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Chapter 246 A battle like a knights duel

When the human collective showed its wisdom, the most difficult period in the beginning was passed. Relying on their own wisdom and various strategies, those giants who only had this relatively simple instinct, although they had

The power that destroyed the world was successfully blocked one by one, and no real damage was caused.

And when people finally won the victory, they ushered in a deeper understanding of the magical knowledge of this world. As time went by, the technology trees of humans and Merlin were developing simultaneously and rapidly.

The magic rules of this world are not particularly difficult in the first place, and they should be similar to the magic rules in the previous reincarnation. Otherwise, the human race as a whole will not be able to become stronger due to accumulation, so the speed of advancement is actually very fast.


At the beginning, mages could only rub fireballs. But as time went by, they could summon meteorites and even tsunamis. And as magicians could show world-destroying power, the human side gradually became disadvantaged.

Started to be moved back.

In the past, relying on those mechanized legions, mankind could only be said to be struggling to survive in the face of giants.

Those giants who can also use powerful magic can only make fireballs when people can only make fireballs. But the fireballs they make are like fireballs. Compared with the fireballs made by human magicians,

It's not a concept at all.

In the violent explosion, each one was like a nuclear bomb, with infinite power. As the magic that human magicians can use gradually becomes more powerful, the gap between them and the giants is gradually narrowed, because the magic of the giants

No matter how powerful it is, it needs the help of the natural environment to use it. If you want to use tsunami, you have to use magic in the sea. The ocean is so big, and the tsunami that both sides can use is also of the same scale. The rest

Although there are certain differences in magic, there is a certain gap after all. But this gap will continue to shrink as the spells gradually become stronger.

In the process of development, magic on the human side will also be combined with existing technology. It has developed to the level of classical physics, and the ultimate technology can obviously become more powerful after being combined with magic under the new world rules.


First of all, the controllability has been improved to the extreme. The operator can observe hundreds of perspectives at the same time without going to the battlefield in person.

This is a spell for individual mental strengthening. It can distract people for many purposes, but it will consume a lot of energy. A person may be almost exhausted after persisting for dozens of minutes. If it exceeds an hour or two, he may faint directly.


Therefore, under normal circumstances, the number of units controlled by an individual will not exceed a hundred, and under this kind of control, each unit can be commanded as flexibly as the controller's body.

Therefore, although the number of tanks on the human defense line has not increased, the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved. When fighting the enemy, it is like waving your fist to hit a vegetative person, or to deal with an agency that only has instinctive reactions. This is for those who can

For the commanders who can flexibly control each tank, there is no difficulty at all.

They can control a tank to explore the road ahead and have a reconnaissance view. The tank behind will follow closely and use its own artillery to lock, aim, and cover the vehicle in front.

If the control ability is stronger, you can control different units at the same time. For example, control a certain number of ground units and assist air units in reconnaissance.

With this kind of cooperation, air units and ground units are covering each other. And it is the kind of cover with almost no blind spots. It is as if there is someone behind each soldier to help him set up his gun.

And as the battle gradually became more high-energy, the performance of the tank finally began to be further upgraded. First of all, the engine, the internal combustion engine began to be gradually eliminated, and the original cheap clockwork engine was also eliminated.

The magic energy engine was started to be used. It absorbs the free magic power between heaven and earth and transforms it into kinetic energy. After it is converted into kinetic energy, it can run almost infinitely. It does not need to be recharged during continuous operation. This means that these mechanized legions can go to any place in the world.

In this place, you can keep fighting until you are completely damaged.

And with the upgrade of technology, the price of such facilities is also quite cheap. Even if it is produced, it will waste too many resources and even consume more time than the previous clockwork.

In addition to these mass-produced cannon fodder units becoming more powerful, humans have also begun to develop more elite units, which are made to target those individually extremely powerful giants.

Facing those enemies that are extremely powerful individually, if there are no corresponding measures, it will always be difficult to solve them by relying on traps and strategies. After all, this is a test of inspiration. It is impossible for a giant to be defeated by the same strategy multiple times in a row.

Even if it is a trap, there is a certain degree of surprise. It is unrealistic to rely on this continuous defense alone to defeat the giant's attack.

Chengying is an important designer of these business units. After taking into account the driver's abilities in all aspects, he adopted a speed model for the design of these business units.

That is to say, sprint towards the enemy at high speed and launch fatal attacks at the moment when they cross each other. Just like the ancient knights charging each other.

It is most beneficial to humans to distinguish between life and death at the moment when they intersect with each other. Because in such a life-and-death confrontation, the role of the individual's will to survive and reaction speed will be infinitely magnified.

When both sides are assisted by artificial intelligence, the driver will play a decisive role in this moment of intersection. The survival of units with and without drivers can be shown in the moment of intersection.

The rates will be drastically different.

And this is a flaw that Merlin can never make up for. He can create powerful giants, powerful war golems, countless powerful war weapons, and countless powerful creatures, but none of these things have their own souls.

, because this is a world of illusions, and souls cannot be created. The things he created essentially rely on the artificial intelligence contained in them and follow their instincts.

And such beings, when faced with intelligent people, will eventually fall into the bottom category. What people really have to do is figure out how to maximize the advantages of their own intelligence.

After the elite unit adopts the high-speed mode, the unit's situation is also determined. That is to create a rocket-like aircraft that can shuttle through the air at high speed.

