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Chapter 1191 Tug of War

One by one, the warriors began to untie their last shackles. If they first untied their mental shackles, then they would also untangle their physical shackles.

Many of the technologies left by Tulip were beyond the control of the industrial system of their time. When used in biochemical transformation, the bodies of the soldiers were unable to withstand their full power output.

Once the restrictions on the body are lifted, at full power output, even the radiation released by the energy cells in the body will cause genetic collapse from the inside out.

The chromosomes were shattered by radiation bombardment and could not continue to replicate themselves. The cells in the body were reduced one by one until every cell was burned and then fell into permanent death.

This is real burning. Once the limits of life are released, it is almost impossible to recover. The only fate is to die in battle. With their current technical conditions, the solution to machine collapse must be in a laboratory with complete conditions.

It also requires the patient's sufficient pluripotent stem cells. These must be stored before the battle begins. Otherwise, it will be difficult to restore the person's genetic information when almost all chromosomes in the body are shattered.

On the battlefield, there is no doubt that there are no conditions for such surgery. People who choose to release life restrictions are no different from choosing death.

However, at this moment, hundreds of people still chose to liberate their bodies. Their bodies erupted with jet-black steam, propelling their bodies forward at incredibly high speeds.

Even with dynamic vision that has unlocked mental limitations, it is difficult to capture their rapid movement.

The jet-black lightnings are like the dance of death, interpreting the preciousness of life in an instant. Even if you hope that your consciousness can be uploaded. When death approaches, you will still burst out with an unprecedented will to survive.

Every hair seems to have turned into the most sophisticated sensing instrument. It points in the direction of the source of danger, and is chased by hundreds of cones, but none of them can touch them.

Moving at super high speeds, they had given up on defense. The dual-wielding lightsabers danced in the air at high speed, leaving a brilliant trail of light.

It is like the light produced when the current rubs against the atmosphere. It leaves a large amount of chopped debris along the way, just like the bright tail left by a comet streaking across the night sky.

However, the difference in numbers between the two sides was too great after all. This moment of blooming only temporarily suppressed the increase in the opponent's numbers.

If the war situation does not change, at the last moment when these soldiers burn their lives, the soldiers will usher in their own defeat. The courage required is completely different from being afraid of death and being able to actively choose to die in battle and experience this slow and desperate process.


Not everyone can make up their mind to make such a decision. Just when the remaining warriors are wondering whether they should also release the restraints on their bodies.

A sky-shattering rainbow penetrated from an unknown distance. It was not an attack that could be unleashed by the power of military unity. The huge beam of light was hundreds of meters wide, like an electric mosquito swatter sweeping through the air. It swept countless

The black spots disappeared from the sky.

Countless octagonal monuments turned into steam under this terrible attack. Immediately after, a series of rainbows passed through the sky. Like an eraser, they wiped out all the enemies in their path. Even

The mountains, rivers and land will also be erased.

"What on earth is that?" Even soldiers serving in the army couldn't help but exclaim when faced with this spectacular sight.

The commander in charge of this area finally breathed a sigh of relief. He had just sent a request for help to his superiors, but the reply he received was that the war in various parts of the country was tight and he could not send more troops to support.

But just when he thought the war situation was about to become irreversible, support arrived in such an incredible way.

"Has the mainland's giant cannon really been successfully developed? I don't know how the military solved it. The plasma torrent orbits around the surface of the planet. I remember that before, it could only shoot out of the atmosphere in a straight line."

The spectacular sight in front of him finally made him breathe a sigh of relief. With just a few shots, the enemy forces in the sky were reduced to a number that could be easily suppressed or even eliminated.

At the same time, he also received a communication from the general headquarters: "Please answer when you receive it, please answer when you receive it! This is the Mingdu combat headquarters, and the frontline personnel have sent intelligence. Please implement the latest combat strategy immediately."

"Received! The battle situation has been brought under control, and the local area is sufficient to eliminate the enemy."

"Don't be careless. According to reports from other areas, the speed of self-replication of these flying objects is different in different areas. Like animals and plants, their self-replication process requires specific elements and many complex compounds after they are synthesized.

The minerals in different regions have different styles, which will affect the speed of their self-replication. However, for them, the most suitable thing for their self-replication is undoubtedly their own corpses.

Therefore, after controlling the war situation, please capture and collect their intact corpses as much as possible. And place them in a safe and reliable place for storage. The combat command is urgently studying the effects of the lack of different elements on this hostile creature. The minerals of the mainland theoretically

It is not enough to support its infinite self-replication, we need more samples to confirm which rare elements are critical to them, and counteract them in this regard."

After receiving the order, the commander immediately felt that he had a heavy responsibility. He immediately issued new orders to adjust the deployment of the troops, and applied for support from the nearby navy, cooperating with them to use artillery fire to block the sky.

However, the navy, which was preparing to provide support, encountered a warship with a strange shape at this time.

Of course, they were not sure that the thing they encountered was a battleship. Because the painting style of that thing was really weird. It was more like a huge sea monster than a battleship.

On the whole, it is a huge ship. At least it looks like a ship in shape. But if you look carefully, there is a huge eye at the bow of the ship. Like the giant eye of a squid, it follows

The progress is still turning.

There is a huge mouth directly in front, swallowing huge amounts of sea water. There are countless tentacles on both sides, waving underwater, occasionally catching many fish and shrimp underwater, and stuffing them into the serrated mouthparts on the sides.

In addition to those tentacles, there were many amputated limbs and carapace of unknown meanings on this strange thing. It looked unusually evil. It was approaching their fleet at an unhurried speed.

[To be continued]

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