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Chapter 988 Glory

Moreover, when this passive halo is triggered, it can also cause additional damage. Doesn't this mean that Crazy Mask increases the output from the angle of this passive halo?

As long as the Crazy Mask comes out in the void, you can kill people solo!

And Wei Bin also bought an Ogre Ax and what was it used for?

He wants to produce bkb!

That's right, he just wants to use BKB. Maybe someone wants to ask, doesn't Void's ultimate move provide him with a perfect output environment? Does this still require BKB?

Then it must be bkb. Don’t you look at what the opponent’s lineup is? Captain, Centaur, Vengeful Spirit, Ryan, four control heroes. Doesn’t it mean that Wei Bin’s Void won’t fight without his ultimate move? Then

How is it possible? Most of Void's output is done without using his ultimate move. After all, his ultimate move only lasts a few seconds! Facing the vast number of controls on the opposite side, bkb still has to use it.


"What's going on? Why did you get three kills from the Void? Let's improve the vision again. Let me develop in the middle! When the captain reaches level six, you can start a group and start a group around the Void on the opposite side. I will support you with my big moves at any time.

!" Ghost said.

Poor Ghost, it's been more than ten minutes, and he only has a pair of phase shoes and an 875 recovery ring. It's really miserable. Ghost has died from the top lane to the bottom lane, and then from the bottom lane to the middle lane. It's really miserable!

However, when the ghost went to the middle lane, Linlin's Ice Girl also went to the middle lane. She couldn't leave the ghost alone, and the insect's sacred cow had already obtained the graduation outfit jump knife, so he simply stayed in the bottom lane.

To protect the void.

Linlin's ice girl is extremely disgusting. She takes advantage of her aura and throws it at the ghost as long as her skills are good. At the same time, Karl, who is far away on the road, also cooperates with the ice girl. As long as his sky fire

After the cooling was completed, he asked the ice girl to freeze the ghost, and then Karl connected the sky fire. With these two skills, the ghost would have half its health. Who could withstand this! Even if the ghost bought an 875 to restore its health, then

I can’t stand the roar from the other side!

After two sky fires, Ghost immediately gave up. He didn't dare to take any more risks. If another bull's head appeared out of nowhere, wouldn't he kneel down again? You know, even though they had a vision, but

There is a prop called fog in this game. The fog can evade the eyes. Now the sacred cow has been elusive in the bottom lane. Maybe he will come to the middle lane to deal with him at some time! In desperation, the ghost had to get in.

wild area!

And since the sacred cow has always been guarding the void in the bottom lane, even Ryan has given up roaming the void, because the sacred cow's backhand ability is too strong. Unless the captain comes too, otherwise, they will really

It's very difficult to catch this Void Mask with jumping skills!

Twelve minutes later, the captain finally came out, and he finally reached level six!

Damn it! It takes twelve minutes to reach level six. Is this the level a world-class player should reach? Leveling up one level in one minute on average is the standard for being a world-class player!

After the captain reached level six, he originally planned to summon his teammates to capture Karl, but the ghosts had already spoken. They wanted to fight with the void as the center, so naturally he couldn't disobey the captain's instructions. The void was the opponent's late stage.

Of course it will be targeted!

So how to target? Playing a group around the void is targeting, because as long as the natural disaster party keeps fighting around the void, there will be no room for money in the void!

Soon, the four natural disasters, led by the captain, came to the bottom lane to find trouble in the void. Ryan jumped in first, and the sheep lived in the mask of the void. Then the captain connected with the torrent, but did not pick up the ship, because

So far, there is only Void in the bottom lane. Although the sacred cow may be hiding in the woods, he has not appeared. Since he has not appeared, there is no need to pick up the ship. The ghost ship is a large-scale group control.

In order to kill a mere void, the point control of several other heroes is enough. There is really no need to waste the ghost ship!

