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Chapter 1707 Divine Disaster Response Committee

The space-based weapon dealt an extremely serious blow to the Lord God. Just now, it directly shattered the form of the God of Gluttony. Even though the Lord God's body was extremely strong, under such an attack that exceeded the speed of sound many times and fell from the sky.

, it is also difficult to ensure the integrity of one's body.

The mass of a space-based weapon falling from the sky is at least a thousand tons. An object of this mass dropped from the orbit of a planet can penetrate even the earth's crust, let alone the body of the Lord God.

The bottom of the seawater was dyed dark red, and then thick black smoke emerged from the bottom of the water. It was that the rock formations on the seafloor were penetrated by a powerful attack from the sky, and a large amount of magma triggered an undersea volcanic eruption. From the sea surface, first

There was a glow, followed by a large amount of smoke rising from the bottom of the sea.

The God of Gluttony has not died. Although his body has collapsed, the body of the god is not an ordinary flesh and blood body. Most of it is composed of extraordinary power similar to soul power. As long as the godhead is still there, he will not die immediately.

It is even possible to retain a trace of the soul and escape back to the God Realm, but the coalition forces will naturally not miss the opportunity to beat the drowned dog. Previously, this main god had tormented the Three Kingdoms fleet quite miserably. Now that the opponent has fallen into a disadvantage, it is natural to have to

Hit him hard with a black hand.

The fleets of the Three Kingdoms directly devoted all their firepower to the God of Gluttony, which collapsed into a ball of mist due to the attack just now.

How ferocious the fleet's coordinated attack was. It can be imagined that the remaining body of the God of Gluttony had no chance to gather together and was scattered in the violent storm attack.

Just when the people in the fleet were about to continue finishing their attacks, a communication suddenly came over the radio.

"All forces involved in the war to deal with the divine disaster, please evacuate the battlefield as soon as possible. Strategic nuclear bombing is about to arrive.

Once again, we would like to inform all forces involved in the response to the divine disaster to please leave as soon as possible, strategic nuclear bombing is about to arrive."

What is a strategic nuclear bomb? Nowadays, all countries have more or less a concept. After all, one nuclear bomb was just exploded on the seabed. This kind of thing is generally very large in mass and difficult to transport using missiles.

It must be a super transport aircraft to be able to carry such a big thing. The only way to really use this kind of thing is to gain a decisive advantage in the war and have air superiority before it can launch it.

But when the real war has reached this point, there is no need to drop nuclear bombs anymore. The army can be dispatched to substantially control the local area.

This kind of thing can only be used to deal with the gods, who have extremely tenacious vitality and may not die even if they are hit by space-based weapons.

As for the other second-level gods, when they saw the main god being beaten to ashes, they ran very fast one by one. If they were hit by such an attack from Chengdu, they would probably be beaten to ashes even if they were still in the God Realm.

, not even the god can resurrect himself.

And then the fierce tactics of this group of humans also made them realize that their escape was correct. An extremely large transport plane, protected by many fighter planes, flew to the place where the God of Gluttony was dispersed.

Then a big thing weighing dozens of tons was thrown down. This was a strategic nuclear weapon. It could usually only be detonated on the spot to collect data. It was almost impossible to be used for attacks in normal wars.

But it was still thrown down at this time. This was a 15-megaton super nuclear bomb. This power was already quite insane, but compared to what humans on earth had done before, it was still far behind.

Ivan is still inferior.

At this time, this huge nuclear bomb was slowly descending with the assistance of a parachute. It was impossible to release a nuclear bomb by this method normally.

Even if you have air control and the bomb slowly floats down with a parachute, it is likely to be directly knocked down by ground anti-aircraft fire. Unlike other bombs that may directly detonate after being hit, if the nuclear bomb is damaged, it will be completely useless. Basically

It can only exert the power of a nuclear trigger's self-destruction.

