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Chapter 353 First Contact

From the perspective of human observation, void creatures are objects that do not exist in the real world. They are invisible and intangible. The only way humans can perceive them is to perceive their existence through the distortion of gravity.

The space within a void creature is not continuous, or to be precise, it is not smooth.

Some areas appear to be quite far away from each other, but are actually very close. Some areas are just the opposite. These can only be observed by observing the distortion of gravity in human observations. The intuitive reflection is

The light will be distorted to a certain extent when passing through the bodies of these void creatures. In this way, when it is facing the sun, humans can observe this huge existence with an astronomical telescope. Under normal circumstances, they appear to be spherical as a whole.

Perhaps under special cosmic environments, they will appear in other forms, but when they go to the earth to hunt, they will always appear in a spherical shape. Occasionally, they will undergo certain deformations, which means that they can wriggle themselves.

Human beings are moving, and they will leave their own traces as they navigate through space, just like snails leave mucus when they crawl by, and light will be distorted in the space where they pass. And in essence

In fact, they are individuals with a lower degree of chaos in the universe.

This is a very easy to understand truth. They were born in a chaotic universe and need to pursue order in order to survive. Therefore, compared to the universe where they will be teleported strangely if they take any step, the space in which they are located is

In fact, it is relatively safe. When sailing in the body of a void creature, the speed of sailing is unstable at most. There will not be a situation where you suddenly teleport to an unknown place during the sailing process. They are also one of the few who can be free.

The lives that shuttle through the universe, and the rest of the living beings. After entering the universe, they will be thrown to various places by the weird space rules. They will not follow them until they die and become inanimate beings.

Normal natural rules for movement.

Therefore, the journey to find void creatures is actually the most dangerous, because in addition to facing the complex environment in the universe, you also need to face the harsh space environment in this universe. If the people on the spacecraft do not do anything,

If there is enough effective protection, they will be teleported to various places inexplicably. In the end, the spacecraft successfully reaches the target location, but all the people on the ship have been torn to pieces and disappeared to unknown places.

Fortunately, humans in this world are special. When a large number of humans gather together, they can smooth out the distorted space. The traces left by human spaceships sailing in space are more obvious than these void creatures. That is

An area where the light is more distorted. The light will be distorted in the process. It is not because humans have created special spaces. On the contrary, it is because humans have smoothed out the chaos and distortion in these chaotic spaces.

Under the erosion of the surrounding chaos, these flattened spaces will gradually return to a chaotic state. In the process, the light will be distorted. The human spacecraft sails in the direction of the void creatures. For the void

From a living creature's perspective, it's like a signal of food drifting in its direction. So after the spaceship sails a short distance away, the void creature doesn't even need humans to travel thousands of miles to look for it. It turns around on its own.

It began to approach the direction of the spacecraft launched by humans.

It seems that the void creature cannot be seen or touched. Even if it swallows the smooth space in the spaceship where humans are, there will be no harm. But in fact, this is not the case. If he is allowed to remove all the ordinary things inside the spacecraft,

If all the space in the ship is swallowed up, then humans will not be able to complete the return voyage. At the moment of return, people on the ship will be teleported outside one after another, and then they will be involved in an even more chaotic space. Finally,

Disappeared into the vast universe. Many of the long-distance spacecraft that were attempted to be built before faced such a tragedy.

The final conclusion is that if humans want to build a long-distance spacecraft to explore distant extraterrestrial planets, a spacecraft must carry at least 10,000 people to anchor the surrounding space and maintain a regular and stable area of ​​space.

And this is just to stabilize this space area. If you want to clear out the large area of ​​​​airspace around it, there is one of the simplest and crudest ways, and that is to have children.

When a pregnant woman is pregnant, the surrounding space will quickly become smoother. One person can have the same effect as a dozen people, or even more. If she is an extraordinary pregnant woman, this effect will be even more obvious. One person may be equal to several people.

Thousands of people. Because of the existence of this characteristic, Cheng Ying unexpectedly discovered that the difficulty of promoting women's liberation in this world has been greatly reduced.

Because in space, the tasks that women can undertake are more important than men. Although tasks such as combat are still performed by men. Especially in this situation where pregnant women can calm down in space, their safety needs to be more stringent.

guarantee. But in the final analysis, in this division of labor, women still occupy a more dominant position, and their identity is more important.

Cheng Ying was a little worried at first that if this continues, women's status in this world will be too high, causing men to gradually become tool men as history develops. This kind of thing is very likely to happen. After all, in feudal history,

In this era, women have almost become reproductive tools and property.

It is because it is difficult for them to carry out farming and heavy physical labor during the production process, and the physiological difference between men and women is actually not particularly big, at least among many animals in nature, the gap is relatively small.

Type. Perhaps in the eyes of humans, this gap is huge, but in fact, if women really engage in labor, their work efficiency may only be 20 to 30% lower than that of men.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! This gap is already quite subtle, but it dominates an era and the gender dominance of an era. And in the future, the process of women's navigation in space

The dominant position and influence it occupies is much greater than the difference in work efficiency of 20 to 30%.

If things continue to develop like that, the human beings in the starry sky may develop into groups, with women as the center. Men will gradually become instrumental. With the development of technology, this instrumentalization will even become a natural trait from birth.