And just after Ryan Sheep lived in the void, the centaur's attributes increased decisively. Then, the centaur and the spirit of revenge rushed up like flying. After all, Ryan jumped over, and his position was far higher than the other three.

The hero is in the front. In order to be able to connect to the control, the Centaur must use his ultimate move. Otherwise, after Ryan's two control skills and the Captain's torrent are over, the Vengeful Spirit and the Centaur have not arrived on the battlefield.

Wouldn’t that be embarrassing? Killing Void is the most important thing at this time, it’s not the time to be greedy for skills!

But when Revenge of Hatred and the Centaur Chief passed by Ryan, the Divine Bull jumped decisively and stunned the three of them. The big move directly killed one third of Ryan's health, and then followed with a totem blow, killing him directly.

Ryan has half of his health, because at this time the sacred cow has been upgraded to level 10, which is a level 4 totem and a level 4 aftershock!

Immediately afterwards, the sacred bull hit another ravine in the direction of the captain at the rear, trying to delay the captain's time to sail the ship, followed by another totem blow, and took Ryan away directly!

Poor Ryan, he developed so well in the early stage, but until now, he has not used his ultimate move even once! This is the disadvantage of the single jumping knife!

If Lane were Xiaoxiao, his fate would definitely not be so miserable, because Xiaoxiao is very fleshy, and Xiaoxiao can kill people with his jumping knife, but what about Lane? Lane is just a crispy mage! If he is allowed to capture alone

, Ryan is still very strong, but once he encounters someone squatting, he will die more miserably than anyone else, because his ultimate burst is very high, and everyone will give him priority!

The captain woke up from the ravine and decisively sailed off the ship. In order to prevent the sacred cow from escaping, the Spirit of Vengeance directly stunned the sacred cow with a magic hammer!

And at this moment, Wei Bin's Void instead of stepping forward, actually retreated towards the rear!

There is no way to fight with three of us! We can only sell our teammates!

If there is no captain's ship, it doesn't matter even if the captain himself is present. Wei Bin will definitely rush forward without hesitation and use his ultimate move to save people and kill people at the same time. However, he just saw the captain raise his hand. The captain has obviously already

The boat is sailing. If he rushes up now, he will definitely hit the boat. Wouldn't he hit the muzzle of the gun himself?

And even if he activates his ultimate move, he can't kill anyone. Even if he uses the Crazy Mask, his output will increase sharply, but don't forget, the opponent has a ship's oil to reduce the damage. The ship's oil reduces the damage by 50

Under such circumstances, even if he has a crazy mask, he can't even think of killing anyone!

The wise move is to keep your ultimate move, call your friends, summon your teammates, and then fight back, because after killing the sacred cow, the opponent will definitely unite to push the tower. If you only kill people, don't push the tower, there is no way.

It is different from self-destruction!

So, Wei Bin's Xukong silently shrank under the tower! And the sacred cow became an unjust ghost! Yes, he died for Xukong! But fortunately, it was still a one-for-one exchange, which is not a loss. The most important thing is,

Neither the centaur nor the captain have their ultimate moves! The next team battle will be easy to fight!

"Brother Li, Linlin, we're starting a group tour, won't you come?" Wei Bin started calling people!

"How about changing the tower? You go to the jungle to develop first!" Brother Li said.

"Then I won't go either. If I go, I'll give you a kill. I'll also grow in the middle for a while. I'll protect you for half the day!" Linlin said.

"What a great opportunity you have!" Wei Bin was speechless!

On Brother Li's side, he had already pushed down the outer tower of the Natural Disaster Party. Seeing that everyone from the Natural Disaster Party was on the bottom road, Brother Li simply pushed towards the second tower of the Natural Disaster Party! Brother Li is now level 11.

And there is also a crazy mask. With the help of agility and agility, the output of this Karl is really explosive! After adding agility and agility, the attack power directly reaches 150. Hitting the defense tower really loses a small amount of health.

, the health of the outer tower is only 1500, which makes it vulnerable to Karl with the crazy mask!

