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Chapter 99: Regulating the Market

Then another person said: "I'm sorry, my wife has something to do with me. I'll leave first and contact you later!"

"Hey, don't leave. We can negotiate the price! You guys are not allowed to leave after they leave!" Lu Renjia said quickly. These people are big customers who plan to cooperate with him for a long time. One less person is a big deal.

Loss! Lu Renjia suddenly realized that the news of the bidding over there must have reached the ears of these people, causing them to start watching again!

"Our boss said, 2 gold and 20 silver!"

"I have a set of 2 gold here!" I said because I wanted to make money.


"Wei Bin is so aggressive. As long as he surrenders, you will surrender to me as well. As long as it is not less than one gold, you will surrender severely!" Lu Renjia said.

"1 gold and 80 silver!" the waiter said.

"1 gold 60 silver!" I want to make money.

"1 gold and 40 silver!"

"1 gold and 20 silver!" I want to make money.

"1 gold" the waiter said.

"I also have 1 gold! You can get as much as you want, everyone has a share!" I want to make money. I have calculated that the cost of Lu Renjia Land is about 1 gold. In addition, they are buying Wanling Stone across the city. Not only will they not make money, but they will lose money.

, just use this to fight a psychological war to see who can't hold on first!

At this time, Lu Renjia couldn't bear it anymore and came directly to me who wanted to make money: "Hey, brother, your stall has been set up in front of my store. This is not appropriate!"

"Haha, how dare you say that I'm not suitable? It's obvious that you first went to our White Rock City to buy Wanling Stone at a high price and broke the market rules, but now you turn around and accuse me? You are too shameless!" I want to earn

Qian Yu said with dignity. At this time, he Zhanli naturally had to speak with his head held high!

"The rules of the market are set by people. If someone takes something, someone will sell it. This is a matter of course. Do you have to control other people's buying and selling? Are your controls a bit too lenient?" Lu Renjia said arrogantly, regardless of whether you care about negotiations or not.

The momentum must overwhelm the opponent.

"Haha, it's true that the rules are set by people. If you just buy in your country, I don't care even if it's a piece of gold. But you are wrong in not doing this hammer deal! You are wrong in not going to my Stone Forest Kingdom.

Acquisition! Where are you making rules? You are clearly ruining other people's jobs! Humph! A frog in the well!" Lu Renjia, who was as angry as Kong Ming scolding Wang Lang when he wanted to make money, could hardly finish his words!

"Okay! Okay! Okay! It doesn't matter if Wei Bin is rich or not. I don't believe you can beat me in my territory!" Lu Renjia knows that if I want to make money and come across the country, the transmission fee is just a

It's not a small expense, so it's not too scary.

"Okay! Aren't you rich? I will play with you as much as you want today! Let's see who has more suits! And who has more money! Huh!" I want to make money and act like I am rich.

I'm afraid of someone's calm posture. After seeing it, Lu Renjia gradually started to feel a little guilty. The other person is Wei Bin's spokesperson!

It's true that he is a local snake, but his only advantage is that he can redeem the suit in this city. If I want to make money, I need to go to White Rock City to pick up the goods. But his disadvantage is even more obvious. The cost of his suit is one gold per set, plus

Before, I had to pay for the tolls to acquire the Wanling Stones! But Wei Bin’s cost was just the travel expenses. There was almost no cost to acquire the Wanling Stones, even if a set only cost

Selling one gold, one person's backpack can carry seven sets, and the round trip cost is six gold. Wei Bin can also earn one gold! And Wei Bin is very rich. If he really gets into trouble with him, he will definitely lose everything.

It's better to compromise with Xiang Weibin and let everyone agree on the price!

In fact, if I want to make money, it's just an empty city strategy. He only has more than 400 sets in his hand. Although he doesn't know the number of Lu Renjia's, he can be sure that it must be more than him. Lu Renjia only needs to use up the sets in his hand.

After that, he can naturally recover 3 golds, and the current price of Wanling Stone on the market has been raised to 67 silver, who will sell it to Wei Bin for 20 or 30 coppers? Should Wei Bin also spend 67 silver to buy it?

Is it? Sixty-seven silver collects Wanling Stone and then sells it across the country without losing money? The most important thing is that it also means that his errand has failed!

So both of them have their own concerns, and they are playing psychological warfare. Whoever is more confident will win! Whoever has a guilty conscience will definitely lose!

