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Chapter 429 Energy-mass ratio

Weapons built with nanomachines have huge advantages over traditional weapons. It is indeed possible to directly use the energy of stars, but doing so naturally has its drawbacks. The biggest drawback is the impact on energy.

Waste. Under this waste of energy, most conventional strikes will waste materials far exceeding their energy. It seems that humans faced these problems when they first learned to use weapons to attack.

The earliest kinetic energy weapons used by humans were probably stones. The thrown stones would cause damage after hitting the enemy.

If you want to cause damage to the enemy, you need to apply kinetic energy to the stone. In the early days, what applied kinetic energy to the stone was how much force the hand could throw, and how much damage it could cause, and the hand could throw.

The force released was simply insignificant compared to the energy converted from the mass of the stone, so at that time, the ratio between the mass and energy of the weapons that humans used to attack once was so low that it was pitifully low.

Later, with the development and advancement of technology, people began to learn to use more advanced methods to complain about weapons, that is, adding headlocks and other things to the initial stone, which can make it more powerful when thrown.

Accumulate more energy and release it at once. In this way, the ratio of mass and energy released at the same time is not as exaggerated as it was at the beginning, but it is still quite low. And this is not the end. Human beings also invented subsequent

Other kinetic weapons, such as bows and arrows, or firearms.

These releases of kinetic energy have become stronger and stronger. Although the gap between this ratio and the energy contained in the ejected matter is still exaggerated, it is also in the process of continuous getting closer, and then humans have invented some relatively direct mobilizations.

Energy weapons, that is, laser weapons, sonic weapons, etc., are weapons that have no projectiles but can cause damage to the enemy. With these types of special weapons, humans have gradually acquired quite powerful long-range delivery capabilities.

However, these weapons have their own shortcomings and cannot make up for the positioning of kinetic energy weapons on the battlefield.

When really facing a fierce and anxious battlefield, people often have to face the current situation of insufficient firepower of their own weapons. In this case, they must still rely on all-purpose weapons, even future kinetic energy weapons, which can release kinetic energy at once.

It is getting bigger and bigger, and the gap between the ratio and its own mass is still huge.

Until humans came into contact with a crazy weapon, nuclear weapons, this time they finally reduced the ratio of mass to energy to a relatively acceptable level. After all, the energy released by weapons like nuclear weapons was far too huge.

Beyond the imagination of conventional power.

Its principle of action itself is to convert mass into energy, so its utilization efficiency is of course horribly high.

However, the application of this type of weapon in actual combat is still subject to various limitations. After all, it is huge in size, and its delivery on the battlefield itself is a problem. Even if its size can be reduced to a certain extent, it can be released at the same time.

In fact, there is still a gap in the ratio of matter to energy. There will be a lot of energy that cannot be released directly, unlike the games of intelligent transformation technology in your era. In the end, a considerable amount of quality is wasted. But in that era

This kind of weapon is enough in this era. After all, it is an era when quality, that is, material is not so scarce.

From a certain level, the history of the development of human weapons is a history of increasing the ratio of the mass of matter to the amount of energy invested. The mass of matter becomes smaller and smaller, and the energy you may release becomes stronger and stronger.


After reaching the stage of nuclear weapons, it is already difficult to continue to improve. After all, the closer the ratio is to one, the more difficult it is to improve it. At this stage, the ratio has been reduced to a level that does not require calculation by scientific and technical methods.

After reaching this level, every increase in difficulty is quite huge. The method humans now adopt is to restrain the huge energy and then use it to accelerate microscopic particles, accelerating them to close to the speed of light.

To a certain extent, this is almost equivalent to directly releasing energy. After all, the release of energy requires a certain medium. Even sound waves and light waves also require a medium. Sound waves require matter as a medium, while light requires photons to transmit energy.

.And there is almost no way to do this without consuming any quality. If it is a pure optical weapon attack, the effect on the battlefield is actually not good, because the optical weapon will encounter a huge enemy during the attack.

The problem is that he cannot intercept the enemy's kinetic energy weapons. Although he can cause damage to the enemy, it is likely to cause a lose-lose situation, and if the enemy gives up part of his own material and builds a layer of death-like

In an area like skin, the absorption efficiency of light energy weapons is very high. That is to say, this is a weapon with extremely high energy efficiency, but insufficient penetration efficiency. Therefore, when attacking, humans use light energy to

It has been mixed with high power, accelerating ordinary microscopic particles to almost the speed of light, and shooting them out together with the light beam. In this way, the energy efficiency ratio is quite high and it also has strong enough penetration ability to prevent the enemy from being attacked.

The bait taken out easily absorbed the attack.

This ratio of energy to mass is already infinitely close to 1:1. This is also the most cost-effective attack method discovered by humans in the process of exploration in space wars.

After all, normal attacks under normal circumstances rely on their own media, just like the solar storm impact released by reorganization. Although the power is extremely powerful, a considerable part of the power comes from the material flow ejected from the surface of the star.

The mass and high speed it carries. And this kind of attack, which is similar to throwing cold weapons in ancient times, naturally has an unsatisfactory ratio of material and energy consumption. Even compared to weapons in the human era, this ratio is already indescribably excellent.

level, but compared with the current attack method of human nano-planet, the gap is close to a hundred times.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! At this time, the insect swarm did not seem to realize that there was such a gap between the two sides, and they continued to exchange matter and energy with each other, turning this piece of

The universe is in chaos, and the release of huge energy will undoubtedly bring chaotic and huge thermal energy, which will disperse all matter in this space, making the movement of the scenery extremely active, and everything around it will evaporate.

