position that Brother Li was in was really embarrassing. Do you think Xiao Wai should walk over or go over?

?If he walks over, there is still a long way to go. After he walks over, the day lily will be cold! And what if t passes? Xiaoxiao has already used t, and everyone’s t time is the same, which is three.

Seconds, if Xiaoxiao used it first and Xiaowai later, did Xiaoxiao leave here after Xiaowai landed? In the end, Brother Li returned to the spring without any danger!

"Damn it, is there any view here?" tk cursed.

In his opinion, Brother Li was able to chase them from the top jungle area to the high ground of their natural disaster team in a span of more than ten seconds, and he was able to jump directly to the two of them. All this was definitely not a coincidence, it must have been a coincidence.

The Konoe side inserted eyes on the high platform at the second tower of the Natural Disaster Fang. In this way, when the two of them pass by the second tower and go home, they will appear in Brother Li's field of vision, and Brother Li only needs to look at them from the two towers.

Just start predicting their positions when they are out of sight! Even if you beat them to death, you won't believe that Brother Li judged their specific positions based on his consciousness and superior calculation ability!

However, nine times out of ten, if life is not what you want, many things will not change because of your personal will. They exist objectively! Just like in front of you!

How did Brother Li determine the precise location of the two of them? In fact, the Guards side did not have an eye on the high platform at the second tower of the Natural Disaster Party. Brother Li did not judge their location based on the view here at all!

So how did Brother Li do it?

You know, the battlefield took place at the leftmost group of monsters in the natural disaster area, and after the battle, tk and Enigma returned to the line first, and then ran away towards home, because the line

It is definitely safer than in the jungle. The chance of being warded online is low, but the chance of being warded in the jungle is much higher! Brother Li, based on what the two of them said after the fight.

The final position began to be calculated, and he simulated the escape route of the two. He knew that the two opponents would definitely return to the line first, and then retreat from the line! After planning the escape route of the two, Brother Li

Starting to simulate their movement speed, Brother Li knew the movement speed of each of the more than 100 heroes in Dota. With this alone, even the top ten Dota masters in the world could not do it, because he remembered their

Movement speed doesn't have much effect, but Brother Li remembers that this is the difference between Brother Li and those top players in the world, the details!

details make a difference!

It is precisely because Brother Li knows the movement speed of each hero that he can accurately judge where they are escaping at every moment by simulating their movement speed just like he did just now. Brother Li is because the cooldown time of his skills is too long.

The reason was that they were forced to jump onto the high ground to chase them. If Brother Li's skills could recover faster, then Brother Li could jump over to T-2 Company and take them away anytime and anywhere, because Brother Li knew their real-time location!

As for Brother Li's ability to plan routes and simulate their movement speed, even few people in the entire Dota circle can do it. Even if they have this awareness, they can't be so accurate. It's very difficult to have this awareness.

Simple, just like Karl's sky fire in the whole map. When you see a hero leaving your field of vision with residual health, you will also simulate his escape route and real-time location, and then use sky fire to kill him.

He, but for the vast majority of people, even if the sky fire hits, it is still unclear and has no basis at all. In the same situation, if you change ten positions where you use the sky fire, how many times can you hit? And Brother Li

It's different. It's very simple to have this awareness, but it's very difficult to grasp this accuracy. And what about Brother Li? He uses sky fire to hit the enemy, not relying on blindness, but relying on planning their escape route and monitoring them.

Judging the movement speed, even if Brother Li uses Sky Fire ten times, he can still hit all the hits. This is the difference between Meng and Real calculation! It is also the gap between Brother Li and those top players in the world! Why tk

Do you think that the Konoe side inserted an eye on the high platform next to the second tower on the upper road of the natural disaster side? Isn't it because he thinks that he can't judge the opponent's position through calculation like Brother Li? If he can do it himself

, then does he still think that Brother Li chased him all the way because he had vision, and controlled his real-time position so accurately?

In this way, after Brother Li won the double kill, he left the scene of the crime hiding his merit and fame!

In this battle, the Guards side won a complete victory! The Guards side replaced the five heads of the Natural Disaster side at the cost of three heads!

This is the meaning of what Brother Li just said. Even though there are only four people on the Guards side, while there are five people on the Natural Disaster side, their fighting abilities are not at the same level at all. Shenniu, Captain, Ice Girl, Xiao

Xiao, all of them are fighting heroes, and everyone has control skills. On the other hand, what about the natural disaster side? There are only two controls, Xiao Wai and Mystery, and the control of Mystery is more reflected in the big move, and the control effect of small skills

Not very stable!

In addition to the different fighting abilities of the lineup, there is another point, that is, the problem of development. The small development is really great, but what about the opponent? No one has good development, at least among the opponent's five intellectual heroes.

, no one can survive in the small second company. As long as Xiaoxiao can get the upper hand, he can definitely kill one person in an instant, and then it will be four against four, but there is also the captain's ghost ship on the Guards side.

, how to fight against natural disasters?

"Damn it, I was just short of four hundred dollars and got paid. Now I died again, lost more than a hundred dollars, and I have to start over again!" the paladin complained!

This chapter has been completed!
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