Soon, the three natural disasters began to push the tower. This tower was pushed in a leisurely way, because Karl was on the top lane, Ice Girl was in the middle lane, Divine Bull was in the spring, and the missing Void was probably going to the wild area to fight.

For the money, an undefended defense tower is definitely vulnerable to the influence of three natural disasters!

However, at this moment, Wei Bin's Void emerged from the woods behind the tower. Before the Spirit of Vengeance could react, Void used his ultimate move to cover the three people, because two of the three people were

For melee combat, there is also a Vengeful Spirit whose range is not too far. In addition, they underestimate the enemy, so their positions are very concentrated!

Then Wei Bin turned on the Crazy Mask and started beating the Spirit of Vengeance!

Once, twice, three times!

It can be said that the output of Mask of the Void with the Crazy Mask turned on directly exploded, and the blood volume of the Spirit of Vengeance dropped sharply!

Moreover, just as the void covered the three of them, Brother Li, who was far away on the road, also supported a strike of sky fire and placed the sky fire at the feet of the revengeful soul. With just one move of skyfire, he knocked out a third of the revengeful soul.

With one health volume, the remaining two-thirds of the health volume is naturally not a big problem for Wei Bin who has turned on the crazy mask!

After killing the Spirit of Vengeance, Wei Bin's ultimate move was about to end. Wei Bin jumped and left the place with one move, hiding his merit and fame!

He has to jump away, because the ultimate move is about to end. Once the ultimate move is over, the captain will mark him immediately. Then, under the siege of the captain and the two men, it will be difficult for him to escape!

Seeing Void jumping away, Spectre hurriedly opened up to provide the captain with a field of vision, because Spectre's ultimate move is to summon a ghost clone next to each enemy hero. In this way, the captain naturally has Void's vision!

But who would have expected that Wei Bin's void turned out to be the master's jump. He jumped a long way and jumped directly beyond the limit distance marked by the captain. Even if the captain had the vision of void, he still could not mark the void!

In fact, as early as when Void was preparing to escape after the Divine Bull jumped, Ghost had wanted to open it up. At least he could fly over and slow down to hold Void back! But Ghost thought in a blink of an eye and decided to forget it.

He only has one deceleration in his hand. With or without hard control, if he flies over now, he still can't do anything to Void. Void can jump away directly, or even directly use his big move to counterattack. After all, Void's current output is already very high.

Got it!

"F*ck!" The slain Spirit of Vengeance swore directly. I have to say that he really underestimated the enemy, but there is really no way. In this case, who would think that Void is hiding here?

What about in the woods? Karl is on the top lane, Ice Girl is in the middle lane, and the Divine Bull has not been resurrected yet. Which Mask of the Void would be stupid enough to hide in the woods and be ready to attack at any time? If something goes wrong, wouldn't he kneel down?

After all, they have three heroes!

At the same time, Karl has also pushed his troops to the second natural disaster tower!

Brother Li directly activated the Crazy Mask and Smart Swiftness and lit the defense tower crazily. For a moment, Carl's tower demolition speed exceeded the tower demolition speed of the bottom lane captain and Centaur! This is the power of the fire card, fire.

The output of the card is really explosive!

In this way, the upper and lower defense towers were pushed down at the same time, but the difference was that the guards were only pushed out of the outer tower, but what about the natural disasters? They were pushed out of the second tower. The disadvantages of the natural disasters began to become highlighted! Because the outer tower was like this

Things are really important. The outer tower is actually a kind of protection for their own jungle area. As long as the outer tower is there, once a fight breaks out in their own jungle area, they can always go to the outer tower to support their teammates. But if

Without the outer tower? Then they can only run. The support speed is directly 10086 blocks away. By the time you reach somewhere, the battle will be over. If you have to go there next, it will be Calabash Baby.

Save grandpa and kill him one by one!