After evaporation, the basic particles collide with each other and merge together, turning into a pot of extremely chaotic soup. This is like a microcosm of the universe, from the vigorous vitality that was just born to the state of heat death that is close to destruction.

This kind of matter and energy are crowded together into a state of chaos, which is actually similar to the state of a so-called heat engine. In such a primitive soup, no existence can survive alone. In the raging flames, both sides are being affected by

Burns, in the process of being burned, they themselves also feel the impact of the damage, but this level of damage is insignificant for their huge size. The maximum damage caused each time is during the process of releasing their attacks.

The matter consumed, after all, every time an attack is released, even humans have to pay almost half the mass of the earth, and this huge mass is almost impossible to collect back after it is converted into energy in the universe. After all,

Even they cannot break the law of Shang Zeng.

From this we can also see why entropy can exist as one of the most powerful innate demons? His power is so ubiquitous. Even in such a strange universe, even in such a virtual universe created by contained objects

.It still follows the law of business increase.

The energy of both sides is constantly bombarding, creating balls of light that shine again and again in the universe like supernova explosions. Each explosion will blow up both sides, and part of each other's body surface will fall off.

In many cases, these substances are too late to be recovered by themselves and will be swallowed up by the enemy. In this regard, the two sides win or lose each other. Generally speaking, the benefits obtained by the Zerg are greater, and the nanomachines they obtained

After refining, some of them can be controlled, and this part of the nanomachines makes up for their shortcomings in operating at the microscopic level. However, there are very few controllable parts, and most of them are still under the control of the planet.

However, once the control is not good, it may backfire on itself, just like when you accidentally get a wound on your body during a virus experiment and become infected with the virus.

But no matter what, this did make the Zerg stronger, the intensity of each attack became more fierce, and the ratio of material and energy consumption also tilted to a certain extent.

But the gap between the two sides is still huge, and it cannot be made up by the tilt of the ratio during this period. Under this premise, Adams also harvested a considerable part of the reorganized concrete material in this process. This part of the material

On the one hand, it can become their source of material. Replenishing their own material is their instinct and inevitable operation. On the other hand, after capturing the main material of the enemy's body, he also began to analyze it with all his strength.

, analyze the physiological structure and life form of this huge bug. If you have enough understanding of this life form, you can create weapons specifically designed to deal with them. With the understanding of these huge bugs,

As their understanding deepened, they also found the weakness of this giant Zerg, and they no longer needed to consume the most energy with him.

After all, if they keep fighting for energy consumption, the final result will be wrong. Their ultimate goal is to kill the leaders of the heavy group, expel their self-will, and then collect the material from their bodies and use this part of the material

To increase the number of its own nanomachines. Such a huge reorganization is much less difficult to collect matter than collecting matter directly from stars, but it also faces its own problems, although compared with collecting matter from stars

It is much easier to directly collect materials, but if the opponent does not cooperate and converts a large amount of his own materials into energy through such comparative consumption during the battle, then all he can harvest in the end is a batch of low-energy states.

The difficulty of mining material is even more difficult than developing a star, which is not worth the gain.

Therefore, the priority purpose of the human side is to find out the enemy's weaknesses and kill the enemy through unconventional means. Through this killing, the loss of material and energy between the two sides in the war is reduced. In other words, the two sides fight once every time.

, although humans have the absolute advantage, they feel extremely painful every time they fight, because in their view, the materials and energy consumed by the enemy also belong to them.

As for how they obtained the overall information of the enemy through a little tissue sample, it starts with the characteristics of the living body. The living body is actually a kind of quite exquisite von Neumann Ge, that is, life.

Any part of the body can develop into the shape of the entire body through a certain degree of guidance during the development process. In other words, any cell of the Zerg may theoretically grow into a complete Zerg swarm. Of course, there are some limitations to this.

Exaggeration, in order to increase the production efficiency of one's own soldiers, the complexity of the genes in the body of an ordinary soldier must be much higher than that of its main cells. The main cells are divided into cells responsible for division and functional cells.

, and functional cells will degrade their genetic material to a considerable extent in order to better realize their functions, just like the red blood cells in the human body have no nuclei at all.

Under this influence, it is difficult to obtain all the enemy's information directly from a little bit of tissue. This is why so many body tissues have been obtained after so many times.

After that, the analysis was completed. This was an analysis of the genetic material on the cells of the body cells and enemy soldiers. The original genetic material was deduced, which is the final genetic code of the germ cells or fertilized eggs.

Based on this genetic code, conduct virtual deductions, establish a virtual universe in the database, and let the cells of this code develop to calculate the basic form of today's Zerg mother nest. After confirming this basic form

, the future development can be imagined.

After confirming the basic form, in order to find out his weaknesses, it was easy to follow the pathways developed in the virtual world. The commanders locked the area surrounding the star in the Zerg body, where the star was maintained.

A position generator that is in direct contact with the body of Chongzu. As long as this organ is destroyed, Chongzu itself will not be able to keep the stars in the body moving with it, and it will end up playing with fire and burning itself.

[To be continued]

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