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Chapter 286 Trade

When this organic matter manufacturing machine was successfully operated, all the people working on it couldn't help but start cheering. For people in the dark night world, everything they saw was like a miracle. They were actually quite familiar with those cans.

After all, these were the things that were originally searched for in the darkness. They originally thought that these things could no longer be produced.

Unexpectedly, the ancients still maintained their production equipment, and as long as it was restarted, they could continuously produce food. From their point of view, this was almost a perfect device, and they only needed to provide water and some other raw materials.

If we can continuously complete the cycle and continuously produce food, wouldn’t we never have to worry about the source of food in the future?

But unlike them, the people in the Ice World have more knowledge, so they quickly discovered problems in the process. The problem they found was that the food they produced was packaged. Although they could consider not producing it

These packages directly allow the food to be released in the form of organic blocks on the assembly line. But in the future they will still have to transport the food. Without packaging, it is difficult to preserve and may rot in the middle of transportation. If you want to use the packaging,

If they are produced together, it cannot be done by an organic matter manufacturing machine.

They tried to take out one of the cans of food and opened it. It was determined that the packaging material should be aluminum cans. People in the ice world can also produce these things, but the temperature of the water there is really too high.

It was too high. As a result, this thing is not resistant to high temperatures and is rarely used to store food. But after we found the material for this can, they were relieved. With the material for cans and bottles, they can find storage materials.

box, and then replaced the raw materials inside.

Since this material can be produced, it will not be difficult to replace it in the future. There must be professionals there who can do it.

After they opened the can, they hesitated for a moment and chose a team member to try to see if the can was edible. Although judging from various signs at the scene, the risk of trying was not very high, but it was not safe to try this.

When it comes to food that belongs to their own planet, they are still full of anxiety.

The team member responsible for the experiment also nervously stuffed the food in the can into his mouth, and kept feedback on his feelings.

"Judging from my own feelings. This thing contains a lot of fat and a bit of animal fiber, a bit similar to meat, and a bit hard to taste. The taste is a bit similar to aspic, but specifically

It’s hard to tell what it is. If this is something that is eaten as a staple food in this world, then it should contain certain vitamins. Now I’m going to observe whether I have any adverse reactions.”

The other team members are also nervously observing this player's performance, and any possible adverse reactions must be recorded, even the simplest diarrhea.

And this observation also needs to be carried out for a long time. It cannot be said that the food was not poisoned to death on the spot after eating it, which proves that the food is edible. This observation continued until they returned to the ice world with the sample. During the whole process, this

The team members who ate food from another world did not show any abnormality and did not feel hungry despite missing a meal.

In order to confirm that this food really has the effect of relieving hunger, after using this food, this team member did not eat with the other team members, but ate one meal less than the others. Through this process, we observed

Does he have a hunger reaction? From the observation results, this kind of food is very effective in resisting hunger. It can even be said that it is a little too good. This team member still felt that he was not hungry until the next morning.

, it was not until the afternoon of that day that he resumed his normal food intake, and he only ate a 300-gram can. From this point of view, this was indeed a very suitable food.

It is especially suitable for use by troops fighting in the field. Whether it can be used as food for a long time still needs to be tested after returning. As for long-term clinical trials, there is no such time. Under normal circumstances, if a brand-new food is discovered, clinical trials should be carried out.

, long-term use to verify whether this food will cause harm. But currently, cities in the ice world are facing a serious food shortage problem. If it cannot be solved as soon as possible, a large number of people in the city will face hunger.

At this time, some potential risks were tolerable. A large number of professionals, led by the exploration team, quickly found the underground base and the organic matter manufacturing machine there.

This time they brought a large amount of aluminum sheets, cut them into just the right size and shape, and sent them into the material box. They were almost the same as the original aluminum sheets in the box.

Although there are slight differences in the properties of the materials, it does not affect the production of cans from these things.

The only problem is that the original materials have a series of text descriptions such as a list of ingredients. The green ones that were sent in first were not printed at all. So the cans produced were all silver-white without any additional markings.


This does not affect the use. A large number of cans were transported and returned to the city where the Ice World is located. But the Ice World does not have only one city, and not every city happens to have a link to the Dark World.


Although almost every city has at least one portal, the directions they lead to are also different. For example, some exploration teams came to the World of Fire.

For them, this is a quite magical world. Because there was no feudal period in their history, they did not quite understand what the style of the short Middle Ages should be like. Suddenly they came to a sword and magic world.

The world. The entire exploration team was a little at a loss. They found many traces of battles in the wild. According to their judgment, it should be a creature similar to the ice dragon they had surrendered before. Only

But it is probably not made of ice, but of fire.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! This is very interesting. They found weak and small fire elements in places with traces of battle. The largest one they could release was only the size of a human palm.

The attack is slightly stronger than that of a lighter. As a street lamp for lighting at night, it is quite effective. It is similar to the flame creatures that have recently appeared in the ice world. It's just that there are more of these flame creatures here.