"Huh, let's see!" Lu Renjia turned around and left angrily, wanting to test how long I could last for making money.

The two families sell them together at the price of one gold. Every time a set is sold, Lu Renjia's heart bleeds. On the other hand, I want to make money. Every time I sell a set, I have to pretend to be confident and look at the equipment store.

Let's see if Lu Renjia admits defeat. If he continues to waste it like this, he will definitely lose! At this time, he feels very guilty!

I wanted to make money and deliberately dealt with people very slowly to delay time. Two hours later, the four-star suit I wanted to make money was sold out: "Sorry everyone! The four-star suit in my hand has been sold out!" The voice said

Luo caused a commotion: "What, it was sold out as soon as it arrived at my place. This is just a small quantity!"

Lu Renjia, who was hiding in the equipment store, saw this and immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He still had seven to eight hundred sets in stock. He could still make a lot of money by restoring 3 gold!

"What, I thought you were so capable! You dare to come out and mess with me with just this little stuff? Haha! Go back where you came from!" Lu Renjia hurriedly came to the door of the store and ridiculed, extremely proud!

"Haha, I just said that the four-star suits are sold out, but I still have five-star royal gifts here. Don't panic! I still have 500 five-star royal gifts here, priced at 2 gold sets!" I want it!

He is pretending to be calm while making money. How can he have 500 sets? There are only 100 sets. As long as Lu Renjia holds on for another hour, I will give up if I want to make money!

Lu Renjia's face instantly turned purple with embarrassment. He had just slapped me in the face to get money and asked someone to return it. He was so ashamed! He knew the redemption rules of the Royal Gift Set. Although the number of five-star ones was twice that of four-star ones.

, but Wei Bin’s cost of purchasing the Wanling Stone for more than 20 coppers is still pitifully low. Even if he sells two golds, he can earn one gold, eighty or ninety silvers, which is more than the four-star one just now! As for selling two golds,

Is the price high? Players originally came with three golds. Who would buy four-star equipment when they can buy five-star equipment? The five-star imperial gift set has a full 25 higher attributes than the four-star equipment!

As soon as I said I wanted to make money, many players from the equipment store rushed out and stood in the queue next to me!

"Okay, you are unkind and I am unjust. I will not open this shop today. I will just stand at the door and

You do it!" After saying this, the waiter hired by the player store took out the equipment one by one, and the two of them sold it face to face!

"Okay, one deal, 488 units left! Next one!" I have to shout loudly every time I sell a unit to make money, for fear that Lu Renjia won't hear it, and Lu Renjia's heart becomes heavier every time she hears it.

"Okay, one deal, 788 units left! Next!" Lu Renjia imitated me to make money and wanted to stimulate him in turn.

"Okay, we made a deal, but you lost another sum!" Lu Renjia almost became angry when I said "I want to make money" and vomited blood!

The two of them kept selling in a stalemate, until I was about to make money and had two sets left. .??.??

"Okay, one deal, 402 units left! Next!" I shouted loudly because I wanted to make money, but in fact I was extremely uneasy! It seemed that this bidding was destined to fail!

"Okay, we've made a deal, and there are 702 units left! Next one!" Lu Renjia still followed suit.

"Okay, I've lost another deal!" Every word I said about making money was like a sharp knife, piercing deeply into Lu Renjia's heart. Who can understand this kind of heartache? And the subtle changes in Lu Renjia's expression

Success was captured by I Want to Make Money!

"Okay, one transaction, another profit, 401 units left!" I wanted to make money and started shouting louder, trying to break Lu Renjia's psychological defense.

"Okay, done, one deal, 701 units left!" Lu Renjia was already a little depressed.

"Okay, there are still the last 400 sets. I just want to see you lose even your pants today! Come on, next one!" I want to make money and continue to bluff. However, he no longer has the imperial gift set in his hand.


At this time, the Medicine God squeezed in from the crowd: "Brother, the leader of the Wei Gang sent me to bring you three hundred sets of equipment. The gang leader asked me to tell you, don't be afraid, the entire Nirvana City is standing behind you.

, the gang leader is willing to devote all his strength to help you!" After saying that, a dense crowd of people appeared behind Yao Shen, and he couldn't count how many people.