This kind of thing can shuttle through the air at extremely high speeds and launch attacks at the moment it crosses the opponent. It can be said that it is impossible to defend against it.

The speed it can accelerate is dozens of times the speed of sound in this reincarnation. In other words, even if the acceleration of dynamic vision and thinking speed is turned on, this intersection is still a matter of seconds.

And at this staggered moment, these aircraft will release wire-controlled missiles, controlling them to hit the target's vital points accurately. If they fail to hit the target successfully, but are intercepted by the enemy, then they will definitely be shattered into pieces if they hit it at this speed.


But there is no need to worry, after all, dying here does not mean real death. It is better to be broken into pieces than to be alive.

If the corpse is damaged enough, the resurrected person will be resurrected directly at an altar in the city.

On the contrary, if the corpse is kept relatively intact, it will be resurrected directly on the corpse. This is the most troublesome situation. If it is resurrected directly on the corpse, it is very likely to be captured by the enemy and then tortured. In a considerable amount of time

After a certain degree of mental torture, the individual's self-awareness will become blurred, and ultimately it will be completely impossible to continue to resurrect.

And if the corpses are shattered into pieces, the death will be more miserable. But if you die once, you are done. You can still be a powerful combatant when you return home and be resurrected.

In addition, these high-speed aircraft are not placed on the ground, but in space. With the current level of technological development and the level of magic in this reincarnation, they are fully capable of establishing themselves in space.

’s space station.

Even building huge on-orbit facilities. This is not only done by humans, but also by Merlin.

After developing to a certain level, they all realized the importance of space. It is obvious that occupying such a commanding height has unparalleled advantages for the ground.

When launching an attack on the ground at high altitude, the gravitational potential energy will make the power of any attack extremely terrifying. In contrast, if you want to counterattack from the ground in space, you will need to expend a huge amount of extra energy.

Able to project attacks.

Both sides knew this, so when the war began, they also started their own space undertakings as soon as possible and prepared to launch their space stations to higher places.

In this regard, the human side is obviously faster. Although Merlin came to space first and relied on its own powerful strength to modify reality and gain a foothold in space first, but in space such a harsh situation

If you want to survive in the environment, you need to build extremely sophisticated protective facilities to protect the relatively fragile lives inside these protective facilities.

And this is obviously a technical job, and it also requires facing various unexpected situations in the universe. In short, this matter is left to artificial intelligence, and if Merlin does it himself,

Because I have limited energy, there is obviously a limit to what I can do.

Nowadays, with the further development of magic, the cost of entering space is getting lower and lower. Anti-gravity spells have become popular, and they have been analyzed and can be used on various machines. So the battle started from the surface and spread into the atmosphere. The monsters

There began to be a large number of giant biological weapons that could travel through the atmosphere like Leviathan.

Humanity also has a large number of aerial fortresses that can levitate in the atmosphere. In terms of anti-gravity technology, the cost of these facilities has been greatly reduced, and levitating in the air is not a huge problem.

In addition, the war in space orbit has become the main battlefield of the current war.

It's just that war in space and war on the ground are closely related.

Although occupying the commanding heights has major advantages, if you want to gain a firm foothold on the commanding heights and gain a firm foothold in low-Earth orbit, you must take root on the nearby surface.

Otherwise, the firepower of the spacecraft cannot be compared with the missile launch base on the ground.

Unless a space station is built, it can win the battle with the ground. After all, the spacecraft and the missile launch base on the ground are not the same size. Even if there is a condescending advantage, there is a big gap in firepower density.

The firepower developed on the ground to a high enough level is enough to completely overwhelm the spacecraft in the sky.

Therefore, every battlefield from the air to the ground is actually very important. This high-speed rocket-like elite weapon can take care of the three battlefields of ground, sky and space at the same time. Except for the war inside the ocean, it cannot intervene.

In these three battlefields and even on the surface of the ocean, you can show your powerful power.

Because this thing flies extremely fast, as long as you slightly change the direction of the thruster, you can enter the orbit of the planet. If you tilt the thruster downward, you can enter the atmosphere. And the flying speed is basically within this world.

Dozens of times the speed of sound, and even some drivers who are more reckless will directly hit their targets at this ultra-high speed. If they happen to be driving opposite each other on the orbit of the planet, the scene will be extremely spectacular.

The relative speed between them is hundreds of times the speed of sound. You can imagine what a crazy scene it would be if they collided with each other.

However, most humans are still technical players, which is also the biggest advantage of humans on the battlefield. They can rely on their own operations to survive and shoot down their opponents in this situation where they are almost certain to die together.

When they are close enough to each other, they instantly launch wire-controlled missiles, and then shoot down the opponent the moment they cross each other. This is their fighting method.

As for why we don’t release automated missiles with longer range and more accuracy, the reason is also very simple. The speed of crossing each other is too fast, and at the moment of crossing, as long as the course is slightly deflected, then they will rub each other.

Passing by each other, or even drifting a considerable distance away.

As for why there is a line in the middle, this is a technical issue. In the case of wireless connection, there will be more or less delay, and in such a short and high-speed interleaving, any slight delay is possible.

It is fatal. It is like ordinary people on a high-speed train passing each other, using a dagger to attack the opponent from the window and avoiding the opponent's attack with a slight delay.

That is when the body dies and the Tao disappears.

[To be continued]

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