After demolishing the second tower, Brother Li went directly into the wild area of ​​​​the natural disaster. Since the ghost never showed up, he must have been fighting in the wild area!

Seeing Karl rushing towards his own jungle area, Ghost wisely left the jungle area and took a detour back to his own highland, preparing to close the military line in front of his own highland!

In fact, there are some benefits to having the outer tower pushed, that is, you can safely hit the last hit under your own tower, because it is very close to your home, and your teammates can support you very quickly. You only need to insert it on the high platform in the jungle.

One eye and you're safe!

In this way, Ryan brought his eyes and the newly resurrected Spirit of Vengeance to the high platform in the natural disaster wilderness area and prepared to insert wards, but how did they know that Brother Li's Karl did not leave at all because the ghost returned to the line, he had been

The hero of the natural disaster is waiting here, because he knows that the current army line is the most suitable for ghosts to farm money. The ghosts can completely control the army line through positive and negative compensation, and control the army line at the door of the house, and then go to the high platform in the natural disaster wilderness area.

Insert an eye into it, so that the ghost can safely make money!

Not only the natural disaster heroes knew about it, but Brother Li also knew about it, so Brother Li decided to stay and wait, waiting for the hero on the opposite side to throw himself into the trap!

The hero on the opposite side was actually very cunning. Ryan was afraid that Karl would catch him to death if he tried to insert the ward by himself, so he deliberately waited for the Vengeful Spirit who was counting down the seconds, and wanted two people to insert the ward together. The two of them

If all heroes with control skills go together, it will definitely be much safer!

But who would have thought that Ryan was not waiting for the Soul of Vengeance to insert the ward, but that he was going to hell with the Soul of Vengeance! They underestimated Brother Li's strength and ambition! Just when the two natural disasters arrived at the natural disaster

On the uphill road under the high platform, a meteorite fell from the sky! It hit the two of them directly. Yes, Brother Li was waiting for them here, because Brother Li was now on the slope, and the two natural disasters were standing at the bottom of the slope. Down the slope was

There is no view from the slope!

In fact, Ryan and the Spirit of Vengeance can actually go to the high platform to insert wards by taking the road line. This position is a flat road. If they go this way, they will not attract Carl's ambush.

, but, if you do this, doesn’t it mean that you have told Konoe that I am inserting eyes here? What can you do if you pass by here wearing glasses in a swaggering manner? It must be to insert eyes! So, in order

In order to hide their vision, the two of them deliberately went around the middle road and took the uphill road to insert wards. In this way, the guards would not know that they had a vision here!


But who could have expected that their behavior would have been guessed by Brother Li’s Karl!

When the two natural disasters saw the meteorite falling from the sky, their actions were surprisingly consistent, which was to run away! Because they knew better than anyone else the damage caused by the meteorite, and this damage was not something they, the fragile ones, could bear!

However, is it that easy to escape? Immediately afterwards, Brother Li used a super-shock sound wave to push towards them. Under the action of the super-shock sound wave, the two of them kept moving with the meteorite and suffered a lot of damage.

secondary damage, or even third damage!

And is this over? No, it's not over yet! Along with the meteorites and super-shock sound waves, there is also the agility and agility that Carl has blessed himself with. Now that Carl's fire attribute ball has been filled up, this agility and agility has increased his attack power.

It can be said that it has reached its limit. Carl, who turned on the crazy mask and agility, was like a machine gun, shooting at Ryan. In just two shots, the crispy Ryan was killed. Then, Brother Li fired again.

The spearhead was aimed at the Soul of Vengeance, and after attacking the Soul of Vengeance, the Soul of Vengeance woke up from the push of the super-shock sound waves, and then hit Karl with a magic hammer. However, due to the ballistic flight, the Soul of Vengeance was hit by a magic hammer.

Before the Spirit of Vengeance's magic arrow stunned Karl, Karl fired another projectile. At this time, the Spirit of Vengeance's health was only a quarter left!

