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Chapter 243 Personally Target

After the army has more effective command, the advantage in facing the monster army will be even greater. And every subsequent round of strengthening will strengthen almost all the commanding abilities. At the beginning, Chengying can only handle the overall situation by himself.

In terms of command, most actions cannot be controlled in detail, but with the further upgrade of technology, there are some more vehicles specifically used to transmit information among the tanks.

The manufacturing precision of these tanks is obviously higher, and they are closely protected and can be used repeatedly. Their role is to collect information and transmit orders on the battlefield. They can allow legions to fight at longer distances.

In this way, the commander can command the troops in a safe base without leaving the base. In this way, more detailed orders can be issued.

In this way, the changes that can be made in the battle will be more precious and the commanders with wisdom will be less likely to suffer casualties. Although people who die in this world can be resurrected, they die too many times.

If so, it may even affect how the memory can be carried over in the next reincarnation.

Some people die too many times on the battlefield, and their memories are completely erased. In that case, although they are born in the next reincarnation, they still look the same, but they are completely different.


And the most important thing is that Merlin knows this. Therefore, once a living person appears on the battlefield, he will become the focus of the attack. And he will try his best to capture this living person.

After catching it back, it will not only be sand, but also torture. Merlin also summarized the weaknesses of the human side in war after war, and the weakness he summarized is that although humans can be resurrected again and again in this dream world, and this resurrection

Theoretically, there is no upper limit, but this kind of resurrection actually depends on a person's desire to live. In other words, unless the person lives to the point where he no longer wants to live, he will not die.

And if you want to make a person live to the point where he no longer wants to live, the best way is not to kill him, but to torture him continuously and make him feel that life is more painful than death.

Therefore, for soldiers, facing the danger of death on the battlefield is actually not much different from real death. Once caught, they are likely to face torture even more terrifying than death. In the end, they will be completely

The hope of giving up life disappears in this world.

Therefore, unmanned operations on the battlefield must be promoted, and with the information vehicles that deliver instructions, the speed of everything on the battlefield has been greatly increased.

Especially after the command is passed on, you can get immediate feedback on the command. The cameras and audio extraction equipment installed on some vehicles can provide accurate feedback on the scene on the battlefield. In this way, people at the rear can view the command in real time.

Just like a strategy game, you control the legion in your hands and exert combat effectiveness far beyond their own on the battlefield.

With the close cooperation of various arms, the monsters on this front have been defeated, and they separated the legions to both sides, like a fountain erupting from a spring, before annihilating the army facing them.

After the enemy's nest, it began to expand towards both sides.

Attack the surrounding brood nests. If you can successfully defeat them, the pressure on your surrounding comrades will be greatly reduced. At the same time, this will also reduce the pressure on the rear and increase the profitability of the entire battle. The reason is actually very simple. They on the front line are

You need to consider fighting, but the people at the rear are not. All their tasks are to use all the resources they can collect in this reincarnation to climb the technology tree as quickly as possible.

Combine this technology, which has been developed to the limits of classical physics, with the unique world rules of this world to further improve the technical strength. Finally, these technologies will be fed back to the people on the front line, and will be packaged and sent to the production line together.

And that was when the real war began. At that time, the performance of various equipment and the rules of the world had been understood clearly, and the power of the weapons produced was far from that.

The weapons of this era are comparable. Under the indiscriminate bombardment, not only the firepower but also the controllability will be improved to an almost epic level.

The necessary condition for realizing all of this is sufficient stability in the rear and a stable research environment in the early stage.

In the previous reincarnations, such a stable research environment would soon be broken, and the defense personnel on the Great Border Wall would face tremendous pressure at the beginning. In the early stages, the monsters had difficulties facing the mechanized legions.

A considerable advantage. Everyone is cheap mass-produced cannon fodder, and their frontal combat effectiveness is scum with only 5 combat effectiveness. The competition is quantity, and the mechanized legion is difficult to compete with the monsters in terms of quantity. Therefore, relying on the border

The initial defensive offensive of the Great Wall can still be defended for a while.

But as the number of monsters increased, corpses filled the foot of the city wall. They used their own corpses to pave a slope that could be charged directly to the city wall. The battle could no longer continue, and a large section of the city wall was considered to have been destroyed.

Broken. At this time, in order to continue to maintain the development of civilization and continue to improve the number of science and technology in this world, we must send personnel from the rear to plug this loophole. But when the Great Wall has lost its defensive power, where is such a loophole?

Is it so easy to get blocked?

The crash after collapse actually starts from the disadvantage in the early stage. Even if a series of preparations are made, it is difficult to beat Merlin in the early stage.

The development speed of Merlin's logistics is not much slower than that of the human side. In the early battles, the human side often loses a large amount of land. It is not until certain key technologies are developed that it can stabilize its defense line.

At this time, most of the land and resource producing areas on the entire continent may have been occupied by opponents.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! In this case, even if the subsequent technological development can slightly surpass the opponent, it will be almost impossible to make a comeback.

Therefore, this initial defensive battle is actually quite critical. Everyone was thinking about how to hold on for a longer time, but they did not expect that one of them would directly kill in front of the opponent's lair, killing seven in and seven out, killing the opponent's

The old nest was even dried to pieces.