Cheng Ying never doubts the evil nature of a group of intelligent creatures. They will try their best to maximize the benefits of their own group. This is a natural instinct. And history will tend to develop in this direction.

However, with the process of exploration and discovery in space, the status of men has gradually come to light. This system seems to have taken into account the possible future when designing it. Taking into account the balance in this aspect, women in

During pregnancy, the surrounding space can be smoothed on a large scale. Among the children born during this process, male children can carry the most space debris and have stronger extraordinary power in the future.

In short, if you want to achieve the best effect in smoothing the space, the best combination is a female pregnant woman and a male child. This can smooth the space to the maximum extent. It is precisely because of this

, during future space voyages, the relationship between the sexes should be able to achieve a delicate balance.

This can at least prevent the human beings in this world from having too big a cultural gap with the human beings outside, and they can eventually merge together. Otherwise, if this area develops into a swarm of insects, the life forms may even reproduce from generation to generation.

In the end, the human species may no longer be recognized as a species if it changes. In fact, similar things have happened more than once in the history of the ancient continent.

When I first met the God Emperor, I had encountered giants on the prehistoric continent. The giants at that time were still in the demiplane. They were trapped there and had no contact with the giants from the outside world, and they

Human beings have multiplied in an environment suitable for survival. I don’t know how many generations they have gradually grown in size. After returning to the ancient continent, they became a member of the giant organization, and the giants did not recognize themselves at all.

They were once human beings, and their cruelty to human beings has become even more violent. Compared with the prehistoric times, other races among all races are even more cruel.

Other examples include the Earthlings. They are actually transformed from humans. This is because their own magical talents and other extraordinary talents are weak, but they are very good at technological power and have developed magic and technology.

The magic technology combined with each other.

This is actually the back-up left behind by human beings in order to rise. However, in the end, they also split. The other race did not successfully integrate human beings into the prehistoric races. Although the Earthlings did not hate human beings like the giants, they

He has never been kind to humans.

If the evolution of life forms of humans in this world is too different from humans in the outside world, and it is impossible to build cultural and racial identities, then even here will really become the base for human reproduction in the future. Obtained

With enough power, the final result is to integrate into all the races of the ancient world and no longer think of themselves as human beings. They may even look down on ordinary humans on the ancient continent like the giants.

Cheng Ying retracted his thoughts, and they would face the void creatures next. As they moved forward, the void creatures also moved in the direction where they were, causing the encounter between them to take longer than expected.

Earlier. This is actually good news. It means that the spacecraft can save part of the fuel, and at the same time, it can free up part of the fuel as its own energy to release powerful attacks. It has almost no impact on the ordinary physical attacks of void creatures.

Meaningfully, unless it is powerful enough to exceed the upper limit of physical attacks allowed in this world, it can be transformed into other powers to cause damage.

Otherwise, there is no way to hurt these existences by relying solely on physical attacks. In this case, they must consume huge amounts of energy and convert the type of attack into a space type attack. Human magic and technology

Although great progress has been made, there is still a considerable gap to push the industry to this level. This type of attack can only be released reluctantly, and it is released with magic as the leading factor. With magic as the leading factor,

It often means huge consumption, and it will consume some magic resources that are difficult to be industrialized and mass-produced.

However, this time we set out to verify whether humans can defeat void creatures. Even if it consumes a huge amount of money, it must consume a huge amount of money. As long as we can win, we can find ways to reduce the consumption bit by bit in the future. After finding the enemy's weaknesses, target these

Attack the weak points, and if you can't win even though you spend a lot of money, that's true despair.

When facing the void creatures, everyone was actually a little helpless, because the opponent was too big, and ordinary attacks had no meaning at all. They had already tried firing kinetic energy weapons at the void creatures, and the kinetic weapons flew towards them.

After entering the bodies of the void creatures, we saw that these weapons began to move out of straight lines in their bodies, because although the space in the bodies of the void creatures did not travel everywhere, it was not completely smooth and had a certain distortion, so the cannonballs were inside

It can turn, and from the outside, the flying speed of the cannonball will change to a certain extent. This is also the idealistic part of this universe.

If they are ordinary natural substances, they will not be affected by these space distortions. Just like planets, they still operate according to the normal space rules and the guidance of gravity. But once they pass through

Objects that have been subjected to human interference are often distorted by space. The determination mechanism is not fully understood even now. At least the cannonballs will be affected by this. Part of the light that can be observed by humans,

It will also be affected by this aspect, which has become a nightmare for scientists in this world.

In short, after the cannonball flew in the target's body for a period of time in different directions and at different speeds, it finally penetrated the target without causing any damage. However, this was also an expected situation. The rockets launched previously had basically determined that this was the case.

This situation exists, and the next thing to be released is the space attack. Everyone's minds were mobilized at the same time, and the economic people gathered together. Above the spacecraft, a super giant was condensed. The cyan super giant held an invisible hand

The giant sword launched its own space tear forward. This attack involving the spatial level finally interfered with the void creature. The light in front of him began to shake violently, and what he saw through the void creature

The starry sky also began to distort violently.

[To be continued]

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