Karl, who recovered from the dizzy state, chased directly in the direction of the Spirit of Vengeance. It was just a matter of being dizzy for a second or two, and it had no impact on the overall situation at all. In addition to increasing the attack speed by a large amount, the Crazy Mask can also

Increase a large amount of movement speed, when moving at high speed

In front of Karl, it’s strange that the spirit of revenge can escape!

Soon, Karl killed the Spirit of Vengeance in two strokes. At the same time, the centaur chief of the natural disaster party also landed from the direction of the highland tower, followed closely by the captain!

But! The order of their ts was reversed! The centaur used the t first, and the captain used the t second. Because the ts had to line up, the centaur landed first, and the captain landed last!

Logically speaking, if the captain landed first, then based on the current position of Brother Li and the captain's third-level mark, the captain can mark him to Brother Li. However, since the captain landed later, here

During the gap, Brother Li’s Karl had already run away!

This time, Brother Li really ran away! Because he didn’t have the vision of the natural disaster jungle area, he didn’t know how long the captain and the centaur would chase him. So, Karl went directly to the guard jungle area, preparing to clear the ancient wilderness.

, with Karl’s current output, it’s no problem to farm the ancient wilderness!

After finishing a wave of ancient wilds, Karl’s qualitative change equipment was officially released! And this qualitative change equipment is—a account!

Account A is so important to Karl! It can be said that Karl with Account A and Karl without Account A are completely two heroes!


Because in addition to increasing the power of these ten skills, Carl's a account can also reduce the cooldown time of the ultimate fusion skill, reducing the cooldown time to one second at most. This is terrible! You know, if there is no a

If you want to account for it, then even if you have fully learned the ultimate move, there will be a minimum of three seconds of cooling time. What is the difference between a three-second cooling time and a one-second cooling time? If the difference is the one-second cooling time, then

Ten skills can be used seamlessly, one after another, and three seconds? You have to wait half a day! For a Karl with ten skills, he can use all of them quickly.

How important are skills? After all ten skills are summoned at once, how many people will be left alive?

And for such a piece of equipment, Brother Li's Karl actually came out in just 14 minutes! Of course, if it only came out with an A account in 14 minutes, it would still be somewhat slow, but Brother Li is not.

It's a naked A account. In addition to the A account, he also has a pair of shoes, a Midas touch and a crazy mask! If these are added together, there will be one more A account. Isn't this amazing speed?

Since then, the nightmare of the natural disaster party has begun!

Logically speaking, Brother Li should now gather his teammates and launch an attack like the natural disaster party, because the output of the current ghost is far inferior to that of the void. The void can kill people as long as it has a big move, and the sacred cow and ice girl are also equipped.

With the jumping knife, the cooldown time of Karl's ultimate skill has also been reduced to 3 seconds! And what about the opponent? Except for Ryan, the troops do not have jumping knife, which means that the opponent's starting hero is only Ryan. As for the captain, the captain usually fights from behind.

The hand is better. Of course, this depends on the situation. It does not mean that the captain must play second hand. He can also play first. But in this case, no one will restrict the big jumping Shenniu and Void.

Facing a lineup like the Guards, the captain had better play second fiddle, at least to make Void have some fear!

And what's the use of Ryan who only has one first mover? His experience just now has already explained a lot of problems. The first mover will only die because he is too fragile and has no life-saving equipment!

As for the other Vengeful Spirit who has the qualification to start, due to level reasons, his ultimate move is not of much use now, because his ultimate move, the transposition skill, increases as the skill level increases, and the casting distance gradually increases.

If you only have a level one ultimate move that changes distance, you really won’t be able to take the lead because the distance is too short!

Although there are five heroes on the opposite side, judging from the current situation, with their equipment, they simply cannot defeat the Guards!

But Brother Li did not summon his teammates to push the opponent, but chose to continue to grind money because he wanted to increase the difficulty of the game. How boring would it be if he just won?