However, there is currently no one else competing for the right to stay in the air in this sea area. In order to detonate the nuclear bomb at the most suitable location, the bomber used this method to drop the bomb.

The parachute slowly descended from the sky with the nuclear bomb, and swayed down to the sea, until it landed in the layer of purple mist, which was left after the God of Gluttony exploded. It almost floated to the middle of the layer of mist.

The super bomb finally detonated.

Huge amounts of light radiation were released from the bomb, and the formation of fighter planes in the sky had already moved away, leaving the horrific explosion behind.

What was behind them was a real natural disaster-level explosion. This kind of power was absolutely excessive for a war between humans. How many Extreme Douluo were thrown into the core of the explosion and would be blown up.

Death, but for the battle against the gods, I am afraid it is not enough.

The God of Gluttony thought that he was about to achieve great success and was much stronger than before. Even if these human fleets were capable, there was nothing he could do about it, so he went out boldly.

In the end, he never expected that the human counterattack would be so ferocious. Even though he was more than ten times stronger than before practicing the self-cultivation technique, his body was still destroyed by a spear that fell from the sky.

If this is the case, his soul can successfully return to the God Realm. In a place like the God Realm where the power of faith is extremely abundant, he can basically recover after cultivating for a month or two, which is fifty or sixty years in the human world. But this gang

Human beings are simply too cruel.

The power of the weapon thrown down reached a level of insane power. Even if the God of Gluttony went all out, it would be difficult to release it. At this time, his body had been destroyed, and there was no possibility of counterattack. He ate all the food by force.

Although he is still injured, his soul has been almost wiped out. Even if he returns to the God Realm, he will probably have to cultivate in the God Realm for hundreds of years. As for the first half of the year in the God Realm, which corresponds to the human world, that is more than 100,000 years.

Time, if 100,000 years were given to humans, it would basically be enough to make themselves extinct if they did not get rid of their mothers.

Basically, the God of Gluttony has completely withdrawn from this war between humans and gods. Even if he can be resurrected and return to the human world, no one will remember him.

The war came to an end in a vigorous explosion. It was originally a melee between the three countries, but gradually evolved into a war between humans and gods. The heavy losses in this war also made the other three countries realize that

The destructive power of divine disasters requires us to pay attention to this horrific disaster.

Even if the Sun Moon Empire didn't want to, it had to temporarily stop the aggressive war to allow the Sky Soul Empire and the Star Luo Empire to breathe. Moreover, in the previous war, the potential of the Sky Soul Empire and the Star Luo Empire was also forced out. Really

If there were to be a complete continental war, the losses on both sides would be very heavy.

Next, the most important purpose of all countries in the mainland is probably to deal with divine disasters. In the civilized space, headed by the Republic of Dou Ling, which knows best about divine disasters, the leaders of various countries gathered in a conference hall. In reality, the leaders of various countries

People will definitely not take such risks and go to other countries for meetings. Such meetings can only be held in civilized spaces.

At this time, Huo Yuhao, who is the host of the meeting, is explaining various information about divine disasters to various countries. Although this Huo Yuhao is just a clone infused with original memories, as long as the memory is the same as everything he has experienced, his personality will match the original.

That person is basically the same.

After abandoning the lowest concept of revenge, Huo Yuhao actively participated in the advancement of civilization, making him one of the experts in dealing with divine disasters.

"We can now determine through the instruments of the Disha Project that there are many huge energy sources inside our planet. The one we destroyed before is one of the many huge energy sources.

However, the most dangerous thing about divine disasters to us is not these relatively huge energy sources, but the relatively weak ones.

You can take a closer look at the distribution map we explored. Most of the underground energy sources are located on the shallow surface, and more of them are located in the ocean. Only about one-tenth of them are located on land.

Through observation, we can find that their behavior is very purposeful, which is the same as the characteristics of intelligent creatures they display. We once captured two of these special life forms. After interrogation and communication, we can determine that

They have thoughts and personalities, they are not simple natural phenomena. And they call themselves gods.

