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Chapter 225 Popularization of New Plants

After discovering the trees entangled with these vines, the first thing to pay attention to was not those trees, but the vines entangled on the trees, because their growth rate was too fast. Humans in this world are not aware of the growth rate of plants.

They are quite sensitive, after all, they have to collect plants and then weave them into clothes.

The most precious clothes in this world are all woven with fresh plant fibers. These fresh plant fibers have a certain vitality and can absorb the power of light. Such absorption can make the residents of this world more comfortable in their daily lives.

For them, clothes are no longer used to keep warm, but to block out light.

And this fast-growing plant means that it is possible to provide a large amount of cheap plant fiber in the future. If this material can be made into clothes in large quantities, the scope of human activities will be much wider.

It is different from the dark world. In the dark world, places where no light shines are untouchable restricted areas. In contrast, in the light world, even if there is a certain amount of light, if you can endure it at the physical level,

It is possible to step in even if there is damage.

Unlike in the dark world, stepping into the darkness almost means certain death. In the light world, if you step into a world full of light, you will only be harmed at the physical level. The concentration of light in the periphery of the town is

A step-by-step approach that slowly improves.

The further away from the town center, the higher the light concentration will be.

Although it is not suitable for long-term survival, it is a very suitable place for planting and collecting.

Therefore, it is still necessary to dispatch enough manpower here.

To achieve this, you first need to have high enough productivity to produce enough plants, and this cannot be done by human efforts. You need to have high-quality, fast-growing plants to make fresh plants.

Only fiber clothes can do it.

In the past, they used a herbaceous plant. Although it matures very quickly, the plant fiber is too fragile and difficult to extract in a fresh state to make clothing.

Moreover, after this kind of plant grows up, most of the leaves and buds will be discarded, leaving only the long pole in the center where it really contains useful plant fibers. So even though this thing

It is widely used on a large scale, but the actual effect of producing fresh plant fibers is not high.

Although the vine in front of you is not a real tree, the fibers inside this woody plant are relatively thick and tough, making it easier to process in a fresh state.

The most important thing is that they grow quickly and have very low environmental requirements. If someone doesn't discover it in time, these vines will soon spread into the city. By then, even if it is proven that these plants are not malicious, they will not conquer the city.

Castle. What if there are more and more of them? What if they occupy all the living space of human beings? That would be another situation.

Timely discovery of this plant that grows and reproduces rapidly in the light means that many future problems can be solved. This plant can be controlled first, and under artificial breeding and monitoring, the possibility of accidents will be greatly reduced. In this way

Once this happens, after the plant is successfully cultivated in the future, it will be much safer to release it under supervision.

The city lord of the city that discovered this brand-new plant immediately realized the great value of this plant and prepared to cultivate it in large quantities. He spread them around his territory and ordered his citizens to collect a few of them.

Use a lot of metal and build something like scaffolding around the territory. And make sure that these scaffolding-like things completely cover the territory.

What he has to do is to build a protective cover for his territory, and then let these vine-like plants climb on the protective cover. In this way, he can lock his territory inside.

The idea is similar to digging tunnels underground, and each has its own advantages. After entering the underground, plants can cover the entire underground world. The direction of the floor will not leak. But digging a huge underground space does require a lot of effort.

Human and material resources.

This method of building a protective cover is slightly simpler. However, light will leak in the direction of the ground. Although light rarely passes upward from the underground, there will still be some. For a long time, the consumption of black crystal is more than building a fully enclosed underground

The base is much larger.

But at least for today's human cities, this transformation is already quite perfect.

The extremely precious metal materials that humans talk about today are actually metals left over from ancient human civilization. They collected them from the ruins and re-smelted them. They smelted these metals, changed their shapes, and transformed them into

Use it as your own tool.

Compared with houses built with living trees, which can block the light of this world, metal does not have this effect. But similarly, precisely because metal does not exist in life, it will not actively block light. In areas with slightly higher light density,

These metals will last longer than normal wood.

They hardly block the light, which means that less light elements collide with them. Although they will still gradually wither in areas with strong light elements, they can last for more than ten years. They are used as a city protective shield.

The frame couldn't be more suitable.

Those vine-like plants, after these stock prices climb and grow, will most likely form a huge network, and this network itself is strong enough to become a climbing path for the next growing vines.

There will only be more and more in the future. The grid will also be crawled more and more densely. Eventually, the inside and outside will be completely isolated, and most of the light will be isolated from the outside.

Perhaps someone needs to water and fertilize these things during this process so that they can survive in the denser light. But this price is not a price at all for humans who have been baptized by light in this era.

To be able to solve the negative impact of the flood of light on oneself, these efforts are nothing at all.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! With the construction of the city's shield and the large amount of manpower and material resources, the city is almost severely damaged. In such a world flooded with light, any

An act that wastes people and money is almost a disaster for a city.

The choice made by the city owner is no different from gambling. Once the shield built is not effective, the entire city may be destroyed, and everyone will become refugees by then.