In this way, the two sides spent money together. Brother Li's Karl was responsible for the money for the ancient guards and the middle lane. Shenniu and Ice Girl went to the bottom lane, while Wei Bin's Void went into the jungle.


From the current point of view, the economic gain of the Guards side is much higher than that of the Natural Disaster side, because they can control the line. Shenniu and Ice Girl control the line of troops near the second tower of the bottom lane of the Guards side, while Karl

Then the middle line of soldiers is controlled near the outer tower of the middle line. As long as these two lines of soldiers cannot pass through, the hero on the opposite side will not be able to make money!

In addition, Karl also captured the ancient wild of the Konoe side, and Void captured Ono of the Konoe side!

And what about the natural disaster side? They only have one troop line on the top lane, and this troop line has to be developed by Ghost. The other four heroes did not dare to be alone, so they could only get into the wild area together, and the four of them fought together.

This economic gap is huge! If four people farm together, how much money can each person get?

At this time, after several battles, the natural disaster side seemed to realize that they seemed to be unable to defeat the Guards side in team battles, so they simply developed peacefully. They were now somewhat unable to defeat the Guards side, not because of their

Their strength is not good, but because their level and key equipment are really poor. Instead of continuing to join the group, it is better to upgrade their level and equipment first, and wait for the ghost to shine. When the ghost comes out, that will be good.

Too much!

At twenty-five minutes, the ghost finally came out with radiance, and the level was raised to level 13. The centaur also came out with the key item jumping knife, and it was raised to level 11. Ryan, in addition to a wind account, could

Self-protection, on the other hand, can limit the void, because blowing the wind can blow the opponent. If the void does not have bkb, then he can completely blow up the void to limit the output of the void!

The Spirit of Vengeance has reached level 11, and has produced a Macon to save his life. After all, if he takes the initiative and substitutes, then after he switches, he will most likely not be able to come back! And this Macon will not come back!

Ken can also add blood to the team, which is a team outfit!

The captain was promoted to level 11, and a jumping knife was released. Although the jumping knife cannot increase the captain's combat effectiveness, it can increase his initiative ability. You must know that the captain's level 4 mark itself is far away. If he gets another one

What about the jumping knife? He can directly cross a large battlefield to mark the opponent's hero. This first-hand ability is absolutely impossible for the opponent to guard against!

On the guard side, Brother Li's Karl came out with the Hidden Sword, and he was promoted to level 17. He learned the level 3 ultimate move, and was equipped with a sheep knife and flying shoes. He almost looked like a god!

Wei Bin's Void has been upgraded to level 16, he has learned the level 3 ultimate move, and has used bkb, prosthetic legs, crazy mask and night swords!

Shenniu and Ice Girl have been upgraded to level 14. In addition to a jumping knife and shoes, Shenniu also received a push stick. His equipment was only updated with a push stick because he gave up all his economy.

Linlin's Ice Girl, in addition to the jumping shoes, Ice Girl also adds an A account and a BKB. It can be said that this is the Ice Girl's graduation outfit!

As far as the current equipment of the Guards side is concerned, it can be said that there are already some equipment that can crush the natural disaster side. Even the equipment of the Guards side is very good, but what about the natural disaster side? It is just the equipment of the ghost.

, other people’s equipment can really be described as appalling!

However, the difference in equipment is not a problem, because the ghosts have already shined, and they have all been upgraded to level 11 or above, and they have all learned the second-level ultimate move! The most important thing is that they have one more person. You need to know how to get one more person.

The advantage is huge, one more person means four more skills!

But at this time, the natural disaster party played a trick, that is, the brilliance of the ghost had not been transported to the ghost, but was still retained in the bird. Then the other four people secretly opened the fog and went together.

Stole the meat mountain!

Roshan will drop a resurrection shield after death, and Ghost has obtained the resurrection shield. Players with the resurrection shield will be resurrected at full status five seconds after death!<


In this way, the ghost continued to pretend to make money, while the other four people were confused again. The four of them quietly came to the bottom lane, ready to catch the Shenniu and Ice Girl who were finishing their kills in the bottom lane!