The appearance of the Medicine God completely broke through Lu Renjia's psychological defense, and I want to make money with a smile on my face, and arrogantly laughed: "Hahahaha! Sorry, let me correct what I just said, there are 700 sets left, next one!"

In fact, I want to make money. I can tell from the eyes of the Medicine God. Where are the reinforcements? This is obviously the Medicine God playing tricks!

However, my arrogance about making money completely made Lu Renjia give up. Giving up at this time was just a loss of face, but there were at least 700 sets left, and he could still make a lot of money. If this stalemate continued, then

It’s really a waste of money!

"Wait, wait a minute, brother! He just said that you are the leader of the Wei Binwei gang? Oh, why didn't you tell me earlier? It's all a misunderstanding! We are all businessmen. If you have any good suggestions, we can sit down and talk about it.

Well, why get so tense! Harmony makes money!" Lu Renjia deliberately pretended that he didn't know before that I wanted to make money from Wei Bin. Of course, this was just a step he had found for himself. How could he not know?

?At this moment, he has completely given up on face. What’s the use of face! Only when you have money can you have face, but if you don’t have money, face is of no use!<


"Humph, if I had known this, why would I, the Nirvana City, be afraid of you as a small workshop in the first place? But now that you have realized your mistake, let's sit down and have a good chat!" Even if Lu Renjia has already given in, I want to

You must not relax when making money. This last step is very crucial. If you act as relaxed as a long sigh of relief, Lu Renjia might notice something, and all your efforts will be wasted by then! Tighten first and then loosen, combining hardness and softness.

, only then can Lu Renjia be completely convinced!

"Come on, come on, brother, please come in!" After saying that, he took me to the inner room where I wanted to make money: "Brother, you see, this has already happened today. The so-called water cannot be recovered, and it's too late. Just tell me a solution.

Come on, as long as it's reasonable, I will respect it!" Lu Renjia kept smiling.

"Today you caused us to make less than a thousand gold, and I don't ask you to make any compensation for this! I can no longer care about the Wanling Stone you purchased before, but you must promise to abide by the market in the future.

According to the rules, the price cannot exceed the market price too much. At the same time, you can only purchase the Wanling Stone from the neighboring two countries and cannot cross the border. Otherwise, your store will not end up as well as this time next time!" A weak country has no diplomacy,

I want to make money and win the bidding, so I am naturally confident! He doesn’t expect Lu Rencan to make any compensation, how much can he compensate you? He might as well use the money he compensates you to continue bidding! So I want him to

Compensation is impossible!

"Yes, yes! Brother, you are right, I promise I will never do it again in the future!" Lu Renjia said as a guarantee, and then I took people out of Jinyang City to make money!

Before I wanted to make money and return to the city, Wei Bin first received a video sent to him by Luffy, which recorded all my behaviors from the first step into Jinyang City to making money, and during the bidding process.

My tone and demeanor of wanting to make money, as well as the timely rescue by the Medicine God later, all reveal the invincible tacit understanding between the talent and the Medicine God! With such a capable person, why worry about the market?

After I reported the results to Wei Bin after I returned from making money, Wei Bin admired this person even more. Wei Bin's original plan was to earn less than 1,800 gold to restore the market order, so that he could continue his steady flow of money.

Even if a few more barons appear in the future, as long as the market price does not fluctuate, the income can still be continuous. After all, titles are very rare and cannot be popularized on a large scale!

Unexpectedly, I wanted to make money, which not only restored the market order, but also limited the scope of Lu Renjia's acquisitions, so that we could divide the Middle-earth continent with him, and everyone would go to the same side, and no one would be affected! Wei Bin still has many things to do.

You have to be busy, but you don’t want to be slowed down by such little things!

Then Wei Bin started his own equipment-making journey! There are three life skills for civilians to make equipment, sewing, casting, and craftsmanship. Sewing equipment includes hats, clothes, wrist guards, shoulder pads, and shoes.

Gloves and casting type can only create weapons, while crafting type can make necklaces, rings, and amulets.

After Wei Bin learned the soft silk hat pattern of the level 30 hat that dropped before, he found an additional soft silk hat pattern in the tailoring skill bar.

Soft silk hat low-grade cloth piece 10 + cotton 10 + tough leather level 3 10 + hat making diagram level 3

Low-level cloth pieces are dropped among level 1039 monsters and are used to create sewing equipment of level 30 and below. This thing is very common at this stage.

This chapter has been completed!
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