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Chapter 416 Death Struggle

For these people, the fear of death and the desire for life have become an inseparable part of their lives. It is almost equivalent to being twisted by the soul, and all the purposes of survival are to survive. In this case

, when they encounter the slightest threat to their lives, they will fall into a life and death decision. They will fall into a state of death struggle.

In this state, they themselves can continuously strengthen their own spirits. This twisted state of mind has become a source of motivation for the dying struggle at a certain level. These people are locked in a cage that is actually quite safe.

Inside, there will be a continuous flame burning in the corner of the cage. The flame itself will not cause any harm.

Even if you touch it directly with your hands, it will leave at most very small scars on your hands. But the greatest significance of the existence of the flame itself is to make these people feel the threat to their lives. In theory, as long as the flame is pointed at their own

If the vital parts are kept burning, it may lead to death. But the probability is very small. Even if you fall asleep, you will be woken up soon and will not really suffer fatal injuries. After this

Everyone in this test received zero damage, and no one was injured or died. But it can actually give them a sense of crisis of death. Because as long as there is a probability of death and it reaches a certain height,

They will feel like they are dying.

Being locked up in such a space made these people feel extremely uneasy in a short period of time. They huddled in the corner farthest from the flames. A few showed relatively radical reactions and directly stepped forward to try to extinguish the flames. However,

The flame itself is an effect of both physics and magic. It cannot be extinguished by conventional methods. Even if the flame is briefly extinguished by tapping or other methods, it will quickly start burning again after you let go.

In the final stage of human life, the death struggle triggers a variety of hormone secretions and physiological changes in the body. This process is not only the end of natural life, but also a self-protection mechanism for organisms when facing death.

During the dying struggle, adrenaline secretion increases sharply and quickly enters the blood circulation system. This is a stress response of the body to a survival threat to increase heart rate and blood pressure in an attempt to maintain vital signs. At the same time, a large amount of carbohydrate hormones, such as corticosteroids,

Alcohol is released to supply the body with more energy and support basic life-sustaining functions.

As the death struggle progresses, the body's antidiuretic hormones, such as antidiuretic hormone and antidiuretic hormone, also begin to become disordered. This results in reduced urine production, thereby slowing down the loss of water in the body. However, due to the weakening of vitality, this

It is not enough to maintain normal water balance, leading to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

The activity of the immune system also changes in the dying state. As the body is unable to effectively respond to disease and infection, the immune response gradually weakens. This makes the body more susceptible to bacterial and viral invasion, accelerating the loss of life.

At the same time, brain activity is also affected in the dying state. The release of neurotransmitters is disrupted, leading to confusion, confusion, and loss of consciousness. This is a natural response of the body to relieve pain and protect its own resources.

Generally speaking, the secretion of hormones and physiological changes in the body during the death struggle reflect the weakening of vitality and the activation of self-protection mechanisms. Although this process is full of pain and inevitable end, it is also what life shows when facing extreme difficulties.

Complex and awesome survival strategies.

There are some exciting cases in history that show the possibility of individuals in the dying struggle to break through themselves, overcome adversity, and even create miracles.

The miraculous survival of Frank Jones: In 1899, Frank Jones was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis and was thought to be unsurvivable. However, he miraculously survived, becoming a unique case in the local medical community.

This incident challenged the medical understanding of similar cases at the time and highlighted the human body's amazing ability to adapt to extreme conditions.

Aron Ralston’s journey of survival: In 2003, Aron Ralston’s arm was caught by a boulder in a canyon in Utah, USA. Faced with a desperate struggle, he resorted to

He made a radical decision and used many twists and turns to save himself. In the end, he successfully amputated his arm and escaped from the predicament, becoming a miracle of survival.

The self-resurgence of Walter Van Brunt: In 1929, Walter Van Brunt encountered a fire and was trapped in the fire scene. He was thought to be dead when he was sent to the morgue.

, miraculously revived. His case attracted widespread attention and became one of the important cases in the medical and scientific circles discussing death and resuscitation.

These cases show that even in the last moments of life, individuals may show extraordinary will to survive and adapt to the situation, surpass medical expectations, and create miracles for themselves. These examples inspire profound thinking about vitality and human potential.

The conjecture of breaking through physiological limits in the dying struggle comes from in-depth research on the physiological changes of the human body under extreme situations. In some extraordinary cases, individuals may activate the self-protection mechanism in the body in some way and achieve survival beyond ordinary physiological limits.

First, we can consider the abnormal release of epinephrine and cortisol. In the dying state, some individuals may experience an abnormal stress response, resulting in a large release of these hormones. This is outside the usual physiological range and provides the body with

Temporary superpowers that allow it to respond to deadly threats. This can trigger overload on the heart, increase blood pressure, and provide the body with more energy.

Second, physiological self-protection may include activation of the antidiuretic hormone system. In extreme cases, individuals may adjust kidney function to reduce urine production in order to maintain body water. This may be a physiological response to try to maintain

Balance water, delay the dehydration process, and maintain vital signs as much as possible.