But the Divine Bull and the Ice Girl don't seem to realize that a war is about to start around them!

In fact, it’s no wonder they relaxed their vigilance. It’s really because the four heroes on the opposite side have never appeared on the pass line, because the four of them have been playing jungle for ten minutes. Who knows?

When did the four of them show up? In addition, the four of them turned on the fog, which made their eyes directly useless!

After getting close to the Ice Girl and the Divine Bull, the captain with the longest hand jumped up directly, and then used the super long distance advantage of the marker to directly mark the Divine Ox in place. At this time, Wei Bin's Void and Brother Li's Karl

They moved down the lane one after another, because they knew that this was very likely to be a decisive battle. Even if it was not a decisive battle, it was still a battle that could determine the outcome. No one could be absent from this battle!

"Haha, this kind of battle is interesting!" Brother Li said with a smile.

"Brother, I've been arrested, and you're still making sarcastic remarks!" Chongzi said with a bitter look on his face.

Although Brother Li and Wei Bin came over one after another, it was somewhat too late now. The captain followed the mark and added another torrent, and two seconds later, the torrent rushed the sacred cow into the sky, and then,

The ghost used his ultimate move. This ultimate move was the ultimate move after bringing radiance to his body!

"Has it shined?" Wei Bin murmured to himself!

I have to say that he was indeed deceived by the ghost, because just before the group started, the ghost's body was still empty, and it only took a few seconds. There was an extra Hui Yao on the ghost's body. Obviously, he should be Hui Yao.

Yao has come out a long time ago, but it has never been transported to the body to paralyze them!

Immediately afterwards, the centaur chief jumped up and hit the captain with a double attack. Then, Ryan also jumped over and electrocuted the sacred cow with his ultimate move.

It's such a luxury. This time, Ryan didn't begrudge his ultimate move at all, because he knew that killing someone in seconds was more important than anything else. Maybe it would be better to hand over his ultimate move to Karl or Void, who have greater effects, but even if

No matter how good it is, it is not as good as being able to kill a hero instantly. As long as the hero is killed instantly, the guards will be reduced. The guards will be three against five. Three against five, how can they fight?

The poor insect was killed by the natural disasters without even using a single skill!

This is a bit embarrassing. One person died just after the team fight started. How can we fight next?

The most important thing is that the ghost's true body has descended on Ice Girl. Facing the three heroes of Ice Girl, Karl and Void, Ghost must give priority to cutting Ice Girl, because Ice Girl is the most fragile and has poor escape ability.

The worst, but his ultimate does the highest damage. Killing the Ice Girl first is definitely the best choice!

Seeing that she was losing blood too quickly, Linlin immediately realized that this ghost must be the ghost itself, because the attack power of the ghost itself is higher than other clones!

Therefore, Linlin controlled the ghost with one move of freezing. At the same time, after turning on bkb, she activated the ultimate move on the spot. Faced with so many controls from the opponent, if the ice girl wanted to use the big move, she had to activate bkb first.

Otherwise, you will be interrupted every minute!

Logically speaking, he should be jumping into the enemy group with his weapon wide open. After all, that can maximize the damage of his ultimate move! But the ghost is hitting him and has interrupted his jumping knife. In fact, the Ice Girl

At the first moment, he wanted to jump over and use the big move, but the ghost's ultimate move interrupted his jumping knife, and now he was approached by the ghost's body. In desperation, he could only use the big move on the spot.

You can't just run into the crowd and open up, right? Others are not fools!

This is the ghost's grasp of the timing of the big jump. He knew that the ice girl was about to jump big, so the ghost opened the big jump at this time, and then interrupted the ice girl's jumping knife. Otherwise, once the ice girl bkb jumps

If it's too big, the threat to their natural disaster heroes is still quite big! I have to say that the ghost's strength and consciousness are really too powerful!

