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Chapter 129 The Controller

The new profession of controller is closely bound to the Zerg. If the bugs are not controlled by the controller, then this profession will have no meaning at all.

It is also about cultivating extraordinary power. Taking this path of borrowing external power from other beings is obviously the most unpopular. Only those types with the least talent among the major races and humans who have absolutely no talent for cultivation will take this path.

Take this path.

And humans are different from other races. Just because humans don’t have the talent for cultivation, doesn’t mean they don’t have talent. Heaven can deprive humans of their talent for cultivation. It can make humans unable to practice anyway, unless they become inhuman beings.

But there is no way to deprive humans of their wisdom. If we deprive humans of their intelligence, it would be equivalent to turning humans into another race. Doing so would be equivalent to Heaven directly eradicating humans. If it can really be done.

If that were the case, that day would have directly wiped out human beings. Human beings in this era actually came into being. To be precise, all races in the wild are left over from the previous era.

In this case, it is impossible for Heaven to eliminate the existence of human beings in any case. Even if it suppresses human beings now, it will continue to accumulate the origin of human blood, and this will be a disaster for the entire prehistoric continent.

A terrible disaster. If the bloody luck continues to accumulate without being vented, the final result will undoubtedly be catastrophic.

Any race will have an explosion of spirit when it is on the verge of extinction, and human beings have almost always been wandering on the edge of extinction, and have been constantly being killed. If it were not for human beings in this world, they would continue to be refreshed, and there would continue to be

If humans in the future were transported to this era, they would have been extinct in the massacre of all major races.

Because of this, an extremely large amount of bloody luck has been accumulated. Once this part of the bloody luck breaks out, the human collective will become an extremely terrifying and twisted existence, and may even bring disaster to the extinction of the entire continent.


This is a problem that is difficult for the ultimate strong man to solve. Under this situation, if some alternative means can be used to make human beings' treatment a little better and to slow down the accumulation of human blood luck, in fact, all major races will

is willing.

Races that can do this kind of thing are usually civilized, very advanced races that have established a fairly complete moral system.

For them, the enslavement of other races gives them better treatment than the people of other races. In this case, the enslavement of humans by the elves actually improves the treatment of humans. In this way

In one case, the elves did not help humans subjectively. But objectively, they delayed the accumulation of bloody luck. This is why the major races on the prehistoric continent watched the elves acquire a large number of humans, but they

An important reason for not preventing excellence.

Such large-scale use of human resources will, on the contrary, play a certain role in alleviating the huge hidden dangers that exist on the ancient continent today.

Human beings have also given birth to many outstanding figures in this process, beings who have mastered extraordinary power in this world. Even if the race is very low-level, they will still receive a certain degree of respect. The vast majority of human beings are respected by other strong people.

Everything is lowly in his eyes.

However, if there are extraordinary beings among humans, that is, aliens, even all races in the wild will have a certain respect for this power. Although these controllers do not have powerful power themselves, they can amplify the Zerg.

The power itself is equivalent to that of half a transcendent.

Existences like them can command a very small number of bugs in the Zerg race. In the process of commanding, this small number of bugs can exert the power of the corresponding level of extraordinary beings.

The command power of this part of the insect is insignificant for a girl. He can even divide such command power almost infinitely.

The greater the command authority that can be obtained, the more bugs can be commanded, and the larger the base will be. This means the higher the level of the controller.

The level of control may even be higher than that of the queen, which means that a legendary queen may have a demigod level controller.

Demigod-level controllers themselves do not have extraordinary powers, but by using their own programs and high-speed thinking to control the Zerg, they can exert demigod-level strength.

This situation is not surprising. The Queen of the Zerg does not necessarily have the strongest control over her own bugs. Others may have better control over their bugs than they do.

It's like you bought a game. This game does belong to you, but you may not be the best at playing this game. The same is true for the queens. Although the legendary-level queen can produce more troops than the demigod-level ones.

The Queen is much different, but if the controller is strong enough and has high enough skills, he can also complete the level-skipping challenge.

This means that the controller's strength is already higher than that of the Queen herself. However, in order to exert this strength, the Queen Mother has to hand over almost all her authority to the controller, which means that every insect produced by the Queen will

To be manipulated and instructed on how to act.

This is basically the upper limit of the controller. So far, there has never been a controller who is more than one level higher than the queen. In other words, the legendary queen can at most perform under the command of the controller.

It is absolutely impossible to show the strength of a demigod level and the spiritual level.

This actually means that the queen you choose also affects the upper limit of what a controller can do. If you choose a legendary-level queen, the top line that can be developed may be the demigod level, unless the queen herself can also be promoted to half-length.

level, otherwise it will be difficult for the controller to continue to improve.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! This means that the more powerful the Queen, the more powerful the controller can be given room to play.

The queen at the spiritual level is already the top one, and so far no controller can cross a level online at this level. After all, if you continue to cross a level, it will be the holy level, and this gap is almost any

It cannot be filled up by any means.

However, controllers of this level are also divided into strengths and weaknesses, that is, they can exert the strength of several queens. If some controllers control all the queen's arms, they can exert ten times the strength of the queen, that is,

It's equivalent to one hitting ten.