In terms of the nervous system, some cases may involve unusual regulation of neurotransmitters. During the death struggle, individuals may be able to activate the brain's self-protective mechanisms in some way, reduce the perception of pain and delay nervous system failure. This may include

An increase in endogenous analgesic substances and an unusual release of neurotransmitters.

Finally, the abnormal regulation of the immune system is also an aspect worth considering. In the dying state, the individual may stimulate the immune system in some way and improve the resistance to pathogens. This abnormal immune activation may help to delay the onset of infection.

Spread and buy more time for your body.

Although these conjectures may be reflected in some cases, they are still unsolved mysteries in science. The ability to break through physiological limits still requires more in-depth research and understanding to reveal the true potential of the human body in its death struggle.

Similar changes are completely consistent with conventional physical laws. That is to say, even in other worlds with different physical rules, as long as there is not much difference in the performance of various rules at the macro level. These physiologically stronger breakthroughs

Possibilities exist, and in a world with extraordinary power, this kind of breakthrough will affect the soul. As you experience this feeling of dying again and again, you will complete all the processes in your body again and again.

The secretion and changes of various hormones. Your own spirit will also be affected by the reaction force.

These people's fear of death has reached a certain level. Under this high-intensity fear, the responses they can make have become extreme. Many people have even been burned, but they still do not give up.

In the process of actively trying to extinguish the flames, these people's own spirits are gradually evolving. The most fortunate thing is that a considerable number of this group of people are beginning to be able to a certain extent after facing their fears.

Endure this relatively minor threat to life, especially those who were burned after trying to put out the flames. Many of them did. The weakening of fear seemed to be due to their actual exposure to these.

Flame, and realized that they did not have the ability to really hurt themselves. In the process, they established a new understanding, and gradually overcame their fear in the dying struggle, even though they were still afraid of death that might come at any time.

But he was able to deal with it all as calmly as possible.

Cheng Ying did not expect that the plan would go so smoothly. Many of them have overcome their fear to a certain extent. Although they still cannot fully trust the people around them, after overcoming their fear, they have been able to live a normal life to a certain extent.

, before that, they could not even maintain a normal life in this kind of fear. Any existence that might threaten their lives would cause them to have excessive stress reactions, just like when they encountered fire before.

Just go up and put it out, even if the flames can't hurt them at all. There are too many similar scenes in our daily lives, just like the flame of a lighter. Someone wants to light a cigarette, and lighting the lighter will make these people feel alive.

Dangerous, but in fact the flame of the lighter will not burn people, and people who use it can easily avoid being burned. Only a very small probability of flame burns can cause a certain degree of damage to the skin. Only relatively small

Prolonged burning may cause necrosis of the epidermis and the layer of cells below it.

However, if these people were faced with someone using a lighter to light a cigarette on the street, they would most likely pounce on him immediately and forcibly extinguish the lighter to ensure his safety on the road.

But now they can restrain their impulses to a certain extent and ensure that they will not suddenly go crazy because of all kinds of inexplicable things that may bring danger to them. Being able to do this is already a huge improvement.

, and if they can do this, they can definitely become an existence of considerable strategic value.

If they can rely on their fear once, they can theoretically overcome it the second and third time. In the process of overcoming fear again and again, they can learn bit by bit how to face the existence of their fear.

After being familiar with facing their own fears, in theory they can become excellent and qualified warriors. In the process of adapting to fear, these people themselves are also becoming stronger rapidly, and their reaction speed, comprehensive quality and other aspects are gradually improving.

In the process of strengthening, it's just that they themselves didn't realize this. As time goes by, they will become stronger and stronger, and eventually grow into real elite warriors. By that time, they can completely use their

Separate a part of the spirit and self, and let this part of the self-awareness with a strong fighting will and the ability to survive in desperate situations leave this universe. Becoming a warrior in other universes is theoretically possible, but according to the rules of this universe,

Even if part of the self-awareness is taken away, another self-awareness that does not belong to him will be forcibly fabricated, and attention will be forced in. At that time, the power of attention may no longer be controlled by the self-personality. It is very likely that

Things will get out of control as soon as they start. And these people have grown to a very strong level during this period. If this kind of out-of-control situation occurs, it can be said that the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, the management of these existences is actually relatively strict. Even though many people have obtained the qualification threshold, they can try to carry out real social practice and get along with real ordinary people, but when many children see real

When looking at the faces of human beings, they still can't help but show an expression of fear. After all, their own kind is almost the most dangerous existence to them. No species in the world has evolved to be more cruel and cruel than humans.

From the way humans have evolved in other universes, we can see that the human species was the first to be eliminated in the process of evolution. In fact, there were not so many wild animals. The real first one to be eliminated was humans themselves, and other animals.

One human being.

In some places, this part of the human race is called Neanderthals, and in some places there are other names. In the process of becoming the overlord of this planet, humans almost combined these beings with similar but different languages.

They were all killed, and not many complete fossils were preserved.

This means that human beings themselves are actually the most dangerous thing to mankind. Although these people's self-will has become much stronger than before, they still feel creepy when facing other people. Although these people are not so good as a

One person can plan a horrific secret room murder case. But their abilities are not bad. Even possessing a certain level of reasoning ability is enough to pose a certain degree of threat to each other.

[To be continued]

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