.and the gathering is slightly more dense.

The members of the exploration team in the ice world quickly found the human city in this world by tracing backwards based on the traces of previous battles.

A tall rock wall surrounds the city in the center, and a large number of residents live in the city. There are cultivated lands around the city. It is the first time for the residents of the Ice Country to see what rice is. This is one of the few people with normal

One of the crops of the world.

The plants tamed by humans here are very similar to the crops on the earth. Rice, wheat, soybeans and the like all exist, but for people in the ice world, these plants are quite unfamiliar to them. The exploration team

The members are directly in the farmland. Observing these grass plants, it is not the time to head this season, so these plants in the farmland look more like weeds.

But as a civilization that has reached an industrial society, they can be sure that these plants in the middle of relatively neat farmland are definitely cultivated by humans. In other words, there is a high probability that these things can be used as food. Members of the exploration team.

Some of them tried to break off a few pieces of leaves and straw and put them in their mouths to taste, but they spit them out quickly.

From their point of view, this thing is definitely not suitable for food. At least they don't think that these leaves or straw can be digested after being eaten.

"Maybe these crops have not reached maturity yet. I just searched the fields for a while and found several plants that looked like the same kind, but were in different growth stages."

By comparing these plants at different growth stages, the members of the exploration team roughly judged that this thing will grow starch-rich fruits within a certain period of time, which should be seeds to be precise.

What people eat is the seeds, not the roots, stems and leaves of the plant.

This makes them feel very strange, because what they grow on their planet is a type of fungus similar to mushrooms. After the planting is completed, basically the whole thing is edible, only a small part of the structure is there, and it does not have that much nutrition.

. But in theory, it can also be pickled into something like pickles and used as a seasoning food.

On the planets in the ice world, most of the food is similar. Basically, the whole food is edible. It is quite strange for them to eat only seeds or fruits.

However, after figuring out the crops in this world, they also determined that they could try to trade here to get the food they needed. Since they have discovered neat farmland, it means that human civilization must have appeared here. And human civilization exists.

In this case, trade can theoretically be attempted.

What they were doing in the farmland had actually been discovered by nearby farmers, but they never dared to approach him. It was not until members of the exploration team found him that the two sides successfully established communication.

The members of the exploration team are wearing uniforms. Subconsciously, they are reminiscent of members of the army or some organizations. Relatively speaking, this is still in the feudal era. Ordinary farmers are to these groups.

Absolute weakness exists.

"You mean you want to buy food? Then you should go to the city. The food stored in my house is only enough for our own consumption. If we want to sell food, we must wait until after the harvest."

The members of the exploration team also quickly understood what the other party meant. When they planted crops, they also had a harvest cycle, but most of what they planted were fungi. As long as there was sufficient water, sufficient organic matter supply, and the right temperature,

Under the circumstances, it can basically grow at any time, so although there is a cycle, the cycle does not change with the seasons.

The crops in this world obviously grow and are planted uniformly, which means that the harvest of crops in this world is related to the seasons.

If they want to buy food, they can only go to big cities to buy what was stored in the previous planting cycle.

And the city was not difficult for them to find. As there was no language barrier between the two parties, although the members of the exploration team looked strangely dressed in this world, they did not attract much extra attention.

The biggest event in this world right now is that all the fire lords in the wild have become extremely weak. The adventurers seem to have no meaning in existence. This probably means internal chaos for them. Without unified external pressure, the human race will

There will definitely be some careerists in China who want to take advantage of the adventurers to become jobless vagrants and encourage them to serve their ambitions.

The members of Exploration are also regarded as adventurers, because the inside of their uniforms is lined with armor. On their side, this should be regarded as body armor, but here, these on their bodies are considered armor, and they also

It is regarded as a special profession such as mechanics. Although this world seems to be still in the feudal era, there are already some prototypes of firearms. However, the weapons of this era rely more on extraordinary power to activate, so

Firearms and weapons are not mass-produced.

"Do you want to buy food? And it's a large-scale purchase? And you don't have normal currency? Huh? Let me think about it. You can buy it through gold without currency. No matter where you go, gold is hard currency.


The answers given by the local businessmen made the members of the exploration team look at each other. For them, gold is just an ordinary industrial material. The reserves on their planet are indeed not large, and it is also relatively expensive in industrial production.

Materials. But I didn’t expect this kind of thing to be called hard currency.

This is actually not surprising. Although most intelligent creatures are attracted by the texture of gold, it must be in a physical environment similar to that of the earth before gold can reflect the texture that makes intelligent creatures obsessed. Switch to the ice world,

Gold melts directly when thrown into water, and it melts very easily. For them, it is a quite unqualified industrial material. It can only be used in some special industries. Taking advantage of the stability of this raw material,

To include some products in case they deteriorate during the industrial production process.

"We will go back to collect gold, but we also need a list, that is, the exchange ratio of gold to your grain, and the prices of other commodities you may also purchase."

[To be continued]

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