So we define this kind of disaster as a divine disaster, that is, a disaster originating from God.

These powerful life forms that have become gods have a strong purpose in their activities on the shallow surface. They are usually active in volcanic and seismic zones, and they favor volcanoes, or even craters where magma is erupting.

Through detection, we can find that when they are entrenched in these craters, the magma on the surface of the volcano will solidify rapidly, and the surrounding air and surface will heat up rapidly. This is a manifestation of energy absorption.

Those of you who know something about physics should know very well that we cannot obtain energy from a single heat source, so the second type of perpetual motion machine does not exist. The gods cannot violate the second law of thermodynamics. They must borrow energy to obtain energy.

temperature difference.

This is similar to the underground dry hot rock power generation technology we are developing, but this planet does not belong to the gods. They do not consider sustainable development like we do when building power plants and build them on relatively stable underground rock formations.

Among them, we will specifically select those areas where geological activity is intense and magma is exposed on the surface.

Their existence in a short period of time will turn an active volcano into an extinct volcano, sealing off the connection with the underground.

But this is not a good thing for us. We live on continental plates, and the continental plates are also moving slowly, so there is huge pressure in our underground asthenosphere.

The active volcanoes on the earth themselves are pressure relief valves. If there are no other changes in the positions of these active volcanoes, we can be vigilant at any time, observe them, and evacuate when they are about to erupt, thereby reducing the loss of people and property.

But if they are closed, the pressure on other fragile locations in the volcanic and seismic zones will increase, and new active volcanoes will be born. Even the gods will take the initiative to build more areas for cultivation in areas with fragile strata.

Wreak havoc and detonate active volcanoes in the area.

As for whether there are humans living in this area, it is not within the consideration of the gods, and this is undoubtedly a disaster for us.

Maybe this is not obvious to everyone, but I must say that almost the entire continent under our feet is in a volcanic and seismic zone.

This is not alarmist. Everyone must be well aware of the collision between two continents 3,000 years ago.

In just 10,000 years, the straits turned into mountains, and now, the average altitude of the mountains has reached 1,500m, which shows how active the geological activities on our continent are.

The entire continent is in a position where tectonic plates are squeezing each other, which means that any country on the continent is likely to suffer from earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other vicious disasters, especially your three empires, all of which are located in a region where volcanic activity is extremely intense.

in the earthquake zone.

In comparison, the Republic of Douling is actually relatively far away from this volcanic battle zone, but we have still experienced more than ten divine disasters on the mainland, two of which were relatively serious and triggered relatively violent volcanic eruptions.

On those two occasions, we captured two beings who claimed to be gods.

The remaining dozen or so divine disasters did not cause too much damage to people or property because they occurred in relatively remote areas. Our army was not discovered and arrived in time, so we did not successfully capture these life forms that claimed to be gods. However, it is conceivable that

If such disasters continue to occur, one day it will be the turn of densely populated areas. If a volcanic eruption occurs in the capitals of various countries, what kind of disaster will it be? I don’t need to describe it to you in detail."

The heads of state listened to Huo Yuhao's story with solemn expressions on their fists. They have been busy with wars recently and have not paid much attention to the local people's livelihood. Therefore, they have ignored the abnormal phenomenon of frequent volcanoes and earthquakes during this period.

, but after having a clear understanding of divine disasters, combined with the situation in your own country, you will find that there are far more incidents suspected of divine disasters in your own country than in the Douling Republic.

Anyone with a little knowledge of geology knows that the geographical location of the three empires is much closer to the volcanic and seismic zones than the Republic of Dou Ling. This unscrupulous activity of the gods, who knows what terrible consequences it will have, what will really happen.

In a devastating disaster, they will definitely be the first to suffer.

"I propose to establish a committee to deal with divine disasters." After listening to Huo Yuhao's description, Xu Tianran was silent for a while, and then immediately made a proposal to establish an international organization to deal with divine disasters.

[To be continued]

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