Now he is helping his teammates clean up the enemy's nest. If such an invincible army can continue to exist, then the defensive warriors may win. Theoretically, as long as enough supplies can be awaited for logistical reinforcements,

They can open a more powerful shield under the city wall.

The effect of the large shield is not only a powerful defense, but also a forced advancement effect. In short, after a large number of mushrooms approach the city and die in battle under the city wall, under normal circumstances, corpses will continue to pile up.

.Use an unknown number of huge numbers to pile up a slope that can rush directly to the city wall. This human sea tactic is an extremely terrifying thing for the city.

Especially for an ultra-long defense line like the Great Border Wall, once such a slope is built, the effectiveness of the entire city wall will be greatly reduced.

The difficulty of repairing the city wall during this process can be imagined. It is not something you can repair if you want. Monsters will continue to invade. The fact that the city wall itself has been beaten to this extent proves the guarding of this section of the area.

The strength itself is weak. Usually after reaching this level, it will completely collapse like an avalanche. Then this section of the city wall will be completely scrapped.

But if a brand new recovery device is replaced and a brand new shield is replaced, the shield can be pushed forward directly after the shield is filled up under the city wall. When pushed directly forward,

Theoretically, it is possible for all enemies to explode.

Just like a mass-produced tank, self-destruction bombs can be placed on it. These things are also possible. Although Merlin is not able to micro-manage every battlefield, often after the emergence of this special war weapon

It can still attract his attention. And through observation, find the place where the shield is advancing. Then blow up these shields.

Therefore, even after the shield is raised, the ground troops must be strong enough to buy enough time for the shield to advance and carry away the corpses under the city wall.

In the final analysis, it is still a race in science and technology. You must outperform Merlin in the process of climbing the technology tree and withstand the early pressure.

In fact, the biggest pressure is not the army of monsters, but Merlin himself. Whether in the early or later stages, Merlin himself is almost invincible in this world. He has almost endless magic power in the outside world, which means that he

In this world, reality can be modified almost at will. The only limitation is probably the efficiency of the amount of magic power transmitted. The output limit of the nearly endless magic power is not infinite.

At most, it can keep it at the highest output level. Even so, his power to modify reality is very powerful. If he comes to the front line in person, he can often directly destroy an entire section of the Great Border Wall.

Moreover, in the early stage, human technology has not yet developed, and individual magic has not yet been mastered. The gap between individual strength and Merlin is the largest. At this time, it is often the easiest to be defeated and die. But now that the other party is wreaking havoc, always

It is in danger.

However, this kind of behavior is also quite dangerous for Merlin. When he is not fully prepared, he may be killed when he appears on the front line in person. He was almost killed before, and even

He has been killed before, but this is a dream world, and dying once does not mean the end of everything.

Just like the dead on the human side can be resurrected by themselves, he can also be resurrected by himself. Although he will be temporarily weak after being resurrected, like other people, as long as the will to live has not completely disappeared, he will not die completely.

Therefore, even if there is a certain degree of danger, he will definitely choose a place on the border Great Wall to break through in the early stage.

And it seems obvious where he will choose this time. Cheng Ying's performance in this reincarnation is really outstanding, as if he is the top commander, even if he is dealt a bad hand.

, faced with a desperate situation, he still managed to survive, and even turned the cards in his hand into a big hand, and also helped his teammates solve the big trouble in the front row, and even lent his template to his teammates

, so that his teammates can control the troops at hand as accurately as he does. This snowballing trend is spreading towards the entire frontier of the Great Wall. At first, it was only the few dozen miles he was responsible for, but it soon spread to

Thousands of miles away, the monster's lair has been pushed backwards. This is the first time that humans have been so relaxed at the beginning after participating in this super tug-of-war. Of course, this is not the first time such a change has occurred.

Similar changes have occurred again and again. After these changes, this endless war will always tilt a little bit towards the side of mankind. It is this little tilt that makes the balance of the war hopeless from the beginning.

, it has now become an almost evenly matched confrontation.

In the foreseeable future, there will be more and more such changes, but at least this time, the people who brought about the changes will become the target of key attacks, and the other party will also become Merlin's undying enemy.

In fact, everyone knows the dangers of making such changes. If you let yourself stand out on the battlefield, there is a high probability that you will be noticed by Merlin, and then you will become the target of fire. Such people often have

Very strong creativity, and the complete killing of these people is often of great significance to Merlin. After killing these people, it will be difficult for mankind to have advanced inventions in the future.

At least the probability of new advanced inventions will be reduced, and this also leads to another strange phenomenon in this world, that is, some people are found after they have just been reborn without retaining any memory.

, and was entrusted with important tasks inexplicably, and was treated like the protagonist of a novel.

Such people may not know what is going on, but those who have experienced reincarnation will know that people like this often made great contributions to the entire reincarnation in the last reincarnation, or even changed it.

The war situation and the entire future of mankind, but Merlin was completely focused on it, and he relentlessly pursued the people who were eventually killed.

After being killed again and again, and finally dying completely, in the next reincarnation, his soul will be brand new, newly created, but exactly the same as the original one, which means that he has extremely high talents.

Although I have forgotten the accumulation from reincarnation again and again, as long as I keep learning, I can find these accumulations again. It is understandable that I will be entrusted with important tasks.

[To be continued]

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