In this apocalyptic era, the probability of survival of the refugees is maintained. Without enough black crystals, it is impossible to smoothly go to the city next door. Even if they are escaping, there is no place to escape.

Fortunately, the construction process of the city shield went very smoothly. Although hundreds of casualties were incurred when building the metal skeleton, and many people completely lost their lives due to direct sunlight in remote areas of the city, this magnificent skeleton

The shell is finally built.

During this process, the bodies of the dead people were buried, but the black crystals on the foreheads were taken out one by one and put into the lakes surrounding the city. As these dark crystals sank to the bottom of the water, they seemed to be

The stars under the water are generally dotted with stars.

Legend has it that in ancient times, stars could be seen in the sky that was not enveloped by the flood of light, and the stars were as charming as the dots of light under the water.

It's a pity that humans in this world have never seen the starry sky, and now it is difficult to imagine what the starry sky looks like.

As the metal skeleton of the city shield was completely completed, a large number of vine seeds were planted in all directions.

In areas occupied by strong light, it is difficult for almost all plants to grow, even this extremely tenacious vine. For this reason, people must carefully care for these plants during their seedling stage. Black crystals are buried one after another.

There are people near the roots of these plants, and people come here to water them every day.

Watering these plants is not only to make them thrive, but also to isolate the black crystal from direct contact with the outside light. After this contact is isolated, the dark power in the black crystal will dissipate more slowly.

Can absorb light elements for a longer period of time.

Under the protection of black crystals, these vines survived the most fragile infancy stage. With the supply of large amounts of water, they began to enter a period of crazy growth.

As it enters this period of crazy growth, a seedling climbs up the metal grid in mid-air at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye. If people in the city come nearby to observe, they can even see these plants growing at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye.

It grows at a speed that can be discerned with the naked eye.

Just like the bamboo shoots that had just rained, they were even faster than that. Just overnight, there was another high green wall around the city. And this high green wall continued to rise.

In such a world filled with light, there is no real night. Even in the dark night, light shines everywhere, and people can only judge the difference between day and night through their timing system.

But as these plants continued to grow, they finally completely capped the city, shrouding the entire city in a green shell. For the first time, darkness appeared in the city, with a lot of black.

The crystal pulled out all the excess light. In this way, the entire city finally returned to normal. No light shone in, and the entire city was pitch black.

And people actually cheered for the coming of darkness. It is hard to imagine from the outside world that people in a whole city were cheering for the coming of darkness. Darkness is evil and light is justice. It is almost a subconscious concept in people's hearts.

But here everything is inconclusive, even here light is evil and darkness is justice.

When darkness fell, the whole city fell into ecstasy. At the same time, a large number of black crystals in the lake were buried and sealed in boxes made of biomass. In this way, they were separated from the light of the outside world.

Contact will result in near-total isolation.

People also need light in their lives. Only when light and darkness reach a near-balanced state can they survive smoothly. After sealing up most of the black crystal, the light in the city began to appear, but it became

Soft but not dazzling light, these lights can nourish the growth of plants in the city. They can also make it easier for people in the city to see things in the darkness.

But it happens to not cause too much loss to the black crystal in the city.

And Mr. Chang thought that the remaining batch of black crystals could be used as a way to communicate with other cities during the long journey. He successfully built this magnificent shield around the city. He knew the function of this plant all too well.

So no matter what, he also wants to promote the seeds of the plant and the experience of using this plant to other cities and other villages.

Even if this is necessary to cross the endless desert of light, it must be done. If it were reality, it would be impossible to determine whether there is a human settlement in that area. If not, there would be no return. Then it must be

To embark on this journey of no return. To pass hope between people.

Plant seeds spread quickly around the city where the plants were released. What gratified these spreaders most was that even the smallest village they passed by was willing to entertain them. And after they took out

This plant that can grow quickly will treat itself as a guest of honor.

Not only large cities, but also small towns or villages, with these things, they can have an excellent isolation effect on light.

In this kind of isolation, people can avoid being exposed to direct light. In this way, the consumption of black crystals will be greatly reduced. The living standards of residents in villages and towns will also be greatly improved.

And as those large cities used these plants, they also built their own city shields one by one. Compared with the extremely sparse population in this world, the metal materials are so abundant that they are actually

In today's era of floods of light, relatively cheap building materials are available.

After all, under normal circumstances, a house with a metal frame like this cannot block the light.

But these scrap metals have become very popular recently. Someone has discovered an extremely fast and simple way to build a house for yourself. That is to build a steel frame and then plant a vine at the root of each frame.

.These vines will spread and grow along the skeleton. As long as there is a little intervention during their growth, they will completely cover all sides of the house like walls. When these plants completely cover the interior of the room, the living

People here only need to lay a layer of flooring on the uneven ground, and then wait for the destined person to lay a layer of carpet on their uneven ground.

Based on the same principle, someone finally thought of using a similar method to build roads between cities. This may permanently solve the problem of poor transportation.

[To be continued]

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