As for Brother Li, as soon as he landed, he shrank back and summoned two furnace elves. At this time, these two furnace elves had been attacking the ghost's body. At the same time, Brother Li also exerted a powerful force on the ghost's body.

A quick cooldown is available. In addition to triggering a stun effect when the target is attacked, the quick cooldown can also cause additional damage, which undoubtedly accelerates the ghost's death!

Immediately afterwards, he threw another sky fire at the feet of the ghost, and at the same time imposed agility and agility on himself! Then he started to use the mask like crazy, focusing the fire desperately to start the ghost!

Seeing that the ghost was destined to die, the spirit of vengeance moved the ghost to the rear with one move. The spirit of vengeance moved to the original position of the ghost. Then, the spirit of vengeance stunned the person just now with a move of magic hammer.

Attack Ghost's Mask of the Void because the output of Mask of the Void is too high. Although Carl's output is higher than that of Void, the range of his magic hammer is not as far as Carl's attack range. Just now Carl was standing at the extreme attack distance.

The one who outputs Spectre, that is to say, if he wants to hit Karl, he needs to run two steps. The Spirit of Vengeance is very self-aware. He knows that it will be difficult for him to take those two steps, because he is now replacing Spectre.

Ah, he is now suffering from Ice Girl's ultimate move, Karl's output and Void's output, coupled with Void's passive stun, it is really difficult for him to take those two steps!

From here, we can see the significance of the Ice Girl opening BKB. If the Ice Girl had not opened BKB, then the one who had just been replaced by the Soul of Revenge would not be the ghost, and Linlin’s Ice Girl would be gone. Because of the transfer of the Soul of Revenge,

Changing positions can interrupt Ice Girl's ultimate move. Ice Girl's position has changed, so her ultimate move will naturally be interrupted!

Moreover, it is definitely wiser to exchange the Spirit of Vengeance for the Ice Girl than to exchange the Ghost, because as long as the Ice Girl is replaced, the Centaur Captain and Ryan, the heroes in the rear, can instantly kill Ryan, and at the same time, the Ghost can continue to stand

Front row output, the ghost has a shield and is not afraid of death!

But the ice girl opened bkb, which made the spirit of revenge have to be replaced by the ghost. Although the ghost has a shield, it can't be given away in vain. The resurrection shield must be used to be valuable!

Not long after, the Spirit of Vengeance became the second victim after the Earth-Shaking Divine Ox!

After killing the Spirit of Vengeance, Ice Girl quickly retreated back. During his ultimate move, it was impossible for the opponent to rush in stupidly!

At this time, Void's jumping skill was cooled down. The jumping skill he just used was used after the t came down, because at that time, the Centaur and Ryan had already rushed up, and he had to avoid its edge!

Some people may want to say, after you came down from the Void, instead of immediately covering Ryan and the troops, and then killing Ryan instantly, the first thing you thought about after coming down was how to escape? This is the Void that has been developed for twenty-five minutes.



A real master must not hand over his ultimate move at this time. Why? Because the captain’s ultimate move has not appeared yet!

The captain of the natural disaster side is very good at playing. He was single-killed by Brother Li's Karl in the early stage because he underestimated the enemy. He had no idea that Brother Li's level was so high. In fact, he was definitely a rare event.


He has hid behind to start a group fight more than once, and the last time too. The last time Void sold the sacred cow, it was because the captain was still hiding behind, so Void did not dare to use big moves to save the sacred cow.

, because the existence of the captain's ghost ship can be called a perfect restraint for the void, and Brother Li also knows this truth, so he did not zoom in for a second like other players who play the void.

Man! If he activates it, he will definitely attract the captain’s ghost ship!

As for the captain, he also understands this truth, so if Void doesn't open up, he won't open up either. Unless he can hit several people, his ghost ship will definitely be left to Void!

This chapter has been completed!
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