Some are stronger. They can exert dozens of times of strength, but usually, the controller will not occupy a queen alone. The controller's control ability is generally limited. After the magnitude reaches a certain level,

If we continue to carry out detailed and precise command, the results we can achieve are very limited.

Another important factor is that the number of controllers is much greater than that of the Queen, usually multiple controllers. Control the Queen's soldiers so that the Queen's strength can be brought out as much as possible.

After all, when the same controller controls a smaller number of soldiers, the improvement factor will be higher.

At this time, the level of the controller is usually evaluated based on the troops required for the same controller to exert a level equivalent to the Queen's full strength. The fewer troops required, the stronger the controller is, and the more powerful the controller is.

The more controllers you can equip the Queen with, the more times the Queen's strength can be exerted.

As controllers gradually appeared on the battlefield, the war between the elves and the zerg gradually entered a stage where the zerg were at a huge disadvantage. Their captured queens were now turning against themselves. And with controllers to assist these queens,

Basically, every queen can exert dozens of times of strength.

On every battlefield, they can defeat more with less, and this will lead to more and more queens being captured. In this case, the number of controllers is much more than that of the queen. After some are divided,

, the Queen's own combat effectiveness will not be greatly weakened. In this case, the Queen whose heart has been captured will be quickly armed again.

This situation is like a natural disaster of the undead. All the failed existences on your side will be converted into the opponent's troops. And after being converted, they will become stronger. Even dozens of times stronger. In this way, the Zerg can fight as much as possible.

When you are about to fail, you choose methods such as suicide to avoid being caught by the opponent and increase your opponent's strength.

However, this is not easy. The queen's desire to survive is very strong. In most cases, they will not accept their own lives. Even if they are ordered by their superiors, they will choose to delay as much as possible. And if the elves

If strong men arrive, this kind of obliteration from superiors can also be offset.

In addition, another point is that the queen herself can also reproduce offspring. They are not those cannon fodder-like insects, but real offspring that can grow into the offspring of the new queen.

However, there are some restrictions on their breeding, that is, a queen can only breed one offspring in most cases. Therefore, most of the elves captured are queens who have lost their ability to reproduce.

So far, they have only caught one queen who can breed offspring, and it is only a legendary queen. This is actually a normal thing. After all, the higher the strength, the longer the survival time is usually, and the older you are, the longer you will survive.

The probability of breeding is greater. Therefore, those queens who have not bred are usually weaker, even below the legendary level.

Because of the special breeding characteristics of the Zerg, queens among them who have not bred are almost never allowed to come to the battlefield, so the probability of being captured is very slim.

However, after the elves captured one, they began to breed quickly and took out a large number of treasures from the elves so that the female queen could grow quickly. After it grew to enough breeding strength, they quickly bred it and then cultivated it.

In order to quickly obtain a large number of queen elves, a Zerg even activates a powerful formation within the race. In the formation, time can be distorted and the flow of time in the formation can be greatly accelerated.

This is similar to the effect of a spiritual time house. A year has passed inside, but only one day has passed outside, or even longer.

However, there is still no shortage of cultivation resources. During this process, enough extraordinary power must be injected into this formation. Enough cultivation resources must be provided so that the cultivators inside can become strong enough.

At present, this kind of breeding has been carried out for more than ten rounds. Although the queens finally obtained are legendary level queens, which require them to continue to practice little by little, but this is at least the type of mass production, and can be obtained as long as sufficient resources are invested, and

When the Queen goes to another world to develop, she can obtain quite a lot of resources.

There is no doubt that this is an absolutely profitable process. These legendary queens themselves also have certain potential for promotion. The strength of the Zerg usually relies on mutation. With its huge number, it continuously mutates into more powerful individuals.

, and then absorb the genes of this individual to strengthen itself as a whole.

It is for this reason that whether a bug is strong or not has little to do with whether its mother body is strong. It is quite powerful, which may make the bug naturally stronger. But in the end, it can determine how high they reach. It is they who devour and synthesize it.

Which biological genes, and what benign mutations have appeared in individuals of your own race?

As long as the elves are given enough time, it is very possible for them to cultivate these legendary level bugs into demigod level or higher.

As for the legendary queens who appear on the battlefield, it will be very difficult to continue to cultivate them. It does not mean that the blood talents of these queens are not good. It is that they are either unlucky or lack the brains to be able to

The queens who go to the battlefield are usually queens who are not too young and have always been stuck at the legendary level, which means that there are almost no useful evolutions in the process of growing up.

Since it has not evolved for so many years, even if it is caught by the elf, the probability of being able to evolve is low.

Having a considerable number of Zerg Queens means that the number of controllers can be greatly increased, and among the proportion of controllers, the proportion of humans is quite large.

On the one hand, humans do not have extraordinary power, and if they want to be strong, they must follow this path. On the other hand, in order to develop other worlds, the elves have recruited a large number of humans to integrate into their own race.

In each war, humans' command of these insects, their calm response on the battlefield, and various qualities that only advanced intelligent creatures possess, have also been recognized by some elven warriors.

[To be continued]

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